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I have a problem with the application Casper
java.lang.illegalstateexception expected begin_object but was string at line 1 column 1 path $


Sorting/merging files on android

eXtended Sort/Merge for Android​
Hello all !
I suppose a very few of you have ever needed to sort a file on your Android phone ...
Eventually, you can use the standard Unix 'busybox sort' program in a Terminal Emulator instance :
sort -k 1.1,1.10 -o myOutFile.txt myInFile.txt
This will sort the input file, ordering lines from the first ten characters of each line, ascending.
Applied to a 50 MB file (500,000 lines of 100 bytes each), it takes about 50 sec. on my Galaxy Note.
So, I did a port of a mainframe-like sort/merge, along with a Gui, that does the same job in 5 to 7 sec.
For those interested in testing this application (see attachments), remarks, ideas [and bugs ...] are welcome in this thread.
The attachment contains :
hxsm : the binary program
xsmgui-v.vv.apk : the Gui application
50mt.txt : a 50 MB text file, given as an example above
Installation (adb ...) :
download and unzip the attached file,
push or copy 50mt.txt to /sdcard/tmp (or any other directory you can access)
push or copy hxsm to /data/local/bin (or any other directory in the standard PATH)
make it executable : shell chmod 777 /data/local/bin/hxsm
install the Gui : xsmgui-v.vv.apk
Check you have to read/write/execute on all directories involved (chmod 777 ...)
SnapShots and further explanations on next post.
And run Xsm carefully, first using the default parameters showed by the Gui:
in all cases, I will not be responsible of any failure/dommage on your phone.
Please post if possible :
Brand and model of your Android box
Android version (Gingerbread, ICS ...)
Cpu speed
Size of files(s) sorted
Duration of the job(s)
Furthermore, if you have room on your sdcard(s), you can get a larger sample text file, by copying the basic sample (50mt.txt) several times on itself, and sort it :
on my G.N., a 1 GB file (ten millions lines of 100 bytes each) is sorted in 180 sec.
Still, enjoy !
eXtended Sort/Merge for Android
Advanced Use​
Those wanting more may directly invoke the hxsm command in a terminal emulator
For help, just enter 'hxsm' at the command prompt :
usage :
hxsm -c, --check -q|-v, --quiet|--verbose -h, --help
-m, --merge |--copy[|--sort]
-k, --key=all | start,len[,order(A|D),[format(B|C|I|P|Z|Y)] ]
-r, --recfm=F|V|M
-z|-l, --lrecl=nnnn
-i, --infile=in_id1[,recfm=x[,lrecl=nnn] --infile=in_id2....
-o, --outfile=out_id[,recfm=x[,lrecl=nnn]]
-f, --field-separator=TAB|BAR|COMMA|COLUMN|SEMICOLUMN|c|0Xhh
-uk|-ur, --unique-key|--unique-record
-t --sortwork=dir1,dir2,.. --sortwork=dir3,dir4,..
-y, --storage=nnnK|M|G
-f --field-separator=TAB|COMMA|COLUMN|SEMICOLUMN|c|0Xhh
-E --ignore-ioerror [ = ignore short lines ]
Example for the job given as an example in post #1 :
hxsm --verbose --recfm=V --lrecl=250 --key=1,10 --input=/sdcard/tmp/50mt.txt --output=/sdcard/tmp/6=50mt-sorted.txt/FONT]
hxsm -v -rV -l250 -k 1,10 -i/sdcard/tmp/50mt.txt -o/sdcard/tmp/6=50mt-sorted.txt/FONT]
Explanation for some usefull options
-k : sort/merge keys
You may specify several keys
For each key, specify the start column (byte number starting at 1), the key length in bytes, and eventualy the letter 'D' for descending order.
Furthermore, for each key, you may also have 'specific' fields format, most inherited from IBM main frames, like 'Packed' or 'Zoned' decimal fields, or just 'Numeric'.
example :
hxsm ... -k 14,3,D,P --key=1,10,A,Z -k35,40 ... --recfm=F --lrecl=100
This will sort the file on a global key including:
a packed, signed decimal field (5 digits + sign), descending order
a zoned, signed, decimal field (10 digits, including sign)
an alphanumeric field (40 bytes).
Note that in that case, the file cannot be a text file, because possible x'0D' inside the packed field : it should be specified as 'Binary Fixed' (--recfm=F)
-i : input file
you can have several input files, provided that the sort key are at the same place in all files
example :
hxsm ... -i file1 --infile=file2 -ifile3 ...
--skip-head=nnn : throws the nnn fist lines/records
-m : merge several input files already sorted on the same key
example :
hxsm -m -o resulting_file -i file1 --infile=file2 -ifile3 ...
-t : sort-work directories
It may improve perpormances, provided you have more than 1 sdcard (a fast one, class 10), or a fast usb stick connected
If this is the case, just specify a workibg directory on the corresponding mount point :
example :
hxsm ... -t /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/tmp (and check you've done a chmod 777 on it ...)
if the -i option is omitted, then the program will read from stdin
if the -o option is omitted, then the program will write onto stdout
You may filter the lines or records you want to be written onto the output :
-uk : unique key
if several lines/records have the same key, then only one will be written
-ur : unique record
if several lines/records are strictly identical, then only one will be written
--include=start,len,op,val ...
--exclude=start,len,op,val ...
takes in, or omits, lines/records whose field(s) responds to some criterias
hxsm ... --include=12,3,EQ,C'ABC' ...
this will keep only records where there is 'ABC' in cols. 12-14
hxsm ... --include=12,3,EQ,C'ABC',OR,12,13,EQ,c'ABD' ...
this will keep only records where there is 'ABC' or 'ABD' in cols. 12-14
hxsm ... --exclude=15,1,EQ,C'Z' --include=12,3,EQ,XC'ABC' ...
this will throw all records having a 'Z' in col. 15,
then, in the records left, keep only those having 'ABC' in cols 12-14
Sorting 'CSV-like' files
If the input file(s) has no fixed keys location, but rather varying length fields,
then the fields are "SOMETHING SEPARATED" (i.e. column, semi-column, tabulation ...)
In this case, just specify the 'SOMETHING' with the -f (--field-separator=...) option.
The program will considered that all lines are made of fields separated by 'SOMETHING',
and that each length given in the '--key=' option is a MAXIMUM length.
For 'SOMETHING', you may specify :
--field-separator=TAB (0x09) or BAR (0x7C) or COLUMN (0x3A) or SEMI[-]COLUMN (0x3B)
or any hexadecimal value 0x00 .. 0XFF
Example :
hxsm ... -f TAB -k 3,5,D --key=1,10,A -k 5,40 -k2,9,A,N ...
This will sort the file on a global key including:
an alphanumeric key in field #3, max length 5 chars, descending order
an alphanumeric key in field #1, max length 10 chars
an alphanumeric key in field #5, max length 40 chars
a numeric key in field #2, max length 9 digits
All fields being separated by a TAB char (0x09).
eXtended Sort/Merge for Android
All snapshots are in the following attachment
(if anybody can tell me how tu put the snapshots 'online' ...)
Thanks, not for the mass but useful tool though.
hhenault said:
All snapshots are in the following attachment
(if anybody can tell me how tu put the snapshots 'online' ...)
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Click to collapse
Edit post -> Go Advanced -> Manage Attachments -> in the popup window add your pictures instead of the zip file, you can upload picts too.

Android ls and df parsing

Hey all together,
after a lot of searching and using Google for days with no really good results i created now my own reg-ex functions to parse some Android shell outputs. So i only want to share my functions coz i dun found something like that.
If u create a Android File-Explorer or something else like this u'll have to get the ls and df output in some situations, if u use C# like me this will be great for u.
here are my functions:
(command) ls -l
(command) busybox ls -aFl
u can use it like
GroupCollection groups = Regex.Match("the ls -li or busybox -aFli output line by line", @"^(\s{0,}(?<INODE>[0-9]{1,})\s{1,})?(?<TYPE>(-|b|c|d|l|s|p){1})(?<PERM>((-|r|s|t|w|x){9}|[0-9]{4}))\s{0,}(?<INCLUDES>([0-9]){1,}\s{1,})?(?<OWNER>.*?)\s{1,}(?<GROUP>.*?)\s{0,}(?<ID>([0-9]){1,},)?\s{1,}(?<SIZE>([0-9]){1,})?\s{1,}(?<DATE>.*?)\s{1,}(?<TIME>([0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?|[0-9]{4}))\s{1}(\e\[([0-9]{1,};)?[0-9]{1,}m){0,}(?<NAME>.*?)(\e\[([0-9]{1,};)?[0-9]{1,}m){0,}(\s{1,}->\s{1,}(\e\[([0-9]{1,};)?[0-9]{1,}m){0,}(?<SYMLINK>.*?)(\e\[([0-9]{1,};)?[0-9]{1,}m){0,})?(?<SUBTYPE>(\*|\/){1})?$").Groups;
string INode = groups["INODE"].Value;
string Type = groups["TYPE"].Value;
string SubType = groups["SUBTYPE"].Value;
string Perms = groups["PERM"].Value;
string Includes = groups["INCLUDES"].Value;
string Owner = groups["OWNER"].Value;
string Group = groups["GROUP"].Value;
string Id = groups["ID"].Value;
string Size = groups["SIZE"].Value;
string Date = String.Join(" ", groups["DATE"].Value, groups["TIME"].Value);
string Name = groups["NAME"].Value;
string[] extTmp = Name.Split('.');
string FileExtension = extTmp[extTmp.Length - 1];
string SymPath = groups["SYMLINK"].Value;
(command) df
(command) busybox df -Pakh
u can use it like
GroupCollection groups = Regex.Match("the df or df -Pakh output line by line", @"^(df:\s{1,})?(?<NAME>(.*?))(:\s{1,}(.*?))?(\s{1,}(?<SIZE>([0-9]{1,}[a-zA-Z\.]?){1,}))?(\s{1,}(?<USED>([0-9]{1,}[a-zA-Z\.]?){1,}))?(\s{1,}(?<FREE>([0-9]{1,}[a-zA-Z\.]?){1,}))?(\s{1,}(?<BLOCKSIZE>([0-9]){1,}))?(\s{1,}(?<USE>([0-9]{1,})%))?(\s{1,}(?<PATH>(.*?)))?$").Groups;
string Name = groups["NAME"].Value;
string Size = groups["SIZE"].Value;
string Used = groups["USED"].Value;
string Free = groups["FREE"].Value;
string BlockSize = groups["BLOCKSIZE"].Value;
string Use = groups["USE"].Value;
string Path = groups["PATH"].Value;
Hope this helps someone

[Tasker] Hidden Photo Backup! [Also App-idea]

Dear XDA-Members
After some have requested me to post my tasker profile here is a noob friendly walk trough.
This is the first time I make a tutorial like this so any corrections are more then welcome (since English isn't my native language)
I haven't made this fully on my own, some ideas I got from other posts.
So here it goes:
It was hard to find a good trigger for the task to start and I decided to add it to opening/closing of the camera app.
Application -> (Your default photo app (you can add more then one)
Start task:
Variable / Variable set / name = %Camerastart / To %TIMES - 15 //Set a variable so you can later compare which photos are new and which are old
Exit task:
1. File / List FIles / Dir = DCIM/Camera (Location of the map the photos go in) / Match = *.jpg / Variable = %Files // For each file in the folder create a variable
2. Task / For / Variable = %File / Items = %Files(1 // For every variable do the next loop
-3. File / Test File / Type = Modified / Data = %File / Store result In = %Filetime / Continue Task After Error = True // Look when the photo was taken (modified)
-4. Task / If / Condition = %Filetime > %Camerastart // Compare the variables to see if the photo is either new or old
--5. File / Copy File / From = %File / To = DCIM/Backup (Location of folder you want to copy the new photos too) / (Use root = true // optional) // If true copy the photo to another map
-6. Task / End If // Self explanatory
7. Task / End for // End the loop
I Hope you guys liked this tutorial and I helped some of you out.
I also uploaded the .txt file, rename it to .xml so you can easily import it to tasker. (This was made with the newest version (4.5u1)
Edit: Forgot to add one thing, add a file named .nomedia to the folder where you place the extra photos (Do this with root explorer or some other that displays hidden items), this will prevent the photos from displaying in the gallery app.
// Old
Dear XDA-Members,
I'm not sure if something like this already exists but after a while of searching I haven't found anything like this.
We probably all had one of those moments in our life that we took a photo of something or someone that we wanted to keep really badly but someone forced us to delete it from the gallery.
So my idea was that after a photo gets taken by the camera app and saved to the default location /sdcard/DCIM/camera (or other place, dependence on the camera app (possibly customizable setting?)) a backup is instantly made to a folder (of choice) that isn't displayed in any gallery. And I know dropbox could instantly sync this to the cloud but this firstly drains my data plan and you can't save it locally and only on the cloud (not talking about the huge amount of battery that is drained).
Maybe it's easier to make a camera app that saves a photo on 2 places (one displayed in the gallery and the other one is saved in a secret folder that you can assign yourself and see with the most file browsers.)
I hope you guys like this idea and maybe someone could work this out if they have the time for it.
tldr; Lightweight app that secretly 'backups' photos to a secret folder that isn't displayed in the gallery app.
Sorry for my English, it isn't my native language.
Tasker can do that
mushipkw said:
Tasker can do that
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What would be the trigger event then?
I have explored all the tasker options but weren't able to find anything that could reproduce this.
Tasker worked
Mikhail5555 said:
What would be the trigger event then?
I have explored all the tasker options but weren't able to find anything that could reproduce this.
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Wow, I can't believe how powerful tasker actually is.
I managed to make a task for backing up photos made by my standard camera. It took me an hour but it is working now.
If anyone interested in the task send me a pm and I will send the task.
Mikhail5555 said:
Dear XDA-Members
After some have requested me to post my tasker profile here is a noob friendly walk trough.
This is the first time I make a tutorial like this so any corrections are more then welcome (since English isn't my native language)
I haven't made this fully on my own, some ideas I got from other posts.
So here it goes:
It was hard to find a good trigger for the task to start and I decided to add it to opening/closing of the camera app.
Application -> (Your default photo app (you can add more then one)
Start task:
Variable / Variable set / name = %Camerastart / To %TIMES - 15 //Set a variable so you can later compare which photos are new and which are old
Exit task:
1. File / List FIles / Dir = DCIM/Camera (Location of the map the photos go in) / Match = *.jpg / Variable = %Files // For each file in the folder create a variable
2. Task / For / Variable = %File / Items = %Files(1 // For every variable do the next loop
-3. File / Test File / Type = Modified / Data = %File / Store result In = %Filetime / Continue Task After Error = True // Look when the photo was taken (modified)
-4. Task / If / Condition = %Filetime > %Camerastart // Compare the variables to see if the photo is either new or old
--5. File / Copy File / From = %File / To = DCIM/Backup (Location of folder you want to copy the new photos too) / (Use root = true // optional) // If true copy the photo to another map
-6. Task / End If // Self explanatory
7. Task / End for // End the loop
I Hope you guys liked this tutorial and I helped some of you out.
I also uploaded the .txt file, rename it to .xml so you can easily import it to tasker. (This was made with the newest version (4.5u1)
// Old
Dear XDA-Members,
I'm not sure if something like this already exists but after a while of searching I haven't found anything like this.
We probably all had one of those moments in our life that we took a photo of something or someone that we wanted to keep really badly but someone forced us to delete it from the gallery.
So my idea was that after a photo gets taken by the camera app and saved to the default location /sdcard/DCIM/camera (or other place, dependence on the camera app (possibly customizable setting?)) a backup is instantly made to a folder (of choice) that isn't displayed in any gallery. And I know dropbox could instantly sync this to the cloud but this firstly drains my data plan and you can't save it locally and only on the cloud (not talking about the huge amount of battery that is drained).
Maybe it's easier to make a camera app that saves a photo on 2 places (one displayed in the gallery and the other one is saved in a secret folder that you can assign yourself and see with the most file browsers.)
I hope you guys like this idea and maybe someone could work this out if they have the time for it.
tldr; Lightweight app that secretly 'backups' photos to a secret folder that isn't displayed in the gallery app.
Sorry for my English, it isn't my native language.
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Excellent, just what i was looking for. Great tutorial.
---------- Post added at 01:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------
Might want to change the title of the post
Since your request was pretty much solved by yourself.
GerManiac said:
Excellent, just what i was looking for. Great tutorial.
---------- Post added at 01:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------
Might want to change the title of the post
Since your request was pretty much solved by yourself.
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Click to collapse
Completely forgot about the title, sorry [emoji15]
How you import?
eloko said:
How you import?
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Click to collapse
Just follow the instructions and make it yourself, the directories might not work if you import
eloko said:
How you import?
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Click to collapse
Otherwise download the .txt file, rename it to .xml and import it into tasker. (Don't forget to change the dirs)
Mikhail5555 said:
Otherwise download the .txt file, rename it to .xml and import it into tasker. (Don't forget to change the dirs)
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Click to collapse
I don't see the option to import.
I try when I have the chance to be on pc.
Mikhail5555 said:
Exit task:
1. File / List FIles / Dir = DCIM/Camera (Location of the map the photos go in) / Match = *.jpg / Variable = %Files // For each file in the folder create a variable
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Click to collapse
Thanks for the very nice tutorial of yours
I have a question or rather a problem!
What if I wanted to make a backup of videos too, how should I add to the list?
M S T F said:
Thanks for the very nice tutorial of yours
I have a question or rather a problem!
What if I wanted to make a backup of videos too, how should I add to the list?
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Click to collapse
Thanks for the nice words, It is actually pretty easy to add more files to the list of items that are gettings copied.
Exit task:
1. File / List FIles / Dir = DCIM/Camera (Location of the map the photos go in) / Match = *.jpg / Variable = %Files // For each file in the folder create a variable
Just edit the "Match = *.jpg" to for instant "Match = *.jpg/*.mp4/*.png".
The / means OR so you can add almost all the file extentions that you want and/or need.
Don't forget the scan will take longer the more items you add.
Mikhail5555 said:
Thanks for the nice words, It is actually pretty easy to add more files to the list of items that are gettings copied.
Exit task:
1. File / List FIles / Dir = DCIM/Camera (Location of the map the photos go in) / Match = *.jpg / Variable = %Files // For each file in the folder create a variable
Just edit the "Match = *.jpg" to for instant "Match = *.jpg/*.mp4/*.png".
The / means OR so you can add almost all the file extentions that you want and/or need.
Don't forget the scan will take longer the more items you add.
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Click to collapse
Thanks for the reply,
After adding mp4 to the list I ran into error, as you can see in the following screenshot.
Actually the remaining photos after the first video file in the folder aren't backed up. but the first video file itself is copied to the destination folder.
Any idea what could be the reason
M S T F said:
Thanks for the reply,
After adding mp4 to the list I ran into error, as you can see in the following screenshot.
Actually the remaining photos after the first video file in the folder aren't backed up. but the first video file itself is copied to the destination folder.
Any idea what could be the reason
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Try disabling 'use root', i'm not sure why the copying times out though
Could you also show the bottem lines from the error that tasker gives?
Mikhail5555 said:
Try disabling 'use root', i'm not sure why the copying times out though
Could you also show the bottem lines from the error that tasker gives?
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Here I have copied the whole log for your consideration. I am looking forward for a solution.:good:
16.28.14/Variables doreplresult: |%File| -> |/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4|
16.28.14/Variables doreplresult: |%File| -> |/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4|
16.28.14/Shell runSync test -e '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4' root: true timeout: 3000
16.28.14/Shell have process
16.28.14/Shell write cmd: test -e '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4'
16.28.14/Shell start process timeout timer 3000ms for: test -e '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4'
16.28.14/Shell start process-thread ID 530
16.28.14/Shell joined with 530
16.28.14/Shell exit result: 0
16.28.14/Shell non-null timeout
16.28.14/Shell runSync test -f '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4' root: true timeout: 3000
16.28.14/Shell have process
16.28.14/Shell write cmd: test -f '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4'
16.28.14/Shell start process timeout timer 3000ms for: test -f '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4'
16.28.14/Shell start process-thread ID 532
16.28.14/Shell joined with 532
16.28.14/Shell exit result: 0
16.28.14/Shell non-null timeout
16.28.14/Shell runSync test -d '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4' root: true timeout: 3000
16.28.14/Shell have process
16.28.14/Shell write cmd: test -d '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4'
16.28.14/Shell start process timeout timer 3000ms for: test -d '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4'
16.28.14/Shell start process-thread ID 534
16.28.15/Shell joined with 534
16.28.15/Shell exit result: 1
16.28.15/Shell non-null timeout
16.28.15/Shell runSync test -e '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup' root: true timeout: 3000
16.28.15/Shell have process
16.28.15/Shell write cmd: test -e '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup'
16.28.15/Shell start process timeout timer 3000ms for: test -e '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup'
16.28.15/Shell start process-thread ID 536
16.28.15/Shell joined with 536
16.28.15/Shell exit result: 0
16.28.15/Shell non-null timeout
16.28.15/Shell runSync test -f '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup' root: true timeout: 3000
16.28.15/Shell have process
16.28.15/Shell write cmd: test -f '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup'
16.28.15/Shell start process timeout timer 3000ms for: test -f '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup'
16.28.15/Shell start process-thread ID 538
16.28.15/Shell joined with 538
16.28.15/Shell exit result: 1
16.28.15/Shell non-null timeout
16.28.15/Shell runSync test -d '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup' root: true timeout: 3000
16.28.15/Shell have process
16.28.15/Shell write cmd: test -d '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup'
16.28.15/Shell start process timeout timer 3000ms for: test -d '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup'
16.28.15/Shell start process-thread ID 540
16.28.15/Shell joined with 540
16.28.15/Shell exit result: 0
16.28.15/Shell non-null timeout
16.28.15/Shell runSync cp '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4' '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup' root: true timeout: 7000
16.28.15/Shell have process
16.28.15/Shell write cmd: cp '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4' '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup'
16.28.15/Shell start process timeout timer 7000ms for: cp '/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/CamTest/20140905_182414.mp4' '/storage/extSdCard/Camera-Backup'
16.28.15/Shell start process-thread ID 542
16.28.22/Shell joined with 542
16.28.22/Shell exit result: 9
16.28.22/Shell non-null timeout

Automates patcher tool

I've been looking for a tool or script to replace hex sequence in binary file in Windows. Indeed, i found this script :
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.IO
Public Class FinduReplaceHex
Private Shared ReadOnly FindHex As Byte() = {&H75, &HF6, &HF3}
Private Shared ReadOnly ReplaceHex As Byte() = {&HA2, &HE3, &H4B}
<MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)> Private Shared Function DP(sequence As Byte(), position As Integer) As Boolean
If position + FindHex.Length > sequence.Length Then
Return False
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To FindHex.Length - 1
If FindHex(i) <> sequence(position + i) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Sub Patch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Patch.Click
Dim DT As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
Dim FD As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(DT & "\App.dll")
For F As Integer = 0 To FD.Length - 1
If Not DP(FD, F) Then
Continue For
End If
For R As Integer = 0 To FindHex.Length - 1
FD(F + R) = ReplaceHex®
If System.IO.File.Exists(DT & "\App.dll") Then
System.IO.File.Move(DT & "\App.dll", DT & "\App.dll.backup")
File.WriteAllBytes(DT & "\App Method 3.dll", FD)
'Write Other Codes
End If
End Sub
End Class
The only problem is that I want to be able to use wildcards like this :
Search for F4 B3 ?? 12 and replace F4 BE 65 EA
Thanks in advance

[Guide] Running Linux on Android with 3D Acceleration / OpenGL (Root Required)

All credits go to:
Hentacler for making Sparkle
Meefik for making Linux Deploy
Now on to the tutorial!
Linux Deploy
Now you have all those apps installed lets continue
Open Termux then enter:
Once in root mode enter:
setenforce 0
Then exit:
Open Linux Deploy and configure it to your likings
My configuration:
Distribution: Debian
Architecture: arm64
Distribution Suite: ubstable
Installation type: File
Image size: 32GB
Then set your username and password, for this tutorial I set my username to:
And im not gonna tell you my password
After you've set up your configuration scroll down and configure init, mounts and ssh
Enable: On
Init system: run-parts
Init settings:
- Init path: /etc/rc.local
- Init user: android
- Async: Disabled
Enable: On
Mount points:
- /data/data/com.sion.sparkle/files - /sparkle
Enable: On
SSH settings:
- Port: 22
- SSH options:
Now you've set this all up go back to the main overview screen of Linux Deploy, hit the tripple dot menu and install!
After the install is done, hit START
Now open Termux and install SSH:
pkg install openssh
then connect to linux via SSH: (username is the username set in Linux Deploy)
ssh [email protected]
Now you've connected you need to install some packages:
sudo apt install weston
sudo apt install xwayland
sudo apt install nano
sudo apt install dbus-x11
Also install your desktop environment of choice, for this tutorial im going with KDE:
sudo apt install kde-full
Once everything is done installing you need to configure some scripts:
Now paste this: (make sure to change "startplasma-x11" to your preferred DE, if you're also using KDE then you don't need to change anything)
set -e
sudo chmod 777 /sparkle
sudo chmod 777 /sparkle/wayland-0
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/sparkle Xwayland &
sleep 1
export DISPLAY=:0
Now open Sparkle and click "edit" and delete everything then hit "save", Go back to the main screen of Sparkle and hit "Start", you should see a notification appear in your status bar
Now to start everything go back to Termux and assuming you're still SSH'ed into Linux type:
and enjoy!
Bonus step:
If you want everything to automatically start when pressing "START" in Linux Deploy than you can configure this
Open Termux and connect to Linux via SSH and change the permissions/edit the rc.local file: (edit username to the username set in Linux Deploy)
sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local
sudo chmod +x /home/username/
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
In nano paste: (once again change username to the username in Linux Deploy
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
exit 0
Now every time you want to use Linux just open Sparkle, hit "Start", then go to Linux Deploy and start linux and your DE will automatically load up on your screen without entering a single command!
Unfortunately, this method doesn't give hardware 3d acceleration. Just very slow software emulation. It is much harder or even not possible to achieve true acceleration on android handhelds.
What version of Sparkle did you use? I've tried this tutorial here but received an error of wayland-0 not found when I try to run my linux installation on my device
I've looked in the folder /data/data/com.sion.sparkle/files and this folder is empty
Thanks for the tutorial!
Got any images or a video you can share?
It works
I managed to use it, but with xfce KDE had a black screen, and I couldn't use the audio even though I made the alsa plugin, and it doesn't rotate the screen, but it's very good.
I have One Plus 8 pro.
So my results with this software 3D acceleration are that the performance really suck but its amazing for now because you need this basic aceleration in almost everything i can now render videos on my phone in kdenlive and the phone has kinda good cpu performace so there is no problem basicly i can now run in this chroot everything that can be runned on raspi and i am also messing around with BOX86 which is a hardware translation of arm to x86 architectures so far i can run x86 apps for linux inside the chroot and now with this little tool i can maybe get wine x86 runnig which means windows apps support on android yeeey of course with this low performace of a gpu i could at best try games before year 2000 and maybe if they start up have some good fps but i highly doubt that because raspi has problem runnig (in twister os) even unreal tournament and raspi has 5 to 6 times higher performance than this software accel.
Benchmarks i did were glxgears i got anywere from 200 to 270 fps which is not really much
Also I used 2 desktop config started the one thats build in vnc from the app and then started sparkle connected to it and had second desktop start up using lxde on my phone on phone the screen really sucks to to work with so i used scrcpy to mirror the screen of phone to pc so basicaly a have full control remotly i hope that this will have future version development to improve on code so that we could get more performace out of this.
Image below.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I am using LXDE with Sparkle. I would like a lower screen resolution, all things look so small. I can do that with XSDL, how in Sparkle?
Thanks for the well done tutorial ! I followed it and it worked out of the box.
However, two issues I came accross to which I did not find the solution, yet:
1. Is there a way to rotate the screen ?
2. How can I bring the X-window to the second screen connected via USB->HDMI adapter ? I tried to set DISPLAY:1 but 1 was not found and :0 is the devices screen.
Cheers mate and keep up the good work.
You can Also use Termux Desktop
Termux desktop is much faster and easier to use and you can experience a complete Linux GUI with termux, and it Is also lightwight.
saad maqsood said:
Termux desktop is much faster and easier to use and you can experience a complete Linux GUI with termux, and it Is also lightwight.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The described way basically is using Termux the way you propose. However it adds the 3D acceleration by using sparkle which is definitely a plus.
---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------
flunkyball said:
Thanks for the well done tutorial ! I followed it and it worked out of the box.
However, two issues I came accross to which I did not find the solution, yet:
1. Is there a way to rotate the screen ?
2. How can I bring the X-window to the second screen connected via USB->HDMI adapter ? I tried to set DISPLAY:1 but 1 was not found and :0 is the devices screen.
Cheers mate and keep up the good work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay, rotating the screen is done by rotating Termux BEFORE you start the windowmanager.
But - for bringing it up on the external monitor I haven't not found the trick, yet
lower resolution in Sparkle app? relative mouse is possible?
but what if i want to install LXQt on my device
set -e
sudo chmod 777 /sparkle
sudo chmod 777 /sparkle/wayland-0
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/sparkle Xwayland &
sleep 1
export DISPLAY=:0
what should i change in the script??????
sorry for the probably dumb question but Xsdl seems to work work quite well in my use cases (like watching youtube videos in 360p on my Samsung Tab S5e) ...
... so I am wondering : what are the advantages of Sparkle/Wayland over Xsdl ?? ... will my youtube videos be smoother ??
... does Sparkle/Wayland has better touch support than Xsdl ?? ... for example can you scroll a web browser window by touching inside the window (not the scrollbar) with your finger ??
pierro78 said:
sorry for the probably dumb question but Xsdl seems to work work quite well in my use cases (like watching youtube videos in 360p on my Samsung Tab S5e) ...
... so I am wondering : what are the advantages of Sparkle/Wayland over Xsdl ?? ... will my youtube videos be smoother ??
... does Sparkle/Wayland has better touch support than Xsdl ?? ... for example can you scroll a web browser window by touching inside the window (not the scrollbar) with your finger ??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you sure can get 1080 on a tab s5e with xsdl...
sparkle app is for sure more lightweight but in some situatons xsdl is better, at least with some games, at least with my experience
did you compile and use the android-shmem library?
zanfix said:
you sure can get 1080 on a tab s5e with xsdl...
sparkle app is for sure more lightweight but in some situatons xsdl is better, at least with some games, at least with my experience
did you compile and use the android-shmem library?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
wow 1080 ! that would be awesome ! thanks for the info !!
actually 360p is not so smooth on my S5e without android-shmem library ...
if I understand correctly I just have to compile that in my chroot and then the shared memory feature is already supported in the Xserver xsdl that I installed from the playstore ??
thanks again !!
pierro78 said:
wow 1080 ! that would be awesome ! thanks for the info !!
actually 360p is not so smooth on my S5e without android-shmem library ...
if I understand correctly I just have to compile that in my chroot and then the shared memory feature is already supported in the Xserver xsdl that I installed from the playstore ??
thanks again !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
android-shmem library can give you a performance boost if the application you are running can use the x server MIT-SHM extension
For video playback in a web browser, firefox-esr for example, the android-shm library will not give you any performance gain...
Since there is no hardware acceleration in xsdl, In order to put the minimum possible load on the cpu you should match the screen resolution of the xserver with the target max resolution of the videos you are planning to playback.
My tab s6 has 2560x1600 native resolution, i run the xserver at 1920x1200 so I keep the aspect ratio of the screen but match the clip (tube video) native resolution (so that no rescaling will happen)
I can get acceptable youtube video playback also on my old pixelc c, that has a quadcore a57
well I don't know what I did wrong previously ... my youtube videos seem to play nice on 1080 in Xserver xsdl with arm64 vivaldi in my chroot (Tab S5e) with or without
env LD_PRELOAD="/home/pierro78/android-shmem/" icewm&
now !
and I don't see any difference with or without LD_PRELOAD="/home/pierro78/android-shmem/" in vivaldi although it may support x server MIT-SHM extension as you said ??
also I have errors when using /home/pierro78/android-shmem/ when I start icewm (same errors if regular user or root) :
[email protected]:/home/pierro78# icewm&
[1] 8527
[email protected]:/home/pierro78# Failed to connect to session manager: Failed to connect to the session manager: SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined
shmget: key 0 size 4096 flags 01600 (flags are ignored)
shmget: bound UNIX socket /dev/shm/00002157
listening_thread: thread started
shmget: ID 0 shmid 21570001 FD 7 size 4096
shmat: shmid 21570001 shmaddr (nil) shmflg 0
shmat: mapped addr 0x735094b000 for FD 7 ID 0
shm_remove: deleting shmid 21570001
shm_remove: shmid 21570001 is still mapped to addr 0x735094b000, it will be deleted on shmdt() call
shmdt: unmapped addr 0x735094b000 for FD 7 ID 0 shmid 21570001
shmdt: deleting shmid 21570001
and when I start vivaldi as regular user :
shmctl: cmd 3 not implemented yet!
shmget: key 0 size 2946039 flags 01606 (flags are ignored)
shmget: cannot bind UNIX socket, bailing out
[7437:7437:0426/232122.758794:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0)
shmget: key 0 size 112140 flags 01606 (flags are ignored)
shmget: cannot bind UNIX socket, bailing out
shmget: key 0 size 368460 flags 01606 (flags are ignored)
shmget: cannot bind UNIX socket, bailing out
or if I start vivaldi as root user :
shmctl: cmd 3 not implemented yet!
shmget: key 0 size 2831220 flags 01606 (flags are ignored)
shmget: bound UNIX socket /dev/shm/00001f6e
shmget: ID 0 shmid 1f6e0001 FD 36 size 2834432
shmat: shmid 1f6e0001 shmaddr (nil) shmflg 0
shmat: mapped addr 0x71b6582000 for FD 36 ID 0
shm_remove: deleting shmid 1f6e0001
shm_remove: shmid 1f6e0001 is still mapped to addr 0x71b6582000, it will be deleted on shmdt() call
shmdt: unmapped addr 0x71b6582000 for FD 36 ID 0 shmid 1f6e0001
shmdt: deleting shmid 1f6e0001
listening_thread: thread started
[7990:7990:0426/232440.532571:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0)
I am not sure how to check if my is working ??
I would expect some "files" in /dev/shm but there is nothing there ...
pierro78 said:
[email protected]:/home/pierro78# icewm&
[1] 8527
[email protected]:/home/pierro78# Failed to connect to session manager: Failed to connect to the session manager: SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined
shmget: key 0 size 4096 flags 01600 (flags are ignored)
shmget: bound UNIX socket /dev/shm/00002157
listening_thread: thread started
shmget: ID 0 shmid 21570001 FD 7 size 4096
shmat: shmid 21570001 shmaddr (nil) shmflg 0
shmat: mapped addr 0x735094b000 for FD 7 ID 0
shm_remove: deleting shmid 21570001
shm_remove: shmid 21570001 is still mapped to addr 0x735094b000, it will be deleted on shmdt() call
shmdt: unmapped addr 0x735094b000 for FD 7 ID 0 shmid 21570001
shmdt: deleting shmid 21570001
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
PS : my bad : these error messages are coming from my xfce4-terminal, not icewm ...
pierro78 said:
well I don't know what I did wrong previously ... my youtube videos seem to play nice on 1080 in Xserver xsdl with arm64 vivaldi in my chroot (Tab S5e) with or without
env LD_PRELOAD="/home/pierro78/android-shmem/" icewm&
now !
and I don't see any difference with or without LD_PRELOAD="/home/pierro78/android-shmem/" in vivaldi although it may support x server MIT-SHM extension as you said ??
also I have errors when using /home/pierro78/android-shmem/ when I start icewm (same errors if regular user or root) :
[email protected]:/home/pierro78# icewm&
[1] 8527
[email protected]:/home/pierro78# Failed to connect to session manager: Failed to connect to the session manager: SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined
shmget: key 0 size 4096 flags 01600 (flags are ignored)
shmget: bound UNIX socket /dev/shm/00002157
listening_thread: thread started
shmget: ID 0 shmid 21570001 FD 7 size 4096
shmat: shmid 21570001 shmaddr (nil) shmflg 0
shmat: mapped addr 0x735094b000 for FD 7 ID 0
shm_remove: deleting shmid 21570001
shm_remove: shmid 21570001 is still mapped to addr 0x735094b000, it will be deleted on shmdt() call
shmdt: unmapped addr 0x735094b000 for FD 7 ID 0 shmid 21570001
shmdt: deleting shmid 21570001
and when I start vivaldi as regular user :
shmctl: cmd 3 not implemented yet!
shmget: key 0 size 2946039 flags 01606 (flags are ignored)
shmget: cannot bind UNIX socket, bailing out
[7437:7437:0426/232122.758794:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0)
shmget: key 0 size 112140 flags 01606 (flags are ignored)
shmget: cannot bind UNIX socket, bailing out
shmget: key 0 size 368460 flags 01606 (flags are ignored)
shmget: cannot bind UNIX socket, bailing out
or if I start vivaldi as root user :
shmctl: cmd 3 not implemented yet!
shmget: key 0 size 2831220 flags 01606 (flags are ignored)
shmget: bound UNIX socket /dev/shm/00001f6e
shmget: ID 0 shmid 1f6e0001 FD 36 size 2834432
shmat: shmid 1f6e0001 shmaddr (nil) shmflg 0
shmat: mapped addr 0x71b6582000 for FD 36 ID 0
shm_remove: deleting shmid 1f6e0001
shm_remove: shmid 1f6e0001 is still mapped to addr 0x71b6582000, it will be deleted on shmdt() call
shmdt: unmapped addr 0x71b6582000 for FD 36 ID 0 shmid 1f6e0001
shmdt: deleting shmid 1f6e0001
listening_thread: thread started
[7990:7990:0426/232440.532571:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0)
I am not sure how to check if my is working ??
I would expect some "files" in /dev/shm but there is nothing there ...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
looks fine when run as root...
is /dev/shm mounted as tmpfs?
/dev/shm should then have 1777 permissions
zanfix said:
looks fine when run as root...
is /dev/shm mounted as tmpfs?
/dev/shm should then have 1777 permissions
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It looks like I am good :
[email protected]:/dev$ mount
/dev/block/mmcblk0p57 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,seclabel,discard,journal_checksum,noauto_da_alloc,resgid=1065,errors=panic,i_version,data=ordered)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime,gid=3009,hidepid=2)
sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime,seclabel)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,seclabel,size=2871960k,nr_inodes=717990,mode=755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,seclabel)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,seclabel,mode=600,ptmxmode=000)
[email protected]:/dev$ ls -ld shm
drwxrwxrwt. 2 root root 40 Apr 26 23:59 shm
[email protected]:/dev$

