[HOWTO][TWRP][ROOT] ZTE quest N817 with locked bootloader - Android General

First off doing this will void your warranty and can brick your device. Following these simple steps should work for you. I will state here and further down, make sure you download all programs needed and both recovery.img and recovery_orig.img. I am in no way resposible for your device being bricked.
**Only thing I have not tested is the external sd card, I make no promises that it works. I only have 1 sd micro card its installed in my main device. So install the recoveries and supersu to your internal sdcard.
This is for assurance wireless, I have seen one or two other n817 devices if the specs are the same, they "should" work with this twrp, but use partition backup and restore by wanam on Play store to get a recovery.img for your device. I do not use this program for system back up, for some reason it does not work properly but its fine for boot,aboot, recovery and other smaller partitions.
This is a ported twrp from kis3 twrp version 3.0.2-0 by KonstaT from here http://konstakang.com/devices/kis3/TWRP/. Also this version of chainfire su SR3-SuperSU-v2.79-SR3-20170114223742 download from here https://download.chainfire.eu/1021/. This twrp recovery has Supersu folder but I still installed the zip from recovery to be sure.
The twrp n817 recovery named: recovery.img along with the original n817 recovery named: recovery_orig.img go here https://github.com/jag9906/n817_twrp
Other programs needed [ROOT]Rashr flash tool, online nandroid backup *root*, SD maid from Play Store. The Rashr flash tool is required, you can use any back up you wish, I prefer SD maid for cleaning up system and removing/freezing programs you can use any you use, this is to remove your temp root after recovery and supersu is installed.
**Again I am stating here the Rashr flash tool is required this will allow you to install the recovery.img with a locked bootloader. This is a must to install this twrp recovery. The twrp app will not work until you have supersu installed. There are other flash tools, but this worked flawless with kingo so its the only one I will support for this guide. If you use another flash tool its on you.
First make a back up prior to installing the twrp recovery. Use the online nandoird back up of all partitions I save them as twrp. If you have external SD card you can do all at once if not do all but data and system then copy to your computer and then back up system folder. Your choice on data, I back up my apk so never data.
Next run Rashr flash tool from Play store the first option is recovery from storage, choose this option then go to your location on sdcard and select recovery.img hit ok it will take about 10 to 15 seconds and ask if you want to reboot into recovery, hit yes and then your device will reboot into recovery. Once loaded swipe and go to install, top left find your SR3-SuperSU-v2.79-SR3-20170114223742.zip file and select that, then swipe to install. Once finished hit reboot and system.
Then run SD Maid or any root tool to uninstall you have. You can now delete/remove Kingo or any root you used prior to installing the recovery and have supersu by chainfire as your root for the device.
You now have a twrp recovery, and chainfire's supersu installed on your n817 device.
thanks to KonstaT and Chainfire for the hard work they have done.

Wow, thanks.
I was able to port KonstaT's CWM for the kis3 to this device and it works almost flawlessly, but when I tried to do the same with TWRP I just got a white screen and had to pull the battery. This boots fine, so I'm interested in taking it apart and seeing what you changed.
External SD card doesn't work on my phone. Since I plan on taking it apart anyway I'll look at the fstab files, if I figure it out I'll be sure to share my changes.

Yeah like I said in post I have no external sdcard so I could not test. With putting in external a few ttimes I was looping. I think I did 6 builds and on my device which is not used. I was able to create boot, system and data backups and flash again amd install supersu from chainfire. I have built a number of kernels but wont boot. I am just going to get working kernel and nethunter it or maybe kexec hardboot for a linux. Also I rhink I used the original recovery kernel, might have gone stock.
Did you do recovery or cm 11. I tried about 5 builds of cm11 furthest i got to was loading applications screen and locking. Did you flash this twrp. With rashr app. Not sure how it will handle it being locked boot. Each of the port guides useless being locked. Days off this week might look into delving into it more. But after 5 months of headaches with exynos kernel and rom might need a break. Tired of these corps releasing broken code to stall people. 3 or 4 from scratch begings with samdung kernel between 2,000 and 6,,000 files edited on each attempt and still borked, with even.trying to back port newer versions of drivers. I have one solid kernel running but just above stock because I removed there fuelgague and charger driver with a Script for deepsleep, might be my best yet before I get a new phone in a few months. Samsung and zte plus any mediatek I'm over them now and swearing off.

I notice the line for the sdcard is commented out in twrp.fstab, I'll try uncommenting that and see what happens, but I remember to get the sdcard working correctly under CWM I had to use vold. The line for CWM was:
/devices/msm_sdcc.2/mmc_host auto auto defaults voldmanaged=sdcard0:auto,noemulatedsd
This seems to work with or without an sd-ext partition (mounting sd-ext normally as /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 works, no need to use vold for that).
jag9906 said:
Did you do recovery or cm 11. I tried about 5 builds of cm11 furthest i got to was loading applications screen and locking. Did you flash this twrp. With rashr app.
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I did KonstaT's CWM recovery from the kis3. I think the only things I had to change were the kernel (from stock recovery), fstab (based on stock recovery, with some trial and error) and default.prop
Haven't tried flashing CM11 to this phone yet, I have tried building the device/vendor trees to build CM11 from source, but ZTE's kernel source for this device doesn't compile and KnostaT's ZTE msm8610 kernel source doesn't boot, so that's as far as I've managed to get.
I flashed this TWRP with the rashr app, but when I flashed CWM I had no problem using (from a root adb shell) "dd if=/path/to/recovery.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery"
I did need to (once) reboot the device with "adb reboot disemmcwp" when I initially got root before I could mount system rw and install SuperSU.

Yeah that was the issue when.I did stuff with my main phone, I only have one sdcard in main phone so I didn't get around to testung vold. That sould fix the issue. I learned that lesson a few weeks ago with my samsung phone. If it works mind posting that fike so.I can.update this twrp.so people cam atleast have a touch backup with supersu not those roots that auto install garbage apks and have ads.
I found another cm11 I will check later afyer work tomorrow and post link since kis3 is gms this one was cmda for porting rom.

ok can try porting the cm11 unofficial condor, or carbon KK unofficial condor both I think I found through xda, there is an AOPK condor MM nightly if you want to try to up to that or the lineage OS condor 14.1 with a new kernel. can google this cm-11-20140808-UNOFFICIAL-condor to get the link from xda or search here.

I got my sdcard (with sd-ext partition) working with this twrp.fstab:
# mount point fstype device [device2, parameters]
/boot emmc /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot flags=backup=1;
/recovery emmc /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery flags=backup=1;
/system ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system flags=backup=1;
/cache ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache flags=backup=1;
/data ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata flags=backup=1; length=-16384
/sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /dev/block/mmcblk1 flags=display="MicroSD";storage;wipeingui;removable
/sd-ext auto /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 flags=wipeingui;removable;backup=1
I'm sure that's not quite right, there are probably some flags I'm missing and definitely some other partitions you'd want to back up. I also have TWRP 3.1.0-0 compiling for this device from source (against LineageOS cm-11.0 tree with precompiled kernel from stock recovery) and booting with internal "emulated" SD and external SD both working, but I need to tweak my BoardConfig.mk a bit more to solve a couple minor issues. If I can get that 100% working I might try to "make bacon" and see what happens, I'm pretty sure the rest of my device tree is right and I've pulled all of the vendor files from the device. I didn't remember to take a backup of my stock ROM when I rooted, but I do have a full backup of my device in its current state.

Sorry to double-post, just an update. Between what I already had, your work here and a conversation with KonstaT about kernels, I have the ZTE N817 kernel and TWRP 3.0.2-0 compiling against LineageOS cm-11.0, newer versions of TWRP may build and run fine against KitKat but the OTA tools need a newer version of Android to build.
local manifests:
device tree:
kernel tree:
vendor tree:
Just repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b cm-11.0 and copy the local manifests into .repo/local_manifests before you sync, then:
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch cm_n817-userdebug
make -j4 recoveryimage
adb push out/target/product/n817/recovery.img /storage/sdcard1/recovery-twrp-new.img
(replace /storage/sdcard1 with /storage/sdcard0 if you have no external SD)
I haven't tried to build the ROM yet, but TWRP works flawlessly, external SD and internal "emulated" (/data/media) SD are both recognized.
Have fun.

jag9906 said:
First off doing this will void your warranty and can brick your device. Following these simple steps should work for you. I will state here and further down, make sure you download all programs needed and both recovery.img and recovery_orig.img. I am in no way resposible for your device being bricked.
**Only thing I have not tested is the external sd card, I make no promises that it works. I only have 1 sd micro card its installed in my main device. So install the recoveries and supersu to your internal sdcard.
This is for assurance wireless, I have seen one or two other n817 devices if the specs are the same, they "should" work with this twrp, but use partition backup and restore by wanam on Play store to get a recovery.img for your device. I do not use this program for system back up, for some reason it does not work properly but its fine for boot,aboot, recovery and other smaller partitions.
This is a ported twrp from kis3 twrp version 3.0.2-0 by KonstaT from here http://konstakang.com/devices/kis3/TWRP/. Also this version of chainfire su SR3-SuperSU-v2.79-SR3-20170114223742 download from here https://download.chainfire.eu/1021/. This twrp recovery has Supersu folder but I still installed the zip from recovery to be sure.
The twrp n817 recovery named: recovery.img along with the original n817 recovery named: recovery_orig.img go here https://github.com/jag9906/n817_twrp
Other programs needed [ROOT]Rashr flash tool, online nandroid backup *root*, SD maid from Play Store. The Rashr flash tool is required, you can use any back up you wish, I prefer SD maid for cleaning up system and removing/freezing programs you can use any you use, this is to remove your temp root after recovery and supersu is installed.
**Again I am stating here the Rashr flash tool is required this will allow you to install the recovery.img with a locked bootloader. This is a must to install this twrp recovery. The twrp app will not work until you have supersu installed. There are other flash tools, but this worked flawless with kingo so its the only one I will support for this guide. If you use another flash tool its on you.
First make a back up prior to installing the twrp recovery. Use the online nandoird back up of all partitions I save them as twrp. If you have external SD card you can do all at once if not do all but data and system then copy to your computer and then back up system folder. Your choice on data, I back up my apk so never data.
Next run Rashr flash tool from Play store the first option is recovery from storage, choose this option then go to your location on sdcard and select recovery.img hit ok it will take about 10 to 15 seconds and ask if you want to reboot into recovery, hit yes and then your device will reboot into recovery. Once loaded swipe and go to install, top left find your SR3-SuperSU-v2.79-SR3-20170114223742.zip file and select that, then swipe to install. Once finished hit reboot and system.
Then run SD Maid or any root tool to uninstall you have. You can now delete/remove Kingo or any root you used prior to installing the recovery and have supersu by chainfire as your root for the device.
You now have a twrp recovery, and chainfire's supersu installed on your n817 device.
thanks to KonstaT and Chainfire for the hard work they have done.
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Unfortunately Kingo can't root my device and neither can anything else...... Sucks but hey the phone was free. Hopefully something can work in the future *shrugs*
Edit: rebooted "adb reboot disemmcwp" and Kingo worked ._.

Yeah, this phone was pretty difficult before King/Kingo supported it, and with no fastboot I don't think there's any way other than a ZTE signed update to alter the /system partition without rebooting with "adb reboot disemmcwp" first. Before I discovered a post mentioning using that command to disable the write-protection on another ZTE device I was able to get a root prompt with the right SELinux context but I still couldn't write anything to /system. Once I got the write-protection disabled, I didn't even bother with any of the one-click rooting apps. I just got a root shell, mounted /system rw and proceeded to put all of the SuperSU files where they go and set their permissions by hand, rebooted and I was good to go. Of course, once I got a recovery installed I did re-flash SuperSU from an update zip just to make sure it was right.

does anyone have a stock backup, i don't kn0w what i did, but now the standard android recovery tells me there are missing files when i do md5 check and it boot loops right back to recovery, anyone have and recommendations for repair, i can get to stock recovery, i can adb side load updates or choose from cache or sd card, when i pop out the battery and plug in its recognized as:
ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM
right before boot loop to recovery:
Product: ZTE HSUSB Device Manufacturer: ZTE Incorporated (dmesg)
while in recovery in adb sideload mode
Product: N817 Manufacturer: ZTE (dmesg)
18d1:d001 Google Inc. Nexus 4 (fastboot)(lsusb)
whitout battery black screen:
QSHSUSB_BULK qualcom CDMA technologies MSM
i dont know if im in ftm mode, screen just stays black and shows up as above? when in recovery

stevenh512 said:
I got my sdcard (with sd-ext partition) working with this twrp.fstab:
# mount point fstype device [device2, parameters]
/boot emmc /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot flags=backup=1;
/recovery emmc /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery flags=backup=1;
/system ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system flags=backup=1;
/cache ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache flags=backup=1;
/data ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata flags=backup=1; length=-16384
/sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /dev/block/mmcblk1 flags=display="MicroSD";storage;wipeingui;removable
/sd-ext auto /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 flags=wipeingui;removable;backup=1
I'm sure that's not quite right, there are probably some flags I'm missing and definitely some other partitions you'd want to back up. I also have TWRP 3.1.0-0 compiling for this device from source (against LineageOS cm-11.0 tree with precompiled kernel from stock recovery) and booting with internal "emulated" SD and external SD both working, but I need to tweak my BoardConfig.mk a bit more to solve a couple minor issues. If I can get that 100% working I might try to "make bacon" and see what happens, I'm pretty sure the rest of my device tree is right and I've pulled all of the vendor files from the device. I didn't remember to take a backup of my stock ROM when I rooted, but I do have a full backup of my device in its current state.[/Q
Change sdcard to sdcard1
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morpheous1777 said:
does anyone have a stock backup
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I also wouldn't mind having a stock backup, unfortunately I didn't remember to take a backup before I started tinkering with my system partition, but thankfully I haven't managed to break anything I couldn't fix.
while in recovery in adb sideload mode
Product: N817 Manufacturer: ZTE (dmesg)
18d1:d001 Google Inc. Nexus 4 (fastboot)(lsusb)
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While in this mode, are you able to actually use fastboot? I ask for two reasons. First, if you're on a stock recovery, the only way you're going to be able to restore a stock ROM (or install any other ROM) from recovery is if it's signed by ZTE, otherwise you'll need another way (like fastboot). Second, as far as I can tell, there is no fastboot on my phone.

leetree2001 said:
stevenh512 said:
I got my sdcard (with sd-ext partition) working with this twrp.fstab:
# mount point fstype device [device2, parameters]
/boot emmc /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot flags=backup=1;
/recovery emmc /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery flags=backup=1;
/system ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system flags=backup=1;
/cache ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache flags=backup=1;
/data ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata flags=backup=1; length=-16384
/sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /dev/block/mmcblk1 flags=display="MicroSD";storage;wipeingui;removable
/sd-ext auto /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 flags=wipeingui;removable;backup=1
I'm sure that's not quite right, there are probably some flags I'm missing and definitely some other partitions you'd want to back up. I also have TWRP 3.1.0-0 compiling for this device from source (against LineageOS cm-11.0 tree with precompiled kernel from stock recovery) and booting with internal "emulated" SD and external SD both working, but I need to tweak my BoardConfig.mk a bit more to solve a couple minor issues. If I can get that 100% working I might try to "make bacon" and see what happens, I'm pretty sure the rest of my device tree is right and I've pulled all of the vendor files from the device. I didn't remember to take a backup of my stock ROM when I rooted, but I do have a full backup of my device in its current state.[/Q
Change sdcard to sdcard1
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I'd really love this and I'd love it more if I could contribute in some way... this phone is painfully slow on the stock OS.
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Have nothing to contribute right now.Just want to THANK all you guys for your unselfish work!!!
Sent from my LGLS770 using Tapatalk

Does anyone have the stock rom?? The recovery bricked my assurance n817.Please help

This worked great, thanks
---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ----------
It works, but my system is very unstable right now. I have a feeling it's that KingCrap . It doesn't like to be replaced with another SU. That stuff is malware and I never use it unless I"m desperate. I'm going to try to push 3c toolbox to it. It won't stay up long enough to install it from playstore.

Member96 posts Thanks: 16
Does anyone have the stock rom?? The recovery bricked my assurance n817.Please help
I did a full backup of my zte n817. it's in .img format. pm me and I'll send it to my google drive and give you the link. Do you know what partition goes where? I also have that info too !! After 3 bricked phones I have learned somewhat of a lesson

I can't do anything with it now. It won't stay up long enough. I have a nandroid backup but it's on the external sd which this TWRP can't see. There isn't enough space on the internal to copy it to. I'm giving up for now, I"ve spent way too much time on a $20 phone

slacker8135666 said:
Member96 posts Thanks: 16
Does anyone have the stock rom?? The recovery bricked my assurance n817.Please help
I did a full backup of my zte n817. it's in .img format. pm me and I'll send it to my google drive and give you the link. Do you know what partition goes where? I also have that info too !! After 3 bricked phones I have learned somewhat of a lesson
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Sent from my LGLS770 using Tapatalk


[Q] Is there a way to install temporary recovery on SGR

Hi I am a new member on this forum, though I had been browsing this forum for long long time, I had not registered. Recently I had the courage to root and install omnirom on my phone (as my phone is getting old, i was ready to take the chances of bricking my device. I verified my device with eMMC brick bug tester and my device is frees from that bug, probably as my motherboard was changed under warranty). After toying with omnirom, I am back on stock rom. I went to Samsung Service Center and got my factory firmware installed for Rs 225/- (I had taken nandroid backup with epsilon 6.0... version of CWM, but it missed preload partition and restored the backup with philz recovery and my preload partition was erasaed and have to go for SSC).
I have few queries regarding the SGR, please help me with them:
1. Is there a temporary recovery for SGR (ie, can be flashed with stock recovery and returns back to stock on reboot. The zip file has to be maintained on SD card)
For SGS2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s2/general/guide-root-unroot-stock-ics-firmware-t1501719
2. In order to restore the partition on my own, I tried and searched net for recovery using testdisk and had taken a file image of the SGR internal flash disk. I opened it with testdisk, but testdisk was not able recognise the partitions I tried EFI GPT as suggested and Intel partiton table type and both did not work. Do you know the partition table type for this?
recovery link: http://www.df.lth.se/~jokke/androidfilerecovery/
3. I was just curious if becoming root (on adb shell) is just running su, thought I would copy su binary from superuser zip ro sdcard and run it with the path, but it just runs and nothing happens (I need this to remove few samsung apps esp, vlingo. I plan to do it from recovery -> adb shell -> su and delete apk & odex files).
This has been a great forum and helped me a lot. Thank you guys for all your effort.

Guide: How to decrypt data in TWRP for Le Pro 3 AI

As you all know we have been searching for ways to root the Le Pro 3AI but failed. There are even 2 twrp but you can't really do much with them. TWRP 3.1 did not even start for me but 3.0.3 worked but what's the real problem? You can't mount /data and also i found another partition named /custom. It always fails to mount and there is no way to format it.
When you enter TWRP it ask for a password to decrypt. Simply click cancel and go to wipe, advanced wipe and check the data partition. Select repair file system and change it to ext2 and then back to ext4. Reboot to twrp again I don't think this is necessary but better take precautions. Now go to mount and select data you will see that you can actually mount it(~24000mb) .
You can also enable MTP to copy files to your phone in recovery such as .zips. I hope this helps you in way. I hope the devs find a way to make it possible to flash custom ROMs for this phone without any message appearing during boot and that there is no problem with imei. Thanks for reading and don't give up with this phone else it will be money down the drain. If I helped press the thanks button.
how did you install the TWRP?
im a noob in this
okay! so after attempting to install TWRP my phone bricked haha
i had to flash again the rom. geez!
i better not attempt again.
twrp isn't really a problem. it works for the most part, just cant be perma flashed, only booted. you can still flash zips via sideload as it is though, so that was never a *huge issue*. thing is, modifying system partition on official builds (25, 28) will cause security lockup. kernel needs to be patched, and prolly bootloader for this to be bypassed, and it seems its not easy. consequently root will fail too. on 27 though, you can easily boot twrp and flash a custom zip (except root), so there is nothing preventing you from removing bloat. even xposed works. you can even flash 27 kernel on both 25/28 and clean them too using same flashable zips. as far as custom rom goes, yeah, no, mtk device. prolly not gonna happen. be happy if you get root eventually.
sikica133 said:
twrp isn't really a problem. it works for the most part, just cant be perma flashed, only booted. you can still flash zips via sideload as it is though, so that was never a *huge issue*. thing is, modifying system partition on official builds (25, 28) will cause security lockup. kernel needs to be patched, and prolly bootloader for this to be bypassed, and it seems its not easy. consequently root will fail too. on 27 though, you can easily boot twrp and flash a custom zip (except root), so there is nothing preventing you from removing bloat. even xposed works. you can even flash 27 kernel on both 25/28 and clean them too using same flashable zips. as far as custom rom goes, yeah, no, mtk device. prolly not gonna happen. be happy if you get root eventually.
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can you tell me the procedure on installing twrp?
i really wanted to enable multi window via adb when on recovery mode.
sikica133 said:
twrp isn't really a problem. it works for the most part, just cant be perma flashed, only booted.
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I could flash only 3.0.3 . 3.1 never worked for me. Can't even boot.
i never said it could be flashed. it could be booted into. there are plenty of guides around how to boot recovery using fastboot (google fastboot boot recovery.img). once there, you can simply use adb sideload, or integrated file manager to clean system apps and reboot back into os. if you are using 25/28 u'll need to play a bit more to get everything up and running (imei issues), on 27S (multilanguage rom) this is pretty straightforward and no fixing is required
adb devices and uninstall system app
adb devices and uninstall system app
minimal_adb_fastboot_1.4.3_portable --- download androidfilehostcom/?fid=457095661767103465
adb devices
adb shell
pm uninstall -k --user 0 [apk name]
Gapps apk
fex-net/934605209940/246920922 - 4pda
lucky patcher.apk install -- delete all google applications
1-GoogleBackupTransport.apk install and Give all permissions in menu applications
2-GoogleLoginService.apk install and Give all permissions in menu applications
3-GoogleServicesFramework.apk install and Give all permissions in menu applications
4-Phonesky.apk install and Give all permissions in menu applications
5-PrebuiltGmsCore.apk install and Give all permissions in menu applications
Monster 00 said:
As you all know we have been searching for ways to root the Le Pro 3AI but failed. There are even 2 twrp but you can't really do much with them. TWRP 3.1 did not even start for me but 3.0.3 worked but what's the real problem? You can't mount /data and also i found another partition named /custom. It always fails to mount and there is no way to format it.
When you enter TWRP it ask for a password to decrypt. Simply click cancel and go to wipe, advanced wipe and check the data partition. Select repair file system and change it to ext2 and then back to ext4. Reboot to twrp again I don't think this is necessary but better take precautions. Now go to mount and select data you will see that you can actually mount it(~24000mb) .
You can also enable MTP to copy files to your phone in recovery such as .zips. I hope this helps you in way. I hope the devs find a way to make it possible to flash custom ROMs for this phone without any message appearing during boot and that there is no problem with imei. Thanks for reading and don't give up with this phone else it will be money down the drain. If I helped press the thanks button.
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can you help me enable multi window?
It says that I need to mount system first at the recovery.
Please help me. Thanks a lot.

[RECOVERY] Henk's TWRP Recovery

The usual disclaimer with an extra warning, this recovery
WILL automatically modify your phone on first boot.
While this should be an entirely safe modification
it is always possible your phone is in a broken state
either on a software or hardware level causing further problems.
This recovery should under no circumstances be flashed
for the first time on a bricked phone
as the automatic changes might damage it further.
By flashing this recovery you consent to a vendor partition
being created and to take full personal responsibility of any damage
the usage of this recovery may cause rather than blaming it on me.
This modified TWRP is the recovery image i have been using on my personal OnePlus 3T for the past month, with the increasing popularity of system-as-root roms and the issues this causes for older zip files (Such as Google Apps not flashing with wrong arm version errors) i have decided that it would be worth sharing with the community. This recovery image is a ramdisk modification of the TWRP supplied by the LineageOS Unofficial Treble Port Project (Similar to how SHRP is a ramdisk modification of existing TWRP images). Because this is not a source modification (and neither has TWRP been compiled from source) you can find the original source code in their topic. I hope this recovery will be useful to those who often flash multiple kinds of roms and want one recovery that does it all. It has been tested on the Oxygen OS 4, 5 and 9 firmwares and should have great compatibility with all of them.
Included Features
Automatic Vendor Partition Creation and full Treble support
WARNING: Because this recovery will automatically create the vendor partition it should exclusively be used on devices in good conditions. In the very rare case that bricks occur you can revert the change using the MSMDownloadTool (This can only be used on healthy hardware). If you are unsure about the condition of your device or if your device is currently in a bricked state it is best to use another recovery. I am not responsible for further damage to your phone.
Originally the TWRP image provided by the Treble project needs you to type in the 'treblize' command followed by manual reboots, I have automated this process. From the moment you first boot this recovery the vendor partition will automatically be created and the recovery reboots automatically in a new recovery session (This is not a crash and only happens once). If vendor partition has been detected you will be able to see /treblized as a directory on your phone (This is done in RAM and only visible during your recovery session). The vendor partition does not conflict in any way, you can use and pass safetynet on regular roms at will as it is invisible to a rom using a non treble kernel. Before flashing GSI roms please first flash a proper vendor partiton (This can be done by flashing the LineageOS treble rom the regular way).
/system and /system_root hybrid for maximum compatibility!
This is one of my main reasons for sharing this recovery publicly, i have modified the /etc/fstab file to be able to both mount to /system and to /system_root. This means that older zips that expect /system now work again without breaking compatibility with newer system as root or GSI roms. This is one recovery that can do it all! Inside the root folder you will find a flashable zip called Mount-System.zip. This can be used before incompatible zips to mount the /system partition correctly. This tool will automatically detect system-as-root if present and mount /system to /system_root/system, if not present it mounts /system to /system_root. You should prefer this method over the mounting options found in the menu, these should only be used for unmounting system. Keep in mind that by doing this you are messing around with scenario's the original developers have not foreseen and while flashing these previously broken zips is now possible you cause issues in your ROM. Always flash these previously incompatible zips with care and make a backup first! Do not use this Mount-System.zip to flash new roms, those are best flashed in an unmounted state. The same applies for Magisk and any other system-as-root compatible zips. If you are flashing regular roms my fstab changes will be enough and mount-system will not be needed.
Magisk + Magisk Manager on the ramdisk
In the / directory alongside the other zip files you will find Install-Magisk.zip and Manage-Magisk.zip, these can be used to both install and recovery from Magisk related issues. You no longer need to worry about keeping a copy of Magisk at hand after wiping the data or when you are in need of a downgrade, with this a copy of Magisk and a GUI management tool is always available to you directly from the recovery's root folder.
Persist Backup Tool
It is very important that you keep a spare backup of your persist partition, even the MSMDownloadTool will not be able to repair this as it is unique to your device. In addition devices with persist issues (Sensors, LTE, IMSEI, Wifi, not working / blank) should not use the MSMDownloadTool at all since it can leave you with an unbootable phone. Flash the Backup-Persist.zip file (Found in the recovery's root directory) to automatically create a copy of your persist partition stored on your sdcard so you can easily back this up to a secure location. Persist is even more important than backing up the EFS! An EFS backup alone will NOT recover your phone in the case of persist corruption!
Modified Files
This project contains work from
TWRP Base Image and original Treblize scripts : The Unofficial LineageOS Treble Project
Install-Magisk.zip : Magisk
Manage-Magisk.zip : Magisk Manager Recovery Tool
Known issues
Before uploading i did extensive testing, in some scenario's i managed to cause a hard crash of the recovery image, this is not related to any of the included tweaks but seems to be an issue with flashing a rom when you have just formatted partitions. I advice to always reboot after a partition format or before flashing a system rom to ensure that everything is in a state it can be properly mounted. If you did trigger this white light crash do not fear, your device is not bricked (Unless whatever you flashed bricked it). You should be able to turn it off using the power button after which it will boot up just fine and you can try flashing again.
henk717 said:
Before uploading i did extensive testing, in some scenario's i managed to cause a hard crash of the recovery image, this is not related to any of the included tweaks but seems to be an issue with flashing a rom when you have just formatted partitions. I advice to always reboot after a partition format or before flashing a system rom to ensure that everything is in a state it can be properly mounted. If you did trigger this white light crash do not fear, your device is not bricked (Unless whatever you flashed bricked it). You should be able to turn it off using the power button after which it will boot up just fine and you can try flashing again.
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Might not be restricted to just your recovery.
This happens to me on official TWRP as well, when I restore a system image from a backup. It gets stuck on a white light, and I have to hard reset it. The restore does seem to work though.
I flashed the backup persist but did not found the file it should create. Where is it located? Thanks in advance
It should be located in the main directory of your storage and be called persist.img.
However when i just did another test i noticed the zip gives a 255 error that does not happen on the zip on my gitlab.
I am unsure how this difference happened but generated a new img file where i tested and verified all the zip's manually, if you run into the 255 error please redownload and reflash.

[TWRP] TWRP 3.4-0-0 For Blu G90 G0310WW [MT6765][Android 10]

First released twrp for BLU G90 phone.
Whats working:
Flash Image
Mount System , Vendor, product (contents of SUPER).... mount allows reading the partitions, but was not able to write to them
Back-Up/Restore to/from usb (or micro sdcard).... Due to size of super.img needed to format card ext4
Known bug:
**Solved with new tree file**--data decryption is not working, so not able to read or backup internal storage.--
Built with Minimum Manifest _branch 10.0 :
Kernel source :
Device Tree :
GitHub - mrmazakblu/device_PBRP_BLU_G90_G0310WW at TWRP
Contribute to mrmazakblu/device_PBRP_BLU_G90_G0310WW development by creating an account on GitHub.
Download :
Releases · mrmazakblu/device_PBRP_BLU_G90_G0310WW
Contribute to mrmazakblu/device_PBRP_BLU_G90_G0310WW development by creating an account on GitHub.
Download : https://github.com/mrmazakblu/device_TWRP_BLU_G90_G0310WW/releases
ADB Sideload is also broken.
Shananiganeer said:
ADB Sideload is also broken.
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Most likely due to no able to read/ write to /data there is no place to temp store the zip.
Working on alternative options at the moment, as I am having trouble getting build correct to make decrypt.
Alternative is a modified /vendor.img, so device is not encrypted. But this of course is less secure.
I reformatted /data so it was unencrypted, but still couldn't use adb sideload. I was able to use adb push to put files onto the phone, but that didn't end up mattering as without rw to /system I can't install gapps XD. I'll have some time this weekend to take a look at things and try and help debug the decryption.
Appearently, this build is only missing data decryption.
Spoke with TWRP maintainer, they said this is working as intended. Super.img partitions are not currently meant to be mounted as r/w.
After I asked about flashing GApps, I was informed that there might be changes to TWRP source to allow mounting as r/w sometime sooner or later.
mrmazak said:
Appearently, this build is only missing data decryption.
Spoke with TWRP maintainer, they said this is working as intended. Super.img partitions are not currently meant to be mounted as r/w.
After I asked about flashing GApps, I was informed that there might be changes to TWRP source to allow mounting as r/w sometime sooner or later.
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so it may seem we are waiting on how to affectively be able to modify the dynamic partitions before we can see a fully successful root. I am fairly new to these things so might be looking at it wrong.
Ivisibl3 said:
so it may seem we are waiting on how to affectively be able to modify the dynamic partitions before we can see a fully successful root. I am fairly new to these things so might be looking at it wrong.
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To modify it "live" yes maybe.
You can modify the extracted system, as I did , using linux mount, and flash the system back modified, just like a gsi rom.
But for root, can't say.
On the latest build, was able to mount /system r/w. And successfully change the contents of it.
The patches in twrp source is not finished yet, so normal zip installs are not coded. But using adb shell (or TWRP terminal ) seem to be working.
This New build to be uploaded on github device source, as release "test build 9"
I have the G90 Pro and would love to be able to edit the build.prop file... the phone has a ridiculously low number of volume steps for media, 7.
Is there any way to boot into TWRP temporarily and edit the file, just to see if that will increase the steps? (by adding ro.config.media_vol_steps=30 for example)
johnsag49 said:
I have the G90 Pro and would love to be able to edit the build.prop file... the phone has a ridiculously low number of volume steps for media, 7.
Is there any way to boot into TWRP temporarily and edit the file, just to see if that will increase the steps? (by adding ro.config.media_vol_steps=30 for example)
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Well, the first thing I'm concerned with here is , I'm not sure if THIS TWRP will work on the g90 pro.
But it might be possible. I was able to mount system as r/w on my g90 in TWRP.
You would need to fastboot flash --disable-verity vbmeta and vbmeta_system to prevent red state bootloader lockout.
Ok I've found one potential bug and have a question you may be able to answer. With your build of TWRP I cannot access fastbootd. Running adb/fastboot reboot fastboot just puts me back into recovery. To change images I've been doing the following:
1. Enter bootloader and flash stock recovery you provided in your other G90 thread
2. Enter fastbootd and flash the image
3. Re-enter bootloader and flash twrp
The question I have is, how can the super partition be increased? I tried to flash the LOSQ build with gapps, but the image is > half the size of the super partition. I want to take 1GB away from the userdata partition and add it to the super partition instead. Do I mount the stock super.img in Linux and modify it to be 5GB, adjust the partitions on the eMMC so the new img will fit, flash the new super.img from bootloader, and then go into fastbootd and flash LOSQ? Where does modifying BoardConfig.mk with the new size fit in? If you don't know or don't wanna bother answering that's cool, I've been doing some digging trying to get to the bottom and I'm just not understanding how to adjust the new dynamic partition scheme.
Shananiganeer said:
Ok I've found one potential bug and have a question you may be able to answer. With your build of TWRP I cannot access fastbootd. Running adb/fastboot reboot fastboot just puts me back into recovery. To change images I've been doing the following:
1. Enter bootloader and flash stock recovery you provided in your other G90 thread
2. Enter fastbootd and flash the image
3. Re-enter bootloader and flash twrp
The question I have is, how can the super partition be increased? I tried to flash the LOSQ build with gapps, but the image is > half the size of the super partition. I want to take 1GB away from the userdata partition and add it to the super partition instead. Do I mount the stock super.img in Linux and modify it to be 5GB, adjust the partitions on the eMMC so the new img will fit, flash the new super.img from bootloader, and then go into fastbootd and flash LOSQ? Where does modifying BoardConfig.mk with the new size fit in? If you don't know or don't wanna bother answering that's cool, I've been doing some digging trying to get to the bottom and I'm just not understanding how to adjust the new dynamic partition scheme.
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The stock /product partition is not needed in non stock roms. Google gsi flashing guide tells show to delete logical partition product.
fastboot delete-logical-partition product
This is probably what is needed.
Don't know about your plan to increase stock super.img. no idea about why you mention boardconfig.mk
This TWRP is before the patch for TWRP fastbootd, so it is not included. I have resynced source, and will see if new build works, or not. If it does will post new release.
I mentioned BoardConfig.mk because the size of the super partition is listed there, but you were totally right about the product partition and I was able to flash LOSQ+gapps after deleting it. Thanks for the assist, and your work on porting TWRP to this awesome device! Will continue to keep an eye on your work as TWRP finalizes their support for Android 10.
Will this work for the G90 Pro? My guess is not but figured I'd ask
KryptekKnight said:
Will this work for the G90 Pro? My guess is not but figured I'd ask
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I assume not. But if you send device stock recovery, I can try to bring it up. But cannot test it, I don't have the device.
mrmazak said:
I assume not. But if you send device stock recovery, I can try to bring it up. But cannot test it, I don't have the device.
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Would you be able to compile a Gcam pretty for this phone? I would be willing to supply you with whatever is within my means to provide
KryptekKnight said:
Would you be able to compile a Gcam pretty for this phone? I would be willing to supply you with whatever is within my means to provide
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I have no idea about gcam
johnsag49 said:
I have the G90 Pro and would love to be able to edit the build.prop file... the phone has a ridiculously low number of volume steps for media, 7.
Is there any way to boot into TWRP temporarily and edit the file, just to see if that will increase the steps? (by adding ro.config.media_vol_steps=30 for example)
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Sorry OP.....
I need to get 01 post of your topic to report on custom recoveries on the G90 Pro.
For new users, you should know about the Android 10 permission structure.
In TWRP or PBRP, through the File Manager, it is not possible to copy files to the superpartition. But you can copy files from the superpartition to the internal SD card.
Therefore, to modify files from the super partition, it will be necessary to extract the super partition and extract system-product-vendor to then carry out the modifications and repackage.
Using Havocv3.11 the volume issue dissapears...........
Well all, thanks to @lopestom , we may soon have a new device tree to build recovery from , and data decryption is working on first test img. New recovery would be pbrp instead of twrp.

cant access system partition in twrp

hey i want to install a custom rom (gsi) so i hope some people can help me out
main info: i have a ulefone note 9p with mediatek 6762 (runs with mediatek 6765 android scatter) and android 10.
this twrp is a twrp 3.4.0. built for ulefone note 9p i downloaded from here:
unofficial twrp 3.4.0 Root Ulefone Note 9P - unofficial twrp
download unofficial twrp 3.3.1 root Ulefone Note 9P, user who own Ulefone Note 9P can root it by following the below instructions
after going to the painful procedure of unlocking bootloader flashing stock and twrp modified rom + rooting the device
i stuck at the procedure to install a gsi image via twrp.
i already know that the device must be unrooted and i have already gained some experiences in flashing the rom
even after a few softbricks, so i will try installing this image with a stock rom and twrp after i received the help i need.
i use a sd card because twrp always disappears when i transfer a file via my phone and i land on stock recovery.
this problem solves when i root my phone via magisk. as i heard flashing gsi's dont work in a heavy modified state (like with magisk),
so a sd card solved this problem to run files on recovery mode without file transfer and rooting.
the problem i have is the following: i followed some instructions saying to wipe some data first in advanced wipe
- also the system partition which is not available. after that tried to install the image directly. as it finds the rom from my sd card i have to select the partition type to flash image
i only have boot recovery and super available but i need the system partition. i looked in the internet further (the painful process) and it gave me some hints going to mount.
there it finds the system partition but when i set a checkmark on it nothing changes, so this hint didn't helped me.
what should i do now? i'm stuck in some dead end and i don't know what to do it seems like this is the only way for me to get it work.
please help.
i think i found something. since my phone is rooted i also tried to delete system apps which also don't work. i tried many system app removers but it always give error. i think the problem lies in permissions that are not given to this phone. how can i get full access to \ system to gain full permission rights? i also have busybox installed btw
You've to mount the /system partition as RW in order to access this storage location.
Example code:
adb devices
adb shell "su -c 'mount -t auto -o rw,remount /system'"

