Can anyone recommend few custom roms on which VOLTE is working for s6 ?
griffin 15.2
alexies 8.1.1
fastrom v5 jio user
and Roms with stock base...
CarHDRom V.27.2 (BTU) with arter97 kernel - working on EE(uk) - as per my signature.
Can I flash any kernel for Marshmallow to any custom MM ROM?
For example:
-kernel from this ROM:
-to this ROM:
And maybe anyboody have a better kernel for G920F and for XtreStoLite DeoMod Edition 3.3.1 MM?
Thanks for help.
Thanks to @Ram121 for providing his kernel for our n915t device. Here is a link to his thread when you can find the download...
This is the first kernel other than the Emotion kernel that I have been able to get to work with DrKetan's M12 rom.... It is nice to have another an actively supported kernel for our device available. If you use it be sure to thank @Ram121 !
Need a marshmallow rom for my T-Mobile 801, as xposed is not yet ready for nougat. I can get nougat from lineage, but need xposed to work. Would prefer an old cyanogen mod rom if anyone has a cm13 build lying around on their computer, but would suffice with any rom that is marshmallow.
What custom rom support Volte by default? How to check Volte support?
which rom support Volte?
I tried also a lot of custom roms including the old official and unoficial LOS, unoficial LOS 15.1., 16, Nexus OS etc. and VoLTE / WifiCalling was not supported by any of the rom. I am also verry interresting in possibility to use VoLTE/Wifi-Calling in any custom Rom. For now I probably will go back to stock because there its supported.
I am using J700F
Can you tell me the most stable and functional TW 7.1.1 rom for J700F.
Centaurus II
Most updated and usable than others