[MT6580][6.0] Remix M V1.0 - Symphony i10 - Miscellaneous Android Development

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* Your phone's warranty is now void.
* This is a custom ROM developed by Hasin Rayan Zidni
* I am not responsible for hard bricks, SD Cards damages, Bursting Battery
* hair damage or you getting fired because the alarm app failed..
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-Fully Deodexed
-Pre-installed Busybox
-System Font Changer
-Dual Line Status Bar
-Custom Carrier Lebel
-3Minit Clock Style Changer
-3Minit Battery Icon Changer
-Built in Network Speed Meter
-Sound Customizer Dolby Atmos
-Tinted Navigation Bar
-CMTE Style Themes Added
-SystemUI Styles Depends on Theme
-Framework, Power Menu Styles Depend on Them
-Settings, Dialer etc. Core Apps Styles Depend on Theme
-Messages Not Coming [ it will be fixed in next version ]
1. Download the ROM and place them on your SD Card/Internal Storage.
2. Reboot phone to TWRP Recovery.
3. Wipe data, cache(factory reset), dalvik/art cache and system.
4. Go to Install, select the rom & swipe to flash it.
5. Reboot System. (First boot takes 20 minutes. Be patient.)
Full ROM Zip - Google Drive
Theme Store - See Here
Hit thanks button if you like my work.
Dev Information
Remix M - Marshmallow, ROM Symphony i10
Hasin Rayan Zidni
ROM OS Version: 6.0 Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.19.18
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Alpha Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.0
Thanks Giving To
MD Shohan
Sayed Islam
Nana Iyke Quame
Mustafizur Rahman Rifat
Substratum Roms
3Minit Developers
CyanogenMod Theme Developers
Symphony i10 Development Group
A Video Preview - Youtube

Thumbs Up man.
Keep it Up

Message fixed?
Sent from my TECNO W4 using XDA-Developers mobile app

jackie_spalo said:
Message fixed?
Sent from my TECNO W4 using XDA-Developers mobile app
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bro, i left working on this rom because of my exam......it will fix in next version.......but for my exam i will start working on next version probably in mid-january.
Sorry for your suffering

jackie_spalo said:
Message fixed?
Sent from my TECNO W4 using XDA-Developers mobile app
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new stable version - https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/mt6580-remixmv1-6symphony-i10-mmx-q349-t3536899

download link not avalabe...pls fix it


[ROM] [4.4.4] [MT6582] ★ FIUI beta 2.20.0 for Xolo Q2500 ★ 24 May 2015 ★

[ROM] [4.4.4] [MT6582] ★ FIUI beta 2.20.0 for Xolo Q2500 ★ 24 May 2015 ★
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Based on: Cyanogenmod 11 - 4.4.4
Kernel Version: 3.4.67, prebuilt MTK kernel
FIUI Version: beta 2.20.0
Ported from: Various sources.​
What's New:
Version 2.20.0
New install app interface resource optimization and laying a more elegant interface
● Remove call settings useless options
● When repair micro-channel interface to modify sounds, icons white bug
● optimization is off by default dialpad Touch Sound
● Optimized Desktop folder too big a problem
● optimization status bar icon draw details
● optimize the app icon draw details
● Update Google Keyboard, Google Store​
​Known issues:
-Integrated Camera App doesn't support Video Recording, use Videocam Illusion
-Sound Recorder is removed, you can get it from Play Store.
-Ringtone option causes Phone app crash, will fix in next build
-Tell me any bug you face.​Installation:
You must be on Kitkat firmware at first, and must be having my latest CTR 2.7 recovery released. (Get it here)
Now, download FIUI build from here.
Copy it into root of sdcard, and reboot into recovery
Now, its your option to take Nandroid backup if you wanna save old firmware and your data, apps, blah blah.
Simply, Wipe Factory Reset from Wipe Menu.
Flash the FIUI firmware and wait till it installs.
Reboot the device, choosing Fix SU binary if it appears
Wait, for 3 minutes to boot and then enjoy! :angel:
-FIUI developer team
-Several devs, especially @moonrotation for Wiko device tree
-Me and Team Badass.​
Nice rom. Good work!!!
moonrotation said:
Nice rom. Good work!!!
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This UI gonna rock on Wiko too.
Btw Thanks to your amazing work for Rainbow. :angel:
nice rom:good:
sir the link is dead can u provide any other link? i mean any fresh link
link expired
Sir Ji,
i think this link had expired..
pls send a new link pls..
i like this rom very much. i want to install it.. pls help.
Link for the download?!?!

Mystic OS v7 for Lenovo A536

Mystic OS v7 for Lenovo A536(kitkat)
language:multilanguage(including english)
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
ROM Changelogs:
Fixed white on white navigation bar bug
- Fixed white on white nav bar bug
- New theme style (CM12.1 themed)
- Re-themed all system apps again
- New contacts
- Material designed Root Explorer
- New battery styles
- Search button in settings
- New Fmd panel
- Delete button ss
- Fixed inverted ss bug (no need to edit systemui now to fix it)
- Fixed all the bugs reported by users
- Added flashlight toggle and removed audio profiles
- Card stack recent
- Changed volume panel
- Double tap status bar to sleep
- Added heads up notifications
- Keyboard animations
- Font styles non apk
- Weather in notification drawer option
- Recent Panel reset preferences option
- Changed battery chart color
- Added audio Fx
- Fixed incoming call ui
- Removed Lcall
- Added search button in messaging
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Download the firmware and put it in the root of the SD-card
- Go to the recovery, to make Wipe Data, Cache, and Dalvik Cache
-Find firmware and install it
- Wait for the install
- Restart
here /mirror
Raj Shekar (ROM Developer)
© All Android Development Porting Team
hy this rom 6.0.1? 5. picture
What is really version of Android? Kitkat or Marshmallow???
Is their any other link to this rom?????
Cause first link shows the file is infected a wont lwt me download it...!!!
The second link is also no feasiable...
Nipun shaji said:
Is their any other link to this rom?????
Cause first link shows the file is infected a wont lwt me download it...!!!
The second link is also no feasiable...
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any problem with mega download
But this link gives mystic os max v4
Congratulations for the ROM, but before proceeding to flash I wanted to ask some information:
1) This ROM is based AOSP or CM?
2) Mystic OS Official or Unofficial release?
3) Stable or in beta version?
Congratulations for the ROM, but before proceeding to flash I wanted to ask some information:
1) This ROM is based AOSP or CM?
2) Mystic OS Official or Unofficial release?
3) Stable or in beta version?

[MT6582][5.0.2] Exception Os 0.5 for Micromax A106 Unite 2

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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Hey Guys I'm Back With New ROM Named as Exception Os 0.5 Developed by Me(Vivek Chib)
Features :​1. CM Lanuncher
2. CM file manager
3. Navigation Keys
4. updated and themed apps:
Dialer, Contacts, Calculator, Sound Recorder, Settings, SystemUI, Framework, Gallery etc
5. 5 Way Reboot
6. Gapps not included so its very Lite ROM
7. Root Explorer
8. Pre-rooted
9. Font Changer
10. LCD density Changer
11. Engineer Mode
12. status bar clock settings
13. status bar color settings
14. Network traffic meter
15. Network speed meter
16. CPU control
17. Stock Lollipop setup wizard added
18. 8MP camera patch
19. TrebuchetMS Fonts added
20. Multi Users Supported(No more Bootloop)
21. New Boot Logo
22. Gbox+Xposed+LpThemer Integrated in Settings
23. 3minit Battery Mod (Patch)
24. New updated UI
more explore it by yourself​
*Download ROM from the given link
*Place the ROM in your SD Card
*Reboot to Recovery Mode
*Wipe Data
*Install Zip from sd Card
Screen goes black after putting brightness to lowest (fix: Use Gravitybox/DisplayTweaks/BrightnessSettings and activate it Thanks to a Exception OS user for giving solution)
Exception OS 0.5
Pattern Fix
3 Minit Mod
3 Minit Mod+Pattern Fix
NOTE: Dont Mirror the link without my permission
The New version 0.5 is by Me (vivek chib) and previous versions are by SMART ROM TEAM (SRT) so, If you want to port Exception Os for Your device Please Give proper credits to me and SRT and inform me and You Can Edit About Phone Pic With Your Name But don’t Edit “Developer/Themer” instead editing it add “Porter” line also Don’t edit Credits Thank You .​
ROM OS Version: 5.0.2 Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.54​
Smart ROM Team
Vivek Chib
Thanks to:
Vijay Jaiswal
Ranjan Singh
Sai Charan
Shiva Sai
Akshay Mahatre
Manan Vallecha
Paras Guglani
Joshwin Aranha
Specail Thanks to: Rahul Sehgal
All Members of My Unite 2 Devs Team
Hit Thanks :good: ​​
Hello, This ROM is based CyanogenMod?
It is stable or in beta version? Tnx
Help ..
When start phone show error on screen "unfortunately ,Trebuchet has stopped"
Please help on this ..
pickmod said:
Hello, This ROM is based CyanogenMod?
It is stable or in beta version? Tnx
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No, Its Based On AOSP Lollipop
makow said:
When start phone show error on screen "unfortunately ,Trebuchet has stopped"
Please help on this ..
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flash Again Or flash Other ROM

[5.1.1][MT6582]Mokkee OS Unofficial For Micromax Canvas Spark Q380

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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
* Your warranty is now void.
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
ListView animations
Calendar - with lunar and solar calenders
Lunar calendar in lock screen
Task switching sidebar in recent apps (the list will increase if you install supported apps)
Custom carrier name
Network speed in status bar (upload and download!)
Built in timer in Apollo - determine when to stop playing music
MoKee Setup Wizard
Active Display
Adjustable navigation bar height
Unique Power Saver functions!
Custom screen off animations
Customizable recent apps shorcuts
Lockscreen notifications
Working CM12.1 theme engine
More explore yourself...!!!!!​
Installation Instruction:
- Download the rom
- Download Gapps
- Wipe cache,dalvnik cache,data and system
-Then go back and select "Format Data" and type yes and swipe.
- Flash ROM using TWRP 3.0
- Reboot.
- Enjoy!
ROM: MOD EDIT: Removed
GAPPS:Click here
(Select 5.1.1,ARM,Pico)
XDA: DevDB Information:
Mokkee OS ROM for Micromax Canvas Spark Q380, ROM for the Micromax Canvas Spark Q380
@Saurabhcr7 for porting
@dee3000 (A legend)
@vasili82 for fixing proximity sensor
@Roma193 for fixing GPS
@hesham for youtube fix
CyanogenMod Team
Mokkee Team
Source Code:https://github.com/Mokee
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel:Linux 3.10.54 Stock
Version Information:
Last Updated:2016-06-14
Hell7 said:
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Click to collapse
Thanx bhai
Hi!, I have an lg lbello it have the same specs as your phone expect the screen it's 5.0 inches can i port it??
Zak1997 said:
Hi!, I have an lg lbello it have the same specs as your phone expect the screen it's 5.0 inches can i port it??
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Kernel version and chipset ?
Hell7 said:
Kernel version and chipset ?
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Tnx for reply, my phone powered by mtk6582 soc and kernel version is 3.10.54
Thread closed. Please review the forum rules on links:
13. Advertising and Income Generation
Commercial advertising, advertising referral links, pay-per-click links and other income generating methods are forbidden. Do not use XDA-Developers as a means to make money.
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Forum Moderator

[ROM]VALIDUS[MM]6.0.1[PORT][UNOFFICIA][CMTE]For Lenovo A6000/Plus.

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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Ground Zero Roms, Validus for Lenovo A6000/Plus​
- Theme engine
- Volume steps
- Dark UI
- Navbar Tweaks
- Status bar clock tweaks (right, center or hide clock with many dates formats to show. Custom colors included)
- Notifications counter
- Lockscreen Shortcuts;
- LCD Density;
- System Animations;
- Network Traffic;
- QS Tiles
- Changelog in about
- Arrow keys while typing
- Navbar rings
- Statusbar greeting
- Powerbutton as Camera shutter
- Gesture Anywhere
- App Circle Bar
- Battery Bar
Install Instructions
- Wipe
- Flash ROM
- Flash some 6.0.x Gapps
- Reboot
ROM: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=817550096634746574
GAPPS : www.opengapps.org
XDA: DevDB Information
Validus ROM, ROM for Lenovo A6000/Plus.
@MR.HACKER5476 @The Hard Gamer @mshoaib7
Source Code: https://github.com/ValidusOs-M/
Big thanks to GZR community for this awesome validus Rom..
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: AOSPB
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: RC1 9.4​
screenshots attached.
reserved v2
Just in case
MR.HACKER5476 said:
reserved v2
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how many time do it booted ?
namterai2003 said:
how many time do it booted ?
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not a long time just a normal you can say.....
MR.HACKER5476 said:
not a long time just a normal you can say.....
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why do you have two validus xda thread ?
namterai2003 said:
why do you have two validus xda thread ?
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Click to collapse
One for nougat one for marshmallow
laddugaur said:
One for nougat one for marshmallow
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