Wifi Internet Repeater (Relay or Extender) and Router for Android - General Questions and Answers

My Samsung SM-T350 Galaxy Tab A running 6.0.1 (BPI2) has two wifi radios (2.4GHz and 5GHz). I can view the radios (wlan0 and wlan1) in the console by using commands ifconfig -a or netstat. Is there an Android app that relays the active internet connection (in my case, wlan0 was connected and assigned an IP address) to the unused radio (wlan1 was not being used).
When my iPad was jailbroken, I commonly used MyWi (available on Cydia) to perform this function. MyWi would share whatever connection available on the first wifi radio (usually 2.4GHz) to the unused wifi radio, using WPA2 security and generating DCHP IP addresses for the connected devices. MyWi had more flexibility: if the iPad was connected using wlan0 (assigned a local IP address) and connected to a VPN (assigned a remote IP address), MyWi could either share the local connection (wlan0) or the remote connection (ppp) over the second radio wlan1. Or it could share the selected connection through USB or Bluetooth. There is also a Windows equivalent that works equally as well called Connectify.
I lost my iPad jailbreak due to a repair and I need to replace MyWi in the meantime. It seems this should be straightfoward on the Android.

I got a dual-radio (2.4GHz and 5GHz) iOS device running 9.3.3 jailbroken and running MyWi. Seems a shame that this utility is not available on the Android platform, but easily obtainable with Windows (Connectify), Linux (various tools), jailbroken iOS (MyWi), but not rooted Android. Certainly there are toolsets that can achieve this?

Fq.router supposedly does wifi repeating, but I don't know if it uses cross-band communications (single band repeating kills WiFi performance)


Windows Mobile 6, "internet Sharing", Bluetooth And Suse (linux)

To those that might not know one of the major changes to windows mobile 6 from windows mobile 5 was the removal of bluetooth DUN (dial up networking) which has worked quite well under linux forever and the addition of a new tool called "Internet Sharing" which uses bluetooth pan. Linux has a tool called PAND which is supposed to allow us to use bluetooth pan but previously I had not had success in making it work. Recently I read the following page and used it as a guide and was able to get it working on Suse. http://klamstwo.org/evad/archives/40
0) Run the kde bluetooth server (system, desktop applet, kbluetoothd) because when you run the pand command the first time the phone is going to prompt you for the "access code" you assigned on the pc and then the pc is going to ask you for the SAME access code to pair them. In yast under hardware, bluetooth you can set the access code it will expect. Make sure bluetooth is on and phone can be found by other devices.
1) Go into Yast, Network cards and create a Bluetooth network card..this should be "bnep0" when all is said and done..this has to be setup ahead of time because it won't exist until pand is called. My /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-bnep0 looks like this:
2)On the command line type "sdptool search NAP" and write down the device address which is in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Example output:
Inquiring ...
Searching for NAP on XX:121:2A:XX:XX ...
Service Name: Network Access Point
Service Description: Bluetooth NAP Service
Service RecHandle: 0x10000
Service Class ID List:
UUID 128: 00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
PSM: 15
"BNEP" (0x000f)
Version: 0x0100
SEQ8: 0 6 dd
Language Base Attr List:
code_ISO639: 0x656e
encoding: 0x6a
base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
"Network Access Point" (0x00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
Version: 0x0100
3)On the command line type "pand --role PANU --connect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" replacing the XX's with your actual device address. (In my example that would be XX:121:2A:XX:XX) Pair the device when prompted. You will only have to pair it once..after that connects will be automatic.
4) On the command line type "route add default gw" and hit enter.
If you run ifconfig you should see the bnep0 device..on mine it gave me IP and the phone is
You should now have a bnep0 interface..and it should be the default route for internet....if you are running a firewall make sure it is the external zone..
Example ifconfig:
bnep0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:11:F6:05:XX:XX
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: 2002:48fa:6048:8:211:f6ff:fe05:7e97/64 Scope:Global
inet6 addr: fec0::8:211:f6ff:fe05:7e97/64 Scope:Site
inet6 addr: fe80::211:f6ff:fe05:7e97/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:427958 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:354277 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
Advantages of Internet sharing over bluetooth dun...one big one...bluetooth dun would drop connection about every 20 minutes and have to be manually reconnected..or it would hang and have to be manually dropped and reconnected....Internet sharing creates an "always on" device and I've been connected for the last 6 hours without a hitch.
I hope this helps someone else and if it does please let me know
...and for further "tinkering" your phone now has an actual IP address... so theoretically you can run software such as ssh server's and proxies on the phone and access it from the pc...an example would be running the compressing proxy toonel from toonel.net. The phone version acts as both a http proxy and a socks proxy and compresses text to speed up surfing. The linux/windows versions only acts as a http proxy.
I tried to use Internet sharing via USB but it does not carry the proxy server I have on the phone. I have to add proxy address manually to my laptop IE. Is there ant way that my phone acts as proxy server?
hey fame, you find a working version of linux for our phones yet? lol
Shabe_syah said:
I tried to use Internet sharing via USB but it does not carry the proxy server I have on the phone. I have to add proxy address manually to my laptop IE. Is there ant way that my phone acts as proxy server?
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What your asking has nothing to do with the original topic and should be in it's own thread. That being said..even if you ran a proxy on your pocketpc you would still have to point to THAT proxy on the pc so whats the difference in that and pointing to the isp one?
nottoosmart said:
hey fame, you find a working version of linux for our phones yet? lol
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I wouldn't bet my retirement on it.
well, ive been trying to watch the linux thing in the forum but no one seems to be updating. im kinda depressed lol
famewolf said:
To those that might not know one of the major changes to windows mobile 6 from windows mobile 5 was the removal of bluetooth DUN (dial up networking) which has worked quite well under linux forever and the addition of a new tool called "Internt ...... proxy.
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What kernel are you using with that version of SuSe?
The reason I ask, is that I'm using Debian Etch with a 2.6.18 kernel, and I get connected fine.. however...
I can't ping anywhere, or connect in any fashion anywhere, unless I first run tcpdump or ngrep on bnep0. Once I've done that, I can do a few things, for example, I seem to get DNS queries through (and with my own DNS on the net at large).
However, I can't seem to connect to anywhere, although oddly tcpdump seems to show packets coming in.
Anyone have any ideas. There is zero in the way of an iptables firewalling on this box...
BRad Barnett said:
What kernel are you using with that version of SuSe?
The reason I ask, is that I'm using Debian Etch with a 2.6.18 kernel, and I get connected fine.. however...
I can't ping anywhere, or connect in any fashion anywhere, unless I first run tcpdump or ngrep on bnep0. Once I've done that, I can do a few things, for example, I seem to get DNS queries through (and with my own DNS on the net at large).
However, I can't seem to connect to anywhere, although oddly tcpdump seems to show packets coming in.
Anyone have any ideas. There is zero in the way of an iptables firewalling on this box...
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I have a handful of cheap chinese knockoff bluetooth dongles that I got for $5 each..they ALL have mac id's of all 11:11:11:11:11:11 and will not work with internet sharing..they can get an ip address but even with default route they don't seem to be able to get anywhere...the good news is bluetooth dun has been hacked BACK into wm6 and those same cheap dongles work fine using bluetooth DUN because it doesn't care about the mac id.
I have one airnet $15 bluetooth adapter I got from buy.com...this is the one dongle which I have that will work with internet sharing and it has a real mac id....I have used the same dongle on both a desktop and laptop to verify the dongle is the issue and not the pc's....so make sure you get a name brand dongle with it's own mac id and not a cheap clone....hope this helps.
famewolf said:
I have a handful of cheap chinese knockoff bluetooth dongles that I got for $5 each..they ALL have mac id's of all 11:11:11:11:11:11 and will not work with internet sharing..they can get an ip address but even with default route they don't seem to be able to get anywhere...the good news is bluetooth dun has been hacked BACK into wm6 and those same cheap dongles work fine using bluetooth DUN because it doesn't care about the mac id.
I have one airnet $15 bluetooth adapter I got from buy.com...this is the one dongle which I have that will work with internet sharing and it has a real mac id....I have used the same dongle on both a desktop and laptop to verify the dongle is the issue and not the pc's....so make sure you get a name brand dongle with it's own mac id and not a cheap clone....hope this helps.
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That's it.. thanks.
Crappy chinese garbage!!!
Internet Sharing vs Bluetooth DUN
BRad Barnett said:
That's it.. thanks.
Crappy chinese garbage!!!
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The specific model of bluetooth dongle I have is the Airnet ABT101..it's about $15 on ebay..there is also the ABT201 which is $9 on ebay but it has the shorter range.
Internet sharing has some definite pluses over bluetooth dun....for one it doesn't drop the connection every 20 minutes like dun did..for another your phone still has access to the internet while you do...so it can still sync..get email etc....lastly your phone has a real ip address ( so you can run sync software like finchsync under linux to sync to thunderbird etc where previously you had to have a wifi connection.

[Q] Wifi Tether and DDWRT for a complete home network

OK, my wife and I each have Sprint Samsung Galaxy S3's. We both have Wifi Tether TrevE mod installed and working and we also have a linksys router running DD-WRT.
I have wanted for a long time to create a stable home network with the router using our phones for internet. Reason being, We both have laptops that need access to our WiFi networked printer. And I also wanted to create a networked storage.
I started out trying to use the Router as a repeater bridge. The problem here is that in that mode there is no DHCP server in the router, so when you turn off WiFi Tether in the phone, there is no IP assignment taking place since it is handled by the phone. This is ok for the printer because we can set a static IP, but not ok for the laptops because they need to have auto ip assignment for all the other networks they might encounter. Plus I'd like to be able to have a friend come over and use the printer if need be without having to change his IP address. So this setup is unstable.
Then I tried the Router in Repeater mode. In this mode IP addresses are being assigned and everyone can see everyone else on the network. The problem here though, is that the Router and all connecting devices have to be in a separate subnet than the WiFi Tethering phone, i.e, Tethered Phone on 192.168.1.x and Router on 192.168.2.x (as far as I can tell anyway, I've tried putting them on the same subnet but fail to get internet access.) It's a problem because I have Samba Filesharing installed on the phones and the tethered phone is in a different subnet and not visible on the network. I want all devices visible.
So that's kind of where I am now, Wifi Tether on both phones (each setup with same settings so either phone can be used as our internet gateway) but they are on a separate subnet from the rest of the network while tethering.
How do I get all of my devices to be visible on the network?
Do I need a different setup in DD-WRT?
Currently it is setup in Gateway mode with DHCP server and wireless is in repeater mode with a VLAN setup with a different SSID from the WiFi tethered phone.
Do I need to usb tether the phone to the router? I have a usb port on the router but I've not found good instructions for getting the phones internet through to the router that way and I'm not sure that I would want it that way since I wouldn't be able to walk around with my phone.
Is there a way to make devices in different subnets visible to each other? Some kind of bridging or static routing or something?
Is it possible to have the phone connect to the router in a normal manner and for the router to then share the phones internet connection with the rest of the network? Then at least the router could run DHCP and be stable even without the phones.
Again, just to clarify, I want a home network with devices connecting to my WiFi router running DD-WRT and internet being provided by one of our phones, but with the network remaining intact when the internet provided phone is removed. Thanks for your help.
Bonus questions:
Is it possible to harness the power of both of our phones internet connections into one network by any means possible?
Are there any other wifi/tethering apps or another version of WiFi Tether that offer more features or the functionality of DD-WRT?
did you see this?
pbmurdoc said:
did you see this?
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Thanks. Not much new there other than Barnacle. Didn't know about it, tried it, doesn't work on my phone. I would like to see a version of WiFi Tether with some more options though, why couldn't we have one with the same options as DD-WRT?
I did some more reading and I think what I need to do is link the subnet created by the router to the primary router (the phone serving Wifi Tether) through static routing. Unfortunately the static route needs to be done through the primary router and WiFi Tether doesn't include features like that.
I'll do some more experimenting and see what happens.
[A] Cellular Phone/USB Modem As WAN Connection
Answer is in the DD-WRT Wiki, here (http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Cellular_Phone/USB_Modem_as_WAN_connection).
Or just google "DD-WRT Cellular Phone/USB Modem As WAN Connection", it should be the #1 result.
Their WIKI is a great resource.
Good luck!
In retrospect, I am unsure about linking to the DD-WRT site... external and all. If this is a no-no just let me know and I will delete the link.
DD-WRT Client Bridge worked for me
I was able to do what you're trying to do by configuring my DD-WRT router as a Client Bridge.
I can't post the link, but there are directions I followed exactly on the DD-WRT wiki in the section:
DD-WRT wiki mainpage / Linking Routers / Client Bridged
I'm connecting my router to the tether via wifi, and connecting my wired devices to the router. I haven't had it working long, but so far it has been great.
Got it, sort of
Just to update this thread. The client bridge is a great way to connect a wired network to the bridge but loses out on creating a stable wi-fi network when the phone tether is turned off.
Anyway, the final setup I managed was having the DD-WRT router set as a wireless repeater with a computer connected to it running a DHCP server. The computer takes care of the IP addreses so that we have a stable wired/wi-fi intranet when the phone is not sharing it's internet connection.
Update: I founde another solution/project based on OpenWRT
my exploits using a Linksys E3000 have been documented here:
I kind of like the USB tether thing. The E3000 Router USB power charges and maintains my SCH-i605 (Verizon Samsung GN2) running CM12.1. I use this as a backup connection or in the event of main cable modem service disruption at the house. It is also great for traveling (hotels) or camping (car 12v adapter for router, or power inverter)
I just bought a used Asus RT-N66U router. Out of the box it supports USB tethering with android phones and dual WANs for failover/load balancing. ROOter also works, tested the x86 build on an old PC. I'm looking to cut out my ISP completely and just use 4G from the phone for internet. The issue I have run into is that I can't appear to do DDNS or port forwarding. My wireless carrier (verizon) appears to be employing a double NAT. If I perform a speedtest on the ookla app, I get 2 IP addresses in the results, an "internal" and an "external". Both are in the public range but I can't DDNS in with either of the IPs, nor can I get any kind of service working.
Anyone have a solution for this? I'm not 100% sure but I wonder if using the SIM card in a dedicated USB 4G modem (not tethering via the phone) would get me a direct IP? I suppose I could also sign up for a VPN service and run OpenVPN on the router but that'd cut down on speeds I think. I've also heard about punching holes for ports but I'm not 100% sure how that works, I assume I still need some 3rd party public IP for relaying or something.

[Q] Long-range Wifi repeater with auto hotspot authentication?

Hi All,
At this point, I'm just brainstorming, and would like some input. (I hope this thread is in the right place)
I'm trying to find a setup to connect to free wifi hotspots that are far away, and share that connection to a group of devices locally. For example, this solution may be useful in a boat or an RV, when you're not particularly close to a free access point.
There are commercial solutions like the Rogue Wave however, this doesn't do anything to authenticate through the Terms of Service (TOS) pages that are frequently used at free access points.
This is what brings me to using Android. There are Android apps which automate the process of accepting the terms of service. My favorite right now is WebWifiLogin (I'm familiar with the security risks involved in using public wifi; and may also have the Android device to also establish a VPN connection when doing this.) (I can't find an equivalent macro-authentication solution that will run on a PC, which would make this much easier.)
So here's my proposed solution:
1. Start with a powerful omnidirectional wifi antenna (Possibly add an in-line amp if needed. Also perhaps a directional antenna may be better for non-mobile use.)
2. Connect the antenna to any Android device that supports an external Wifi antenna. I found several Android TV devices which should work. Like This, or possibly this.
3. Set up some kind of local access point/bridge. One option may be to use fqrouter2 which supposedly uses the same Wifi radio for the local WLAN, while it also connects to the remote one. Another option may be to USB or Ethernet tether to a DD-WRT Router.
The Android device has a range to connect to a free hotspot up to a mile or two away, then automatically accepts the TOS using the WebWifiLogin app, and shares that connection locally to a handful of devices.
So am I crazy? Is this too complex to work correctly? Is there a simpler solution that I'm missing?
Can anyone confirm whether I've posted this in the correct sub-forum?
I use a slightly different method which yields the same results.
I have a Linksys WRT54GL router (with high gain antennas) which runs DD-WRT and a script called AutoAP. The script scans for unencrypted WIFI access points, makes sure they're live, and automatically connects to the strongest one in range.
I set up a second WPA2 encrypted WIFI SSID in the router which I connect to with my Android tablet. Once WebWifiLogin on the tablet handles the TOS login, the remote access point allows web access for any device that connects to the WRT54GL router (either by WIFI to the secondary SSID or through one of the ports)! This happens because the remote access point usually checks/remembers TOS acceptance by the MAC address of the connected device. Since it only sees the MAC address of my router, anything behind the router now gets access.
ssenemosewa said:
Once WebWifiLogin on the tablet handles the TOS login, the remote access point allows web access for any device that connects to the WRT54GL router
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This is great information; thanks!
I would not have thought WebWifiLogin would work when connecting through another router. When WebWifiLogin is running, its status says "Listening for WiFi events" (Or something similar) so I was under the impression that WebWifiLogin would only work if the connection to the AP is made directly by the Android WiFi interface, and not through a intermediary router.
This makes things much easier.

[Q] Its possible to run 3G and WiFi connections simultaneously on Android 5.1?

The initial situation is that my Nexus 5 is connected to a Wlan-AP (Raspberry Pi) without internet gateway, so the phone isn't connected to the internet while connected to the AP. My target is to enable 3g-data while being connected to the AP so I can stream music from Google Music (using 3g) to the AirPlay receiver in the Wlan-AP (RbPi). Ironically, I can achieve this functionality with an iPhone. I just assign a static IP without default gateway and without a DNS and it works perfectly. Now, with my Nexus 5 I can't do it. I can't set a static IP without default gateway and DNS.
How can I achieve this? I don't mind the complexity level.
MrObvious said:
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Nope. Tethering, even though uses your 3G connection, is another whole independent network.

One Plus 8 attacks my LAN VPN gateway...

This started a couple of days ago, and I have now mitigated it with a couple of firewall rules on the VPN gateway, as well as shutting down the dhcpcd server on that server (which I don't need anyway, and which probably should have been stopped long ago).
My LAN has a raspberry pi 4 running their debian firmware that is configured as a VPN gateway. It connects my LAN via ProtonVPN to the internet. This gateway is set up with a static IP address ( on the LAN, and is configured to use another RPI on my LAN to get its DNS (
My one month old running OOS 11 OnePlus8 is rooted with magisk, and I have blocked most of the google stuff from the internet using afwall, and suspended non-essential system services using greenify. When connected to my LAN, the phone has a static IP address (, has its gateway set to the VPN gateway (, and its DNS to my local rpi DNS (
DHCP on my LAN is provided by my router (
WIFI on my LAN is provided by an enterprise-grade tp-link hotspot.
Starting a few days ago, for reasons mysterious, when the phone connects to the LAN, the VPN gateway would promptly go offline. Because I run it headless, I would be forced to reboot it - which made diagnosis a bit of a pain. Finally, I found a log entry on the VPN gateway that informed me that my OnePlus was trying to claim the ip address of the VPN gateway as its own ( in spite of being set to use This duplicate IP was causing dhcpcd on the VPN gateway to immediately take down its eth0 interface. This would break ALL connectivity because I have wifi on that RPI disabled.
Prior to this problem involving the OnePlus, that RPI had been up continuously for over 400 days, so it should certainly be considered to be reliable at the job it does and almost certainly the problem is with the OnePlus.
So, for some reason the OnePlus is trying to assert its assigned gateway address as its IP rather than the that is set, at least in some packet that it uses to announce itself; once it is connected it works properly (which means the right IP address is being used).
I have deleted, then re-created the wifi connection profile and doing that did not cause the problem to go away.
I have another RPI VPN gateway on my IOT VLAN ( No DHCP is available on the VLAN (a security measure), and I do have a profile for the phone that allows it to connect to the VLAN. It works without issue there, but then dhcpcd has been and remains shut down on that RPI. I suppose I could start dhcpcd on that server and see if the phone then breaks it too. I won't do this unless there is some merit to doing so...if it would help find the basic problem.
As I say, shutting down dhcpcd and blocking all dhcp traffic to/from the LAN VPN gateway mitigated the problem. But that the problem could occur at all says something is wrong, and I'm pretty sure it isn't a problem on my network.
This seems most likely to be a bug in OnePlus firmware, though why it would manifest after a month is a mystery to me. Does anyone have any insight? Or does anyone have any suggestions for another place on XDA where this post might more appropriately be placed?
I was pretty sure no one would have any idea about this. I have mitigated it by turning off dhcpcd on the VPN gateway and I am not inclined to do a deeper dive; I have too much else to do.

