Internet connection via USB OTG - General Questions and Answers

To begin with, hello to you all on the forums!
I have a question and I would appreciate any suggestions on how to progress.
I have a Z1 Compact (D5503) that I would like connected to Internet via RJ-45 and a pretty much standard Wi-Fi router (with ethernet outs, of course).
What I decided to do was get an OTG cable, a USB ethernet adapter, and just plug it all in together: router -> RJ45 -> ethernet adapter -> OTG cable -> D5503. That didn't work. I thought maybe the adapter is lacking power, so I used a USB hub - that didn't work either (with 2 different hubs and 2 different OTG cables in all possible configurations). The phone seems not to be aware of the ethernet adapter at all (when trying with a hub, it's either only charging, or charging and informing about a PC connection, depending on what I plug the hub into - but the adapter seems not to be detected at all, or I'm unaware of where to look; no internet connection either; without a hub, nothing happens when I plug in).
I have seen on this forum, and some other places on the net, that such connection should be possible. What am I doing wrong? Am I missing some steps in the phone configuration?
I know I can just use Wi-Fi for that connection, and I will if there's no solution - I would much prefer a wired option, however.
Thanks in advance for all your help!


Ethernet connection via mini-usb?

Ok so I do a fair bit of IT support work these days and thought about all the nice little possibilities it would open up if I could connect my Touch Pro to the network or other devices directly via ethernet.
If you can get USB Network dongles these days, I don't see why you can't have a mini-usb one, but I don't see many around. Does anyone know of a product like this?
If there isn't one, perhaps you could ues a regular USB Network stick/dongle, and use a USB to mini-usb converter. Then I guess it would be a case of someone making a driver or app, right?
Any solutions or suggestions appreciated.
Have the same problem.
Lately I was wondering about the same thing. I've found some USB to RJ45 converters, and was wondering about drivers or app, have you finger something out?
"You care incorrect, sir." -Ed McMann
Take a good look at any USB cable: the two ends are different. One end is for a USB Host (desktopPC/Laptop/Mac). The other end is for a USB **Device** (thumb drive, wireless network dongle, **YOUR PHONE**). Trying to plug two USB *Devices* together would be like trying to plug two USB thumbdrives together to swap files... or more acutately, pluging a USB Network dongle to your thumbdrive to access it over teh internets. ooh, it would be sweet if it were possible.
well that's a bummer. I was thinking that the phone can act as a host when you use the internet connection sharing....
yeah, different kind of host. Actually trying to get that second type of host working myself (Internet Sharing): The USB connection is the bad guy here, by design it's either host or device.
Now you migth find *bluetooth* RJ45 device, but why not just buy a wireless router for your network and use your Fuze's Wifi capabilities? If you plugged a USB Wifi dongle into your desktop, that should be enough to use your fuze's wifi to connect... activsync style. don't ask me how to use it via Internet Sharing, still trying that.

[Q] docking station and the ethernet connection

i just got the surface pro docking station and hooked it up , everything is working except the ethernet . it first finds connection then starts to indentify and then it keeps saying unidentified network. i have updated the latest surface ethernet adapter driver. whats going on?
i can connect with an usb to ethernet adapter no problem and my other comps are also connected so its not my router/ modem . its the ethernet connection on the surface pro docking station. ps, the usb to ethernet adapter works while plugged into the docking station.
Does it physically function while claiming to be an unidentified network? My laptops ethernet port also labels it as an unidentified network but works perfectly fine.
no i can not connet to the net via the rj45 connection but like i said when i connect with the rj45 connected to a usb adapter the internet works fine , i dont know what i m missing here, i figured, plug the rj45 connector in and it would connect. what has the usb adapter got that the docking station ethernet connector dosent.

How can I use both power and Ethernet OTG on an Android device using USB C ?

I'm trying to use an android device with a USB C connector on a local wired network while still keeping it powered.
In the past I've achieved this just fine on an older device with a microUSB port and a microUSB Hub that had power + OTG USB to which I attached an USB to Ethernet Connector.
Currently I've tried using an Anker Premium USB-C Hub with Ethernet and Power Delivery.
A few months ago this hub would only power the device, but Ethernet/USB would not work.
With the latest updates (Android 7.1.1) either Ethernet works, but the device doesn't charge(if I connect the hub first, then power the hub)
or the device charges but Ethernet doesn't work (if I power the hub first, then connect Ethernet).
With the micro-USB Connector I've also spotted a pinout diagram that shows to provide power + OTG here:
But I couldn't find an USB C equivalent pinout.
Any hints/tips on how I could both power and USB C connected Android device and keep it connected on an Ethernet Network ?
Thank you,

Accessing internet via hard wire

Could some one please suggest a way in which I can avoid running down the phone's battery when accessing the internet via a hard wired connection into the USB micro port of my mobile phone?
Do you think this would work?
For this purpose I do not want to access the internet on the phone by wireless.
I have tried:
IA micro to usb adapter: Plugable: Model USB2-OTGE100. It does not have a power supply and uses my phone's battery to power the adapter.
A Micro-B usb hub that has 3 standard usb outputs and one power input. It also has a Charge to OTG switch and it does not do what I want as it does not charge the phone at the same time as browsing the internet.

How to get non-storage USB peripherals to work?

I got an Anker OTG hub. It works completely if I connect it to my laptop, however, if I try connecting it to my phone, my USB mouse+keyboard combo (wireless with a receiver) doesn't work. It works with other devices, including my laptop's USB C port, and my old phone's USB C port.
I did turn OTG on prior to connecting anything (I'd love (root) to know to keep it on at all times).
I already ensured they work on other computers through that OTG adaptor, and that a USB storage stick works on this phone through it. In addition to that, HDMI works too (the adaptor also has an HDMI port), and the USB C passthrough passes power successfully, as well. No warp charging, but that is to be expected and that's alright.
I have TWRP and everything. Is there a kernel mod I need? I'd be happy to do whatever's needed.
Maybe OnePlus needs some updates
Even i have latency issus with my midi keyboard
But not with op5t

