Add Artificial Intelligence to your Android App? - Android General

Hi Everyone,
Hopefully this is not considered spamming the community. I'm not selling anything!
I've been working on advanced AI for over a decade and have finally gotten it to a point where I've been able to turn it into a startup. Most experts are skeptical to our claims that we've built the first artificial general intelligence, but we will reveal our algorithms and theory at AI World Conference & Expo this November. You can read more about us here: and
Anyway, back to my point. We're looking to bring our AI to the masses. We have no interest in building front-end apps and instead would prefer to work with Android developers who has an existing app with existing users and is interested in adding advanced AI to their app. Like I mentioned, we are not charging developers for adding our tech - 100% free.
To give you an idea what the AI does - Initially it sits in the background and just observes. Eventually it will start doing stuff based on what it learns from observing people. For example, it has learned to silence your phone at the movie theater. Previously (before we launched) the AI had learned enough to go out and find "web apps" - for example at a restaurant the AI would pull up a restaurant menu, personalize the menu and even "reprogram" the app to add functionality unique to that user in that moment. It also was able to auto-respond to text messages.
The Android apps I've envisioning would work great with this are lock screen apps, personal assistants, launchers, automation apps, custom ROMs and other apps that are designed to personalize devices.
If you'd like to chat, pm me.

how is this work ?


Essay about Android

Taking a speech class and had a chance to write about the Android platform. Figured I'd share here. Enjoy and comment as you will.
I wish to start off by saying welcome to the future. A bold proclamation yes, but with such experiments and ongoing research by numerous scientists today, technological breakthroughs are vast and epic. One of the many platforms so to speak that is having phenomenal breakthroughs is in the mobile systems department. Here lays a couple companies with R&D plans that carter towards certain parties promising slick user interfaces, application channels, and a complete web experience. Couple that with feature rich phones that allow one to text, call, global positioning (GPS), and well, you have a product to sell. Google has done just that. Taking bits and pieces of everything one could ever ask for, and merging it all into its mobile operating system titled Android. Represented by a green round-headed robot figure, Android is passing its two year anniversary, and has surpassed other prominent mobile architectures like Apple’s iPhone software. But what exactly is Android? Why would one desire to chuck away their limited iPhone, or stray away from the Blackberry Enterprise lineup? One word: Open source. Couple that with the experience (the art of customizing your device), and the synchronization aspects of the device for virtually any account you have on the net, and you have a total package.
Having a total package within arm’s reach, and inside your pocket is quite a powerful tool. With Google’s Android platform, there is never a point where you can say No. Any and every idea can and could be coded into the device if you have the means to do so. Open source is the ticket. Asking yourself what this means is actually a very simple question. Open source is the definition of computer code that is freely available to anyone who wishes to find it. Google has opened up the software to all who have a spirit to create and provide applications (Apps) and programs to others. Hackers, coders, and all techy guros have created a plethora of net-libraries ranging from support groups, forums and websites to further help noobies in the process. Sounds like a lot, but in reality, the experience is quite easy going. Competitors like Apple and Blackberry have limited their system to developers by safekeeping some of its computer code. This limits creativity, as it puts restrictions and limitations as to what exactly what one can create. Add to the fact that companies like Apple also screen apps to a much higher caliber, halting smaller apps without much bang in the beginning to be choked to death. It seems as if anything is available for pleasure with Android though. If it doesn’t exist, pop into a forum and jot down a reply on a thread. If that’s not enough, I’m sure you have one friend that has already found solutions in the “Green-Guy”. There is always someone there who has the tools necessary to create it, or rather has already created it in the first place.
From forums and coders who have the know-how and tools to create a mind-blowing experience, the customization factor of Android is truly one of its largest selling points. To be quite honest, each and every android device could be considered a work of art. It’s all in how the user desires it for themselves…how deep the user wants to venture; how deep goes their rabbit? From changing backgrounds and wallpapers, to adding widgets to your home screen, the android spectrum allows one to make the phone their own, morph it into how they see fitting. But how is this different from other products? Surely other phones allow their users to alter what they see on screen. Yet I assert, the android experience is different. Almost, if not every aspect of android is customizable. Icons can be altered, the font can be changed, dates, times, anything can be tweaked. Sites like XDA, AndroidSpin, and AndroidandMe provide great reviews, heads up, and forums to browse through numerous applications, both beta and final. The options are endless, and it’s open in the air to anyone who desires a bit of change. Many new phones come preinstalled with newer software, as you might here Froyo, Éclair or Gingerbread tossed around. These are simply codenames for newer versions of software from Google. If your carrier doesn’t support the newer software, chances are a coder has already made it available for you. Convenience without a price attached!
Free in price is seemingly synonymous with freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to enjoy. Freedom to experience. Freedom from a stationary computer. Android is a thriving system that allows you to constantly stay on the up and up. Synchronization appears a mystery as your Facebook, Twitter, email, and numerous other accounts are integrated into the system via apps or at stock. With live widgets that monitor in real time your accounts, any and all social networks, social feeds, and business/personal accounts are updated instantly. No more carrying around a tiring laptop, or waiting to login the networks at any given campus. 3G speeds and now 4G on some carriers are making mobile devices the in crowd, as speeds are comparable to standard net speeds. As many people day are on the up and up, or rather, out and about, a mobile system that constantly allows access to ones desired feeds is grand. Couple that with ability to alter documents on the fly, listen to your favorite music (via Pandora, or from the Phones Internal Memory…think iPod), you have a complete package. It’s not just a Media Device, a Business Device, a Cell Phone, as it truly lives up to the name of Smart Phone.
For me the choice was easy. I thrive off customization, the ability to make my phone a tad different, even faster, or more efficient then what the original company did for me. But as Android ages, everything looks bright and promising. To proclaim dark clouds linger would be insanity. From its initial creation of being open-sourced, to customizing features and its ability to be versatile, Android has shattered the mobile systems realm. As it races to the top, Android allows users to update on the go, with synchronization from virtually every social feed. When people ask me about phones and what should be right for them, there is no question for me. It’s never been a question about what Android can’t do, but what Android does.
<- Laughing Out Loud.
It's full of grammar faux pas, by the way.
Still very well written *only read first paragraph* but I was impressed, not bad Also maybe a bit many commas...
BTW, shouldve been posted in the off topic section
Nice Speech. I Enjoyed reading it.
Sent from Conical. 07

Fragmentation of Apps in AppStore

Social media and mobile apps seem to be the new buzz words over at Silicon Valley. In fact, such apps are now a dime a dozen and one could imagine Apple changing their popular catchphrase “There’s an app for that!” into “There are a thousand different apps for that, all of which have the same basic features, but subtle useless differences.”
The problem isn’t that we are approaching the boundaries of utility as far as mobile apps are concerned, it’s just that once an app or social service gets popular, developers start crowding around its concept and make thousands of clone apps, with little in terms of differentiation. We need more unique and original apps that stretch the boundaries of what we can accomplish with our phones and tablets and make you think “Wow! Who would have thought I could do that with this little thing I carry around with me?!” What we’re getting are the same basic concepts, re-hashed to such an insane degree that app stores get crowded with half-baked clone apps and the really amazing ones are drowned out in a sea of filth.
In my opinion, developers should ask themselves three basic questions before designing an app or a social service:
“Has this been done before?”
“If it has, can I do it in a way that is better/more pleasant to use?”
“If no, would I be able to introduce any sort of useful feature except a wacky name?”
And if the answers to all three questions are unfavourable, then the developer should think twice about coding such an app. It would only add redundancy to the app store and contribute to the rising app discovery epidemic.
I shudder to think about all the high quality apps made by independent developers all over the world that haven’t been popularized simply because of an overly saturated market. The amount of lost potential in app markets today is simply staggering.
Apart from market saturation, redundant apps also tend to cause mental saturation. In this day and age, who among us has the capacity to remember a billion app names? If we can’t even remember such a numerous volume of apps, how can we aspire to use them?
In my opinion, authorities like Apple and Google should monitor the apps in their stores not just for quality, but for identity of vision as well. Apps that feel like cheap copies of pre-existing apps need to be banned! I, for one have had enough of my normal friends playing ruddy Fruit Ninja clones and asking me why it doesn’t look as good as it does on my phone!
There are shining examples of how stupendously done apps with a clear and fresh vision can go viral within days of conception. They are the intellectual property of individuals that have worked hard to develop not just the code for their apps, but the core concept as well. And we owe it to those striving developers to make sure that the integrity of that core concept remains preserved.
k33t said:
Social media and mobile apps seem to be the new buzz words over at Silicon Valley. In fact, such apps are now a dime a dozen and one could imagine Apple changing their popular catchphrase “There’s an app for that!” into “There are a thousand different apps for that, all of which have the same basic features, but subtle useless differences.”
The problem isn’t that we are approaching the boundaries of utility as far as mobile apps are concerned, it’s just that once an app or social service gets popular, developers start crowding around its concept and make thousands of clone apps, with little in terms of differentiation. We need more unique and original apps that stretch the boundaries of what we can accomplish with our phones and tablets and make you think “Wow! Who would have thought I could do that with this little thing I carry around with me?!” What we’re getting are the same basic concepts, re-hashed to such an insane degree that app stores get crowded with half-baked clone apps and the really amazing ones are drowned out in a sea of filth.
In my opinion, developers should ask themselves three basic questions before designing an app or a social service:
“Has this been done before?”
“If it has, can I do it in a way that is better/more pleasant to use?”
“If no, would I be able to introduce any sort of useful feature except a wacky name?”
And if the answers to all three questions are unfavourable, then the developer should think twice about coding such an app. It would only add redundancy to the app store and contribute to the rising app discovery epidemic.
I shudder to think about all the high quality apps made by independent developers all over the world that haven’t been popularized simply because of an overly saturated market. The amount of lost potential in app markets today is simply staggering.
Apart from market saturation, redundant apps also tend to cause mental saturation. In this day and age, who among us has the capacity to remember a billion app names? If we can’t even remember such a numerous volume of apps, how can we aspire to use them?
In my opinion, authorities like Apple and Google should monitor the apps in their stores not just for quality, but for identity of vision as well. Apps that feel like cheap copies of pre-existing apps need to be banned! I, for one have had enough of my normal friends playing ruddy Fruit Ninja clones and asking me why it doesn’t look as good as it does on my phone!
There are shining examples of how stupendously done apps with a clear and fresh vision can go viral within days of conception. They are the intellectual property of individuals that have worked hard to develop not just the code for their apps, but the core concept as well. And we owe it to those striving developers to make sure that the integrity of that core concept remains preserved.
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Yeah kind of like the lack of remotely interesting original posts on this forum, verses the viral like increase in nonsense that seems intended to do nothing but allow some forum users to boost their post count ....
I think the main problem with this fragmentation is that it is in the nature of Social Discovery apps that there is some uniformity in use. To be able to actually find people through it requires that a lot of people are using the same one.
Only people use them for different reasons and therefor there is an app for any of those reasons. Like some want to use them just to stay in touch with their friends and family, others to meet new people (like me when I am going to a new place) and than there is a group that uses them for flirting or organizing sexual encounters (I am not judging)
I think the best innovation for companies would be to invent an app that combines these functions. I haven't been able to find one.
If you know one, please let me know.
Thank you, I enjoyed reading your view. I do share all your points other than the 'vision policing' part.
"In my opinion, authorities like Apple and Google should monitor the apps in their stores not just for quality, but for identity of vision as well."
If the vision could have been identified by the platform's creator then there wasn't a need for the App Store. The platform creator would have created every possibly visioned apps for its platform and not bother about the participation of thousands of developers on its ecosystem. Basically, to identify the visions one would restrict 'ideas' in which it does not go well with the creativity nature of mankind.
I found something on which you can have several profiles. So you can create one for every function you can have for a Social Discovery app. I think its sort of a good idea, because you don't need like ten thousants of profiles spread around over the net. Just use it however you want. I like that idea.
For me it's perfect because I always have a hard time remembering my passwords
It's called Evry'U. I found it through their facebook page that a friend linked me.
Did anybody heard of it?

Cyanogen is the new Canonical - should we back a new ROM?

I’ve been a CyanogenMod user since CM6 for the HTC EVO. While I can’t claim to have contributed much directly to the community (I’m no developer and more of a sys admin kind of guy), I have installed CM on countless phones over the years - basically any friend or family member who sat their phone down long enough. As soon as it was available, I snagged a OnePlus One, and it’s still the phone I have today. While I was initially excited to see where the foundation of Cyanogen Inc. would take the project, I’ve become increasingly disappointed with the direction that things have gone (both CM and COS), and I think my next phone will likely be a Nexus device with stock Android. I’m fairly certain that this post won’t accomplish much (aside from starting a flame-war/trolling/what-have-you), but I thought I would post it just to see what might come of it.
What I initially loved about CM was the fact that it added a number of useful features to stock Android, it allowed a ton of functional customization, it seemed to be more efficient and stable, and it let me continue to update devices that manufacturers had artificially sunsetted. I was impressed by the fact that lead developers were more interested in code quality and security than by shiny features. Amidst the desire to make Android better, there was also a sense of perfectionism to CM as evidenced by the “don’t ask for ETAs” mantra - it would get done when it was ready, and I was always willing to wait.
When Cyanogen Inc. formed, I was curious to see how they planned to make money. I actually decided to be a bit bold, contacted Kirt and Steve via LinkedIn, and offered to share some of my ideas. One of my biggest suggestions was that they should do something to fill the gaping hole left by Blackberry. At that point (and even still today), no manufacturer had really been able to provide the enterprise-grade functionality provided by Blackberry and BES. MDM solutions were (and are) a double-edged sword that are really just a patch for the solution. Given the huge priority that Cyanogen placed on security, I thought it would be a good direction to take. I’ve sent a few other suggestions over the years (including attempting to get the OnePlus One on the shelves at Walmart when I worked at the corporate offices), but it never seemed to go anywhere.
Right now, when I wake my phone, I have a reminder that there is a system update ready for my OnePlus One that will install COS 13.1. This update adds “new mods for Cortana, OneNote, Microsoft Hyperlapse, Skype, and Twitter.” I have yet to hit install. My issue is far less that Cyanogen is working with Microsoft and more with the fact that the company, much like Canonical/Ubuntu, seems to have the not-invented-here syndrome. (Side note: here’s a great article from the Turnkey Linux team that serves as partial inspiration for this post Instead of offering new and useful features, Cyanogen is reinventing wheels and cramming the OS full of things that aren’t really at the top of anyone’s list for issues that could be solved or features that could be added. The innovation just seems to be gone. Most of the features that were exclusive to CM and drew me to the project are now part of stock Android. It makes me wish Cyanogen had taken up Google on their $1B offer.
Here are a few examples. Who remembers when ADW was the stock launcher of CM? I do. In contrast, who actually uses Trebuchet? I think it’s a featureless piece of junk. No gestures? No ability to hide icons in the drawer? No useful functionality that really sets it apart from other launchers? Why develop something new just for the sake of doing it yourself when it only provides basic functionality? Right up there with it is the File Manager application. There are plenty of other more feature-rich applications on the market, and I frankly never use the app provided by Cyanogen because it isn’t nearly as functional as something like ES File Explorer.
Similarly (but more egregiously), is the Browser application. Show of hands: who uses the browser provided in AOSP? No? Me, neither. Be it Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or something else, no one uses the browser built into the ROM. Why did Cyanogen feel the need to create another browser that lacks functionality, is rarely updated for security patches like mainstream offerings, and is basically just another piece of lint on everyone's phones? I fail to see the innovation, there.
I initially loved the idea of having a Cyanogen Account because it was pre-Google Device Manager. However, now that Device Manager exists, I don’t see a reason to use my Cyanogen Account because there haven’t been any additional additions to the feature set. I emailed Kirt and Steve once about potentially folding the WebKey project into Cyanogen and linking it to the Cyanogen account. That would provide remote access, remote file management, a remote shell, and countless other features (most or all of which could be made to work without needing root if baked into the ROM). How much would that add to the ROM and set it apart from other offerings? Neither Google, Apple, Microsoft, or Blackberry have anything close, and it would be a game-changer.
The Themes engine. Alright, so some may disagree with me, here, but I don’t really care about theming my phone or my computer. For me, that was cool back when Compiz/Beryl were the hotness for Linux. Now, I’m more interested in function over form. Why spend so much time building this thing when there are actually useful additions that could be made to CM/COS?
In conjunction to this, there are a number of features provided by CM that are now part of AOSP and make me wonder why I'm still on CM/COS. Google has added permissions management. They have included tethering. The majority of Developer Options are baked in. They switched the whole tap/long press to turn on/off/open settings feature in the notification panel. There isn't much to set Cyanogen apart, anymore.
Instead of just complaining, I wanted to start a list of things that I really thought Cyanogen would have provided by now (or would have at least considered). Some of these would provide Cyanogen with a revenue stream so they wouldn't have to keep cozying up to Microsoft, something that I'm sure most of us would appreciate (does anyone actually use Cortana?) I’d be interested to hear what other features the community would like to see added to CM/COS:
WITHOUT root, implement NFC tag actions that are available with the screen off. For example, allow a user to unlock/wake their phone, turn certain settings on or off, switch to a different profile, or perform a set of pre-defined actions by tapping a NFC tag. Obviously, there would have to be some security mechanisms built in order to whitelist trusted tags so the functions can be used with the screen off, but I’ve always wanted to be able to set my phone down on a tag at my desk and have it automatically connect to my company’s WiFi, put my phone on vibrate, etc.
Partner with an existing developer or independently build parental controls into COS.
Add a login manager for public hotspots to accept terms and conditions on subsequent logins after the first connection (would need to use MAC address, GPS, or some other unique identifier since some companies use the same provider, e.g. Starbucks and McDonald's both use ATTWiFi as their network name but have different captive portals)
Make a Kiosk version for customers at coffee shops and the like.
Create a mobile pay kiosk version similar to the Chili’s tablets since Cyanogen is known for security.
Make a version tailored toward the elderly (lock certain features, provide a restricted set of capabilities that are easy to access, etc).
As previously mentioned, build in WebKey or similar functionality that is tied to a Cyanogen account.
Include Tor without needing root.
Allow the ability to modify DNS settings.
Develop AirPlay compatibility for the Cast feature.
Right now, I’m at the point that I was at with Ubuntu about five years ago. Canonical had “improved” Debian into a bloated nightmare complete with in-house developed projects such as Unity, Ubuntu One, the Ubuntu Software Center, Mir, and others that no one asked for or wanted. If Distrowatch rankings are to be believed, Debian (and Mint) is now more popular than Ubuntu, likely as a result of Canonical’s decisions.
This is not a call to arms but rather a suggestion. Perhaps it is time that the community creates, by way of analogy, a Cyanogen Mint. Maybe we need to go back to the foundation of AOSP just like many users have done by going back to Debian. For me, at least, Cyanogen isn’t satisfying the same needs that it did two years ago, and I’d like to have a mobile OS or ROM that does. There are a lot of custom ROMs out there like Paranoid Android, AOKP, and OmniROM, but they are incredibly fragmented in the devices that they support, and none of them have the level of backing that Cyanogen gained. Perhaps as a community, we need to consolidate our efforts, focus on a common project, and bring forth a high-functioning ROM that can fill the void that Cyanogen no longer does.
In light of today's news about the layoffs at Cyanogen, thoughti might bump my thread to see if anyone would be interested in joining this conversation.

Need to develop a custom Android ROM for a commercial smartphone. Developers needed!

Hello there! Let me introduce myself first. I am Anurag Das, a graduate from IIT Kharagpur, and based out of Kolkata, India. We are in the process of starting up our own smartphone/smart devices company. Currently, we are being mentored by Kolkata Ventures, which has lots of prominent members on its advisory board.
We are looking for a developer who can work on a part/full-time basis. He/She should be able to do the following:
1. Make basic modifications to the Android OS. For e.g., changing the opening screen (the one shown after the phone is powered on), set default tones, settings etc.
2. Should be familiar with and able to change gesture mappings on a locked screen. (Eg: On current smartphones, if you type C in the black locked screen, the camera shows up. We need to detect left/right/up/down swipes and map these actions).
3. Should have at-least some experience in Android apps development (not necessary).
4. Should be eager to learn and take up new challenges!
Payment will either be on a royalty basis (per smartphone sold) or equity. Do comment if you're interested or reach out to me at [email protected]

How do I get a striped down version of Android.

Hi everyone,
Here is a little history first. In 2014 I helped develop a traffic counting app for an engineering buddy. I designed the UI's, the flow charts and wrote the 275-page illustrated, developers manual. The developer had it working in less than 6 weeks, thanks to, as he said, "to the awesome documentation provided". The app has been in use since then and has worked flawlessly on the original 24 tablets I originally purchased for him.
Recently, we have been asked to bring the app to a wider audience so, my question is, "Is there a way to prepare an image of the Android OS containing only the setup we need, and then clone it to the new tablets?" The app is designed as engineering tool and is not listed through Google Play and as such, it does not require most of the bloatware found on the new tablets. The app does require the use of photos, some file management along with network connectivity to send and receive the various data files required and produced by the app.
I have limited experience in rooting, but I have been successful when I done it on my Samsung phones.
As a certified Graphics Designer/Windows and Mac tech/COVID-19 survivor (nearly killed me, literally...LOL), I am aware of the amount of work that goes into aiding people with their "little" projects. Any help or direction in this matter would be deeply appreciated.

