BKB50 QWERTY keyboard, is there a way to stop it from shutting itself off? - Xperia Z4 Tablet Accessories

Every time I pick up my Sony Z4 tab and begin writing on my keyboard, there's a lag of 2-3 seconds or so before the keyboard begins to work. And therefore I often times choose to use another unit than my tablet (cellphone or laptop instead). I know it's possible to update the firmware for the keyboard, so I'd guess it's at least theoretically possible to make it always be on.
I charge my tab quite often, and I wouldn't mind charging the keyboard way at the same time, so power consumption doesn't matter.


Looking for some specific apps

Hey guys,
I'm kinda new on the android, but been messing around with it for a few days now. I just bought me a garmin asus nuvifone a10 and i'm currently running on 2.1.
The coolest things about android : if something about your phone, your interface, or whatever bothers you ... you just fix it with an app ... Now there are two things which have been bothering me about my phone which I just don't seem to find a solution for. I'm hoping you guys can direct me to some app or so which can solve them :
- First, I'm getting sick of unlocking my phone twice ... First I have to press the power button of my phone, located at the above part of my phone. And then I still have to swipe the bar. The second things isn't bothering me alot, but I'm getting quite concerned about the power button ... I know for sure it's not made to be pressed more than 500 times a day ... Since I want to keep on using my phone for a long time, I don't wanna strain it too hard. Is there an app which can make sure the screen never dies down entirely ? Like go into some 0% clarity mode instead and allow me to reactivate it, or even swipe immediately without having to press the unlock button of my phone first ?
- Second , it seems that normal 2.1 phones have the option to switch their regular keyboard for a built-in 3x4 keyboard (like with the old phones). I'd like to switch to this keyboard too, but for some reason, my phone does not have this function ( and yes I checked well). I've been downloading dozens of apps to alter keyboard appearance, but all I actually want is the 3x4 keyboard back. Is there a simple app which can do this ?
Thanks, this would help me alot !

Charging dock lag after removal

I have two of the Samsung docks that come with the spare battery(one for home, one for the office) and I love them except for one thing. Sometimes after I take it off the dock it takes a while for all my home screen icons to show up. Sometimes as much as 10 seconds. I have tried turning the dock mode off but it still has this lag. It automatically goes into landscape mode when docked regardless of the settings and I experience this on both of them. Anyone else experience this issue or have a fix?

[Q] Keyboard Dock Randomly stops working after wake

Hi everyone,
I got a keyboard dock for my transformer pad infinity. I like it a lot. However there is a small issue with it. Sometimes when the tablet wakes up, my dock does not work. Neither the touchpad or the keyboard. However the tablet still shows that the dock is connected. The only way for me to make it work again is to reboot the tablet. Disconnecting and connecting the dock back does not help. This does not happen every time the tablet wakes up, just sometimes and its very random.
Any ideas on what the problem might be. Dock works very well when the tablet is awake.

[Q] BT Mouse lag on Note 10.1 (Logitech)

Hello devs,
I've recently purchased the Samsung Keyboard Dock and Logitech Android BT mouse in order to really maximize productivity on my note. While the keyboard is fine (or at least after Null Keyboard installation, and still that pops up from time to time), the mouse seems to be timing out. Movement will be fluid until I let it alone for a few seconds. When I reach for it again, the cursor is initally stuttering, resulting in lots of lag. It seems to be timing out. I disabled power saver to be sure, but sure enough the problem persists. The timeout period is very short < 5 seconds.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Are bluetooth mice on this device with JB 4.1 typically like this? I'll probably be sending this mouse back for another, unless someone has a different model recomendation.
Really do love this Note! :good:

TF300T keyboard fails to register keystrokes, but trackpad/charging still works

A few months ago the keys on my Asus TF300T keyboard base stop working. That is, it does not accept any input via the keys on the keyboard. The trackpad still works though, and I can still charge the keyboard base and charge the tablet from the keyboard. I've tried gently lifting and wiggling each of the keys to see if something was perhaps stuck, but without any luck. I've also tried generally mashing the keyboard to see if I could ever get any response from the tablet, but nothing works.
I have the right sort of screwdriver for opening it up - is there any point in doing so? And what would I be looking for?
More generally, *why* would the key input suddenly working? Is this something I'm likely to be able to fix or not?

