P9 Smart View Always On - Huawei P9 Guides, News, & Discussion

I've just got the official P9 flip case and I was wondering whether there would be some way of keeping the smart view window on. Particularly when charging. The notification LED is okay, but because it's behind the earpiece grill, it's a little dim..

You can set it in stentings> Developer Options to not turn off display when phone is charging.
Sorry for my English


Active/Ambient Display on S6?

Is there a way to make active/ambient display on S6 just like in the Moto X series which display a single clock and notifications every time a notification comes or you wave your hands close to it or take it out of the pocket?
As S6 habe that screen from the Clear View case, probably it should be easy to show the same screen in the active/ambient display ocasions.
The S6 has the option of waving your hands when it is laying flat to view your notifications.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
AcDisplay is an app that mimics ambient display. Try that out.
Yeah, I know that the S6 has the option to wave your hands to show the screen, but it shows the full screen colored and everything, which would be bad battery-wise. Probably would be nice to just light up some pixels like the ambient display on Moto X as the S6 also have an AMOLED display.
I also know about AC Display, but it seems that adding it just adds another lockscreen in front of the default one and if you use it as your default lockscreen, it can't work with the fingerprint reader to unlock, is that correct?
It just doesn't seem too difficult to pop the same screen as the Clear View Case on waving the hands in front of the phone or when getting notifications. If it isn't possible to do it with the built-in software, they are missing a great opportunity here.

No yellow indicator in always on mode?

I received my Geaar S3 Frontier yesterday, switching from an Android wear watch.
After playing around with the watch for several hours and testing many different watch faces I can't figur out how to display the yellow indicator for new notifications in ambient mode (AOD activated).
Do I really have to enter "active mode" to see if I have unread notifications?
Yes, you have.
In aod only static information, apart from the hour/date, can be shown. Battery cannot be showed also!
Xavi (S7 SM-G930F)
Same experience but reviving this topic just in case there is any new setting/workaround? Love to keep my phone with AOD on, Wake Up Gesture off (so that when i'm out dancing or just moving my hands around it doesn't turn on for no reason), but would love to just turn my wrist and see if there is a notification (ie. screen remains dim).
There's a difference between knowing that there is a notification and being able to read it's contents.
My watch settings:
Wake up gesture- off
Notification indicator- show on watch face
Sound and vibrate- on (wine cork sound is relatively unobtrusive)
My Gear Manager app settings:
Turn screen on- off (if this is on, notifications will automatically be readable on the screen)
Notification indicator- on
Auto show- off, I know there's a notification because it beeps but it doesn't activate screen so I can't read it.
Auto show- on, tapping on the screen will show message.
There's a lot of flexibility. A notification can be silent, trigger a sound, trigger a vibration, or trigger an indicator. The contents of the notification can be automatically displayed, displayed by a wrist gesture, displayed by a simple tap, or not displayed at all.

Easy read notifications

I have the wake up on gesture setting switched to on. When a notification comes in while driving and the screen turns of, usually when I turn the watch towards my face the notification has disappeared. Is there a way to make the notification longer visible on screen, even after the screen has turned off? It would be so handy if tilting my arm would make the incoming notification visible, even after a minute or so.
there's actually a bug right now(which Samsung refuses to talk about) that instantly dismisses notification pop-ups sometimes and marking them as read.
I had it just now while typing this, with not even 1 second between the notification coming in and me looking at the screen.
I suggest you report it, the more reports the more likely Samsung is going to look into fixing it.
Use bezel ?

Huawei P30 Lite led light notification

I have a question about this smartphone. In some reviews i read that the p30 lite have a led notification on the speaker, its true?
Can someone tell me if you can configure colors (through settings or a third-party app)?
Could someone put a picture of how it looks?
There is a small led on the speaker on the left side, but it's very small.
Using Emui you can just turn it on and off, don't know if any other app can help you to change the colors.
thanks for your answer, i am interesting to know it is compatible with apps like "light manager 2", "light flow", etc

Question Disable constantly moving light when plugged in?

My S22U has a bright blue moving screen that is always on when it is plugged in (charging). It is annoying at night. How do I disable this?
Disable show charging information under more battery settings
Fairly certain you have charging-screen-saver enabled.
Search for "screen saver" in settings and turn it off - under display.

