framework-res.apk overlay - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

We currently need to override navigation_bar_height value from the framework-res.apk package. Based on Android documentation, this can be done by placing an apk in the system/vendor/overlay folder that will only contain the values that we wish to override. Once the system restarts, it will read the new values and use them to load the operating system.
We have found a sample project that we have followed, but haven’t been able to make it work. Please see the link below, it also has instructions on the page, and a lot of information can be found on the web for this override method.
Sample project: //
• Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher - Rooted.
• The sample project working in both Lollipop and Marshmallow
I am willing to pay a bounty of $1500 to make this sample project work, and another $500 if you have a simpler method. FYI, just changing the value is not acceptable. Although you will need a rooted device to be able to test, the final version we will be preloading on a non rooted device.
PM me if you want to take a shot at it.
EDIT: We already have this project completed.


[Guide]Barclays mobile banking anti-anti-rootcheck patching

Edit: I've created a xposed module which works with the banking app version 1.7.1 see post below.
Edit: The changes needed to work with the latest version of the app (1.7.1) are listed in a post below below.
*There was a error in the diff file. I've uploaded the correct version. Also this patch will definitely not work with the latest version of the app.*
I managed to patch the Barclays mobile banking app version 1.4.2 to make it work with cyanagonmod 10.0 and cyanogenmod 11.
I realize that the current version on play store is 1.7.1 but I haven't updated to the latest version yet. If you do try the latest version please let me know if it differs greatly from the current version in it's root checks
I'm not going to attach the patched apk since using banking app from a stranger on the internet is really not a smart thing . Instead I will detail the work I did which hopefully someone else will find useful.
This guide is geared towards more technical people who already have some experience with android development. It will not give a detailed step by step how to, rather a general information about the process.
Obfuscation methods used in the app
The app obfuscates the names of some but not all of the namespaces/classes/methods which can stump some decompilers.
It seems to generously sprinkle useless switch statements and loops which does nothing but make the code appear way more complicated than it really is. I would guess quite a lot of the bulk in the code is coming through these dummy statements. smali2java-toolkit was of great help to figure this out.
All strings in the app have been encrypted by a simple xor algorithm which is then decrypted at run time just before they are used:
for example rather than
myfunction(“Hello world”)
the code writes something in the sort of:
myfunction(decrypt(“Juqqdxidqw”, 'x'))
The decryption function is a static method 'bЮЮЮЮЮЮ' in the class appears to be 'rrrrrr.srrrrr' (the method/class/namespace names are obfusecated)
I extracted the decompiled code from this method to write a console application which let me decrypt any string in the application:
static String decrypt(String crypStr, char keyChar) {
char[] arrayOfChar1 = crypStr.toCharArray();
char[] arrayOfChar2 = new char[arrayOfChar1.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfChar1.length; i++)
int j = keyChar ^ arrayOfChar1[i];
arrayOfChar2[i] = ((char)j);
return new String(arrayOfChar2);
Anti root methods used in the app
Checking for 'test-keys' string in the build tag. (/system/build.prop file)
Checking for superuser related package/apk files.
Checking for superuser hider package/apk files.
Checking for existance of 'su' binary
Attempting to execute 'su' binary​The above checks are done both in the java/dex code and in a native code library.
Defeating the anti-root methods in Java/dex code:
The Java code is fairly easy defeat since changing the strings of the apk/file names which are checked as root related will make it think that no 'bad' apps are on the phone.
A bulk of checks happen in the isRootedDevice method of the class. While it checks for quite a lot of apk's, for my particular purpose I only needed to patch 2 lines in the method:
Smali file line 306 – which starts the checks for “test-keys” string in the build tag.
Smali file line 407 – which start the check for the string “/system/app/Superuser.apk”.​The next method in the same class 'runRootCommand' attempts to execute 'su'
Smali line: 956 – which contains the string “su” which will be passed to java.lang.Runtime.exec
A (mostly?) duplicate of the isRootedDevice function exists in the the relevant lines are :
smali file line 1237: "test-keys" string check
smali file line 1271: "/system/app/Superuser.apk" file check​All of the above checks can easily be defeated by changing the the string so that it will check for a non existent package or file.
Keep in mind that all the strings listed above are in encrypted form. You can use the decrypt function listed above to decode them. I found the key char/byte needed to decrypt a given string is in the very next line to the one containing the encrypted string.
Defeating the anti-root methods in Native library
From what I can see the exact same tests which were done in the Java code is repeated in the native code library ''. As this check appears to form part of the authentication mechanism i don't believe it's possible to simply stop this check from being called from the Java code.
Also the which loads the native library appears to be doing some kind of checksum validation. While this probably could be easily worked around, disassembling an arm shared library was non trivial for me.
My approach was to write another native library which would hook into all the system calls such as 'system' 'stat' 'fopen', '__system_property_get' and redirect any operations to non existent targets, or change the return value. This achieves the same thing as what was done for the java code.
I put in some extra code into the smali classes to load my native library and to call it's initializer with the path to the actual native library.
Basic steps performed to patch the library:
Use apktool to decompile the original apk.
apktool d barclays.apk barclays
Use smali2java as helper to understand the code: This tool cannot decompile the critical check functions due to obfuscation. However it made it easier to understand the smali files generated by the apktool.
Patch the smali files to work around the checks as described above.
Build the hooking native library seperately
~/adt/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20131030/sdk/tools/android update project --path . --target android-19
Include the hooking shared library into the lib/armeabi of the decompiled package and change the smali files to load the new shared library.
Use apktool to rebuild the apk.
Apktool b barclays barclays.apk
Sign the apk from using your own key.
Create keystore:
keytool.exe -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias release -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 20000
Sign Keystore:
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore barclays.apk release
Attached is the code for the hook library native project and the diff for the smali changes. Please note that this is for the smali files for generated by apktool (v1.5.2) for the version 1.4.2 of the Barclays mobile banking app.
For Users of other ROMs/SU applications and root hiders.
The app checks for a lot of common packages which I did not bother to patch since I don't use them, but if you do then you should put fixes for all those package/file names in both the smali and native code hook library.
A non exhustive list of files it check are:
Hey i will try this out shortly and post a APK (whether you use it or not thats up to you, but i am well known in the xperia play section of this website and should be trusted, Still its up to you.)
EDIT: well i am not a android developer, i can follow almost all this post except the bits about the native library any chance of a bit more information
specifically this bit "Include the hooking shared library into the lib/armeabi of the decompiled package and change the smali files to load the new shared library."
i assume that means just simply copy the built lib file in to that folder then include the file in the code somewhere? where do i do that to?
Sorry about the late reply but I just saw this message.
fma965 said:
EDIT: well i am not a android developer, i can follow almost all this post except the bits about the native library any chance of a bit more information
specifically this bit "Include the hooking shared library into the lib/armeabi of the decompiled package and change the smali files to load the new shared library."
i assume that means just simply copy the built lib file in to that folder then include the file in the code somewhere? where do i do that to?
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That's pretty much correct. There is already a '' file in the lib/armeabi folder of the apk. You just have to build my code from the zip file to get the, which should then be copied into the lib/armeabi folder alongside the
Edit: Not sure if this is enough instructions. I'm just not good at writing instructions. Steps you need to build the native library are in my post. If you need more info i suggest about building the library is a good
Afterwards you have to do the modifications I've listed in the diff to the .smali files.
But i have some bad news about this patch:
The diff file i have attached in the post is wrong. I've mistakenly uploaded the patch to reverse the changes i did . I will update the post with the correct diff file.
It will only work for Barclays app version 1.4.2. it will definitely not work for the latest version of the app which is 1.7.1.
I'm currently going through the code of 1.7.1 I've made some headway into the code but there I'm quite way off from getting it to work.
If you wish I can give you a copy of the original 1.4.2 of Barclays app, the built lib file and the patched app. I would recommend against using the patched app blindly but it might make it easier to figure out the changes i did. I would rather not upload them to xda though.
HiddenRambler said:
Sorry about the late reply but I just saw this message.
That's pretty much correct. There is already a '' file in the lib/armeabi folder of the apk. You just have to build my code from the zip file to get the, which should then be copied into the lib/armeabi folder alongside the
Edit: Not sure if this is enough instructions. I'm just not good at writing instructions. Steps you need to build the native library are in my post. If you need more info i suggest about building the library is a good
Afterwards you have to do the modifications I've listed in the diff to the .smali files.
But i have some bad news about this patch:
The diff file i have attached in the post is wrong. I've mistakenly uploaded the patch to reverse the changes i did . I will update the post with the correct diff file.
It will only work for Barclays app version 1.4.2. it will definitely not work for the latest version of the app which is 1.7.1.
I'm currently going through the code of 1.7.1 I've made some headway into the code but there I'm quite way off from getting it to work.
If you wish I can give you a copy of the original 1.4.2 of Barclays app, the built lib file and the patched app. I would recommend against using the patched app blindly but it might make it easier to figure out the changes i did. I would rather not upload them to xda though.
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No worries about the late reply, yeah you basically told me what i assumed it was i had to do, however when i was trying to do it i didn't have a 1.4.2 apk so was trying ot use 1.7.X and obviously failed .
Yeah the modifications to smali files is easy well when you know what your changing xD
if you could upload the apk for 1.4.2 that would be great, i would assume that as long as the signature matches the official apk its untampered, your modified one will obviously be signed with a different signature though.
Good news. I've managed to get latest version 1.7.1 patched . I will try to post the patch information this weekend. In the meantime i suggest anyone interested download a copy from the play store and keep a backup of the apk in case they release a new version.
Fix for latest version of the mobile banking app (version 1.7.1)
I've figured out the changes required for the v1.7.1 of the app which is the latest version as of this post.
Changes from the old 1.4.2 are:
Almost all the classes in the app are now obfuscated, whereas before only some of the core class names were obfuscated.
The string encryption has changed. rather than a single encryption function it now uses a group of functions to perform the encryption. rrrrrr/vuuuvu class seems to manage invoking the proper decryptor based on the arguments.
All root checking is now done via the native library.
Native library now does some checks as soon as it's loaded before any methods are called.
The last change is a big problem since its not possible to do the patching of the dll after loading it as was done before. The onload/init of the dll exits the whole application as soon as it detects the phone is rooted.
My solution was to use a modified version of the 'crazy_linker' custom loader library which comes with the ndk to load the library into memory without invoking it's onload/init functions. This lets us hook into the necessary functions before they are called.
I've attached the smali changes as a diff and the new native hook library in this post.
As a side note I think the version 1.4.2 is a far better version. Why on earth would a banking app need to permissions to take pictures, who spends their time 'customizing' a banking app with personal pictures.
Edit: I've fixed a bug where the root was still being detected when used with chainfire su app. Special thanks to lil-diabo for helping me fix the issue. :good:
Xposed module for barclays banking app 1.7.1
Edit: New version (BarcPosed1.1.apk) has some support for barclays pingit. I've not tested this my self as I don't use the application personally. If anyone tries it please let me know.
I've converted my patch into xposed module. This module is compatible with the current banking app (version 1.7.1).
Please consider this as a beta version for now. I've tested it on cyanogenmod but it might have some issues with other roms. If you try it please let me know if it worked.
Assuming you already have a working xposed installation the steps to get the app working are:
1) Install banking app from playstore. Make sure it's version 1.7.1
2) Install the BarcPosed.apk from my post.
3) Run the BarcPosed app and click the 'install' button. You will need to grant it root permissions.
4) Enable the module in xposed and reboot.
5) Use the barclays app as normal.
6) Disable automatic updates for the banking app to prevent it from updating.
I've included the source code for the app.
Thanks, works perfectly. You sir (or madam) are a genius
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Works like a charm
Just tested it and it works!
Most excellent, Thanks again for your hard work.
So much easier than having to manually edit the files etc.
It works,excellent job, finally can use Barclays mobile, thank you very much
sent from Samsung Galaxy S4 Active
Just tested and it worked marvellously. Could you please make a fix for pingit as well?
Zell Dinch said:
Just tested and it worked marvellously. Could you please make a fix for pingit as well?
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HiddenRambler said:
Edit: New version (BarcPosed1.1.apk) has some support for barclays pingit. I've not tested this my self as I don't use the application personally. If anyone tries it please let me know.
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I've updated my post with version that stops the rooted warning from pingit. Don't use pingit myself so don't know how successful it is. Let me know if you try it.
Brilliant, been struggling in vain with Root Cloak Plus on my N5 but this works perfectly. Many thanks.
Sent from my Xoom Wifi using Tapatalk
Before I switched to KK, I used Barclays App 1.3 doing a small trick with SuperSU. It worked perfectly. I signed the app myself so that it wouldn't update itself from the market and so that I could still use the automatic update in the market.
Do you think it would be possible to make your AMAZING solution work with my v1.3 signed app instead?
vivelafrance said:
Before I switched to KK, I used Barclays App 1.3 doing a small trick with SuperSU. It worked perfectly. I signed the app myself so that it wouldn't update itself from the market and so that I could still use the automatic update in the market.
Do you think it would be possible to make your AMAZING solution work with my v1.3 signed app instead?
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You could try "root cloak" or "root cloak plus" they probably will work.
Actually, what I did, is sign the app with OneClickSigner and it worked fine. Now, the app is not attached to the market anymore since the signature changed, so that means I can continue to use the "automatic update" from the market and it won't ask me to update the app all the time when Barclays upload a new version.
HiddenRambler said:
I've converted my patch into xposed module. This module is compatible with the current banking app (version 1.7.1).
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I have a request, can you make it compatible with GingerBread plz?
LoMAX_HUN said:
I have a request, can you make it compatible with GingerBread plz?
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Can you try the attached apk. It's the same code but built as an app for gingerbread version (API lvl 10). I couldn't test it as I don't have a phone for that version.
If it doesn't work please give me a logcat.
Banking Works, but Not PingIt
HiddenRambler said:
Edit: New version (BarcPosed1.1.apk) has some support for barclays pingit. I've not tested this my self as I don't use the application personally. If anyone tries it please let me know.
I've converted my patch into xposed module. This module is compatible with the current banking app (version 1.7.1).
Please consider this as a beta version for now. I've tested it on cyanogenmod but it might have some issues with other roms. If you try it please let me know if it worked.
Assuming you already have a working xposed installation the steps to get the app working are:
1) Install banking app from playstore. Make sure it's version 1.7.1
2) Install the BarcPosed.apk from my post.
3) Run the BarcPosed app and click the 'install' button. You will need to grant it root permissions.
4) Enable the module in xposed and reboot.
5) Use the barclays app as normal.
6) Disable automatic updates for the banking app to prevent it from updating.
I've included the source code for the app.
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xposed is fantastic!
This worked for me. It's so nice to be able to update my SU binaries without fear of breaking the app.
I'm running Cyanogenmod v10.2.0 on a Samsung Galaxy S3 (International) (i9300).
I tried using the v1.1 of the BarcPosed.apk with PingIt, but it still tried to gain root and then closed itself immediately.

Conversations XMPP/Jabber Client (by siacs)

This isn't my app, but I've had numerous people asking me to compile this already (they have been looking for a good XMPP client for a while). This is the work of siacs (, not myself - I just compiled it.
The APK is attached. Do NOT consider this to be a "routine" distribution channel - I don't intend to post regular updates. The developer has it on Google Play for about £2 I believe, or you can compile it yourself (like I did). It might even appear on F-Droid if it's licensed appropriately.
If the dev wants, I will remove this, as having multiple signed APKs out there is annoying for user support. But I wanted to work out how to build this, so others can now look at working on the code too
Everything seems to point to this being a very good client Pleased to see XEP support for carbons and Stream Management - I might need to post my setup guide for an "XMPP bouncer" at some point if it's desired (gives you gtalk-like functionality via your own server)
If you want to compile this yourself (I mean, why should you trust someone else to build it for you?), here's how I did it. These are NOT optimal steps, but they worked:
1) Import the project from github into Eclipse (
2) Get the source for openpgp-keychain and build it - I used Android Studio for this (
3) Go to "openpgp-keychain/OpenPGP-Keychain-API/libraries/openpgp-api-library/build/bundles/release" and get "classes.jar". Put this into Conversations/libs/
4) Add classes.jar to the build path as an external Jar in eclipse.
5) Compile. You should build it as a signed APK, and use your own keystore.
Alternative build instructions from korry, if you don't use IDE, or prefer building via ant
Open your shell.
Export your sdk path.
Checkout git and the submodules
execute ant debug
your apk will be in bin/Conversations-debug.apk
File hashes:
MD5: a2031e4d74fd692cdd2e8dd80ec3ebd6 Conversations-0.1.2.apk
22184a364a2e9a856d5a83407b8f9c7bcc2fbec9 Conversations-0.1.2.apk
6f8a7e164d32fa45b89b017439727bc0ea85c76c51f659080348976930a3f1b0 Conversations-0.1.2.apk
Old versions:
MD5: 40c5ce5b7063948e02ab49ea9e2da21a Conversations.apk
SHA1: 3f9447a1f5606c86c110f9e7c17a28b0e45019cf Conversations.apk
SHA256: 4c3c3868cfa4118b506176280cf5e5d902865a20816f471785fa2cfe177d32d6 Conversations.apk
SHA512: ef759f10ab78613a24f5791ce54cd263bf25bfaa82af5ca56683afcb35fa3a1e9a26f0c2b210af108c73f7515e82c7cbdc7c93065a342a184d115db454b9c2fe Conversations.apk
Very nice client, i leave it always on and it actually has a very low impact on battery life, clean and simple, i like it.
The apk is available on F-Droid:
but the latest 0.7 release is not there yet.
need help
hello i am trying to build the apk file and successfully built .. but when i tried to run . it starts then stopped running . plz what's the problem
can you please send me this classes.jar file i have been trying to build the open keychain for 2 days it is giving me 4 errors in helpTester file etc. Please send me classes.jar file on my email id [email protected].
3) Go to "openpgp-keychain/OpenPGP-Keychain-API/libraries/openpgp-api-library/build/bundles/release" and get "classes.jar
conversations is a great XMPP client (the best I found). It is reliable, secure and open source.
Has somebody an idea how to get some emojis in there?

[DEV][5.1.1+] NEMRIS - Python 3.5+ APK extractor

Hello, everyone. For a long time have I been lurking around XDA, and plenty of knowledge have I gathered. I feel that it's now my turn to thank the community for all this, and I've chosen to do so by publishing a project that I kept for personal use: Nemris, my Python 3.5+ APK extractor.
Nemris is licensed under the WTFPL license, so you're free to do WTF you want to it and its source. Don't even bother asking.
By using this piece of software, you agree that I, the original author, am not to be considered liable of any damage to your data, phone or dog. Using it is your choice; I'm not forcing you to do so.
Nemris is to be ran on a rooted phone. It does need Python 3.5 or greater to run, and has been tested on CM12.1 (Lollipop), CM13 (Marshmallow) and AICP12.1 (Nougat). To make things easier, install Python from within the Termux app (available on F-Droid - I'm not affiliated with it) and run Nemris from there. It also needs aapt or aopt to be installed in /system/bin. To summarize:
Root permissions (systemless root is not supported);
aapt or aopt in /system/bin;
Python 3.5+.
Overview of the features​
This tool's scope is to be freely customizable on the fly, which is allowed by its Python nature.
It leverages root permissions in order to read from the /data/system/packages.xml file, in order to create an index of paths corresponding to the installed apps, which is way faster than using pm path. Root permissions are also used in case you want to store your extracted APKs on the external SD, but your Android version is equal or greater than 6.0, by exploiting the privileged nature of the system shell.
Furthermore, Nemris is able to discern between user, system and disabled apps, and to ignore Substratum overlays and Arcus theme variants.
In the end, thanks to a MD5 checksums dictionary, it can avoid making unneccessary extractions by comparing the MD5 of the inspected app to said dictionary.
Fantastic, but how do I run the thing?​
You run it by using python /path/to/the/ Actually, running it without arguments returns a short usage message, but running it with argument -h will give you a clear outline of the allowed arguments.
Can I exclude/extract only specific apps?​
Not at the moment, and it's not something I'm interested to include. You can extract only apps pertaining to a specified group, though. The allowed groups are User, System, Disabled and All apps.
But I want to extract my Substratum overlays/Arcus variants!​
That's what the arguments --keep-substratum and --keep-arcus are for.
I want to change my destination directory, but there's no setting to do so!​
To save time and spare you from entering yard-long arguments, Nemris asks for the chosen destination directory exactly once, at the first run. It then saves this preference, along with the MD5 dictionary and other info inside a file called nemris_config.pkl, which is in a binary format you can't edit. You can make Nemris delete this file by using the -r argument, though, and make the tool run as if in its first launch.
I want feature X to be included!​
You're free to contribute to Nemris' development and add the feature yourself. I'm kind of lazy, so asking me wouldn't probably help you.
I would like a detailed explanation of the arguments!​
Head over to the project's source and read the, which should be clearer than this post.
Nemris doesn't delete old APKs!​
This is done under the assumption that you might need them. So, no, it won't delete them.
Have fun with my tool!
XDA:DevDB Information
Nemris, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Death Mask Salesman
Source Code:
Version Information
Status: Testing
Beta Release Date: 2017-02-09
Created 2017-02-17
Last Updated 2017-02-17

Simple way to port "official" Android ROM (AOSP) to specific device

AOSP (check: is where one can find kind of official source code of Android.
Then you download it, compile it - and you have ROM ready to be flushed.
1. Is it will work for any device?
or, and I guess this makes more sense-
2. One need to modify according to his device spec. some parameters in the code. For example somewhere in the files there is a file with code holding some constant SW parameter called something like "double CPU_HZ" and you need to type "=1500;" because this is correct for your device.
Is there a simple guide to all device specifc parameters (and where to find them in the code)? Because if so - anybody can Download->follow the guide, modify all params according to his device spec->compile->flush->you have clean Android OS ready to go.

General (OPEN DEV) BruteRoot - A collection of Root Tactics (Possibly Force Bootloader unlock on NA Samsung S22?)

Devices & Linux Versions I or other Testers have Successfully Gained Root on:
(Likely All) MTK CPU Based Android devices UP TO 11 (Maybe 12? I haven't tested) (I.e LG, Sony, Select Samsung devices)
Android Devices with LINUX KERNEL VERSIONS - 5.8 - 4.14 - Maybe More? (Needs Testing)
If you have been holding off updating your device, well here's some good news, your device may still be vulnerable to a method to gain root access (and subsequently, possibly the ability to edit Build.prop and therefore allow the ability for OEM unlocking on USA based devices.) <- correct me if I'm wrong, but this should be possible, and once done, should persist across updates, correct?
As of the time of writing this, there is not currently a simplified APK method, but, still this process is relatively straight forward.
Alot of the methods used HAVE been patched from what I understand, but there have got to be plenty of devices out there still which are not updated. This project aims to compile all current, former and future Root methods into an APK that will do all the leg-work. If its able to find a working method, the GUI will pop a root shell for the end user. This SHOULD work, regardless of the setting of the "OEM UNLOCK" option in the dev options. A bypass, essentially.
Regardless, The project linked below uses a myriad of known exploits & vulnerabilities and looks to find one that will work.
Methods used are:
Nearly all of GTFOBins
Writeable docker.sock
CVE-2022-0847 (Dirty pipe)
CVE-2021-4034 (pwnkit)
It'll exploit most sudo privileges listed in GTFOBins to pop a root shell, as well as exploiting issues like a writable docker.sock, or the recent dirty pipe (CVE-2022-0847). More methods to root will be added over time too.
There is also an alternative (Dirty Pipe) injection method the uses @topjohnwu 's Magisk , this should be implemented into the apk. See this Github repo, Here.
I would imagine this could be implented in a way to target devices that have stopped being supported for updates, aswell, that do not have TWRP, such as the SM-T307U.
One big note - I am betting there are still ALOT of devices that are in inventory at retailers that remain on the vulnerable OS. So keeping that in mind, I'd say this is worth building.
What needs to be done:
Main Goals:
Get bootloader unlock ability for devices normally not unlockable (I.e North American Samsung Galaxy S22, Etc)
Above can be achieved by getting temp root via methods detailed here or otherwise, then editing build.prop, altering the below settings (The settings may be worded differently or simply not present at all, depending on device and Firmware version):
sys.oem_unlocking_allowed to 1
ro.oem_unlock_supported to 1 (most devices are set to 1 by default.)
ro.boot.flash.locked to 0 to 0
ro.debuggable to 1
I think there may be one or two more that pretaint to Flash.locked. I.e flash.locked.other--or something very close.
Locally, gain temp root (System preferred, but any root will do.) on as many device types as possible.
Give device control back to end user.
Stay up-to-date on new exploits for root access & update apk accordingly.
STAY ETHICAL!!!! This is, in the end, a research project. Meaning all work preformed in the context of this project could result in a damaged or bricked device. By participating in this project you acknoledge these risks and accept them, and agree to not hold me, XDA, or anyone else responsible if you do some dumb ****. - k0mraid3
Github Project link: HERE for my fork & HERE for the original project.
My fork will incorporate the original project, as well as other found root access methods, such as the magisk injection method mentioned above - my repo is mainly used as a hub for the APK's dev - i don't have enough time to work on it at the moment but all are welcome to help.
July 15th 2022 (UPDATE) (SAMSUNG DEVICES ONLY): A new Escalation method has been found via the Galaxy app store (Versions BEFORE Galaxy Store No details known yet, but it is said to be very easy. See CVE-2022-33708 (July132022). Unknown if downgrading the app to will enable the method again or not.
Cred: liamg
One method to run Traitor on device - Thanks @DevinDking for sharing this.
Steps to get script on phone.
set -e
$adb push traitor ${dir} //This puts file on phone make sure to run the terminal where its located
$adb shell chmod 755 ${dir}/traitor"
Now to run script start a new terminal
adb shell
set -e
${dir}/traitor //script opens
But I assume this wouldn't work right, and isn't right.
Idk trying my best here xD
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Tools & References:
Linux (and Android, FTMP) Privilege Escalation Techniques
Dirty Pipe - Magisk Injection
Traitor - Main Repo
CVE Database (Public Database for exploits, vulnerabilities, etc.)
Windows Subsystem For Linux (Great for Dev)
ADB App Control - Cred @Cyber.Cat
Leaked Samsung Source Code ***Mod Edit: Link Removed***
Crontab Root Template script (File Attached - you still must edit crontab with "crontab -e" and point it to this file, see comments for guide, I will add one to post later)
Android Image Kitchen Used to create custom image's etc.
MTK Client
MTK Meta Utility (Source-???)
Will add more as time goes on and more found.
Interesting Attack vectors -
GFX Componets of a system.
Issues with Linux itself (i.e Dirty Pipe)
Privilage escalation via any means (I.e GTFOBins)
unprotected system process - Hijack them if possible (i.e RILService Mode, and a wide range of other OEM apps left on devices after ship)
7/24/22 - Samsung, LG & Other OEM's obfuscating (Intentionally Hiding) Fastboot and ADB Bootloader interfaces on PC
So over the last week or so i dived head first into USB Dev - ill save you the time and sum it up.
Vendors and OEM's are actively obfuscating the USB connection between your smartphone and the PC to keep you from Rooting. As far as im aware, there is no Universal way to fix this as each OEM screws with the USB drivers differently. THIS needs to be a point of focus for the rooting community. However, i have found a few tools for Dev if you wish to screw with this. (I'll upload them tonight)
7/24/22 - MTK (MediaTek) based Exploits
I Will try to compile a few methods for FORCING Bootloader Unlock on MTK based Devices as well as a way for manipulating said devices. I will attach two tools to this thread, these tools are EXTREMELY POWERFUL and can completely **** up your device. When i say REALLY F*CK UP your device, I mean to the point you cant even access recovery, Download OR bootloader mode. I'm Talking a blank DEAD device. So use with caution.
With that said, lets talk about the tools. You will need a basic understanding of Python to make use of MTK Client
First up, we have MTK Meta Utility (Currently Version 44) (Download Below)
Next we have MTK Client (Github Link)
So what can you do? Well, you can crash the Preloader to Brom with MTK Meta Utility while at the same time using MTK Client to send any payload you like to the device via Fastboot.
I know, vague right now, but ill add detail over the coming days.
I will continue to update the below list as new methods are discovered.
If you find Guides, tutorials or new exploits, please link them in the comments so I can include them in future development!
Telegram Channel: Here.
Information on Vulnerabilities, exploits & methods - CVE-2022-0847 (Jfrog) - The Story Of "Dirty Pipe" - XDA - Dirty Pipe - PWNKIT (CVE--2021-4034) - CVE-2021-3560 - Docker Breakout / Privilege Escalation - CVE-2022-33708 (July132022) - CVE-2022-33701 (July122022) - CVE-2022-22268 (Unlock Knox Guard with DEX) (JAN2022) - MTK Client -
Dev Team & credit to -
@topjohnwu - LiamG - @wr3cckl3ss1 - bkerler -
UPDATED - 7/29/22
There is also a new vulnerability exploit by Zhenpeng Lin that allows for privilege escalation on Pixel 6 and and Galaxy S22 devices running 5.10 kernel.
Don't update... destroyer of worlds
I feel like I'm missing something because wouldn't their normally be a million responses of hype, hope and nay-saying going on here? Has this been shot down already?
olivehue512 said:
I feel like I'm missing something because wouldn't their normally be a million responses of hype, hope and nay-saying going on here? Has this been shot down already?
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Lol, everybody already updated the patch
blackhawk said:
Lol, everybody already updated the patch
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This is just sad panda. I'm gonna skip next update anyways unless it comes with an actual other phone that is BL unlocked. I feel like everyone wants this so bad it can't be that far out before it happens.
Does the Magisk injection method work after July patch? I was reading through the work they did to get it done. Props to those guys.
sierratango88 said:
There is also a new vulnerability exploit by Zhenpeng Lin that allows for privilege escalation on Pixel 6 and and Galaxy S22 devices running 5.10 kernel.
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Has it got a fancy number yet?! Eager to try this!!!! Maybe it can be put in with the others.
olivehue512 said:
I feel like I'm missing something because wouldn't their normally be a million responses of hype, hope and nay-saying going on here? Has this been shot down already?
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Well, because they are known and accepted vulnerabilities and exploits. A very few have even been marked as "WONTFIX" such as the TTY method.
olivehue512 said:
This is just sad panda. I'm gonna skip next update anyways unless it comes with an actual other phone that is BL unlocked. I feel like everyone wants this so bad it can't be that far out before it happens.
Does the Magisk injection method work after July patch? I was reading through the work they did to get it done. Props to those guys.
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Honestly, it's worth a shot but I doubt it.
One of the goals behind building the APK compilation of all these different tactics is to enable the end user to "give it a shot" easily on different devices, without having to know how to run all of this manually. Basically imagine an apk that just tries all the above methods and if ones successful the gui will pop a root shell open. From there, the possibilities are endless. Edit Build.prop, SELinux, Verity, Etc.
FYI even you applied the July update, seems like the Kernel version is still from June 21st, is still 5.10xxxx so we could still benefit from this exploit. Very interested in how we can get root here in the US.
K0mraid3 said:
Has it got a fancy number yet?! Eager to try this!!!! Maybe it can be put in with the others.
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There hasn't been a CVE assigned to it yet that I am aware of.
xgerryx said:
FYI even you applied the July update, seems like the Kernel version is still from June 21st, is still 5.10xxxx so we could still benefit from this exploit. Very interested in how we can get root here in the US.
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Go to the Github linked and try the different methods, see if you can pop a root and nano build.prop to allow OEM unlocking?
sierratango88 said:
There hasn't been a CVE assigned to it yet that I am aware of.
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GREAT news for us! LEts get this temp root! lol
Looks like another new one! CVE-2022-33708
Another Samsung Exclusive - CVE-2022-33701
So, ive just spent my entire friday and friday night MANUALLY testing all the GTFOBins & reproducing some of the newer CVE's on Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (Android 9) -Galaxy tab A 8.4, (Android 11), Galaxy S21 & S22 (Android 12) --- A little bit of progress made. Again, ill need someone with better working knowledge on APKs & Java to really move forward. All i can say so far, is this all must be awk for sammie, because cronie is looking promising
"crontab -e"
interesting find. not "New" but still new-ish enough some may be able to use. CVE-2022-22268 (Unlock Knox Guard with DEX)
New to this all but not rooting. Anyone recommend a way tutorial on how to try these methods on Win 11?
I don't have a deep understanding of Linux, I have tried, debian and unbuntu. I get traitor to run but it's detecting the Linux kernel and not my phones. How can I get the program to search for vulnerability on my phone not my Linux. I would love a more in depth guide and I'd love to give feedback on methods.
DevinDking said:
I don't have a deep understanding of Linux, I have tried, debian and unbuntu. I get traitor to run but it's detecting the Linux kernel and not my phones. How can I get the program to search for vulnerability on my phone not my Linux. I would love a more in depth guide and I'd love to give feedback on methods.
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i had the same issue but cant remember how i worked that out. let me see if i can find out what i did on win11

