Simple mulitply and add arithmetics in the Android world - Android General

As you know there are three types of people in the world, those who can count and those who can't. In an application I'm working on I encountered a really strange problem where I didn't get the expected output. Ok, so I'm apparently in the category of the ones who can't count :crying: . To show the problem in a really cut down example consider the following:
private static final String TAG = "Calc";
private static final int LENGTH = 16;
private int[] calc(int a, int b, int z) {
int zz[] = new int[LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
z = z * a + b;
zz[i] = z;
return zz;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
int a = -1;
int b = 5;
int z = 3;
int zz[] = calc(a, b, z);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < zz.length; i++) {
sb.append(" ");
Log.i(TAG, sb.toString());
So, which category are you? What output do you expect? Let me share the output from two devices:
07-16 21:59:46.778 17050 17050 I Calc : 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0
07-16 21:59:46.778 17050 17050 I Calc : OPPO/F1f/F1f:5.1.1/LMY47V/1446204931:user/release-keys
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07-16 22:04:58.169 12563 12563 I Calc : 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0
07-16 22:04:58.169 12563 12563 I Calc : Sony/D6503/D6503:6.0.1/23.5.A.0.575/1719295681:user/release-keys
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Click to collapse
Very consistent
Let me also share the output from an older device with the JIT Dalvik VM (which actually provided the sequence I was expecting):
07-16 22:09:33.795 1980 1980 I Calc : 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
07-16 22:09:33.795 1980 1980 I Calc : SEMC/ST17i_1250-3167/ST17i:4.0.4/4.1.B.0.587/tL1_3w:user/release-keys
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Some background info can also be found here:
Have fun!


Would like some help from a dev, need help wiith htccamera apk

here is the original htc apk. I was able to uncompress it, extract the class file and open it in a jave environment, what i need help is i found where it shows the following
public class FlashRestriction
private static final byte BATTERY_CAPACITY_FLAG = 1;
private static int BATTERY_CAPACITY_LIMIT = 0;
private static final String BATTERY_CAPACITY_LIMIT_PATH = "/sys/camera_led_status/low_cap_limit";
private static final String BATTERY_CAPACITY_PATH = "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity";
private static final byte BATTERY_TEMPERATURE_FLAG = 2;
private static int BATTERY_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT = 0;
private static final String BATTERY_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT_PATH = "/sys/camera_led_status/low_temp_limit";
private static final String BATTERY_TEMPERATURE_PATH = "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/batt_temp";
private static final byte HOTSPOT_STATUS_FLAG = 16;
private static final String HOTSPOT_STATUS_PATH = "/sys/camera_led_status/led_hotspot_status";
private static final byte NO_LIMIT_FLAG = 0;
private static final byte RIL_STATUS_FLAG = 8;
private static final String RIL_STATUS_PATH = "/sys/camera_led_status/led_ril_status";
private static final String TAG = "FlashRestriction";
private static final byte WIMAX_STATUS_FLAG = 4;
private static final String WIMAX_STATUS_PATH = "/sys/camera_led_status/led_wimax_status";
private byte mDisableFlash = 0;
private FileObserver mFileObserver_BatCap = null;
private FileObserver mFileObserver_BatTemp = null;
private FileObserver mFileObserver_HotSpot = null;
private FileObserver mFileObserver_RIL = null;
private FileObserver mFileObserver_Wimax = null;
private byte mIsLimitBatCap = 0;
private byte mIsLimitBatTemp = 0;
private byte mIsLimitHotSpot = 0;
private byte mIsLimitRIL = 0;
private byte mIsLimitWimax = 0;
private Handler mUIHandler = null;
In the flashrestriction section but i cant get it to edit down to 5%
Is there anyone who can edit this apk so it will allow the camera flash to be used down to 5% and then resign it so we can install it over the current one or make a patch for the current installed version?
Thank you in advance.

[APP][3.0+] LectureNotes - custom pattern JavaScript codes

As I receive numerous questions concerning the custom pattern JavaScript interface of LectureNotes and how to implement specific patterns, I thought that it might be helpful to post my replies here, which should allow to easily copy them. Please feel invited to post additional ones!
First, a so-called isometric pattern that is quoted at the app's help page (where the code lines are commented)
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
scale = LN.getScale();
step = width / 150 + scale * width / 25;
LN.setStrokeWidth(width / 1000);
for (x = 0; x < width; x += step)
LN.drawLine(x, 0, x, height);
stepX = 2 * step;
stepY = 1.1547 * step;
x1 = 0; y1 = step;
x2 = stepX; y2 = 0;
while ((x1 < width) && (y2 < height)) {
LN.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
if (y1 < height)
y1 += stepY;
x1 += stepX;
if (x2 < width)
x2 += stepX;
y2 += stepY;
x1 = x2 - stepX; y1 = 0;
y2 = step;
while ((x2 > 0) && (y1 < height)) {
LN.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
if (x1 > 0)
x1 -= stepX;
y1 += stepY;
if (y2 < height)
y2 += stepY;
x2 -= stepX;
and a simple additional one that places a page number centered at the page bottom
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
page = LN.getPage();
LN.setTextSize(0.02 * width);
LN.drawText("Page " + page, 0.5 * width, 0.95 * height);
Some more, an eternal calender, one month per page, starting January 2012
year = 2012;
months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
monthdays = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
weekdays = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
month = LN.getPage() - 1;
year += Math.floor(month / 12);
month2 = month % 12;
month = month + 1;
days = monthdays[month2];
if ((month == 2) && (year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)))
if (month <= 2)
year2 = year - 1;
year2 = year;
c = Math.floor(year2 / 100);
y = year2 % 100;
m = ((month + 9) % 12) + 1;
w = (1 + Math.floor(2.6 * m - 0.2) + y +
Math.floor(y / 4) + Math.floor(c / 4) - 2 * c + 7 * 100) % 7;
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
size = Math.min(width, height);
stepx = width / 8;
stepy = height / 8;
LN.setTextSize(0.025 * size);
for (d = 0; d < 7; d++)
LN.drawText(weekdays[d], (d + 0.6) * stepx, 1.4 * stepy);
LN.setTextSize(0.05 * size);
LN.drawText(months[month2] + " " + year, 7.5 * stepx, 0.25 * stepy + 0.05 * size);
l = 0;
for (d = 1; d <= days; d++) {
LN.drawText(d, stepx * (w + 0.6), stepy * (l + 2.4));
if ((++w == 7) && (d != days)) {
w = 0;
for (x = 0.5 * stepx; x < width; x += stepx)
LN.drawLine(x, 1.5 * stepy, x, (l + 2.5) * stepy);
for (y = 1.5 * stepy; y < (l + 3) * stepy; y += stepy)
LN.drawLine(0.5 * stepx, y, 7.5 * stepx, y);
and another simple one, a checkered pattern in which every fifth line is thicker
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
scale = LN.getScale();
LN.drawCheckeredPattern(scale, false);
LN.setStrokeWidth(0.002 * width);
step = width / 150 + scale * width / 25;
for(y = step / 2; y < height; y += 5 * step) {
LN.drawLine(0, y, width, y);
for(x = step / 2; x < width; x += 5 * step) {
LN.drawLine(x, 0, x, height);
Today two examples for writing music, a simple one
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
LN.setStrokeWidth(0.001 * width);
left = 0.05 * width;
right = 0.95 * width;
step = 0.005 * height;
for(y = 0.05 * height; y < 0.95 * height; y += 0.05 * height) {
LN.drawLine(left, y, right, y);
LN.drawLine(left, y + step, right, y + step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 2 * step, right, y + 2 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 3 * step, right, y + 3 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 4 * step, right, y + 4 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y, left, y + 4 * step);
LN.drawLine(right, y, right, y + 4 * step);
and a double one
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
LN.setStrokeWidth(0.001 * width);
left = 0.05 * width;
right = 0.95 * width;
step = 0.005 * height;
for(y = 0.05 * height; y < 0.9 * height; y += 0.1 * height) {
LN.drawLine(left, y, right, y);
LN.drawLine(left, y + step, right, y + step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 2 * step, right, y + 2 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 3 * step, right, y + 3 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 4 * step, right, y + 4 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 9 * step, right, y + 9 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 10 * step, right, y + 10 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 11 * step, right, y + 11 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 12 * step, right, y + 12 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y + 13 * step, right, y + 13 * step);
LN.drawLine(left, y, left, y + 13 * step);
LN.drawLine(right, y, right, y + 4 * step);
LN.drawLine(right, y + 9 * step, right, y + 13 * step);
(step size etc. can easily be adjusted).
Since v1.16.13, there is an additional JavaScript command LN.setColor(r, g, b) that allows to use colors other then the one chosen in the dialog. This allows now, for instance, a ruled pattern with a red line on the left side
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
LN.drawRuledPattern(LN.getScale(), false);
LN.setStrokeWidth(0.002 * width);
LN.setColor(1, 0, 0);
LN.drawLine(0.05 * width, 0, 0.05 * width, height);
isometric problems
acadoid said:
As I receive numerous questions concerning the custom pattern JavaScript interface of LectureNotes and how to implement specific patterns, I thought that it might be helpful to post my replies here, which should allow to easily copy them. Please fell invited to post additional on;
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I love this app. I am using it on a Galaxy Note 10.1. The isometric script give an error message that it takes too long and aborts. Thought you would want to know.
By the way, I tested it three times using cut ans paste. Once from the help page, and twice from here.
Keep up the good work.
@RETIEF: To double-check, I copied and paste the content shown in this thread, and it works. Note, however, that on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (for instance in difference to my Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet), the copy/paste converts a `new line´ into nothing (instead of a space), this causes problems, for instance `else y1´ becomes `elsey1´, which is wrong. Please check whether this is causing the problem in your case.
Attempt to fix calendar
acadoid said:
@RETIEF: To double-check, I copied and paste the content shown in this thread, and it works. Note, however, that on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (for instance in difference to my Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet), the copy/paste converts a `new line´ into nothing (instead of a space), this causes problems, for instance `else y1´ becomes `elsey1´, which is wrong. Please check whether this is causing the problem in your case.
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I didn't have that exact problem, but the if else structures left out lines in the paste so that that all read if (xxxxx); else ;next line.
I manually edited the script to match exactly what was posted here and I still get the same error message. This is for the isometric code.
On the calendar code, if I use a task killer (I use the factory Samsung one), I can get the code to load and execute if I stopped on January. But if I left the document later in the year, I get the same error message.
I'm no coder (at least not since the Fortran G and Turbo Pascal days), but I wounder if extending the process time a second would solve the problem.
Like I said. I'm no coder.
In any case, I appreciate your help. I'm sure you have better things to do.
@RETIEF: All the posted codes work fine on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. I can increase the maximal time, but I do not think that this is the problem. Have you tried to share such page or export it to PDF? In these cases, the maximal waiting time is ten times longer (these operations are not time critical), so if you get an abort message there, then something is wrong in your code.
If you drop me an email, I can send the code as email attachment to you, this will exclude all possible sources of error.
PMed you with address. Didn't now your address.
acadoid said:
@RETIEF: All the posted codes work fine on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. I can increase the maximal time, but I do not think that this is the problem. Have you tried to share such page or export it to PDF? In these cases, the maximal waiting time is ten times longer (these operations are not time critical), so if you get an abort message there, then something is wrong in your code.
If you drop me an email, I can send the code as email attachment to you, this will exclude all possible sources of error.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
see the PM
Edit. I get a partial rendering in landscape mode before abort. I get horizontal lines, and one diagonal in the upper left.
Isometric paper
Thanks for the e-mail. It works like a champ. I've talked with a lot of developers in my time, but you are the most responsive and responsible I have ever had the pleasure to know. Thanks.
@RETIEF: Curious, the text in the post above is copied and pasted from the same file. In any case, glad that it works.
Heye acadoid. Really dig the app, but im looking for something with type capabilities as well. Are you thinking about implementng this at all?
I am familiar with other apps, but some offer too much and have strange and annoying options (freenote) or great simple user and user friendly text environments with no drawing capabilities(jotterpad hd).
@jewnersey: LectureNotes has a text drawing tool for typed text, but this is intended for a keyword or a small phrase, not for longer text. To improve in this respect is on my agenda.
Note that this is not quite the right thread, there are several general threads on LectureNotes, this one is specific for custom paper pattern.
Week-by-week calendar
Below is a calendar which shows one week at a time. The width of the paper should be twice the height for this calendar to look right.
Editable parameters:
line 1 through 3: Starting date of the calendar
line 9 through 19: text sizes, margins, size of free space on weekdays, start and end hour of weekdays, a few colors
I made this for myself, and thought I might as well share it in case someone else can make use of it. I also uploaded a couple of screenshots.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity of making custom backgrounds!
year = 2012;
month = 11;
day = 20;
relativeWeek = LN.getPage()-1;
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
headertext = height * 0.05;
headerheight = height * 0.10;
toplineheight = headerheight + headertext;
leftmargin = height * 0.1;
rightmargin = leftmargin;
noteSpace = height * 0.2;
startHour = 7;
endHour = 17;
defaultColor = [150,150,150];
headlineColor = [0,0,0];
weekColors = [[208,0,250],[0,200,240],[92,255,1],[255,255,0],[255,146,1],[255,9,32],[255,25,145]];
monthdays = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
weekdays = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"];
if ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)))
monthdays[1] = 29;
/* calculate what date the first monday is */
year2 = year;
if (month <= 2)
c = Math.floor(year2 / 100);
y = year2 % 100;
m = ((month + 9) % 12) + 1;
firstweekday = (Math.floor(2.6 * m - 0.2) + y + Math.floor(y / 4) + Math.floor(c / 4) - 2 * c + 7 * 100) % 7;
/* 0 is monday */
firstmonday = (7 - firstweekday) % 7 + 1;
/* convert day and month so that they represent the monday of the user inputted week */
if (day < firstmonday) {
if (month == 0) {
month = 12;
monthdays[1] = 28;
if ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)))
monthdays[1] = 29;
day = monthdays[month-1] + firstmonday - 7;
} else {
day = firstmonday + 7*Math.floor((day-firstmonday)/7);
/* work out the year, month, day and week of the current sheet */
day += 7*relativeWeek;
while (day > monthdays[month-1]) {
day -= monthdays[month-1];
if (month == 13) {
month = 1;
monthdays[1] = 28;
if ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)))
monthdays[1] = 29;
/* calculate the week number of user input */
totalDays = day;
for (i = 0; i < month-1; ++i)
totalDays += monthdays[i];
week = Math.ceil(totalDays/7);
/* Make colors for each day */
stepx = (width-leftmargin-rightmargin)/6;
i = 0;
for (x = leftmargin; x-leftmargin <= 5.5*stepx; x += stepx) {
/* create lines for each half hour */
if (x-leftmargin < 4.5*stepx) {
y = toplineheight+headertext*1.1;
LN.setColor( weekColors[i][0]/255, weekColors[i][1]/255, weekColors[i][2]/255 );
LN.drawFilledRect( x, toplineheight, x+stepx, y );
} else {
y1 = toplineheight+headertext*1.1;
y2 = (toplineheight+height)/2+headertext*1.1;
LN.setColor( weekColors[i][0]/255, weekColors[i][1]/255, weekColors[i][2]/255 );
LN.drawFilledRect( x, toplineheight, x+stepx, y1 );
LN.setColor( weekColors[i][0]/255, weekColors[i][1]/255, weekColors[i][2]/255 );
LN.drawFilledRect( x, (toplineheight+height)/2, x+stepx, y2 );
/* Reset color */
LN.setColor( defaultColor[0]/255, defaultColor[1]/255, defaultColor[2]/255 );
/* Drawing the main lines */
stepx = (width-leftmargin-rightmargin)/6;
stepy = (height-toplineheight-headertext*1.01-noteSpace)/(2+endHour-startHour);
for (x = leftmargin; x-leftmargin < 6.5*stepx; x += stepx) {
LN.drawLine(x, toplineheight, x, height);
if (x-leftmargin < 5.5*stepx) {
/* create lines for each half hour */
if (x-leftmargin < 4.5*stepx) {
i = -2;
for (y = toplineheight+headertext*1.1; y < height-noteSpace; y += stepy) {
LN.drawLine(x, y, x+stepx, y);
if (++i > 0) {
LN.drawText(startHour+i-1, x, y-stepy*0.05);
LN.drawLine(x+LN.getTextWidth(startHour+i-1), y-stepy/2, x+stepx, y-stepy/2);
} else {
LN.drawLine(x, toplineheight+headertext*1.1, x+stepx, toplineheight+headertext*1.1);
LN.drawLine(x, (toplineheight+height)/2+headertext*1.1, x+stepx, (toplineheight+height)/2+headertext*1.1);
LN.drawLine(leftmargin, toplineheight, width-rightmargin, toplineheight);
LN.drawLine(leftmargin+5*stepx, (toplineheight+height)/2, width-rightmargin, (toplineheight+height)/2);
/* Write which week it is */
LN.setColor( headlineColor[0]/255, headlineColor[1]/255, headlineColor[2]/255 );
LN.drawText("Week " + week, width-rightmargin, headerheight);
oldMonth = month;
oldYear = year;
for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i){
if (day > monthdays[month-1]) {
day -= monthdays[month-1];
if (month == 13) {
month = 1;
monthdays[1] = 28;
if ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)))
monthdays[1] = 29;
if (i < 6) {
LN.drawText(day + " " + weekdays[i], leftmargin + stepx * (i + 0.5), toplineheight+headertext );
} else {
LN.drawText(day + " " + weekdays[i], leftmargin + stepx * (i - 0.5), (toplineheight+height)/2+headertext );
if (oldMonth == month)
LN.drawText(months[month-1], leftmargin, headerheight );
else {
LN.drawText(months[oldMonth-1] + " / " + months[month-1], leftmargin, headerheight );
if (oldYear == year)
LN.drawText(year, leftmargin+(width-leftmargin-rightmargin)/2, headerheight );
else {
LN.drawText(oldYear + " / " + year, leftmargin+(width-leftmargin-rightmargin)/2, headerheight );
Thanks for the Weekly Calendar
Thanks for this post. It took a couple of edits to get it perfect on my note 10.1, but I like it. Thanks for your work and sharing.:good:
Egenskaper said:
Below is a calendar which shows one week at a time. The width of the paper should be twice the height for this calendar to look right.
Editable parameters:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
RETIEF said:
Thanks for this post. It took a couple of edits to get it perfect on my note 10.1, but I like it. Thanks for your work and sharing.:good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just turned on to LectureNotes and this Forum will make me appreciate it all the more.
page x of y
The programmer added the funtion LNgetNumberOfPages();
My custom pattern is checkered and shoes the number of pages (page x of y) at the bottom:
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
page = LN.getPage ();
pages = LN.getNumberOfPages();
scale = LN.getScale ();
LN.drawCheckeredPattern (scale, false);
LN.setColor (1, 1, 1);
LN.drawFilledRect(width/2-0.07*width, height-0.025*height, width/2+0.07*width, height);
LN.setColor (0.4, 0.4,0.4);
LN.setTextSize (0.02 * width);
LN.setTextAlign (0);
LN.drawText("Seite " + page + " von " + pages , 0.5*width, 0.99*height);
Hope you like it as well.
Thanks. This works well. Anyone skilled enough to make one that is checkered with every fifth line bold or red?
tech.towan said:
The programmer added the funtion LNgetNumberOfPages();
My custom pattern is checkered and shoes the number of pages (page x of y) at the bottom:
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
page = LN.getPage ();
pages = LN.getNumberOfPages();
scale = LN.getScale ();
LN.drawCheckeredPattern (scale, false);
LN.setColor (1, 1, 1);
LN.drawFilledRect(width/2-0.07*width, height-0.025*height, width/2+0.07*width, height);
LN.setColor (0.4, 0.4,0.4);
LN.setTextSize (0.02 * width);
LN.setTextAlign (0);
LN.drawText("Seite " + page + " von " + pages , 0.5*width, 0.99*height);
Hope you like it as well.
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Click to collapse
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
scale = LN.getScale();
LN.drawCheckeredPattern(scale, false);
LN.setStrokeWidth(0.002 * width);
step = width / 150 + scale * width / 25;
for(y = step / 2; y < height; y += 5 * step) {
LN.drawLine(0, y, width, y);
for(x = step / 2; x < width; x += 5 * step) {
LN.drawLine(x, 0, x, height);
This draws a thicker line every fifth line, the scale of the pattern is controlled by the slider in the notebook settings dialog. To get red lines, add a
LN.setColor(1, 0, 0);
after the LN.setStrokeWidth.
this is perfect. Thanks.
acadoid said:
width = LN.getWidth();
height = LN.getHeight();
scale = LN.getScale();
LN.drawCheckeredPattern(scale, false);
LN.setStrokeWidth(0.002 * width);
step = width / 150 + scale * width / 25;
for(y = step / 2; y < height; y += 5 * step) {
LN.drawLine(0, y, width, y);
for(x = step / 2; x < width; x += 5 * step) {
LN.drawLine(x, 0, x, height);
This draws a thicker line every fifth line, the scale of the pattern is controlled by the slider in the notebook settings dialog. To get red lines, add a
LN.setColor(1, 0, 0);
after the LN.setStrokeWidth.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

improve the touchscreen smoothness

i'm korean photon q user, sorry for my bad english.
i bought Photon Q 2weeks ago on Ebay,
and i applied "SIM CARD MOD" it works perfect.
but touchscreen smoothness and sensitivity is dissatisfied for me..
i want to change touchscreen setting, and i found the solution.
modifying touchscreen driver in kernel source.
i refer to the "MXT224E Protocol Guide" (google it)
tested one by one all register on [TOUCH_ACQUIRESETTING_T8], [TOUCH_MULTITOUCHSCREEN_T9] Function.
For example, [TOUCH_MULTITOUCHSCREEN_T9] can set like this.
in "drivers/input/touchscreen/atmxt.c"
if (entry[3] < 21) {
atmxt_dbg(dd, ATMXT_DBG3,
"%s: Only 10-bit resolution is available.\n", __func__);
} else {
if (reg[19] >= 0x04)
dd->data->res[0] = true;
if (reg[21] >= 0x04)
dd->data->res[1] = true;
// MOT
reg[0] = 139; //CTRL!
// reg[1] = ; //XORIGIN!
// reg[2] = ; //YORIGIN!
// reg[3] = ; //XSIZE! 19
// reg[4] = ; //YSIZE! 11
reg[5] = 0; //AKSFG
reg[6] = 70; //BLEN
reg[7] = 23; //TCHTHR
reg[8] = 2 ; //TCHDI
reg[9] = 1 ; //ORIENT
reg[10] = 0; //MRGTIMEOUT
reg[11] = 2; //MOVHYSTI
reg[12] = 1; //MOVHYSTN
reg[13] = 63; //MOVFILTER
reg[14] = 10; //NUM-TOUCH
reg[15] = 5; // HYSTERISIS MERGE
reg[16] = 40; // THRESHOLD MERGE
reg[18] = 255; //XRANGE
reg[19] = 3; //XRANGE
reg[20] = 255; //YRANGE
reg[21] = 3; //YRANGE
// reg[22] =3; // XLOCLIP
// reg[23] =248; // XHICLIP
// reg[24] =28; // YLOCLIP
// reg[25] =17; // YHICLIP
reg[26] = 225; //XEDGECTRL
reg[27] = 50; //XEDGEDIST
reg[28] = 172; //YEDGECTRL
reg[29] = 80; //YEDGEDIST
reg[30] = 18; //JUMPLIMIT
reg[31] = 10; //TCHHYST
reg[32] = 40; //XPITCH
reg[33] = 40; //YPITCH
reg[34] = 0; //NEXTTCHDI
return err;
i attached "Touchscreen Tuned" Kernel flashable zip file.
(based on CM-Kernel source, "motorola_msm8960-common")
it works on CM11-SNAPSHOT-M12. "moto_msm8960_jbbl"
IT IS NOT a perfect solution.
if you want more smoothness and sensitivity, modify that values.

Image not saving new dimensions after resize using xamarin c#

I am only posting here because it wont allow me to post in the other forums.
i am taking a photo with my app then rotating if needed then resizing. after that i am saving the new rotated and scaled down pic to the sd card. the photo does rotate and the byte size changes but when i view the new photo it still has the same dimensions as the orginal photo.
my resizing and saving calls are
//resize for preview
using (var bitmap = _file.Path.LoadAndResizeBitmap(300, 225))
//resize for saving
Bitmap resized = _file.Path.LoadAndResizeBitmap(800, 600);
//shows preview resize
public static Bitmap LoadAndResizeBitmap(this string fileName, int width, int height)
//First we get the diamensions of the file on disk
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options { InJustDecodeBounds = true };
BitmapFactory.DecodeFile(fileName, options);
//Next we calculate the ratio that we need to resize the image by
//in order to fit the requested dimensions.
int outHeight = options.OutHeight;
int outWidth = options.OutWidth;
int inSampleSize = 1;
if (outHeight > height || outWidth > width)
inSampleSize = outWidth > outHeight
? outHeight / height : outWidth / width;
//Now we will load the image
options.InSampleSize = inSampleSize;
options.InJustDecodeBounds = false;
Bitmap resizedBitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeFile(fileName, options);
// Images are being saved in landscape, so rotate them back to portrait if they were taken in portrait
Matrix mtx = new Matrix();
Android.Media.ExifInterface exif = new Android.Media.ExifInterface(fileName);
string orientation = exif.GetAttribute(Android.Media.ExifInterface.TagOrientation);
switch (orientation)
case "6": // portrait
resizedBitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(resizedBitmap, 0, 0, resizedBitmap.Width, resizedBitmap.Height, mtx, false);
mtx = null;
case "1": // landscape
//resizedBitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(resizedBitmap, 0, 0, resizedBitmap.Width, resizedBitmap.Height, mtx, false);
//mtx = null;
resizedBitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(resizedBitmap, 0, 0, resizedBitmap.Width, resizedBitmap.Height, mtx, false);
mtx = null;
return resizedBitmap;
public static void saveBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int userId, String dateStr)
var sdCardPath = Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath;
String fileName = "bb_" + userId + "_" + dateStr + "_new.jpg";
var filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sdCardPath, fileName);
var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
bitmap.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Jpeg, 100, stream);
when it does the first _file.Path.LoadAndResizeBitmap(300, 225) the inSampleSize is 3 and returns new height,width of 640,360
when it does _file.Path.LoadAndResizeBitmap(800, 600) the inSampleSize is 1 and returns original values of 1280,720

Memory Game inspired in Wordle

Hello everyone,
I just published a simple game but I think it has been very good. At least my kids love it.
I have mixed two concepts: the memory game of matching classic images with the wordle, that is, a daily game board and the possibility of sharing the result on Social Networks,
Download and comments are appreciated.
For anyone that could be interested this is the source code how i convert the drawable tiles to a image like wordle style:
public static Bitmap getImageMemo(Context context) {
// base
Drawable blank = null;
if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP){
blank = App.context().getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.keyback, App.context().getTheme());
blank = App.context().getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.keyback_light, App.context().getTheme());
} else {
blank = ContextCompat.getDrawable(App.context(), R.drawable.keyback_light);
// create image
int margin = 2;
int piece = 48;
Bitmap image = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) piece * 5 + margin * 4, piece * 6 + margin * 5, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(image);
int pTop = 0, pLeft = 0;
for(int row=1; row < 7; row++)
for(int col=1; col < 6; col++)
Drawable drawable = blank;
if(getActualWord(row, col) < 0)
drawable = MemoIcons.getIconByIndex(MemoIcons.getFamily("robots"), getIconToday(row, col));
drawable.setBounds(pLeft, pTop, pLeft+piece, pTop+piece);
pLeft += piece+margin;
pLeft = 0;
pTop += piece+margin;
return image;
seems very nicely designed.. will give it a try.. thx!

