Lifeproof S5 Case Failure - Rubber became brittle - Galaxy S 5 Accessories

Let the video speak for itself. But seriously, I think this is a bad batch of cases! How else does rubber become clay like so soon?


If I decide on not wearing a case...

So as everyone else in this forum, we all like the design and feel of the new HTC... Im an adict for feeling the metal in my hands and keeping the device as sleek as possible...
I have the silver grey edition, was wondering how sensitive is the phone to scratches if i decide on not wearing a case...
each time I put the phone nakud on a table of some sort, I hear that terrible metal sound scratching the surface of the table...
Am I just having a bad OCD or in the long run i will start seeing some heavy blemishes on the phone's body ?
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ransz said:
So as everyone else in this forum, we all like the design and feel of the new HTC... Im an adict for feeling the metal in my hands and keeping the device as sleek as possible...
I have the silver grey edition, was wondering how sensitive is the phone to scratches if i decide on not wearing a case...
each time I put the phone nakud on a table of some sort, I hear that terrible metal sound scratching the surface of the table...
Am I just having a bad OCD or in the long run i will start seeing some heavy blemishes on the phone's body ?
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It's aluminum - a pretty soft metal; there probably will be scratches after a time, its just inevitable. But the finish is pretty strong. I've had mine for about 2 weeks and only have one barely noticeable scratch and I'm pretty rough on phones. I'd recommend one eventually. Maybe get a skin if you don't want to add to the bulk.
orangekid said:
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I had the M7 for a year, and never put a screen protector or body case/skin on it. I used the Seidio Spring Clip Holster for it, and there is just one, barely perceptible, dent in the back.You have to hold it JUST right in low light to even see it. No scratches, and I've even dropped it on the sidewalk (which left a teeny-tiny nick in the beveled edge, again you have to bee looking really hard to see it.)
I have the Spring Clip Holster on order for my just received M8, I plan on running it caseless/skinless as well. I have the dark grey version, and I just can't bear to cover this pretty thing up.
Admittedly, I'm not hard on devices. Were I to take it out in rough conditions (say, camping/hunting/shooting/hiking), I'd probably use a leather belt clip case. As it is, I work in an office. My husband used the Seidio Surface case and holster on his M7, and I have the Seidio Dilex case on the way for his new M8.
If you're a pocket carrier, though, I'd think long and hard about what you tend to keep in the pocket with it. Keys, loose change, pocket knife - no-go. Skin it, or change the way you carry it.
edit: Ok, this thing looks pretty damn tough: and
You tempt me to go caseless with the htc...
I noticed from videos that the gun metal version is more vaunrable the scratches and small cracks if the device hits the groud.. im guessing its due to the color of the handset...
Decisions decisions...
ransz said:
You tempt me to go caseless with the htc...
I noticed from videos that the gun metal version is more vaunrable the scratches and small cracks if the device hits the groud.. im guessing its due to the color of the handset...
Decisions decisions...
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Mine is gunmetal, and will be caseless carried in a holster. My husband's is silver, and will be cased in a holster.If I do end up scratching it, I'll probably get a skin for it, like this one:
Like all materials, it will scratch if brushed against something harder than it is. Aluminium is not the strongest of metals and is more easily scratched. Mine has some small scratches on the edges where my car mount holds it. I've since added some felt to the mount to prevent any more marks. In the grand scheme of things they're nothing and I'm sure it will get more as I use it. I feel the phone looks worse with a case of some sort stuck on it than it would with a few superficial scratches. I did get a case for when I know I'll be using it in a more active environment but most of the time I go without a case.
Wasted Money
Spent $25 on a Spigen slim armor case for my wife M8 and three days later she stops using it. Thinking of getting a temper glass screen protector.
Gahar said:
Spent $25 on a Spigen slim armor case for my wife M8 and three days later she stops using it. Thinking of getting a temper glass screen protector.
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Why did she quit using it?
I love my Slim Armor. It is slim and keeps the design aesthetics of the phone. My grip on the phone is better. A picture is below for those that haven't seen the cases. And they come in different colors that mirror the phone if you want.
I only went a few days without a case and dicked up my gun metal gray phone on two corners with a small drop onto concrete. My case arrived the next day. It still pisses me off.
85gallon said:
Why did she quit using it?
I love my Slim Armor. It is slim and keeps the design aesthetics of the phone. Picture below for those that haven't seen the cases.
I only went a few days without a case and dicked up my gun metal gray phone on two corners with a small drop onto concrete.
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She loves the phone but she said the case makes the phone taller. I don't want her to drop the phone because all it takes is one drop. I was thinking of putting a temper glass protector.
I have a fairly large scratch on the rear aluminum on my HTC One M8. I believe it got scratched from my retractable badge lanyard clip as I attach it on to my left pocket where my phone resides. It probably rubbed against the clip, introducing the scratch :/
FWIW, This is my first aluminum unibody phone. All of my past phones (EVO, EVO-3D, SGS3, SGS4) never had a single scratch and never had any protection (cases or screenguards) and still look mint. All of them were plastic however.
myn said:
I have a fairly large scratch on the rear aluminum on my HTC One M8. I believe it got scratched from my retractable badge lanyard clip as I attach it on to my left pocket where my phone resides. It probably rubbed against the clip, introducing the scratch :/
FWIW, This is my first aluminum unibody phone. All of my past phones (EVO, EVO-3D, SGS3, SGS4) never had a single scratch and never had any protection (cases or screenguards) and still look mint. All of them were plastic however.
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surprisingly I went and bought the cheap orignal HTC case that comes with some of the HTC's retailers, its pretty good... i mean its not like otterbox protection or spigen... but it keeps the case very slim and gives u a very good grip in the hand.
ransz said:
So as everyone else in this forum, we all like the design and feel of the new HTC... Im an adict for feeling the metal in my hands and keeping the device as sleek as possible...
I have the silver grey edition, was wondering how sensitive is the phone to scratches if i decide on not wearing a case...
each time I put the phone nakud on a table of some sort, I hear that terrible metal sound scratching the surface of the table...
Am I just having a bad OCD or in the long run i will start seeing some heavy blemishes on the phone's body ?
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I always dress my phone with good cases. Same as you, I don't want seeing my phone having scratches, dents and blemishes in the future.
case-mate barely there case is great for minimal, the aluminum was too slipery for myself.
This has a nice matte finish to it and add practically no bulk, won't do a whole lot in terms of protection against large drops/bumps, but for small scratches to the back and sides this is great.
I didn't want to put my M8 in a case, but that thing felt like a wet bar of soap in my hand. So I went with this case so I could still see that beautiful brushed aluminum.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Always use hard case. It'll prevent your phone from scratches and all. For sweaty hands. And in case it fell, you have an extra protection. That's why I keep my phone with case all the time.

Verizon Case Gameplan

So my plan was to get the slimmest case I could for Verizon note 4. On my note 3 I had the incipio feather case (loved it-although little protection).
Got my note 4 and no readily available cases. Went naked for a week. Ordered the spigen thin fit (incipio feather not available?).
Got it (no mic hole issues as it is open on bottom). It is a bit slippery but is exactly like feather case. Very very annoying how ever-increasing does squeak when put pressure on sides - clearly mold only 95% accurate...
Now this is the slimmest case out there.... And I am so missing carrying this phone naked. The Samsung back feels so grippy and nice. Amazing how even this thin case adds noticeable bulk.
Starting to get contaminated with "this thin fit case doesn't protect much anyway.....
This phone naked is the bomb. Anyone routinely not case phone and have success.? I saw someone yesterday with note 3 looked like a banged up car on sides. Slapped the spigen back on. Hahaha
As an aside, waiting for the official Samsung protective cover - may be a good solution. But, sold out on Samsung site..... Anyone have this one? No video reviews that I can find.
For the squeaking, just put strips of masking or electrical tape on both sides of the inside of the case. Silly that you have to do anything, but this is a solution.

Otterbox Cases

Has anyone seen the new Otterbox for the S6? they have them for preorder now and released on March 26th,
Undecided between the Symmetry and Commuter. too bad they don't seem to include a holster clip like the Defender.. the Symmetry for the S5 looked like the Defender, but i see now they changed them.. now the commuter also looks like a hybrid between the two
Which to choose? right now, looks like they're available in exclusive colors/pattern for each style.
Wow some tough choices. they all look great. I have the Defender for my S5 so I might go with the Symmetry this time around.
I have an idea - let's buy those cases and ruin all the work those designers put into designing a beatiful phone. ast iteration everyone complained - plastic here, plastic there. now it is all glass and metal and looking really classy, so let's put one of those hideous cases on it
Szadzik said:
I have an idea - let's buy those cases and ruin all the work those designers put into designing a beatiful phone. ast iteration everyone complained - plastic here, plastic there. now it is all glass and metal and looking really classy, so let's put one of those hideous cases on it
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some people work/job isn't behind a desk where protection is needed..
There are a couple of foreign videos on YouTube of Otterbox being unboxed.
Here's a picture someone already posted here:
Szadzik said:
I have an idea - let's buy those cases and ruin all the work those designers put into designing a beatiful phone. ast iteration everyone complained - plastic here, plastic there. now it is all glass and metal and looking really classy, so let's put one of those hideous cases on it
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I'll gladly carry around and use my new glass-encased (front and back, remember?) $750 phone without a protective case, just as soon as you supply your name, address and a signed contract agreeing to reimburse me for the full cost of a replacement phone, should I accidentally drop it or whatever.
If you are not willing to supply the foregoing, then please omit the sarcasm.
RaiderDuck said:
I'll gladly carry around and use my new glass-encased (front and back, remember?) $750 phone without a protective case, just as soon as you supply your name, address and a signed contract agreeing to reimburse me for the full cost of a replacement phone, should I accidentally drop it or whatever.
If you are not willing to supply the foregoing, then please omit the sarcasm.
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It is simple - if you drop and break it, do not expect me to pay for it.
Szadzik said:
It is simple - if you drop and break it, do not expect me to pay for it.
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Nor would I, except that you seem personally offended at the idea that anyone would use an Otterbox. I'm simply suggesting a way to make that a reality for you.
Got the Defender & Commuter cases at the Verizon store the other day. Still have no phone though.
The last picture is of the S6 Defender next to the Note 4 in it's Defender case.
I have the commuter series case
felloffthetruck said:
Got the Defender & Commuter cases at the Verizon store the other day. Still have no phone though.
The last picture is of the S6 Defender next to the Note 4 in it's Defender case.
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The soft case doesn't feel anything like my years old communter. Different material. It's less rigid and feels cheaper.
The hard case is highly prone to get greasy from hands.
Got this thing in and still have no phone:
felloffthetruck said:
Got this thing in and still have no phone:
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i have the otter alpha glass and black symmetry case, 128s6 back the feck ordered ..
I have the commuter for my s6, it fits well, and in not too bulky for a case of this durability,
Any holster clips that support the commuter series? Thanks

*Review* Poetic Revolution [Premium Rugged] Nexus 6P Case

Hey XDA! I wanted to drop a review for the Poetic Revolution case here. I hope you enjoy!
The Packaging:
The case comes packaged in a clear plastic bag for simple presentation. While nothing fancy, it does the job and keeps the case more affordable.
The Look & Feel:
To start, this case definitely screams and looks "RUGGED"! It has a very industrial look and is daring you to drop your phone. This case definitely looks the role of its "rugged" moniker. The frame is a rubber TPU material that definitely helps with grip, and the phone is nice to hold because of it. There are some textures on the TPU that add more to the look than anything else, but they do add a little more grip as well. There are also 3 protruding lines on the top and bottom of each side which add to the rugged look and add grip. Then there is the "Revolution" name engraved into the TPU on the right side of the case (looking at the case from the back of the phone). The back of the case is made of a hard polycarbonate plastic. This definitely adds to the protection element of the case which I will touch on later. Then you have "Poetic" branding on the bottom of the back set in a rubber section. Nice little touch. There are also 3 strips of rubber on each side of the case on the back to add more grip to the case. To wrap things up, there are some faux screws on the corners to complete that rugged and industrial look. To summarize, this case isn't for people who like slim cases. This simply isn't a slim case and it doesn't try to be.
The Features:
This case has a few built-in features that I wanted to touch on. I will start with the built-in kickstand. It feels metal to me and it feels solid. It is easy to open and close and I don't get a flimsy feel from it at all. That is a nice tough. There are also port covers built in which will keep dust and some of the elements out of your ports which I think is great. Yes, it creates a bit of a hassle to charge your phone, plug in headphones, etc., but I think they are fitting in a rugged protection case like this. There is also a loop that you can hook something through to carry your case. I thought it was a nice touch. And last is the built-in screen protector. It is made of plastic and doesn't seem to be able to be removed. I'm in between on this one. I kinda wish there wasn't one since so many people get their own screen protectors nowadays and tempered glass screen protectors are popular right now. Also, there was a slight gap in between the screen protector and the screen of the phone so I had to press down harder to generate key presses. To Poetic's credit, I have a tempered glass screen protector already installed on my phone, so that may have affected the functionality of it. So I am not going to knock the case for this one, I will chalk it up as undecided.
**EDIT** Poetic has contacted me about the issue I was having with the built-in screen protector. They said have anything else on the screen will definitely affect the functionality of the built-in screen protector, which I figured. However, they are still going to have their production team look into it to make sure nothing got past them. That's pretty cool in my book!
The Protection:
On the protection front, I would say it is definitely heavy duty grade. It is advertised as "shock absorption" and I can't say I disagree at all. This case is definitely a tank that seems like it will keep your phone safe from some pretty major drops. I never test drop protection in my reviews because my phones are personal phones paid for with my own money, so I can't take that risk. But it definitely feels like it can withstand some heavy drops. The hard polycarbonate plastic on the back and the solid construction definitely make this case a heavy hitter in the Otterbox tier of cases. As I said in my look & feel section, this case isn't for the slim case lovers. But it's not marketed that way and just from the photos you can tell that much. This case should do the job in rough situations.
The Build:
To keep this pretty simple, this is a well made case with a small hiccup. The case feels good and substantial enough to be completely confident in it. The small hiccup that I've noticed are that the buttons are the easiest things in the world to press. It's not terrible, but it will take a little bit of force to generate the press. Overall, not a deal breaker by any means, but I wanted to mention it.
What I Like:
The build quality
The looks
The built-in kickstand
The protection
The price
What I Don't Like:
The buttons
The Verdict:
Overall, this case is a win. It is well made, should protect a very good amount, and has the looks to match. And all at a reasonable price. Other than a minor issue, I have no problem recommending this case to anyone in the market for a rugged case that will protect your expensive phone.
The Score:
Where to Buy:

Anyone else looking forward to the Ghostek Atomic 3.0 case?

I reached out to Ghostek and they informed me that they will have the cases available towards the end of September. I have no prior experience with their cases but I'm looking forward to this one because I think it visually looks very nice, considering there is no TPU/rubber material visible from the front and also appears to offer quite a bit of protection.
MobileFun says they will have them in red and silver starting tomorrow.
Anyone else planning to get this case?
It looks nice, but...
Yeah, I agree with you 100% on the fact that it looks very nice, while still maintaining a slim profile that is waterproof and has extra protection. Though, I just don't see how dropping your Galaxy Note 7 / S7 in this case could be the same as dropping the S7 in a lifeproof case, or any other decent rubber case out there. Because it's metal / aluminum, the material of the case itself can not absorb as much of the impact as a flexible rubber case, or a tough case that has some sort of rubber / soft material around the outside of it, like the lifeproof case for the S7.
I'm sorry if I'm not explaining myself correctly, where I am it's 01:15AM here, so I'm a little tired. But that's just my view on it.
Overall though, it looks tough, shy of impacts, it keeps the phone looking very attractive, and it is sleek. I like it, I will buy it. I will try harder to not drop my phone in this than if I had a lifeproof case, or a rubber case. It just can't absorb the impact as strongly.

