>>>>*How would you suppose one to stream video feed as home background? - General Questions and Answers

Who's to say, when someone monitors their live cams, he or she is neglected as to variability of informent implementation. (by means of checking on security cams).
Ultimately, my inquisition would be to put a live link broadcast url via home background. In Andriod, by the off chance, is this at all plausible to make an app .... or .apk with .sdk?
"cs2.pixelcaster.com:1935/ x|x live/hbpier5.stream/playlist.m3u8" this is my suggested web address, I am not too sure of capability or if that is the compatible format for driod to utilize.


[Q]RSS, auto downloading, auto push to device?

Aloha XDA!
I understand RSS but have always longed for the subscribe/download/sync feature and have never found one that will (Download the feed and then upon sync, sync with my device, particularly with feeds that have audio attached, like ESPN podcenter RSS)
Can someone lead me down the right road for a nice RSS feed system to my wm6.1 device (Fuze)?
The RSS can come to a laptop or the device, I don't mind either.
Try Viigo. Don't know if it does audio but it handles my routine RSS perfectly well. One plus for it is that you can manage your feeds from a PC based web browser. Really useful when the feed is either stupidly long or full of weird characters.
It looks like there is also one from HTC, HTC HUB. I am not sure if it downloads container files or not.
Right now I am setting up my Outlook to download all containers and perhaps I can make that folder sync with AS and Wm6.1?!
I currently use pRSSreader, which I think is the best one I have ever used. Don't know if it does what you are looking for though.
pRSS is awesome. It handles enclosures too!

webcamXP tweak to fix pan controls with no iframes.

All mobile browsers that I have (opera wm, opera android, android and iphone) seem to lack a proper implementation of frames. This is normally not much of a problem because who needs them? Well one really terrific piece of software that uses them to display its controls is the famous webcamXP.
There are some apps on the boards here that try to implement a viewer for webcamXP to allow the user to see their homes live ip cam feed but an app is not necessary. Download the attached file, rename it to a html extension and replace the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx inside with your actual ip address. Place the file in the webroot directory that webcamXP created and use it when viewing remotely . Now when you access your webcam remotely on a phone the pan and up down buttons will work as expected.

[Q] Send picture from PC to WP7

The data can be sent as a simple byte stream.
I want to capture a PC screen and send it to WP7, I must convert it in server side and reconvert it in client side (I don't know how do that).
The code that I developed to capture the PC screen give me a bmp image extension, and the WP7 can't read that file.
How do I serialize media objects (pictures) for socket transfer??
I want to be able to send pictures files from Pc to WP7 via WiFi using socket.
How can I convert the picture file to what the file extension stream and send it?
I am confused how to do that
juste_3al_faza said:
The data can be sent as a simple byte stream.
I want to capture a PC screen and send it to WP7, I must convert it in server side and reconvert it in client side (I don't know how do that).
The code that I developed to capture the PC screen give me a bmp image extension, and the WP7 can't read that file.
How do I serialize media objects (pictures) for socket transfer??
I want to be able to send pictures files from Pc to WP7 via WiFi using socket.
How can I convert the picture file to what the file extension stream and send it?
I am confused how to do that
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I think I need to know a little more about what you are trying to do.
I am assuming a program is running on the PC. You want to capture an image of the program. Then send it to the phone through WiFi.
For it to be readable on the phone, bmp will not work. Convert it to jpg. Plenty of free algorithms and libraries can be can be found to do this.
To transfer it to the phone, I would suggest using a webserver or hosting one on the same machine. Possibly Apache, since it is free, but i am more familier with IIS.
Have your app on the pc do a post to page on localhost. Have it pass something on the querystring to identify the phone it is for. This page will store the image in a location on your computer that the webserver has access to.
Now your phone will need an app that will also hit that same ip address, not local host. You will need to know the ip address of the machine. Have it hit a different page and pass that phone identifier. The page will do a redirect to the jpg file. As you recieve the output, write it to to a file on the phone. Using Redirect should automatically send the name and mimetype with the response.
There are other more complicated ways to stream an image, but this is the simplest.
You could always have the webserver be on a different machine entirely, which would make it more generic. Yiou could even have it be hosted so it is accessible from the internet, not just the intranet.
Usign a webserver seems vastly over-complicated to me, but OK. Maybe I'm just more comfortable writing netwrok code than most people...
Take your screenshot (I assume you already managed this). Put it in a format the phone likes (JPEG is good; there might even be BMP-to-JPEG conversion code in the .NET library). Connect the phone and the PC.
This is where the network code comes in. I would personally do this by starting a TCP server socket on the PC on some arbitrary high port, more than 1024 and less than 65000. Have it "Listen()" for a request from the phone. Write a phone app that opens a TCP connection to the PC on that port. Once the phone connects, set it waiting to Receive() data. On the PC side, since some signal that you're going to transfer a file (a realllllly simple protocol would be to just send the file size, as an int, first). There are a few ways to send data on a TCP socket; you can use the Send() function which takes an array (type byte[], which could be populated by using another array and then converting), or a NetworkStream, which is just like any other member of System.IO.Stream (I'm assuming you're writing both ends in .NET, although really simple netcode is actually easier in C). To transfer the file itself, just open it and read it however you like, and send the byte array over the socket. On the phone end, create a new IsolatedStorage file, and write the data coming over the socket into it. Just read in a loop until you've read up to the size that the server told you was coming, or until you hit the end of the stream / the connection closes (which indicates a bug or a problem on the other end).
That's a dead-simple and not very robust network protocol, but it does have the advantage of being trivial to code up...
Or, if that all sounds too confusing, you can try using HTTP. I actually find that to be *more* painful, but YMMV; I cut my first netcode in C and to me HTTP feels needlessly complex by comparison (because it's meant to do so many more things than just transfer a simple byte stream like a file). If you want to look at the source code of an app that uses HTTP to send and receive files, including both the phone app and the PC server app, take a look at WP7 Advanced Explorer (it's on Codeplex). Ignore the parts about filesystem and registry for now, and just look at the network part.
To me the web server approach may seem to be the easiest solution because I have been doing dot net web programming since before dot net 1.1 came out (beta 1.0). Before that I was doing other web development using classic asp, xml, xsl, and javascript. So, I have been working with IIS for well over a decade.
Quite recently, I just worked on dot net code to stream documents and video that is not directly accessible through any virtual directory, without doing a redirect for the purpose of enforcing additional security.
Different types of programmers find different things easier. I have done little to no direct sockets programming since college, so that to me would be more difficult, even if it is actually easier.
It didn't even occur to me to try listening on a port.
Also, now that you mention it, there are ways built into dot net to convert image types. I actually use them in some of the programs I've written for Windows Mobile, such as the FB pic to Outlook Pic application. I might be converting the other way in that app though.
I don't think I do that with web service
I prefer to use the Socket.
My apps let me just view the PC screen
juste_3al_faza said:
The data can be sent as a simple byte stream.
I want to capture a PC screen and send it to WP7, I must convert it in server side and reconvert it in client side (I don't know how do that).
The code that I developed to capture the PC screen give me a bmp image extension, and the WP7 can't read that file.
How do I serialize media objects (pictures) for socket transfer??
I want to be able to send pictures files from Pc to WP7 via WiFi using socket.
How can I convert the picture file to what the file extension stream and send it?
I am confused how to do that
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With the zune.

Free your data: running your own server (post under construction :)

So you want to run your own server, eh? Whether you want to free yourself from data mining, commercialising, monetising, greedy be-tied-and-suited media moguls or from the spiritual successors of J. Edgar Hoover and Yuri Andropov does not matter. You want your data to be just that, *your* data. While this might seem extreme to some the idea is actually not far fetched, nor is it impossible to realise. After all, the 'net and the web were conceived as a decentralised network of services. This model, while good in allowing diversity and freedom, is less than ideal from a profitability standpoint so you should not expect those who stand to profit from hoarding your data to lend a helping hand here You're on your own here.
Well, not really on your own of course as there is a metric ton of information on this subject to be found on the 'net. Everything from how to turn that old laptop into a server through using single-board computers as servers through re-purposing whatever you happened to find dumpster-diving. Suffice to say that you need hardware, software and a network connection. A separate router, preferably one under your own control, running known software (OpenWRT, DD-WRT, Tomato, etc) on stable and not to anemic hardware so it can be used to run a VPN to your phone. You'll want your own domain name as well, either one from the free services which are (still) around or something more 'personal'.
Network connection and domain
Here you often don't have that much choice. If possible, choose a wired connection over a wireless one, both for the higher reliability as well as the usually more acceptable use policies and the fact that wireless connections often change IP address. Choose a connection without a traffic cap over one which has one. Choose the connection with the highest upload rate, even if this means settling on a lower download rate - servers send traffic up the net after all.
There are many ways to get a domain name. You can buy one, of course. For a personal server this might be overkill, but the choice is yours. One advantage of having your own domain is that it enables you to keep your mail/jabber/web/whatever addresses no matter what happens (as long as you pay the registrar, of course). You're totally free here as you can simply point your domain elsewhere if you happen to move to another ISP (and/or country...). Cheaper - as in 'free' - is to use one of the many free dynamic DNS services. As long as you have an address to feed your phone and other devices which will make use of your server you're fine.
Best here is to use a router which is fully under your own control. While some ISP routers might be marginally usable, these devices are often at the whim of the ISP as they can be remotely controlled and configured. This is not what you want for your network, so just use the thing in bridge mode if possible, otherwise forward all traffic to your own router. With one of the free and open router firmwares on a reliable device you can do interesting things, ranging from port knocking on the router to VPN tunnels to your mobile devices.
Hardware, storage
Power consumption. heat- and noise production are of more importance than raw power here. There should be enough memory to keep the thing from paging (or 'swapping') on the intended work load on the chosen OS. The same goes for storage: If it fits in the box, fine. If it does not (external drives on laptops, Raspberries, etc) make sure the whole contraption is stable so you don't get any sudden 'disconnects'. For a personal server, power consumption, noise and heat production (which directly relates to reliability) are - again - more important than raw performance.
Any 'unix' of choice is fine here. Linux, *BSD, doesn't matter. Even MacOS would do. Windows, not so much. It is not impossible to use Windows but it is more of a hassle given that a lot of the software is tailored to a unix environment. If you really insist on running Windows, at least make sure it is patched up to the hilt and that all - and that means all - unnecessary services have been switched off.
This is the interesting bit, and the reason why this message is here in the first place. On one of the forum threads here someone was surprised by the fact that I don't run any of the Google apps on my devices, wondering how I got by without Google Play, GMail, contacts and calendar sync etc. Part of the answer to that question involves running your own server, part is covered by using alternatives for the Google-provided apps and services. I would have put this all in a table but it seems this silly forum does not support those...
Commercial service: Alternative (Remarks)
Google Play: F-Droid (The F-Droid store only contains free software. It does not provide a full alternative to the Play Store. If you really want to run the Play Store but still have a notion of privacy on your device, consider enabling Google Services only when required, disabling them afterwards. You can also designate one device as the one which gets to run the Play Store and side-load apps from this device to all others. Theoretically this should be possible using an emulator on your server as well, automating the whole process and creating a 'playstore by proxy'. I have not tried this.)
GMail: IMAP to your own server, eg the Debian standard dovecot daemon. K9 or the standard Android email client on your device.
Contacts: CardDav to your own server (service is provided by ownCloud, amongst others), DAVdroid on your phone or tablet.
Calendar: CalDav to your own server (service is provided by ownCloud, amongst others), DAVdroid on your phone or tablet.
Cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc): WebDav to your own server (service is provided by ownCloud, amongst others), one of the many webdav clients on your phone. There is a specific ownCloud app as well.
Photo sharing (Flickr, Smugmug, etc): Trovebox to your own server, Trovebox app on phone
Streaming service (Spotify, Google Music, etc): subsonic on your own server, dSub or Subsonic app on phone (there is a rudimentary streaming service in ownCloud as well, based on Ampache)
More will follow...
If you get in the game on time you might be able to join the Reset the Net initiative!
Reserved #2
This position is reserved for a more thorough list of services
Reserved #3
This position is reserved for a more thorough list of services
YetAnotherForumUser said:
Commercial service: Alternative (Remarks)
Google Play: F-Droid (The F-Droid store only contains free software. It does not provide a full alternative to the Play Store. If you really want to run the Play Store but still have a notion of privacy on your device, consider enabling Google Services only when required, disabling them afterwards. You can also designate one device as the one which gets to run the Play Store and side-load apps from this device to all others. Theoretically this should be possible using an emulator on your server as well, automating the whole process and creating a 'playstore by proxy'. I have not tried this.)
GMail: IMAP to your own server, eg the Debian standard dovecot daemon. K9 or the standard Android email client on your device.
Contacts: CardDav to your own server (service is provided by ownCloud, amongst others), DAVdroid on your phone or tablet.
Calendar: CalDav to your own server (service is provided by ownCloud, amongst others), DAVdroid on your phone or tablet.
Cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc): WebDav to your own server (service is provided by ownCloud, amongst others), one of the many webdav clients on your phone. There is a specific ownCloud app as well.
Photo sharing (Flickr, Smugmug, etc): Trovebox to your own server, Trovebox app on phone
Streaming service (Spotify, Google Music, etc): subsonic on your own server, dSub or Subsonic app on phone (there is a rudimentary streaming service in ownCloud as well, based on Ampache)
More will follow...
More later, no time now,
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This is an interesting topic mainly because android has the potential to become non dependant of google services and I would be nice to keep personal data really personal.
Also there is a No Gapps project here in xda that is quite interesting.
YetAnotherForumUser said:
Best here is to use a router which is fully under your own control. While some ISP routers might be marginally usable, these devices are often at the whim of the ISP as they can be remotely controlled and configured. This is not what you want for your network, so just use the thing in bridge mode if possible, otherwise forward all traffic to your own router. With one of the free and open router firmwares on a reliable device you can do interesting things, ranging from port knocking on the router to VPN tunnels to your mobile devices.
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This reminded me of something that happened in my dad's office recently:
The ISP guys configured it that way because dad wanted to run a webserver on one system, the one directly connected to the modem on bridged mode. They apparently didn't think it was necessary to also add a router betweenthe modem and the network of computers :/
1. Don't trust anything the ISP guys do
2. Always us a standalone router or firewall
3. Don't use XP. Seriously.
TJKV said:
This reminded me of something that happened in my dad's office recently:
The ISP guys configured it that way because dad wanted to run a webserver on one system, the one directly connected to the modem on bridged mode. They apparently didn't think it was necessary to also add a router betweenthe modem and the network of computers :/
1. Don't trust anything the ISP guys do
2. Always us a standalone router or firewall
3. Don't use XP. Seriously.
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I can recommend something like this. They come with web-face, but you need have atleast base knowledge of how network things work.
slph said:
I can recommend something like this. They come with web-face, but you need have atleast base knowledge of how network things work.
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Nah when I realised what the ISP guys had done I bought a D-Link 2750U and set it up properly in NAT mode
Wifi also works now since it isn't bridged to a computer anymore

VPN and Tor curiosity/security

Hello everyone, I am a new networking and sys admin grad so would love to know if my thinking is incorrect or I am missing anything.
I am cursed with no high speed access where I live rurally so...I use work/coffee shops to do some downloading on my S10.
I use Tor and AirVPN, forced UDP protocol 443.
I have checked multiple times and cannot find DNS or WebRTC leaks with Air (happy with their service overall)
With a popular port for traffic, checking these leaks, and using Tor/VPN (with killswitch on) my question is:
How secure is my activity? Essentially...since I have no access at home I download shows and movies with the Flud client.
On top of a torrent client would it also be secure to grab it from MEGA/Tezfiles? I see maybe a higher WebRTC risk but am I correct in thinking for what activities I am doing I am pretty much safe? Since activity is piracy and not like dark web or anything for them to truly deep dive.
Thanks for the feedback!!

