Lenovo A7010 (Vibe, X3 Lite) Gyroscope / Accelerometer Issues - Lenovo Vibe X3 Questions & Answers

Hey guys, I recently bought this Lenovo Vibe A7010 phone. I'm really liking it, but noticed that the Gyroscope and Accelerometer are not working properly.
I'm not sure if it's a software/rom issue, since I updated the phone immediately after getting it, or hardware. If it's hardware I'll take it to tech support to repairs.
Thing is, I've seem some people around complaining about the issue and talking that it might be a bug from the newest updates...
What happens is that gyroscope/accelerometer are always tilting towards one direction (to the right and randomly down and left in my case): 360º Youtube videos are unwatchable. Google maps accuses me of spinning around in my position.
I was eager to test the Google Cardboard with this, but it seems like it will be impossible.
I entered Engineer menu through a code and there is a calibration option, but it doesn't work properly. It makes some adjustments but nothing changes.
There's another menu that is accessible through a reboot with power+volUp, but it all in chinese.
Here are some pics and videos of the bugged sensors:
Do you guys think it's software, or should I just take it to the store and ask for another?


[Q] Issues and questions

I just received my TF about 5 days ago and I'm a little disappointed with some things. Maybe it's my fault for not doing enough research, but I thought I had. I spent about a month reading and watching reviews. Anyway, I read that honeycomb was so great at multitasking. Yet, I feel like I have a first generation IPhone when it comes to multitasking. I was using Skifta and Moboplayer to watch television from my windows media center. I thought maybe I could fire off some emails and just listen to the show in the background. As soon as I choose gmail my video stopped. I noticed that with a lot of programs. I choose one and the other stops. Is there a settings that I'm missing? Also, after play my video files using skifta and moboplayer I lose the sound after about 10 seconds. I thought it was completely gone, but when I had the bluetooth headset on last night I could hear the sound really breaking up, like the TF didn't have enough processing. Well, I really doubt that because I would suspect the video would go before the sound.
The google voice recognition on my HTC hero with Cyanogenmod nightly build 6/27/2011 (112) is just superb. On my TF I have to talk really slow and it is rare if it gets it right. I don't know if it has to relearn my voice or if the microphone isn't as good?
I purchased the keyboard for the TF. It is very slow with delays. Sometime it just flakes out. It causes my cursor to jump to different spots quite often. I thought maybe I was bumping the touch pad, so I started to peck type and it was still happening. It gets better if I shutdown the TF and restart it with the keyboard attached. Is this normal or do I have a defective keyboard? Also, It seems like I have to hit the keys extra hard to make sure it registers.
Video chat?? Where is it? I thought this was Google proud OS. I can't get Google voice, Google talk video to work? Why do we have two cameras on it?
Granted I'm new and many of these things I'll probably discover along the way or there will be fixes. I only mentioned a few, but there are other issues with this device.
Is there a better rom than the default one that someone would recommend that might resolve some of these issues?

[Q] Touchscreen lateral movements delay (sensitvity Issue ?)

Hello, I have an issue with the touchscreen of my nvidia shield tablet.
I bought the tablet only one week ago and I'm on the Stock lollipop version 5.0.1 (2.2), but I had the same issue with the KitKat version.
When I hold my finger on the screen and I change direction, the shield take a long time (about 1 second) before validate this change of direction.
This issue make all my games unplayable in touch mode. (If I use a controller, this problem doesn't exist)
I wanted to post a video to show the problem but I can't because I'm a new user. (I can pm the link if necesserary)
On this video I activated, in the developer mode, the trace of the movement to see that the lines moves very late after my finger. (I'm doing the same test with LG G Pad to compare and see that it respond perfectly)
In the Real Racing Game: I move my finger with very little fast movements and the wheels doesn't move at all.
I tried the calibration tool in lollipop but the problem persists.
I tried also a Custom Rom ([ROM][4.4.2][wx_na_do] AOSP for Nvidia Shield Tablet LTE US)
My questions:
- Does every Nvidia Tablet Shield have this problem or is it only mine?
- Is there a way to configure the pressure and move sensitivity (from the config file /system/usr/idc/touch.idc)
I would like to know if someone has the same issue to know if I have to send back my tablet in warranty.
Thanks in advance for your time.
I've had this issue, but only while charging. More noticeably while charging using 3rd party chargers, though the nvidia charger does have some "lag" as well.
phuzznut said:
I've had this issue, but only while charging. More noticeably while charging using 3rd party chargers, though the nvidia charger does have some "lag" as well.
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Thanks you for your answer.
I have always this problem, I never tried when the tablet is charging.
In fact the touchscreen is relatively responsive when I touch and release quickly.
The problem is when I let the finger on the touchscreen and I change the direction slowly with small moves.
I re-up this post because I really need your help.
I sent back my tablet to the seller for my touchscreen issue.
But they don't undertsand and tell that there is no problem with the touchscreen.
They compared to another Nvidia shield and told me that the response is the same than mine.
I can't believe that all the Nvidia shield has the same response because for me all the games are unplayable.
So I would like to know if someone has the same feeling (delay) about the touchscreen when you slide and change laterally the direction with your finger to play games like racing or platform games.
Thanks in advance
Sorry if I open this again.
I've been going crazy with this issue too and have been looking around for a fix, too.
I tried applying different configurations to my /system/usr/idc/touch.idc file, without any noticeable differences.
The only setting that works for sure is 'touch.size.calibration': the possible values are "none | geometric | diameter | area | default". Whatever I set besides 'none' will make the touchscreen work like a touch pad (you scroll around and there's a little cursor moving, you tap and it taps on the cursor's location).
I'm not sure which setting (if any) can calibrate the touchscreen for small movements. The documentation is a little unclear (I only found this: https://source.android.com/devices/input/touch-devices.html ).
Does anyone know more about this configuration file? I believe it's a common issue for all the shield tablets, it would be great if we were able to fix this.
Please note that root is required to edit that file, of course. Plus, the /system partition needs to be writable (mount -o rw,remount /system).
Same issue on new k1
Same issue on K1
I purchased an new K1 today and am experiencing the same issue. After enabling "show touches" in developer options it is very clear that the display periodically becomes unresponsive. I have also tried to re-calibrate the display with the Sensor Calibration Utility with no change. This happens while NOT connected to a power supply. So, I'm not sure what else to try.
What have others done about this issue? Do you return the device to the reseller? Because as it is, I can't play most games and find a typical browsing experience annoying.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
After trying everything, including full wipe, different Rom etc, I have returned it to the reseller. I got another one and and am very happy with it. Turning screen off and back on gets the responsiveness back for a while. Good luck with swapping it for new one, reseller I dealt with made no issue of it.As I have restored tablet to factory settings,I have just shown a video of a tablet going all crazy to a guy at the counter, and he gave me a new one.
Acidicus said:
After trying everything, including full wipe, different Rom etc, I have returned it to the reseller. I got another one and and am very happy with it. Turning screen off and back on gets the responsiveness back for a while. Good luck with swapping it for new one, reseller I dealt with made no issue of it.As I have restored tablet to factory settings,I have just shown a video of a tablet going all crazy to a guy at the counter, and he gave me a new one.
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Thanks. I appreciate you sharing your experience on this. I got it from Amazon, so I hope they are cool with it.

Camera and video playback problem when logd process running

Hello everyone,
I'm on a new Lenovo K3 Note and I'm having a little problem with my camera. I'm running Androium 5.1 but the exact same thing was happening with every other ROM I've tried, including the one from Lenovo. Sometimes when I open an app which uses the camera, from google camera to messenger, the camera freezes- it is still working but updating very slowly like 3fps and no its not related to ambient light.
After monitoring the running processes for some days, I noticed a process called 'logd' running while I was using my device's camera. Sometimes this process becomes the most resource-intensive process in the system and that's where the camera/video playback becomes extremely laggy. I did not notice this in safe mode but I cant possibly be 100% sure since it is quite random, or at least it look random to me for now. Could this be an app causing the problem? Any help finding the one responsible?
One more thing I've noticed, but this could be my imagination, its that the more I use the camera the less frequent the problem becomes. But again, dont take my word for it.
See a screenshot here i78.photobucket.com/albums/j97/nndth/Screenshot_2015-11-24-09-10-20.png~original
Any advice ? Thanks!
PS: I did try the Lenovo K3 Note subforum but noone could help me there, figured I might as well try to post here

Pixel 2 Several features not working

Hi, coming over from Iphone here, completely new to android, so some of this might be user error. I've got the pixel 2, and several features are not working for me. Always on is enabled, but doesn't pick up any songs, even though all the settings are good to go. Portrait mode on front facing camera, when selected, flips the camera to the rear. Someone else said to update the camera app, but I checked it in the play store, and it's fully updated. Not sure if lens is not working, or I'm just ignorant on how to activate it. I've read in articles that if you open the camera or google assistant, the little square in bottom right will bring up google lens, but mine brings up the app windows. Help!
mmcgeh6 said:
Hi, coming over from Iphone here, completely new to android, so some of this might be user error. I've got the pixel 2, and several features are not working for me. Always on is enabled, but doesn't pick up any songs, even though all the settings are good to go. Portrait mode on front facing camera, when selected, flips the camera to the rear. Someone else said to update the camera app, but I checked it in the play store, and it's fully updated. Not sure if lens is not working, or I'm just ignorant on how to activate it. I've read in articles that if you open the camera or google assistant, the little square in bottom right will bring up google lens, but mine brings up the app windows. Help!
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Whats playing was not working for the first part of the day for me, and now it appears to be working. It only polls for music once every sixty seconds. Also, it can't detect ALL music.
Someone in another thread said google is rolling out updates for certain things like camera gradually at different times for different users. keep checking your apps in the play store for updates, that will bring the selfie portrait mode to you.
ATM lens is only available from google photos. There is a button when youre looking at a photo to run it through lens. if you dont have that button, i bet it will show up after your phone gets the updates. It's super underwhelming atm, though.
Thanks, I'll wait to see what they push out over the next few days
similar problems
Hey, this is reassuring to hear –*I got my Pixel 2 yesterday and experienced all of the same issues as you.
A tech support chat told me that there was an update to the camera (5.1) but it would be slowly rolled out.
A further issue I noted was not being able to connect to android file transfer tool for Mac. I spent 3 hours on support trying to solve it to no avail. This was all in order for me to migrate my WhatsApp backup from iOS to Android.
I hope these updates will solve the problem, but coming from iOS, I'm just not used to bugs on key features on release day and then getting updates slowly rolled out.
I'm not sure about the WhatsApp issue - mine backs up messages automatically and restores when I install it on a new phone. For accessing the phone on my Mac I use the excellent app AirDroid - free on the play store. This is a really good way to access stuff on your Android phone and has tons of features like access to the filesystem, downloading apks etc.. It works wirelessly.

Compass issue

I have just faced with an issue with the compass. Most of the time (>70% of cases) when I open the Google maps (or any other maps app) it shows the wrong direction. E.x. I am walking north and the app shows that I am faced south as if I was walking my back forward. After calibrating the compass everything becomes back to normal until next app launch or phone reboot.
I use a plastic case (which came with the phone) and it should not interfere with the compass/magnetometer. The firmware is: WW_17.1810.1910.73 (Android 10). The phone is not rooted and the bootloader is not unlocked.
This issue annoys me because I often use maps for the pedestrian navigation. Besides that this is the second Zenfone 6 I own. The first one was replaced/refurbished due to the camera defect (there is a thread in this forum about the camera failure).
This time though I believe it is a software bug because after calibration the compass works well until a restart. Sometimes I have to calibrate compass in another app (e.x. Yandex.Maps), but anyway I really hope this is a software issue.
I am attaching a screenshot to show the issue. The red arrow shows my real direction and the Google maps sector shows that I am faced ~90 degrees clockwise. This is not even the worst case I got.
Has anybody faced with the same problem? Does anybody know is it possible to fix it?
From my experience, it's very unstable. Even after calibration it shows irrelevant angle changes and I've spoken to Asus on multiple occasions about this. They pushed an .191 update which made it a little bit better but I don't know if that's a weak hardware limitation or too much interns on their team.
I really hope it is a software bug...
And it is quite annoying, because when I want to get somewhere by foot and don't know the direction, I must be sure the phone doesn't confuse left and right.
How did you contact the Asus? Shall I maybe send them a message too? The more people talk about the issue - the higher its priority becomes. I am ready to share the logs/debug info and even to test the fix.
I also have problems, I use maps for work and the compass says I'm pointing a direction and instead I'm pointing to a different one and I have to calibrate it every time I turn on gps and maps
I'm seeing the same random directions and I'm currently running LineageOS. So if this is a firmware issue, it is likely in the kernel.
For accurate directions when moving, try Locus Map. It has a setting that determin direction based on your movement (using GPS). It beats google for everything except realtime traffic.
I have also posted a thread on the forum where I believe developers are present: https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discuss...le-maps-and-other-maps-apps-android-10#latest
Shall you maybe post info there too to raise the awareness and confirm that this is a common (not individual) issue?
CbIP said:
I have also posted a thread on the forum where I believe developers are present: https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discuss...le-maps-and-other-maps-apps-android-10#latest
Shall you maybe post info there too to raise the awareness and confirm that this is a common (not individual) issue?
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You should link to this thread from your post on ZenTalk forum that there are other users confirming this problem.
I believe this problem is on all ZF6s, but not every user will notice it, let alone report it.

