Nova Launcher Resetting App Icons? - General Questions and Answers

Hi! Every time an app updates, its custom icon I've set via Nova Launcher reverts to default (as well as the custom label I've given it). This isn't happening to everyone, and the only other report I've seen of it is a few nova launcher bug reports with 0 feedback/comments (along with an old reddit thread on the subject). It's extremely frustrating too see all the work I've put into keeping the design of my phone uniform and consistent ruined little by little as all my apps update. What can I do to stop this from happening? I'm running Lollipop 5.1.1 on a rooted Xperia Z3 with stock Xperia Firmware.

Yes that also happen to me. Still not getting a work around to stop this mess.


[Q] Incorrectly displaying Widgets

Hey everyone, i did some extensive searching in this general section and didnt see my specific problem, so if theres a thread open on it already, please (kindly) point me to it.
I'm having an interesting problem where sometimes, some of my widgets are not displaying properly. So far its been Beautiful Widgets Home, Arti's Contact widget (4x4), and the AudioGuru profile widget that have done it.
PowerControl, TaskPanel X, and BatteryLife have always been fine, and shortcuts have been fine. I attached some pics of Beautiful home and audio guru. For Beautiful Widgets Home, it should be quite obvious, for AudioGuru those buttons are half the size they should be.
I cant pinpoint when it happens, although the last time it did, it was after i closed the stock browser.
Lastly, rebooting the phone fixes it, trashing the widgets and re-adding them fixes it, and connecting to my laptop via usb and mounting the sd-card fixes it.
I'd like to know whats causing it. Has anyone else experienced this bug with any of their widgets?
safe to say it's a bug with the launcher, this sometimes happens on custom launchers and it's a quick fix by just restarting your custom launcher.
usually it happens when the phone tries to rotate and then gets confused so the widgets get all screwed up. Shouldn't happen that often though.
i have it happen on LP everyonce and a while if i'm in a landscape game and then go back to my portrait homescreen, but i'd say 95% of the time they fix themselves.
Well I appreciate the insight but I'm not on a custom launcher which is sorta why it bothers me a bit more.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant with Swype!
so anyone else have anything they could contribute to my issue?
chances are its something with the app/widget that doesnt know what the hell to do in Gbread
slowz3r said:
chances are its something with the app/widget that doesnt know what the hell to do in Gbread
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you might be right but I'm not so sure its gbread per say. as an update, since my last post, it was doing it at random times. i could not reproduce the issue intentionally but it happened one to two times a day.
I started toying with LauncherPro yesterday and was impressed so earlier this morning I bought Launcher Pro Plus. it hasnt happened once while using it. So I've recreated every screen i had on the stock launcher in LauncherPro Plus (and then some) with no issues.
The phone has only been release less than a month. I think that devs are still getting to grips or updating existing apps to be compatible with GB.
i find it hard to believe that widgets running on the stock launcher within gingerbread might mess up due to the dev needing to change the code to be gb compatible yet those same ones running within launcherpro are just fine. It has to be something specific to the launcher itself and not gb the os and third party. although i haven't spent any time testing just the widgets that come out of the box to see if its 3rd party only that's having the problem

TWLauncher Problem

Hi all, need some help.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 and the following error appear sometime.
TWlancher ( has stopped unexpectely.
How can I fix that.
Sorry if this seems like a flippant response, but ditch the stock Touchwiz launcher and try Go Launcher HD. It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles like cute scrolling animations and whatnot, but it's really smooth and clean looking.
It made my Tab experience much better, and doesn't have the bloat or odd behavior of something like ADW EX launcher.
I had the same issue, TW Launcher would constantly force close.
This started to happen after I was installing a bunch of apps at once and trying to remove widgets from the home screen. I ended up having to do a factory reset and installed Go Launcher as soon as I got the tablet up and running again.
PointZeroOne said:
I had the same issue, TW Launcher would constantly force close.
This started to happen after I was installing a bunch of apps at once and trying to remove widgets from the home screen. I ended up having to do a factory reset and installed Go Launcher as soon as I got the tablet up and running again.
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GoLauncher HD = Best thing ever! Unfortunately though on the TAB version (HD) of the Go Launcher you can't sort apps inside folders ?!
I like Go Launcher EX way better on the Note. You can move apps inside folders around just like on iPhone!
I'm having a recent problem with GoLauncher. I've got it set to run as default but every time i check TWLauncher is also running. This is driving me nuts! Any help? BTW, not rooted yet.

Nexus 5 - widgets sync issues

Hi all,
I have had my Nexus 5 phone for a few weeks now and I love it.
Before that I owned a Galaxy S2, running on CM10.2 with Dorimanx Kernel with Nova Launcher.
I really love the N5, it really is a beast and answers most of my expectations.
However, I have recently been confronted to a problem : my homescreen widgets are not syncing/updating anymore...
Not much of them though :
- Beautiful Weather 4 x 2
- Stock Agenda 2 x 3 redimensioned at 4 x 3
- Today 4 x 2 redimensioned at 4 x 3
Before that I also tried on my N5 : Dashclock + Widget Locker and some extensions for Whatsapp, Google Music, Hangouts, Gmail, etc...
Lockscreen widgets worked fine and were correctly synced and updated.
I have noticed that my homescreen widgets are only updated once : when I set them up or when I turn on my device. After a few seconds they stop updating. Even the update button in some widgets does not work.
This is really annoying as I really like my N5 and this is really bothering me.
I have searched through all the web and through the forum and I have not found anything useful. I have tried uninstalling all these apps and reinstall them. I have tried installing them one at a time and it does not work.
I have seen your N5 homescreens in the forum and it makes me jealous as they are really looking good and rely on synced widgets.
Has anyone got a clue ?
Thank you all very much.
Hi all,
Just a quick update : I have installed Nova Launcher 2.3 Beta and all my widgets seem to be working fine in Nova Environment. Well synced and updated.
Has anyone kept the default Nexus 5 launcher (Google Experience) and observed the widgets are not syncing ?
I have tried to reset the Launcher by going into the app details and stopping the app and resetting the cache and data. It still does not work.
The weird thing is that I seem to be the only one experiencing this issue as I really have not found the problem stated elsewhere. Or maybe for other devices and particular widgets but I have tried all the solutions and none worked.
Are you running Google Experience on your N5 and are you having these issues ?
I do like Google Experience feel and is there another way to reset it ?
Do you have any clues on how to debug this ?
Otherwise, do you know where I can post this problem and find help ? Is there any Google support for this Launcher ?
Thank you all so much for your help !!
mlastra said:
Hi all,
Just a quick update : I have installed Nova Launcher 2.3 Beta and all my widgets seem to be working fine in Nova Environment. Well synced and updated.
Has anyone kept the default Nexus 5 launcher (Google Experience) and observed the widgets are not syncing ?
I have tried to reset the Launcher by going into the app details and stopping the app and resetting the cache and data. It still does not work.
The weird thing is that I seem to be the only one experiencing this issue as I really have not found the problem stated elsewhere. Or maybe for other devices and particular widgets but I have tried all the solutions and none worked.
Are you running Google Experience on your N5 and are you having these issues ?
I do like Google Experience feel and is there another way to reset it ?
Do you have any clues on how to debug this ?
Otherwise, do you know where I can post this problem and find help ? Is there any Google support for this Launcher ?
Thank you all so much for your help !!
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Same issue here...
After fighting that problem for 2 days without any luck (tried restarts, reinstalled beautiful widgts, widgetoid etc.) the problem is gone now after posting yesterday into this thread.
The only thing that changed since then is that i deinstalled tapatalk - but I can hardly reproduce the problem or solution...
Really a small chance but maybe the OP has tapatalk installed too?
Hi licht,
Thanks for your feedback though you are right, I don't know how I can reproduce your solution.
And by the way, after a successful day on Nova the problem has appeared on Nova now !!
So I guess this isn't launcher related...
There is a pb with Kit Kat somewhere...
How could I debug this ? What is the process responsible for updating home screen widgets ?
Thanks to the community !
OK I've had this problem too.. Very occasionally.. But it's happened in holo launcher..
A restart fixes it..
And I do have tapatalk installed too though am not sure it's related
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Hi letmedanz,
Thanks for sharing.
I have done the restart, of the widgets, of the launcher and of the phone...
I just don't get why it works and then just stops working...
I wish I could find the process responsible for the update and my monitor it.
Thanks anyway.
Having the same issue, i guess it's only a few of us. Have you tried reflashing stock img? i might give that a go.
Actually, on Nova it runs just fine. I think I'll just keep Nova. I'm too lazy to reflash...
mlastra said:
Actually, on Nova it runs just fine. I think I'll just keep Nova. I'm too lazy to reflash...
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Hmmmm don't care for nova, unnecessary memory usage. I thought you said earlier it wasn't a launcher issue?
Will try to solve it tomorrow, perhaps it is as simple as wiping cache? Will keep you guys' updated.
You are right to point that out because I thought it was also not t refreshing on Nova. But it actually did, and for some time now it runs fine.
Thanks for trying it. I'll be checking your results in here.
The only modification i have done is installed AdAway other than that i am stock. Oh i also have gravity screen off installed.
I found out I had this app running in the background still doing a timer, so many hours! =]
Exited it and now my widgets refresh. Can anyone explain how this app would get in the way of the widgets updating?? =\
problem solved
My nexus 5 block sync all widgets:
The solution is, deinstall phone weaver!
What is Phone Weaver ? Is it a specific program ? Because I don't have it.
I thought it was the stopwatch app i had running causing widget freezes, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Widgets are still refusing to refresh. Will flash 4.4.2 (clean install) hopefully that helps.
Issue is well documented here
See if this works for you guys!msg/nexus/uu27aDrcwFs/9L9JRo6kXqkJ
Vladimir Vakhromeev
I've found solution which works for me. I hope it could help others as well.
all that I did is ran in CMD:
adb shell am start -n
after this nexus asked for locale and name again. Then I've put back my widgets.
I had no problems about a week.
Please, notice that it could be done at your own risk!
I tried the above and it seems to be working so far. Post your results =]
So i have found a temporary fix without needing to reboot.
I used to kill all processes and tasks, the widgets start to work! The bug will occur again most likely.
Now when the bug does occur again i just have to go kill the process/task 1 by 1 to figure out which one resets the widgets, probably google search (launcher)
This must confirm there is conflict with ram! any insight?!
Anyone figured out a solution that does not involve booting, restarting the phone or manually running an app? that is no permanent fix. and this is extremely disappointing.

[HELP] Google Now Launcher - Icons Problem

Hi, guys! I was wondering if someone had my same problem with icons while using GNL (Google Now Launcher) on a 4.4 KitKat device. I'll try to explain: the launcher works perfectly in all his functions on my device (I have got a Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo+ with Android 4.4.2) but I noticed a strange problem everytime I restarted the phone or turned it on after the night: some icons seem to disappear from my home pages. At the beginning I used not to notice it so much and I used to put them back at their places but after some time the problem became stressing. I'm trying to underdstand and find out the what's causing this issue but I didn't manage to find it out 'till now!
Has anybody had the same problem? I would be really interested in hearing about your experience and opinions!
Has anybody maybe found a way to fix it?
PS. I also noticed this problem using KK Launcher, Epic Launcher, Trebuchet Launcher and every other launcher based on Android 4.4 KitKat. I also found it using previous versions of GNL!

Nova launcher on Honor 8

Hi everyone,
Has anyone tried to put Nova launcher on their Honor 8? I have recently decided to change the look of my phone a bit so i downloaded the Nova launcher (prime). I managed to modify it to my liking but there is one problem with it - i think that it is slowing my phone down a bit. App opening seems to be slower and even scrolling through pages in apps is a bit laggy (facebook, instagram, chrome, etc..). I think that my phone is working better on stock emui launcher. I really like the google feed which is not available on EMUI 5.0.1
Is there anyone else who encountered the same issue? Is there any way to fix this? I tried to change the animation time in phone and nova settings and it is not helping...
Thank you.
I have Nova on mine and it doesn't run slow at all. Maybe try turning off App Animations in the Look and Feel section?
I've been running Nova on mine for over a year, and can say that I have never noticed any slowdowns at all.
Same as the person above have been running nova launcher since i bought it back in september and havent experianced any slowdowns
Ok then the problem seem to be with my phone only. Maybe i should restore it to factory settings as i haven't done that yet. I guess i will just stay with stock emui launcher for now. .. Thanks for help
BlChaT said:
Hi everyone,
Has anyone tried to put Nova launcher on their Honor 8? I have recently decided to change the look of my phone a bit so i downloaded the Nova launcher (prime). I managed to modify it to my liking but there is one problem with it - i think that it is slowing my phone down a bit. App opening seems to be slower and even scrolling through pages in apps is a bit laggy (facebook, instagram, chrome, etc..). I think that my phone is working better on stock emui launcher. I really like the google feed which is not available on EMUI 5.0.1
Is there anyone else who encountered the same issue? Is there any way to fix this? I tried to change the animation time in phone and nova settings and it is not helping...
Thank you.
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Hey just convert NOVA LAUNCHER to system app thats it. It runs flawlessly
Ran it on my Honor 8 and never noticed a slowdown with it.
Thank you for you help regarding it. I wouldn't say that the phone is lagging with Nova launcher. It just seems to be slower than with EMUI launcher which is what i don't really like. Maybe it is just in my head. I think i will stay on emui launcher for now.
Pranav Kumar said:
Hey just convert NOVA LAUNCHER to system app thats it. It runs flawlessly
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How do you do that sir?
Try removing the spyware and resource hogs 'facebook, instagram' and I am sure it will run much faster its certainly not Nova.
iamsra said:
How do you do that sir?
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Using magisk module!
Some tips I discovered. It starts to run smoothly after I granted acces in advanced settings security device administrator, then Apps- Special settings - ignore battery otimization, draw over the apps, write system settings
Been using Nova Classic since I got my phone. Since I love the old Holo look I prefer this version. Never looked back. Works great.
Still using my Honor 8 on Android 6 and EMUI 4.1.
See no reason to upgrade.
