[Completed] I really need some help here - XDA Assist

I have a ZTE grand X max installed King root on and it bricked my phone and now at the start up screen pops up and it doesn't go any further past that I've tried factory resetting and it says it cant access to catche or anything like that

Damian666yates said:
I have a ZTE grand X max installed King root on and it bricked my phone and now at the start up screen pops up and it doesn't go any further past that I've tried factory resetting and it says it cant access to catche or anything like that
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There's no dedicated forum for your device here in XDA. Try posting your query in Android Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting or in the friendly Q&A thread here->[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly] .Experts there may be able to help you.
Good luck


[Completed] how to find a lost phone

I lost my yureka plus phone two days back
is there any way to get it back
or to block it, so that it won't work further
please help me...
mansoormoghals said:
I lost my yureka plus phone two days back
is there any way to get it back
or to block it, so that it won't work further
please help me...
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Thanks for using XDA Assist.
If you had Android Device Manager enabled in your device,you could locate it and factory reset the device.Read this.You could also seek help in Android Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting or in one of the noob friendly Q&A thread here->[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly] .Experts there may be able to give better suggestions.
XDA Assist

[Completed] need help

My galaxy j5 wont open it says in the left upper screen that "set warranty bit:recovery" how can i fix this im rooted by the way my phone doesnt go in recovery mode pls help
carlhartnet said:
My galaxy j5 wont open it says in the left upper screen that "set warranty bit:recovery" how can i fix this im rooted by the way my phone doesnt go in recovery mode pls help
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Thanks for using XDA Assist.
There's no dedicated forum for your device here in XDA.Try posting your query in Android Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting or in one of the noob friendly Q&A thread here->[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly] .Experts there may be able to help you!
Good Luck
XDA Assist

[Completed] Help lg eclipse 2 soft bricked!!!

Please help I tried to root my eclipse on 5.1.1 and it wont pass the lg loading screen. I cant hard reset, I cant boot, I cant find any recovery firmware please help fast. if i try and hard reset it fails
rcheaton said:
Please help I tried to root my eclipse on 5.1.1 and it wont pass the lg loading screen. I cant hard reset, I cant boot, I cant find any recovery firmware please help fast. if i try and hard reset it fails
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Thanks for using XDA Assist.
There's no dedicated forum for your device here in XDA.Try posting your query in Android Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting or in one of the noob friendly Q&A thread here->[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly] .Experts there may be able to help you!
Good Luck
XDA Assist

[Completed] Alcatel pop C7 boot problems after attempted update

first post on the forums and my C7 is not booting up into the home screen, it just sit on the start up animation after trying to update through the factory update manger on the phone, it went into recovery mode and gave an error code that one of the zip files were corrupted and installation was aborted, I tried a factory data wipe and reset and clearing the cache, but it did nothing to help. I haven't really played with android before but I would like to have a go at fixing it myself,
Thank you in advance.
Thanks for using XDA Assist.
There's no dedicated forum for your device here in XDA.Try posting your query in Android Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting or in one of the noob friendly Q&A thread here->[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly] .Experts there may be able to help you!
Good Luck
XDA Assist

[Completed] how to save a ZENFONE MAX with no OS installed?

hi there,
my zenfone max is from china, and originally i just want to root it and installed google play store on it.
but unfortunately i accidentally wiped something (which i am not sure what i wiped).
It mentioned no OS installed when i am trying to reboot it.
the internal storage seems totally wiped out by me.
i can only switch on the cell phone to twrp now,
i tried to flash it but it always fail...
please someone save my phone from turning into a brick T-T
Thanks for using XDA Assist.
There's no dedicated forum for your device here in XDA.Try posting your query in Android Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting or in one of the noob friendly Q&A thread here->[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly] .Experts there may be able to help you!
Good Luck
XDA Assist

