I have tf700t from the very beginning times.
As it was laggy and I actually didn't need it I placed it on shelf.
Now I started to play around with it and screwed up big time.
As I didn't had any necessary information on it I didn't creat recovery file (my bad).
I went on TWRK (long time ago) and installed CROMBi KK on it (also long time ago).
Than I scewed something up so it never booted up from CROMBi KK first screen (I let it boot over the night).
Now, a year later or so I planned to put this thing alive.
Added Omni latest nightly ROM and now it won't pass TWRK. It won't even enter the TWRK Recovery anymore, all I have is TEAMWIN screen blinking and that's it. Can not wipe nor anything.
If you have any good idea what should I try to get it work - I would be really thankful. Ready to try anything.
Follow this:
If you still have access to the bootloader you don't need the bootit.ko., then just start at the fastboot commands
Hi guys, reasonable newbie here. My Galaxy S2 has stopped displaying anything after the initial logo. In fact it seems to turn the phone off as you can make repeated attempts to boot it within a few seconds.
I started by flashing an insecure sgs2 kernel from this site with odin, then used s2root.
I then played around with rom managed but found it wouldn't boot into clockworkmod (orange exclamation mark in a white triangle every time) I booted into it manually and started trying to flash cm7 which I had downloaded earlier.
I wiped the data etc and flashed the cm7 zip (plus the google apps zip). Rebooted and got into cm7 with everything seeming fine.
Next I thought I should probably flash back to the stock version of the insecure kernel. I rebooted the phone but got distracted and didn't start it up in download mode, I looked just in time to see the normal logo (with the yellow insecure triangle) and then nothing....just blank.
I tried rebooting afew times and nothing, even after yanking the battery. Then I tried getting back into clockworkmod to reflash cm7. Nope, same thing happens.
I can still get back into download mode but nothing I flash makes the slighest difference. Tried reflashing clockworkmod, insecure and stock kernels of various versions but I'm stuck.
This is almost a new phone and I can't believe I've already killed it I would be so grateful for any tips, I've included as much info as I can think of from the top of my head but I will do my best to answer anything you gurus might need.
Again, very grateful for any help...I don't want to have to explain to Orange how I've managed to brick this after 4 days
Ok after trying over and over again to get into recovery mode, it booted into the original (3e) recovery. I've just flash cwmod to it again and have just flash cm7.
After reading some posts about cyanogenmod sometimes not flashing correctly first time, I did it twice (and it did indeed take longer the second time) and twice for google apps.
Next I'll try to get back to the stock kernel. This is where it went wrong before but i'll cross my fingers.
Edit: Well, multiple reboots didn't cause a problem but flashing the stock kernel back does kill the handset again. I'm sure this stuff is all obvious to those with experience I guess I'll have to sit with an insecure kernel and the yellow triangle for the forseeable future. On a side note, s2root doesn't see the phone connected with cm7 (yes usb debugging was turned on). I'm hoping that it is pre-rooted but I haven't tested that yet.
(backstory) Hi, ive had an Asus TF300T, for about 3 years now, unlocked, rooted it pretty early on... cycled between cyanogenmod and omnirom quite a bit, without really any major issues. Until today, i was running Cyanogenmods latest nightly build (CM11 Nov 5 2014), it worked just as any other nightly does a few bugs here and there, but nothing major and i hadn't done any major flashing or modding to the device. On my home from university, I turned my tablet off. And when i got home i plugged in the charger, and just as always the tablet turned on, showed the stock Asus screen, then changed to the Android boot animation... the animation then suddenly froze, and the device went into a boot loop... continuously... I dont know whats weong with it... tried to do a factory reset, i tried reinstalling the ROM, tried installing omnirom, but that got stuck on the OmniRom animation...
Im running Asus build
I had TWRP v2.7.0.1 installed but have now no longer works
id really hope there is a solution for this!
Edit: I dont know why, but when i try using fastboot or adb, the device isnt recognized. It doesnt show up on device manager either. I dont know if its the cable cause i bought it new, it says its can sync data, or a faulty charge/sync port....
razr9622 said:
(backstory) the tablet turned on, showed the stock Asus screen, then changed to the Android boot animation... the animation then suddenly froze, and the device went into a boot loop... continuously... I dont know whats weong with it... tried to do a factory reset, i tried reinstalling the ROM, tried installing omnirom, but that got stuck on the OmniRom animation...
Im running Asus build (I know that theres a newer version, but when i try to flash it, the recovery says error and fails)
I have TWRP v2.7.0.1 installed but have now no longer works
id really hope there is a solution for this!
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I was just to open a similar thread, then i saw your post. I join your request for help!
A month ago i have done a favor to a friend by unlocking his tf300t and installing CM11 on it. A few days ago he comes to me with this problem. I've tried anything but still no success:
- restore a backup done before flashing CM11 --> restore ends correctly but the problem remains
- flash a rom (CM11 and OmniRom) --> flash ends correctly but the problem remains
- flash the stock firmware found on asus website (WW_epad-user-, the SKU is correct for my version) --> the flash process stuck (i had to force restart the tablet after almost 2 hours of "flashing")
Since the boot animation changes according to the rom, i suppose the flashing process works. But the problem remains: after a few seconds the animation freeze and the device restarts, in loop.
Informations on the system:
- build
- TWRP v2.7.0.1 (working!)
- adb works (i managed to set /data as rw and push the .zip file to flash)
- fastboot should work
Please help! I feel a bit responsible for bricking my friend's device
I had already tried this method, before requesting for help, but the first time didn't worked... I don't know why this evening the tablet decided to collaborate:
That worked for me! :victory:
I need help. I've had my old TF101 for a couple of years now. I was running KatKiss 4.3 when one day, I plugged it into an old soundboard to sound test some speakers. For some reason this sent it into a bootloop (it did the same to my G2, but I got it out easily). I figured it was not a big deal since I get into bootloops all the time, but I was shocked when I booted into TWRP and the touchscreen wouldn't work! So I rebooted it over and over but it still wouldn't boot regularly and TWRP wouldn't accept touches. I reflashed TWRP through adb (which worked in TWRP) and still nothing. Then I downloaded some TF101 unbrick tool that utilized nvflash, but it kept getting errors because it was missing files. After I used that, my tablet screen seemingly wouldn't turn on! I tried EasyFlasher with sbk2 (cause mine's a b70) but that did nothing. I was about ready to give up, when I stumbled across a thread here where a guy's tablet was stuck booting into apx mode. I guessed that that might explain the screen not turning on, so I tried the solution there, which involved another nvflash tool that was designed just to flash the base boot stuff, no ROM. This worked. After this I tried EasyFlasher again (with sbk1 this time) to get the Asus stock ROM, and it seemed to work, but the tablet wouldn't finish booting (I let it boot for over a half an hour). I flashed TWRP and some custom touchscreen enabled CWM with it, but the touchscreen still wouldn't work. I flashed regular CWM with it and tried to install KatKiss, but it wouldn't boot either. I tried multiple times wiping and flashing, but the touchscreen still won't work, and no rom will boot.
So now, I have given up, and for the first time in many years of rooting, roming, flashing and wiping, I have found a problem I can't figure out on my own or through Google or previous threads here, and I'm stumped. I'm actually quite surprised its taken me so long to get here. Anyway, Thanks in advance for the help!
Hello guys.
I apologize for making yet another "my phone is soft-bricked" thread, but I have been through at least 20-25 of the other threads, seemingly tried everything, and I can't get past my problem. Also, most of the other threads I saw are pretty old and not really active anymore. A few of the tools there can't even be downloaded anymore because the links are dead.
Anyway, here's my story.
I have a 16 GB US retail XT1032 that I bought mostly to give tech support to my parents, whom I also bought a 8GB each. Theirs, I left untouched. Mine, I unlocked bootloader and rooted right away. All went well for a long time.
My parents kept receiving OTA's and it took them all the way to Lollipop. Me being rooted, I got stuck in KitKat somewhere (I'm not 100% sure whether that was in 4.4.2 or 4.4.4), but since it wasn't my daily driver, I let it lie as stock rooted KitKat. Recently I wanted to go to Lollipop in order to keep seeing "the same things" as my parents, and I installed TWRP in preparation to flash a "stock enhanced" version of Lollipop. TWRP flashed fine but there was something funny all along: I could use ADB or a root app to boot into recovery from the ROM, but I could never manage to get the phone to go into recovery by booting into fastboot (vol down+power) and then choosing recovery. Screen would go black and recovery would never load.
So I copied a "stock" Lollipop image and booted into TWRP from the ROM and wiped everything and tried flashing the Lollipop ROM. It got stuck somewhere part way, and a few hours later there was no more progress.
Ever since then, I am stuck in fastboot. Fastboot seemingly works correctly, recently I was able to flash an OG animation to get rid of the nasty "your bootloader is unlocked" warning. I can flash recoveries (TWRP and/or CWM) without error on the phone or the computer, but when I try to then boot into recovery using the bootloader, I get stuck on the black screen and go nowhere.
As others in the various threads have commented, when I try to boot "normally", I get the boot animation and a vibration and then it gets stuck.
I have tried so many things by reading different threads I couldn't tell you anymore what all of them were. I've gotten errors about downgrading, I've gotten stuck in fastboot reason: "failed flash", I've gotten flashing errors about the size of recovery or boot or gpt. What I've never managed to do again is to boot into anything other than bootloader. No recovery and no ROM.
Could someone with a bit of experience please point me to some working links and/or when you have the time, help me look at a couple of logs or something that can help me figure out where my problem lies and how to get out of it? my daily driver phablet died a gruesome death and I wanted to go back to my trusty moto g, to no avail.
Thank you very much to whomever can help.
Try to reflash full stock firmware for your device according to your bootloader version. Hope it helps....
Try typing in fastboot devices
Hi everyone.
I have a ASUS TF300T for over 10 years now. It is an awesome tablet and the last 4 years it has been my daughter's playing buddy. Around 6 years ago, as the performance of the tablet was horrible, I started to inform my self of what I could do to have a usable tablet again and that was when I found out about custom roms. So I did my research, unlocked the bootloader, installed TWRP bootloader and flash Timduru's ROM to it. It worked like a charm. Great performance and usability for the almost dead (thanks to ASUS) TF300T. Around the time Timduru's last ROM for this tablet was released, was also the last time I upgraded the TWRP to the latest version which I don't remember its version. Now to my problem... Last week my wife told me she couldn't get the tablet to work. As I looked at it, what I saw was the ASUS logo (with the device is unlocked at the top left corner) and then the Timduru's logo comes up and hangs, after a while it reboots to the ASUS logo again and just does everything the same over and over again non stop, can't even shutdown the device. If I hooked the usb cable to a PC it does the same but after 6 reboots the device shuts down. Then I tried to enter recovery so, volume down and power it on, the menu comes up as normal but now I tried to enter TWRP. Splash screen appears and reboots to the ASUS logo again. Then Linux pinguins show up at the top left corner and enters again to the TWRP splash screen and reboots. Now that's where I'm stuck at. Can't do anything. Volume down and power up don't do anything either, it always goes straight to TWRP recovery and reboots again. In the PC the Android device shows up until the tablet restarts again. Also tried adb but it always stalls or gives some strange info until the tablet restarts again. So my question is... I anyone able to help me restore this back to funcionality? My daughter would really appreciate your help guys! Thanks!
Tuzy said:
Hi everyone.
I have a ASUS TF300T for over 10 years now. It is an awesome tablet and the last 4 years it has been my daughter's playing buddy. Around 6 years ago, as the performance of the tablet was horrible, I started to inform my self of what I could do to have a usable tablet again and that was when I found out about custom roms. So I did my research, unlocked the bootloader, installed TWRP bootloader and flash Timduru's ROM to it. It worked like a charm. Great performance and usability for the almost dead (thanks to ASUS) TF300T. Around the time Timduru's last ROM for this tablet was released, was also the last time I upgraded the TWRP to the latest version which I don't remember its version. Now to my problem... Last week my wife told me she couldn't get the tablet to work. As I looked at it, what I saw was the ASUS logo (with the device is unlocked at the top left corner) and then the Timduru's logo comes up and hangs, after a while it reboots to the ASUS logo again and just does everything the same over and over again non stop, can't even shutdown the device. If I hooked the usb cable to a PC it does the same but after 6 reboots the device shuts down. Then I tried to enter recovery so, volume down and power it on, the menu comes up as normal but now I tried to enter TWRP. Splash screen appears and reboots to the ASUS logo again. Then Linux pinguins show up at the top left corner and enters again to the TWRP splash screen and reboots. Now that's where I'm stuck at. Can't do anything. Volume down and power up don't do anything either, it always goes straight to TWRP recovery and reboots again. In the PC the Android device shows up until the tablet restarts again. Also tried adb but it always stalls or gives some strange info until the tablet restarts again. So my question is... I anyone able to help me restore this back to funcionality? My daughter would really appreciate your help guys! Thanks!
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Hi there, I'm sorry for my late replay, because I'm not often been looking up here. Here is my advice:
The only way to get out of the loop you should do a "Buster99" to get back on Stock Rom Jelly Been 4.2.2. After that you'll be able to install the CR again. Therefore you should look up all my posts within this thread over the years. There you'll also find the right links leading to Buster99. Don't forget you need "Minimal ADB and Fastboot" to do a Buster99.
All the best and good luck, ebonit
PS: Here is the link to the Buster99 solution: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44244313&postcount=12