Zte Blade L3 Android 5.0.2 Unlock/Root/Rom - Blade Android Development

Hello to all so i got this Zte blade L3 quite some time now but havent got to root it or even unlock it , so i will just put my experience here and maybe i can get someone else help to at last root it or at least unlock so as to put some custom rom because no one done any of this yet.
So About rooting i tried Every single one app or program that claims to root this or any other phone in the market this includes android apps or apps that can be run from a computer, i tried to push many zip with supersu or new recoveries to use them to root it but it is locked so i cannot push a single zip or flash anything.
So rooting is out of the question now lets go to Unlocking.
Tried to unlock it any way i have read online the only one that came close to it is put it in fastboot mode and run fastboot oem unlock but after that there is a step where i need to press the Volume + button which is frozen ( it doesnt work) but only in fastboot mode it works in normal mode or the recovery mode so i suppose that its locked in that mode as not to be unlocked.
Well after that putting a custom rom is impossible of course because of it being locked so this end this effort to do anything with this mobile phone is useless.
Some more info all the drivers are correctly installed adb fastboot developers options enabled debugging enabled , there is NO option in developer options to Enable oem unlock though as i have seen in other 5.x android version , i dont know if that is helpful.
Thanks hope to a solution

tsikis said:
Hello to all so i got this Zte blade L3 quite some time now but havent got to root it or even unlock it , so i will just put my experience here and maybe i can get someone else help to at last root it or at least unlock so as to put some custom rom because no one done any of this yet.
So About rooting i tried Every single one app or program that claims to root this or any other phone in the market this includes android apps or apps that can be run from a computer, i tried to push many zip with supersu or new recoveries to use them to root it but it is locked so i cannot push a single zip or flash anything.
So rooting is out of the question now lets go to Unlocking.
Tried to unlock it any way i have read online the only one that came close to it is put it in fastboot mode and run fastboot oem unlock but after that there is a step where i need to press the Volume + button which is frozen ( it doesnt work) but only in fastboot mode it works in normal mode or the recovery mode so i suppose that its locked in that mode as not to be unlocked.
Well after that putting a custom rom is impossible of course because of it being locked so this end this effort to do anything with this mobile phone is useless.
Some more info all the drivers are correctly installed adb fastboot developers options enabled debugging enabled , there is NO option in developer options to Enable oem unlock though as i have seen in other 5.x android version , i dont know if that is helpful.
Thanks hope to a solution
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well first you determine if the device is mediatek, if it is making a recovery should be easy, 2nd of all determining how to unlock the bootloader and as far as i know fastboot oem-unlock should do the trick, then you are gonna have to findout the recovery block, then push the custom recovery to the recovery partition, reboot then root through recovery with simple superuser.
or we can root, then flash the recovery partition with dd, try using kingroot to root, if not we are gonna have to try the first way, substantially harder but more effective

It is mediatek , fastboot oem-unlock wont do the trick as i mentioned above because when i reach the step of Yes/No Volu + /Vol - the Vol + which is the yes is locked i press it and nothing happens, the rest i wont answer because i havent went after the step of unlocking the bootloader as for the 2nd way I CANT ROOT thats why i have this posted , please give a bit more importance to what i have said i explain everything i cant root by any programs android or computer program i cant unlock he bootloader because of the vol+ issue (its not broken the volume + button it works everywhere besides there) so i suppose it has something to do with being locked or something.
Thanks for the effort but it wont work

Detail on the "Enable Unlocking" bootloader that can't be unlocked
Although it is hard to understand the poster's original question because the entire post is a single run-on sentence, his question is VERY sound IMHO -- I have the identical problem and I'm at wits' end:
My phone is a Rook from EE (UK), which I understand is a carrier-branded ZTE Blade 3 A410. (I post below the output of fastboot getvar all). I apologize that I don't know what it means "to check if the phone is MediaTek" --please explain and I'll be happy to. check.
Unlike the earlier poster's phone, this one DOES have an "OEM Unlocking/Allow the bootloader to be unlocked" toggle in developer's options. The entire process of unlocking the bootloader goes completely without incident, up to the point when i need to use Volume Up or Down to cancel or confirm the unlock (and then press the power button to do the unlock):
------------------dos cmd window snippet------------------------
C:\Users\seth\Documents\My Installation Files>adb devices -l
List of devices attached
0123456789ABCDEF device product635E40_EE model:Rook_from_EE device635E40
C:\Users\seth\Documents\My Installation Files>adb reboot bootloader
C:\Users\seth\Documents\My Installation Files>fastboot oem unlock
---------------------------------------------end of DOS cmd snippet----------------------
PLEASE now look at the attachments to this post-- each one is a picture of the screen at some point during the bootloader-unlock process. (The blanked-out squares in the pics did not excise any text or other information; the pics were only edited to remove annoying glare from lights in the room).
The first attachment is a pic of the fastboot-mode screen. I don't know if it's strange or not that this screen is VERY simple, a single line of text. I see from various pics in this forum that usually the fastboot screen has a logo and some information. Not sure this matters, but just in case....
The second attachment to this post is a pic of the disclaimer screen.
You will see that it is the usual disclaimer screen, ending in the Yes/No choice that one is supposed to do with Volume UP/Down.
BUT NOTE: Neither line is highlighted. There is just two lines of text which say "yes" or "no".
If, at this point, I press Volume Down, the screen displays a new line for a few seconds. You can see this new extra line in the third attachment to this post. Since we pressed Volume Down, it's no surprise that the new line says that we'll be returned to fastboot. And indeed, a few seconds later, the screen switches to the screen, a pic of which is in the 4th and final attachment here.
Of course, we WANT to unlock the bootloader, so I press Volume UP and not Volume Down at this point. But When I press Volume UP -- NOTHING happens. No change at all. If I press volume Up and then press the power button, NOTHING happens.
So that's the problem: I Cant highlight the "yes" choice by pressing volume Up. I can't highlight "no" via volume Down either, but at least when I press volume down, it acts as a cancel button.
[Now that i think of it, the usual explanations all say that one has to use the volume keys to select and then press the power button. The text in the attachment doesn't mention the power button. is it possible that with this new phone, the bootloader changed and gives no feedback if one presses Volume UP -- you just have to wait a while and then it will be unlocked? I'll try that and report if that leads anywhere.]
(I'm not sure it's relevant, but just in case it is: if i press Volume UP, and then press AND HOLD the power button for several seconds, then the phone boots normally, in the DOS cmd window, the fastboot oem unlock command returns with one of two errors. I' tried it several times and always got one of two errors (exactly which one I got seemed to be random) -- either FAILED with a "read error -- unknown error" or FAILED with a "read error -- too many links")
The bottom line question is: WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO to be able to use Volume UP/Down and Power to highlight the choice I want -- namely "Yes, unlock" -- and then execute it? Or is there some other way to unlock the bootloader.
with thanks,
P.S. BTW, I tried all these steps a second time after setting the phone to factory reset manually. Same exact results.
P.P.S.: And just in case it helps, here is the output of fastboot getvar all:
C:\Users\seth\Documents\My Installation Files>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) max-download-size: 0x8000000
(bootloader) partition-size:flashinfo: 1000000
(bootloader) partition-type:flashinfo: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:userdata: 32000000
(bootloader) partition-type:userdata: ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:cache: c800000
(bootloader) partition-type:cache: ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:system: 96000000
(bootloader) partition-type:system: ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:metadata: 2480000
(bootloader) partition-type:metadata: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:nvdata: 2000000
(bootloader) partition-type:nvdata: ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:frp: 100000
(bootloader) partition-type:frp: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:tee2: 500000
(bootloader) partition-type:tee2: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:tee1: 500000
(bootloader) partition-type:tee1: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:keystore: 800000
(bootloader) partition-type:keystore: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:secro: 600000
(bootloader) partition-type:secro: raw data
(bootloader) partition-sizeemkeystore: 200000
(bootloader) partition-typeemkeystore: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:ztecfg: 80000
(bootloader) partition-type:ztecfg: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:seccfg: 80000
(bootloader) partition-type:seccfg: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:expdb: a00000
(bootloader) partition-type:expdb: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:logo: 800000
(bootloader) partition-type:logo: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:recovery: 1000000
(bootloader) partition-type:recovery: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:boot: 1000000
(bootloader) partition-type:boot: raw data
(bootloader) partition-sizeara: 80000
(bootloader) partition-typeara: raw data
(bootloader) partition-size:lk: 80000
(bootloader) partition-type:lk: raw data
(bootloader) partition-sizerotect2: a00000
(bootloader) partition-typerotect2: ext4
(bootloader) partition-sizerotect1: a00000
(bootloader) partition-typerotect1: ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:nvram: 500000
(bootloader) partition-type:nvram: raw data
(bootloader) partition-sizeroinfo: 300000
(bootloader) partition-typeroinfo: raw data
(bootloader) partition-sizereloader: 40000
(bootloader) partition-typereloader: raw data
(bootloader) off-mode-charge: 1
(bootloader) warranty: yes
(bootloader) unlocked: no
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) kernel: lk
(bootloader) product: ZTESH6735M_64_L
(bootloader) version: 0.5
all: Done!!
finished. total time: 0.077s

tsikis said:
Hello to all so i got this Zte blade L3 quite some time now but havent got to root it or even unlock it , so i will just put my experience here and maybe i can get someone else help to at last root it or at least unlock so as to put some custom rom because no one done any of this yet.
So About rooting i tried Every single one app or program that claims to root this or any other phone in the market this includes android apps or apps that can be run from a computer, i tried to push many zip with supersu or new recoveries to use them to root it but it is locked so i cannot push a single zip or flash anything.
So rooting is out of the question now lets go to Unlocking.
Tried to unlock it any way i have read online the only one that came close to it is put it in fastboot mode and run fastboot oem unlock but after that there is a step where i need to press the Volume + button which is frozen ( it doesnt work) but only in fastboot mode it works in normal mode or the recovery mode so i suppose that its locked in that mode as not to be unlocked.
Well after that putting a custom rom is impossible of course because of it being locked so this end this effort to do anything with this mobile phone is useless.
Some more info all the drivers are correctly installed adb fastboot developers options enabled debugging enabled , there is NO option in developer options to Enable oem unlock though as i have seen in other 5.x android version , i dont know if that is helpful.
Thanks hope to a solution
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So I have finally succeeded to get root on my ZTE Blade A410, which behaved in an IDENTICAL manner to what you describe. Volume-UP has no effect, so can't confirm the bootloader unlock. The suggestion in this thread to do it with dd is also a non-starter. In fact, without root, you can't even mount the recovery partition, let alone modify it with dd. The Procedure took me about 30 minutes to do --- and about 3 solid weeks to figure out. I will give it in outline here, and then will give more detail in a separate thread. I guess it must be the case that there is a class of ZTE phones which just have a locked bootloader, and are not yet covered by previous posts.
To be crystal clear: I can root my phone, but I still cannot unlock the bootloader. I have posted to the mtk droid tools forum, hoping that someone there will be able to send me the read-backs I need to do that. In the meantime, here is how you root your locked ZTE Mediatek phone:
1. You need to get, create, download, or otherwise acquire a correct, well-formatted scatter file for your phone. If you have an older 32-bit Mediatek based ZTE, this is easy to do with MTK Droid Tools. If, like me, your phone has a newer 64-bit chip, you cannot use Droid Tools. But it's not hard to do. I found a scatter file for MT6735M online (that's the Mediatek in my phone). But I had to modify all of the addresses to match my phone exactly. I found the correct addresses in several places, and the fact that they all agreed was comforting: there was a badly formatted scatter file in the zte official update.zip ROM upgrade; I could do "adb cat /proc/emmc" without being root; and although Droid Tools was useless for my 64-bit chip, the debugging output log.txt prints out the entire partition table.
2. Armed with a good scatter file, you make what backup you can using SP Flash Tool. If you **** up, and you will, believe me, you will want these backups.
3. Now, you get a correct custom recovery.img for your phone.
4. And yes, it's scary, but you download that custom recovery.img over the one in your phone using SP Flash Tool. This is way below the level of anything that a locked bootloader or not-being-root can prevent. The phone won't know what hit it.
5.Voila -- you now have a phone with TWRP or CWM recovery. And **it** just doesn't care if you are bootloader-locked, or S-ON. It will let you flash the correct supersu.zip file to your phone. When you do this, you will be rooted. If you want t STAY rooted, then before you reboot normally, or shutdown, you MUST reboot once back into the recovery you just installed -- and let the recovery modify the system partition as it wishes. Once you do this, you will be permanently rooted.
But your bootloader will be as impregnably locked as before, I'm sorry to say.
I was truly an android virgin before I began this exercise about a month ago. My phone and I have been through a lot together since then. I only say this to give you confidence that you shouldn't be afraid to do this -- but you really SHOULD make sure you understand the steps before you do, or you really might regret it. I know i was annoyed when I discovered that I had replaced my recovery partition by an unbroken sequence of 0s (the first time I tried to flash the custom recovery). But i had read though the SP Flash Tools tutorial and got past this. I'll be happy to give more detail to anyone who needs it.

Hey there first of thanks a lot i mean i wasnt even close to what you did and tried for weeks too.
Now i done every step successfully i made the scatter file working one , i backed up , i flashed the recovery image , i flashed the supersu zip , several of them because nothing worked i rebooted into recovery and when i press reboot to recovery i had the Root device option used and then i rebooted normally but nothing works i mean i see the zip being installed when the phone opens i got no supersu installed i installed one and it says no binary su found always the same issue.
Any ideas?

HI , i have zte blade L3 and android kitkat 4,4 .there is no update for lollipop .but i see some phone have a lollipop 5,1,1 .sorry for bad english .
i need a download link, and tutorial how to install (i need europe firmware)


[Q] HTC Sensation what fastboot options safe to use

Are there any further fastboot options that are safe to use to maybe clear out anything nasty in there ?
spturner said:
My sensation is currently in a bootloop state despite having flashed a stock rom supplied by football.
Are there any further fastboot options that are safe to use to maybe clear out anything nasty in there ?
I'm clutching at straws here to get this thing working !
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Do you mean you flashed a RUU,and you are still getting bootloops?
Have you tried booting without your sim card,and/or your sd card?
Still getting bootloops when restarting.
spturner said:
Yes, flashed new RUU. All ran fine.
When it came to the reboot step I removed the SD card.
Still getting bootloops when restarting.
Have also tried the process via a USB connection with my PC. Same result. Boot loops.
I have removed the SIM throughout all of this.
It seems odd that the flash works fine. No errors at all, but the boot loop still exists.
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Can you get it into safe mode? (Power + volume up)
Do it with your sim card and sd card in.
If it boots,switch off all radios (Airplane mode)
Then, reboot normally.
malybru said:
Can you get it into safe mode? (Power + volume up)
Do it with your sim card and sd card in.
If it boots,switch off all radios (Airplane mode)
Then, reboot normally.
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Thanks for the suggestion
spturner said:
Thanks for the suggestion
Just tried what you said, but no, can't get into safe mode.
Thanks again though.
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Are you s-off?
What's your hboot and firmware?
Which RUU did you run?
If you are soft and have super cid
Change back to your original cid.. Then try to boot and see
To check the cid
fastboot getvar cid
To write another cid
fastboot oem writecid "the cid'
fastboot oem writecid HTC__001
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
Could it be a hardware failure ? Would I still be able to flash a rom if the internal memory or motherboard was messed up ?
Any advice appreciated. I’m totally new to all this, but picking it up as I go along.
spturner said:
Here’s the full story as briefly as I can tell it
Bought the phone on ebay a few months ago. Excellent condition. Noted that the IMEI on the phone wasn’t the same as the IMEI on the box. Didn’t think a lot about it. Carried out a full factory reset and phone worked perfectly for about 2 months.
One day I noticed when I powered it up that it went into a boot loop. Showed the HTC white screen 3 times before it did finally burst into life. Thought nothing of it.
A few days later I left it on charge overnight, but it didn’t charge. There was also a notification to say something like “unknown error has occurred, fault report sent to HTC”. After powering off and back up again the phone recharged fine and worked fine.
Then a week or so ago it went into a permanent bootloop. Vibrate, white HTC screen, vibrate, White HTC screen (repeat for ever).
I posted on these forums and was advised to get as much info from the phone (It’s locked and S-ON).
Tried running the HTC unlocker from HTC website, but this failed several times. Maybe the reason why the IMEIs on the phone and box do not match is because a motherboard had been replaced during its warranty period by the previous owner, at least this is what I have read seems to happen? So, I’m stuck with S-ON
I was also advised to contact user football to get a stock RUU. Gave him all my phone info and he supplied the file within 24 hours.
All attempts at loading it up have been good. No errors at all. Have run it from PC and from MicroSD card.
However, on rebooting it just goes back to being stuck in a bootloop.
This is all the info I have from the phone –
HTC Sensation (ICS stock, S-ON)
CID = HTC_044
main_version = 3.33.707.51
After loading up the rom, I did a “fastboot getvar all” and got this –
bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.27.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 11.24A.3504.31_M
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 3.33.707.51
(bootloader) serialno: HTxxxxxxxxxx (numbers hidden for posting)
(bootloader) imei: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (numbers hidden for posting)
(bootloader) product: pyramid
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8260
(bootloader) modelid: PG5813000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__044
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4020mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: 617f0a98
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
So, that’s where I’m at.
Could it be a hardware failure ? Would I still be able to flash a rom if the internal memory or motherboard was messed up ?
Any advice appreciated. I’m totally new to all this, but picking it up as I go along.
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all the RUU flashing and still no success ..then the problem mostly tends towards hardware failure
try one thing ..try to do factory reset from the bootloader if the option is there (i think it has that option )
otherwise ...go to stock recovery ...
once you select the recovery ..from bootloader
you'll be welcomed with a triangle mark ..then press all three buttons together (power ,vol up and vol down)
then you will get some options ..select factory reset and do it ..then try to reboot and see
hope this works ..otherwise ..its hardware error
After selecting Factory Reset there is a few seconds delay then it just bootloops
After selecting Recovery it immediately bootloops. (No delay)
spturner said:
Thanks. Tried what you suggested.
After selecting Factory Reset there is a few seconds delay then it just bootloops
After selecting Recovery it immediately bootloops. (No delay)
Looks like I’m running out of options.
Nexus 4 will have to be ordered in the New Year I guess. Goodbye HTC you piece of junk.
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Wait a sec.. Does the bootloader at the top say "UNLOCKED"? then re lock the bootloader and flash the ruu again
Re lock command
fastboot oem lock
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
Unfortunately though, no, it shows LOCKED.

[Q] Fastboot works, ADB does not

So I'm having USB related issues with my Nexus 5 after waking up today. The phone will not charge if powered on. It will not detect a USB connection while powered on either. Currently running stock rom/bootloader. The will charge while powered off, but only for period of around 10s, before the screen turns off then back on for another 10s period of charging, over and over. I'm trying to complete returning to stock on my device because to me it seems to be a hardware related issue. So now the crux of the problem. Working with USB works in fastboot mode, but not when the device has been powered on.
OS: Mac OSX 10.8
Device OS: Latest android 4.4.2
Build: KOT49H
fastboot oem device-info
(bootloader) Device tampered: true
(bootloader) Device unlocked: true
(bootloader) off-mode-charge: true
Any ideas how I can try and push the files I need to my device to reset the tamper flags?
If you're still rooted get bootunlocker from the play store. Use it to reset the tamper flag
Sent from my Nexus 5
jd1639 said:
If you're still rooted get bootunlocker from the play store. Use it to reset the tamper flag
Sent from my Nexus 5
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This got me thinking. I ended up emailing myself the bootunlocker zip from the Unrooting thread to get it over to my device. Pretty surprised I didn't think of this earlier.

Bootloader /loop

So i was reading a little bit about bootloader flashing etc. as i get a shield tablet 32gb from friend he get replacement i dont know what he did with it but right now tablet is looping all the time going to "bootloader" without presing any key
when i choose continue its saying - cold booting linux then booting failed etc
and he's trying to download something but without the luck
so i try to unlock the bootloader and everything goes ok till
(bootloader) Showing Options on Display.
(bootloader) Use device keys for selection.
(bootloader) erasing userdata...
FAILED (remote: (Unknown error code))
finished. total time: 4.571s
And that's it is there anyway to fix it ? anyone found solution or its completly dead ?
sorry for spelling :/
Ok first control you have adb driver istalled correctly on PC...
Secondo try using minimal sdb..
If he got it replaced from Nvidia it's possible that tablet is deactivated, and then you can do nothing
What does it say on the bootloader screen? If it was bricked because it was a old replaced tablet, you wouldn't get to the bootloader.

I've tried everything but my phone just won't turn on

Yesterday I tried to update my phone to android 6.0 but something must have gone wrong during the process because now my phone is stuck in a bootloop, I've tried as hard as i can to fix it but nothing is working. I tried to do a hard factory reset and wiped my phones memory but it won't turn on, I really don't know what to do because I cannot afford to get a new phone.
ineedhelplz said:
Yesterday I tried to update my phone to android 6.0 but something must have gone wrong during the process because now my phone is stuck in a bootloop, I've tried as hard as i can to fix it but nothing is working. I tried to do a hard factory reset and wiped my phones memory but it won't turn on, I really don't know what to do because I cannot afford to get a new phone.
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If you can get into the bootloader, reflash your firmware to get it back to working condition.
damianx5 said:
If you can get into the bootloader, reflash your firmware to get it back to working condition.
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Yes I can get into the bootloader but my computer isn't recognizing that my phone is plugged in, it just says charging
ineedhelplz said:
Yes I can get into the bootloader but my computer isn't recognizing that my phone is plugged in, it just says charging
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Make sure you have all the drivers installed and that you have adb and fastboot files as well.
If you still cant access to transfer files, search for "adb push and pull" commands at google to directly send files to and from your devices.
I am having the same issue!
Here is the difference:
Updated phone to the new OS and my phone went into a boot loop. Booted my phone in Fastboot to try to Factory Reset, it won't reset, it just goes back into Boot Loop... *sobs* I've looked everywhere to find a solution to the following problem, and I'm posting here in order to avoid making unnecessary forums.
My Issue:
As stated above, I updated my phone and it went into boot loop. I am trying to flash it to the previous version, but because I can not factory reset my phone I can not flash my phone. I can not unlock the Bootloader because my USB Debugging is disabled and can not be enabled because my phone is bricked.
I've tried clearing the cache - wipe_data | wipe_cache | fastboot format userdata
I've tried
C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>fastboot devices
********** fastboot (serial number)
C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:recovery: not found
target reported max download size of 268435456 bytes
sending 'recovery' (16484 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.546s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 2.699s]
finished. total time: 3.245s
C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
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Only to later find it did not work due to my Bootloader being Locked...
Here's what I'd like to know: How do I Factory Reset my phone OR Unlock my Bootloader from my computer? Heck, why not tell me both, I can really use the help as this is my only phone and Motorola REFUSED to fix my phone due to some magical liquid damage... to a water resistant phone... that was never once touched by liquid of any kind... but I digress... [...vents on]
About my Phone:
Model XT1548
Rooted: No
Bootlader: Locked
Flashed: No (I believe)
Cause of Problem: Update to Marshmallow
BTW: I made a new thread for this because I wasn't sure if posting here would get any help. HERE
Could you get it working?

OMG @ XDA Please help bootloop Update Oreo No more battery charge No TWRP acces etc

I am truly and deeply sorry to insist somehow on my troubles and I beg :crying: any one here on XDA to help me anyhow...
I have read thousands of pages here at XDA and none would go on my way or just make things go forward a little...
Sorry for my way of saying things ... I'm French and worse ...confused .
Trying to make it simple... :
HUAWEI MHA-L09 C432 B198 // before it went out officaly I wanted to flash this Oreo update... Was thinking doing things as per instructions... update went kinda well until reboot :
Got an error message on boot (Func 14 iom3 image and error 1 system failed verify ) - this error causes constant bootloop .
Since this error my battery wont charge ! It flashes and blink red light and eventually boot to error message ... no time to VOL up + power to recovery.
won't charge even in fastboot mode which I can still access to discover two things :
sometimes i get the COLD boot or the failedVerify screen at fastboot mode. NVM .
Bootloader unlocked OK - TWRP 3.1.1 (or version before says instaled OK - Cannot boot into it as baterry empty - which will NOT charge through fastboot screen .
Or plugged into the wall, as soon as there is enough charge the bootloop ERROR UPDATE SYSTEM AGAIN Func NO 14 iom3 Func NO 1 system failed verify will go on and on ... and on as long as plugged in usb or onto the wall .
Have tried to flash system again from extracted data of previous rom (b198) , everything seemed okay , boot.img / recovery.img and system.img ... all okay.
But still cannot reboot correctly and worse cannot restore through TWRP or any other mean my saved folder which contains a lot of files BEFORE UPDATING to OREO
Have tried DLOAD folder with differents stock versions etc.. rayglobe_knife... HWOTA and SRKtool;.. nothing goes my way .
Well how can I - i don't know just an idea - either :
OR may be ? flash C636 and re flash to C432 ...
OR may be RESTORE my saved folder done with twrp but restore it WITHOUT twrp considerating that I cannot boot into it du to that battery thingy problem.
OR do you have another strategy to do anything ? (push through fastboot to sdcard ? r ? something more technical ?)
I cannot assume that deboggage usb is on, neither oem is on neither allow unknown sources is on . They were before update to Oreo ..
I just don't know here I stand anymore .
It has been so many days I am stucked with this ! incroyable .
I am short of ideas, of hope and so desesperate to get back my so loved mate 9 onto the road as i need it for my work ... pfff forgot that ...:crying: :crying: :crying:
Please any idea would be very welcome starting at the fact that those ideas WILL HAVE to be possible through FASTBOOT and (VOL- power key) only.
I think .
FuM8 said:
I am truly and deeply sorry to insist somehow on my troubles and I beg :crying: any one here on XDA to help me anyhow...
I have read thousands of pages here at XDA and none would go on my way or just make things go forward a little...
Sorry for my way of saying things ... I'm French and worse ...confused .
Trying to make it simple... :
HUAWEI MHA-L09 C432 B198 // before it went out officaly I wanted to flash this Oreo update... Was thinking doing things as per instructions... update went kinda well until reboot :
Got an error message on boot (Func 14 iom3 image and error 1 system failed verify ) - this error causes constant bootloop .
Since this error my battery wont charge ! It flashes and blink red light and eventually boot to error message ... no time to VOL up + power to recovery.
won't charge even in fastboot mode which I can still access to discover two things :
sometimes i get the COLD boot or the failedVerify screen at fastboot mode. NVM .
Bootloader unlocked OK - TWRP 3.1.1 (or version before says instaled OK - Cannot boot into it as baterry empty - which will NOT charge through fastboot screen .
Or plugged into the wall, as soon as there is enough charge the bootloop ERROR UPDATE SYSTEM AGAIN Func NO 14 iom3 Func NO 1 system failed verify will go on and on ... and on as long as plugged in usb or onto the wall .
Have tried to flash system again from extracted data of previous rom (b198) , everything seemed okay , boot.img / recovery.img and system.img ... all okay.
But still cannot reboot correctly and worse cannot restore through TWRP or any other mean my saved folder which contains a lot of files BEFORE UPDATING to OREO
Have tried DLOAD folder with differents stock versions etc.. rayglobe_knife... HWOTA and SRKtool;.. nothing goes my way .
Well how can I - i don't know just an idea - either :
OR may be ? flash C636 and re flash to C432 ...
OR may be RESTORE my saved folder done with twrp but restore it WITHOUT twrp considerating that I cannot boot into it du to that battery thingy problem.
OR do you have another strategy to do anything ? (push through fastboot to sdcard ? r ? something more technical ?)
I cannot assume that deboggage usb is on, neither oem is on neither allow unknown sources is on . They were before update to Oreo ..
I just don't know here I stand anymore .
It has been so many days I am stucked with this ! incroyable .
I am short of ideas, of hope and so desesperate to get back my so loved mate 9 onto the road as i need it for my work ... pfff forgot that ...:crying: :crying: :crying:
Please any idea would be very welcome starting at the fact that those ideas WILL HAVE to be possible through FASTBOOT and (VOL- power key) only.
I think .
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Bump please
It's bricked, you cannot flash anything on it in that state, needs to go back to the factory to be fixed. And if it is showing that on the screen it won't be covered under warranty as it is evidence that you tried to flash an unauthorized rom, what happened is that the flash of Oreo didn't complete and the repartitioning for Oreo did not complete, mine did the same thing, motherboard replacement was the suggested fix.
Have you tried this with the full oreo update package?
Thank you @ Shadowprince94 - Revjamscarver & Szilard66 for dropping by :good:
Have you tried this with the full oreo update package?
- As expected (I have tried before to get into TWRP) I have no time at all to unplug and VOL up/Power key to enter TWRP that the phone turns itself off... du to battery not charging more than 1% I guess.. - I can only get in fastboot mode for a few minutes... but seems not enough to boot into twrp ... fastboot/rescue mode can be plugged to CPU for 10mn before turning the phone off, charging a couple of minutes, then booting back into that bootloop...
ANYWAYz or MANNERS that I can flash those files by fastboot mode... for instance extracting them and ... flash them one by one ? - oh my bad, tried already flashing the ZIP files directly : ended with a "fastboot/ CMD stopped working - and worse... flashing boot.img / recovery.img and system.img had worked without results...
see pictures...
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Today 01:06 AM
It's bricked, you cannot flash anything on it in that state, needs to go back to the factory to be fixed. And if it is showing that on the screen it won't be covered under warranty as it is evidence that you tried to flash an unauthorized rom, what happened is that the flash of Oreo didn't complete and the repartitioning for Oreo did not complete, mine did the same thing, motherboard replacement was the suggested fix
I don't want to read this ! - I once got it bricked already (but not that much) and successfully recovered it by rebranding it to c636 and then c432.. but I could use at this time twrp... Any idea how much this would cost ? about ?.. FunkyHuawei would not be of any use probably ? ... olalalala
Today 12:03 AM
warranty? None , bought it from CashConverter in Genève and had no box, cable or whatsoever but the mobile itself... 450 F.CH though + cannot lock bootloader (command not allowed) and confirm it is unlocked when trying to unlock it ...
Sorry to hear that. Motherboard replacement is not cheap, will cost around slightly less, then a used phone.
FuM8 said:
Thank you @ Shadowprince94 - Revjamscarver & Szilard66 for dropping by :good:
Have you tried this with the full oreo update package?
- As expected (I have tried before to get into TWRP) I have no time at all to unplug and VOL up/Power key to enter TWRP that the phone turns itself off... du to battery not charging more than 1% I guess.. - I can only get in fastboot mode for a few minutes... but seems not enough to boot into twrp ... fastboot/rescue mode can be plugged to CPU for 10mn before turning the phone off, charging a couple of minutes, then booting back into that bootloop...
ANYWAYz or MANNERS that I can flash those files by fastboot mode... for instance extracting them and ... flash them one by one ? - oh my bad, tried already flashing the ZIP files directly : ended with a "fastboot/ CMD stopped working - and worse... flashing boot.img / recovery.img and system.img had worked without results...
see pictures...
Today 01:06 AM
It's bricked, you cannot flash anything on it in that state, needs to go back to the factory to be fixed. And if it is showing that on the screen it won't be covered under warranty as it is evidence that you tried to flash an unauthorized rom, what happened is that the flash of Oreo didn't complete and the repartitioning for Oreo did not complete, mine did the same thing, motherboard replacement was the suggested fix
I don't want to read this ! - I once got it bricked already (but not that much) and successfully recovered it by rebranding it to c636 and then c432.. but I could use at this time twrp... Any idea how much this would cost ? about ?.. FunkyHuawei would not be of any use probably ? ... olalalala
Today 12:03 AM
warranty? None , bought it from CashConverter in Genève and had no box, cable or whatsoever but the mobile itself... 450 F.CH though + cannot lock bootloader (command not allowed) and confirm it is unlocked when trying to unlock it ...
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U can try HCU-CLIENT and Dc Phoenix to unbrick your phone.
Sent from my LON-L29 using XDA Labs
This is well worth a shot, not free but much much cheaper. It's got me out of trouble once.
Mostar088 said:
U can try HCU-CLIENT and Dc Phoenix to unbrick your phone.
Sent from my LON-L29 using XDA Labs
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thank you guys, take good notice of your suggestions and going to have a serious look deeper into that...
I would prefer than going to a Huawei shop where they'll probably charge me for system, battery and god knows what else !
thanks a bunch to all of you for your interest and help .
Fastboot mode
FuM8 said:
thank you guys, take good notice of your suggestions and going to have a serious look deeper into that...
I would prefer than going to a Huawei shop where they'll probably charge me for system, battery and god knows what else !
thanks a bunch to all of you for your interest and help .
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If you can get into regular fastboot mode (not that error screen) there is hope, funky Huawei has an unbrick tool that could possibly work but that all depends on exactly what happened to cause the error, if you were in the middle of flashing Oreo and it was interrupted then your partitions probably got messed up and that generally is not fixable through fastboot or those other "tools" that are out there, without knowing exactly what you did there is really no way to tell. If you flashed Oreo then flashed nougat twrp to try to flash back from Oreo to nougat, your partitions got messed up and while the factory "can" fix it it would be cheaper to just replace the motherboard. Around $150-$200 from what I hear. But then again it all depends on exactly what you did when you got the error
@ revjamescarver :
thanks for that.
Well I was indeed flashing the 3 zip files , from memory, I was into the update.zip one and then my phone rebooted to show this error...
I can access fastboot/rescue mode , for instance, trying to relock the bootloader will end with the "command not allowed" .
I have , apparently, successfully flashed a twrp-3.0.2-2-hi3660.img, the others did not work, so I assume my system still consider that it is in the mha-L090c432b198 version. .
But cannot boot into twrp .
I tried as well the commands "fastboot -w" , result:
"erase successful, but not automatically formatting."
"can't determine partition type"
"failed command not allowed"
that 3 times ...
from all those fastboot commands underneath ,
(bootloader) command list
(bootloader) dmesg
(bootloader) last_dmesg
(bootloader) clearaspflag
(bootloader) refurbish
(bootloader) get_identifier_token
(bootloader) checkKeycardID
(bootloader) get_tamper_flag
(bootloader) checkSbl1
(bootloader) checkHWSecurity
(bootloader) enter
(bootloader) keytest
(bootloader) heap
(bootloader) boot
(bootloader) reset
(bootloader) powerdown
(bootloader) rebootRUU
(bootloader) heap_test
(bootloader) erase_phone_storage
(bootloader) erase_nfc_record
(bootloader) gotohboot
(bootloader) resetgift
(bootloader) ats
(bootloader) rtask
(bootloader) task
(bootloader) enableqxdm
(bootloader) gencheckpt
(bootloader) readmeid
(bootloader) readpid
(bootloader) writepid
(bootloader) readcid
(bootloader) writecid
(bootloader) readimei
(bootloader) writeimei
(bootloader) readsecureflag
(bootloader) writesecureflag
(bootloader) ddr2gbh
(bootloader) ramdump2gbh
(bootloader) ddr2gstatus
(bootloader) get_temp
(bootloader) writemeid
(bootloader) lock
(bootloader) readusername
(bootloader) writeusername
(bootloader) resethtcdebugflag
(bootloader) load_emmc
(bootloader) check_emmc_mid
(bootloader) read_mmc
(bootloader) load_modem_emmc
(bootloader) get_wp_info_emmc
(bootloader) send_wp_info_emmc
(bootloader) get_ext_csd_emmc
(bootloader) get_sector_info_emmc
wouldnt it be one that might get me a little forward ? to erase or better (in my dreams) to restore the save I have done from TWRP before flashing ?
I just cannot believe that motherboard or even the baterry (not charging) are somehow faulty .
I am convinced there is a way of doing something, as a noobish I just don't know what and how. .. as suggested before I am just , now, so confused of what I done, how I done it etc... i don't even remember the commands to erase internal storage and show you a printscreen of it !
I had a break from it but now I am determined to give it another try.. the question is what and how ...
By fastboot with which commands... by putting on sdcard something ? by formatting internal system, then how ? this is really fustrating... update went well and .. olala.
Do you believe that funky Huawei could in any mean do something for me ? or the others tools suggested by members in posts before ? or else I'd better call 911 huawei services center here near Marseille and let it up to them ?
As every one I am not fortunate, less to say, so I cannot afford anymore than a $40-50 bill to, for instance, try Funky. But will it be worth it ? for just a liuttle step forward?
I am totaly lost and so is my mate .
Any ideasor questions more than welcome.
thank you ever so much for your interest in my troubles..
FuM8 said:
@ revjamescarver :
thanks for that.
Well I was indeed flashing the 3 zip files , from memory, I was into the update.zip one and then my phone rebooted to show this error...
I can access fastboot/rescue mode , for instance, trying to relock the bootloader will end with the "command not allowed" .
I have , apparently, successfully flashed a twrp-3.0.2-2-hi3660.img, the others did not work, so I assume my system still consider that it is in the mha-L090c432b198 version. .
But cannot boot into twrp .
I tried as well the commands "fastboot -w" , result:
"erase successful, but not automatically formatting."
"can't determine partition type"
"failed command not allowed"
that 3 times ...
from all those fastboot commands underneath ,
(bootloader) command list
(bootloader) dmesg
(bootloader) last_dmesg
(bootloader) clearaspflag
(bootloader) refurbish
(bootloader) get_identifier_token
(bootloader) checkKeycardID
(bootloader) get_tamper_flag
(bootloader) checkSbl1
(bootloader) checkHWSecurity
(bootloader) enter
(bootloader) keytest
(bootloader) heap
(bootloader) boot
(bootloader) reset
(bootloader) powerdown
(bootloader) rebootRUU
(bootloader) heap_test
(bootloader) erase_phone_storage
(bootloader) erase_nfc_record
(bootloader) gotohboot
(bootloader) resetgift
(bootloader) ats
(bootloader) rtask
(bootloader) task
(bootloader) enableqxdm
(bootloader) gencheckpt
(bootloader) readmeid
(bootloader) readpid
(bootloader) writepid
(bootloader) readcid
(bootloader) writecid
(bootloader) readimei
(bootloader) writeimei
(bootloader) readsecureflag
(bootloader) writesecureflag
(bootloader) ddr2gbh
(bootloader) ramdump2gbh
(bootloader) ddr2gstatus
(bootloader) get_temp
(bootloader) writemeid
(bootloader) lock
(bootloader) readusername
(bootloader) writeusername
(bootloader) resethtcdebugflag
(bootloader) load_emmc
(bootloader) check_emmc_mid
(bootloader) read_mmc
(bootloader) load_modem_emmc
(bootloader) get_wp_info_emmc
(bootloader) send_wp_info_emmc
(bootloader) get_ext_csd_emmc
(bootloader) get_sector_info_emmc
wouldnt it be one that might get me a little forward ? to erase or better (in my dreams) to restore the save I have done from TWRP before flashing ?
I just cannot believe that motherboard or even the baterry (not charging) are somehow faulty .
I am convinced there is a way of doing something, as a noobish I just don't know what and how. .. as suggested before I am just , now, so confused of what I done, how I done it etc... i don't even remember the commands to erase internal storage and show you a printscreen of it !
I had a break from it but now I am determined to give it another try.. the question is what and how ...
By fastboot with which commands... by putting on sdcard something ? by formatting internal system, then how ? this is really fustrating... update went well and .. olala.
Do you believe that funky Huawei could in any mean do something for me ? or the others tools suggested by members in posts before ? or else I'd better call 911 huawei services center here near Marseille and let it up to them ?
As every one I am not fortunate, less to say, so I cannot afford anymore than a $40-50 bill to, for instance, try Funky. But will it be worth it ? for just a liuttle step forward?
I am totaly lost and so is my mate .
Any ideasor questions more than welcome.
thank you ever so much for your interest in my troubles..
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I would try Dc Phoenix an HCU-CLIENT to fix the phone, in worst case u can flash empty board Firmware and fix it with HCU-Client.
If method 1 does not work u can try method 2.
U need 19 credit to use it 1credit = 1€
Then u have 72h to try it, u can flash how many times u want within 72h.
Sent from my LON-L29 using XDA Labs
hello , for infos, would funkyhuawei and/or DC Phoenix work if only fastboot mode is accessible ?
@ Mostar088 : when you say
"I would try Dc Phoenix an HCU-CLIENT to fix the phone, in worst case u can flash empty board Firmware and fix it with HCU-Client."
please tell me the way or order to do so , about that "in worst case flash empty firmware" and then fix it with HCU-client...
how could I flash this empty firmware and as well how could I flash it and then fix it with ...HCU client ? from DCPhoenix ?
Please give me detail on the "how to do this " please !!!! thank you very much for your help, very very much, thank you, for trying and making me understand the full steps to complete this . (never used funkyHuawei or DCPhoenix either ... or HCU-Client etc...)
all the best
FuM8 said:
hello , for infos, would funkyhuawei and/or DC Phoenix work if only fastboot mode is accessible ?
@ Mostar088 : when you say
"I would try Dc Phoenix an HCU-CLIENT to fix the phone, in worst case u can flash empty board Firmware and fix it with HCU-Client."
please tell me the way or order to do so , about that "in worst case flash empty firmware" and then fix it with HCU-client...
how could I flash this empty firmware and as well how could I flash it and then fix it with ...HCU client ? from DCPhoenix ?
Please give me detail on the "how to do this " please !!!! thank you very much for your help, very very much, thank you, for trying and making me understand the full steps to complete this . (never used funkyHuawei or DCPhoenix either ... or HCU-Client etc...)
all the best
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If u flash empty board Firmware u need to know your imei and serial nr, if u still have the box from the phone? Because u will loose imei and serial after flash. Best solution is FunkyHuawei, if fastboot works it's a wery big chance u can fix your phone.
U have yo ask in there support, u can ask durrarra here about FunkyHuawei.
Support forum for DcUnlocker here.
HCU-client Support here.
Sent from my LON-L29 using XDA Labs
FuM8 said:
thank you guys, take good notice of your suggestions and going to have a serious look deeper into that...
I would prefer than going to a Huawei shop where they'll probably charge me for system, battery and god knows what else !
thanks a bunch to all of you for your interest and help .
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The best way around this is to try to boot the device into recovery mode.. even if you have a battery not charging.. plug usb cable. try to issue adb commands and reload the chinese version of nougat.. if you can flash the oeminfo.bin file, you half way there...
theres always a work around. i messed up with the oreo beta update and had boot loop. but managed to figure out a way to flash my phone
Hi one and all
Thank you all very much for your time and help.
unfortunately I do not have access to my computer for a while...
that said I keep this thread in pdf format on my sdcard to, in the futur, try all différents options you guys gave me.
well I terribly miss my mate 9 but have not gave up on getting it back to life, thanks to your so precious advices.
take all good care in this freezing winter (I'm living in a mountains so about 1m high of snow around here), thank you ever so much for being so helpful and committed to the XDA community.
À bientôt

