Wondering about ROOT capibilities - Verizon Galaxy S 5 General

Hi guys, been lurking these forums off and on for awhile but I finally decided to make an account in attempt to my root my S5.
Generally I have a decent technical understanding of the android system but root is something i've never dived into completely so I had some questions and concerns. My biggest concern is that I attempted to root the phone a few months ago (I believe it was with..kingroot? if that sounds right) but failed, I'd like to try to root successfully but am wondering if the previous attempt could mess anything up and if so, how to fix that.
I was only wondering what exactly I would need to root the device, as in downgrading OS(?) or if only certain models are elligible or the like. Last but not least Id be interesting in finding the "best" rooting tutorial (assuming the stickied one isnt)
Thanks a lot guys, looking forward to getting into this!

lukef555 said:
Hi guys, been lurking these forums off and on for awhile but I finally decided to make an account in attempt to my root my S5.
Generally I have a decent technical understanding of the android system but root is something i've never dived into completely so I had some questions and concerns. My biggest concern is that I attempted to root the phone a few months ago (I believe it was with..kingroot? if that sounds right) but failed, I'd like to try to root successfully but am wondering if the previous attempt could mess anything up and if so, how to fix that.
I was only wondering what exactly I would need to root the device, as in downgrading OS(?) or if only certain models are elligible or the like. Last but not least Id be interesting in finding the "best" rooting tutorial (assuming the stickied one isnt)
Thanks a lot guys, looking forward to getting into this!
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Well first you need to tell us about your phone, like what software version you're running currently?

lukef555 said:
Hi guys, been lurking these forums off and on for awhile but I finally decided to make an account in attempt to my root my S5.
Generally I have a decent technical understanding of the android system but root is something i've never dived into completely so I had some questions and concerns. My biggest concern is that I attempted to root the phone a few months ago (I believe it was with..kingroot? if that sounds right) but failed, I'd like to try to root successfully but am wondering if the previous attempt could mess anything up and if so, how to fix that.
I was only wondering what exactly I would need to root the device, as in downgrading OS(?) or if only certain models are elligible or the like. Last but not least Id be interesting in finding the "best" rooting tutorial (assuming the stickied one isnt)
Thanks a lot guys, looking forward to getting into this!
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If you are on builds OE1 or OG5 you cannot root, downgrade, or do anything. You are stuck with stock. If you have anything before OE1 you have options.

Thanks for the replies guys sorry I wasnt more specific. Im running Android 5.0 and my build number is LRX21T.G900VVRU2BOG5 , is that what you mean by build? If so, is the root for it just not figured out yet or is there something stopping the device from being rooted permanently?

lukef555 said:
Thanks for the replies guys sorry I wasnt more specific. Im running Android 5.0 and my build number is LRX21T.G900VVRU2BOG5 , is that what you mean by build? If so, is the root for it just not figured out yet or is there something stopping the device from being rooted permanently?
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That is the build I was talking about. Between the locked bootloader and the security patches, it would seem the device is permanently stopped from being rooted.

landshark68 said:
That is the build I was talking about. Between the locked bootloader and the security patches, it would seem the device is permanently stopped from being rooted.
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Well thats a shame, guess I'll wait till my next phone hahah thanks though!!


[Q] is root possible on 4.3 samsung s3 verizon

hello, im very sorry if this is covered a million times over by now. ive been using google as well as looking into all the fourms in xda. very confusing and kinda frustrated. i have searched for about 3 days. i am very much a noob and dont get the lingo. also post seems to spin off into installing custom roms. im just looking for pure root. bootloader and things of that nature i dont care much about. my problem is i have app data in my Motorola xt912 droid that i just rooted the other day. i cant use helium to get it out. so rooted with a program i found on here. bought titanium back up pro. i also bought helium pro since i was able to move data from this s3 to my girl friends s4. i do want to help support the devs that make these things possible for the average user that likes to keep things simple.
so i have this 4.3 update. so i see forums saying i can root while others say it will brick my phone. just looking for a straight answer. thank you for taking your time to read this and have a happy new years
device name
model number
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kernel version
[email protected] #1
Wed Dec 11 01:09:13 KST 2013
build number
se for android status
hardware version
Sorry to hear about your searching troubles. I think everyone here will admit that specific info about Tw 4.3 is hard to find in one place but we've got folks helping out in the 4.3 discussion thread. Ask anything and someone may have an informed answer.
You can use Saferoot to root TW VRUCML1 ota. Yes, my link is to a Galaxy S4 tool however we have multiple users in the discussion thread that have confirmed Saferoot works for our latest 4.3 OTA. Feel free to search in that thread and you will find confirmation. Root has been possible much of the last week, maybe two.
I know you said this but I'll just reiterate, we have root only nothing else for TW 4.3. Do not flash anything in Odin unless it's the 4.3 VRUCML1 tar to restore back to stock.
thank you!!!!!
ok this seemed to have worked. my phone wants to reboot but titanium back up pro says i have root. maybe in your nice guide which i havent found anyone who said this yet, that the program ask to disable knox. i clicked no. (another reason im scared to reboot my phone) i cliaked no because of all the post saying to disable knox will brick your phone
BROKEN1981 said:
ok this seemed to have worked. my phone wants to reboot but titanium back up pro says i have root. maybe in your nice guide which i havent found anyone who said this yet, that the program ask to disable knox. i clicked no. (another reason im scared to reboot my phone) i cliaked no because of all the post saying to disable knox will brick your phone
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You should probably run that tool again and choose yes. Haven't heard of anyone choosing no, the people I've seen who had root chose yes. It's not explicitly stated but it does not hurt the phone in any capacity by selecting yes. To be honest though, idk what the difference is between selecting yes and no.
I'm not on the TW 4.3 OTA so maybe someone can provide input on the disabling Knox.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4
I just used saferoot on mine today. I honestly didn't see anything about disabling Knox when I did it, but when I installed titanium backup Knox Notification Manager was already disabled so I'm assuming it happened somewhere in the process. Phone is working great so far. I haven't tried defrosting it because, well.... Why, it's working fine the way it is.
Sent from my SCH-I535

root on locked bootloader KITKAT in DROID RAZR MAXX HD? ?

have any one with root on latest kitkat with locked bootloader in MOTO DROID RAZR MAXX HD?
sachi9121 said:
have any one with root on latest kitkat with locked bootloader in MOTO DROID RAZR MAXX HD?
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No, Its currently not possible, and it isn't very likely that a way will be found.
TXKSSnapper said:
No, Its currently not possible, and it isn't very likely that a way will be found.
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Why is EVERYONE so quick to shoot down the fact this cannot be rooted. Is anyone trying?
Kin Kira said:
Why is EVERYONE so quick to shoot down the fact this cannot be rooted. Is anyone trying?
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if you were as fast at reading a few post in the General forum on this exact topic, as you are at posting about it here. you would already know, this has been gone over extensively, by people who know what they are doing. you would also know, that every option suggested has been thoroughly explored and tested. you would also know, that as far as anyone is aware, no one is publicly working on a solution, as this phone is past its prime and most if not all of the people capable of finding an exploit are not willing to spend time finding one.
had you read for 5 minutes before posting, you would already know this, #Just-Sayin
TXKSSnapper said:
No, Its currently not possible, and it isn't very likely that a way will be found.
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bweN diorD said:
if you were as fast at reading a few post in the General forum on this exact topic, as you are at posting about it here. you would already know, this has been gone over extensively, by people who know what they are doing. you would also know, that every option suggested has been thoroughly explored and tested. you would also know, that as far as anyone is aware, no one is publicly working on a solution, as this phone is past its prime and most if not all of the people capable of finding an exploit are not willing to spend time finding one.
had you read for 5 minutes before posting, you would already know this, #Just-Sayin
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There's phones well over a year and a half old still being played with. I'm simply shocked this isn't.
Kin Kira said:
There's phones well over a year and a half old still being played with. I'm simply shocked this isn't.
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last i checked the s5 kitkat root bounty was over $17,000, and thats a new phone.
that should tell you something about how hard it is on kk.
bweN diorD said:
last i checked the s5 kitkat root bounty was over $17,000, and thats a new phone.
that should tell you something about how hard it is on kk.
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Oh damn. It's KitKat that's the issue than? I'm out of the loop it seems. I was under the assumption it was the phone itself people couldn't root. It's KitKat that's causing the issue. Okay. Hmm, I wonder if there's any root methods for 4.4.2 yet....
Kin Kira said:
Why is EVERYONE so quick to shoot down the fact this cannot be rooted. Is anyone trying?
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Yes, attempts have been made. Alas, without any success. See here. And this is the thread for it.
Kin Kira said:
Oh damn. It's KitKat that's the issue than? I'm out of the loop it seems. I was under the assumption it was the phone itself people couldn't root. It's KitKat that's causing the issue. Okay. Hmm, I wonder if there's any root methods for 4.4.2 yet....
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Uh, that's what we've been saying. No, there's not except possibly for a few phones and all those methods have been tried with this and they didn't work as Motorola had already fixed those exploits.
The only way to root this phone under KitKat is to have an unlocked bootloader, and there is NO way to do that anymore, period.
The original unlocking exploit took the Dan a long time to find it and a lot of testing. That exploit is long gone and cannot be put back onto the phone as it was patched into a protected zone of the phone that even unlocked bootloaders do not have access to write to. So, there is NO way to flash back to a previous version of JB that had the exploit and have it "patch" the exploit back in. Yes, you'll go back to JB, but not exploit will be there.
And please understand the frustration from some of us - you're is possibly the 200th time this was asked. If you actually searched the forums and read the postings, you would see there are huge threads about this issue. That's the main reason why so many of us are frustrated with this question because it keeps getting asked and it's sitting right here in other threads and so, the forum is getting polluted with the same question being asked, over and over again. If people would just take the time to research for themselves rather than just jumping in and asking the question, it would make this forum lest polluted. What's funny is, the questions all come from people who have just registered on this forum (they all had posts < 10). It's very frustrating.

[Q] how do i down grade 4.4.4 to 4.4.2 so i can root?

Hey, i made the decision to root my phone because every update brings more issues into my phone and im tired of it. So i was wondering if there was any way i can downgrade back to a early version of android so i can perform the root on my phone
you don't need to. just search for "towelroot" around this forum, it's easy as pie.
mannequin said:
you don't need to. just search for "towelroot" around this forum, it's easy as pie.
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Thank you so much! i never knew i can do this in seconds, you made my day ^^

Straight Talk Galaxy S6 (SM-S907VL) Root/Recovery?

Hi, I recently damaged my S4 and decided to upgrade to the S6, so far I love the phone, got it new for $250
However since it's with straight talk in not one of the more common models and I can't really seem to find any information on it, I'm mostly hoping to find a way to root it, a custom recovery would be nice but I certainly don't need it
Has anyone had any experience with this device?
Or could someone maybe point me in the right direction?
Device: Galaxy S6 (Straight Talk)
Model: SM-S907VL
Baseband: S907VLUDU1APG8 (idk if that's important lol)
Android: 6.0.1
I appreciate any help that you guys might be able to give
I am looking for the same!
Would like to root and install CM.
Samsung S6 SM-907VL
I too got the "Black Friday" deal with this phone. It is Straight Talk and is a nice phone. I emailed a popular rooting developer and they have a list a mile long with phones their app will root. But it will not root this model. If someone finds an app that will root, please post.
Looking to root this model too. Could you flash a rom from one that uses the same board and chip set? Essentially turning it from a straight talk phone to Verizon , sprint, or at&t then proceed to root from there? Might be a noob question but I been wondering if it would work
Krussell9233 said:
Looking to root this model too. Could you flash a rom from one that uses the same board and chip set? Essentially turning it from a straight talk phone to Verizon , sprint, or at&t then proceed to root from there? Might be a noob question but I been wondering if it would work
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You can not do that. Unless you want to brick your phone. I am searching now, will let you know if I come up with anything!
You can not do that. Unless you want to brick your phone. I am searching now, will let you know if I come up with anything!
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Well hopefully we can hear back soon, I've still had pretty much no luck with this model, seems it's too little know for anything custom yet
Has anyone tried KingRoot?
I've tried Kingroot a few times now, the device is not supported unfortunately
Need root and 7.0 rom!
Seriously been looking for root since I got this phone. Is anyone even working on a root for it? Would the root for sm-s903vl work for the sm-s907vl or would it brick it? At this point I don't even care if I trip Knox. I just want ROOT!!
Fruitless searching for method to root sm-s907VL S6
Has anyone found anywhere that has information about rooting this model or atleast maybe the news that someone is working on it?! I have searched and searched and tried several different methods but nothing has worked yet. I really like this phone so far but I really gotta have my customization fix for it. Thank you to anyone who can give me some hope and of course if I find anything I'll post it here.
I don't suppose anyone has had any luck with this device?
I'm having trouble finding stock firmware as well, I was thinking I might try a couple methods for different models but that's a little foolish without a way back to stock...
As a side note, don't buy straight talk phones, nothing seems to exist for them xD
You can get the stock software at www.firmware.gem-flash.com... I've used their copy personally and had no problems..
Device: Galaxy S6 (Straight Talk)
Model: SM-S907VL
I have the same issue and have tried several root tools and none have worked yet. Maybe some devs will get it working for one of them soon.
I have tried everything. If there is somebody smart enough to root the galaxy s6 s907vludu through straightalk please let me know. I have been searching for months. If anybody can find something for this unrootable phone please let me know.
I have model s906l it's an early sts6 and Im currently running s907vl firmware. I think the s906l can be rooted but it's running Android 5.02. My point being if you really want root maybe you can flash the s906l firmware using oden. Update nope I was able to flash up but cant flash back down. Stuck on mm without root for now.
Thxfctr said:
I have model s906l it's an early sts6 and Im currently running s907vl firmware. I think the s906l can be rooted but it's running Android 5.02. My point being if you really want root maybe you can flash the s906l firmware using oden. Update nope I was able to flash up but cant flash back down. Stuck on mm without root for now.
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I don't think you can downgrade an OS. Bootloaders would normally not allow it.
I tried flashing the 5.0.2 SM-S906L rom on the SM-S907VL through Odin and it gives a secure boot check fail.
garwells said:
Has anyone found anywhere that has information about rooting this model or atleast maybe the news that someone is working on it?! I have searched and searched and tried several different methods but nothing has worked yet. I really like this phone so far but I really gotta have my customization fix for it. Thank you to anyone who can give me some hope and of course if I find anything I'll post it here.
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I am having the same issue, I have the S6 SM-S907VL as well, I am very pleased with the phone itself as well as the cell carriers service but not having any developers hacks & mods or stock firmware or rooting methods for it is really frustrating
Sparky56p said:
I don't suppose anyone has had any luck with this device?
I'm having trouble finding stock firmware as well, I was thinking I might try a couple methods for different models but that's a little foolish without a way back to stock...
As a side note, don't buy straight talk phones, nothing seems to exist for them xD
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I have the same model also I wish now that never seen it. I've had an LG Stylo 3, and Motorola phone all of which I could easily download a ROM from here and easily customize the phone. This phone has proven impossible.
---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 AM ----------
nk24202 said:
I have the same model also I wish now that never seen it. I've had an LG Stylo 3, and Motorola phone all of which I could easily download a ROM from here and easily customize the phone. This phone has proven impossible.
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Any new updates on a possible root and custom rom for the SM-S907VL? Starting to look like we're out of luck :/

Having Major Trouble Rooting my S6

Hello XDA Forums,
I'm having trouble rooting my S6, I'm a blockhead and can't seem to figure out whats going on. Any help, tips, or comments?
My carrier is AT&T.
i.imgur com/Cm8CnGn.png
i.imgur com/CEyw25z.png
diorxx said:
Hello XDA Forums,
I'm having trouble rooting my S6, I'm a blockhead and can't seem to figure out whats going on. Any help, tips, or comments?
My carrier is AT&T.
i.imgur com/CEyw25z.png
i.imgur com/Cm8CnGn.png
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Can't access the links as it's not letting me copy them on my phone on the xda app. What android version are you on?
sofir786 said:
Can't access the links as it's not letting me copy them on my phone on the xda app. What android version are you on?
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Android version: 7.0
Model number: SAMSUNG-SM-G920A
Right okay cool thanks for that. I have bad news for you, because your phone has a locked bootloader it cannot be rooted at this point until an exploit is found. I even had a look over in the At&T s6 forums and there's not much going on. Sorry mate.
sofir786 said:
Right okay cool thanks for that. I have bad news for you, because your phone has a locked bootloader it cannot be rooted at this point until an exploit is found. I even had a look over in the At&T s6 forums and there's not much going on. Sorry mate.
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That sucks but thanks for the straightforward answer. But there's really 0 options for me at this point? Not even downgrading or flashing? (Just some terms I've picked up, don't exactly know what those mean)
diorxx said:
That sucks but thanks for the straightforward answer. But there's really 0 options for me at this point? Not even downgrading or flashing? (Just some terms I've picked up, don't exactly know what those mean)
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Unfortunately not, downgrading is when going from one version to the previous, due to how samsung setup their bootloader, trying to say go from nougat to Marshmallow is not possible so you will always remain on nougat. Flashing is commonly done via a recovery and a piece of software called odin, every phone has a recovery but most root things need you to have a custom recovery like twrp this can only be achieved via having root, odin is used to flash stock Samsung firmwares. Hope that helps a bit. For the time being my advice to you is to keep looking at the s6 at&t forums from time to time, at some point they may come out with a root exploit that works.

