My Unboxing and First Impressions - Blu Pure XL

Hey guys - here is an unboxing video I've made:
It's been a few days and I got to know the phone a little better.
I can tell you that overall I'm very satisfied. I had some buyer's remorse on the second day, but it's fully gone.
I absolutely love the fingerprint scanner. I always use screen lock, so now it takes 1 sec to unlock phone and does not require me looking at the screen or typing stuff in... very convenient in the car..
Gonna make a full review soon.
ANY QUESTIONS - ask away!


Quick opinion on someone who has the phone...

I, like most of you, was waiting impatiently for this device for the past few weeks. I was given a retail model on Thursday early and wanted to let my thoughts after 48 hours.
I have to say I haven't been this disappointed in a phone in a while. While the phone is a looker, fundamentals are quite lacking.
Battery life - Same as the S7 and that's not a good thing. Has the same inconsistent issues of quick drains while running idle. As an example, was working on my house yesterday for roughly 4 hours and left the phone down with out being touched. Left it at 90% and came back at 74%. Again no usage. I have 3 other Android phones with more apps running and this doesn't happen except on Samsung. They will never change in this regard. Every year I have hope and get sucked into buying one. Same results.
Fingerprint sensor- I was one of the people that thought all the complaining was unwarranted about the fingerprint sensor placement. I thought this is just an issue for certain people with finger dexterity issues or just looking for something to complain about. Boy was I wrong. It's actually worse! It works maybe75% of the time and that is only using my right hand. Forget about the left hand.. way too awkward and difficult to do with one hand. At first, I thought no biggie, I'll just use face scanning or supplement with Iris scanning. Face scanning again is hit and miss and forget about Iris scanning if you are anywhere outside of bright light. I had the note 7 and that seemed to work a ton better. Maybe a software fix coming? Back to the fingerprint issue.. Samsung Pay doesn't even come preloaded on the phone! Why?!?! Because the NFC chip is on back so have fun using the sensor and holding it to a pay device. I was perplexed how this was a main selling point with the s and note series of last year and how it couldn't be preloaded. Hell it is on the gear S3. I used it 3 times yesterday at 3 different stores. I had to hold the phone upside down and the back facing the terminal. Picture that for a second... Holding your finger on a sensor which is located on the back and also having to have the back of the phone facing the CC reader at the same time. It's unreal. It's absolutely crazy that they threw this phone with the sensor placement at last minute and gathered...Oh yeah how are they going to use Pay? Ah just don't preload it and we won't get so many complaints. If you think I'm full of it.. go try it.
As mentioned with unlocking with the fingerprint, the new home button is virtually useless. I am trying to understand why they are trying to reinvent the wheel and not just use the tried and true method that every Android manufacturer has used for the past few years. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to unlock this phone. Too many steps.touch the side button or home button, wait for face unlock to work and if it doesn't then do finger gynastics with the fingerprint sensor. Seriously I wind up just using pattern after both fail. I use my V20 as my DD and it's 100% unlocking with the fingerprint on one touch Everytime. What the [email protected]#&$ were you thinking Samsung?
Audio - I love music and media and I am a wanna be audiophile. The headphone jack output and sound is no better than the S7. Lower output than most phones and music has a tight soundstage. Sound is tinny and missing elements you would hear on other high end phones. The Bluetooth audio is actually better but that was the same as the S7. It's nothing to write home about to be honest. I knew it wasn't going to be V20 quality but I was hoping for better with the akg tuning and Harmon partnership.Maybe those changes will come to the note 8?
Not all is bad with the phone, I love the screen and how I missed wireless charging! But there are fundamental ergonomic design issues that make this phone clumsy to use day to day. It's like you have to think to unlock it instead of it being second nature. People will see what I mean when they get their device. It feels like Samsung rushed again to market a product. I am praying that the note 8 is the next big thing.
sillyphillie said:
It feels like Samsung rushed again to market a product.
I am praying that the note 8 is the next big thing.
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How is this "rushed"? Samsung has had a full year since last year's Galaxy S7, and all the manufacturers have a team actually start working on the NEXT release before they launch the current one. So, OVER a year.
Are you suggesting Samsung do what Apple does? Release a new phone EVERY TWO YEARS? And then the ones in between are just to fix what they screwed up? iPhone 4S = iPhone 4 antenna fiasco fix.
And as for "big", the Notes are TOO big. I will never own a Note phablet.
Just giving my take. This phone is definitely not ready for prime time in my opinion. RAM management is also an issue I forgot to list but that has always been an issue with Samsung so nothing to see here on that. Knew that coming in. Just disappointed they didn't do much to address. Again these are my opinions.
Camera is definitely improved though... Sweet shots I'm getting.
Samsung pay didn't come preloaded in my Verizon S7 Edge, I had to download it. But I do see what you're saying about paying with your fingerprint. But I, myself, have the gear S3 so feel there's no need to use Samsung pay on my phone since the watch does it.
sillyphillie said:
Just giving my take. This phone is definitely not ready for prime time in my opinion. RAM management is also an issue I forgot to list but that has always been an issue with Samsung so nothing to see here on that. Knew that coming in. Just disappointed they didn't do much to address. Again these are my opinions.
Camera is definitely improved though... Sweet shots I'm getting.
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It may not be ready for Prime Time, but they had plenty of time. Any design failures is on Samsung -- their skill set, their design/manufacturing expertise.
Whereas "rushed" is like Google's 2016 Pixel with the HUGE bezels because Huawei turned them down for a Google Pixel phone with no manufacturer branding, and they had to go to HTC and use a re-purposed frame HTC already had -- and they only had 9 months to design/test/release a phone. THAT is "rushed". They couldn't even make it waterproof like they wanted because they ran out of time.
The Pixel and Pixel XL aren’t waterproof because Google ‘ran out of time’
According to Pierce, when he asked Google why its phone isn’t waterproof, its response was, rather simply: “We ran out of time”.
Pierce states that the development cycle for the smartphone was uncharacteristically short, reportedly “nine months and a week” from design to launch, as Google abandoned its original plans for the phone at the end of 2015.
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Samsung has no such excuses, unless you are just saying they are incompetent.
I completely agree hence why I sold my pixel months ago. I'm not saying other manufacturers aren't rushing either. Just making a note that Samsung is as well. Anyway.. my take as someone who has the phone already. Hoping software fixes some of the concerns. But that fingerprint sensor and Samsung pay is there to stay.
ChazzMatt said:
Whereas "rushed" is like Google's 2016 Pixel with the HUGE bezels because Huawei turned them down for a Google Pixel phone with no manufacturer branding, and they had to go to HTC and use a re-purposed frame HTC already had
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Come on its a brand new design...
Any phone coming out after the s8 and g6 with ugly ass bezels will be dead on arrival, lets see if htc has enough time to shrink those bezel's.
Re: Samsung pay, there are more than a few phones with rear fingerprint scanners and NFC chips that have been out for some time. I've never found this an issue nor have I heard complaints like this. As of right now the technology you're longing for (a front facing under the screen fingerprint scanner, since that's the only feasible alternative with the infinity display) simply hasn't been released. Unfortunately, the reality is it's these shortcomings that are debatably left out (intentionally?) to keep interest in the next iteration and keep overhead down. Hence why we never get the perfect smart phone. I'll you know when I get the device but I assume it's no different then the others: shiny, new, with some improvements, likely the best phone out, but still short of the perfect phone. (Never get too high of expectations, these companies are here to be profitable) I had the G6 all of 2 days before I was left unimpressed, hopefully that's not the case with the S8.
Oh well take my money. Thanks for the write up!
---------- Post added at 05:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 AM ----------
peachpuff said:
Come on its a brand new design...
Any phone coming out after the s8 and g6 with ugly ass bezels will be dead on arrival, lets see if htc has enough time to shrink those bezel's.
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HTC is screwed if the renditions/leaks are accurate. Still has same general design and big ol bezels
sillyphillie said:
I, like most of you, was waiting impatiently for this device for the past few weeks. I was given a retail model on Thursday early and wanted to let my thoughts after 48 hours.
I have to say I haven't been this disappointed in a phone in a while. While the phone is a looker, fundamentals are quite lacking.
Battery life - Same as the S7 and that's not a good thing. Has the same inconsistent issues of quick drains while running idle. As an example, was working on my house yesterday for roughly 4 hours and left the phone down with out being touched. Left it at 90% and came back at 74%. Again no usage. I have 3 other Android phones with more apps running and this doesn't happen except on Samsung. They will never change in this regard. Every year I have hope and get sucked into buying one. Same results.
Fingerprint sensor- I was one of the people that thought all the complaining was unwarranted about the fingerprint sensor placement. I thought this is just an issue for certain people with finger dexterity issues or just looking for something to complain about. Boy was I wrong. It's actually worse! It works maybe75% of the time and that is only using my right hand. Forget about the left hand.. way too awkward and difficult to do with one hand. At first, I thought no biggie, I'll just use face scanning or supplement with Iris scanning. Face scanning again is hit and miss and forget about Iris scanning if you are anywhere outside of bright light. I had the note 7 and that seemed to work a ton better. Maybe a software fix coming? Back to the fingerprint issue.. Samsung Pay doesn't even come preloaded on the phone! Why?!?! Because the NFC chip is on back so have fun using the sensor and holding it to a pay device. I was perplexed how this was a main selling point with the s and note series of last year and how it couldn't be preloaded. Hell it is on the gear S3. I used it 3 times yesterday at 3 different stores. I had to hold the phone upside down and the back facing the terminal. Picture that for a second... Holding your finger on a sensor which is located on the back and also having to have the back of the phone facing the CC reader at the same time. It's unreal. It's absolutely crazy that they threw this phone with the sensor placement at last minute and gathered...Oh yeah how are they going to use Pay? Ah just don't preload it and we won't get so many complaints. If you think I'm full of it.. go try it.
As mentioned with unlocking with the fingerprint, the new home button is virtually useless. I am trying to understand why they are trying to reinvent the wheel and not just use the tried and true method that every Android manufacturer has used for the past few years. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to unlock this phone. Too many steps.touch the side button or home button, wait for face unlock to work and if it doesn't then do finger gynastics with the fingerprint sensor. Seriously I wind up just using pattern after both fail. I use my V20 as my DD and it's 100% unlocking with the fingerprint on one touch Everytime. What the [email protected]#&$ were you thinking Samsung?
Audio - I love music and media and I am a wanna be audiophile. The headphone jack output and sound is no better than the S7. Lower output than most phones and music has a tight soundstage. Sound is tinny and missing elements you would hear on other high end phones. The Bluetooth audio is actually better but that was the same as the S7. It's nothing to write home about to be honest. I knew it wasn't going to be V20 quality but I was hoping for better with the akg tuning and Harmon partnership.Maybe those changes will come to the note 8?
Not all is bad with the phone, I love the screen and how I missed wireless charging! But there are fundamental ergonomic design issues that make this phone clumsy to use day to day. It's like you have to think to unlock it instead of it being second nature. People will see what I mean when they get their device. It feels like Samsung rushed again to market a product. I am praying that the note 8 is the next big thing.
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I have never used a fingerprint scanner or whatever on a phone, just good old passcode/pattern. It blows my mind people getting all uppity (no you, people in general) over a freaking unlock method to their phone. It's like a new Porsche/Mercedes and instead of talking about its performance people get all hung up on the palm sensor to unlock the door all the while they have the keys. Phones are all about the screen and apps, etc. Who gives a hoot about a stupid fingerprint sensor.
i plan to use samsung pay with Pin instead of fingerprint since it' on the back
Should we cancel our pre-orders then? I'd be more than happy to stick with my Note 4 than pay £55 a month for the next 2 years.
The funny thing about this bezel less design is I really think it's more beauty than function. Maybe it's the bezel less combined with the edge display but I feel less secure with this phone. I have a gs7 and lgv20 I keep referencing back to and when you are out and about the flat display lends to more secure in the hand feel. Maybe even more comfort.
Every year we hear how awesome a phone is from MWC through the first round of reviews. I'm really wanting to know what the consensus will be on this phone. The LG G6 was a darling when announced now the shine has come way off and people are finding out the size and feel are not what's it's cracked up to be. I'm going to give this phone more time and hope it grows on me.
The Phone Company said:
Should we cancel our pre-orders then? I'd be more than happy to stick with my Note 4 than pay £55 a month for the next 2 years.
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everyone's got a different opinion... i am still happy to proceed with my s8 plus, and keep in mind... these folks complainin abt battery life are the US models running SD... and we've got exynos
Is Exnos a more thrifty battery chip?
I will get the EU model in any case.

Satisfied or not ?

Hello everyone,
This is not a question but a feedback.
The perfect smartphone may never exist, but I am satisfied with my Galaxy S8 +, although I should encounter problems with it in the future, I must admit that it is a very good smartphone. I had a Galaxy S7 Edge then a Huawei P9 just before, but I did not feel like having a new product, they all looked alike.
My experience has changed with the S8 + that I find very successful, although still perfectible ....
excuse my bad English.
thank you
jidamo said:
Hello everyone,
This is not a question but a feedback.
The perfect smartphone may never exist, but I am satisfied with my Galaxy S8 +, although I should encounter problems with it in the future, I must admit that it is a very good smartphone. I had a Galaxy S7 Edge then a Huawei P9 just before, but I did not feel like having a new product, they all looked alike.
My experience has changed with the S8 + that I find very successful, although still perfectible ....
excuse my bad English.
thank you
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This device is pretty damned good. I look forward to the full implementation of Bixby though. The only bad thing is that TMobile didn't have the case I wanted so I didn't get one, and I dropped the phone the next morning and shattered the back of the phone.
overall ok. but I hate where the fingerprint scanner is. I had an LG v20 so coming from a logical spot middle of back easy to get to, to s8+ up top is incredibly stupid. I highly doubt any new phones they bring out will be at the top....
tommason1968 said:
This device is pretty damned good. I look forward to the full implementation of Bixby though. The only bad thing is that TMobile didn't have the case I wanted so I didn't get one, and I dropped the phone the next morning and shattered the back of the phone.
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Wooooow! I just shed a lone tear my friend
I have to say. I loved the note 7 and was heart broken that I had to return it. This phone has all the features the note 7 had and then some. I'm really loving it. The only problem is the position of the finger print scanner. Other than that it's the best Smart phone I've ever owned.
Sent from my SM-G955U using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Completely agree with other posters here, everything except the fingerprint scanner location is perfect. I'm using face unlock, which is really not as unsafe as some videos show. I tried to take a picture from a perfect angle and hold it in front of the phone in all kinds of different angles, and it never unlocked once. I actually believe that YouTubers who did videos on how you can unlock the phone with a picture used trickery to make it look like a picture unlocked the phone, since in some of their videos you can see their head shadow hovering over the phone. The phone could scan their faces from further away in an area cropped out of view on the video, and videos exposing Samsung are sure to make waves around the web
Everything about hardware and software is as perfect as it can be, the black model really does feel like a black slab of glass with a massive display, the dream of Steve Jobs realized before Apple. People who complain about the RAM amount being "only" 4GB have never used the phone, apps from 8 hours ago are most of the time still open in the background. It is great futureproofing to have more RAM, but right now, phones with 6GB almost never even use the extra 2GB, because there is simply no need for it at this day and time
Benchmarking to see performance is kind of dumb and unpredictable, I think that a better way of describing the S8 performance is that not a single game I've tested (over 20 and counting) has had an FPS below 30 on max settings. Not a single complaint about the entire phone, the fingerprint scanner location is a non-issue for me, because I don't use it. I would honestly give this phone a 9.5 / 10 rating, only bad side being that to unlock the phone in dark I have to reach for the scanner
It's an exciting thrill ride! Enjoy it and XDA
Great phone! I have no issues with the fingerprint scanner placement. Just takes getting use too.
*Hooligan* said:
Great phone! I have no issues with the fingerprint scanner placement. Just takes getting use too.
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Same it's fast and easy plus the way I grip the phone is on base(middle) all I do is slide it til I feel the first thing... but I'm a righty so it might be easier for me

made the switch to a pixel 3a XL. there is a app to emulate second screen!

I was a second screen addict I'm really didn't want to give up my v20. However the ghosting was getting really bad and I was also having signal problems.
I held on to v20 for so long because I just love the second screen. The ability to see the time while watching Netflix was priceless during breaks at work. I could not figure out a way to show the time in a normal phone, so I simply held on to my v20.
Finally sucked it up and bought a pixel 3A XL. This phone is amazing and considering I paid $170 (used/mint)... I couldn't be happier. It's fast and the camera is amazing.
Back to the topic at hand...
[Time and Memo]
simply shows the time and any other information you might like on top at all times. Those of us used to second screen, it's a pretty close experience.
Took me quite some time to find it and figure out, just wanted to share!
Thanks for sharing. that's 1 possible solution.
However, some of us like the shortcuts to apps in the 2nd screen being available to us most of the time, which this cannot replicate.
This seems quite interesting..
### I wonder if it'd be possible to integrate this functionality in Lineage OS..
if this app could use the space occupied by the notification area in (what used to be) the second screen.... it'd be perfect!

General Muy suave review of the A52.

So this is a quick, very soft review of the A52.
I have had the new A52 for a little over a week now and I must say it is a very nice phone.
This is my third phone in 6 years. 6 years ago I purchased an open box LG G5. I liked how the battery could be swapped out and the camera setup was excellent. It really took nice pictures and the phone had expandable storage. 3 years later and I upgraded to a brand new Essential PH-1 phone. Really nice build but the camera sucked and no expandable storage. But with G-Cam mod I was able to take pretty good photos with it. The LG G5 I gave to my wife and she is still using it to this day. The aging PH-1 was starting to show signs of not wanting to hold a charge so I did the whole WWW search thing for my replacement. Reviews of the A52 looked pretty good and it checked all the boxes I had which were a good size battery, expandable storage and a great camera setup. I managed to find an open box one with 8GB Ram and 256GB and storage for under $310 on FleaBay so I snatched it up since nothing with the ram and storage configuration online came close to that price. After a Hardware Factory reset and setting the phone up from scratch and using it for a week I must say it is a great midrange phone. I am getting a FULL 24 hours of use out of it even with 90hz refresh always on, it takes GREAT pictures, and I am going to slap a 200GB Micro SD card in it as soon as I get back to Colombia where I live. The phone is slippery in the hand but I always put a skin on my phones, and mine came with a nice clear silicone case and with that on I have no more issues with it feeling slippery. I also put a Glasss Pro+ screen protector on it as I did read this phones screen scratches rather easy, so with that on and the IP67 waterproof rating of the phone, I hope I can get a good 3 years of use out of this one. Performance wise I haven't noticed any lag on the many apps I have installed, but note that I am not a gamer and only use it for Home automation, like URC Total Control, Lutron Lighting Control, Wyze camera app, Plex, etc, and of course surfing the web and taking photos. The dual stereo speakers are pretty decent for watching YouTube music videos and video chats with my wife back in Colombia work fine when internet allows. Under screen fingerprint reader works fast and even face unlock seems to work just about every time as long as the lighting is good. I like the underscreen fp reader better than on back as I like to be able to unlock without having to pick up the phone with my grubby little paws when I am working on a projects which seems to be about everyday. Oh and the screen!, this is my first AMOLED display on a phone and I must say I like it a lot! I worried about eye strain as I read a lot of folks suffer from it with AMOLED displays but I must not be one of them as I have used it for hours on end with no issues at all. I set everything to dark mode and love the inky blacks you get on this display.
Well that's it for my very short review! Hope you enjoyed it!
Adiós amigos!

Question Battery and screen

Hi everyone,
I've just bought "by error " this phone ( don't tell my gf I wanted it badly ) and, since I didn't watch any review I have few questions ( I think it will surprise me )
1. Battery: I'm on a Pixel 4 XL now and I had battery drain issues only after updating it to Android 12. The rooted out LOS inside and fixed the problem. It doesn't have 5g and a bigger battery than the flip. Will this phone arrive at the end of the day? Disabling 5G will save me some power? I don't really use the phone more than a normal person but I need it to get me to the end of the day without problems.
2. Screen: looks a bit fragile to me yet saw few cracked screens because of the cold weather. I live in Italy and we don't go under 0 degrees usually ( probably I will sell it first of the next winter ) did anyone had this problem or ar just isolated casualties.
Still on the screen, how many times would it open and close without breaking?
3. Day by day: how do you feel it in a day by day use? Did you get used to the folding system or not? How much ergonomic is it? Is 1 hand usage possible?
I like how it looks but I've never managed to have one in my hand I hope it will surprise me.
Physically play with one before you purchase, this goes for any phone.
What seems insignificant in pictures can be a lot different in real life. When I was considering the S10+ vs the N10+. I was undecided until I had both in front of me. I took a grand total of 5 seconds to go with the N10+. In spite of the similarities the subtle differences of the form factor were striking. After which the differences in the images were crystal clear to me.
Usually I do but not this time. I felt so confident that I've bought it and I don't even need a new phone. Pixel 4xl is in great condition and still does the job pretty well.
Good times when I've used to play games on the phones or rooting those just because are gone. Now I just use the phone as a phone, texting, browsing, socials 1 minutes every 2 days, Google calendar and excel
MySelf_v1 said:
Usually I do but not this time. I felt so confident that I've bought it and I don't even need a new phone. Pixel 4xl is in great condition and still does the job pretty well.
Good times when I've used to play games on the phones or rooting those just because are gone. Now I just use the phone as a phone, texting, browsing, socials 1 minutes every 2 days, Google calendar and excel
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That might work out fine for you then. It doesn't meet my needs criteria. I'll likely be running my two N10+'s for years.
blackhawk said:
That might work out fine for you then. It doesn't meet my needs criteria. I'll likely be running my two N10+'s for years.
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I will for sure, wanted a phone that fits in my pocket for years. Hopefully this will. Thought to sell my pixel but I think I'll keep it, just in case as I kept my Blackberry KeyOne just in case and all the others just in case ( I'm the proud owner of an HTC Desire and a ChaCha, do you remember those? )
As someone who actually owns the phone, I can tell you the battery life is not great left unchecked. If you don't use 5G, it will save a bit. Disabling any features you don't use will save more. Stock comes with virtually everything enabled. Always on display, edge panels, and 100 different gestures are all running and don't need to be if you don't use them.
The crease is an eye sore that first day. People will tell you that you stop noticing it and I honestly didn't believe it. It is true. You eventually stop noticing it unless you are at just the right angle (almost eye level with it folded open).
It's not as fragile as it seems. If you don't stab it, you should be fine. The protector is decent quality, but most issues you'll see are with rough environments or a peel that started and couldn't be left alone. As for folding and unfolding, it is meant to withstand more than most will do in a week per day.
One thing to keep in mind is that the hinge gets dirty easily and that can be a problem. Wipe it off before you open it. Make sure not to get junk in the screen before you close it.
Take the first 14 days seriously. It's easy to tell someone how it looked on paper or even to try it yourself in a store, but that isn't your day to day life. You can't know how folding and unfolding when a call comes in is like standing in a Best Buy. It is a lot different when you aren't consciously thinking about it. If you still feel awkward after a week, start filling out the return.
MySelf_v1 said:
I will for sure, wanted a phone that fits in my pocket for years. Hopefully this will. Thought to sell my pixel but I think I'll keep it, just in case as I kept my Blackberry KeyOne just in case and all the others just in case ( I'm the proud owner of an HTC Desire and a ChaCha, do you remember those? )
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I always wanted a HTC for it's audio.
Never saw the ChaCha, that's an interesting critter. Laid out for texting...
Definitely keep a backup as it takes the pressure off you if you need to do repairs. The main reason I have 2 N10+'s now.
twistedumbrella said:
As someone who actually owns the phone, I can tell you the battery life is not great left unchecked. If you don't use 5G, it will save a bit. Disabling any features you don't use will save more. Stock comes with virtually everything enabled. Always on display, edge panels, and 100 different gestures are all running and don't need to be if you don't use them.
The crease is an eye sore that first day. People will tell you that you stop noticing it and I honestly didn't believe it. It is true. You eventually stop noticing it unless you are at just the right angle (almost eye level with it folded open).
It's not as fragile as it seems. If you don't stab it, you should be fine. The protector is decent quality, but most issues you'll see are with rough environments or a peel that started and couldn't be left alone. As for folding and unfolding, it is meant to withstand more than most will do in a week per day.
One thing to keep in mind is that the hinge gets dirty easily and that can be a problem. Wipe it off before you open it. Make sure not to get junk in the screen before you close it.
Take the first 14 days seriously. It's easy to tell someone how it looked on paper or even to try it yourself in a store, but that isn't your day to day life. You can't know how folding and unfolding when a call comes in is like standing in a Best Buy. It is a lot different when you aren't consciously thinking about it. If you still feel awkward after a week, start filling out the return.
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Do you think debloating it or flashing a custom ROM ( even I I would like to keep the samsung-ment experience on this phone ) will save a bit more battery?
Are there useless apps preinstalled ?
MySelf_v1 said:
Do you think debloating it or flashing a custom ROM ( even I I would like to keep the samsung-ment experience on this phone ) will save a bit more battery?
Are there useless apps preinstalled ?
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I missed if you mentioned getting the unlocked or carrier version. If it's a carrier version, there is any of the carrier stuff you don't want. If it's unlocked, it's mostly third-party apps. Honestly, most of that uninstalls now. Anything that can't be uninstalled or disabled can just as easily be removed with an adb command.
It's things, such as Netflix, that Samsung thinks you wouldn't be able to find easily if they didn't include it for you (although it isn't that ridiculous of a thought anymore). There was very little that actually required any sort of advanced removal, which is one advantage of getting a newer phone. In the last couple years, the extras that used to be system apps are now being preloaded as user apps the same as if you had installed them. You also have the option during setup to opt out of a lot. Google still forces it's garbage on you to complete setup, but that can be uninstalled as soon as that's complete (or you can leave the notice telling you to finish setup running indefinitely).
The biggest task is going through the settings and deciding what you will use and what is running sensors without any real necessity. I also recommend Galaxy Max Hz. It will yield a noticeable increase in battery life, even without much configuration at all.
[App]Galaxy Max Hz (Refresh Rate Mods, Screen-off Mods, QS Tiles, Tasker Support and More)
About this app: Refresh Rate Control: Easily control the max refresh rate (Hz) of android devices with multiple refresh rates (e.g. note20 ultra, s20/S20+/S20Ultra, z fold 2, s21/s21+/s21Ultra, tab S7/S7+, z fold 3, z flip 3). This app can limit...
I've had mind since about November and I can say my battery life is decent around a day and a half with 50/50 screen on and off
Thank you for answering, I'll come back with more questions probably in few days ( says it's shipped from Netherlands ).
Btw its an unlocked version, last time I've bought a carrier version of a phone it's sucked badly.

