IRIG UA or HD for GS5? - Galaxy S 5 Accessories

I have the SM-G900M GS5 and I was wondering if anyone is using IRIG UA or HD with it. The HD version supposedly has better sound and more fx but I'd like to hear more from actual user regarding latency.


Streaming flash video skips frames

I've been disappointed with flash video streaming on the 7.0 plus. It frequently skips frames and is choppy even with a very solid wifi signal. Some (adult) sites are worse than others. For comparison, my 0.8gz, 512 ram single core nook color can be tweaked to outperform the T7+. My DROID bionic phone blows it away in this performance area. Is there anything I can do? Are any of the other apps in the market capable of streaming flash any better. I've also heard flash and honeycomb don't like each other, is that the case? I really don't want to have to try to root and mess with voltage and cpu settings, because im not that savvy. Any help greatly appreciated.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA
I use mx video player.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

[Q] HD Netflix?

Is it still necessary to have a hack for Netflix to display on the higher resolution screens in HD... ??
or has Netflix been updated to the point that it streams in HD anyway now?
The app claims to auto adjust to HD when the hardware supports it and the stream speed is sufficient for it. For me, it appears as close to HD as my eye can tell.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Tab 2 P3100 720P recording?

Got my Tab 2, works fairly well. Enjoying it so far. One thing I have noticed is that the '720P' recording option is essentially a lower resolution expanded? Had a look at my fathers Tab and its the same? Am I doing something wrong. Additionally theres tons of horrible noise when I record a video.
The built in cameras just suck, that's all.
Sent from my SGH-T679 using xda app-developers app

HD playback

Afternoon all.
Recently got an upgrade and since I wasnt to fussed on the S5 I decided to get a Xperia Z1. .
Bad choice since id gotta used to samsung from S2 owned all S devices. . .so luckily i was given the chance to swap the xperia to a lovely note 3 
I really like it and since the specs dont differ much from the upcoming S5 ( camera slighty better and 2.5 ghz instead of notes 2.3) its a good choice i feel.
What i have noticed is the pixel density is lower from S4 and S5 but i really dont see it the difference in fact the note 3 screen seems better?
Anyway sorry for long intro but when i play HD youtube or even the HD helicopter video included on phone i cant help but think the HD isnt as clear or good as the S4 . .
Could that be the pixel density or something else?
Cheers guys
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Well not at all as I have played every full HD every time it's played very well.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
So u find the HD quality better or as good as other devices?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
After downloading HD movie trailers to fone I see that thr quality is better then the HD quality on the youtube app dont get it
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Well YouTube HD movies are little pixelated, download it and play from any video player.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
Youtube hd videos are highly compressed. So quality isnt that great
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
HD on Youtube isn't really HD. It's 'close enough to fool everyone who can't tell the difference between 720 and 1080'.
They've compressed the video so tightly it' s become blurry. You don't notice it on an s4 because the screen is much smaller.
Send From My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 Using Tapatalk
The S4 or S5 have the same screen resolution as the note 3 but are considerably smaller in screen size. As the picture is spread out there will be some slight degradation in hd quality but not so noticeable as to be called bad...

HD Video Lag

My HOXL cant play any HD Video 720p Or 1080p fine without lag whether its mp4,avi or wma
I have tried alot of videos all lag,,,the windows 7 sample video wildlife in hd also lags
I use stock video player,,tried mx also lags more on software decoder
Android 4.2.2 Sense 5 Not Rooted and Stock
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda app-developers app
What app are you using? Mx with proper codec works fine for me. Software rendering or hardware?
Have you tried both?
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
I have tried alot of video apps including mx player,,it lags more with software rendering, i am surprised to see that why it lags on stock video player,,btw how can i get proper codec for mx player?
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda app-developers app
After Installing Codecs HD is Working in mx player with software decoder
By the way why stock video player cant play it smoothly? I have xperia v also,it has same processor & gpu it plays full hd super smooth with its own video player
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda app-developers app
Can't say I watch too much 1080 video on my phone (do most of my video watching on my Note 8 tablet), but MX Player is what I use too.
The HTC stock player has always been a joke. Its not compatible with a lot of formats/codecs, I've never really made any use of it aside from watching the videos I've taken with the phone's video camera. In general, I've never been much a user of stock players from any manufacturer. There is always going to be incomplete format support and/or performance lag. I'm guessing its due to licensing of various proprietary formats/codecs. Good 3rd party players are the way to go on Android.
Why the stock player lags now on Sense 5, when it didn't before, I can't say for certain. Lots has been updated in Sense 5, but HTC seems to break as many things as they fix sometimes. So this may be one of those cases. I haven't read about this issue before, so there is likely no easy fix.

