Android energy estimation tool - Other Tools & General Discussion

Hi everyone
I have recently been working on an Android development tool whilst completing my CS Msc [1]. This tool allows developers to submit their apps and a usage case (by defining a Monkey Runner script) and in turn will provide feedback on the energy usage of the applications code (at the method level). I am looking for feedback from the community as I am now planning to release this, as a free and open source tool.
Currently the tool will give you an approximation of the total usage of the code, a breakdown of what this means in terms of other usage (eg how long you could have watched an HD video using the device for the same amount of energy), and a breakdown of each methods total and average energy usage. There is also some support for estimation of hardware energy usage. This is all done without requiring a physical device (it runs on emulators). By using monkey runner, I am hoping that developers can define different use cases to also allow stress testing of their application.
This will not give you the exact energy usage of the app. It measures areas of code that are known to have high energy costs, assigning values based on findings from previous research that catalogued these. This research claims that these areas relate to 80% of the total energy usage of the code. The feedback is designed to highlight which routines are using the most energy and thus allow you to focus on them.
Is this something that the community is interested in? Are there any features you specifically would want added?
[1]To confirm, I have finished my Msc. This piece of work has been handed in and graded. I am not asking for help with the report or ideas for this. I just want feedback on what I feel is a worthwhile tool

This is obviously interesting. It opens us up to a whole new area of optimisation. Due to the device being mobile, power optimisation is very important.
To be able to determine what kind of features are required would need actual use of the tool.
Congrats and good work. Are you planning to open source this tool?


[Q] A Grad Project in App Usage Stats

So, I learned almost everything I know about "adjusting" mobile devices from everyone in the community here at XDA, but this is my first help request.
I'm working on a graduate project designing a model for targeting users based on their demographics, and that demographic's usage trends. I am designing a survey that will hopefully match the empirical data (part i need help with a gathering technique for) within an acceptable deviation.
The piece I need help with is finding a practical solution for pulling data from an android phone into a database for mining. (like if I could export the data from Spare Parts?)
Data I need:
1) device usage time
2) app usage time by app name
3) number of app launches
(basically what spare parts gives you, but if there's more in the logs more data= better!)
Here's the preconditions I have:
1)I have physical access to the device, computer, and any hardware I might reasonably need. No need to do this over the air, but if its practical to do so I'd love some direction.
2) It should be able to pull past usage, like spare parts does. So it's not dependent on a user installing it and then coming back for us to collect results.
3) I'm reasonably sure there won't be, but if there's a way to build a platform independent tool that could collect data from as many major platforms as possible i'd love to hear about it.
Overall I'm looking for brainstorming help, or things like sys logs I don't know about, but coding help would be appreciated as well. HURRAY CROWDSOURCING!
There may even be some grant money come fall for someone interested in solving this aspect of the problem.
Thanks in advance to anyone with a good idea!

Choosing Best Android Apps Dev tool

Right step toward the Android application development starts with the selection of best tool. Top criteria that must be reviewed should include easy to use UI that can allow just about anyone to do it with a short training, multi mobile platform and device support issues and the availability of dev + test + packing functions without switching the screens or tools.
There are few tools who claimed to do that. However many fails to meet all criteria.
I have tried mBizmaker recently and found that it was very kind to people like myself with very little technical knowledge. It was easy and simple. It only took me an hour to develop and test simple scheduler for my Samsung phone.
Just wanted to share some of my experience.

Learn to Code! Free CodeSchool from New Relic [Sponsored]

New Relic is currently incentivizing new customers with three free months of Code School classes. But really, the bribe shouldn’t be necessary. We know, this sounds like the type of hyped-up pitch you might hear on a bad infomercial, but here at XDA, New Relic APM has completely revolutionized our ability to debug application processes, allowing us to speed up the site while reducing server costs. When they wanted to sponsor the site this month, we were thrilled to promote a product that we both know and use (we are very happy paying customers and have been for years). We’ve explored all options for monitoring site performance, but nothing comes close to the insight we gain from New Relic. Every web developer and mobile app developer should at least consider using New Relic. The company offers free trials and lite versions that are free-for-life on both its web app and mobile products, so there’s no reason not to.
XDA has a complex, layered infrastructure with html front-end caching, data store caching via Memcache and APC, and of course, a large database. When the site occasionally slowed down, it was impossible to determine why. On our local and staging development environments, we were able to trace application processes to determine hangups, but when working at scale, serving live pages to millions of users, we couldn’t get the same insight. After installing New Relic’s PHP plugin (they have plugins for just about every application server type), we instantly gained the ability to dig deeper into the application server processes to see where bottlenecks were occurring. The New Relic plugin software allows us to trace all the way back through the application to explore specific functions and database queries and see exactly how long they are taking to execute. We have even been able to use New Relic to assist third-party application developers to optimize their apps to work better on our servers.
Over the past few years as customers, we’ve watched New Relic launch an entire suite of products related to code-level monitoring of application performance. Specifically for mobile app developers, New Relic Mobile provides similar code-level diagnostics as the web app product. You can identify poor code paths; track CPU, memory, and database usage metrics; monitor interactions with external services and APIs; and get insight as to whether performance is being impacted disproportionately in specific geographies or on specific carriers. For a monitoring product that is used by many of the largest apps in the world, the “pro” level pricing is very reasonable ($29 per app per month), and even the free “lite” version still provides significant value.
Developers often come to us needing help debugging slow processes, and we almost always recommend installing New Relic to trace hard-to-find bottlenecks in both web and mobile applications. And today, we’re publicly making that same recommendation to you. Try it out for free. Deploy and get three free months of Code School.

Enhanced Privacy, Security and Battery Duration! My Measures...

Purpose: To share my personal experiences how I achieved an enhancement of my battery’s life, privacy and security.
Post #1 - General Statements, ROM and Kernel.
Post #2 - Privacy Measures and Considerations.
Post #3 – Better Battery Stats.
Post #4 – Greenify.
Post #5 – Amplify.
Post #6 – Power Nap
Post #7 – AppOpsXposed
Please read the XDA Forum Rules provided by @MikeChannon; from my personal point of view a definite MUST READ for everybody who intends to post on XDA or to contribute to this great site. Other MUST READ's I certainly recommend to everybody who wants to "breathe" what I believe the spirit of XDA is, are the following posts:
Forum Etiquette by @TheByteSmasher, by @zelendel, and last but not least by @kyphur.
Do me the favour and really inhale what I just linked above!
Your device requires to be rooted, and in most cases that the Xposed framework is installed, too.
I am not responsible for any damages to your device if you follow any of the suggestions or my experiences provided in this thread.
If you do your warranty is now void. I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or if you’re getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please do some research if you have any concerns about features mentioned in this thread before flashing anything! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Whatever you do, before you do it ensure you save a NANDROID backup. If you don’t know what this means you’d probably rather discontinue further reading. Alternatively, you might want to start reading this and then return: What is?Boot loader,custom roms, CWM, modem, kernel?? by @esimon311.
Background: In December 2015, I got a used SGS 3 LTE that was running on CM 10. Immediately, I started to search for others ROMs especially on XDA (actually my first contact with this fantastic forum), thoroughly read the OPs and the subsequent posts, flashed and tried a few of them, till I've ended up in the configuration I'm now using for nearly nine months (details are available in the hidden part of my signature). I'm extremely happy, and my phone completely fulfils my requirements and desire; thanks to @rodman01, the dev of "my" ROM, I certainly don't need a different phone.
I'm quite "paranoid" in regard to privacy i.e. I don't and won't ever use things like FB, Whatsapp etc., and I’m not having experiences with them. Privacy is also my main driver to have my devices to only carry a minimalist suite of Google (“pico” and even some of that crap uninstalled) because I only use Play Store (unfortunately, some of my favourite apps incl. their betas are only available there) and broad location. If I'd get MicroG to run on my device Google had already been totally eliminated.
Desired End State: A device, which runs in a well-balanced ratio between battery endurance or drainage and performance specific to my objectives.
Criteria for Success: Battery lasts at least for 36 hours while all functionalities in regard to the objectives are applied; no unintended or random reboots occurring; no frozen screen.
Own Centre of Gravity: Maximum privacy.
Phone calls 24 hours per day, 7 days a week (24/7).
Text messaging 24/7.
Email reception and transmission 24/7.
Email and messenger encryption.
No “social networks” at all unless provider fulfils all privacy requirements.
No “messenger” except “Signal” but Signal 24/7.
All what can be accessed via a (slim line) browser, will be accessed via browser but not via dedicated applications.
If possible and achievable, no use of any Google “tool” or service.
If possible, no use of Chinese or Russian “products” or from any other country of “similar quality”. If unavoidable to use such a product, no WiFi, mobile data, or VPN access at all; all private or confidential data will be spoofed.
Control of access to private or confidential data like contacts, calendar, location, telephone number, IMEI etc. Spoofing as access control is acceptable.
Control of permissions only via ROM tools.
Control of broadcast receivers, services, wakelocks, and alarms.
Battery endurance of at least 24 hours.
Scenario: Remote location close to a national border with low 4G and 3G reception, even GSM reception occasionally weak and weather depending. No gaming at all.
Initial Steps: As stated above at background, I quite intensively and thoroughly scanned XDA for a ROM that could suit me; reading at least all the Ops but screened the respective thread, too. I finally but quickly found my desired one with [ROM][6.0.1][i9305 OFFICIAL] Resurrection Remix® M by @rodman01 in April 2016; it became my daily driver, and I’m using it till today.
Very fast, I concluded that performance of my phone might be enhanced by replacing the stock ROM kernel by a custom one i.e. I commenced the same search for a suitable kernel as I did for the ROM. Please be aware that kernel totally depend on the device and highly on the ROM. Read extremely thoroughly through the respective OP of the kernel you’ve in mind and get a clear indication if the kernel is really suitable for your device and your ROM. Even then, there might be more than one version available (as it’s the case for my current kernel); simply try, which one runs the best on your phone but also study the thread – others might have already shared experiences.
Next step was to experiment with the kernel settings especially the governor, governor and GPU frequencies and under-voltage. It became a try-and-error process including frozen locked screens and unintended reboots but the result was worth the torture. I was able to find kernel settings in accordance with my objectives especially improving the battery duration. I found the following thread extremely helpful in working out “my” kernel settings: [REF][GUIDE]Most up to date guide on CPU governors, I/O schedulers and more! by @Saber. If you search the thread of my kernel but also the Q&A section of my ROM you’ll certainly able to find some of the experiences I tried to share. Attached is a zip-file with screenshots of my current kernel settings.
Please be aware that not all kernel come with the same types or number of available governors. Some come with a dedicated control tool, some use the tool e.g. provided by the ROM; and as this would be off-topic and isn’t important to me, some offer different sound control like “boeffla”. Unless you’re on AGNi like me with its own AGNi Control application or on another kernel with its own control tool, I’ve very good own experiences with a tool called [APP] [4.0+] Kernel Adiutor by @Grarak. From my point of view, besides the marginal ROM settings to decrease battery drainage, installation of the right kernel and manipulation of its settings were the first major step to enhance my battery’s life!
Soon, I realised there are two versions of my ROM available, the “regular” one but also a so called “Sammy version” (for those who are interested, the differences are explained in post #3 of the above linked Resurrection Remix thread). I converted to the Sammy version and was impressed; first, how smooth my device performed “on Sammy” but second and more important to me that battery charging was much faster.
Nonetheless, if required I'm tweaking my system by tools like [APP] [4.0.3+] L SPEED Android tweaking APP by @Paget96 and keep it clean and tidy by [APP][1.6+] SD Maid - System cleaning tool by @Dark3n. SD Maid additionally offered me the possibility to easily control the “autostart” behaviour of my installed applications; however, there are certainly other tools available for this purpose e.g. My Android Tools that I'm also mentioning in post #2 for another reason.
Please be advised that for all somewhere in this thread mentioned applications or tools, I personally started using them with the recommended settings in their OPs if available i.e. you must thoroughly read them but eventually commenced to experiment with different settings until I achieved the results I wanted. This certainly also applies to the use of e.g. different governors or other kernel settings. I collected some of the guides and tutorials, which were very useful and supportive to me, in post #3 of this "How-to...". This whole thread is meant in conjunction with the SGS3 but some parts might be helpful even for your device.
EDIT (2016-11-11): If you experience WiFi drops you might be interested in experiences that @Wood Man is sharing with us, and he gratefully allowed me to quote him regarding WiFi drops that occured to him several times. It never happened to me because my setup was (just by accident) always different; however, if WiFi drops occur to you please have a look at this post. The explanation is so reasonable and makes so much sense from my point of view. Thanks very much to Wood Man for sharing his knowledge. I do mention this issue in this OP as I assume that these type of connected inteferences might even lead to a higher battery drainage in turn.
Last but not least a few words regarding Xposed – I apologise to the multiple XDA users who already know for covering this here but just by monitoring all the Xposed threads I’m convinced a lot of guys just don’t know. The Xposed framework in available in different versions pending e.g. on the brand of the device or its architecture, on the ROM respectively the Android SDK or if systemless root is used. I refrain from quoting all the different Xposed threads at this point; simply search the Xposed forum by yourself, and you certainly find the framework suitable to you. In the hidden part of my signature you can retrieve the Xposed version I’m using.
We talked about ROMs and kernels, now let’s mention the other key players for my satisfying battery endurance but as stated you certainly need Xposed:
BetterBatteryStats, Greenify, and Amplify, and PowerNap. EDIT (2016-11-11): Please refer to post #6 (about PowerNap) why I "removed" PowerNap.
I tried all of them, it worked out for me, and I'm continuing to use them; however, that what I stated in the paragraph above applies for them too: Comply with the recommendations and develop it further till you are satisfied.
EDIT (2016-11-19): If interested how I made my system GApps free, please check post #54.
If a donation option is available please consider to take advantage of this chance as you not only occasionally get a better capability but you're supporting the dev and the development.
None of the mentioned apps has got permission granted to the internet, and all are spoofed by XPrivacy. I'm pretty cautious regarding applications if so much power has been made available due to root and Xposed, and I always take their origins into consideration (a reason why I don't update my SuperSU anymore and continue to use SuperSU v2.76).
Occasionally, it's required to post you logs on XDA, and quite a few guys have problems with attaching files to their post; me too. In such a case, I suggest to try a different browser; I can only post all allowed attachments via Microsoft Edge and Chrome. FF, IE and Chrome doesn't allow for whatever reason; they even don't provide any possibility to select a file for upload. I have no experiences with XDA Labs. EDIT (2016-10-18): I don't know what changed a few minutes ago but I'm now able to use Chrome for the upload of files. Weird! Another option is to upload e.g. to and to post the link.
Now, you know more or less what I did to achieve a really good battery life.
ATTENTION: In accordance with my objectives
No so called "social network" applications (e.g. Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or how you name them) at all are installed on my devices i.e. you couldn't find any settings/limitations regarding them.
All my described settings/limitations are in that way that no push notifications at all are allowed (because I want it this way). Every wakelock and alarm connected to Google Play Services (GPS) is somehow limited; not one is unlimited. Quite a few services of GPS and/or Google Services Framework (GSF) are disabled. Edited because all devices are GApps-free.
If you just copy my settings without any reflection do not wonder that all of your push notifications are (even extremely) delayed. If you require anything of above you need to play with your system yourself.
The following posts provide you with details of all the applications I use to monitor and to limit the drainage of my battery.
CREDITS: To everybody who I mentioned in this OP or the subsequent posts. If I forgot someone I apologise. Please let me know in this case or if you want to be more prominently given credit; I'm happy to immediately follow such a request!
Off topic comments are allowed as long they are generally related to the overall topic, are in the general interest of the followers of this thread and add value to the thread. The ultimate decision rests with me as the OP!
Privacy Measures and Considerations
You might be wondering why I post this and actually so far on top of this thread. As you can read above, I recognise maximum privacy as my centre of gravity (COG) i.e. everything needs to be done to defend the COG. Or in other words, without all the steps below, I wouldn’t be able to install and use some of the applications i.e. tools to decrease the drainage of my battery. The following measures and considerations are therefore the prerequisite to continue further.
Prevent Google's and other applications from "calling home” by controlling access to WiFi, mobile data (including roaming), or VPN through “AFWall+ (Donation)” and control effectiveness through Network Log.
EDIT (2016-11-18): Google is no longer an issue as I'm "GApps free" for some days, and I'm extremely happy with the performance of my system. If you are interested in more information please search this thread for "GApps free".
Limit all unnecessary use of services and broadcast receivers not only in support of privacy but also “to save fuel” e.g. by “MyAndroidTools”. As an example, here’s a link to one of my posts in a different thread, where I showed how to manipulate some broadcast receivers used by “Google Play Services” in order to decrease its wakelocks.
If using MM+ control of all permissions in the ROM settings granted to the installed applications including system applications. In the ROM privacy settings, by default don’t allow any application including system applications access to your private data; just grant this permission on a strict case-by-case policy if absolutely necessary. Check in the advanced privacy settings if the granted permissions correspond with your objectives. Use AppOpsXposed for additional implementations (refer to post #7).
XPrivacy - The ultimate, yet easy to use, privacy manager by @M66B. Actually, I deem XPrivacy to be the most powerful tool on an Android device to protect privacy. XPrivacy can only run on devices with an installed Xposed framework. XPrivacy doesn’t control permissions an application gets granted but is able to spoof all data that are made available to an application or are requested by it. The advantage of this method is that the application itself “believes” it’s correctly functioning whereas denial of a requested permission quite often leads to a force closure of the application.
XPrivacy isn’t only extremely powerful but also highly complex albeit easily to use from my point of view if you familiarised yourself sufficiently; however, this takes a bit of time but it’s the effort worth. And M66B has provided a very detailed user manual and FAQ tutorial.
And just to reiterate: Without the mentioned measures, I would personally never have installed some applications; to name them I leave it with your imaginations.
Remark: If someone decides to go for one or all of the mentioned applications please consider to use the donation versions (if available) or to donate to the developers in order to support them and the further development!
EDIT (2017-06-11): Due to the (hopefully only temporarily) non-availability of Xposed for Nougat, I had to terminate the utilisation of XPrivacy i.e. to try to use my brain more intensively. It's a pity.
If interested in Privacy, these two posts might be interesting to you: Post #64 and post #66.
Better Battery Stats
For me, it’s was immediately obvious that I needed to know how and what is when draining my battery before I could commence reducing the drainage. In order to monitor drainage of the battery, I finally learnt about [APP][2.1+][06 Sept. - V2.2RC3] BetterBatteryStats (BBS) by @chamonix.
BBS serves my personal requirements the best; the application is well maintained and supported by a really active XDA thread. BBS is also able to run on non-rooted devices; however, some modifications via ADB are required. As an example, I attached a BBS log but please be aware it isn’t really informative at all because I used the phone while logging was running. Clear guidance is in this thread [GUIDE] 0% [0.0%/h] Idle Battery Drain on Stock ROM (XPosed & Amplify Required!) of @Celestial Fury how the BBS log must be taken in order to provide valuable information for a diagnostic assessment of your battery’s drainage, literally it has to be an idle log. It’s also very helpful to establish first baselines for your device and its current battery i.e. for you to known how much is the battery draining even with the phone switched off and the next time when it’s not transmitting/receiving at all (i.e. in airplane mode).
EDIT (2017-06-08): From my point of view, this procedure by @Davey126 is the best way to achieve a suitable dump file.
Just for completeness: Besides the log (dump file), BBS is able to provide you simultaneously with a logcat and dmesg file. You can retrieve the logs by pressing on the "triangle sign" located in the middle between the refresh and the menu symbols (see screenshots).
EDIT (2016-10-13): Idle Dump attached. Drainage of 1.5%/h i.e. a theoretical battery duration of slightly more than 60 hours, which is fully in line with my given objectives, especially under consideration that neither K-9 Mail and ChompSMS nor Signal are hibernated. From my personal evaluation and conclusion - however, I'm happy to receive experts' opinions, nearly no partial wakelocks but the "standard" (at least from my point of view) kernel wakelocks. As you see at post #1, my kernel's settings are a fair compromise between battery savings and performance. I haven't had any frozen screen or unintentional reboot for month, which is equally important to me as a good battery duration. I doubt that I'm able to further minimise kernel wakelocks. Final remark: Within our home WiFi network, the phone has a fixed IP address assigned respectively reserved.
EDIT (2016-10-17): If you experience issue with "net scheduler wakelock" maybe my post here is interesting to you?
EDIT (2016-10-18): Again thanks to @Wood Man as already so often (eventually I believe he knows the whole XDA by heart) I've become aware of another thread dealing with "net scheduler" by @spencetj. Maybe this helps you in case of any problems e.g. this workaround.
Greenify supports my objectives by “hibernating” most of my installed applications. The screenshots below are supposed you to show you the applications, which I haven’t “greenified”. What Greenify does respectively is supposed to achieve can be taken from the XDA threads. Please be aware that the thread regarding [APP][4.1+] Greenify v2.9 Final (Updated on Aug.1) has been closed by @oasisfeng; instead he opened this new one: [BETA] Greenify 2.9.5 beta 3 (Sep. 21, 2016) [BETA]. Please check the Greenify Forum for applicable threads.
Further guidance, actually the one I initially used, is also available in this guide: [GUIDE][26-07-2016]Extreme Battery Life Thread(Greenify+Amplify+Power Nap) by @v7.
EDIT (2019-01-02): Meanwhile, hibernation on Oreo and later seems to work nearly perfectly that Greenify is probably unnecessary in conjunction with these Android versions. However, no own personal experience as our devices are still and will remain on Nougat.
By the use of Amplify, I manipulated wakelocks, alarms, and services connected to my installed applications. Using Amplify probably requires the most manual input of all other mentioned applications (except maybe MyAndroidTools and/or AppOpsXposed) but the outcome is tremendous in my opinion.
Amplify is available via this thread [Mod][Xposed] Amplify - Battery Extender - Control alarms, services, and wakelocks by @cryptyk who also nicely explains in his thread what wakelocks and alarms are.
My screenshots below (zipped due to their amount) are supposed to provide an impression, which wakelocks, alarms, and services I limited by Amplify; however, it’s a pity I can’t show you the exact settings for each one of them. Till today, I’ve been unable to figure out how to export or save my settings of Amplify.
EDIT (2016-10-12): Additionally, the attached xml-file contains my current Amplify limitations for those interested. I found it thanks to this post by @Sam Nakamura and the hint to it by @Davey126.
EDIT (2016-10-27): For completeness, I must mention that some highly experienced users e.g. @Davey126 are questioning the let's call it effectiveness of Amplify and from my understanding seem to achieve less drainage without the use of Amplify. If interested in these conversations I suggest to search for respective posts (e.g. by @Davey126) relevant threads. Some of his very valuable thoughts and paradigmatic attitude can be retrieved here.
In the very beginning, I initially took the settings suggested at [GUIDE][26-07-2016]Extreme Battery Life Thread(Greenify+Amplify+Power Nap) by @v7 but in turn continued to modify them more and more. Meanwhile, all Google Play Services related wakelocks and alarms are limited, by the way without any problems for me or my device; however, remember how limited my intended use of Google crap is (post #1).
@Celestial Fury provides very helpful guidance in his thread [GUIDE] 0% [0.0%/h] Idle Battery Drain on Stock ROM (XPosed & Amplify Required!) “[GUIDE] 0% [0.0%/h].
If you use the powerful XDA search engine it’s going to drag you to other valuable, sometimes specialised posts e.g. to this one: Getting rid of wlan_rx_wake wakelocks by @laxor.
EDIT (2016-10-31): Just in order to gain some own experiences, I uninstalled Amplify three days ago after resetting to its defaults. My intention was to observe battery drainage of my system without a running Amplify; everything else remained unchanged.
Observation: Within the two days, the system had higher battery loss of 1.5%/hour during idle without an installed Amplify compared to the values before with the running Amplify.
EDIT (2016-11-16): For two days now I'm GApps free!!! System is running thousand times smoother, fixing the location is very fast even without GPS, blanketstore does what it's supposed to do, and in a few days I'm going to observe my battery drainage more closely; just this morning resetted my Amplify statistics.
But talking Amplify: Obviously due to the lack of the original Google Play Store, it doesn't recognise my donation anymore i.e. no pro-features available and by this now useless to me. Most likely, I'm going to uninstall Amplify having also in mind that some very experienced guys like @Davey126 doubt its necessity anyway.
Alternatively, I hope that @Paget96 is eventually forking Amplify to his great application L SPEED.
Davey126 said:
FYI - I am Amplify free on most of my devices and have profited from reduced maintenance (monitoring/tweaking/optimising blocks) and undesirable side effects that often manifest in subtle ways. In some cases I accepted a modest increase in drain rates while still enjoying overall performance that ranks in the top 20% based on values reported here and similar threads. All day battery life is a must; no compromises there. Arguably drain rates improved a bit with the removal of Amplify but hard to isolate (hint: reset stats on occasion and observe results with no other changes). I do have Amplify running on a couple of older devices that rely on stock ROMs and tight Google Play Services integration. I find a minimal configuration works best with carefully selected conservative blocks (items/durations) along with a weekly stat reset.
Amplify continues to be a fine (albeit stagnant) tool with no apparent equal. It is the right solution for many who experience excessive battery drain and/or wake time due to unconstrained alarms/wakelocks. I prefer to go after these pups at the source which mitigates the need for Amplify.
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EDIT (2017-04-14): A few weeks ago, I decide to no longer use Amplify as @Davey126's philosophy quoted above and below makes sense to me. Meanwhile, I'm able to fully concur to his deductions and conclusions.
Davey126 said:
I'm certainly no expert but take a different approach to wakelock management after spending am embarrassing amount of time with Amplify and similar tools. I don't limit anything that does not contribute to unwanted wake time and associated battery drain. That reduces the number of candidates from hundreds to a handful. From there I target the app/service/function vs going after wakelocks. For example I disable Firebase Analytics vs limiting/blocking the associated WLs. Currently enjoying 0.2%/hr idle drain will LTE, WiFi and location service on 7x24. Haven't used Amplify in months. Greenify and native Doze are my power management tools of choice on Android 6 w/Xposed. Also use MyAndroidTools and SD Maid to rein in a few rogue services and broadcast receivers. The rest is pure stock.
Bottom line: the vast majority of wakelocks are benign. It's the receiver that determines what actions, if any, will be taken.
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Power Nap
Please allow me to phrase from [GUIDE][26-07-2016]Extreme Battery Life Thread(Greenify+Amplify+Power Nap) by @[I]v7[/I], as I couldn’t explain it better: “Power Nap for Xposed is the SONY's stamina mod for non-Sony devices. When your screen is off, Power Nap maximizes your device's deep sleep time by stopping services, alarms and wakelocks from waking the device when the screen is off. You can get notification from the apps you've whitelisted.” The application itself is still available here:; however, the corresponding XDA thread [MOD][APP][XPOSED][4.1+] Power Nap for Xposed - Sony's Stamina Mode for all devices! by @waylaidwanderer currently seems not to be very active because waylaidwanderer didn’t contribute since nearly April 2015 anymore. Anyhow, the application does its job from my point of view, and I amended this post by some screenshots of my applications on the whitelist.
EDIT (2016-10-22): @waylaidwanderer is back on air.
EDIT (2016-11-03): I was wondering if PowerNap really has an influence on the battery drainage of my device. For this reason, I uninstalled PowerNap and observed the power consumption for about two days. Attached is last night's idle dump. Actually, I wasn't able to detect any difference to the times when PowerNap was installed. I know my device is more than idling when asleep but this is due to my personal objectives; however, even without PowerNap I got a drainage of (in my opinion) only 1.1%/hour. My decision is now: I don't re-install PowerNap 'cause I don't require applications I don't benefit from in some way - less apps, much better.
AppOpsXposed is a permission manager on Android, and by that you’re also able to deny permission to “keep awake” of e.g. Google Play Services, Google Services Framework, and other applications; However, I again suggest to look into the recommendations at [GUIDE][26-07-2016]Extreme Battery Life Thread(Greenify+Amplify+Power Nap) by @[I]v7[/I]. Actually, I used AppOpsXposed to re-check and to modify my advanced privacy settings of the ROM if required.
The application is available via its thread [Xposed][MOD][1.30.3] AppOpsXposed - AppOps for 4.3+ “[Xposed][MOD][1.30.3] by @caspase.
Spare #1
Spare #2
Spare #3
Wow and again wow!! :good: Congrats and many thanks for the time you spent
and the effort you did for such a contribution, the thread and the posts.
And also thanks for what you do and did for our beloved i9305 in this thread and all in all the other threads you participate. Thanks!! :good:
rodman01 said:
Wow and again wow!! :good: Congrats and many thanks for the time you spent
and the effort you did for such a contribution, the thread and the posts.
And also thanks for what you do and did for our beloved i9305 in this thread and all in all the other threads you participate. Thanks!! :good:
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I'm surprised how many thanks you had available. Getting slightly embarrassed now; however, I believe it's my duty to share my experiences like so many others do on XDA. I learnt incredibly much from them. Superb community.
Anyhow, I not only guess - I know as soon as my wife left the hospital and is back home, I won't and actually don't want to spend the same amount of time at XDA as I did in the past.
You are welcome and all my best to and for your wife and you. Enjoy your life together and when she is back home and you find the way back to xda from time to time, we would appreciate it.
Wow, great thread! I'll be following this closely as I can only get 1.5 hours of SOT max with my current setup.
thanks man....apreciate
carlitobahsoun said:
thanks man....apreciate
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If you like it I don't mind you'd hit the thanks button in the lower right corner of the OP and/or the post(s) helpful to you.
rodman01 said:
You are welcome and all my best to and for your wife and you. Enjoy your life together and when she is back home and you find the way back to xda from time to time, we would appreciate it.
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You won't definitely lose me. I get so much out of XDA and its great community; you made such a great tool out of my device, and I want to see RR "N" (despite not knowing if or when I convert - RR v5.7.4 Sammy is running so smoothly. Shall I really change a well running engine?)
limjh16 said:
Wow, great thread! I'll be following this closely as I can only get 1.5 hours of SOT max with my current setup.
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I'm convinced I'm going to further decrease my battery's drainage as soon as I'm able to modify my objectives: No requirement for 24/7 framework operations (calls, text messaging, email, messenger). And this will occur when my wife is returning home.
Well executed write up with a nice balance of general guidance and specific detail. Thanks for sharing your experiences; should prove a helpful starting point for those seeking tighter control and improved battery life from their devices.
Update of OP
OP Updated: Amended post #3 by an idle dump from BBS, and amended post #5 by my Amplify settings.
I hope both is interesting to check.
Update of Post #3
Added a remark regarding "net scheduler wakelock" to post #3.
EDIT (2016-10-18): Updated post #3 thanks to @Wood Man I've become aware of another thread dealing with "net scheduler" by @spencetj.
Gave all my thanks for today
Great guidance, hope i can improve my batterylife and SoT
I already followed most threads you suggested but this one sums up everything very nice and easy

How do I get a striped down version of Android.

Hi everyone,
Here is a little history first. In 2014 I helped develop a traffic counting app for an engineering buddy. I designed the UI's, the flow charts and wrote the 275-page illustrated, developers manual. The developer had it working in less than 6 weeks, thanks to, as he said, "to the awesome documentation provided". The app has been in use since then and has worked flawlessly on the original 24 tablets I originally purchased for him.
Recently, we have been asked to bring the app to a wider audience so, my question is, "Is there a way to prepare an image of the Android OS containing only the setup we need, and then clone it to the new tablets?" The app is designed as engineering tool and is not listed through Google Play and as such, it does not require most of the bloatware found on the new tablets. The app does require the use of photos, some file management along with network connectivity to send and receive the various data files required and produced by the app.
I have limited experience in rooting, but I have been successful when I done it on my Samsung phones.
As a certified Graphics Designer/Windows and Mac tech/COVID-19 survivor (nearly killed me, literally...LOL), I am aware of the amount of work that goes into aiding people with their "little" projects. Any help or direction in this matter would be deeply appreciated.

