languages - few questions - Moto G 2015 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Do you know which languages are installed on moto g 2015?
If language is missing, is it possible to add it on phone? How can this be done?
Thank you
Kind regards

In the settings there is a languages setting for choosing your language. I roughly counted 47 languages to choose from, some I can't even pronounce or type. I doubt there are many missing.

Please check if you see Slovenian language.
Thank you
Kind regards

There is! just search for slovenščina,
i found it in 30 seconds

Very interesting....
May I ask you where do you live, where did you buy your phone?
I don't have phone yet, but user on our tech forum bought it on and there is no "slovenščina"
Thank you
Kind regards

I have the xt1541 1gb from the netherlands

ok, thank you for your answer.
kind regards


just being curious

hello people, i wanted to know ...... because once i started a thread in spanish, a moderator told me to translate to plain english...........
why are big threads in german?? without english traduction??
i hope some one can tell me why please!
Good luck friends!!!
tigrisimo said:
hello people, i wanted to know ...... because once i started a thread in spanish, a moderator told me to translate to plain english...........
why are big threads in german?? without english traduction??
i hope some one can tell me why please!
Good luck friends!!!
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i think u should post this up in the Q&As
Official forum language is English. Though we respect users of other languages, the moderators and admin have agreed that no other languages should be used without translation.
If the moderators dont speak spanish, then how can they moderate your comments?
I remember a thread where someone posted a very abusive and 'colourful' rant in another language. It was quite funny when fed through a translator.
tigrisimo said:
hello people, i wanted to know ...... because once i started a thread in spanish, a moderator told me to translate to plain english...........
why are big threads in german?? without english traduction??
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While I agree that it is just friendly to give a brief translation in English (it does not make sense to translate every single word),please think of this: A user who does not speak German will not have any use for a German ROM, so why invest too much time for translating all the posts, if anyone Non-German (-Austrian/Swiss/Luxemburg ...) is not interested in that posts?
jez83uk is right, a translation without knowledge of the language it is translated from does not really make sense.
And BTW: Why do you ask for an English version of ROMs in other languages, instead of using one of the English ROMs?
There was an Hispanic post in the Raphael thread where the OP asked if someone in the forum could translate his text as he felt that online translators would lose the "meaning" of his post/request. A member took the time to translate his post/request; one of his concerns was regarding Bluetooth operation with some applications - which after reading the translation, I provided some assistance with.
I wish I had the ability to quickly learn every language out there; but since I cannot, it was helpful in that particular situation to see an English translation. I agree that online translators aren't capable of providing a correct translation of meaning and content.
IMHO, even a simple line "Could Someone Please Help Translate ..." before the native language text could be sufficient so that someone can summarise the OP request/post in English.
Ref Post:
hilaireg said:
There was an Hispanic post in the Raphael thread where the OP asked if someone in the forum could translate his text as he felt that online translators would lose the "meaning" of his post/request. A member took the time to translate his post/request; one of his concerns was regarding Bluetooth operation with some applications - which after reading the translation, I provided some assistance with.
I wish I had the ability to quickly learn every language out there; but since I cannot, it was helpful in that particular situation to see an English translation. I agree that online translators aren't capable of providing a correct translation of meaning and content.
IMHO, even a simple line "Could Someone Please Help Translate ..." before the native language text could be sufficient so that someone can summarise the OP request/post in English.
Ref Post:
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Very well written. Thanks!

Xperia X2/WM6.5 Language Support

Not really sure i have posted in the right place but here goes
Just installed a few Japanese language translators and dictionary's, the problem is all the text that is supposed to dispplay the japanese characters just displays squares, having spent ages messing around trying to install japanese language support i find myself here asking the experts for help ?
Kind regards
Try this:

Looking for work: Russian Language

my name is Sydney and I am currently a student studying Russian Language at UCLA and I am posting here because I am looking for something to do and some work. If anyone out there is developing an app or has one that they would like to make more international, particular to Russian speakers, I would be happy to talk to you and see if we can work something about with me translating your app into Russian.
Feel free to message me with any questions or ideas.
Thanks a lot

[Q] default language settings on phones in India?

So this is a general question. I have to do a 15 page group project for my summer college course and I'm stuck trying to find the answer online. For my class, we are pretending to be a US mobile telecom looking to expand into India. I'm doing the business side of the proposal and want to discuss phone languages.
However I know very little about India in general. I know there are something like 16 languages used in the country, but are all 16 available on all phones? If not what are the most common languages? Is it pretty standard?
Pardon my ignorance, I'm short on time and all my searches on google are inconclusive (can't figure out how to word my search to find the answer)
Thank you!
Not one Indian language is naively supported by Android. The [Android] phones come with English as the default language. Several languages in India uses the same writing script, so all one needs is support for the script and the phone can be deployed in whatever regional language is required.
You can cover a lot of people with Hindi and Urdu, but Google is too f*cking stupid to see this.
EDIT: A tip for your project is to NOT force English upon the local populace. It pisses people off.

[Completed] Can't get out of Chinese? need to set English

The lack of any hints in the all Chinese setup guide makes the whole product less than useless...
5 hours hunting, still can't find English, let alone select English.
If anyone can give me a hint I would be delighted
Steve ....................very frustrated
About what are we talking about here? ROM, device and so on we need more details about ...

