[Not App Development] Comparison of two news apps. DailyHunt and DailyTop - Android General

DailyHunt Vs DailyTop: battle for India's top newsreader
I like to keep myself updated, so consequently I have way too many news apps on my phone. Sometime ago I came across an app which rendered all those apps quite useless. It provided me with the freedom to access all my frequented news options through a single platform.
I have been using DailyHunt for quite some time now,but as they say “There always is a better idea”, someone had a better idea too and they called it DailyTop.
Now let’s see how these two apps compare.
DailyTop DailyHunt
All top stories and news in one Formerly known as NewsHunt
First Impression (Splash Screen):
When I opened DailyHunt I got a faint smirk. DailyHunt gives a simple, basic feeling at the first look, the background has square patterns and the logo looks good on it. The selection of colours has been copied from Google’s logo yet it’s a failed attempt as the tone of colours used for the logo is unflattering.
When I opened the DailyTop app for the first time it made the smirk change into a smile. The splash screen of DailyTop leaves a lasting impression. It gives a hint of the overall minimalistic theme that has been used for the UI. The combination of colours used grabs the first look, the use of red points the sight straight to the logo and the name of the app.
Splash Screen Comparison Results and Marks:
DailyTop: 8 Points
DailyHunt: 8 Points
User Interface:
The first thing that caught my eye was the interface. DailyTop has a beautiful interface, it does absolute justice to the minimalistic theme. Red colour being dominant in the theme gives a heart-warming experience. The reading experience on DailyTop is one of its kind. It’s pleasant for the eyes and there is absolutely no distraction while reading. The overall experience of DailyTop is simplistic yet lively.
DailyHunt on the other hand doesn’t stop to disappoint, the overall theme and the interface is crude. The colours used seem to be inspired by a funeral theme, made me sad. The interface doesn’t please the eyes and neither is the reading experience any good. There is a whole clutter of information shown to the user and all it does is distract the user.
User Interface Test Results & Marks:
DailyTop: 9 Points
DailyHunt: 5 Points
Functionality: The main functionality of both apps is quite similar. These apps provide you news from multiple sources on a single platform. Yet there is a drastic difference between both.
DailyTop has multiple channels like headlines, business, technology and many others under which you can find the related news articles from all the sources directly. On DailyTop you can find news from all the news channels, the app re-classifies the articles and shows them under suitable channels. So it’s pretty easy to read cricket news, just tap on cricket channel and there you will find news from every news source that covers cricket.
DailyHunt on the other hand doesn’t have any channels, it lets you choose the section and then further choose the news-source you want to read. It adds many un-necessary steps to the whole experience. So, let’s say if I am only interested in reading cricket news, I can only read news from “Hindustan times” in one go, to read from another source, I will have to go back and do all the steps again.
Sub-functionality: DailyTop has a special channel known as “For You”, under this channel based upon the user’s reading choices, articles from channels you have subscribed will be shown in the feed. Plus it connects with your social media and lets you post your views in the comments section and share the articles directly to your social media.
DailyHunt has no such customised functionality for the user, you don’t get a custom feed, you cannot comment on the articles and their share tool looks like it’s borrowed from 2005. DailyHunt has one more addition and that is its e-book reader and store. But even that is a let-down, the quantity of books is very less, plus the search results are not reliable either.
Functionality Test Results and Marks:
DailyTop: 9 Points
DailyHunt: 4 Points
Performance Test: (Memory Consumption, CPU usage)
To begin with this discussion let’s talk about the application size first. DailyTop’s APK size is 2.2MB, whereas DailyHunt has APK size of 8.05MB. For most of us, this might be a big issue as the average phones have low RAM and low internal storage. Based upon the benchmark tests I conducted the results showed DailyTop as the clear winner.
The memory occupancy of DailyHunt is close to 50, whereas DailyTop has a memory occupancy of less than 25.
The CPU occupancy of DailyHunt is more than 5 and close to 6, whereas for DailyTop it’s near 1.
What this means is that DailyTop will run on devices with low processor speeds and low RAM, also it will not hamper the performance of your device. Whereas DailyHunt will require a higher-specs device and hamper the performance of low-spec devices.
Memory Test Results & Marks: CPU Usage Test Results & Marks
DailyTop: 7 Points DailyTop: 8 Points
DailyHunt: 4 Points DailyHunt: 2 Points
If you are looking for a good news reader which doesn’t make you do a lot of work and makes it easy for you to read the news, DailyTop is your pick.
But if you are looking for a more wide experience, such as to be able to buy e-books along with subscription magazines DailyHunt might be your pick. Yet if the overall experience is your preference, DailyTop is the no-brainer option.
Overall Performance and Marks:
DailyTop: 8.2 Points
DailyHunt: 5.7 Points
Total Score: 10 Points
You can download the apps from these links: Android iOS - DailyTop
Android iOS -DailyHunt


The Orions: Legend of Wizards Strategy Guide & Thorough Spell & Creature Chart

The Orions: Legend of Wizards Strategy Guide & Thorough Spell & Creature Chart
You may already have heard of Orions: Legend of Wizards, without doubt the best Windows Mobile game released so far this year - and, I'd say, the best turn-based strategy game for the Windows Mobile game ever released. It’s one of the very few games you MUST buy – believe me, if you don’t mind wasting some time on learning the rules and getting known the cards, you WILL love it.
There already are some Orions: Legend of Wizards reviews out there; I really recommend that of Ben Stanley here, that of Doug Goldring here, that of Allistair Lee here and that of nonstandardized here. I've also posted some remarks / comments on the first two reviews in their Comments section, which may also be worth checking out.
What I have always wanted to do is creating an objective, easy-to-use, chart-based unit / spell comparison as I did some 8.5-9 years ago for Blizzard's Starcraft (I’ve published quite a few articles on Starcraft, the different units etc., mostly in a similar, tabular format). Knowing what your creatures and spells are capable of and when they are best used is the best way to beat your opponent. Therefore, what I present here is not “another” generic review, but more of a supplement to all these already-existing reviews, containing a lot of never-before-published, “advanced” stuff.
Please note that the rest of this guide assumes you already know the game at least at a basic level. That is, I won't explain how the cards are placed in the empty slots / spaces, how spells should be used, what elements there are, how the cards are randomly selected in Duel and need to be purchased in Campaign etc. This guide is written for players that do know the basics of the game and only need some expert gaming help, recommendation, strategy advice & clarification. If you need a quick recap, please read, strategy-wise, Doug Goldring's review and the comments.
As with other, decent strategy games like Starcraft (let’s now forget that Starcraft is a real-time strategy game, not a turn-based one – a decent Starcraft player will still play Starcraft as a turn-based strategy game and will always beat a less experienced player doing less turn based-like micromanagement), every unit and spell has a counter-unit or spell of, in general, less (!) price. This means if you have all or most of the recommended cards, you will be able to, to a certain degree, successfully counter-attack the cards / spells of your enemy. Everything depends on how thoroughly you know what spells and creatures you and your enemy have, what they are particularly sensitive to and what are the sometimes very important side-effects of summiting a card (in most cases, adding HP to friendly and/or stealing HP from enemy cards).
Yes, this game, strategy-wise, is as advanced as, say, Starcraft, which also requires a lot of learning to become a decent player. This also means you’ll need at least a week to master this game – assuming you play at least 2-3 hours a day (which isn’t a hard thing to do because the title is so damn enticing and gripping – you’ll love pulling out your PDA to continue playing while, say, you’re waiting for something, particularly if you can also enable the in-game music).
Unfortunately, the in-game creature / spell explanations are, in general, far from verbose and, in some cases, are very hard to understand (see for example the in-game explanation “Steal Spell” of Death / Darklord). As, after playing the game a LOT, I know all these units and spells, this was also one of the reasons I’ve spent quite a lot of time compiling this chart (and writing this guide). I hope it is WAY more informative and cleaner than the in-game help, particularly when it comes to comparing and mentioning the alternatives to a given unit / spell (particularly enemy owner HP decreasing-wise).
The chart can be found here. Make sure you open it in a maximized browser window.
I don’t think much explanation is needed for the chart; therefore, I only elaborate on some of its columns. Let me know if the meaning of some of the columns can’t be understood; then, in a later version of this guide, I’ll elaborate on them too.
The most important column will be the “Recommended?” one. In there, I’ve explained whether the card is recommended and if it is, when, under what circumstances you must consider using it. This column is of extreme importance to achieve the goal I’ve outlined above: to find the cheapest and, therefore, most economical solution for a given task. For example, if your opponent summons a Death / Grim Reaper, which costs 12 Death points, you can easily counter-attack this creature by quickly summoning Life / Paladin and casting Exorcizm. In addition to having only spent 8+2 Life points (that is, 2 less than with the enemy’s Death spell) on the summoning and the casting, you will still have a moderately-strong (4 damage done to non-Death opponents) Paladin with (still) 10 HP on the board, also ready to quickly kill (via the above-mentioned Exorcizm spell) another Death creature. Now, think of how much it would have cost you to get rid of Grim Reaper WITHOUT relying on Life / Paladin (and, assuming, you don’t have (or, currently can’t afford) Air / Black Wind or Fire / Fireball, two of the other, excellent instant killer spells) – yes, you would have spent much more. (Incidentally, this is how a decent Starcraft player, putting special emphasis on casting advanced spells, plays. A simple Plague spell from the Zerg Defiler can cause, resource-, micromanagement- and time-wise, orders of magnitude more loss to the enemy than the original price of a single Defiler, even including climbing the tech tree to be able to produce it at all.)
Also, in order to make looking up information as quick as possible, I’ve also tried to separate information belonging to different categories. For example, this is why I’ve created a separate column about “Increasing / decreasing elemental”. For example, if you need to quickly look up which creature will help in increasing an elemental (mostly the one it’s belonging to, except for Life / Apostate, which increases Death instead of its Life home element), you just look at this column in the section of the given elemental (sections, in order to save horizontal screen estate, are separated in the first column; I’ve denoted a new elemental section with bold there) and search for any entry. For example, if you look at the Water section, you’ll see there are two creatures to increase Water: Nixie and Ice Wizard. (While the otherwise very strong Hydra will actually decrease it each turn by two – until it reaches zero. I’ve also included these cases in here.)
Another example: when you want to be absolutely sure you summon a creature to an empty slot, you choose the slot (the opposing creature) taking the “Particularly vulnerable to...” column into account. For example, if there is an empty slot with an opposing Fire (enemy) unit, you won’t want to put a Water / Ice Wizard or Ice Guard in there because they sustain 200% damage from any Fire creatures or spells. Taking this further, you will also want to consult the “Immune to...” column in there to see whether there are any creatures immune to Fire creatures (as can clearly be seen, Red Drake is, in addition to the well-known, low-cost example of Earth / Forest Spirit). Finally, you’ll also want to consult the “Delivers extra damage to..." column to see whether there are any creatures (or spells) that deliver some extra damage to Fire creatures. (As can clearly be seen, Water / Nixie is one of them; that is - if you don’t use any modifiers like Earth / Dryad in the next slot or Fire / Salamander anywhere else - it’ll deliver 2*3, that is, 6 damage.)
Similarly, if you need to counter-attack a very powerful Water creature spending as little money as possible with the best outcome, you (in addition to the joker-of-all-trades Earth / Forest Spirit, preferably backed up with an Earth / Dryad in the next slot in order to bump up its attack by not less than 2) may want to look up a unit immune to Water spells / creatures. Just a quick glance at “Immune to…”: yes, Water / Ice Wizard (only 1 damage only taken from any enemy Water unit) is one of your best choices in this case. (Let’s only hope that, seeing this, your enemy won’t use Fire spells like Fire Spikes or – for you, even worse – Fireball to quickly get rid of your Ice Wizard - don’t forget the two ice-based Water creatures are particularly sensitive to fire. Or, it won’t use a cheap, but, in this case, pretty powerful (2*2 base damage to Ice Wizard and Guard) Fire / Cerberus in the next slot of the opposing one in order to protect it from your direct attack.)
Also, if you quickly want to further decrease the health of the enemy’s owner but don’t have (currently – because of the lack of elemental points – access to) the traditional HP decreasing spells like Death / Steal Life, just summoning a middle-priced Death / Banshee will inflict 8 damage to the enemy owner right at summoning. In order to quickly find this information, you’ll need to scrutinize both the “Increasing / decreasing opponent health” and the “Effect on enemy owner” columns (these columns are pretty similar in meaning; I still wanted to keep them separate to better separate spell- and unit-based damage).
Note that the “Price when produced” column refers to the Campaign mode. In Dual mode, it has no meaning as, unfortunately, you can only have 4 randomly selected cards in each element in Dual games. This is one of the most annoying shortcomings of the game, in addition to, in Campaign mode, 1. the inability to destroy buildings and 2. to get rid of unwanted cards in order to be able to purchase other ones. Implementing a solution to the latter two would be really beneficial because you can easily reach the maximal number of the structures on a given Orion (see the PS section below) and you will always want to use other cards than is currently available. I will definitely ask the More Games Entertainment folks to add the possibility of more cards for example playing Dual games – it’ll greatly enhance for example multiplayer gaming.
PS: just a remark. None of the reviews I’ve read so far mentioned the fact that you can’t build an unlimited number of structures on a given Orion. This MUST be kept in mind when you, for example, in Hard games, only possess 2-3 Orions and allocate most of your experience points to, as is also discussed at the comment section here, “Power” in order to quickly get some of the better cards, even at the beginning of the game, as the only way to defeat much better opponents. Then, if you fill up your words with resource harvesters / converters like in this screenshot, after reaching the building number threshold, you won’t be able to build anything else (see this screenshot showing this), even when there would still be plenty of space to build your new structures on.
Incidentally, the screenshot above also shows the optimal number of each resource harvester / converter. As can clearly be seen, you’ll need the most Crysols harvesters to bump up Crysols production (otherwise, an Orion only produces 20 Crysols a day). The number of Sulmors converters should be slightly (about 50-70%) less than those of the Crysols harvesters. Then, the number of Goldius converters should be about 5-15% of that of the Crysols harvesters, while Eractus converters should be about 2-4%. If you fill up 2-3 Orions (almost) entirely with resource harvesters / converters, you won’t likely to ever run into resource shortage – actually, most of the time, your Crysols will still remain at 9999 (the maximal level).
PS 2: as you may have already noticed, in the chart, I’m referring to the six elementals using italic; also, when referring to a particular spell / creature card, I always name the elemental it belongs to so that you can more easily find it. Finally, when referring to a spell of a particular creature, I also mention the creature, along with its elemental to greatly speed up the lookup.

[APP][3.1] Sunny Weekly Planner (ONLY for the TPT)

Here's a video of it in action - youtu.be/I3VgGWXUUGw
Here's a link on the Marketplace - market.android.com/details?id=net.lapasa.weeklyplannerbasic
“Developed by a TPT User for TPT Users, Sunny Brightens Your Day!”
Use your TPT’s Stylus to enhance your productivity by writing down your goals for the week:
- Meal Planning/Grocery Lists
- Exercise Workout
- Deadlines
- TODO Tasks
Basic Edition Features include:
- Write weekly plans using only the Ntrig stylus
- Erase parts of a plan
- Clear entire plan for a week
- Go to next or previous week
- Use fingers to pinch + zoom into plan
- Use finger to move plan around
- User finger to double tap to restore
- Highlight current date
Try it out! It’s absolutely free!
Please write a review! Good or bad feedback (on Android Marketplace) will help shape this product for your fellow users!
What a great app! its wonderful to see all the development using the digitizer cant wait for more!
While I applaud the create of a pen-centric planner app, and I think that there is a lot of potential behind this idea, I feel that there is still some room to grow before this weekly planner is mature to the point that I would adopt it for regular use.
Some of the features that make a paper planner book most useful as an organizational tool are the sense of perspective it gives about the upcoming days and weeks, and the ability to add future events quickly and easily so that they are not forgotten. The inclusion of a monthly calendar as a reference is another nice feature common to daily planners.
What I would like to see from Sunny WP is a more natural method of navigation between weeks and months. Rather than Next Week, Previous Week, and Go To Date, I think that an "outer" or "higher" visualization of a calendar would go along way to making this feel more like a planner and less like a portable whiteboard with lines on it. Flipping through actual paper pages is still the method to beat when it comes to any kind of book navigation, so an easy way to visualize all my past and future weekly plans is critical. A bonus feature would be integration with Google Calendar, displaying events on the side of each day, but that is more of a personal preference.
I won't go into depth about the monetization mechanism, except to say that restricting use of the prominently displayed undo button to the (non-existent?) deluxe version feels like the developer is trying to annoy me into upgrading rather than promising me a richer experience when I buy the app.
One technical/user experience issue I have is that the eraser has a much bigger brush than I expected, and that makes it hard to erase small mistakes within a tightly packed block of writing, without wiping out everything around it (and there is no undo feature to recover the lost notes...).
NominalValue said:
While I applaud the create of a pen-centric planner app, and I think that there is a lot of potential behind this idea, I feel that there is still some room to grow before this weekly planner is mature to the point that I would adopt it for regular use.
Some of the features that make a paper planner book most useful as an organizational tool are the sense of perspective it gives about the upcoming days and weeks, and the ability to add future events quickly and easily so that they are not forgotten. The inclusion of a monthly calendar as a reference is another nice feature common to daily planners.
What I would like to see from Sunny WP is a more natural method of navigation between weeks and months. Rather than Next Week, Previous Week, and Go To Date, I think that an "outer" or "higher" visualization of a calendar would go along way to making this feel more like a planner and less like a portable whiteboard with lines on it. Flipping through actual paper pages is still the method to beat when it comes to any kind of book navigation, so an easy way to visualize all my past and future weekly plans is critical. A bonus feature would be integration with Google Calendar, displaying events on the side of each day, but that is more of a personal preference.
I won't go into depth about the monetization mechanism, except to say that restricting use of the prominently displayed undo button to the (non-existent?) deluxe version feels like the developer is trying to annoy me into upgrading rather than promising me a richer experience when I buy the app.
One technical/user experience issue I have is that the eraser has a much bigger brush than I expected, and that makes it hard to erase small mistakes within a tightly packed block of writing, without wiping out everything around it (and there is no undo feature to recover the lost notes...).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
NominalValue - Thank you for the insight. I hear ya.
- "outer" or "higher" visualization of a calendar: That's something I think I would warrant as a 2.0. I do agree technology like this should reduce the friction for frequent actions like adding new events. It's interesting you mention this because the general feedback has been that a daily planner is more useful than a weekly one. After the daily planner, I was looking to do a monthly one. Think of a giant monthly calendar that you could pinch/zoom out to achieve this reduction of friction. Do you think that would work?
- integration with Google Calendar, displaying events on the side of each day: I would like to introduce Google Calendar but after some discussion, people like to default to one source of information instead of a hybrid cause of sync issues. As an alternative to Google Calendar, I was thinking more along the lines of telling you the weather for the week you are viewing. High/low temperature. Who knows, I need to do more research how I could bring in outside content. Perhaps empower users what they would want to see.
- Monetization: If you are annoyed, that's the goal. Rather than deliver enhanced user experience, the goal for the deluxe version is that provides 'relief' from obstacles in place. But there are other features bundled in there that other users may value like different colors or be able to blast their list via email or facebook.
- Page flipping is coming soon, it'll likely be the odd 3-finger swipe cause it's hard to figure out the difference between a 1 finger swipe and 1 finger panning the page.
- Giant Monthly Calendar: I could see that being useful, along the lines of what I do with my little desk calendar. One suggestion I have for this would be to implement a double-tap-to-zoom that auto-aligned to the day you tap on, rather than only having a free-form pinch/zoom/pan navigation method.
- Outside Content: I really like the idea of daily weather info with high/low temperature numbers, and a basic sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy icon would be nice, too.
- Monetization: I get that you want and deserve to make money from your app, and however you choose to do that is your decision alone. But if I may give my admittedly novice advice, I think that different wording for your version names could go a long way in shaping customer reactions to feature limitations. Calling one version Basic and the other Deluxe brings with it expectations that the one is suited for everyday common use and the other is for the true planning enthusiast. That doesn't, at least for me, seem to fit with the particular feature sets you have chosen for the two apps. From my time with the app, I would describe the Basic version more as a demo, in the way that the app "LectureNotes," for example, has a feature-limited demo. That way, I know to expect limitations and my mindset is that I am evaluating the app with the end goal of buying the full version in the back of my mind. That's just my two cents in the topic.
By the way, I couldn't find the Deluxe version in the app store. Is it not released yet?
I like it, but would like the following in a future update.
1-When zooming on a page and you start to type, the resulting writing is not as fine.
2-I can't seem to keep the page from moving when resting my palm on it even using the lock feature.
3-pen/stroke size options needed.

[LWP][2.1+]Smooth Starfield Live Wallpaper

A smooth and realistic looking starfield, inspired by the ones found in cracktros and demos during the 16 bit era. (Amiga 500/Atari ST) I tried a lot of different starfield live wallpapers on Play, but couldn't find one that was smooth and looked like I wanted, so I made my own.
- Speed and number of stars are both configurable
- Silky smooth as long as your device can handle the number of stars you set
- No permissions required to install
Please note that too many stars on screen at once will lag, eat CPU, and can potentially reduce your battery life. I kept the maximum allowed number high (one thousand stars) so future devices can benefit fully. On my SGS2, 250 stars looks decent and fluid with several widgets running.
I will be honest with you elite developers here on XDA, I am not much of a coder, I did some assembler on my Commodore 64 back in the day (that was when we stilled called it "programming" even in the demoscene, before the term demoscene was coined) and some basic-ish and asm on the Amiga. I don't even know Java yet, so the performance might not be the most awesome. But hopefully some of you might appreciate the "retro" look of this Live Wallpaper.
Google Play URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.mikeri.starfieldwallpaperics (I'm not able to posts links yet, too few posts.) And please ignore the ics part of the URL, it's Eclair+.
Just tried this, and it looks fine. It would be nice an option to move the stars direction with screen and maybe trails? Good job
Thanks for the kind words! I'll be focusing more on learning and getting to grips with Java and the consepts of OO based programming in general for now. I haven't used much time on it the last week due to "real life" stuff going on, but I hope this is the start of an awesome hobby.

[APP][4.1+][Material Design][12/04] kcalCulate

Hey there,
starting out as a little research project about new Google Material Design, I ended up rewriting and old little app of mine using as much of Material Design as possible on Android 4.1+ devices.
kcalCulate is an personal caloric need calculator, BMI calculator & weight diary.
You want to keep track of your weight, want to know, how many calories you should eat every day to reach your goals?
Calculate how many calories you should eat per day, depending on your body measurements, your fitness activites and your day to day business.
Keep track of your progress and check yourself developing over time.
kcalCulate comes with three different charts to show you your weight, kcal and BMI.
That beeing said, you can use it as your personal weight diary and stay motivated.​
Additionally, kcalCulate calculates your BMI (Body Mass Index) and gives you a rating.
Select activites from a wide variaty of possibilitys. If you have a lot of them, you can use up to 4 different ones.
Specific goals can be gaining weight, losing weight or keep your weight.
Measurements can be entered either in metric units (cm/kg) or imperial units (inch/lbs).
(Please note, it's inch not [feet]'[inch])
kcalCulate includes advertising, placed at the bottom of a Scrollview, so you won't see if often, and another one below the progress charts.
kcalCulate also comes with In-App Billing (for supporting further development and getting rid of the ads). Them two are the reasons for the needed permissions.
Furthermore kcalCulate uses Google Analyticts, as the stock developer console statistics kind of suck!
Information about used libs and pictures can be found within the app
Some Pictures:
Enjoy it!
If you come across any bugs/errors/layout problems, please don' hesitate to inform me!
1.01 - Fix for errors on devices running Android 5 Lollipop
1.02 - Changes on the logo
Uploaded Version 1.01 to Playstore. Will be there within the next few hours.
This one fixes an error with InApp-Billing on devices running Android 5 Lollipop, as the initial query already lead to a FC. Can somebody running on Lollipop please confirm the fix? I don't have a device running 5.0.
Version 1.02 is up on Playstore. Did some changes to the logo, namely: circular icon instead of just the plane piece of cake.

4 Best Apps That Are Made in India

This thread is specially for people from India and people who recognise the Indian Talent across the globe.
Let me ask you a question : Who doesn't like to see his community name or country's name flashing in news ? Isn't it a proud moment for all of us?
Take an example of Xiaomi news braodcasting over news channel. You are running late but the moment you hear the news, your feet freez on floor and spearding a wide curve on your face, you look at the TV and smile proudly
The same case is with every nation and their people, beat it's India or China.
Today we are going to explore some cool featured applications which are "Made in India".
Hike Messenger
With instant messaging becoming such a huge trend since of late, it was only natural that India would not be far off the bandwagon. Hike is a communication app that offers both SMS and instant messaging in one single app. Developed by Bharti Softbank, a 50-50 partnership between Japans Softbank telecom provider and Indias Bharti Telecom, the app is the brainchild of Kavin Bharti Mittal. This cross platform messenger app is pretty similar to WhatsApp, but also allows users to communicate through SMS when they do not have access to data on the go, or mobile internet.
Features that make Hike worth trying are:
Invite each of your friend via SMS for FREE
Users can create group to chat with their friends and family members, even along with those who are not in Hike via SMS
Share videos, photos and other attached files up to 6MB via Hike or SMS to anyone
Simple User Interface will make you fall in love with it
No username or PINs required and Hike is always connected
Even if phone is switched-off, Hike saves the offline messages automatically so that users can read them later
All messages on hike are encrypted over Wi-Fi
Application can be moved to SD card also
Share your locations with friends
Simple UI
Sends message to non-hike users as well
Free of cost
Smileys and emoticons seems old
Few glitches while uploading multiple files
Download Links:
Google PlayStore
Created by India-based Nautilus Mobile, Real Cricket 14 promises ‘the most captivating cricket experience on mobile’. This addictive cricket game offers users never-seen before game modes, real ball physics, unique art styles, and tons more. A true must-have app for all cricket fans.
Real Cricket 14 is not a short burst game of a few overs though it can be played like that if you prefer so. But, if you like playing long games with 20 or 50 overs then that too can be played on Real Cricket 14. When you play on mobile or tablet you are not exactly looking for a long stretched game. Your battery consumption takes a heavy toll with this game and if you don't have a charging socket handy, you definitely won't want to take on an innings in the game. The game developers thought about this problem well and have programmed the game to auto save your progress at the end of each over. This way you can spend whatever time you want to play and when can't continue any longer you can just close the app and continue later whenever you want to.
You can select the number of players you want in the game, the overs and the information you need. A thin bar at the bottom of the game also displays useful information during the game like your present run rate, number of overs finished as well as the the number of balls remaining in the over.
Real Cricket 14 is a Freemium game which means that it has advertisements and in app purchases. You can remove the ads by making a one time payment of Rs.50. For the same amount you can unlock more features of this game like T20 World Cup, Knockout Trophy, Master Teams or Super Over.
Smooth control
multiple leage options
Multiplayer Game mode
Download Links:
Google PlayStore
Signeasy, developed by IITian and ex Microsoft employee, Sunil Patro, allows users to sign documents digitally from pretty much anywhere in the world. Its accolades include becoming the second most downloaded app on the iPad as well as the 5th most downloaded on the iPhone worldwide. Currently, Signeasy has over 60,000 paying customers and has crossed the 2 million download mark. It is available on various cloud services like Google Drive, Evernote, and AppSense.
The app lets you import documents (it supports PDF, Word, Excel, Text, Open Office, HTML, Apple Pages, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP formats) from your photo library, email, and from popular cloud storage services such as iCloud, Dropbox, Evernote, Box, OneDrive, and Google Drive. Once imported, the documents show up in the app's main screen. Tap any document to open it and tap the big blue button at the bottom and tap signatures to select your signature.
Enhanced Security
Time Savings
Easy Accessibility
Improved Customer Service
Better Communication
Environmentally Friendly
Efficient Audits
In-App purchase could be costly affair but manageable for business needs
Download Links:
Google PlayStore
Shifu is a popular Indian-made productivity and task management app that observes how a users uses their phone and reminds them about all the tasks that need to be done. The app has been developed by Deepansh Jain, Michael Massey and Prashant Jain. Instead of you having to set specified time for your specified tasks, Shifu alerts you when you might have the free time to complete a particular task. It has wi-fi based, phone call based, and location based alerts integrated into it. So far, Shifu has 50k downloads on the app store.
One of the big upsides of using an Android phone is the sheer scope of customisation that is available to users. Rooting your phone and choosing a completely different version of the operating system isn't hard, but otherwise there is a whole laundry list of apps that can change everything from the way your phone looks to the way it works.
Shifu, by Delhi-based The Signals, is one such app, which lets you outsource the job of remembering what's important and when to do it. The app keeps running in the background and tracks how you're using your phone. It also requires access to your phone's calendar. So it knows, for example, that at 9AM every day, you're traveling from home to office, and it knows that you're going to take half an hour to get there.
Shifu is a personal assistant app, which helps you record reminders with respect to time, place and some activities.
The Homepage
Here are some use cases for the app –
General time based reminders – Remind me to call mom/dad/girlfriend at 7:00 pm every day.
Location based reminders – Say you’re visiting a cafe for the first time and you really like it, you can set a reminder to remind you of this place the next time you’re in it’s vicinity.
Activity based – Currently, you can set reminders based on networks you’re connected to (WiFi, 3G etc) or when you’re on a call with someone.
In the process, Shifu does something obnoxious as well – it displays these reminders on your phones home screen. I hate that, but it is definitely one the most effective way of reminding me.
Another reminder app?
I might be a little biased against reminder apps; I still don’t think a disorganized person will become organized because of a reminder app. It is a mindset problem of not caring for the more mundane but necessary tasks of life. These tasks pile up and your life becomes a mess (trust me, I know).
The homescreen reminder display
However, a nag, who holds you accountable has been the closest to getting me responsible and organized. I get the same feeling with Shifu. For things that I haven’t attended to, it makes sure that I know about it with it’s homescreen reminder. It’s ugly, but at least it gets me back into the app to get rid of the reminder notification. Sometimes, I even do the tasks that it reminds me to do.
The biggest pro with Shifu is that it has realized what it takes disorganized guys like me to take it seriously. Apart from this, it is feature rich and some of the activity based reminder options are pretty cool and I hope more activities are integrated with Shifu. For example, reminder on using an app excessively (game/social media etc) would be a neat feature.
The app is data and sensor intensive and there is a visible drop in battery performance that I’ve experienced since I installed the app. However, this is something that the app developers might want to be wary of. Furthermore, if there was a prettier way of displaying notifications on the homescreen, it would be greatly appreciated.
Download Links:
Google PlayStore
Hope the information was informative to you and you will be considering trying few or all of it in near future.
If you have any suggestion, comment or feedback, feel free to drop it in comment section below.
Good job mate ! there is no need to create this op but nevermind . running out of thanks

