Concept question - Other Tools & General Discussion

I have mobile app idea. I am not a developer. I am curious how to go about finding someone to discuss it's feasibility with. However, it's application that does not exist right now or I haven't seen it. I assume I need to have many paid meetings with developers who MAY be able to decide if app technology can be built, after signing NDA ? Wonder if there is a more efficient and perhaps cost effective way to figure this out.
Thank you.


XDA-devs on marketplace?

I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, i already did a quick google search and didn't find anything...
But i was just thinking, there are always great apps that i find honestly every week on XDA, mostly because they're just burried under pages, or maybe dont have the same wild popularity that ifart does. But does anyone else think it'd be a great idea if we could maybe somehow take donations from XDA users, and then use this money to register XDA as a developer on the Microsofts upcoming Marketplace store? Maybe it could be turned into something where we the users actually vote which applications should be submitted on a weekly or montly basis. I just think there's so many great apps on XDA that it'd be a great way to get them, and xda-devs as well, some exposure. I'm sure there's lots of people on XDA that have developed great apps whether they be keyboards, or scroll modification tools, or other utilities that may not want to spend 99 bucks and dont think they will actually develop 6 apps.
Chime in guys, i dunno if i'm crazy...but i think it might be a good idea.
I suspect that the first major hurdle would be this:
You are able to download so many great apps from XDA-Devs because they are generally free, and that is why people are allowed to post them here. If they were not free, I am pretty sure they can no longer be advertised on XDA-Devs, correct me if I am wrong.
So if there was a way to recoupe the $99 join fee when all people are doing is offering free apps and taking no profit, them I am sure people would be willing to consider it. I also believe that after you have uploaded six apps, then it is another $99 for every app after, no?
It is a good idea, and deserves some thought, I just can't think of how to make it viable. XDA is popular enough that if there was a way to make money from it, it would have made its own marketplace

Can you code in Android? Could you spare some time to help people with brain injury?

Hi All,
I have been asked by a UK charity to develop some software to support people with brain injury. I’m not being paid to do this as the charity has little or no funding, but if the resulting software has commercial applications we retain the rights to exploit it. I’ve managed to convince a few people and major mobile networks to help out for free to get this moving and we’re at a critical stage.
I’ve scoped out the project and designed all the features. I’m skilled in C++ but not in Android and I really need someone who is to help us out.
Though we can’t pay you, you will own a part of the resulting company and we hope to provide a commercial service by April next year and that will mean you will have a full time job and directorship when we do.
If you have spare time, understand that money is not the only thing in life, want to help start up a company and are willing to support us in our efforts to help this charity please get in touch via my email or phone and I'll give you some more info.
You can be based anywhere in the World as this can be done remotely.
Thanks you so much for reading this and I look forward to hearing from you.
Fred Deer
+44 (0) 7971 834404
PS If this isn't for you but you know anyone who might be interested please pass this message on to them..
I sent you a PM. I have a family member in a situation where this kind of software can make a huge difference. I'm interested in hearing more about the project.

Calling all devs

Okay. Someone help me please. I'm even almost to the point where I will pay someone to help me out. I've been looking for web developers/designers and app devs for quite awhile now and have had ZERO luck. I have found web devs in different countries, mostly in India and I know India companies do great web work but, I need a freelancer close to home (Texas, Dallas) or remotely close.
If you happen to be a web dev or app dev email me at (email removed). I check that email throughout the day on my awesome WP7
Also, for a brief on what I need devs for here it is.. I'm building a marketplace ecosystem for the all-out mobile experience and I need a tight knit community of developers who want to make money and have healthy competition. I need Android, Windows and Apple developers to make this happen. I need all the OS's to make this marketplace work. Thanks everyone and please don't be shy, you can email me.
A do not allow soliciting here. If you are looking to hire devs, please pm willverduzco your request and he cab put it on the job board. Thread close

[Q] How does one go about having an app designed?

OK I know there are two obvious and immediate answers to this question. First design it yourself, second try your luck on the app development forums.
Unfortunately my design and programming skills are non existent and as I am doing a full time biophysics PHD, my time is severely limited. Second I had a look through the app development forum and that place is so deserted you can practically hear the tumbleweed blowing through it.
I know every man and his dog probably thinks they have a great app idea, but my idea truly is great and I believe it may have vast commercial potential. It should be relatively easy to persuade a commercial company - or several large commercial companies to adopt it, because it fulfils a genuine need that currently isn't being met and it offers the potential to save businesses extremely large sums of money. Moreover there are a large number of areas within commerce to which the technology could be adapted.
At the very least there's no harm in an experienced app developer hearing me out. I know I might get some silly responses here, like tell us your idea and we'll tell you if its good or not. But clearly that isn't going to happen. Everything would be above board and strictly legal and would require anyone taking part to sign a full IPP confidentiality contract and/or an NDA.
So, by chance that there might be someone out there with significant proven experience in both programming for mobile devices and app design and if maybe someone might be interested in making a few million please feel free to contact George on [email protected]
For logistical and practical reasons I would be most interested in speaking to anyone from the UK, although dependant on experience I may be willing to consider someone from further afield.
Hello? More tumbleweed it seems ...

Need software development company with VR expertise

Give me your opinion about this... Is it a good idea to create a mobile app using VR technology for real-estate presentations?
My 5 cents
When I was looking for a software development company before, there are these major concerns that I’ve considered before I was able to choose one. My check-list included objectives, cost of services and quality.
After long searching on appfutura I came up with a shortlist and started negotiating. If you’re wondering what company I ended up employing the services of, I’ll give you the name for your reference - My project is underway already and these folks work pretty well.
I hope my answer can help you!
Great idea!!!
I think it's a great idea to create an application for mobile phones based on virtual reality on the topic of real estate. I understand that you would like to develop a free application and monetize it in the future or for business immediately?
Look, I recommend you talk with the professionals of your business
Check it =>

