Modify thermal - Xiaomi Mi 4i

I just need thermal with some modification...
My requirements are as follows...
1) dont care about heating.
2) cpu governor- interactive
3) min clock frequency- 100 mhz for all cpu
4) maximum clock frequency- no limit
5) camera app not depends on temperature ( hang or slow at high temperature).
6) remove all cpu throttling...(must need)
7) remove cpu offline algorithm... (Must need)
Anyone here which is capable of doing this thing,please help...

my thermal config has it all. have you check ?
only the cpu freq I don't set as low as 200 in interactive. (the minimum) you'll get lag and slow respon. believe me.
but I can change if you want.

Thanks dude for your advice but i tested your procedures,after that still some cores shut down according to temperature...
i know your skill,so lets join my algorithm and your skill to make best config files...
1) dont care about heating.
2) cpu governor- interactive
3) min clock frequency- 200 mhz for all cpu
4) maximum clock frequency- no limit
5) camera app not depends on temperature ( hang or slow at high temperature).
6) remove all cpu throttling...(must need)
7) remove cpu offline algorithm... (Must need)
and dont confuse between hotplug and throttling(hotplugging is turn unused CPU cores off during periods of low CPU utilization and throttling is turn CPU cores off according to temperature)...
also if you can do then set first 4 core(1.65 mhz x 4) at interactive and others (1.1 mhz x 4) at ondemand...
believe me...this makes best algorithm to control heating and increase performane

Rockmee said:
Thanks dude for your advice but i tested your procedures,after that still some cores shut down according to temperature...
i know your skill,so lets join my algorithm and your skill to make best config files...
1) dont care about heating.
2) cpu governor- interactive
3) min clock frequency- 200 mhz for all cpu
4) maximum clock frequency- no limit
5) camera app not depends on temperature ( hang or slow at high temperature).
6) remove all cpu throttling...(must need)
7) remove cpu offline algorithm... (Must need)
and dont confuse between hotplug and throttling(hotplugging is turn unused CPU cores off during periods of low CPU utilization and throttling is turn CPU cores off according to temperature)...
also if you can do then set first 4 core(1.65 mhz x 4) at interactive and others (1.1 mhz x 4) at ondemand...
believe me...this makes best algorithm to control heating and increase performane
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if you're talking about cpu2 & cpu3 still offline then I can't help.. it's because of the kernel.
they are active as per need though , not totally offline.
thermal config should be good for your need (if you want can remove all the SS-CPU in there ) later.. ( i think Keasby has one with mix interactive/ondemand)

thanks for your hard work but can you tell me changelog of this config files according to my requirement...

Thanx but there is a problem
Yes you here right,i just checked your config file,i think this is perfect mod but it does not support miui 6.7.2... After some time frequency of first four core set to 1651 mhz and rest at 800 mhz...please fix this issue,it makes heating issue...


Req:Overclock and Underclock HD 2

Hey guys I used to have a HTC shadow and I found a pretty usefull tool!! Its called tornado power control(link: )
Anyway it could underclock the CPU when you slide down the keyboard and overclock the CPU when you put it out from sleep. Is there any similar program for HD 2? You can reserve a lot of battery if the CPU runs on minimum and gain its power back when you put it out from sleep!! In tornado there where 3 levels.... low usage (where you could set it to 100 mhz for example) medium (which was active when you put it out from sleep....set it to 150 mhz for example) and full where you could have 240 mhz or something! so any ideas?
no its not the same...tornado used to run in background and auto scale CPU (autoscale with CPU speed you choose!) . Leo cpu speed is not working properly. I set it to 320 MHZ (with autoscaling off)...and the device is working as good as when it works at 768. I remember when I was using xscale on my eten...I used to underclock from 530 mhz to 460 and there was a huge diffrence!!
sorry then, it's the only over/under clocking app for HD2 I'm aware of

CPU Governors explained

Thanks to deedii for posting this in another forum:
Android CPU governors explained
1: OnDemand
2: OndemandX
3: Performance
4: Powersave
5: Conservative
6: Userspace
7: Min Max
8: Interactive
9: InteractiveX
10: Smartass
11: SmartassV2
12: Scary
13: Lagfree
14: Smoothass
15: Brazilianwax
16: SavagedZen
17: Lazy
18: Lionheart
19: LionheartX
20: Intellidemand
21: Hotplug
22: BadAss
23: Wheatley
24: Lulzactive
25: Pegasusq/Pegasusd
26: hotplugx
27: AbissPlug
29: IntelliActive
30: Adaptive
31: Nightmare
32: ZZmove
INFO I/O Scheduler go here: SCHEDULER
1: OnDemand Governor:
This governor has a hair trigger for boosting clockspeed to the maximum speed set by the user. If the CPU load placed by the user abates, the OnDemand governor will slowly step back down through the kernel's frequency steppings until it settles at the lowest possible frequency, or the user executes another task to demand a ramp.
OnDemand has excellent interface fluidity because of its high-frequency bias, but it can also have a relatively negative effect on battery life versus other governors. OnDemand is commonly chosen by smartphone manufacturers because it is well-tested, reliable, and virtually guarantees the smoothest possible performance for the phone. This is so because users are vastly more likely to ***** about performance than they are the few hours of extra battery life another governor could have granted them.
This final fact is important to know before you read about the Interactive governor: OnDemand scales its clockspeed in a work queue context. In other words, once the task that triggered the clockspeed ramp is finished, OnDemand will attempt to move the clockspeed back to minimum. If the user executes another task that triggers OnDemand's ramp, the clockspeed will bounce from minimum to maximum. This can happen especially frequently if the user is multi-tasking. This, too, has negative implications for battery life.
2: OndemandX:
Basically an ondemand with suspend/wake profiles. This governor is supposed to be a battery friendly ondemand. When screen is off, max frequency is capped at 500 mhz. Even though ondemand is the default governor in many kernel and is considered safe/stable, the support for ondemand/ondemandX depends on CPU capability to do fast frequency switching which are very low latency frequency transitions. I have read somewhere that the performance of ondemand/ondemandx were significantly varying for different i/o schedulers. This is not true for most of the other governors. I personally feel ondemand/ondemandx goes best with SIO I/O scheduler.
3: Performance Governor:
This locks the phone's CPU at maximum frequency. While this may sound like an ugly idea, there is growing evidence to suggest that running a phone at its maximum frequency at all times will allow a faster race-to-idle. Race-to-idle is the process by which a phone completes a given task, such as syncing email, and returns the CPU to the extremely efficient low-power state. This still requires extensive testing, and a kernel that properly implements a given CPU's C-states (low power states).
4: Powersave Governor:
The opposite of the Performance governor, the Powersave governor locks the CPU frequency at the lowest frequency set by the user.
5:Conservative Governor:
This biases the phone to prefer the lowest possible clockspeed as often as possible. In other words, a larger and more persistent load must be placed on the CPU before the conservative governor will be prompted to raise the CPU clockspeed. Depending on how the developer has implemented this governor, and the minimum clockspeed chosen by the user, the conservative governor can introduce choppy performance. On the other hand, it can be good for battery life.
The Conservative Governor is also frequently described as a "slow OnDemand," if that helps to give you a more complete picture of its functionality.
6: Userspace Governor:
This governor, exceptionally rare for the world of mobile devices, allows any program executed by the user to set the CPU's operating frequency. This governor is more common amongst servers or desktop PCs where an application (like a power profile app) needs privileges to set the CPU clockspeed.
7: Min Max
well this governor makes use of only min & maximum frequency based on workload... no intermediate frequencies are used.
8: Interactive Governor:
Much like the OnDemand governor, the Interactive governor dynamically scales CPU clockspeed in response to the workload placed on the CPU by the user. This is where the similarities end. Interactive is significantly more responsive than OnDemand, because it's faster at scaling to maximum frequency.
Unlike OnDemand, which you'll recall scales clockspeed in the context of a work queue, Interactive scales the clockspeed over the course of a timer set arbitrarily by the kernel developer. In other words, if an application demands a ramp to maximum clockspeed (by placing 100% load on the CPU), a user can execute another task before the governor starts reducing CPU frequency. This can eliminate the frequency bouncing discussed in the OnDemand section. Because of this timer, Interactive is also better prepared to utilize intermediate clockspeeds that fall between the minimum and maximum CPU frequencies. This is another pro-battery life benefit of Interactive.
However, because Interactive is permitted to spend more time at maximum frequency than OnDemand (for device performance reasons), the battery-saving benefits discussed above are effectively negated. Long story short, Interactive offers better performance than OnDemand (some say the best performance of any governor) and negligibly different battery life.
Interactive also makes the assumption that a user turning the screen on will shortly be followed by the user interacting with some application on their device. Because of this, screen on triggers a ramp to maximum clockspeed, followed by the timer behavior described above.
9: InteractiveX Governor:
Created by kernel developer "Imoseyon," the InteractiveX governor is based heavily on the Interactive governor, enhanced with tuned timer parameters to better balance battery vs. performance. The InteractiveX governor's defining feature, however, is that it locks the CPU frequency to the user's lowest defined speed when the screen is off.
10: Smartass
Is based on the concept of the interactive governor.
I have always agreed that in theory the way interactive works – by taking over the idle loop – is very attractive. I have never managed to tweak it so it would behave decently in real life. Smartass is a complete rewrite of the code plus more. I think its a success. Performance is on par with the “old” minmax and I think smartass is a bit more responsive. Battery life is hard to quantify precisely but it does spend much more time at the lower frequencies.
Smartass will also cap the max frequency when sleeping to 352Mhz (or if your min frequency is higher than 352 – why?! – it will cap it to your min frequency). Lets take for example the 528/176 kernel, it will sleep at 352/176. No need for sleep profiles any more!"
11: SmartassV2:
Version 2 of the original smartass governor from Erasmux. Another favorite for many a people. The governor aim for an "ideal frequency", and ramp up more aggressively towards this freq and less aggressive after. It uses different ideal frequencies for screen on and screen off, namely awake_ideal_freq and sleep_ideal_freq. This governor scales down CPU very fast (to hit sleep_ideal_freq soon) while screen is off and scales up rapidly to awake_ideal_freq (500 mhz for GS2 by default) when screen is on. There's no upper limit for frequency while screen is off (unlike Smartass). So the entire frequency range is available for the governor to use during screen-on and screen-off state. The motto of this governor is a balance between performance and battery.
12: Scary
A new governor wrote based on conservative with some smartass features, it scales accordingly to conservatives laws. So it will start from the bottom, take a load sample, if it's above the upthreshold, ramp up only one speed at a time, and ramp down one at a time. It will automatically cap the off screen speeds to 245Mhz, and if your min freq is higher than 245mhz, it will reset the min to 120mhz while screen is off and restore it upon screen awakening, and still scale accordingly to conservatives laws. So it spends most of its time at lower frequencies. The goal of this is to get the best battery life with decent performance. It will give the same performance as conservative right now, it will get tweaked over time.
13: Lagfree:
Lagfree is similar to ondemand. Main difference is it's optimization to become more battery friendly. Frequency is gracefully decreased and increased, unlike ondemand which jumps to 100% too often. Lagfree does not skip any frequency step while scaling up or down. Remember that if there's a requirement for sudden burst of power, lagfree can not satisfy that since it has to raise cpu through each higher frequency step from current. Some users report that video playback using lagfree stutters a little.
14: Smoothass:
The same as the Smartass “governor” But MUCH more aggressive & across the board this one has a better battery life that is about a third better than stock KERNEL
15: Brazilianwax:
Similar to smartassV2. More aggressive ramping, so more performance, less battery
16: SavagedZen:
Another smartassV2 based governor. Achieves good balance between performance & battery as compared to brazilianwax.
17: Lazy:
This governor from Ezekeel is basically an ondemand with an additional parameter min_time_state to specify the minimum time CPU stays on a frequency before scaling up/down. The Idea here is to eliminate any instabilities caused by fast frequency switching by ondemand. Lazy governor polls more often than ondemand, but changes frequency only after completing min_time_state on a step overriding sampling interval. Lazy also has a screenoff_maxfreq parameter which when enabled will cause the governor to always select the maximum frequency while the screen is off.
18: Lionheart:
Lionheart is a conservative-based governor which is based on samsung's update3 source.
The tunables (such as the thresholds and sampling rate) were changed so the governor behaves more like the performance one, at the cost of battery as the scaling is very aggressive.
19: LionheartX
LionheartX is based on Lionheart but has a few changes on the tunables and features a suspend profile based on Smartass governor.
20: Intellidemand:
Intellidemand aka Intelligent Ondemand from Faux is yet another governor that's based on ondemand. Unlike what some users believe, this governor is not the replacement for OC Daemon (Having different governors for sleep and awake). The original intellidemand behaves differently according to GPU usage. When GPU is really busy (gaming, maps, benchmarking, etc) intellidemand behaves like ondemand. When GPU is 'idling' (or moderately busy), intellidemand limits max frequency to a step depending on frequencies available in your device/kernel for saving battery. This is called browsing mode. We can see some 'traces' of interactive governor here. Frequency scale-up decision is made based on idling time of CPU. Lower idling time (<20%) causes CPU to scale-up from current frequency. Frequency scale-down happens at steps=5% of max frequency. (This parameter is tunable only in conservative, among the popular governors)
To sum up, this is an intelligent ondemand that enters browsing mode to limit max frequency when GPU is idling, and (exits browsing mode) behaves like ondemand when GPU is busy; to deliver performance for gaming and such. Intellidemand does not jump to highest frequency when screen is off.
21: Hotplug Governor:
The Hotplug governor performs very similarly to the OnDemand governor, with the added benefit of being more precise about how it steps down through the kernel's frequency table as the governor measures the user's CPU load. However, the Hotplug governor's defining feature is its ability to turn unused CPU cores off during periods of low CPU utilization. This is known as "hotplugging."
22: BadAss Governor:
Badass removes all of this "fast peaking" to the max frequency. On a typical system the cpu won't go above 918Mhz and therefore stay cool and will use less power. To trigger a frequency increase, the system must run a bit @ 918Mhz with high load, then the frequency is bumped to 1188Mhz. If that is still not enough the governor gives you full throttle. (this transition should not take longer than 1-2 seconds, depending on the load your system is experiencing)
Badass will also take the gpu load into consideration. If the gpu is moderately busy it will bypass the above check and clock the cpu with 1188Mhz. If the gpu is crushed under load, badass will lift the restrictions to the cpu.
23: Wheatley:
Building on the classic 'ondemand' governor is implemented Wheatley governor. The governor has two additional parameters:
target_residency - The minimum average residency in µs which is considered acceptable for a proper efficient usage of the C4 state. Default is 10000 = 10ms.
allowed_misses - The number sampling intervals in a row the average residency is allowed to be lower than target_residency before the governor reduces the frequency. This ensures that the governor is not too aggressive in scaling down the frequency and reduces it just because some background process was temporarily causing a larger number of wakeups. The default is 5.
Wheatley works as planned and does not hinder the proper C4 usage for task where the C4 can be used properly .
For internet browsing the time spend in C4 has increased by 10% points and the average residency has increased by about 1ms. I guess these differences are mostly due to the different browsing behaviour (I spend the last time more multi-tabbing). But at least we can say that Wheatley does not interfere with the proper use of the C4 state during 'light' tasks. For music playback with screen off the time spend in C4 is practically unchanged, however the average residency is reduced from around 30ms to around 18ms, but this is still more than acceptable.
So the results show that Wheatley works as intended and ensures that the C4 state is used whenever the task allows a proper efficient usage of the C4 state. For more demanding tasks which cause a large number of wakeups and prevent the efficient usage of the C4 state, the governor resorts to the next best power saving mechanism and scales down the frequency. So with the new highly-flexible Wheatley governor one can have the best of both worlds.
Obviously, this governor is only available on multi-core devices.
24: Lulzactive:
This new find from Tegrak is based on Interactive & Smartass governors and is one of the favorites.
Old Version: When workload is greater than or equal to 60%, the governor scales up CPU to next higher step. When workload is less than 60%, governor scales down CPU to next lower step. When screen is off, frequency is locked to global scaling minimum frequency.
New Version: Three more user configurable parameters: inc_cpu_load, pump_up_step, pump_down_step. Unlike older version, this one gives more control for the user. We can set the threshold at which governor decides to scale up/down. We can also set number of frequency steps to be skipped while polling up and down.
When workload greater than or equal to inc_cpu_load, governor scales CPU pump_up_step steps up. When workload is less than inc_cpu_load, governor scales CPU down pump_down_step steps down.
If current frequency=200, Every up_sampling_time Us if cpu load >= 70%, cpu is scaled up 2 steps - to 800.
If current frequency =1200, Every down_sampling_time Us if cpu load < 70%, cpu is scaled down 1 step - to 1000.
25: Pegasusq/Pegasusd
The Pegasus-q / d is a multi-core based on the Ondemand governor and governor with integrated hot-plugging.
Ongoing processes in the queue, we know that multiple processes can run simultaneously on. These processes are active in an array, which is a field called "Run Queue" queue that is ongoing, with their priority values ​​arranged (priority will be used by the task scheduler, which then decides which process to run next).
To ensure that each process has its fair share of resources, each running for a certain period and will eventually stop and then again placed in the queue until it is your turn again. If a program is terminated, so that others can run the program with the highest priority in the current queue is executed.
26: hotplugx
It 'a Hotplug modified and optimized for the suspension in off-screen
27: AbissPlug
It 'a Governor derived hotplug, it works the same way, but with the changes in savings for a better battery.
a very efficient and wide range of Dynamic Clock and
Voltage Scaling (DCVS) which addresses usage models from
active standby to mid and high level processing requirements.
A Krait CPU can smoothly scale from low power, low
leakage mode to blazingly fast performance.
Believe it's a governor that is mfg'd by qualcomm to utilize new on chip features.
MSM is the prefix for the SOC (MSM8960) and DCVS is Dynamic Clock and Voltage Scaling. Makes sense, MSM-DCVS
29: IntelliActive
Based off Google's Interactive governor with the following enhancements:
1. self-boost capability from input drivers (no need for PowerHAL assist)
2. two phase scheduling (idle/busy phases to prevent from jumping directly to max freq
3. Checks for offline cpus and short circuits some unnecessary checks to improve code execution paths
30: Adaptive
This driver adds a dynamic cpufreq policy governor
designed for latency-sensitive workloads and also for demanding
This governor attempts to reduce the latency of clock
increases so that the system is more responsive to
interactive workloads in loweset steady-state but to
to reduce power consumption in middle operation level level up
will be done in step by step to prohibit system from going to
max operation level.
31: Nightmare
A PegasusQ modified, less aggressive and more stable. A good compromise between performance and battery.
In addition to the SoD is a prevention because it usually does not hotplug.
32: ZZmove
ZZmove Governor optimized for low power consumption with the screen off, with particular attention to the limitation of consumption applications in the background with the screen off, such as listening to music. It has three settings: battery saver, balanced and performance. In addition to a performance boost, there is also the governor zzmove optimized.
Credits goes to:
Really nice job there but badass governor is missing
Sent From My Sexy Sensation.
Very informative, thanks..could u also add a description for the new pegasus governor
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
I'll put to work
Where does bricked kernels badass fit in? What is it most similar to?
This was a good read, thanks for taking the time to write it up
kingston73 said:
Where does bricked kernels badass fit in? What is it most similar to?
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perhaps because the translator, but I can not understand the question
Show-p's bricked kernel has a governer called "badass" and I wanted to know which kernel is most like his?
kingston73 said:
Show-p's bricked kernel has a governer called "badass" and I wanted to know which kernel is most like his?
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I put badass to the list so you can compare and see which governor is right for you
thanks for the explanations, i was confused about what governor to choose and what each one did, but this explains everything in one place well done!
julio_rdz said:
thanks for the explanations, i was confused about what governor to choose and what each one did, but this explains everything in one place well done!
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thanks, I'm glad this is useful for users
There are waaay to many governors(incl custom), many actually aren't even significantly different from another. If you ask me I say all we need is conservative, ondemand, and not performance(pointless+battery rape). Although I don't mind the x versions of the ones I listed, but that's just b/c I like the x nomenclature.
Excellent explanation!
Thank you very much!!
Anyone know a mod to keep my device cool-er while on badass
@OP great job on the explanation extremely useful.
Mr.Highway said:
Anyone know a mod to keep my device cool-er while on badass
@OP great job on the explanation extremely useful.
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reflash the kernel using the below settings
keep 2d and 3d to default (most of the heating issues comes from gpu overclocks) and freq to default
also use battery saver configuration (it handles cpu freq transitions) (its not laggy btw)
on the contrary you can use iba's badass mod's but they are told to be placebo's (by the badass dev itself)
Mr.Highway said:
Anyone know a mod to keep my device cool-er while on badass
@OP great job on the explanation extremely useful.
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You can also use this mod, it works great :
Several requests by, before long new incoming governor
Can you find an explanation for, and include, the wheatley governor please?
slopra said:
Can you find an explanation for, and include, the wheatley governor please?
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I'm also working on it, just realized the work I insert

[GUIDE] CPU Governors Explained in Detail for Android....

Many of us don't know what is CPU Governor's and which suites them perfectly, so after doing some Googling i am writing these.
What is a CPU governor?
A CPU governor in Android controls how the CPU raises and lowers its frequency in response to the demands the user is placing on their device. Governors are especially important in smartphones and tablets because they have a large impact on the apparent fluidity of the interface and the battery life of the device over a charge.
NOTE: You cannot change your CPU governor unless your phone is rooted and you have a ROM or app that lets you make a change. Also, different kernels (the intermediary software between your phone's hardware and the operating system) offer different sets of governors.
S/W or App's for using these features:
1. SetCPU.
2. No-frills CPU.
3. Tegrak Overclock.
1. Smartass: Performance is on par with the “old” minmax and smartass is a bit more responsive. Battery life is hard to quantify precisely but it does spend much more time at the lower frequencies.
Smartass will also cap the max frequency when sleeping to 352Mhz (or if your min frequency is higher than 352 it will cap it to your min frequency).
2. SmartassV2: Version 2 of the original smartass governor from Erasmux. Another favorite for many a people. The governor aim for an "ideal frequency", and ramp up more aggressively towards this freq and less aggressive after. It uses different ideal frequencies for screen on and screen off, namely awake_ideal_freq and sleep_ideal_freq. This governor scales down CPU very fast (to hit sleep_ideal_freq soon) while screen is off and scales up rapidly to awake_ideal_freq when screen is on. There's no upper limit for frequency while screen is off (unlike Smartass). So the entire frequency range is available for the governor to use during screen-on and screen-off state. The motto of this governor is a balance between performance and battery.
3. SavagedZen: Another smartassV2 based governor. Achieves good balance between performance & battery.
4. Ondemand: which would instantly go to max frequency once it detects cpu activity and then scales down as the requirement decreases.
5. Performance: It has the same min and max frequency so I guess your phone will heat up and throttle really quick, although if you want to benchmark this would give you the best result.
6. Interactive: Much like the OnDemand governor, the Interactive governor dynamically scales CPU clockspeed in response to the workload placed on the CPU by the user. This is where the similarities end. Interactive is significantly more responsive than OnDemand, because it's faster at scaling to maximum frequency.
Unlike OnDemand, which you'll recall scales clockspeed in the context of a work queue, Interactive scales the clockspeed over the course of a timer set arbitrarily by the kernel developer. In other words, if an application demands a ramp to maximum clockspeed (by placing 100% load on the CPU), a user can execute another task before the governor starts reducing CPU frequency. This can eliminate the frequency bouncing discussed in the OnDemand section. Because of this timer, Interactive is also better prepared to utilize intermediate clockspeeds that fall between the minimum and maximum CPU frequencies. This is another pro-battery life benefit of Interactive.
However, because Interactive is permitted to spend more time at maximum frequency than OnDemand (for device performance reasons), the battery-saving benefits discussed above are effectively negated. Long story short, Interactive offers better performance than OnDemand (some say the best performance of any governor) and negligibly different battery life.
7. InteractiveX: Created by kernel developer "Imoseyon," the InteractiveX governor is based heavily on the Interactive governor, enhanced with tuned timer parameters to better balance battery vs. performance. The InteractiveX governor's defining feature, however, is that it locks the CPU frequency to the user's lowest defined speed when the screen is off.
8. Pegasusq: The Pegasus-q / d is a multi-core based on the Ondemand governor and governor with integrated hot-plugging.
Ongoing processes in the queue, we know that multiple processes can run simultaneously on. These processes are active in an array, which is a field called "Run Queue" queue that is ongoing, with their priority values arranged (priority will be used by the task scheduler, which then decides which process to run next).
To ensure that each process has its fair share of resources, each running for a certain period and will eventually stop and then again placed in the queue until it is your turn again. If a program is terminated, so that others can run the program with the highest priority in the current queue is executed.
9. Abyssplug: from what I have read is a modified hotplug which is simillar to ondemand but has the ability to turn off a core when it is not needed and is a little more precise in scaling down cpu performance.
10. Lazy: This governor from Ezekeel is basically an ondemand with an additional parameter min_time_state to specify the minimum time CPU stays on a frequency before scaling up/down. The Idea here is to eliminate any instabilities caused by fast frequency switching by ondemand. Lazy governor polls more often than ondemand, but changes frequency only after completing min_time_state on a step overriding sampling interval. Lazy also has a screenoff_maxfreq parameter which when enabled will cause the governor to always select the maximum frequency while the screen is off.
11. Powersave: This is opposite of the Performance governor, the Powersave governor locks the CPU frequency at the lowest frequency set by the user.
12. Lagfree: This is similar to ondemand. Main difference is it's optimization to become more battery friendly. Frequency is gracefully decreased and increased, unlike ondemand which jumps to 100% too often. Lagfree does not skip any frequency step while scaling up or down. Remember that if there's a requirement for sudden burst of power, lagfree can not satisfy that since it has to raise cpu through each higher frequency step from current. Some users report that video playback using lagfree stutters a little.
Now you decide it on your own which will suite you ....
Hope this helped you .......
Thanks mj for the wonderful explanation... Learnt some stuff..
Sent from my GT-I9103
Well done. Great work.
This is good work.:good:
I found this thread and this. It explains many more governers.....if any one is interested!:good:
If anyone is interested to know about I/O schedulers...a term that is very commonly used along with CPU governors, refer this
Could you also explain on how to use it ??
I m completely noob...are these governors bundled with kernel or thru some app ??
Sent from my GT-I9103 using Tapatalk 2
vipul12389mehta said:
Could you also explain on how to use it ??
I m completely noob...are these governors bundled with kernel or thru some app ??
Sent from my GT-I9103 using Tapatalk 2
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You cannot change your CPU governor unless your phone is rooted and you have a ROM or app that lets you make a change. Also, different kernels (the intermediary software between your phone's hardware and the operating system) offer different sets of governors.
Quoted from here
Good job. Can you please add a source of this information?
Thank You OP ! Im now using abyssplug and it saves my battery so much !! Also with a good performance while gaming too !!
Sent from my GT-I9103 using xda app-developers app
what does save most battery for our galaxy r ?
Sent from my GT-I9103 using xda premium
vipul12389mehta said:
Could you also explain on how to use it ??
I m completely noob...are these governors bundled with kernel or thru some app ??
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These Governor's are related to Kernel, when Kernel is developed these will be coded into kernel and we can select them by using App's like "Set CPU" or "No frill CPU".
"No frill CPU" is free and similar to set CPU...
Eg: In Horsepower kernel developed by fuss132 for Galaxy R we are having most of these Governor's...
m.kochan10 said:
Good job. Can you please add a source of this information?
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Source added to OP...
Birki96 said:
what does save most battery for our galaxy r ?
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As rhodrhi said you can try abyssplug or Powersave ( I forgor about this i will add it to OP) and Under clock the CPU will save some power....
Eg: When screen is off i will set it to max 780 and min 256 ( Presently i don't have mobile with me so i don't remember exactly the frequency's)....
Can some one tell me how the lagfree governer works on sgr? I am actually getting good smooth response on this governer and also it does not eat too much of battery...
How about others?
Sent from my GT-I9103
bhargav143 said:
Can some one tell me how the lagfree governer works on sgr? I am actually getting good smooth response on this governer and also it does not eat too much of battery...
How about others?
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Lagfree: This is similar to ondemand. Main difference is it's optimization to become more battery friendly. Frequency is gracefully decreased and increased, unlike ondemand which jumps to 100% too often. Lagfree does not skip any frequency step while scaling up or down. Remember that if there's a requirement for sudden burst of power, lagfree can not satisfy that since it has to raise cpu through each higher frequency step from current. Some users report that video playback using lagfree stutters a little.
I will add this to OP.
mj.vikram said:
7. InteractiveX: Created by kernel developer "Imoseyon," the InteractiveX governor is based heavily on the Interactive governor, enhanced with tuned timer parameters to better balance battery vs. performance. The InteractiveX governor's defining feature, however, is that it locks the CPU frequency to the user's lowest defined speed when the screen is off.
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How does DEEP SLEEP mode play into all of this?
Does this governor prevent DEEP SLEEP when the phone screen is off since it locks it at the lowest speed?
Neo3D said:
How does DEEP SLEEP mode play into all of this?
Does this governor prevent DEEP SLEEP when the phone screen is off since it locks it at the lowest speed?
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Neo3D said:
How does DEEP SLEEP mode play into all of this?
Does this governor prevent DEEP SLEEP when the phone screen is off since it locks it at the lowest speed?
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drarunmmc said:
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Deep sleep is basically your phone going into a low CPU state and it's most likely enabled in all the kernel's by default irrespective of all Governor's ....
Install the app CPU Spy which will let you know the Time spent in each CPU frequency including deep sleep also....
Great explaination :good:
Well done. Great work.
..very informative! thank you very much for this info, it helps me a lot :good:
mj.vikram said:
Many of us don't know what is CPU Governor's and which suites them perfectly, so after doing some Googling i am writing these.
What is a CPU governor?
A CPU governor in Android controls how the CPU raises and lowers its frequency in response to the demands the user is placing on their device. Governors are especially important in smartphones and tablets because they have a large impact on the apparent fluidity of the interface and the battery life of the device over a charge.
NOTE: You cannot change your CPU governor unless your phone is rooted and you have a ROM or app that lets you make a change. Also, different kernels (the intermediary software between your phone's hardware and the operating system) offer different sets of governors.
S/W or App's for using these features:
1. SetCPU.
2. No-frills CPU.
3. Tegrak Overclock.
1. Smartass: Performance is on par with the “old” minmax and smartass is a bit more responsive. Battery life is hard to quantify precisely but it does spend much more time at the lower frequencies.
Smartass will also cap the max frequency when sleeping to 352Mhz (or if your min frequency is higher than 352 it will cap it to your min frequency).
2. SmartassV2: Version 2 of the original smartass governor from Erasmux. Another favorite for many a people. The governor aim for an "ideal frequency", and ramp up more aggressively towards this freq and less aggressive after. It uses different ideal frequencies for screen on and screen off, namely awake_ideal_freq and sleep_ideal_freq. This governor scales down CPU very fast (to hit sleep_ideal_freq soon) while screen is off and scales up rapidly to awake_ideal_freq when screen is on. There's no upper limit for frequency while screen is off (unlike Smartass). So the entire frequency range is available for the governor to use during screen-on and screen-off state. The motto of this governor is a balance between performance and battery.
3. SavagedZen: Another smartassV2 based governor. Achieves good balance between performance & battery.
4. Ondemand: which would instantly go to max frequency once it detects cpu activity and then scales down as the requirement decreases.
5. Performance: It has the same min and max frequency so I guess your phone will heat up and throttle really quick, although if you want to benchmark this would give you the best result.
6. Interactive: Much like the OnDemand governor, the Interactive governor dynamically scales CPU clockspeed in response to the workload placed on the CPU by the user. This is where the similarities end. Interactive is significantly more responsive than OnDemand, because it's faster at scaling to maximum frequency.
Unlike OnDemand, which you'll recall scales clockspeed in the context of a work queue, Interactive scales the clockspeed over the course of a timer set arbitrarily by the kernel developer. In other words, if an application demands a ramp to maximum clockspeed (by placing 100% load on the CPU), a user can execute another task before the governor starts reducing CPU frequency. This can eliminate the frequency bouncing discussed in the OnDemand section. Because of this timer, Interactive is also better prepared to utilize intermediate clockspeeds that fall between the minimum and maximum CPU frequencies. This is another pro-battery life benefit of Interactive.
However, because Interactive is permitted to spend more time at maximum frequency than OnDemand (for device performance reasons), the battery-saving benefits discussed above are effectively negated. Long story short, Interactive offers better performance than OnDemand (some say the best performance of any governor) and negligibly different battery life.
7. InteractiveX: Created by kernel developer "Imoseyon," the InteractiveX governor is based heavily on the Interactive governor, enhanced with tuned timer parameters to better balance battery vs. performance. The InteractiveX governor's defining feature, however, is that it locks the CPU frequency to the user's lowest defined speed when the screen is off.
8. Pegasusq: The Pegasus-q / d is a multi-core based on the Ondemand governor and governor with integrated hot-plugging.
Ongoing processes in the queue, we know that multiple processes can run simultaneously on. These processes are active in an array, which is a field called "Run Queue" queue that is ongoing, with their priority values arranged (priority will be used by the task scheduler, which then decides which process to run next).
To ensure that each process has its fair share of resources, each running for a certain period and will eventually stop and then again placed in the queue until it is your turn again. If a program is terminated, so that others can run the program with the highest priority in the current queue is executed.
9. Abyssplug: from what I have read is a modified hotplug which is simillar to ondemand but has the ability to turn off a core when it is not needed and is a little more precise in scaling down cpu performance.
10. Lazy: This governor from Ezekeel is basically an ondemand with an additional parameter min_time_state to specify the minimum time CPU stays on a frequency before scaling up/down. The Idea here is to eliminate any instabilities caused by fast frequency switching by ondemand. Lazy governor polls more often than ondemand, but changes frequency only after completing min_time_state on a step overriding sampling interval. Lazy also has a screenoff_maxfreq parameter which when enabled will cause the governor to always select the maximum frequency while the screen is off.
11. Powersave: This is opposite of the Performance governor, the Powersave governor locks the CPU frequency at the lowest frequency set by the user.
12. Lagfree: This is similar to ondemand. Main difference is it's optimization to become more battery friendly. Frequency is gracefully decreased and increased, unlike ondemand which jumps to 100% too often. Lagfree does not skip any frequency step while scaling up or down. Remember that if there's a requirement for sudden burst of power, lagfree can not satisfy that since it has to raise cpu through each higher frequency step from current. Some users report that video playback using lagfree stutters a little.
Now you decide it on your own which will suite you ....
Hope this helped you .......
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Thanks man this helps me understand a little ore of configuring a nandroid. :highfive:

Padfone 2 A68 [Kernel] Stone custom kernel for ASUS Padfone 2 - OC/UV/GPL/etc

Presenting the Stone Kernel for ASUS Padfone 2 (A68), a custom kernel designed to get a little more out of the Padfone 2.
DISCLAIMER: As per all custom kernel disclaimers, while I do test this kernel on my own device, I'm not responsible for you voiding your warranty, or any damage/bricking/weirdness that may occur to your Padfone. If you're not comfortable with this, do not proceed.
Main features:
Based on ASUS source code v10.4.16.8, compatible with Android 4.1.1 stock PadFone2 firmwares
init.d support (init.rc busybox runparts)
USB OTG Host in phone mode
UI rendered with GPU instead of CPU, making it very snappy
Lowest CPU frequency set to 162mhz
CPU frequency locked to 162mhz-1512mhz during boot
Undervolted to save power & reduce heat
Undervolt interface (compatible with System Tuner, Kernel Tuner, etc)
Additional CPU Governors: Wheatley, InteractiveX v2, MSM_DCVS
Set InteractiveX v2 CPU Governor to default instead of Performance, to lower battery consumption, maintain snappy performance, and improve CPU freq config
GPU normal freq set to 200mhz to lower battery usage (will still scale upto 266/400/533mhz when busy)
Simple IO Scheduler (SIO) added, and set as default
Increased min/max read-ahead values from 16/128 to 32/2048
USB FastCharge upto 1400mA (enable using Kernel Tuner, sysfs, etc)
Lower minimum brightness to save power
Lower voltage for display (~13% lower voltage) to save power
NTFS USB drives need USB OTG Helper software or similar - working on fixing the NTFS module
Increased file cache ratio to improve storage performance
Standard edition: CPU max 1.51ghz, GPU max 400mhz
Overclock edition: CPU max 1.72ghz, GPU max 533mhz, low voltages
Powersaver edition: CPU max 1.35ghz, GPU max 266mhz, low voltages
Minor tweaks:
Replace Wifi modules with AOSP versions (needed due to the way the stock modules were compiled by ASUS)
Disabled swap
Disabled "Compile the kernel with debug info"
Disabled Debug memory initialisation
Disabled Magic SysRq key
NTFS in kernel (instead of module)
FAT support
Improved CPU multi-core frequency limiting
Stock kernel
Stock kernel
Stock kernel
Stone kernel v0.1 "Dual":
Stone kernel v0.1 "Quad":
Stone kernel v0.2 "Standard voltage":
Stone kernel v0.2 "Low voltage":
Stone kernel v0.3 "OC":
Stone kernel v0.3 "STD":
Stone kernel v0.4 "OC":
Stone kernel v0.4 "STD":
Stone kernel v0.6 "OC":
Stone kernel v0.6 "STD":
Stone kernel v0.7 "OC":
Stone kernel v0.7 "STD":
Stone kernel v0.8 "STD":
Stone kernel v0.8 "OC":
Stone kernel v0.8 "PS":
Stone kernel v0.9 "STD":
Stone kernel v0.9 "OC":
Stone kernel v0.9 "PS":
1. Copy or to /sdcard/ via USB.
2. Copy to /sdcard/ via USB, in case you have trouble booting, and need to uninstall.
3. Boot into TWRP or CWM Recovery.
4. Perform backup of at least your "Boot" partition.
5. Install zip from step 1.
6. Reboot.
1. Copy to /sdcard/ via USB.
2. Boot into TWRP or CWM Recovery.
3. Install zip from step 1.
4. Reboot.
Possibly faster CPU & GPU overclocking, pending successful testing
GPU undervolt
GPU freq sysfs interface
WiFi undervolt
Enable additional audio codecs: WMA, AAC, etc
v0.9 - 2013/08/19
Raised voltage slightly for display, to increase compatibility with other's phones, and prevent flickering
Increase storage read-ahead from 1024kb to 2048kb
Increased file cache ratio to improve storage performance
v0.8 - 2013/07/29
Lower minimum brightness to save power
Lower voltage for display (~16% lower voltage) to save power
CPU lowest freq set to 162mhz (from 192mhz)
GPU idle frequency set to 200mhz (from 128mhz)
Fixed USB OTG for both phone & pad
NTFS USB drives need USB OTG Helper software or similar - working on fixing the NTFS module
Disabled MPDecision?
OC edition: GPU max freq set to 533mhz (from 487mhz)
New edition: Power Saver - lower CPU & GPU limits, useful when travelling
v0.7 - 2013/06/14
Built from ASUS source code
Fixed camera
Removed Faux123 MSM CPUFreq_limit to improve multi-core freq limiting
Modified CPU freq limits so that cores 2-4 will never exceed core 1 frequency
v0.6 - 2013/06/05
Disabled Android Low Memory Killer (2GB RAM is quite a bit, and the perf cost of relaunching processes is annoying)
Enabled USB OTG Host in phone mode
Minor voltage tweaks
Added MSM_DCVS Governor
Added Faux123 MSM CPUFreq_limit to improve multi-core freq limiting
UI rendered with GPU instead of CPU, making it very snappy
Minor init.rc/build.prop tweaks
v0.5 - 2013/05/18
Enabled init.d support (init.rc busybox runparts)
v0.4 - 2013/05/13
Lowered InteractiveX default boost freq from 1512000 to 1350000
Increased USB Fast Charge limit from 1000mA to 1400mA
Fixed LCD backlight during calls
Reverted from GCC 4.7 to GCC 4.6 so ASUS modules load ok
v0.3 - 2013/05/07
Based on ASUS source code v10.4.15.1
Two versions - OC & Standard
Switched compiler from GCC 4.6 to 4.7
Further voltage tweaking
Fixed CPU throttling
Added InteractiveX v2 Governor - very good for properly setting CPU freqs across all cores
Set default Governor to InteractiveX v2
GPU overclock to 487mhz - working
GPU normal freq set to 128mhz to lower battery usage (will still scale upto 487mhz when busy)
Simple IO Scheduler (SIO) added, and set as default
Increased min/max read-ahead values from 16/128 to 32/1024
USB FastCharge (enable using Kernel Tuner, etc) - working
Removed Sysctl syscall support
Removed software controlled Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS)
Removed adaptive voltage scaling (AVS)
Removed Generic Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) support
Removed CPU frequency translation statistics details
Reduced max CPU voltage back to 1.30v
Re-enabled "Monitor thermal state and limit CPU Frequency"
Removed dual/quad versions - quad-core is running stably for me with revised voltages
Added standard/low voltage versions, for anyone having trouble booting, please try the standard version
Lowest CPU frequency set to 192mhz
Android Logger re-enabled temporarily, for USB FastCharge troubleshooting
CONFIG_SCHED_MC=n (not needed with HotPlugging CPU)
CONFIG_SCHED_SMT=n (not needed)
Disabled "Monitor thermal state and limit CPU Frequency"
Increased max CPU voltage from 1.30v to 1.45v (always monitor your temperature when increasing the voltage/frequency!!)
Further tuned CPU voltages
Added Wheatley Governor, and set to default
Disabled "Use MSM_DCVS for CPU/GPU frequency control"
GPU overclock to 487mhz - not verified yet - I think some kind of ASUS lock may still be preventing this
USB FastCharge (can be turned on with Kernel Tuner etc) - not verified yet - I think some kind of ASUS lock may still be preventing this
Q. My phone is running hot!
A. This is usually related to the voltage being too high. Try lower voltage, and try to determine which frequencies are running hot for you. You may need to also restrict your max CPU frequency with SetCPU, System Tuner, Kernel Tuner, etc, if the frequency won't run stably on your phone.
Q. CPU-intensive apps (particularly games) terminate abnormally after a bit of use.
A. This usually means the voltage is a little too low for that frequency. Try to raise the voltage (only 12.5mv at a time) until you find a stable voltage, and let the rest of us know what value is best for you.
Q. My phone won't even boot with this kernel.
A. Sounds like the voltages are too low for you. Try the "STD" version, which uses voltages only slightly lesser than stock.
Q. I want GPU overclocking, but I don't want CPU overclocking.
A. Use the "OC" version, and use SetCPU, System Tuner, Kernel Tuner, etc, to set the max CPU freq you want.
Q. Proximity sensor doesn't work during a call
A. Fixed in version 0.4
How stable is it?
And also, if I read/understood the "main features" right, you limited the CPU to only use 2 cores instead of 4?
I read that you did it for more stability when overclocked, but if this only uses 2 cores out of it's 4, I will be very hesitant to flashing it...
Either way though, this is great progress! We are finally getting a handfull of developers for the Padfone 2! Hopefully we can get Cyanogenmod ported soon aswell!
Great job!
Lidenburg said:
How stable is it?
And also, if I read/understood the "main features" right, you limited the CPU to only use 2 cores instead of 4?
I read that you did it for more stability when overclocked, but if this only uses 2 cores out of it's 4, I will be very hesitant to flashing it...
Either way though, this is great progress! We are finally getting a handfull of developers for the Padfone 2! Hopefully we can get Cyanogenmod ported soon aswell!
Great job!
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I've been using it for a few weeks, and when I had 4 cores enabled, I found it a bit unstable. With 2 cores enabled only, it flies along due to the higher frequency, and is rock-solid.
Unless you're using the MSM_DCVS Governor (which isn't default even on stock kernel), not all the cores are used except for under high load. Using Interactive, Performance, and other Governors, it usually keeps 3 cores off, and just powers the second one up when doing things. Only when running very CPU-intensive tasks will all 4 cores be used, and the phone will run very hot. If using the MSM_DCVS Governor, it'll continually lower the CPU frequency anyway. These factors are why I've limited the CPU cores - the end-result is a faster, cooler, and less power-hungry kernel.
Nevertheless, I'll upload another one in the next couple of days with all 4 cores enabled, so people can test it out.
First of all nice work here ! Good to see people progressing. As im still bit of a noob and my question maybe quite noobish.
I have NOS installed on my padfone 2 atm and its working flawlessly. Just before I try this I wanted to ask you if this will some way interfere with NOS ?
I would happily be our test monkey if needed
One more time,
Thank you !
Hey first of all this is very nice that you develop kernel to padfone and its nice to see some progress , but i would like that if you make the kernel with 4 cores and little bit smaller clocks ex 1.5 or 1.6 and if you set low freg to somewhere near 100mhz. That would be nice to see
Sent from my PadFone 2 using xda app-developers app
Great work! We finally have our first custom kernel
Great work... I will test soon as possible
Sent from my PadFone 2 using xda app-developers app
Quad core
I've recompiled the kernel with all 4 cores enabled, and will update after I've done some stress testing. (I won't upload it if it's not stable for me.)
When I tested it a few weeks ago, quad core was too hot, but I've tweaked the voltages quite a bit since then, so hopefully it'll be upload-worthy.
How to download link using phone?
Quad core version uploaded
I've uploaded the Quad core version too.
Curious to here other people's experiences on that - I personally find that my PF2 barely uses the 3rd & 4th cores (even on stock kernel), so I prefer the dual core kernel version (faster, more stable, less heat, less voltage requirements), but CPUs differ a little from phone to phone.
Keen to here people's tests from the dual core kernel vs the quad core kernel.
Me currently testing dual core version
Just downloaded and installed the QuadCore version. Will be back here in a couple of days!
Can you say thank you too many times ? NOT!
Thank you once more !
Thank you for quadcore version wil try it out!
Sent from my PadFone 2 using xda app-developers app
Reboots in Padfone Station
I tried to use the dual core version today during some meetings and it was fine when in phone mode, but after using it in the station for a while it would get very hot and then reboot. I was overclocking it to 1.7. Anybody else have similar experience?
sunshine333 said:
I tried to use the dual core version today during some meetings and it was fine when in phone mode, but after using it in the station for a while it would get very hot and then reboot. I was overclocking it to 1.7. Anybody else have similar experience?
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Usually "very hot" means that the voltage needs to be lowered. Can you try using System Tuner to lower the voltage slightly for 1.7ghz frequency, and advise whether that helps?
i have flash the dual core ver.
But when i boot and at the asus loading logo, it keep shining white screen and some color line.
After booted into system it soft reboot again and again. then i revert to stock kernel it fine.
i already wipe cache/dalvik
i am using TWRP 2.5 and stock rom
Undervolting 1.7
I have not tried it in the padstation yet, but the 4 core version undervolted 1 step down (1125 I think?) was stable when I just played Final Fantasy 3 for about 20 mins. CPU spy shows that it was running at 1.7 during that time. No apparent heat issues and no reboots or anything like that. I will try it in the padstation and report back later.
---------- Post added at 03:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 AM ----------
Just to be clear I only further undervolted the highest frequency (1.7). Other parts of the table were default for your 4c kernel.
Which app is recommended to overclocking and undervolting?

[GUIDE] Advanced Interactive Governor Tweaks; Buttery smooth and insane battery life!

The Introduction
I'm about to tell you how to get buttery smooth, lag free performance with insanely good battery life, using an old school governor featured in practically every kernel... This tweak is applicable to every phone with any ROM or kernel--stock or custom--that provides the Interactive Governor.
Yeah, yeah... everyone promises good battery with great performance, but who actually delivers? Maybe it isn't as smooth as you want, or maybe it requires something your kernel or ROM don't support. Or maybe the battery life promises just aren't what you expected. There's always some awful compromise. Not here!
This isn't a guide to get 36 hour battery life... provided you never use your phone. That's deep sleep optimization, which is lovely and all, but what good is the phone if you can never use it?! And with the new Marshmallow Doze feature, this strategy is becoming a think of the past. What I'm talking about is 7-14 hour screen on, actual hands-on usage times! Without compromising anything, you can get 7-8 hour screen on usage with regular, no-compromise usage habits: daytime visible screen brightness, both radios on, sync on, network location on, all the regular usage features, the whole kit and kaboodle... all smooth as a baby's butt and snappy as a Slim Jim! (Up to 14+ hours if you can stand minimum brightness and WiFi-only with a custom ROM and other stuff turned off! And this is with stock voltages and full frequency range--you'll likely get even more if you choose to optimize those as well!)
However, it should be noted that this does not apply to gaming, heavy camera use, etc. Anything that is an automatic battery killer in and of itself. There's nothing that can be done about anything that forces the phone to utilize its maximum resources all the time. But you should know that by now. Further, this guide is about optimizing the CPU as much as possible. It does not cover things like eliminating wakelocks so your phone sleeps well, removing unnecessary and battery draining stock apps, keeping your screen brightness down*, and all that stuff that's been covered in other posts ad infinitum. Those optimizations are up to you.
*At least on the Mi4i, you shouldn't be turning your screen brightness above about 50%. It should be more than viewable in sunlight at that brightness, and keep in mind that the brightness power requirements increase exponentially, so a 100% bright LCD screen will use about 3.5-4.5x more power than a 60% bright screen. I don't see that fact brought up often, so I thought I'd mention it here.
After a bit of tweaking and experimenting, I developed some settings that provide absolutely incredible battery life, buttery smooth performance, and a lag free experience. And you don't need a fancy governor, or a custom kernel, custom clock rates, or even a Mi4i. This will work on any ROOTed phone with the Interactive governor!
The Nitty Gritty
Before I lay out all the settings so you can blindly enter them into your governor control, I should to explain some of the principals I employed to get the results I did. The primary thing to understand before I do is: little might you know, the settings in the Interactive governor can be tweaked on a clock range basis. That is to say, you can finely control how the governor responds at a variety of clock rates, thus better dictating how it should operate under various loads. This is integral to the configuration, because it means the difference between jumping from the slowest speed to the highest speed under load and sustaining lower clock speeds for tasks that don't really require higher clock speeds.
By default, the Interactive governor will jump from lowest speed to a "nominal" speed under load, and then scale up from that speed as load is sustained. That is lovely, but still too twitchy to provide serious efficiency and power savings. It spends most of its time at 2 or 3 clock speeds and barely hits other clock speeds that are ideal for other tasks or usage patterns.
Instead, what we want to do is configure it to handle different types of loads in different ways. A load suited for scrolling through a webpage is not the same as a load suited for downloading/processing streaming video is not the same as a load suited for snappy loading of an app is not the same as a load suited for high performance gaming. Every kind of load has different tolerances at which their minimal speed is indistinguishable from their maximal speed.
Nominal Clock Rates
Nominal clock rates are the minimum CPU clock rates that perform a given task smoothly and without stuttering or lag. To find the nominal clock rate for a given task, turn on only the first CPU using the Performance governor and turn them both down incrementally until you find the minimum clock rate that works best for what you're trying to do, without introducing hiccups. (If you have a CPU or kernel that hotplugs individual cores, multiply that clock speed by your number of cores.) Keep the 2nd CPU on the Powersave governor with the lowest frequency your kernel supports. (Or turn it off completely if hotplugging allows.)
(Note: If your device supports per-core hotplugging, you might be better off using the old guide to determine your nominal clock rates. The Mi4i and all current kernels only support hotplugging entire CPUs, so your results may vary if you use any other device.)
For example, on my Mi4i, scrolling (not loading, simply scrolling) through a large webpage smoothly will occur when the second CPU clock rates are no less than 460Mhz. (This is on mine without background tasks taking any CPU. Yours may be different depending on services running, the browser you use, your ROM, kernel, etc.) Thus, the nominal clock rate for scrolling a webpage on my Mi4i is 460Mhz.
To understand what's best under a variety of tasks, we have to identify two types of load profiles: nominal clock rates and efficient clock rates.
Efficient Clock Rates
Efficient clock rates are CPU clock rates that are unique in that they are the most optimal frequency given the range of voltage requirements. If you map out the frequency jump and the voltage requirement jump between each of the available clock rates, you will find that occasionally the voltage requirement will jump significantly without the frequency jumping proportionally to the previous differentials. For example, using stock voltages, the EvoLTE's msm8960 chipset clock/voltage ratios jump significantly higher from 702Mhz to 810Mhz than the ratios from 594Mhz to 702Mhz.
This section is INCOMPLETE! If you know the voltages, please post and I can update this guide to include the Mi4i's Efficient Clock Rates.
Clock Rate Biases
Using the information provided above, figure out both your nominal clock rates for the tasks you perform most often and your efficient clock rates depending on your kernel/custom voltage settings. For me, since I cannot determine the efficient clock rates, I use the nominal clock rates listed above. For the tasks I generally perform on my phone, my nominal clock rates are as follows:
Idle - 345Mhz
Page Scrolling - 533Mhz
Video -800Mhz
App Loading - 960Mhz
High Load Processing - 1612Mhz
(Note that you must calculate the values that are optimal for your phone for best battery and performance! Each phone is different because of the ROM, kernel, background tasks, etc!)
With this done, you will want to start the fine tuning phase! Correlate the efficient clock rates with their closest nominal clock rates, similar to below:
(This section of the guide is INCOMPLETE because I do not know the clock rate voltages for the Mi4i. If you know these, please post in the comments and I will update the guide!)
Idle - ???Mhz efficient / 345Mhz nominal
Page Scrolling - ???Mhz efficient / 533Mhz nominal
Video - ???Mhz efficient / 800Mhz nominal
App Loading - ???Mhz efficient / 960Mhz nominal
High Load - ???Mhz efficient / 1651Mhz nominal
Keep these handy, as they're going to be necessary for...
The Set Up
Now that we know what are the most efficient nominal clock rates we want to focus on and what the most optimal are for what we want to do, we will start low and scale up as necessary. It's always better to begin with underperforming and tweak the settings upward until we're satisfied with the performance of our target tasks.
In its default state, the Interactive governor has a hair trigger that will raise and lower the clock rates, which means it spends too much time at unnecessary clock speeds, wasting power, and scales down too quickly, leading to stuttering performance. We will take advantage of a seldom used feature of the Interactive governor. Specifically, that with which it determines when it is okay to scale up to each higher clock rate, on a frequency by frequency basis.
We have two primary goals: respond as quickly as possible to each load request for a lag free experience and exceed the desired clock rate for a given task as little as possible. To do this, we will instruct the Interactive governor to trigger certain clock rates in different ways depending on our expected load.
I won't explain all of the settings of the Interactive governor--there are plenty of summaries all around. (Go search now if you don't know what any of the settings for Interactive governor do. I'll wait here.) However, I will explain an incredibly powerful feature of the Interactive governor that is rarely included in those summaries: multiple frequency adjustments.
The above_highspeed_delay setting, for example, defines how long the governor should wait before escalating the clock rate beyond what's set in highspeed_freq. However, you can define multiple different delays that the governor should use for any specified frequency.
For example, we want the above_highspeed_delay as low as possible to get the CPU out of the idle state as quickly as possible when a significant load is applied. However, we don't want it to jump immediately to the fastest clock rate once it's gotten out of idle, as that may be overkill for the current task. Our target trigger (which you will later adjust to suit your system and usage profile), will begin at 20000μs. That means 20,000μs (or 20ms) after our idle max load has been reached, we want to assume idle has been broken and we want to perform an actual task. (We want this value as low as possible without false positives, because it is one of a few factors that determine how snappy and lag free the CPU's response is.)
But at this point we're not ready to take on a full processing load. We may just be briefly scrolling a webpage and don't need the full power of the CPU now that we've allowed it to break out of idle. So we need it to reach a particular frequency and then hold it there again until we're sure the load is justified before we allow it to push the frequency even higher. To do that, rather than just setting
above_highspeed_delay - 20000​
we will instead use the format "frequency:delay" to set
above_highspeed_delay - 20000 460000:60000 600000:20000​
"Waaaait... What does that do?!"
This tells the Interactive governor to hold out 20ms after our target load when it's at our highspeed_freq (which we're actually using as our idle frequency--not a burst frequency as originally intended), but then it tells the governor to hold for 60ms after it's reached 460Mhz. Once it has exceeded 460Mhz, it then has free reign to scale up without limitation. (This will be optimized with the target_loads setting in a minute. And if you don't know what I'm talking about when I say "highspeed_freq" then you didn't go search for the basic Interactive governor settings and read about it! Go do that before you read any further, because I will not explain the basics of this governor!)
These settings are among the most important, because they limit the phone's clock rates when you are not interacting with it. If it needs to do something in the background, chances are it does not need to run full throttle! Background and idle tasks should be limited to the lowest reasonable clock rate. Generally speaking, if you're just looking at your phone (to read something, for example), you want the phone to use as little CPU power as possible. This includes checking in with Google to report your location or fetching some pull data or... whatever. Things that you don't need performance for.
So now that we know how to specify different settings for different frequency ranges, let's finish it all up with...
What About Touchboost?
Touchboost is a nifty feature in a lot of kernels (including stock on Mi4i) that jumps up the frequency so that you experience minimal lag. However, with all the above settings, touchboost is usally detrimental to the efficiency of the device!
We generally want to keep the CPU on the lowest possible frequency as much as possible, and touchboost interferes with that. Further, because we've set up the maximal and minimal efficient clock rates, as well as burst processing from the 1st CPU core, we don't need touchboost!
If your kernel allows you to shut it off, try to do so and see if the responsiveness of your device is acceptable. On the Mi4i, touchboost adds no perceptual performance gain and only hurts efficiency and battery life. If your kernel doesn't allow you to turn off touchboost, try another one, like the excellent Sensei.
Your battery life will thank you!
The Setup
In the "CPU" section, turn off "Touchboost". (This is crucial!! YOU MUST TURN OFF TOUCHBOOST OR ELSE YOU WILL NOT SEE ANY BATTERY SAVINGS!!!) Make sure the "Max CPU Frequency" is set to the maximum possible value for each CPU. Make sure the "Min CPU Frequency" is set to the minimum possible value for each CPU. Under "CPU Boost", set "input boost milliseconds" to "0". Then set the following values for each CPU under "Governor options" for each CPU respectively:
CPU #1 (aka "Big", aka "has 4 cores", aka "maxes out at 1665Mhz")
target_loads - 1 960000:80 1113600:85 1344000:90
timer_slack - 80000
hispeed_freq - 1113600
timer_rate - 20000
above_hispeed_delay - 20000 1113600:50000
go_hispeed_load - 85
min_sample_time - 50000
CPU #2 (aka "little", aka "has 4 cores", aka "maxes out at 1113Mhz")
target_loads - 1 800000:80
timer_slack - 80000
hispeed_freq - 998400
timer_rate - 40000
above_hispeed_delay - 10000
go_hispeed_load - 90
min_sample_time - 40000
The Conclusion
I have achieved unprecedented performance, smoothness, snappiness, and battery life with the default settings I outlined above. However, your mileage may vary, as every phone, ROM, kernel, installed applications, etc are different. This is a very sensitive governor profile and must be tweaked to just meet the requirements of your system and your usage patterns!
If it is not optimally tuned, performance and battery life will suffer! If you're not seeing buttery smooth, snappy performance, you have not correctly tuned it for your system!! However, if you do have superb performance (and you tweaked the values conservatively and not in large steps), then you will also get the aforementioned battery life.
I will be happy to answer any questions, or provide any guidance I can. However:
You must otherwise optimize your phone first! This will not "fix" a poorly optimized system and will, in fact, reduce performance and battery life without further optimization and proper tweaking.
I will not answer questions about "what is a governor?" There are plenty of resources available already, so search for them.
I will not answer questions about "how can I tweak [some other] governor?" This is about the Interactive governor only.
I will not respond to "nuh uh! show proof!" posts. The fact that I spent 12 hours writing this up should be proof enough that I am satisfied with the results. You can take it or leave it; makes no difference to me. The default settings should work with any fully optimized Mi4i running any kernel, so just try them on your own. If you're not absolutely satisfied (and trust me, either it'll work out-of-the-box with flying colors and you'll know it works for your system, or it'll be an awful experience which means you must tweak it), then you haven't adequately adjusted the settings to suit your system.
Lemme know what you think, and good luck!
Thanks to @soniCron for the original thread here :
Woah, Will try it soon. Thanks for the awesome thread and work.
The interactive governor from your Sensei kernel already had all these settings tuned.
I will come back in 24-48 hours with results.
One question that I have is: will something like Amplify (deals with wakelocks) interfere with this?
mandarin91 said:
The interactive governor from your Sensei kernel already had all these settings tuned.
I will come back in 24-48 hours with results.
One question that I have is: will something like Amplify (deals with wakelocks) interfere with this?
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I've dealt with a few wakelocks in the kernel, Amplify won't disturb anything I guess.. Also this is just for future refs for users who are either on stock or any other kernel...
How exactly does this target load list work - why the loads are not progressive, but 85 - 90 - 80? set target to 90% load at 1.1ghz, but then we want 80% at 1.3ghz? Shouldn't the target loads only go up?
target_loads - 1 960000:85 1113600:90 1344000:80
are you sure that above_highspeed_delay for CPU#2 is correct?
danb1974 said:
How exactly does this target load list work - why the loads are not progressive, but 85 - 90 - 80? set target to 90% load at 1.1ghz, but then we want 80% at 1.3ghz? Shouldn't the target loads only go up?
target_loads - 1 960000:85 1113600:90 1344000:80
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Exactly. And where are the lower frequencies?
The lower frequencies are left untouched. I've been testing this for some time now. Look at the screenshots.
mandarin91 said:
Exactly. And where are the lower frequencies?
The lower frequencies are left untouched. I've been testing this for some time now. Look at the screenshots.
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bump (?)
Will we get an answer?
I've fixed the settings, target load will now go up rather than up-up-down... Also these settigs are a WIP, right now this is the optimal settings I have that will provide battery life and performance. I will update the settings each time an improvement is made.
Lower frequencies aren't doing much fr me but I'll try to include them into the formula...
haikalizz said:
Lower frequencies aren't doing much fr me but I'll try to include them into the formula...
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I am talking about these:
Idle - 345Mhz
Page Scrolling - 533Mhz
Video -800Mhz
App Loading - 960Mhz
High Load Processing - 1612Mhz
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If these "aren't doing much" then there will be only five frequencies: 200, 960, 1113, 1344, and 1651.
And most of the time is spent on 200 or 960. Won't the frequencies between 200 and 960 give better battery life?
How can an awesome thread like this die?
mandarin91 said:
I am talking about these:
If these "aren't doing much" then there will be only five frequencies: 200, 960, 1113, 1344, and 1651.
And most of the time is spent on 200 or 960. Won't the frequencies between 200 and 960 give better battery life?
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no it doesnt quite work that way. not all lower frequencies will give better battery life. it also depends on the SOC in question and the nature of the SOC. I think hakalizz has mentioned previously of several optimized voltages and frequencies which we don't know for the snapdragon 615. let's use the 615 and some hypothetical values
200mhz - 650mv
400mhz - 650mv
you would have thought that 200mhz would give better battery savings but that isnt the case over here. even though the 400mhz would use more power (even though it is rated the same as 200mhz), technically you get battery savings because 400mhz gets the job done in well, twice the speed of the 200mhz. So you need to either figure out which of your frequencies are optimized in such a way that it can take advantage of the race to idle factor too.
for now i'm still on zzmoove but only to a point where i figure out how to optimize interactive for my own usage (with hotplugging etc)
just to further the point on this advance interactive tweaks - theory-wise and practicality-wise it is sound, you use the best frequencies(Bare minimum that you can stand) and you enjoy battery savings as well. the only issue I see is if you use your phoen differently from the OP. that's why haikalizz says you need to tweak and adjust it on your own
davtse said:
no it doesnt quite work that way. not all lower frequencies will give better battery life. it also depends on the SOC in question and the nature of the SOC. I think hakalizz has mentioned previously of several optimized voltages and frequencies which we don't know for the snapdragon 615. let's use the 615 and some hypothetical values
200mhz - 650mv
400mhz - 650mv
you would have thought that 200mhz would give better battery savings but that isnt the case over here. even though the 400mhz would use more power (even though it is rated the same as 200mhz), technically you get battery savings because 400mhz gets the job done in well, twice the speed of the 200mhz. So you need to either figure out which of your frequencies are optimized in such a way that it can take advantage of the race to idle factor too.
for now i'm still on zzmoove but only to a point where i figure out how to optimize interactive for my own usage (with hotplugging etc)
just to further the point on this advance interactive tweaks - theory-wise and practicality-wise it is sound, you use the best frequencies(Bare minimum that you can stand) and you enjoy battery savings as well. the only issue I see is if you use your phoen differently from the OP. that's why haikalizz says you need to tweak and adjust it on your own
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Dude, haikalizz mentioned those frequencies in the post but never implemented them in the settings. That is what I'm saying.
Idle - 345Mhz
Page Scrolling - 533Mhz
Video -800Mhz
App Loading - 960Mhz
High Load Processing - 1612Mhz
mandarin91 said:
Dude, haikalizz mentioned those frequencies in the post but never implemented them in the settings. That is what I'm saying.
Idle - 345Mhz
Page Scrolling - 533Mhz
Video -800Mhz
App Loading - 960Mhz
High Load Processing - 1612Mhz
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dude, i was responding to your question, should these freq inbetween give better battery life
You must otherwise optimize your phone first! This will not "fix" a poorly optimized system and will, in fact, reduce performance and battery life without further optimization and proper tweaking.
Please tell me how to optimize my phone ?
rmusa06 said:
You must otherwise optimize your phone first! This will not "fix" a poorly optimized system and will, in fact, reduce performance and battery life without further optimization and proper tweaking.
Please tell me how to optimize my phone ?
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Debloat, amplify, things like that...
haikalizz said:
Debloat, amplify, things like that...
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Thank you sir
What app are you using to implement the changes?
Well I got some nice results applying this technique and have overall 1/2 hours more sot using interactive gov. The only profile that works and follows the normal rules is the Ghostpepper profile. I have a moto x play with the same soc so it should work for the mi4i to. First you must calculate the max and min target loads before you can do something power efficient using this technique.
My advice is try to translate the nexus5x ghostpepper profile and replace your min and max target_loads with the ones in the original profile.
And why is this thread just copied and pasted from the original nexus5 thread and only replaced some words with "mi4i". You also forgot the most important part: calculating the min and max target_loads.

