Build.prop edit doesnt stick??? - General Questions and Answers

decided to take a risk and add a line to my build.prop about preferred network..... but it didnt work!! I told it to use WCDMA only and it is STILL switching over to HDSPA... i get better reception when i go into the phone info menu and switch it to WCDMA , but it will not stick..... i thought adding a build prop line would finally do the trick, but its still auto switching!!

What phone is it, stock or custom rom, and have you verified that the file is edited correctly, and still modified when you reboot?

Samsung captivate glide.... No im not sure if its in there correctly as i had asked which line im supposed to input it either above or below, nobody got back to me. So i downloaded and used a build.prop editor, and put the name and value in there, thinking it would put it in the proper line/place. But, it did just add it to the bottom. Thats what i would have done as well, but i wasnt sure.
It is a stock but rooted ROM.
the information is in fact still there after reboot.... but it still reverts back to the other weaker signal, with phone info saying GSM/CDMA auto PRL which has been its default this whole time... when i want it to say WCDMA only....

Doesn't the Settings - More Networks option allow you to set the Preferred Network?

It might, if i had that setting to begin with... Mine doesnt.
I can choose which operator i want to use, but thats as far as it goes. but im wanting to use a different network under the *same* operator...

Would adding that line to "default.prop" help with this at all??


What is my preferred network type?

So I've been trying to tweak my signal, go into dialer *#*#4636#*#*. Go all the way down, under preferred network type says unknown. Click on box and options are, wcdma preferred, GSM only, wcdma only, GSM auto prl, wcdma auto prl, GSM/wcdma auto prl , evdo only and i think 2 more. One of wich is unknown. Phone is rooted, stock rom. Any ideas? Live in Colorado
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yea i was wondering the same thing. my evo is/was always on CDMA auto PRL, my ns4g is either on WCDMA or unknown. i cant help but think this has a lot to do with reception issues
Edit: Also switched cdma roaming to home only not automatic, not sure if auto made it keep switching to unknown type. Waited a cuple minutes after turning 4G off and speed went back up, might have needed a minute to fully switch back to 3G. Been messing with preferred type, but to make it stay have to push home cause back button keeps resetting to unknown type. Check app, shows better speed, but when i use the 4G and then turn off speeds are worse again. But then again you'd think cause i get a low 4G that my 3G would be faster, not so.
hellcatt said:
yea i was wondering the same thing. my evo is/was always on CDMA auto PRL, my ns4g is either on WCDMA or unknown. i cant help but think this has a lot to do with reception issues
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hellcatt said:
yea i was wondering the same thing. my evo is/was always on CDMA auto PRL, my ns4g is either on WCDMA or unknown. i cant help but think this has a lot to do with reception issues
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The same here, the evo always is cdma auto but nexus keeps jumping to unknown
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pierre1321 said:
Edit: Also switched cdma roaming to home only not automatic, not sure if auto made it keep switching to unknown type. Waited a cuple minutes after turning 4G off and speed went back up, might have needed a minute to fully switch back to 3G. Been messing with preferred type, but to make it stay have to push home cause back button keeps resetting to unknown type. Check app, shows better speed, but when i use the 4G and then turn off speeds are worse again. But then again you'd think cause i get a low 4G that my 3G would be faster, not so.
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yea ive done all that and it always goes back to wcdma or unknown
Yeah, phone finally went back to unknown. There's that PRL update in this section, steps are for windows 7 , didn't work on my W/XP. Laptops in the shop so my options are limited.
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Yes, Evdo, interesting read. Will have to reread some stuff on
Came from an Evo 4g, so the methods for a better signal are different. Thanks for the info
bencozzy said:
ok new build.prop hack confirmed working on i9020t
how to set preferred network type (looking for this portion easy to find like right in the middle sticks out)
# Do not try to parse or .fingerprint 2.3.4 GRJ22 121341 release-keys
# end build properties
add the italic underlined code, without being in italic and underlined. and replace the x's with whatever you want to use:
EvDo only
CDMA only
CDMA auto (PRL)
GSM auto (PRL)
WCDMA only
GSM only
WCDMA preferred
here for copy and paste (just put your network in there!!!)
# Do not try to parse or .fingerprint 2.3.4 GRJ22 121341 release-keys
# end build properties
have fun and post some results. If something breaks blame the person that invented the internet cause it's not my fault and i cant be held responsible for you beleiving everything you read!!! some decent info in here the radios are for gsm only not the 4g though but you might find some useful stuff to play with. sprint is evdo right??
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Ns4g, atlest mine doesn't allow me to enter the wimaxx menue. I do *#*#DATA#*#*, enter msl and lets me modify other stuff. Just not wimaxx, i click on it and it shows the msl box. Like i never entered it in the first place. I enter it again and it sends me back to the there another code or something?
bencozzy said:
ok read up on wimax sounds more like its very closely related to wifi maybe a wifi hack is needed??? dont have 4g other wise id probably find a work around for it??
look into build.prop fixes or hacks for other wimax devices might find something usable for the ns4g.
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Cool, ill ask in Q&A first. See if i can get some info on not being able to access wimaxx menue.
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Performed this edit in build.prop. Thanks for this. Changed my Nexus S 4G to CDMA auto (PRL)...
tailsthecat3 said:
Performed this edit in build.prop. Thanks for this. Changed my Nexus S 4G to CDMA auto (PRL)...
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Did you do it through adb or through a root explorer?
My type still switches to unknown, even though it show in build.prop
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Well then it probably doesnt work to make the network type stick. I altered the file through root explorer. Reallllly wanna make my network type stick to cdma auto
Gothis from Build.prop thread-use *#*#4636#*#* to access network type, wait for signal to turn green, select network type then quickly go down to refresh and then update. These are next to the smsc box. So far it seems to be sticking, not sure about after reboot.
tailsthecat3 said:
Well then it probably doesnt work to make the network type stick. I altered the file through root explorer. Reallllly wanna make my network type stick to cdma auto
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tailsthecat3 said:
Performed this edit in build.prop. Thanks for this. Changed my Nexus S 4G to CDMA auto (PRL)...
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notice any difference?
pierre1321 said:
Gothis from Build.prop thread-use *#*#4636#*#* to access network type, wait for signal to turn green, select network type then quickly go down to refresh and then update. These are next to the smsc box. So far it seems to be sticking, not sure about after reboot.
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This didnt seem to work for me.
hellcatt said:
notice any difference?
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These were my steps
1. Go t system and make a few copies of build.prop.
2.went into copies of build.prop, ( main build .prop runs in background so it would let me alter).then added witch ever type i wanted , (like me i did ro.product.rat=WCDMA preferred) .
3. Made sure i saved my new copy.
4. Then i copied and pasted my new building.prop over to system. (Says there is already one there, i overwrite original.
5. Get out of whichever explorer used. And restart phone.
6. Then went to *#*#4636#*#* to get to preferred network type, then i select the option i chose to put in build.prop. ( that way they are the same.
6. After selecting type quickly got to refresh and update ( near the smsc box near the bottom.
You should notice the update tab stay dark.
Before i messed with build.prop and added what i wanted it would still change back. Now it atleast stays till next reboot.
Don't know if that helps.....
tailsthecat3 said:
This didnt seem to work for me.
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pierre1321 said:
These were my steps
1. Go t system and make a few copies of build.prop.
2.went into copies of build.prop, ( main build .prop runs in background so it would let me alter).then added witch ever type i wanted , (like me i did ro.product.rat=WCDMA preferred) .
3. Made sure i saved my new copy.
4. Then i copied and pasted my new building.prop over to system. (Says there is already one there, i overwrite original.
5. Get out of whichever explorer used. And restart phone.
6. Then went to *#*#4636#*#* to get to preferred network type, then i select the option i chose to put in build.prop. ( that way they are the same.
6. After selecting type quickly got to refresh and update ( near the smsc box near the bottom.
You should notice the update tab stay dark.
Before i messed with build.prop and added what i wanted it would still change back. Now it atleast stays till next reboot.
Don't know if that helps.....
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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Didnt work. Switches back to WCDMA upon leaving the menu. Then shifts to unknown.
This phones radios need some serious well as some other problems.
Is yer rom odexed or deodexed, is it stock rom or different. I read somewhere that a deodexed rom allows a little more play as far as changing things, not sure though. It stays as long as you don't reboot after refresh and update, before it would reset regardless of reboot or not. Did you check build.prop in system folder to make sure it kept the add in? Mine wouldn't stay untill i copy and pasted over the original in system file, cause build.prop runs in the background. But there are so many things that work and won't work depending on yer rom and how it runs.
tailsthecat3 said:
Didnt work. Switches back to WCDMA upon leaving the menu. Then shifts to unknown.
This phones radios need some serious well as some other problems.
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pierre1321 said:
Is yer rom odexed or deodexed, is it stock rom or different. I read somewhere that a deodexed rom allows a little more play as far as changing things, not sure though. It stays as long as you don't reboot after refresh and update, before it would reset regardless of reboot or not. Did you check build.prop in system folder to make sure it kept the add in? Mine wouldn't stay untill i copy and pasted over the original in system file, cause build.prop runs in the background. But there are so many things that work and won't work depending on yer rom and how it runs.
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stock rom. performed multiple variations of the steps that are assumed to work. nothing works as it always switches back to wcdma then unknown.
I have found that I make the wcdma change with *#*#4636#*#* the change shows. If i make shortcut in home screen for phone info the line still shoes gsm/cdma. I still have to change it there.

"Set preferred network type" defaulting to GSM only after a reboot

I recently tried to fix my GPS issues by trying out some previous OPO modem files, I ended up just reflashing the 33R one though as none helped. I now have a more annoying issue since doing this.
My network, Three UK uses LTE/WCDMA, so in the *#*#4636#*#* menu it is best to set "Set preferred network type:" to LTE/WCDMA, but after a reboot this changes to GSM every time, resulting in no signal at all.
I did some googling and found that some people had been able to edit their build.prop to change this default value, I changed the values as seen in the attached image. Unfortunately after a reboot it now only changes to WCDMA only and not LTE/WCDMA only. Does anyone know what changes I would have to make to make it change to LTE/WCDMA only?
If someone could upload their default build.prop that would also be useful.
oscarandjo said:
I recently tried to fix my GPS issues by trying out some previous OPO modem files, I ended up just reflashing the 33R one though as none helped. I now have a more annoying issue since doing this.
My network, Three UK uses LTE/WCDMA, so in the *#*#4636#*#* menu it is best to set "Set preferred network type:" to LTE/WCDMA, but after a reboot this changes to GSM every time, resulting in no signal at all.
I did some googling and found that some people had been able to edit their build.prop to change this default value, I changed the values as seen in the attached image. Unfortunately after a reboot it now only changes to WCDMA only and not LTE/WCDMA only. Does anyone know what changes I would have to make to make it change to LTE/WCDMA only?
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Are you saying that you have no 2g signal/gsm signal on that phone? But you have 2g reception in your area , right?
maskelisuvari said:
Are you saying that you have no 2g signal/gsm signal on that phone? But you have 2g reception in your area , right?
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Three has no 2G network at all, 3G/H+/LTE only. With it set to "GSM only" I have no signal at all.
I just need to set it to WCDMA/LTE and it works perfectly. The default config (after a reboot) that came with the phone works great too but it's changed to GSM only after flashing modems.
I've just flashed stock system.img, boot.img and modem using fastboot from the 33R fastboot zip but it's still not working as I'd like.
maskelisuvari said:
Are you saying that you have no 2g signal/gsm signal on that phone? But you have 2g reception in your area , right?
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I'd appreciate it if you uploaded your build.prop
oscarandjo said:
Three has no 2G network at all, 3G/H+/LTE only. With it set to "GSM only" I have no signal at all.
I just need to set it to WCDMA/LTE and it works perfectly. The default config (after a reboot) that came with the phone works great too but it's changed to GSM only after flashing modems.
I've just flashed stock system.img, boot.img and modem using fastboot from the 33R fastboot zip but it's still not working as I'd like.
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I got it , i am sorry i cant help you ,since i dont have 4g.Otherwise i can give you my build.prop to check.
maskelisuvari said:
I got it , i am sorry i cant help you ,since i dont have 4g.Otherwise i can give you my build.prop to check.
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I don't think you need to. Just go to phone, press *#*#4636#*#*, press phone info and tell me whats in Set preferred network type, if it's what I think it is, upload your build.prop and I'll be very happy
oscarandjo said:
I don't think you need to. Just go to phone, press *#*#4636#*#*, press phone info and tell me whats in Set preferred network type, if it's what I think it is, upload your build.prop and I'll be very happy
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That's a testing area, you shouldn't use it for setting parameters.
Anyway, try to go to setting --> mobile network setting and set the preferred network type there.
oscarandjo said:
I don't think you need to. Just go to phone, press *#*#4636#*#*, press phone info and tell me whats in Set preferred network type, if it's what I think it is, upload your build.prop and I'll be very happy
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Its set to TD-SCDMA,GSM/WCDMA and LTE.Do you still want my buid.prop? I can give it to you , if you want.
maskelisuvari said:
Its set to TD-SCDMA,GSM/WCDMA and LTE.Do you still want my buid.prop? I can give it to you , if you want.
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Yes that would be great.
Vonnegut said:
That's a testing area, you shouldn't use it for setting parameters.
Anyway, try to go to setting --> mobile network setting and set the preferred network type there.
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I know that, but after rebooting the settings change to GSM only. I wanted to see what his was set to to see if his build.prop would be good for this. Build.prop seems to override that setting,
oscarandjo said:
I know that, but after rebooting the settings change to GSM only. I wanted to see what his was set to to see if his build.prop would be good for this. Build.prop seems to override that setting,
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Ok, so the next question is..did you install the ColorOS beta ROM?
oscarandjo said:
I know that, but after rebooting the settings change to GSM only. I wanted to see what his was set to to see if his build.prop would be good for this. Build.prop seems to override that setting,
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I had the same problem, after you change 4 or 5 times it finally is fixed
If I am correct, the OnePlus One is not CDMA compatible. If I am wrong on this, please correct me and I'll go pick one up for Verizon right now...
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r3pwn said:
If I am correct, the OnePlus One is not CDMA compatible. If I am wrong on this, please correct me and I'll go pick one up for Verizon right now...
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
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Sorry but no you are correct. If it worked for Verizon, then my life would be easier
this works but requires root, it works for dual sim as well, the settings will "stick" (save and apply) after a reboot. and PLEASE NOTE that of course you change the "3" to your preferred network

Preferred network type

Many of you are probably aware of the Testing menu containing network and other various settings (you type in *#*#4636#*#* into your dialer).
For years I've used it to mitigate the spotty 3G connection in my house, to keep the phone from 'flickering' between 3G for basically every other room in my house.
Using GSM auto (PRL) keeps me on GSM indoors and switches to 3G as soon as I leave the house. This also has a noticeable improvement on battery life.
Only now it does not persist through reboots. It always defaults back to the original setting, which even includes TD-SCDMA which is a Chinese-only network type that I never want my phone to scan for at all.
So far the only thing I've been able to do that persists through reboots is
settings put global preferred_network_mode 1,20
This will force it to GSM only. Only 2 other codes persist: 18,20 which is another TD-SCDMA inclusive and 20,20 which is the default.
These correlate to the Preferred network type in SIM card settings.
If anyone has any more insight into this, I'm pretty much out of ideas.
EDIT: I realize now that the issue might not be exactly made clear. It's a very specific set of circumstances:
The testing menu (*#*#4636#*#*) applies changes to the network immediately, but not persistently.
Editing the values does not apply changes immediately, and only persists on those 3 values after reboot.
you can use intelli3G, but it requires xposed installed
Thanks, I'll keep it in mind as a last ditch effort.
I'd rather not run so many auxiliary programs, especially when the required function is so minimal, but the program so extensive.
Logic_ said:
Thanks, I'll keep it in mind as a last ditch effort.
I'd rather not run so many auxiliary programs, especially when the required function is so minimal, but the program so extensive.
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oops, I tried Intelli3G, it does not work well, caused overheat.
maybe you should try smart network, it is more compact, but I am not so sure
Logic_ said:
Many of you are probably aware of the Testing menu containing network and other various settings (you type in *#*#4636#*#* into your dialer).
For years I've used it to mitigate the spotty 3G connection in my house, to keep the phone from 'flickering' between 3G for basically every other room in my house.
Using GSM auto (PRL) keeps me on GSM indoors and switches to 3G as soon as I leave the house. This also has a noticeable improvement on battery life.
Only now it does not persist through reboots. It always defaults back to the original setting, which even includes TD-SCDMA which is a Chinese-only network type that I never want my phone to scan for at all.
So far the only thing I've been able to do that persists through reboots is
settings put global preferred_network_mode 1,20
This will force it to GSM only. Only 2 other codes persist: 18,20 which is another TD-SCDMA inclusive and 20,20 which is the default.
These correlate to the Preferred network type in SIM card settings.
If anyone has any more insight into this, I'm pretty much out of ideas.
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You can use an init.d script to set the network mode at reboot
ice-it said:
Many of you are probably aware of the Testing menu containing network and other various settings (you type in *#*#4636#*#* into your dialer).
For years I've used it to mitigate the spotty 3G connection in my house, to keep the phone from 'flickering' between 3G for basically every other room in my house.
Using GSM auto (PRL) keeps me on GSM indoors and switches to 3G as soon as I leave the house. This also has a noticeable improvement on battery life.
Only now it does not persist through reboots. It always defaults back to the original setting, which even includes TD-SCDMA which is a Chinese-only network type that I never want my phone to scan for at all.
So far the only thing I've been able to do that persists through reboots is
You can use an init.d script to set the network mode at reboot
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Sorry, I should have phrased that more clearly. Apart from the 3 that were mentioned, no other values seem to affect the connection. My ideal solution would indeed be an init.d script.
Thanks for chiming in!
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Logic_ said:
Sorry, I should have phrased that more clearly. Apart from the 3 that were mentioned, no other values seem to affect the connection. My ideal solution would indeed be an init.d script.
Thanks for chiming in!
Sent from my Mi-4c using XDA Labs
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Maybe we're looking at the wrong entry, if i change the type from the menu I always get 18,20 from setting though the network seems to be changed...
ice-it said:
Maybe we're looking at the wrong entry, if i change the type from the menu I always get 18,20 from setting though the network seems to be changed...
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Yes, that's the issue exactly. From the menu the changes are applied immediately yet the changes don't stick. From editing the values the network remains unchanged until reboot, but only those 3 values will stick.
I wouldn't know what setting the menu would call upon other than preferred_network_mode
but I don't know much tbh, that's why I hope someone does
Logic_ said:
Yes, that's the issue exactly. From the menu the changes are applied immediately yet the changes don't stick. From editing the values the network remains unchanged until reboot, but only those 3 values will stick.
I wouldn't know what setting the menu would call upon other than preferred_network_mode
but I don't know much tbh, that's why I hope someone does
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I've pulled the settings.db now and i will look into it if i can find some answers
Sorry, I've looked in every table but i cant find anything... I cant understand how you can change a setting without updating the setting.db, only the 3 option of the standard menu are saved (4g/3g/2g)...
ice-it said:
I've pulled the settings.db now and i will look into it if i can find some answers
Sorry, I've looked in every table but i cant find anything... I cant understand how you can change a setting without updating the setting.db, only the 3 option of the standard menu are saved (4g/3g/2g)...
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Right? I can't find anything on this. There must be a mirrored table somewhere where the value is held. Or maybe the setting stays active in a system app that is kept in memory? Like phone.apk or something.
I might be saying ridiculous things, I'm grasping at straws here.
Thanks for checking man.
Sent from my Mi-4c using XDA Labs
Logic_ said:
Right? I can't find anything on this. There must be a mirrored table somewhere where the value is held. Or maybe the setting stays active in a system app that is kept in memory? Like phone.apk or something.
I might be saying ridiculous things, I'm grasping at straws here.
Thanks for checking man.
Sent from my Mi-4c using XDA Labs
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I've tried also to edit the build.prop but changes don't affect the system
# System props for telephony
# Start in GSM Auto PRL for Sim1 and GSM Only for Sim2
# System prop to turn on GSMLTEPhone always
I've tried also to put the phone in GSM Only like that
# System props for telephony
# Start in GSM Only
Still no changes at all
ice-it said:
I've tried also to edit the build.prop but changes don't affect the system
# System props for telephony
# Start in GSM Auto PRL for Sim1 and GSM Only for Sim2
# System prop to turn on GSMLTEPhone always
I've tried also to put the phone in GSM Only like that
# System props for telephony
# Start in GSM Only
Still no changes at all
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Yup, specifically those are ignored. I had tried them previously and thought maybe build.prop changes were ignored entirely (I hadn't made any tweaks or anything yet), but other changes to build.prop work just fine.
Could they have hardcoded these into the radio perhaps? I guess not since it can be affected through the testing menu... I keep going back and forth between theories like this, can't make sense of it.
Logic_ said:
Yup, specifically those are ignored. I had tried them previously and thought maybe build.prop changes were ignored entirely (I hadn't made any tweaks or anything yet), but other changes to build.prop work just fine.
Could they have hardcoded these into the radio perhaps? I guess not since it can be affected through the testing menu... I keep going back and forth between theories like this, can't make sense of it.
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I start thinking the RIL change the values after build.prop load... Maybe they coded a method that initialize the daemon and only accept the 3 option reachable from settings...
But this is speculation, I need to take a look at the RIL, but I can't find it
ice-it said:
I start thinking the RIL change the values after build.prop load... Maybe they coded a method that initialize the daemon and only accept the 3 option reachable from settings...
But this is speculation, I need to take a look at the RIL, but I can't find it
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Well sadly that's already beyond my scope of reasoning. Good luck in your search of knowledge, I hope something comes up
Sent from my Mi-4c using XDA Labs
Any news on this? Been having the same issue on miui9 redmi3!

Network Type selection

Hi, i just want to know if there's any option to change network type to 3G ONLY (or 2G only). The options in settings are preferred network so they switch to another network type when needed, and I dont like that.
I tried *#*#4636#*#* and change it from there but it still goes back to original setting.
Any tricks/solution out there? Thanks!!!
I used to use this but it's not working for me after installing CM14.1. Some people say it's working in their devices with Android 7 though, so give it a try and see. Needs root.
If it doesn't work and you ever find an alternative, please do let us know here.
Adrianrff said:
I used to use this but it's not working for me after installing CM14.1. Some people say it's working in their devices with Android 7 though, so give it a try and see. Needs root.
If it doesn't work and you ever find an alternative, please do let us know here.
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Hi, I think I found a solution. I still use the *#*#4636#*#* code and choose WCDMA Only and leave it as it is. I noticed that it only goes back to original network type IF I enter the "Cellular network settings" screen (**even without changing any options in it). So just stay away on that part in Settings and your network will stay as you selected.
mbolinao said:
Hi, I think I found a solution. I still use the *#*#4636#*#* code and choose WCDMA Only and leave it as it is. I noticed that it only goes back to original network type IF I enter the "Cellular network settings" screen (**even without changing any options in it). So just stay away on that part in Settings and your network will stay as you selected.
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Yeah, I was aware of that. That behavior (reverting to the selected mode in settings upon opening the activity) was introduced in Marshmallow. Who knows why. Unfortunately this is still not ideal for me because I usually keep the phone in 2G only unless I need a faster connection. With that plugin, which no longer works, I could use Tasker to change network modes depending on contexts or a simple tap in Tasker's persistent notification buttons, which I had configured to do just that. Going into the dialer, entering the code and then navigating through the option every time I need to change modes is too much work, but I guess I have no other option until either the dev updates his plugin or another plugin is developed.
Thanks anyway, mate.

Trouble with data connection when mobile

Hi all,
Starting to get frustrated with my 3a and looking for avenues to address difficulty in maintaining a data connection when on the move. In all other ways this phone has been great.
When I am on the move - on the train, or in a car - my phone seems to lose data connectivity after a period of minutes. It seems to be an issue with maintaining a data connection when switching from tower to tower (at a guess). The phone does maintain mobile reception and I can be on a call without dropouts, but if for example watching a video, the video will stop, and eventually I will get the little cross in the reception icon to indicate no data connection.
No issues when not moving about, but am currently doing a lot of work on the fly, so hotspotting or conference calls are near impossible. This didn't always seem to be a problem, but due to Covid (and not moving around for a while), not sure exactly when it started. Have done some googling and tried a new sim card + changing private DNS settings with no luck. On the latest available update.
Is this a known issue with this phone? Any way I can diagnose or fix? Or am I looking at a new phone at this point?
Have rooted and switched ROMs on many previous phones, so quite happy to go down that path if need be.
I understand you say this only happens when you are moving but I would recommend checking with whatever carrier anyway maybe look on your carrier help site and write your same post here there and see if anyone else experiences the same. I would also save everything to USB or PC and flash factory image via fastboot and let it wipe not removing the fastboot -w in the./ You could use an app like LTE discovery and set it to where you know exactly what it's doing and when it does it because you can set a small beep sound or wherever. What carrier do you use? Maybe update roaming , prl and profile, if you use a CDMA carrier. Also what type of case are you using? Just a few things that I thought of after reading your post here. You've probably already done all this but if not that's definitely what I would do. And last but certainly not least, are you using a custom rom or stock? Maybe check your/apns-conf.xml/ aka your apns and make sure they're correct and all for your carrier. I don't think you have to worry about apns unless you are using a custom rom in which case I would definitely check it out because sometimes they can be not right. I use Metro by T-Mobile and I'm located in the USA.
If you are on a custom rom you could try the old apn fix and just see if it's apn related... Wouldn't hurt anything.. Just save your current /apns-conf.xml/ and delete the apns-conf.xml file in your /system/etc/ and in /system/product/etc/ and replace the one in /system/product/etc/ with the one i link here and set permissions on it to 0644, then go to settings on your phone /networks and internet/ mobile networks/ scroll to bottom there and select access point names. Should be a lil three dot thing in top right and when you hit that select "reset to default" or "reset to default apn" and wait another 60 seconds or so then reboot. That will replace your apn configuration file. My file is recently copied from my last custom rom where everything worked fine and I had no issues. If this somehow is related to an apn outa wack then this will fix it. I learned this back years ago on another device forum from spaceminer here on xda. I've used this many times since and it's always worked. Again you don't need to do this on stock , only if you are using a custom rom. I believe stock is good.
my apns-conf.xml:

