TF300t Ncurses style Multiboot kernel - Transformer TF300T Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Posting multiboot kernel with grub-style curses boot selection menu.
This is targeted towards linux users who have a multitude of distros on their tf300.
The kernel itself is Tailormoon's 2.2.9 version of Graiden kernel which included Rabits multiboot.
The difference is that I've modified the initrd to scan all drives at boot to look for linux root filesystems or .img files.
Just put all your .img files in the root of your sdcard (dock or internal), or in /data/media/linux, and boot up.
All detected filesystems will then be displayed in an an ncurses menu allowing you to select any one of them.
To install:
- Unpack the blob and install using fastboot:
> fastboot flash boot kernel.blob
- or install using your recovery
- Press volume down button when rabits logo pops up to boot into android.
- As with Graiden/Tailormoon, unpack module.tar to your distro's module folder in order to modprobe etc.
- Also a reminder for linux rootfs, you need to mount or copy /data and /system from your android filesystem to get the wifi firmwares you need to fire up your wifi (this is true for any linux on tf300 AFAIK)
- The boot system does not use kexec so kexecboot users may already be satisfied with their current setup. I'm no fan of kexec and hence have not seen the need to include it.
- No timer, boot menu sits there indefinitely until a choice is made
- Add android to boot menu so no need for volume down
- Add option for modifying kernel boot parameters, booting to single user etc
Dave Driesen

Attaching source code for the boot menu as requested.
The menu is very simple. It just reads a config file provided by the initrd scripts, and outputs its own config file. Both are to be provided by command line parameter.
Makefile is included but you'll obviosuly need curses dev package to build.
apt-get install ncurses-dev (or whatever the alternative is for your distro)
tar -xcf bootmenu-src.tar.gz && cd bootmenu-src && make
The rest of the source (such as partition scanning code and OS boot code) consists of modification to Rabits' multiboot which are freely available inside the initrd. I will not post them here as I did not originally create them. If you're interested, I suggest unpacking the initrd and getting stuck in there.
Fyi, here's some scripts for unpacking/packing a kernel.blob.. I don't support these and you'll need to install the relevant tools (blobpack/abootimg/cpio) if you're keen. But this is what I use; may it help others in building blobs, or understanding the steps involved.:
# Stage 1 - unpack the blob
mkdir 1.kernel
cp $1 1.kernel/kernel.blob
cd 1.kernel
blobunpack kernel.blob
# Stage 2 - Extract boot image (compressed initrd)
mkdir ../2.LNX
cd ../2.LNX
abootimg -x ../1.kernel/kernel.blob.LNX
# Stage 3 - Decompress initrd
mkdir ../3.initrd.gz
cd ../3.initrd.gz
zcat ../2.LNX/initrd.img >initrd.cpio
# Stage 4 - Unpack initrd
mkdir ../4.initrd
cd ../4.initrd
cpio -id < ../3.initrd.gz/initrd.cpio
# This will leave fully uncompressed kernel in directory "4.initrd"
# Stage 5 - Pack initrd
mkdir 5.initrd.cpio
cd 4.initrd
find . | cpio --create --format='newc' > ../5.initrd.cpio/initrd.cpio
# Stage 6 - gzip compress initrd
mkdir ../6.initrd.img
cd ../6.initrd.img
gzip ../5.initrd.cpio/initrd.cpio -c9 --stdout --best >initrd.img
# Stage 7 - Create Android boot image
mkdir ../7.LNX
cd ../7.LNX
mkdir content
cp ../2.LNX/* content
cp ../6.initrd.img/initrd.img content
abootimg --create kernel.LNX -f content/bootimg.cfg -k content/zImage -r content/initrd.img && rm -rf content
# Stage 8 - Sign the Android boot image.
# You'll need to do this or your device may reject the blob.
# I could never find a tool for this so just prepend the signature using echo.
mkdir ../8.kernel
cd ../8.kernel
blobpack kernel_unsigned.blob LNX ../7.LNX/kernel.LNX
echo -n -e "-SIGNED-BY-SIGNBLOB-\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" >kernel.blob
cat kernel_unsigned.blob >> kernel.blob
rm kernel_unsigned.blob
# Your finished kernel.blob is now in directory "8.kernel"

Awesome stuff!
Wow - this is very very nice! What a job thank you for sharing. I do have issues though - but they are related to my setup - i cant mount /root on /dev/loop (or something along those lines) so the boot process defaults to Android (which actually boots out the box from this (which is nice - had a ****load of issues with other kernels and the original rabits kernel thing) any ideas for the /dev/loop thing?
Again thanks man - so nice!

Nice work, but can you post the source code please? Thanks.

thanks for posting, wouldn't mind trying linux on here after all these years. is this kernel fine with android 5.1.1?

dkzeb said:
i cant mount /root on /dev/loop (or something along those lines) so the boot process defaults to Android
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Is this an extfs? Usually when you get the mount failure, be it in original Rabits or this multiboot, I find that if I drop to a shell and try to mount by hand, the mount command throws an error either way. Most often this then turns out to be due FS settings ("Check filesystem after X mounts, or X days etc). Checking the FS or using tune2fs to disable periodic checking makes this go away.
You can drop to a busybox shell by pressing "s" when the rabits logo shows up.
Insane PPC said:
thanks for posting, wouldn't mind trying linux on here after all these years. is this kernel fine with android 5.1.1?
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I'm not sure but doubt it.. Tbh I never got any Android version over Cromi-X 5.4 to run reliably on the TF300 :/ Interested to hear your opinion but for me they all turned out to be slow, unstable (crashes, reboots), drained the battery or just plain impossible to implement. Hence went back to Cromi-X 5.4 and probably staying there forever.
Linux on the TF300 is ok but has many challenges, some of which simply cannot be overcome. Biggest problem is that NVidia dropped support for Tegra3 about 5 minutes after launch. They are not releasing new drivers for contemporary ABIs, something you WILL need if you want to run any kind of recent Xorg using the device's Tegra3 hardware features. That includes touch pad and graphics accelleration.
So you're basically stuck with distro's from 2012 and must be very careful what packages you upgrade or your TF300 will lose OS support for some of its HW features.


[Guide] - How to compile the CDMA kernel source and Flash it to your phone (Updated)

You should do a nandroid backup and reboot your phone before trying to flash anything to your phone. This how to involves flashing directly to mtd2, if you don't know what you are doing then please use one of the custom roms available in the Sticky Wiki.
#### Update One Fixed scripts
#### Update Two Added instructions to compile and install the wlan.ko module
#### Update Three Fixed typo
#### Update Four Added Instructions for Jaunty repo's for Ubunut 9.10
First off i would like to give credit to all the people who have made information and scripts available. I used bits and peices of info and tools written by and or made available by these people.
Armin Coralic for creating some nice scripts and making them available
chuckhriczko for helping me out in the middle of the night.
LoxDev for creating a wonderfull how to about creating img's and zip's
tkirkton for helping out with enabling legacy jaunty repos to install java 1.5
Second I am writing this How To, so a complete newbie would be able to understand.
Ubuntu Desktop 9.04 or better 32bit (cause thats what i used)
Android SDK (Needed to push and pull files as well as shell access to the phone. You will need to set this up by following the instructions found at
Legacy repo's enabled in apt to allow java 1.5 to install
Root access. I ran all commands below as root
I created a dir called "heroc" in my /root directory.
Download zip file below and unzip it in the heroc dir that you should have created.
.5 Enable Legacy Repo's to allow java 1.5 to install (below is a cut from tkirktons post on page 7)
in Ubuntu 9.10, the Java 1.5 package doesn't even list. Here's what I had to do to get it to load:
1. Access a repository from the previous build (9.04 Jaunty will work: commands to put into /etc/apt/sources.list -
deb [URL][/URL] jaunty main restricted universe multiverse
deb [URL][/URL] jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb [URL][/URL] jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb [URL][/URL] jaunty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
2. Set the max age higher than the default. This can be accomplished by editing the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive. Here's what my lines in that file look like:
APT::Archives:MaxAge "2880";
APT::Archives:MinAge "2";
APT::Archives:MaxSize "1000";
Making these two changes should work...although I have the Intrepid, Hardy and Dapper repositories in mine as well (didn't know which one would work, so I overkilled it).
Run the script again after making the changes and let me know if it works.
to update just run
# apt-get update
1. Create your work environment by running This will take some time depending on your internet connection. Make sure you are in the heroc dir.
# unzip
# chmod a+x *
# ./
This will create a dir call my android and setup all the files and programs needed to compile the kernel. This will take some time to complete.
2. You need to download the source using the
# ./
This will download the source, and extract it to its own directory.
3. you will need to have your .config file handy for the next steps. If you don't have it then you will need to get it by doing the following
# adb pull /proc/config.gz /root/heroc/config.gz
# gunzip config.gz
The first command will pull the gzipped config from your phone and place it into the heroc dir. the second command will extract the file as "config"
4. This is where it gets fun. We now have everything downloaded and are going to start the process of compiling our kernel.
# cd heroc_ef05d31a
# export ARCH=arm
# export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
# export PATH=$PATH:~/heroc/myandroid/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin
# make menuconfig
After you run "make menuconfig" it will bring up a the config menu for our kernel. Go to the bottom and select "Load an alternate configuration file". It will then prompt you to select the config file you want to use. You will need to point it to where you have the config file. So type in "/root/heroc/config"
After you have loaded the config file you can edit what ever you want. however if you don't know what do disable or enable then i wouldn't mess around to much.
Next you will need to save your config file. Choose "Save an alternate configuration file", and save it as "/root/heroc/heroc_ef05d31a/.config"
You can now exit menuconfig
5. Time To Compile the kernel and wlan.ko module
# make
# export KERNEL_DIR=/root/heroc/heroc_ef05d31a/
# cd myandroid/system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/
# make
The kernel will take some time. go grab a drink and have a snack. If all goes well you should end up with a zImage file in "~/heroc//arch/arm/boot/". After the kernel is compiled you need to compile the wlan.ko module by executing the last three commands
6. Next we need to copy the zImage back to the heroc dir
# cp /root/heroc/heroc_ef05d31a/arch/arm/boot/zImage /root/heroc/zImage
7. Ok so now we need to get the boot image from our phone. We need this cause it has more than just the kernel. I contains the ramdisk image as well. and we need to take the boot image and decompress it and remove the old kernel and add our new compiled kernel, then recompress it to newboot.img
# adb shell
# cat /dev/mtd/mtd2 > /sdcard/mtd2.img
# exit
# adb pull /sdcard/mtd2.img /root/heroc/mtd2.img
# mv mtd2.img boot.img
The first two commands will open a terminal shell to your phone and copy the boot image to your sdcard. the last two commands will pull the the boot image from your phone, place it in your heroc dir and rename the file to boot.img
8. Now we will split apart the boot.img using some scripts.
# ./ boot.img
# ./ boot.img
# rm boot.img-kernel
# cp zImage boot.img-kernel
# ./mkbootfs boot.img-ramdisk | gzip > ramdisk-boot
# ./mkbootimg --kernel boot.img-kernel --ramdisk ramdisk-boot --cmdline "no_console_suspend=1 console=null" -o newBoot.img --base 0x19200000
The first command extracts the stock kernel from boot.img. The second command extracts the ramdisk from boot.img. The third command will delete the stock kernel. the fourth command renames our zImage to boot.img-kernel. The fifth command takes boot.img-ramdisk folder and zips it up into ramdisk-boot. The sixth comand takes our kernel (renamed to "boot.img-kernel") and ramdisk-boot and combines it back to form a new file called newboot.img.
9. Now we need to flash our "newboot.img" file to our phone. You should reboot your phone before flashing this will insure that you don't get any out of memory errors and will keep your phone from booting into fastboot (Thx Obelisk79).
# adb push newBoot.img /sdcard/newBoot.img
# adb shell
# cat /dev/zero > /dev/mtd/mtd2 (you may get an error here. don't worry about it)
# flash_image boot /sdcard/newBoot.img
# reboot
The first command will push your boot image to the phone. the second command will bring up shell access to your phone. the third command will zero out mtd2 and get it ready to write your image. the fourth command will flash boot(mtd2) with newboot.img. the last command will reboot your phone
10. After the phone reboots we need to get the wlan.ko file to the phone so that wireless will work
# adb push /root/myandroid/system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/wlan.ko /sdcard/wlan.ko
# adb shell
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# cp /sdcard/wlan.ko /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
# exit
Now you have a kernel that you compiles with everything work with the exception of power mgmt.
Just as soon as i figure out how to make an i will post instructions on how to do this
Added it to the CDMA Hero Guides wiki article.
gu1dry said:
Added it to the CDMA Hero Guides wiki article.
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dang you beat me to it.
Not sure why, but had to run dos2unix on the the first script, not sure if it is all of them, but it was giving me the error
/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
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dos2unix took care of the issue. Also Thanks for the guide, greatly appreciated!!!
make sure you run the script with the "./" , also you may need to chmod +x the files.
Is there a way to get this to run on the Emulator? I tried to specify the zImage after I compiled it but it won't boot when specifying it. Or will that not work for the HTC zImage?
Excellent guide. Can't wait to try it.
blehzz said:
Is there a way to get this to run on the Emulator? I tried to specify the zImage after I compiled it but it won't boot when specifying it. Or will that not work for the HTC zImage?
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Check out this link
Check out this link
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Thanks will have a look. Seems to be the Android kernel and not the HTC kernel though, but will read further into it
blehzz said:
Thanks will have a look. Seems to be the Android kernel and not the HTC kernel though, but will read further into it
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not sure but i think this will work for you
# emulator -kernel /path/to/your/zImage
First script didn't work for me on ubuntu. Copying and pasting line by line works.
i'll repack the scripts again
not sure but i think this will work for you
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that's what i tried... emulator never runs when i specify that zImage it built successfully.
Has anybody tried this yet with Ubuntu running under VMware on a PC running Windows? I know that (in theory) VMware's USB compatibility is spectacularly good (it somehow manages to give the guest OS direct ownership and control of the host PC's USB root hub), but up to now I've only tried it to run XP/32 under Vista/64 and Windows 7/64.
FYI, you can download VMware player for free (as in beer) and use it to run Ubuntu 9.04 with their complete blessing. Just make sure you download a guest OS that configures the hardware (memory, cpu, etc) the way you want it to be, because changing the hardware config is one of the few things you genuinely can't do with the free player. If someone here has the full version (and can find somewhere to host it so the bandwidth charges didn't eat him alive), he could even create an Ubuntu distro that's already set up and configured to build Android kernels for others here to download and use.
To use the first script: open up Synaptics, then download "tofromdos". Now, run "fromdos", and it should work then
Can someone post how to compile a kernel, and make a ROM, and put it all together in a Would be really REALLY nice!
Thanks for this guide I'm compiling a kernel right now Just a question, how do I change the kernel version name... like you did in that one screenshot?
bikcmp said:
Can someone post how to compile a kernel, and make a ROM, and put it all together in a Would be really REALLY nice!
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Its coming
bikcmp said:
Can someone post how to compile a kernel, and make a ROM, and put it all together in a Would be really REALLY nice!
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its in general options in menuconfig.

[HOWTO] Running debian via chroot on OO

This tutorial is based on this one for G1:
I'll show you how to run debian in chroot on our optimus one. It wont affect android in any way, and they can run simultaneously, side by side. You are only running bash from debian, not its kernel or any other low-level part. But you can use debian's programs.
* Linux on your pc or in virtual machine
You need debootstrap to make debian image, so you need debian distro (maybe in *buntu it is too, but I am not sure). You dont need GUI, bash is all you need.
* Busybox(-> rooted phone)
Most custom roms comes with busybox, I am not sure how about store ROM.
* Terminal emulator on phone and/or ADB
I suggest you to make sure you have adb, because you dont wanna write it all on small touch keyboard.
Some knowledge about linux systems
If you are following this tutorial only because you want to /flex on your friends and you dont know anything about linux, then you really _should_ stop reading this tutorial.
I also recommend you to have a2sd, so we can put debian image on its partition, when it is on sdcard main partition, it _may_ cause some problems with usb mass storage.
So, lets start.
1. Getting debian image
Boot into debian and get bootstrap tool:
apt-get install debootstrap
Now, create an empty disk image, I'd say minimum size is about 150mb, but I recommend you use more:
dd if=/dev/zero of=debian.img seek=*size_in_bytes* bs=1 count=1
You need to create ext filesystem in image with this tool(you can try it with "sudo" if you have problems):
mke2fs -F debian.img
Image is ready now, now lets mount it so we can install debian into it:
mkdir debian
mount -o loop debian.img debian
Debootstrap tool will do all the work for us. You can try to use squeeze instead of lenny or download it from your country's mirror. "--variant=minbase" argument will install just base system with apt-get and only few other packages. (This also may need sudo)
debootstrap --verbose --arch armel --foreign lenny debian
umount debian
2. Mount the image
Now, we will use ADB shell to mount the image and finish debian installation. Do not forget to write "su" before you start, we need root for this.
You need to decide where to put debian.img. I suggest you to put it on a2sd partition, which is system/sd, so :
cp /sdcard/debian.img /system/sd
export kit=/system/sd
Our mount point will be /data/local/mnt, so lets make some variable to make it easier:
export mnt=/data/local/mnt
busybox mkdir -p $mnt
We also need to set these enviroment variables, and we can also make alias for busybox so we dont have to write busybox all the time.
export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:$PATH
export TERM=linux
export HOME=/root
alias _=busybox
Now we need to create loop device for image:
_ mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
And if nothing went wrong, you should be able to mount image now ("mount: no /etc/mtab" is normal) :
_ mount -o loop,noatime $kit/debian.img $mnt
3. Finalizing installation of debian
With mounted image, we can proceed to second stage of debian bootstrap:
_ chroot $mnt /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
If you want install some packages with apt-get, you also need to add repo to sources.list. Of course, if you downloaded squeeze instead of lenny, you need to change "lenny" to "squeeze"
echo 'deb lenny main' >$mnt/etc/apt/sources.list
Set correct DNS servers - debian can't take them from Android.
echo 'nameserver' >$mnt/etc/resolv.conf
Done, installation over.
4. Running debian bash
To get to debian bash, use this command. You can try "cat /etc/" or "uname -a" so you can see its really debian.
_ chroot $mnt /bin/bash
But its not all yet, you need to mount some things for debian:
mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
Now link mtab to /proc/mounts. You need to do this only once.
rm -f /etc/mtab
ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab
And if you want to use ssh server to log in into debian, you also should set root pass:
passwd root
5. Installing packages
First, you need to update packages list:
apt-get update
and now you can install whatever you want with "apt-get install"!
6. Finishing
I suggest you to write some .sh script so you can mount it all with one command, for example something like this:
What packages have you tested?
sshd - works great, you can connect to phone via putty or ssh
mc - works, but phone screen is to small
gcc-avr - if you are programming for avr microcontrollers, you can compile it on your phone
netcat - telnet connection
git-core - works great
htop - you can see this on screnshot below
apache2 - works like a charm
xfce4, Xorg server and tightvncserver - working but slow, see screenshots
gnash - working but slow, see screenshots. This is the only option how to run flash content on optimus one xD
Iceweasel - if you are using vnc server, you can browse web pages
gcc, g++, autoreconf, cmake and whatever else is needed to build mangos - working
mysql-server - you have to set "user = root" in /etc/mysql/my.conf, but works
MaNGOS - takes long to build, but works! See this post and also this one.
..and maybe some more which I dont remember.
Hope this tutorial helped you
I'll try bootstrapping debian when I figure out what the hell is wrong with my system. I can't download files from ftp (but I can with wget and other progs. just not with pacman, debootstrap, and the like).
debian on optimus v
searched around to avoid multiple posts, and found this.
I've been running chroot debian on my V as well, squeeze then sid now going back to squeeze.
the main problem I've encountered was in the "debootstrap --second-stage", which generally froze at "I: configuring sysvinit". I thought that was from overloading the CPU, but turns out android init doesn't create /dev/initctl like debian does, so debootstrap hangs waiting for a response reading/writing /dev/initctl
I didn't have that issue using SL4A's shell instead of android terminal.
being a bit of a 'noid, I have used "mknod /dev/initctl p" in the chroot before running "debootstrap --second-stage" since reading of that solution. not sure if it's making much difference, because that didn't fix the issue before I found SL4A and was still using android terminal for shell functions.
I like xfce4 as a window manager in the VNC, it's small but still functional.
I did a bit of things different than saurik, but used his guide extensively, along with much googling for other deb->droid ports.
my chroot runs in the android root directory with bind-mounts since the custom kernel I like doesn't include unionfs. I also directly use an ext4 2nd partition on the SD rather than a loop-mounted filesystem image. (yes, ext4 journals will eventually frag my SD but the cost of another is worth the crash-resistance to me.)
my short-term goal is to mix inits between the two os's and run X through an android app frontend to avoid the framebuffer copy lag from the VNC. my 3 main reasons for debian on the phone are program development (works currently,) flash (actually gnash, and needs a working full-speed access to framebuffer, not working yet,) and emulators for J2ME and MAME (same boat as flash.)
so far trying to run X directly blanks my screen and forces a battery pull to get it back, so kinda giving up that route for the moment.
so installing Archlinux on O1 must be possible? how?
pymebrahimi said:
so installing Archlinux on O1 must be possible? how?
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All must work, as long as they support running on ARM. AFAIK Arch doesn't have an (official) ARM port. You can try Arch Mobile though
This command fails me
_ mount -o loop,noatime $kit/debian.img $mnt
The error I get is no device or file exists.
Tried creating more number of loop devises too. Still it didn't work. I am using cyanogemmod 2.3.3 ROM.
onehomelist said:
This command fails me
_ mount -o loop,noatime $kit/debian.img $mnt
The error I get is no device or file exists.
Tried creating more number of loop devises too. Still it didn't work. I am using cyanogemmod 2.3.3 ROM.
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What is the exact wording of the error?
The exact error that I get:
# busybox mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
# busybox mount -o loop,noatime $kit/debian.img $mnt
mount: can't setup loop device: No such file or directory
Instead of using $kit/debian.img, try manually pointing to the debian image.
For example, if you have it on the sdcard's debian folder:
That too didn't work.
make sure that debian image is where it should be. Also try to "ls /dev/" and look for loop0 - i had some problems with loop devices on mik's 2.3, but I did not really solved it, because I went back to froyo after while.
The loop0 device exists is /dev. As you have experienced same issue on the same ROM, I am convinced that its a ROM issue.
I just tried to install xorg, xfce4 & tightvncserver - everything work just fine, although its kinda slow
ext partition instead of loop filesystem
Tasssadar said:
I just tried to install xorg, xfce4 & tightvncserver - everything work just fine, although its kinda slow
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I think it runs faster from a sdcard partition than a loop filesystem, if I remember right. I tested a loop-mounted preconstructed debian img from some tutorial for another device before debootstrapping my own.
partition your card with a second partition, ext2 if you're worried about journalling wearing out your sd, or ext4 if you're more worried about corrupting your precious debian filesystem in a crash or unclean umount. gparted in ubuntu seemed to work well for me.
resize your ntfs partition instead of deleting it or android may complain.
with your debian img mounted as a loop filesystem on a linux box at the same time as your new partition, you can copy everything from the img to the ext partition by:
cp -av /path/to/loopmountedimg/* /path/to/extpartition
if you replace the loop-mounting code in your boot script with a vold mount of your ext partition, android is supposed to umount the partition cleanly on powerdown or reboot.
on my optimus v, the mount looks like the following in my boot script (I'm posting the comments too for info)
# mount 2nd sdcard partition from vold, should prevent dirty unmount at reboot
# if your linux is on a different partition than 2, substitute that number for the 2 in .../vold/179:2 below
# first unmount it; if not already mounted, system will echo 'umount: can't forcibly umount /dev/block/vold/179:2: Invalid argument' but this isn't an error to worry about
umount -l /dev/block/vold/179:2
mount -o noatime,exec,suid /dev/block/vold/179:2 /$mnt
maybe someone here can use this info.
also, for anyone who wants to save some hours and bandwidth, I have a basic squeeze debootstrap uploaded to 4shared.
it shouldn't be missing any of the readme's or licensing docs, so it should be GPL ok AFAIK.
resolv.conf and sources.list are already configured for 3g access and the main Debian repository, so it's pretty much plug-n-play.
no extra packages. you'll need to apt-get tightvncserver and a window manager unless you just want the bash shell.
the first time you chroot in, you should use passwd to set a root password, and adduser to get a non-root account on there.
the only glitch is that I accidentally tar'd it into a compressed folder; so you can't just untar it into the ext partition, it needs unpacked with an archive manager. sorry!
here is the filesystem image
uncompressed, 9645 items, totalling 264.3 MB
compressed, 116.3 MB (121929580 Bytes)
Tried to put it on ext2 partition without image, its a bit faster but still very slow.
But i took some screenshots this time. You can see flash (well, gnash) player on optimus one working on last screenshot
And I have one question: is debian using its own libc or android's bionic?
Tasssadar said:
Tried to put it on ext2 partition without image, its a bit faster but still very slow.
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guess I'm biased, first linux I used was on a 100MHz pentium 1, so this handheld flies by comparison.
But i took some screenshots this time. You can see flash (well, gnash) player on optimus one working on last screenshot
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I could only get gnash to play ads. boo. froze up iceweasel every time I tried to open a flash video. what browser are you using? oh, man, it's iceweasel, isn't it?? also, chromium just refused to start on my optimus.
And I have one question: is debian using its own libc or android's bionic?
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pretty sure it's standard debian libc. you could integrate the android toolchain if you were so motivated, probably.
bigsupersquid said:
I could only get gnash to play ads. boo. froze up iceweasel every time I tried to open a flash video. what browser are you using? oh, man, it's iceweasel, isn't it?? also, chromium just refused to start on my optimus.
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Chromium does not work for me, too.
Well, it froze for me too, but after while it at least got to show what you see on the screenshot
bigsupersquid said:
pretty sure it's standard debian libc. you could integrate the android toolchain if you were so motivated, probably.
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I was just thinking if this is possible, then normal android aplication could have libc included, if its needed.
Do you know MaNGOS? It is open-source server for World of Warcraft (for more info go to I just compiled it and I run it on my optimus one. And guess what - without world db, its really fast! I am extracting UDB to database right now, I will post some screenshots and results with full-featured db soon.
And thats why I love linux and android
I got no words to describe my eyes when reading that at the moment.
So, what you might wanna know if you wanna try it too:
All packages needed for mangos to compile are working good, except for mysql server: you need to set "user = root" in my.cnf - it is located in /etc/mysql/ - because you cant put any root rights to any other user than root, so mysql user cant create tcp socket.
You will most likely need swap file - optimus has plenty of RAM, but yet not enough. All you need is to compile kernel with CONFIG_SWAP=y and follow this tutorial: 512mb swap is enough. Just for the record, swap is working on optimus one, I think nobody tried it here yet.
Now as for the compilation of mangos, it is mostly working as it is, only problems are intel tbb library and g3dlite library.
TBB is not available for arm yet, so you need to compile without it. Use -DUSE_STD_MALLOC=0 in cmake line.
As for the g3dlite, things are little bit more tricky - you need it, and there are some asm() instructions in it, which are different for arm. I only commented them, because I dont know assembler:
I have no idea how it can even work without all that code in g3dlite, but it just does.
You can use scriptdev2 from its git, theres no problem in it.
Thats all, after that just "make" and get something good to read, because it will take really long. At least 5 hours for compilation and nearly hour and a half for linking of scriptdev2 and mangosd binary.
Creating of databases is just like on normal pc, so I just skip it...same goes for dbc files, maps and vmaps.
Loading of mangos takes around 4 minutes with full-featured db. mangos then takes around 180mb of ram and cpu usage is...surprisingly low, considering the fact that our cpu does not have hw float operations. I tried to clear Azjol Nerub instance (well, solo with gm character) and maximal cpu usage was 60%, when fighting a boss with lots of spawns. I could imagine some 5-man dungeon run would be just fine
Also, you will get slight lag when moving into new location, when phone loads map files from sdcard.
Thats all, see screenshots

Jhinta Kernel for Lilstevie Ubuntu

Dont have this tap anymore so cant support it anymore !!!
I do things manual as i want to know what has be done !
So every thing below is hardcore installation. This will give you the why and know how of things !!!
About bootimg.cfg
This file is need for creating boot.img
You can find it by unpacking a boot.img,but one is provided already.
The important part of this file is the first and last option.
The first one will say how big the image wil be, and the last is kernel cmdline.
This is also wehre you say loop= for a loop file
Pack or unpack blob files
cd /tmp
git clone git://
cd BlobTools
make -j2
sudo cp blobpack /usr/bin/
sudo cp blobunpack /usr/bin/
cd ~
Unpack a boot.img
We create a folder and place a boot.img in it.
mkdir ~/test
cd ~/test
abootimg -x boot.img
Unpacking a initrd image
cd ~/test
mkdir ramdisk
cd ramdisk
gzip -dc ../initrd.img | cpio -i
Now you will have a directory with the ramdisk source files in ~/test/ramdisk
to repack it, run
cd ~/test/ramdisk
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../new-initrd.img
for gzip
find . | cpio -H newc -o | lzma -c > ../initram.lzm
for lzma
This will give you a new-initrd.img file in ~/test/ for you to use............versions<
Go to the folder and select ALL file or folder BUT source and build !!!!
And compres it file wel be made in home.
modules are install in ubuntu in /lib/modules/
About kernel and initrd and boot.img and blob
Kernel = basic hardware installations and setup
initrd = like a ramdisk
boot.img = kernel + initrd
blob = boot.img + TF special header
Blob file you find in like a kernel update for android
boot.img you will find when using nvflash
kernel gets compiled from a git or source
initrd you can make your own or reuse
i will create to do the flashing
To do this i do.
mkdir ~/test
cd ~/test
cp ~/TF101-GNU-kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage ~/test/zImage
abootimg --create ./ubuntu.img -f ./bootimg.cfg -k ./zImage -r ./initrd.img
This will give me a ubuntu.img ready for nvflash but i want cwm.
so i do
./blobpack kernelblob LNX ubuntu.img
(LNX is boot partition dont change this unless you know what your doing)
Now i got a new file kernelblob that i can add to a file
To do this , open !!!! the below and remove and add the file kernelblob.
Thats it, and ready for flashing.
You sould be able to use any rootfs that is for arm.
you can also build a rootfs with rootstock
keep in mind a rootfs kan have diffrent types of names like ( rootfs.img.ext234 or ubuntu,dabian,linux.img.ext234 or evrey name you want it to be its just a name+ext)
If you want to relock it for oem-config ( nice first setup like name location keyboard setup) do
touch /var/lib/oem-config/run
So how do we even flash ?
I use nvflash directly or cwm
The easy why is just using Olife.
Keep in mind that i will never use uboot , only original bootloader of android.
So dualboot is what you need.
if you have dualboot flashed, do this.
Replaced (backup!) initrd-2.6.38.img and 2638-zImage in the kernel folder with my files,
and in Olife update your chromium kernel.
For those that want to use a loop file
Just flash this zip file
And copy the rootfs to sdcard (nand) /sdcard/linux/ubuntu.img (more will come, thats why linux/ubuntu.img)
Wifi setup
Wifi simply needs 2 files and you can get them from android space -> then copy them to Ubuntu space to /lib/firmware/
/data/misc/wifi/nvram.txt -> /lib/firmware
/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf #optional
just use a root exploror to copy them to sdcard or usb ( this can alo be done when your in Ubuntu space (/system = mmcblk0p1, /data = mmcblk0p7))
and put them on the right place for Ubuntu.
Bluetooth setup
There are 3 file needed from android space, to get this,
Enable bluetooth
Rename you bluetooth name to what ever you want ( once in Ubuntu you cant change this !!!! )
Leave it on !! and boot to Ubuntu
/data/misc/bluetooth/{bcm4329.hcd,mac.txt} -> /lib/firmware
brcm_patchram_plus (lives on the net) -> /usr/sbin/brcm_patchram_plus (already in)
As last edit /etc/init.d/bsp-tf101 and correct your mac adress --bd_addr ***** (replac *** with mac !!!, mac is located in mac.txt)
#! /bin/sh
#look if Board Support Package is already running
PS=$(ps -A | grep " brcm_patchram_plus\>")
if [ -n "$PS" ]; then
echo "* Stoping Bluetooth Support Package..."
killall brcm_patchram_plus
#if already started then stop first
#now start all board support binaries
echo "* Starting Bluetooth Support Deamon..."
rfkill unblock 0
modprobe bcm4329
/usr/sbin/brcm_patchram_plus --enable_hci --baudrate 921600 --bd_addr ***** --patchram /lib/firmware/bcm4329.hcd /dev/ttyHS2&
# making sure the nvtegra dev nodes have the correct permissions
echo "* Setting correct permissions on nvtegra device nodes..."
chmod 0666 /dev/nv* /dev/tegra_*
case $1 in
start | restart)
and reboot and your done.
Installing Tegra HEADER files ( needed when building things like XBMC )
Copy as root all folder to /usr/include/
Installing Opengl-ES
Download the Tegra drivers from Nvidia
Once downloaded unpack it and open a cmdline and go to that direction Where those files are and type,
sudo ./app*.sh --help
-r = your root directeroy whey you want to install this
--abi = witch version of abi your running, to get you version run in ubuntu on TF
aptitude show xserver-xorg-core | grep abi
So when running this directy on the TF in Ubuntu you wil get this
sudo ./app*.sh --abi 10 -r /
Get audio working
sudo usermod -a -G audio
sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/snd/*
Then open alsamixer and enable
Left And Right speaker mixer DACL/R
Set DC input to DMIC
And sound sould work right away.
Install zram
sudo wget -O /etc/init/zramswap.conf ''
Installing XBMC
sudo apt-get install (try installing all dependencies you can in the readme.ubuntu in xbmc folder , some will fail so just remove them) )
cd ~
git clone git clone git://
cd xbmc
./configure --enable-tegra --enable-gles --disable-openmax --disable-vdpau --disable-hal --disable-joystick --disable-debug --disable-dvdcss
make -j2
sudo make install
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-swrast
Loop or native parition
in your config (dualboot.cfg)
You kernel cmdline would be
( if you have native root=/dev/mmblk0p8 rw.........)
( for loop support you add loop= ( location of file !!! + root= (the partition where the file is located !!)
root=/dev/mmcblk0p7 rw loop=/xxx/xxx
Default Kernel
hdmi ( audio ? )
USB ( full working )
jack ( mic ? )
zram ( needs script also a most have beacuse of low ram space )
-more to come
Khronos header package
Tegra Opengl-ES drivers
Jhinta said:
FB -> half working no txt output
HDMI fully supported
Kexec enabled , dont know if its even working
Not working !!!
If you want to use this make sure the 3D driver are installed ( no FB !!! ), so install them first !!!!
And add the modules to you rootfs.
And keep in mind unity does not have gles support yet ( kde sould but didnt tryed it yet )
make sound hardware pupup , still no sound
sudo usermod -a -G audio <your username here>
sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/snd/*
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I will give this a shot tonight and let you know how it goes.
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but what is FB? I tried searching on the forum and online but the only reference I could find was facebook.
could you use git, or post a .patch for the framebuffer patch because there is no way I am going to spend ages downloading the kernel source from 2shared then having to try and find WTF you did
Ke1evraTi: It just means the framebuffer which is the base graphics support under linux. Basically since it does not work, you won't see much until the X11 drivers kicks in.
lilstevie: Pulling the original kernel from Asus was way slower than 2shared. Also creating the patch was quick. Only a few hundred lines to skim. I have attached it for you or anyone else who is interested. If my diff options do not suit your fancy, kindly suggest different ones and I will re-post.
lilstevie said:
could you use git, or post a .patch for the framebuffer patch because there is no way I am going to spend ages downloading the kernel source from 2shared then having to try and find WTF you did
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Sorry m8 i didnt had any sleep last two day's i was broke when i uploaded it , was easy for me fast upload thats why. but looking add the path above that sould do it if not ill will send a patch.
? any one tested already?
download link
I coldn't use the download link, the host gives error like "Gateway Timeout". Can you check it please, is it me or the host?
dismis said:
I coldn't use the download link, the host gives error like "Gateway Timeout". Can you check it please, is it me or the host?
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The server is currently down for maintenance and will be back up in the next few hours
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lilstevie said:
The server is currently down for maintenance and will be back up in the next few hours
All done now
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lil , look on nvidia git , tty fix maby? i'm add work cant do anything.
Ok. I am running ubuntu on a sbk2 tf101 using the method posted by jozka.1 how do i apply the new kernels like the on posted here to that install? i know that this is a total noob question but i want to try it on my unit. I know that it says that the video acceleration does not work on unity but should work on kde. will it work on gnome?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium HD app
Sorry, kernel isn't working for me. I installed the latest linux4tegra driver package, added the modules folder posted to /lib/modules and flashed the kernel through CWM, but the GUI fails to load and running startx from the command line does nothing. I'm not sure if this was my mistake, but the modules posted were for the kernel and Jhinta posted a kernel. Where did I mess up?
MrMuffin24 said:
Sorry, kernel isn't working for me. I installed the latest linux4tegra driver package, added the modules folder posted to /lib/modules and flashed the kernel through CWM, but the GUI fails to load and running startx from the command line does nothing. I'm not sure if this was my mistake, but the modules posted were for the kernel and Jhinta posted a kernel. Where did I mess up?
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ore you flashed the wrong zip file ore the flashes didnt install make sure after cwm you see the blue line going meening its flashing the blob
Yep definitely the right kernel and I did see the blue line afterwards. Just to make sure that I've done this right, so I:
-download linux4tegra package, run: sudo <path-to>/ --root /
-run: sudo cp -r <path-to>/ /lib/modules/
-reboot to CWM, flash
MrMuffin24 said:
Yep definitely the right kernel and I did see the blue line afterwards. Just to make sure that I've done this right, so I:
-download linux4tegra package, run: sudo <path-to>/ --root /
-run: sudo cp -r <path-to>/ /lib/modules/
-reboot to CWM, flash
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thats it, maby i did send a wrong one , any way here it is
Jhinta said:
thats it, maby i did send a wrong one , any way here it is
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the latest t4l drivers use the 3.1 kernel, so which version of l4t did you use?
Still no luck with the new kernel posted by Jhinta, with the r12beta drivers installed on a sbkv2 device.
Heres the screen I originally get when I boot:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Here's what I get when I run startx:
I'll try it again from scratch, just in case. Let me know if there are any logs or anything you want me to post.
Have you tried maybe sudo depmod -a ? Might fix those module loading issues which could be your problem.
Running lsmod after boot shows that all the modules have loaded. I still get these errors on fully working installs for some reason.
uname -a
will reveal to you that you are in fact running and not which is jhintas kernel
Proof that I did install Jhinta's kernel:
Results of uname -a:
Look closer
Proof that you did not install Jhinta's kernel:
lilstevie said:
uname -a will reveal to you that you are in fact running ----> <---- and not which is jhintas kernel
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Results of uname -a:

[KERNEL/MOD] [LINUX] [Rootbind] [Native EMMC/all TF101&TF101G/fast/tested] [2-Jul-13]

[KERNEL/MOD] [LINUX] [Rootbind] [Native EMMC/all TF101&TF101G/fast/tested] [2-Jul-13]
UPDATE 2013/11/08: New kernel released with USB and framebuffer fixed. See post #3.
UPDATE 2014/05/16: New Ubuntu 14.04 filesystem. See point #2 below under Installation.
UPDATE 2014/06/03: New kernel released with USB and framebuffer fixed, OC to 1.5 GHz. See post #3 and #326.
UPDATE 2014/07/09: New kernel released with OC to 1.5 GHz fully working, boots every time. See post #3 and #334.
This is a kernel/initrd mod that allows you to run Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Arch,...) on your TF101 from the internal EMMC (/data partition in Android) without repartitioning your tab.
This works on my tablet and I use it daily. However, I am not responsible for any bricks or if you damage your beloved TF. YOU ARE DOING THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Features and advantages:
Fast (and I mean about as fast as it's gonna get on this device). See post #2 for benchmarks.
No need to repartition to get this. Previously TF101 users could run Linux on EMMC but they had to repartition with wheelie/nvflash, but it wasn't available to TF101G users (of which I'm one).
Any free space on your /data partition is available to both Linux and Android. When you delete stuff on either operating system, the free space is available for both again, as they are running off the same partition. Previously, when you re-partitioned e.g. with OLiFE you had to allocate a certain space (8GB by default) for Linux, then this was not available for Android even if you're not using all of it in Linux.
Way faster than loopmount, especially for disk writes.
Way faster than running Linux off a MicroSD card ext4 partition (even with class 10).
Dualboot is achieved just by flashing either the Android or the Linux kernel.
So how does this work?
The kernel/initrd is modded to take an extra parameter "bind=/path/to/linux/rootfs" on the command line. This will then bind-mound that path to the Linux root mount. It works pretty similar to the way a loop-mounted linux image is loaded and set up during boot, except that now bind-mount is used, not a loop-mount. This is possible because both Android and Linux use the ext4 filesystem, so they can actually share the same partition.
N.B. This thread is not a guide on how to get Ubuntu running on your TF101. There are plenty of guides for that, e.g.
Tubuntu by x3maniac -
Net-Install by NoDiskNoFun -
Transformazing by transformador -
Make sure to read those threads to get an idea of how this works.
Take a Nandroid backup, just in case something goes wrong.
Get a Linux root filesystem if you don't already have one.
See this thread for a discussion of various filesystems available for rootbind.
Alternatively roll your own using debootstrap as described by shaola:
NEW! For a fully working Kubuntu 14.04 image (with graphics acceleration using the Nvidia drivers) see this post:
This is already an image in a tar file so it doesn't need to be mounted, so instead of the code below you can merely do the following:
mkdir -p /data/linuxroot
busybox chmod 755 /data/linuxroot
cd /data/linuxroot
tar -xpjf /path/to/my/saved/kubuntu-14.04.tar.bz2
Running Android, copy the root filesystem to a directory on your /data partition, preserving the permissions. The easiest is with the "tar" command (see below). The default install assumes that Linux lives in /data/linuxroot under Android.
For a Linux image in a file that is used for loop-mount (assume it is in /sdcard/ubuntu.img, or edit accordingly), run the following in a terminal when running Android (make sure you are root):
busybox mount -o remount,rw /
mkdir -p /data/linuxroot
busybox chmod 755 /data/linuxroot
mkdir -p /mnt/ubuntu
busybox mount -o loop /sdcard/ubuntu.img /mnt/ubuntu
cd /mnt/ubuntu
tar -cvp * | tar -C /data/linuxroot -xp
cd /
busybox umount /mnt/ubuntu
rmdir /mnt/ubuntu
busybox mount -o remount,ro /
(note in tar command first -c is lowercase, second -C is uppercase)
For a Linux rootfs that lives on a separate partition (e.g. 2nd part. on MicroSD), run the following (assumes linux is in /dev/block/mmcblk1p2, otherwise edit accordingly):
busybox mount -o remount,rw /
mkdir -p /data/linuxroot
busybox chmod 755 /data/linuxroot
mkdir -p /mnt/ubuntu
busybox mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /mnt/ubuntu
cd /mnt/ubuntu
tar -cvp * | tar -C /data/linuxroot -xp
cd /
busybox umount /mnt/ubuntu
rmdir /mnt/ubuntu
busybox mount -o remount,ro /
Copy kernel modules to your rootfs. Download modules-3.1.10-9.tar.gz to your /sdcard. then:
cd /data/linuxroot/lib/modules
tar -xzf /sdcard/modules-3.1.10-9.tar.gz
Flash the Linux kernel. Either flash the zip from recovery or copy the kernelblob directly to the staging partition with dd (if you don't know what I'm talking about here, then use the recovery method).
Reboot 'n enjoy! Remember to run "sudo depmod -a" after the first Linux boot, and reboot. Otherwise your modules won't load and wifi, etc., won't work.
To re-boot into Android, simply flash the boot image/kernelblob from your Android ROM.
The kernel is compiled from Jhinta's source with a few modifications to the config -
Make sure not to have a /host directory in your Linux rootfs - this interferes with the bind mount!
The Linux rootfs can live anywhere on your Android /data partition (the default is /data/linuxroot). If you want to change this, then you'll have to blobunpack the kernelblob-rootbind, unpack the boot image (kernelblob-rootbind.LNX) with abootimg, change the command line as desired, re-pack the boot image with abootimg, and re-pack the blob for flashing.
The "bind" cmdline argument is the location of your Linux rootfs without the initial "/data". So if your Linux rootfs lives on /data/my/linux/path under Android, then you'd have to change the cmdline parameter to "bind=/my/linux/path".
Make sure, however, not to put the Linux rootfs to the "internal storage" (/data/media) or any subdirectories thereof. This plays havoc with the Android media scanner when re-booting into Android and your tablet may slow down to a crawl.
Under Android your EMMC partitions are /dev/block/mmcblk0p1,2,3,....
Under Linux, this is /dev/mmcblk0p1,2,3....
Thanks to:
lilstevie - for bringing Ubuntu to our tablet
Jhinta - for his 3.1.10 kernel
shaola - for his debootstrap guide
x3maniac - for his Tubuntu installer
transformador - for his mountloop instructions
TomTcom - for all his Ubuntu-related guides on xda
Kingzak34 - for his dualboot guide and general help/discussion
DjDill - for putting together the collection of rootbind filesystem images
(if your name should be here and I have forgotten you, please PM me...)
Using "fio" (available from Ubuntu repos). All speeds in kB/s.
In the below, loopmount refers to a loopmounted image on internal storage, MicroSD refers to running linux from an ext4 partition off a class-10 MicroSD card, and rootbind refers to the method described in this thread.
Test: sequential read (64 MB)
rootbind 31906
loopmount 29088
MicroSD 15312
Test: random read (64 MB)
rootbind 5605
loopmount 11340
MicroSD 1620
Test: sequential write (8 MB)
rootbind 9694
loopmount 1373
MicroSD 3040
Test: random write (8 MB)
rootbind 4659
loopmount 1102
MicroSD 722
New kernel
New kernel for Linux rootbind:
based on kernel source from @Sni
See here:
N.B. If you use this kernel you will have to copy new firmware for the wifi driver into /lib/firmware. Get it from Sni's post (link above).
USB hotplug fixed and fully working!
framebuffer fixed (Ctrl-Alt-F1 to F6 for console access)
hardware graphics acceleration now fully working with the latest Nvidia Linux-4-tegra drivers. es2gears no longer throws errors.
Two versions: one clocked to standard 1.0 GHz, the other one overclocked to 1.2GHz. Remember to extract the relevant modules to your linux root filesystem. For installation, I have provided a CWM or TWRP flashable zip, or a blob that you can flash directly with dd to the staging partition (if you don't know how to do this, use the recovery method).
I have tried at great length to overclock to higher frequencies but could not succeed. For some reason the TF just froze with a black screen after booting. I tried many combinations of voltages and frequencies. At least it's oc'ed to 1.2 and stable (in my hands), but if you are experiencing problems you can revert to the 1.0GHz or keep using the previous kernel which is oc'ed to 1.6 but USB is broken.
If anyone wants to take a stab at this you are more than welcome
My sources:
EDIT: New kernel 3.1.10-15 overclocked to 1.5GHz. Boots every time! Needs configuration of your overlock speeds with cpufrequtils. Read this post:
Seems to be great, and very very easy to dual boot, as TWTR will be always avaible to flash the kernels.
The reason I left linux behind on my TF is that team EOS has a plenty of updates and I like to keep up with the devs and the dual boot method i used overwrites the custom recovery.
Now it seems to be perfect forme.
Simply amazing, an other victory for TF101 ! And in addition of more speed than mountloop it's even easier to manage.
Thanks once again, I think my mounltoop will became a full install
Forgive my ignorance, but I've googled and searched the TF101 forums to no avail; what is TWTR? With Google I only found a video of someone running what looked like regular CWM touch on a TF101...
Edit: Nevermind, I figured out that it must be referring to the TeamWin recovery, which until now I've only ever seen referred to as "TWRP".
Thanks! I will test this tomorrow.
smokesignals said:
Forgive my ignorance, but I've googled and searched the TF101 forums to no avail; what is TWTR? With Google I only found a video of someone running what looked like regular CWM touch on a TF101...
Edit: Nevermind, I figured out that it must be referring to the TeamWin recovery, which until now I've only ever seen referred to as "TWRP".
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It is TWRP, but I guess TWTR = Team Win Touch Recovery
---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------
I am root, but this command says read only file system
mkdir -p /mnt/ubuntu
Made the folder using a file manager instead
Next step
mount -o loop /sdcard/ubuntu.img /mnt/ubuntu
Fails and just gives me a list of possible options for the mount command
*Detection* said:
It is TWRP, but I guess TWTR = Team Win Touch Recovery
---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------
I am root, but this command says read only file system
mkdir -p /mnt/ubuntu
Made the folder using a file manager instead
Next step
mount -o loop /sdcard/ubuntu.img /mnt/ubuntu
Fails and just gives me a list of possible options for the mount command
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I had that problem too. Not sure how to fix it on the tablet, I just copied the image I wanted to use (in this case the Arch Linux ARM one -- about which more later) to my Linux box, loop mounted it, tar'd up the files there, copied that to an SD card, and extracted it on the tablet.
However, about Arch Linux ARM, I learned not to bother using the image from the Tubuntu thread and instead just get the latest version from the ALARM downloads page. Use the "NVIDIA Tegra2 TrimSlice" one. The default root password is "root".
The reason not to use the one from the Tubuntu thread is that it is out of date -- Arch has merged /bin and /sbin into /usr, but the image in the Tubuntu thread predates that, and it's a huge pain to upgrade it properly.
smokesignals said:
I had that problem too. Not sure how to fix it on the tablet, I just copied the image I wanted to use (in this case the Arch Linux ARM one -- about which more later) to my Linux box, loop mounted it, tar'd up the files there, copied that to an SD card, and extracted it on the tablet.
However, about Arch Linux ARM, I learned not to bother using the image from the Tubuntu thread and instead just get the latest version from the ALARM downloads page. Use the "NVIDIA Tegra2 TrimSlice" one. The default root password is "root".
The reason not to use the one from the Tubuntu thread is that it is out of date -- Arch has merged /bin and /sbin into /usr, but the image in the Tubuntu thread predates that, and it's a huge pain to upgrade it properly.
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Thanks for that, at least I know I'm not doing something wrong my end, I was trying the Ubuntu 12.04 netinstall from the Transformazing thread, I`ll no doubt try a few until I find one I like
I don't have a Linux box atm, but a quick fix with a wubi or VM install tomorrow and I`ll give your method a shot
Hey jrohwer can you have a look at this ? It may interest you
A silly question.... But do i need pre installed mountloop?
I am kinda confused though lol.
Kingzak34 said:
Hey jrohwer can you have a look at this ? It may interest you
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Looks interesting, I can see whether I can compile his sources, but it will have to wait a while (don't have a lot of time atm).
*Detection* said:
It is TWRP, but I guess TWTR = Team Win Touch Recovery
---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------
I am root, but this command says read only file system
mkdir -p /mnt/ubuntu
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Yes, sorry for got to add the step to remount / in rw mode. OP is updated.
Made the folder using a file manager instead
Next step
mount -o loop /sdcard/ubuntu.img /mnt/ubuntu
Fails and just gives me a list of possible options for the mount command
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Most probably you are using the Android mount command. The busybox mount command has more functionality. I added the OP to explicitly call the busybox mount/umount commands (I have mine aliased by default). Indeed I checked and the Android mount command does not work for loop mount.
vietchinh said:
A silly question.... But do i need pre installed mountloop?
I am kinda confused though lol.
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No you just need a mountloop image which you can then mount as described in the OP, to copy the files over to /data/linuxroot.
jrohwer said:
Yes, sorry for got to add the step to remount / in rw mode. OP is updated.
Most probably you are using the Android mount command. The busybox mount command has more functionality. I added the OP to explicitly call the busybox mount/umount commands (I have mine aliased by default). Indeed I checked and the Android mount command does not work for loop mount.
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Thanks, I`ll give this another shot tonight then with the new instructions
jrohwer said:
Looks interesting, I can see whether I can compile his sources, but it will have to wait a while (don't have a lot of time atm).
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Yup of course take your time I think something good is coming
Tapatalké depuis mon Nexus 4 MIUI !
jrohwer said:
No you just need a mountloop image which you can then mount as described in the OP, to copy the files over to /data/linuxroot.
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Thanks, but i have new problem. Uh i cant execute this line: tar -xzf /sdcard/modules-3.1.10-9.tar.gz. It give's me this:Tar invalid option bla bla bla ;3 SO CLOSE TO COMPLETING T.T.
vietchinh said:
Thanks, but i have new problem. Uh i cant execute this line: tar -xzf /sdcard/modules-3.1.10-9.tar.gz. It give's me this:Tar invalid option bla bla bla ;3
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Leave the - off. so it would be
tar xvf /sdcard/modules-3.1.10-9.tar.gz
Usually works for me.
bfmetcalf said:
Leave the - off. so it would be
tar xvf /sdcard/modules-3.1.10-9.tar.gz
Usually works for me.
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In valid tar magic ._.
i assume i need extract manually heh

HOWTO: extract / modify kernel and initrd IE: rctd

Since so many people are asking, I figured I would write up a quick tutorial on how to modify a boot image. A boot image is a kernel, and an initrd packaged together along with some other information.
This will only concentrate on tearing one apart, modifying it, and putting it back together -- making your own kernel and packaging it is outside the scope.
So, the big thing going around right now is the fact that the lovely carriers have this process (rctd) that runs and chews up CPU. rctd stands for Root Check Toolkit Daemon -- and it does what it sounds like. It checks if you have root, it checks if the system partition has been modified, it checks if the kernel has been modified, etc...etc... Most importantly, it chews up a LOT of CPU and disk IO to do this.
For this to work, you need to have a Linux install, or WLS on Windows 10.
Ubuntu comes packaged with abootimg:
apt install abootimg
abootimg is used to extract / create / update the Android Boot Image, but first we need out boot image.
adb reboot recovery
adb pull /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot boot.img
Now we extract it.
abootimg -x boot.img
This will give you 3 files:
bootimg.cfg // feel free to take a look if you want, but do not change anything in this file or your kernel probably won't boot.
zImage // This is the Linux kernel. If you grab the sources, and compile a kernel, this is what you get. Again, leave it alone.
initrd.img // This is the initrd (Initial Ramdisk). It is loaded by the kernel to give you a working environment before anything else is loaded. This is what we need to modify
Before we modify initrd, we have to extract it. It is a compressed cpio file. There are several ways to extract it, but this is the method I use:
mkdir initrd_temp
cd initrd_temp
zcat ../initrd.img | cpio -idv
zcat cats the file while decompressing it. cpio -idv ... -i means extract (yea, wtf), -d means create the directory tree, and -v just means verbose
So now we are in a directory (initrd_temp) with all the files that are in the initrd. The one we care about is init.lge.rc -- we need to edit this file.
If you open it up in an editor, search for this section:
# LG RCT(Rooting Check Tool)
service rctd /sbin/rctd
class late_start
user root
group root
seclabel u:r:rctd:s0
service ccmd /system/bin/ccmd
class core
user system
group system
socket ccmd stream 0660 root system
seclabel u:r:ccmd:s0
Delete all of that, or comment it out using # signs
Now we need to package everything back up.
find . | cpio --create --format='newc' | gzip -9 > ../newinitrd.img
cd ..
abootimg --create newboot.img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage -r newinitrd.img
When you are done, you will have newboot.img, and you need to flash it.
Since we are still in recovery:
adb push newboot.img /sdcard
adb shell
cd /sdcard
dd if=newboot.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot
Reboot and enjoy your new -- faster -- rctd and ccmd free kernel.
If doing it this manual way isn't for you, @Zacharee1 has created a script to automate the procedure. I wrote this for people that like to know exactly what is going on. Feel free to poke around in the other files that are in your initrd. You may find other things that you want to tweak. However, be careful, you could make a kernel that won't boot. If that happens, just get into recovery and flash one that does
-- Brian
Did anyone ever figure out what ccmd is?
I am 99% sure it allows remote command execution. Pull it, and take a hex editor to it...
It is nothing good, that is for sure.
It listens on a socket: socket ccmd stream 0660 root system
Unable to start CommandListener (%s)
No permission to run ccmd ccmode commands
Usage: ccmode enable
Usage: ccmode getflag
Usage: ccmode setflag <flag>
-- Brian
Im no good installing anything on windows ciao!!
It would be nice if someone with brains. Not me. Lol can figure out a new kernel for 10p h918 with no rctd and only kcal. ?
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I've made a Telegram thread for this subject
With LG G5 h850 im not able to boot the image anymore. I always only get the fastboot screen. Maybe there is a difference?
@DMOEdetc If you pull your kernel and send me a link, I will take a look. As far as I know, the Android boot image hasn't changed since the first version.
The init that Android uses may not like files with CR/LF if you are editing it in Windows and not specifying LF only. init may think it is a corrupt file and therefore refuse to load it...
-- Brian

