want to make a chat app but.... - Other Tools & General Discussion

Been wanting to make a chat app for quite a while now was wondering what all I would need as I'm a noob


updating widgets

im not sure if this is the right area, if not can a mod move it to the correct one. thanks.
Basically i was messing around on my friends iphone and I had never thought before, but as im sure some will know the apps on iphone update for example the facebook app will have a little 1 on top of the widget to let the user know they have a notification. I was just wondering why ive never seen anything like this for android, is there a reason why it cant be done? if there's already a way to do etc. then let me know please, i just think it would look good. thanks.
i kno there is a app called sms unread, but its only for sms messgs, gmail, and email i think
yeh im thinking more like the windows 7 phone with the updating widgets.

[Q] How to make apps??

I want to start making apps and maybe push them to the market. I dont know where to begin. I understand rooting a phone and pushing a Rom to it but I just dont understand how to make apps or where to start at can anyone please help me understand and learn.
Hackaday has a tutorial on how to make android apps, it goes through setting up the environment as well as getting you into the java programming. By the way there's a $25 fee to be able to publish apps to the android market, it's one-time-only but it's there.
Ok great thank you
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App

Asking guidance to make an app from scratch -will donate

I want to make an Android App and publish it to the market.
The project is very simple but since I've never made an app from scratch I am asking for tutorial/guidance from any experienced developer who has already published an app to the android market.
Of course I am willing to make a donation for your time and help
Anybody wants to please help me out ??
anybody with some experience?
PS: The app I want to create is very simple
Hey this is gonna be an annoying answer but try to google it. I'm sure you will get a bunch of links.
Good luck
wayneb02 said:
Hey this is gonna be an annoying answer but try to google it. I'm sure you will get a bunch of links.
Good luck
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I know, I've been reading a lot
I just want some guidance, someone to ask in case of need
Maybe I just need to get rid of my fears and go on and publish it anyway
I have no experience whatsoever but the best I can offer is try with something extremely simple, maybe like a NotePad or something similar
It might help if you explain what you want your app to do.
shpen said:
It might help if you explain what you want your app to do.
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Sending PM
Have you tried reading through a decent android book? They generally walk you through making a basic app.
Neither is a replacement for knowing Java fairly decent beforehand (which is kind of a requirement to creatively develop on android), but it will give you an idea of how an app works on android.
I would also reccomend checking out youtube or google videos in general for app walkthroughs.
Having someone screencast and walk you through making an app even as basic as notepad (if they're doing it awfully verbose and depending on how quickly you pick up on things) would still take some considerable hours.
yareally said:
Have you tried reading through a decent android book? They generally walk you through making a basic app.
Neither is a replacement for knowing Java fairly decent beforehand (which is kind of a requirement to creatively develop on android), but it will give you an idea of how an app works on android.
I would also reccomend checking out youtube or google videos in general for app walkthroughs.
Having someone screencast and walk you through making an app even as basic as notepad (if they're doing it awfully verbose and depending on how quickly you pick up on things) would still take some considerable hours.
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Thank you for the links.
I know nothing about Java. Since the app inventor is dead, I was thinking of using some online app-making websites like buzztouch

[Q] The "Reply All" function in SMS.

Sorry in advance if this has specifically been addressed. Doing a quick search didn't seem to cover it.
Is it possible for the experts here in XDA to write something into Android's code to allow for a Reply All feature in SMS, like in iPhone's SMS? I'm thinking the Reply All feature must be unfixable because there is conversations all over the internet for people requesting Google to fix it. Some have even stayed with Apple because they would miss that feature too much.
And why you're at it, build in emoticons. The emoticons are only available in 3rd party apps, like GoSMS Pro and Handcent, as far as I know.
t4duzan said:
Sorry in advance if this has specifically been addressed. Doing a quick search didn't seem to cover it.
Is it possible for the experts here in XDA to write something into Android's code to allow for a Reply All feature in SMS, like in iPhone's SMS? I'm thinking the Reply All feature must be unfixable because there is conversations all over the internet for people requesting Google to fix it. Some have even stayed with Apple because they would miss that feature too much.
And why you're at it, build in emoticons. The emoticons are only available in 3rd party apps, like GoSMS Pro and Handcent, as far as I know.
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Addressing the second question here...
Which emoticons are you referring to? You can already use all the regular emotes in an SMS. ;-)
You might want to take a look at alernative keyboards to make your emoticon chatting a little easier (swiftkey has quick buttons for emotes, for example).
gflare said:
Addressing the second question here...
Which emoticons are you referring to? You can already use all the regular emotes in an SMS. ;-)
You might want to take a look at alernative keyboards to make your emoticon chatting a little easier (swiftkey has quick buttons for emotes, for example).
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The stock keyboard also has them. They are on the second page of the character set. :'( :$ :S
Sent using the power of the dark side.
t4duzan said:
Sorry in advance if this has specifically been addressed. Doing a quick search didn't seem to cover it.
Is it possible for the experts here in XDA to write something into Android's code to allow for a Reply All feature in SMS, like in iPhone's SMS? I'm thinking the Reply All feature must be unfixable because there is conversations all over the internet for people requesting Google to fix it. Some have even stayed with Apple because they would miss that feature too much.
And why you're at it, build in emoticons. The emoticons are only available in 3rd party apps, like GoSMS Pro and Handcent, as far as I know.
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This is not the place to request features. if what you are looking for is in gosms, use it. Not to come off as a d*ck but this isnt burger king, they dont have your rom your way right away.
If you were find code that would be usable for this feature, it would be a better way to present your request.
Ranting aside, i believe gosms also has the reply all feature if im not mistaken. Im not sure as i dont have an iphone to compare with. But i do use gosms as my sms replacement.
Darunion said:
This is not the place to request features. if what you are looking for is in gosms, use it. Not to come off as a d*ck but this isnt burger king, they dont have your rom your way right away.
If you were find code that would be usable for this feature, it would be a better way to present your request.
Ranting aside, i believe gosms also has the reply all feature if im not mistaken. Im not sure as i dont have an iphone to compare with. But i do use gosms as my sms replacement.
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First off, I'm not requesting anything special in a ROM. My question was that if any of the bright developers have the knowledge to incorporate some of the emoticons into stock mms. Perhaps I should have stated emoji and not emoticons. The ones I'm referring to ARE the ones you find in GoSMS and Handcent, but it would be nice to just use the stock app instead of a 3rd party app to be able to get those. The ones those replying above are referring to basic emoticons (I know, I probably was asking for the wrong things) that can be type in using symbols. I too have been using GoSms and Handcent for the past 2 1/2 years and know that the Reply All feature in GoSMS will respond to all, but send out individual messages, thus breaking the conversation.
Maybe iPhone uses a code that isn't native to Android because I know those 2 platforms steal all they can from each other as it is.
Darunion said:
This is not the place to request features.
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By the way, where would YOU request features? There doesn't seem to be a dedicated forum for that and you're implying there is a place if this isn't it.
t4duzan said:
By the way, where would YOU request features? There doesn't seem to be a dedicated forum for that and you're implying there is a place if this isn't it.
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I don't personally because i know well what the devs go through to get a rom out and be proud of it just to hear 'well can you do this?'. The best place would be a specific roms Q/A thread, because if you post in general then lets say optimistically 3 rom developers add the feature for you, you are only going to use one rom, thus 2 of the devs just wasted their time.Also it is far easier to just get an app that does what you want instead of bloating up android with moogly eye faces. Android after all is extremely modular and is all just a collection of apps. so asking to 'build in' is really just modifying an app so you dont have to spend 30secs to download one. like i said, if gosms does what you want, download it. because being that bloaty isnt for everyone so its easier to just leave it stock and let users download what they want to add to their phones.
might also work better since you are looking for features that would not be phone specific.
Darunion said:
I don't personally because i know well what the devs go through to get a rom out and be proud of it just to hear 'well can you do this?'. The best place would be a specific roms Q/A thread, because if you post in general then lets say optimistically 3 rom developers add the feature for you, you are only going to use one rom, thus 2 of the devs just wasted their time.Also it is far easier to just get an app that does what you want instead of bloating up android with moogly eye faces. Android after all is extremely modular and is all just a collection of apps. so asking to 'build in' is really just modifying an app so you dont have to spend 30secs to download one. like i said, if gosms does what you want, download it. because being that bloaty isnt for everyone so its easier to just leave it stock and let users download what they want to add to their phones.
might also work better since you are looking for features that would not be phone specific.
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Thanks for the link. I'll post my Reply All question over there and see if I get any responses.

Read deleted SMS

Hi all
My son 13-year-old must submit his phone to me every night. Is there any software that I can read his SMS event if the SMS were deleted?
I will appreciate all your ideas and advices.
Here's an idea, give your son some privacy.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Even tho I agree you should give him privacy and build trust with him, I'll help you out.
You could get a app (not sure of name) that makes a nandroid of every thing (including SMS) and have it set on a timer to do so. So at a random point in the day it will backup everything in it and restore it quickly to see what's up, then unrestore. (Maybe titanium backup?)
If his phone is rooted you can easily do it with the app called undelete.
Im a parent I get it. But I think you're going to far and invading their privacy which will cause he or she to rebel big time once they find out...and make no mistake your kid will find out.
sent from my 1920 overclocked note 2 running jedi xp11
sun_414689 said:
I'm learning to protect my child. Is it wrong?
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Protecting you child by giving him no privacy...
Besides if he wants to hind something from you he will, your options have been given, but then again he could prevent any of them if he wanted or just delete messages as soon as he has got them so at the most you get a couple
Hey guys, don't assume anything about the OP's reasons for asking the question.
Maybe his son has had bad habits or "friends" that no "real parents" would like their sons to ever meet.
He asked a technical question (giving the reason why and he could have just asked the question "as is", which would be my advice for any of such question in the future) and if you don't want to answer it because you think it's "bad", well, don't answer it, but please, keep your remarks for yourself.
If you want to discuss about parenthood and the like, there are forums dedicated to such subject. xda is a technical site, so let's keep it technical)
The nandroid backup is a good idea .
Another one
If your career allows you to get your messages, sms, mms, and even voice mail by email (in some unified messaging system or even with IMAP), you could use that. Usually, the messages are NOT deleted from the messaging server when they are deleted from the phone.
My own career provides such a service.
I think we are done here.

