(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.08)
Hello to all the users of Galaxy Note II.
Description update 1-6:
This port based on the port from Samsung S III.
+ Works as a USB host (to connect a mouse, keyboard, flash drives! In the photo there is a screen of the operation of the mouse and keyboard)
+ Sewn region SER
+ Removed all unnecessary programs
+ Added flashlight Samsung Galaxy Note 1
+ New sounds
+ Recording with line
+ Multiwindow mode (Floating window)
+ Renamed SPlaner in the Calendar
+ Advanced Russian menu reset
+ Amended and sewn-in firmware kernel AGNi pureSTOCK v4.3.7 (Removed the program from Agni to disperse, removed the folder after you restart the phone)
+ Watch center
+ Sidebar
+ The maximum savings (welcome shade of gray)
+ In the firmware were only 2 Islands language (Russian and English)
+ Added a button call log
+ Fixed graphics in many files (tipo black treugolnikov or something like that! Now there is a full white color)
+ Fixed bugs
+ Updated libraries
+ gps.config touch was not because of the meaning and difference between Europe and Russia I have not seen
+ Updated some programs
+ Removed SFinder and Bestreplica of blinds
+ Also fixed work with Gmail
+ Fixed the bug when recording line
+ Optimization system
+ New sounds
+ Updated services
+ Optimization of RAM
+ Added updated weather
+ Fixed minor bugs
+ Updated libraries
+ Optimize some system files
+ Optimized and fixed some core files
+ Fixed bug quick restart
+ Sewn into the system busybox , zipaling, zip, sqlite3
+ Fixed all the graphics in applications
+ Changed the gps.conf (Improved accuracy of determining the location)
+ Stitched into the modem firmware
+ Optimization zipaling
+ Sewn Recovery (PhilZ Touch 6)
+ Optimization (ext4 file system)
+ Updated biblioteki
+ Support tune2fs
+ Fixed core files (Now the folder AGNi_efs_backup after a reboot is not created!)
+ Opravil some files PhilZ Touch 6
+ Fixed minor bugs
+ Fixed bugs in feature.xml
+ Updated libraries to spen
+ Translated into Russian SystemUI
+ Fixed position of the point of the stylus (Now at the center!)
+ Fixed error when selecting automatic time pole
+ Optimization system
+ Now all firmware in white
+ Removed not nuzhnego buttons from the blinds (if someone wants dobavit buttons You need to edit file feature.xml)
+ Fixed bugs
+ Fixed bug life standard browser
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 7
+ This includes all updates from the update 1-6
+ System Optimization
+ New recovery
+ Bug fixes
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 8
+ System Optimization
+ Fixed a bug download all video files via a standard browser
+ Update some system files and libraries
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 9
+ Returned kernel AGNi 4.3.7 as 4.3.8 is not stable!
+ Optimization file system
+ Update libraries
+ Fixed some bugs
+ Optimization Interface
+ Updated library of modules for mali400
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 10
+ Update all libraries
+ Fixed bug emulation screen in settings
+ Fixed minor bugs
+ Fixed schedule in some files
+ Optimized all apk files
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 11
+ Update all libraries
+ Fixed bug Samsung account
+ Fixed bugs Music to Adap Sound
+ Optimized kernel
+ Fixed some bugs
+ Fixed bug Download
+ Fixed bug Service
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 12
+ Returned the video driver from Mali 400 update 9. As a new driver itself is poorly established in the work! (With the old working not only additional emulation screen)
+ Optimization of RAM
+ Fixed schedule
+ Returned pre-start settings
+ Upgraded the theme file
+ Upgraded the setup file
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 13
+ The phone is now to determined as expected Galaxy Note II
+ Fixed bugs
+ Completed to schedule in some applications
+ Corrected kernel code
+ Updated some libraries
+ Bug fix for Samsung Platform
+ Updated recovery now it's in Russian
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 14
+ Updated libraries of standard video (Now plays all formats)
+ Fixed scroll Wallpaper to your desktop
+ Updated video driver (emulation Now works extra screen)
+ Corrected and translated recovery
+ Fixed tank with effects when charging
+ Corrected schedule in some programs
+ Fixed minor bugs
+ Optimized the kernel AGNi 4.3.7
+ Updated libraries
+ Tweaked the code android.policy.jar
+ Everything that was associated with Not4 I altered the Not2
+ Smooth interface
+ Optimization of RAM
+ Moved some settings on Russian
+ Ismini called S Planner Calendar
+ Updated Superuser to latest version
+ Updated all apps to latest versions
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 15
+ The new base N7100XXU1ANK5
+ Fix departure Google voice search
+ Update libraries
+ Ispravlenie translation
+ Fix translation recovery
+ Fixed minor bugs
+ Modifying the core code AGNi 4.3.7
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 update 16
+ Optimization of a new database N7100XXU1ANK5
+ Optimiza RAM
+ Tweaked the code of the kernel AGNi 4.3.7
+ Moved all programs to Russian
+ Interface optimization
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final
+ Optimization of the system
+ Revision recovery and upgrade to
+ Tweaked the code of the kernel AGNi 4.3.7 (Final)
+ Moved all programs to Russian
+ Update libraries
+ Fixed some bugs
+ Updated the driver in the vendor folder
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.0
+ Fixed the display of the widget alarm clock
+ Fixed core! Removed the scripts and everything related to overclocking! AGNi Control with this kernel doesn't work!
+ Fixed bugs
+ New recovery (Now Russian)
+ Install the firmware without any firmware mods kernels and recoveriesr
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.1
+ Fixed crash lock screen
+ Fixed minor bugs
+ Fixed translation in applications
+ Also fixed the graphics in applications
+ Core mod
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.2
+ Bug fix calendar
+ Optimization of RAM
+ Optimization of the core code
+ Fixed some not decety
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.3
+ Fixed crash SPen smart choice
+ Optimization of the system
+ Optimization of electricity
+ Fixed some bugs
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.4
+ Added paragraphs in settings
+ Fixed bug lock valve
+ To effect unlock "Abstract tiles"
+ New keyboard from Samsung S6
+ New sounds
+ Fixed bug sending paid SMS
+ Fixed some bugs
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.5
+ Added patch poured the camera
+ Fixed bug screen unlock pin code
+ Fixed translation
+ Optimization of the system
+ Update libraries
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.6
+ Fixed bug Google Bank account
+ Removed some items from the settings
+ New sounds
+ Update libraries
+ Upravleni some bugs
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.7
+ Update the modem
+ Fixed bug IWLAN
+ Optimization of the kernel AGNi 4.3.7 (like Most stable kernel in my opinion! Since I have finished to the end)
+ Updated libraries responsible for the video driver
+ Optimization of RAM (try for yourself! I began to eat less system)
+ The driver update mali400mp4 (driver taken from the latest firmware 4.4.2)
+ The system is cleaned to the very end (removed all the trash)
+ Where sometimes met English was translated into Russian
+ Removed notice about the inclusion of mobile Internet
+ Corrected schedule
+ New recovery rus
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.8 (Updated)
+ Fixed display of graphics in applications
+ Optimized RAM
+ Optimization of the kernel
+ Increase in energy intake
+ Updated libraries
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v1.9 (Updated)
+ New fully working calendar
+ Edit graphics
+ Update some files (Vendor)
+ Translation of some applications on Russian
+ Updated libraries
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v2
+ New kernel Agni 4.4.5 (improved power to maximum)
+ Update libraries
+ Fixed Bluetooth
+ Fixed podvisanie lock screen
+ Fixed crash applications
+ Fixed minor bugs
+ Fixed graphics in places
+ Fixed work of gray in the core Agne 4.4.5
+ Fixed the stuttering music. (Try. I works fine)
+ And so small fixes
+ Improved stability of the whole system
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v2.1
+ Fixed bug of video drivers
+ Fixed minor bugs
+ Update GPU driver
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v2.2
+ Replaced the camera icon on the lock screen
+ Updated vendor files
+ Optimization of the kernel
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v2.3
+ Redesigned the new Agni kernel version 4.4.6
+ Optimization of the kernel
+ Update models
+ Optimization of energy saving
+ Fixed some bugs in graphics
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v2.4
+ New base N7100XXU1AOB1
+ New modem N7100XXU1AOB3
+ Added services Sview
+ Fixed bugs
+ Optimizacija framework file
+ Fixed error in translation in some applications
+ Minor fixes to recovery
+ Fixed bug with using themes
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 Final v2.5
+ Optimized database
+ Edit code modem
+ Fixed Bluetooth headset
+ Update some libraries
+ Optimization of energy consumption
+ Fixed S Note
+ Fixed error location from the gallery
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100)
+ Optimization of the system
+ Removed not needed items from the settings
+ Modified the translation
+ Removed private mode
+ Update libraries
+ Optimization of the kernel
+ Optimize display graphics
+ Fixed adding event in contact
+ Fixed notification bug with birthday in the title bar
+ Fixed bug with selection lock No
+ Fixed display of the shortcut camera
+ Fixed the twrp code
+ Fixed the kernel code
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.01)
+ Fixed the twrp code
+ Fixed the kernel code
+ Stock keyboard from Note 4
+ Fixed graphics in Pinboard
+ Fixed SmartClipService
+ Update libraries
+ Added Russian language for handwriting recognition
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.02)
+ The addition in the title bar
+ Fixed display of graphics in the application (Now all icons are displayed correctly)
+ Added uvelichitelnoe glass in the stock browser
+ Minor changes
+ Correction treatment some framework files
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.03)
+ Fixes in gallery
+ Stock radio
+ Minor fixes
+ Update libraries
+ Translation of the text into Russian on the lock screen
+ Binary update
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.04)
+ Mod app download
+ Optimization of the kernel
+ Optimization of the system files
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.05)
+ Changed package name Splanner
+ Changes in android.policy.jar
+ Changes in the core
+ Optimization of the core code namely I/O
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.06)
+ New base N7100XXU1AOB3
+ Optimized database
+ Minor fixes
+ Video call fix
+ Maybe something else
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.07)
+ Minor changes in contacts (deleted the profile settings)
+ Update models kernel
+ Edit the smali code (framework.jar, framework2.jar, services.jar)
+ Added Stk.apk
+ Edit the graphics of the system to correctly display
+ Mod calendar
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100 v0.08)
+ Database returned N7100XXU1AOB1
+ Fix RAM
+ Some changes in the kernel
+ Fixed graphics (Stock)
+ Note2 Stock key
Поддержка прошивки прекращена так как сломался телефон!
Если кто то хочет продолжить мой проект могу отдать исходники всего что хотел с делать в 0.09
если есть желание пишите на [email protected]
The firmware works correctly!! For installing mods or additions I do not meet your needs by computer!! All what I can I do for this phone!! To change or add files or bugfixes don't. In this moment is! All will be later! Since I'm doing the firmware for myself and posted it for General use! So do yourself!! And languages them You can activate by yourself! I need only two languages Russian and English!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Прошивка работает отлично! за работу с модами или с какими то своими доработками не отвечаю! Так как прошивка заточена именно под данный тип файлов! Просьбы на добавление или изменения в прошивке не принимаю!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 by usol38 mail.ru
Android 4.4.4 Note 2 by usol38 mega.co.nz
Download Russian recovery based on TWRP from me:
Download: View attachment 3572647
Download TWRP fix:
Download: View attachment 3572638
Download Mod Kernel AGNi by usol38:
Download: View attachment 3546223
Download: View attachment 3579520
Download: View attachment 3746146
Stock key by usol38:
Download: View attachment 3746303
Download: View attachment 3746304
Multi Language and CSC Update By usol38:
Download: Multi Language and CSC Update By usol38
Download new Modem:
Download: View attachment 3532105
Patch Camera:
If You have error "Failed camera" can use this patch!
Download: View attachment 3748233
Blutooth fix:
Lay out two versions of the fix for those who badly works Bluetooth! Works for me without these fixes.
Download: View attachment 3722896
Download: View attachment 3722897
If someone wants to thank:
QIWI: +79041142255
Perfect Money: U10667097
Addition to the firmware
Download English reboot menu by usol38:
Download: View attachment 3589101
Download adding buttons to the shutter:
Download: View attachment 3589199
You can also use the program to add buttons to the shutter:
Download: View attachment 3589237
Download The number of desks with 5 to 10 by usol38:
Download: View attachment 3598640
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100)This firmware with working touch controls. But there are problems with the kernel because it is not very well behaved on firmware 4.4.4.
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100)
+ Working touch buttons
+ Core Kyubi
+ Fixed bug in binary file SuperSU
+ Optimization of the system
Download: (ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100) mega.co.nz
Program PC
Color: View attachment Color.rar
The color editor: View attachment ColorEdit.zip
The Russian font Converter to Unicode: View attachment Converter_v1_0.zip
Add md5 to tar windows (mod and rus): View attachment 3742945
Apk manager 7.3 (Mod by usol38): View attachment 3953298
Apk manager 7.4 (Mod by usol38): View attachment 3953325
Hi mates! can yoi report me experiences about this rom? work well? bugs?
And most important, does smart scroll work? how much screen on time?THX!
When i click wifi direct settings fc.. please fix
Samofr said:
When i click wifi direct settings fc.. please fix
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Works for me perfectly! You fashion put on the firmware?
usol38 said:
Works for me perfectly! You fashion put on the firmware?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did a full wipe.. system data cache and dalvik but no luck !!
updating rom need clean flash? thx
Installed but still has Russian text all over it
D4almond said:
updating rom need clean flash? thx
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've just installed this - looks great, however when it started up I selected english as the language, and most things are showing in english, however the restart menu is still in Russian, and in the information menu (when you drag down from the top), my mobile phone providers name is in russian as well.
These are the first two things I've found I'll let you know if I find any others.
Can you help me to fix these two things?
usol38 said:
(ROM) Android 4.4.4 by usol38 (N-7100) (Stable) (Final v1.7)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Also can't register on the network - so can't make or receive calls or use mobile data... any ideas?
---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------
mightymouse2045 said:
Also can't register on the network - so can't make or receive calls or use mobile data... any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Registered on the network now with the patched modem I got from here:
mightymouse2045 said:
I've just installed this - looks great, however when it started up I selected english as the language, and most things are showing in english, however the restart menu is still in Russian, and in the information menu (when you drag down from the top), my mobile phone providers name is in russian as well.
These are the first two things I've found I'll let you know if I find any others.
Can you help me to fix these two things?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
check here dude
credits to him
ура, русскоязычные ромоделы теперь и на хда спасибо за прошивку!
только пара вопросов:
1) нужно ли сначала поставить 4.4.2 прошивку если перехожу с 5.0.х версий (некоторые 4.4.4 прошивки этого требуют)
2) включены ли в прошивку улучшения записи видео и фото?
D4almond said:
check here dude
credits to him
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks mate
Небольшое обновление
This rom will work if I flash AC mod v9 or v10
Paragon X said:
This rom will work if I flash AC mod v9 or v10
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Without concepts for firmware mods do not respond! Since I use clean firmware!!!
Fast, Stable, Responsive, No battery drains and fast battery charges.
My installation steps:
*wiped all but external sd;
*installed latest stock rom from sammobile;
*wiped all but internal and external sd;
*installed v 1.9 rom;
*installed language enabler from Play Store;
*installed Boeffla Sound app from Play Store.
Using a cool and stable rom. :good::good::good:
Update post
[ROM][4.1.2][07Jan] ◄● CAPONMOD for N2 ● 3.1 ●► Aroma ● OTA ● Kitchen ● AL92 ►
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
>>>> Version 3.1 <<<<
Based On XXDLL4 Stock Firmware ( Android 4.1.2, Jelly Bean)
Rooted (Cf-Root)
Init.d scripts support
Enabled hidden languages
Enabled more Spin languages
Included Modems
121 CSC
Low Battery Sound: INCEPTION
Fast Reboot
Increasing The Video Recording Quality
Screen Rotate To 270 degree
Increase VM Heap Size
Render UI With GPU
Increasing It Will Make Mobile Smoother
Video Acceleration Enabled
Increase Performance
Disable Sending Usage Data
Deeper Sleep/Better battery life
Ringing Will Start Immediately
Disable Error Checking
Signal Tweaks
NetSpeed Tweaks
Google DNS Tweak
Photo And Video Quality
Touch Responsiveness
Scrolling Responsiveness
Power Save Tweaks
Faster Scrolling
Wifi to scan less frequently
Cyano Calculator
Boot Animation CaponMod with R2D2 Power On
Ota Update
Call Recorder
Task Manager Shortcut
Extendend Power Menu: 4 way to Reboot
Gmail 4.2
Bravia Engine Libraries
Resizable Popup Browser
MOD Camera v8 (By Jobnik)
ACID AUDIO ENGINE v5!!!! (with Awesome Beats and Dolby Mobile)
Ink Effect Without SPen
Exit Option in Default Browser
Enter Key = New Line in Message App
Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard (only for some languages)
No Limits on joining contacts together.
Stock browser requests Desktop site by default
Show the current user agent in Internet->Settings->Advanced
Hide Software Update from Settings
Show your hardware revision in Settings->About (same as dialing *#12580*369#)
Enable infinite scrolling in TW home screens, app drawer, and widget drawer
MultiWindow Complete Control V2:
FULL Control over the MultiWindow Bar- Add applications to the MultiWindow Bar with ease
Remove added applications
Alphabetical representation of the added applications
No need for restarting the device
Reads the settings of the old application, and gets the icons on each boot to fix a lot of bugs
Control Framework-Defined applications, including Samsung PreDefined Ones
Control the Timer of the Edit Window, which autocloses by default after 3 seconds (annoying, I know)
Very flexible framework
----> Graphic Mods <----
Notifications Center Modded Blue and Transparance
Transparent Multiwindows
Blue Lockscreen Clock
Icons Aosp Jelly Bean
Center Clock Blue
Close Status Bar CaponMod - AL92
Modded Dialer Theme totally (Black and Blue)
Modded Settings Theme (JB Stock Theme)
Modded SMS Theme (Black and Blue)
Modded System icons
Modded Camera Theme (Black and Blue)
Alarm Theme Modded
Blue Simplistic Framework, with Toggle Control App
Gallery Theme Modded
Music Player Theme Modded
Modified Message Icon
Modded Archive Theme
Modded E-Mail Theme
Transparent Features in Power Menu
Transparent Features in Volume Menu.
----> System App Added <----
CaponMod Manager
Beats Audio
OTA Updater Center
One More Clock Free Widget
CaponMod Manager: this app added in drawer of Rom, includes a Kitchen
with some elements (flashable .zip) to customize your rom, like Modems, Kernels, Boot Animations, Themes and Theme Elements, Wallpaper, etc...
I Will add Add-ons with the passage of time, if you have requests ... let them! . Please, RATE this app on Google Play Store
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
----> System App Eliminated <----
User Manual
FW Upgrade
- Your Device Must Be Rooted, with CWM Recovery (---> How To<---)
- Backup Applications with Titanium Backup (it is necessary unless you want to re-download all your apps)
- Reboot into recovery mode (Power Button + Home Button + Volume Up)
- Install Zip From SD Card
- Choose Zip From SD Card
- Select File .zip you just downloaded
- Will start the installation with the Tool AROMA INSTALLER
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Aroma Installer is a tool that will allow you to completely customize the ROM before installation, just follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
The installation may be of two types:
- Update (Update your previous version of CaponMod)
- New Installation (First installation, erase all data)(recommended)
Then you can:
- Backing the EFS folder to be safe from a failed flash
- Choose Your Modem:
- Choose Your Kernel:
- Stock
- Abyss
- Perseus
- Choose Launcher:
- Nova
- Touchwiz
- ADW Launcher
- Apex
- Choose Apps to Install:
- SSuggest
- All Share Play
- Accuweather Widget
- Mozilla Firefox
- Titanium Backup
- MX Player Video
- Player Pro
- Led Light Manager
- ChatON
- Google Talk
- Samsung Hubs
- Adobe Flash Player
- File Manager
- Cpu Spy
- Facebook
- Skype
- Swype
- Triangle Away
- Choose your Boot Animation:
- Samsung Stock
- CaponMod Stock
- Boot Animation NSS
- KeyBoard:
- Stock Samsung
- 4.2 Android Blue Mod
- LockScreen Clock:
- Blue
- White
- Camera and Gallery:
- Stock Samsung
- Android 4.2
All ChangeLogs:
-------> v 3.1 <-------
Date: 07Gen[/B]
- Exit Option in Default Browser
- Enter Key = New Line in Message App
- Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard (only for some languages)
- No Limits on joining contacts together.
- Stock browser requests Desktop site by default
- Show the current user agent in Internet->Settings->Advanced
- Hide Software Update from Settings
- Show your hardware revision in Settings->About (same as dialing *#12580*369#)
- Enable infinite scrolling in TW home screens, app drawer, and widget drawer
- Updated CaponMod Manager to 1.5
- Solved Firefox installation Bug in AROMA
- Solved Android 4.2 Camera installation Bug in AROMA
- Update Abyss to 1.5.1 Final!
- Framework Modified:
Transparent Features in Power Menu
Transparent Features in Volume Menu.
Modified Settings Theme
- Updated AROMA to 2.56
- Modified Progress Bar in Aroma. Now Works Perfectly
-------> v 3.0 <-------
Date: 28Dec[/B]
- Solved Touchwiz bug in AROMA
- Replaced AL92Dev app with CaponMod Manager (Please, go to Google Play store and rate it (5 stars :P))
- Update Abyss to 1.4.1 in AROMA
- All Apps of XXDLL4
- MW Control for XXDLL4
- Removed 23 Toggle Buttons
- Blue Simplistic Framework, with Toggle Control App
- Readded Task Manager Shortcut
- Alarm Theme Modded
- Gallery Theme Modded
- Music Player Theme Modded
- Modified Message Icon
- Modded Archive Theme
- Removed Status Bar Trasparency
- Modded E-Mail Theme
-------> v 2.6 - Maya Edition <-------
Date: 21 Dec[/B]
- Added XXDLK7 Modem to AROMA
- Solved Touchwiz Bug (Widgets cut, and lack of Thematic Pages)
- Now Touchwiz There is not in System Apps if you don't have selected it into Aroma
- Updated AL92Dev App
- Updated Perseus Kernel (29 - with Exynos Security Fix!) in AROMA
- Camera Mod updated to v8
- MW Control App Updated (Thanks to LegendK95)
- Modified SecSettings (Theme and Options)
- Modified Some Tweaks
- Added XXDLJ2 Modem to AROMA
[B]-------> v 2.5 <-------
Date: 11 Dec[/B]
- Added AL92Dev APP to Drawer (with KITCHEN!!!)
- 23 Tooggle Buttons (Thanks to raubkatze)
- Advances Menu in Drawer to customize Toggle Buttons!!!
- Modified build.prop tweaks- Updated Perseus Kernel in AROMA
- Updated Abyss to 1.3.0 in AROMA
[B]-------> v 2.3 <-------
Date: 06 Dec[/B]
- Resizable Popup Browser
- MOD Camera v7 (By Jobnik, Thanks to..)
- NEW ACID AUDIO ENGINE v5!!!! (Added Awesome Beats and Dolby Mobile)
- Ink Effect Without SPen (Thanks to Criskelo)
- Re-Added VideoPlayer.apk (accidentally removed in 2.2)
- Modified some build.prop tweaks
- Solved Bug Modems (ZCALJ6/BALJ3)
- AllSharePlay/SSuuggest/Accuweather Widget to search to install
- Added Firefox in "Apps"
- Updated Abyss to 1.2.3 Final!!!
- Solved a Bug in Apps Section
[B]-------> v 2.2 <-------
Date: 28 Nov[/B]
- Extendend Power Menu: 4 way to Reboot (Thanks to Darkii 89)
- Added Gmail 4.2
- Solved bug with SecSettings.apk
- Solved Dialer Bug
- Bravia Engine Libraries
- Removed Chrome From System Apps
- Re-added OMC Free to System Apps
- Modified some build.prop tweaks
- Fixed problem of Battery Icon
- Fixed problem of Lockscreen Clock
- Update Abyss (1.2.1)
- Fixed problem of Perseus Kernel
- Fixed problem of 4.2 Keyboard Blue
- Fixed problem of Modems
- Added BALJ3 and BUALI8 to Modems
- Fixed problem of 4.2 Camera and Gallery
Graphic Mods:
- Modded Dialer Theme totally (Black and Blue)
- Modded Settings Theme (JB Stock Theme)
- Modded SMS Theme (Black and Blue)
- Modded Some icons
- Modded Camera Theme (Black and Blue)
[B]-------> v 2.1 <-------
Date: 25 Nov[/B]
- Call Recorder
- S Note bug solved
- Black Glass Dialer
- Camera and gallery from android 4.2 (in AROMA)
- Adjust Options of Battery Icons and Lockscreen Clock (in AROMA)
- Task Manager Shortcut
Download from al92dev.com
Please, if you download the ROM from TORRENT, keep the file sharing as much time as possible ... in this manner will allow other people to quickly download ... thanks
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Let me know your experience about download speed
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---> NSS Topic For ITALIAN USERS <---
I'm a student of Computer Engineering, and the only developer working on this Rom...
if do you like my jobs and want to support my Rom, you can make me a little Donate! :fingers-crossed:
There are fewer and fewer hosting sites that allow you to upload a rom so great for free. If you want to support my work, you can give me a small amount, so that I can buy a premium account on a hosting site with fast speed of download and can pay server for my official blog!
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You will be added to credits to Donators
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If you flash this rom, do so at your own risk, I do not feel responsible for any damage to the device
If you download this rom, Please, click on THANKS Button, and Feedback to me about your Experience with CaponMod
Other Works:
----->CaponMod4NSS (Custom Rom For Samsung Galaxy S3) <------
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[GN2 - GS3] How to Delete Home Button Lag
Video Tutorial to install CaponMod Rom with Aromahttp://al92dev.altervista.org/how-to-install-caponmod-rom-on-galaxy-note-2/
4 Methods to root Samsung Galaxy Note 2
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------------>> CREDITS <<-------------
Wanam (Basic Stock Firmware XXDLJ2 Deodexed and Rooted)
Cis80 (Great Help with Aroma Installer)
angelom (Abyss Kernel)
AndreiLux (Perseus Kernel)
LegendK95 (MultiWindowControl)
Team AC!D
raubkatze (Some Graphic Mods)
Loudness 79 - BloodHound82 (BootAnimation NSS)
Jobnik (Mod Camera)
Criskelo (Ink Effect without SPen)
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-------> Thanks To Donators: <-------
—–> shohratshankar <—–
---> shinchan162 <---
---> AlbertoEstrabiz <---
---> gamesz2 <---
---> nihal1983 <---
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CaponMod Manager
This is a system app in CaponMod Rom. With this app you will can customize you Rom with all elements of Kitchen (Frequent Updates), having a direct link to my blog (al92dev.com). I will add flashable .zip from CWM, with each passing day, again following your advice!
Please, Rate this App on Google Play Store :good:
Very Important: Before you publish the Rom on sites / topic of forum / blog that is not directly managed by me, please contact the undersigned
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For those who use my Rom, I created a banner to put in signature (here or on other forums), if sometimes give me a little 'advertising
Code to put in signature:
Code to put in signature:
There are fewer and fewer hosting sites that allow you to upload a rom so great for free. If you want to support my work, you can give me a small amount, so that I can buy a premium account on a hosting site with fast speed of download
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You will be added to credits to Donators
Thanks , but finally , this firmware is final or bete? I don't understand anymore lol
marshall39 said:
Thanks , but finally , this firmware is final or bete? I don't understand anymore lol
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XXDLJ2 is first leaked firmware of Android 4.1.2 for Galaxy Note 2, it isn't official release! However I did not find any particular bugs. Leaked Firmware released by Samsung are very very Stable!
good thanks for your big work
You have includ 4 way reboot ? and it is work perfect ?
How very heartening,hehe.
brolee93 said:
good thanks for your big work
You have includ 4 way reboot ? and it is work perfect ?
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No, Extended Power Menu will be in next releases
Looks great, will try it soon
sent from: The New S-Pen
Added Credits and Thanks to Donators to second Post!
The only bug right now is a Samsung bug with this leak.
The s-note is not working and crashes every time. AL92 says he will work to fix this soon.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
Battery...After 15 hours... with Stock Kernel and CaponMod 2.0
Sent By Galaxy Note 2 with CaponMod
AL92 said:
No, Extended Power Menu will be in next releases
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Thanks for reply bro
Good work
AL92 said:
Battery...After 15 hours... with Stock Kernel and CaponMod 2.0
Sent By Galaxy Note 2 with CaponMod
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Can you Share screen time
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
After 24 hours...
Sent by Galaxy Note 2 with CaponMod
Really nice job!
The OTA is just awesome.
But one more question here is that can i replace the Omega romV7.1 with this rom without full wipe ?
honda.f said:
Really nice job!
The OTA is just awesome.
But one more question here is that can i replace the Omega romV7.1 with this rom without full wipe ?
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I think not, you might try but personally I recommend you select New Installation Aroma, so as to make a full wipe
Thanks! Got it!
Best ROM for my GSN 2,very good jop AL92, please fix s-note soon
I think I'll give a shot
Fixed SNote bug (Thanks to friend Cis80). With the new version (probably available tomorrow) S Note will work perfectly, and there will be more news in the 2.1 ... Waiting for ...
Presenting my Extremely De-bloated TouchWiz ROM:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This will be the lightest TouchWiz ROM you ever will see! Just 494 MB
See Post #2 for the G900F/I/T/K/L/S/M/W8 XtreStoLite Aroma Add-on Package
See Post #3 for the G900H Exynos XtreStoLite Lollipop version (ROM & Add-on package)
Post #4 for latest Odin Bootloader & Modem packages for each model
INTL. 2.2 Lollipop G900F/I/T/K/L/S/M/W8 version ROM Details:
- Based on the latest Samsung Stock G900F XXU1BOD3 Lollipop firmware (Base build date: 9-APRIL-2015)
- Options between the following 7 kernels:
Latest Stock Kernel for each model (Make sure that you're on an recent Lollipop bootloader)
Latest KToonsez kernel (plus option to flash it with the G900I NFC fix)
- De-bloated ROM to approximately 410 MB!! (zipped) (& 752 MB unzipped) (the other 85 MB are the choosable mods/tweaks/kernels that are included with this ROM)
- All the standard features of Stock Android will work, so it's like an AOSP ROM with the TouchWiz launcher & SystemUI
- Deodexed & Mods!
The Mods that are included at default with this ROM:
★ 5-Way Reboot Menu
★ Removed High volume warning message
★ Removed Increasing Ringtone
★ All 3 animation speeds at 0.5 at default
★ Enabled Torch Light quick toggle
★ Enabled App Ops Permission manager in Settings
★ 12 apps Toolbox (increased from 5 to 12)
- Unique separate Aroma Add-on Package which includes all the removed Samsung 'bloatware' apps, so that you can flash at any time your missing app back... SEE POST #2
- ROM still includes the original Samsung Gallery, Camera, Dialer, Messages, Music, Alarm & Calculator apps
- Latest Google Keyboard (You can install the Samsung keyboard with the Aroma add-on package from post #2)
- Latest SuperSu & BusyBox binary's integrated
- KNOX fully removed
- 100% Clean and correct installation script (by @_alexndr & me)
- Native Call Recording
- Optional working Private Mode (with the Aroma add-on package)
- At every boot the FsTrim command will be excecuted, to keep your Phone smooth and the internal memory fast!
- SD-card write permissions
- (Optional) CSC tweaks, like:
★ Add secondary symbols to the Samsung Keyboard
★ Native Call recording
★ Camera shutter sound button in the Samsung Camera app
★ Enable All Quick Toggles in the notification panel (will show up after 2nd reboot after an clean install)
★ Enable camera during call
★ TouchWiz Launcher is sorted Alphabetically at default
★ Disabled Auto-correction for the Samsung Keyboard at default
★ Filming with the Samsung camera app no longer pauses Music (if you're playing music)
★ Messaging time stamps to it's original time
★ Enable Call Button in call log list
★ Call/Message blocking Settings entry
★ Message 999 recipient limit
★ Exit button in the Samsung internet Browser
- A few optional build.prop tweaks, like: Fewer WiFi scans, Faster Boot animation speeds, Disabled call ring and Proximity delay.
- You can choose different mods when installing the ROM, like:
Remove S-Finder & QuickConnect buttons in the Notification drawer
3Minit Battery Mod (choose between 1070+ battery icons)
Multi-User support
Modded Samsung Camera (which even works when on low battery!)
Modded Messages app with the following mods:
★ Fixed the Messages block list FC
★ Enabled Save/restore messages function
★ Disabled automatic SMS-to-MMS conversion
★ Increased the SMS limit per hour to 1000
★ Disabled SMS, MMS and Email in Call logs
★ Increased the MMS max. file size to 2048000 bytes + Increased max. MMS image size to 4096x2048 [8.4MP]
★ Enabled Screen on/off notification toggle in the settings (of the Messages app)
★ Disable SMS-to-MMS conversion when message contains an Emoji
This ROM supports the following models: G900F, G900I, G900T, G900M, G900W8, G900K, G900L, G900S
Separate XtreStoLite G900H Lollipop & G900T KitKat versions available
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See Post #2 for the Aroma Add-on Package, so that you can choose which Samsung Apps / functions you want back.
You can use this Aroma add-on package at any time after flashing this rom (So you can first use the rom barebone and look for yourself which app/feature you want to have back)
Settings -> Wallpaper FC's!? That's normal... because you have to flash the Samsung Wallpaper picker add-on with the XtreStoLite Aroma Add-on Package for this (see post #2)
The first boot will take a very long time to boot up (because this ROM is deodexed), The bootscreen shows up longer than usual (around the 5 minutes), so make sure that you wait long enough to let it boot up on first boot!
The aim of this ROM is to keep it as close to the stock firmware as possible. Because this way the ROM is the most stable you can get, and also you don't have any mods that can have influence on the performance and/or battery life of the ROM.
If you're experiencing ANY issue, then first make sure that you're on the latest bootloader/firmware (see post #4 for latest one for your model), and that you've done an clean install (data/factory reset before installing the ROM).
All the Google Play Store apps are NOT included in the ROM (or Aroma add-on package), you can download those by yourself in the Play Store.
If you did choose the KToonsez kernel option in the installer of the ROM, then make sure you accept the SuperSu root permission promt after first boot-up.
If you choose to use the KToonsez kernel, then an custom kernel profile (by @LuigiBull23) will be automatically set as default kernel settings... This profile has an slightly OC (2,5 GHz) on the CPU at default.
The kernel settings can you tweak by yourself with the KTweaker app.
If you experience reboots with the Ktoonsez kernel, then try to disable the OC on the CPU with the Ktweaker app (decrease max. CPU frequency to 2,45 Ghz) or increase the CPU voltages with 25 or 30 mV
If you're experiencing any other issue/bug while using the KToonsez (or any other custom) kernel, then always first flash back the Stock Samsung kernel, and look if you still experience the issue/bug, before you post an reply here about your issue/bug.
The 'OK Google' voice command for the Google Search app works only if you have set your system language to one of the supported languages for this voice command.
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- @Ktoonsez (for the amazing Ktoonsez kernel)
- @LuigiBull23 (for the great Ktoonsez profiles)
- @_alexndr (for parts of the installation script, the native init.d support & Multi-CSC feature)
- @steha (for helping me with the Mods in v.1.3.5+)
- @Txr33 (for the G900I NFC Fix) (Updated them by myself to the newest G900I base)
- @gharrington (for the 3Minit Battery Mod)
- @tamirda (for the Screen Mirroring build.prop fix)
- @AL_IRAQI (for the SystemUI Overlay themes)
- All the beta testers of course!!
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- Updated whole ROM to firmware base XXU1BOD3 (build date April 9th)
- Done the deodexing process + all the mods using the latest oat2dex jar & apktool 2.0 Final versions
- Added TouchWiz Launcher Theme support
- Added Galaxy S6 System UI/Notification/Ringtone sounds (optional)
- Fixed/Changed Flashlight Quick toggle icon (to the default Galaxy S6 one)
- Updated G900I Stock kernel to firmware base BOD3
- Updated G900M Stock kernel to BOD1
- Updated G900L/S/K Stock kernel (and WiFi fix) to firmware base BOD3
- Updated Google Play Store to v.5.4.12
- Removed the tweak to remove the boot sound... (this caused continous logcat spam when the bootsound got removed)
- Removed KNOX /system/bin files
- Fixed G900I NFC fix (SideSync should work now, & it's an much cleaner NFC fix) (thanks to @txr33)
- Updated Ktoonsez kernel to 6-APR-2015 (Much much smoother/faster now! And made the default kernel profile Ktoonsified v4)
- Updated SuperSu to 2.49 (beta)
- Updated Google Play Services to v.7.3.29
- Updated Webview to v.42.0.2311.137
- Updated Google Messenger app to v.1.3.030 (1885066-38)
- Updated the whole ROM to firmware base XXU1BOC7 (build date: March 16th)
- Updated G900F Stock kernel to XXU1BOC7
- Enabled App Ops Permission manager in Settings
- Added Multi-user support build.prop tweak
- Updated Google Play Services to v.7.0.97
- Updated G900W8 Stock kernel to VLU1BOC1
- Updated G900M Stock kernel to UBU1BOC1
- Added ZTO (Brazil), ROM (Romania) & CYO (Cyprus) CSC's
- Updated BTU, CPW, DBT, ITV, XEF & XEO CSC's to the latest versions from the BOC7 firmware
- Added AT&T carrier apn settings (for those who are using an G900T model with AT&T)
- Added extra CSC's: SER, BMC, TLS, RWC, VTR, TUR, ATO & THL.
- Added 'Remove Safe-volume warning' mod (at default in the ROM)
- Added 'Remove increasing ringtone' mod (optional)
- Updated Stock G900M kernel to G900M BOB3 firmware
- Updated Ktoonsez Kernel to 10-3-2015 (BOB1 sources+ramdisk)
- Updated Google Play Services to v.7.0.93
- Updated Google Play Store to v.5.3.6
- Updated Android WebView to v.40 (1779353-arm)
- Updated Android Messenger app to v.1.2.036
- Android 5.0 (LRX21T) Lollipop
- Firmware base: XXU1BOB7 (build date February 13rd) (Silent mode is back! + LP app pinning)
- Final: Added latest G900I/K/L/S/W8/T/M Stock kernels as an option
- Final: Updated System Android Webview to v.40.1728298-arm
- Final: Updated Google Play Services to v.7.0.87
- Final: Updated SuperSu to v.2.46
- Final: Updated Google Play Store to v.5.3.5
- Final: Updated Ktoonsez Lollipop TW custom kernel to v.26-02-2015
- Final: Updated G900K/L/S kernel and wifi fix to the latest G900K Lollipop BOB1 firmware
- Final: Changed default Ktoonsez kernel profile to an modified version of Smoothmaniac v2
- Final: Updated BusyBox to 1.23.1
- Final: Updated Google Messenger to v.1.0.131
- Final: Added extra quick toggles option, including an flashlight toggle (they will show up after 2nd reboot after an clean install)
- Final: Removed Knox version information from Settings app
- Final: Enabled 'Unkown sources' at default (Settings -> Security)
- Final: Enabled 'Show all content while locked' at default (Settings -> Sounds & Notifications) to show full notification info on lockscreen
- Final: The 3 animation scales are set to 0.5 at default now
- Final: Added Google Backup/Restore & Feedback at default to the ROM
- Final: Added NEE CSC
- Final: Many more changes & fixes (by me & Samsung)
- 12 Toolbox mod (at default in the ROM)
- optional 5-way reboot menu!
- Updated Google Keyboard to v.4.0.21203.1613964
- Deodexed using the latest oat2dex.jar by @_riddle
- Disabled 'Software update' option in Settings -> About device
- Disabled KNOX in build.prop
How-to Install:
Root & Install custom recovery: (Only needed if you haven't done this yet)
- Flash CF-Root for your model with Odin
- Make sure you have an custom recovery installed (I advise you to use the custom TWRP version by @ktoonsez) (This trips your KNOX warranty counter!)
Install the ROM
- Make sure you're on an recent Lollipop Bootloader/Firmware
- Copy the ROM (& Aroma add-on package) zip files to your internal or external memory of your Phone
- Do a Data/Factory reset first in your recovery
- Start the installation
- Reboot
- Enjoy the Rom!
- Optionally: Flash the Aroma add-on Package, to restore some of the removed Samsung Apps/Functions that you want (You can do this anytime!)
I would NOT recommend to restore system apps or app data of your apps with Titanium backup, only the apps themselves.
Restoring App data or System apps can cause many problems. (This applies to any ROM!)
For the G900S and G900L models use this recovery: Download (flash with Odin)
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See Post #2 For the Aroma Add-on Package, which includes all the removed Samsung apps and functions from the ROM, so that you can choose which feature/app you want back!
Download links for:
G900F/I/T/K/L/S/M/W8 version
ROM XXU1BOD3 V.2.2 Lollipop: (494,9MB)
Mod edit: Link removed.
MD5: 067715ba9a2195364a01cfa5fe0c9bab
(check the MD5 of your download before flashing)
Previous versions of this ROM
(including KitKat versions & older versions of the Aroma add-on package)
See Post #3 for the G900H Exynos XtreStoLite Lollipop version
And a separate G900T XtreStoLite KitKat version HERE
See Post #4 for the latest Flashable Odin Modems/Bootloaders for all the supported models
ONLY use Aroma add-on package v.2.2 or newer with this version of the ROM!
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If you like this rom, feel free to donate.
(use the Donate button in my signature)
XDA:DevDB Information
XtreStoLite, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S 5
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: TouchWiz
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 2.2
Stable Release Date: 2015-05-01
Created 2014-04-26
Last Updated 2015-05-01
XtreStoLite G900H Exynos Octa-core version
XtreStoLite v.2.1 Lollipop for the G900H Exynos S5 Model
Rom Details:
- Based on the latest Samsung Stock G900H Exynos XXU1BOCA Lollipop firmware (Base build date: 25-MARCH-2015)
- Stock XXU1BOCA Exynos Kernel
- De-bloated ROM to 431 MB!!
- Includes all the same features as the G900F version (from post #1)
- Use ONLY the G900H Exynos version of the Aroma Add-on Package with this G900H ROM version.
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Changelog for the G900H Exynos ROM:
- Updated whole ROM to firmware base XXU1BOCA (build date: March 25th)
- Deodexed using the latest oat2dex tool (v07)
- Added TouchWiz Launcher Theme support
- Added Galaxy S6 System UI/Notification/Ringtone sounds (optional)
- Added Permission manager to the Settings app
- Intergrated/fixed the External SD-Card write permissions mod (I forgot this with v.2.0)
- Updated SuperSu to 2.48 (beta)
- Updated Android Webview to v.42.0.2311.68
- Updated Google Play Store to v.5.4.10
- Updated Google Play Services to v.7.0.99
- Updated Google Messenger app to v.1.2.037 (1807903-38)
- Fixed/Changed Flashlight Quick toggle icon (to the default Galaxy S6 one)
- Android 5.0 (LRX21T)
- Firmware base: G900H XXU1BOB8 (build date February 17th)
- All same changes as the INTL. version of XtreStoLite 2.0.1
- NEW: The G900H ROM now also has native init.d script support (even with the Stock kernel), so no extra app (Universal init.d) is needed for that anymore!
- Updated Google Play Services to v.7.0.97
Changelog for the G900H Exynos Aroma Add-on Package:
- Updated all the add-ons to firmware XXU1BOCA (build date March 25th)
- Added Samsung Galaxy S6 keyboard (S5 keyboard also still available)
- Added Samsung Galaxy S6 system fonts
- Added Samsung SideSync add-on
- Updated all the 4 SystemUI overlay themes to their latest version
- Updated Adblock Hosts file
- Updated the 5 extra camera modes
- Updated Dropbox
- Updated Beep 'n Go (beaming service)
- Updated all the add-ons to firmware XXU1BOB8 (Lollipop) (build date: February 17th)
- All changes of the INTL. version of XtreStoLite up to v.2.0.1
- Updated Google Search to v.
How-to Install:
- Make sure you're on the latest XXU1BOCA Lollipop firmware/bootloader already
- Flash CF-Root for the G900H with Odin
- Flash PhilZ recovery for the G900H with Odin
- Copy the ROM (& Aroma add-on package) zip files to your internal memory of your phone (external SD-card isn't working with all the custom recoveries on the G900H at the moment)
- Do a Data/Factory reset first in PhilZ recovery
- Start the installation
- Reboot
- Enjoy the Rom!
- Optionally: Flash the Aroma add-on Package, to restore some of the removed Samsung Apps/Functions that you want (You can do this anytime!)
I would NOT recommend to restore system apps or app data of your apps with Titanium backup, only the apps themselves.
Restoring App data or System apps can cause many problems. (This applies to any ROM!)
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Download links for:
G900H ROM:
Full-Wipe NEEDED!!! (Because of new base firmware)
ROM G900H Exynos XXU1BOCA V.2.1: (431,7 MB)
MD5: 27cfb3704bc58a6a48815636a27f342f
(check the MD5 of your download before flashing)
ONLY use Aroma add-on package v.2.1 or newer for the G900H with this version of the ROM!
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Download links for:
G900H Aroma Add-on Package:
Aroma Add-on Package G900H Exynos XXU1BOCA V.2.1: (953 MB)
MD5: b9a698ec97b53350c42d6b4a5cc4c66e
(check the MD5 of your download before flashing).
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If you like this rom, feel free to donate.
(use the Donate button in my signature)
XtreStoLite Aroma Add-on Package (international version)
XtreStoLite Aroma Add-on Package 2.2
G900F/I/T/K/L/S/M/W8 version
Choose which Samsung App or feature YOU want to have in the XtreStoLite ROM
Aroma Add-on Package Details:
- You can use this package to choose which Samsung app or feature you want back on your Phone!
- You can flash this package at any time after flashing the rom, so you can first use the rom, and look what exactly you want to have back
- Only choose what you will use, every option that you will install, will 'bloat' your system more and more.
- It's also possible to remove any installed add-on with this Aroma Add-on package!
- TIP: When flashing this package hold the list bellow besides it, so that you can see the special notes about every add-on.
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Click to collapse
Aroma Add-on Package Contents:
The following Apps & Features are included in the XtreStoLite Aroma Add-on Package:
★ Samsung AllShare/WiFi-Direct/S-Beam/Screen-Mirroring
(Works ONLY with the Stock kernel!!)
★ Samsung Group Play
★ Samsung Link Platform
★ Samsung Drive Mode
★ Samsung Baby Crying Monitor
★ Samsung E-Mail app + Exchange support
★ Samsung Easy One Hand Mode
★ Samsung Extreme Power Saving & Emergency Mode
(You also need to install the Samsung keyboard, otherwise you will get FC's in U-Power Saving Mode)
★ Samsung Finger Print Scanner support
★ Samsung Gear Manager & ANT+ support
(Works ONLY with the Stock kernel!!)
★ Samsung Kids Mode
★ Samsung Multi Window support
★ Samsung Quick Connect (available from the Notification panel)
(Also needs the AllShare add-on to be flashed)
★ Samsung File Manager app
★ Samsung Keyboard
★ Samsung Galaxy S6 Keyboard
★ Samsung Wallpaper Picker
(This fixes the FC's in Settings -> Wallpaper etc.)
★ Samsung SBrowser (internet browser)
★ Samsung Galaxy S6 SBrowser (internet browser)
★ Samsung SCloud
(to get the Scloud backup/restore function working you need to also install the Samsung E-Mail app)
★ Samsung SFinder (available from the Notification panel)
★ Samsung SHealth app
★ Samsung SMemo
★ Samsung SPlanner
★ Samsung SPrint support
★ Samsung SView cover support + Weather on lockscreen support
(Works ONLY with the Stock kernel!!)
★ Samsung SVoice app (flash also the TTS add-on to get voice feedback)
★ Samsung TTS and Google TTS voices
(needed for SVoice voice feedback)
★ Samsung AccuWeather Widget (including the Weather daemon)
★ Samsung Fonts (6 system fonts)
★ Samsung My Magazine + FlipBoard
★ Samsung App Store + Samsung account support
★ Samsung SmartRemote (IR app)
★ Samsung Photo Studio (to edit your photos)
★ Samsung Video Studio (to edit your videos)
★ Samsung Voice Note (voice recorder app)
★ VPN connection support
★ Samsung Clock Widgets
★ Samsung Video App (The Video Player it self is already included in the ROM, this is only the app that shows up in the app drawer)
★ Samsung Air Wake Up (the gesture to turn on your screen, to see the time and if you have any notifications)
★ Samsung Assistant Menu (floating buttons for different functions)
★ Samsung Video Telephony support
★ Samsung Active applications widget
★ Samsung Easy Mode (+ Easy Mode widgets)
★ Samsung Headphone shortcut notifications in the notification drawer
★ Samsung MirrorLink
★ Samsung Live Wallpaper Picker
★ Samsung Test Mode applications (which you can access with secret codes from the dialer)
★ FaceBook Calendar & Photo sync plug-in
★ Samsung Geo News
★ Samsung Private Mode
★ Samsung Find My Mobile (Remote controls)
(Works ONLY with the Stock kernel!!)
★ Samsung Kies Desktop Sync
★ S-Pen support files
(Needed for S-Note etc.)
★ Samsung S-NameCard (you can find this in the menu of the Contacts app)
★ STK (Sim Toolkit) app
★ ColorBlind (Settings -> Accessibility -> Vision-> Color adjustment)
★ Google Search/Now system app (to give you the 'OK Google everywhere' function in the Google Search app)
★ DropBox system app (the one that came with your S5)
★ Hearing Adjust (Adjust sound volume in the Samsung dialer)
★ Force Enable 4G/LTE menu option (in Settings -> More networks -> Mobile Networks -> Network mode)
★ 5 Extra Camera Modes (from the Galaxy App Store)
★ NFC Smart Card Services
★ Samsung Help function
★ Samsung Dictionary
★ Samsung Magnifier (available from the Toolbox function)
★ Beep 'n Go Barcode Beaming Service & app
★ Samsung S-Location (Settings -> Location -> My Places
★ Samsung SideSync
★ Samsung Travel Wallpaper
Customization add-ons:
★ Android L Launcher (original Android 5.0 Lollipop launcher)
★ Modded Samsung Camera (by @_alexndr, to allow you to use the camera when on low battery)
★ Galaxy S6 system font (and possibilty to flash back the stock Samsung fonts)
★ Android Roboto L system font (and possibilty to flash back the stock Samsung fonts)
★ 3 different Emoji system fonts (iOS, Samsung & Stock Android KitKat emoji's) (works with Google/Samsung/SwiftKey etc. keyboards)
★ Stock Android L boot animation screens (and possibility to flash back the Samsung boot animations)
★ Enable/Disable TouchWiz Wallpaper Scrolling
★ Enable/Disable system-wide Ad-blocking
★ Option to choose between the Android L Messenger app, Samsung Messages & Modded Samsung Messages app
Theme options:
★ 4 different SystemUI Notification panel overlay themes
★ option to hide the S-Finder/Quick-Connect buttons
★ option to make the notification panel transparent
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
- Updated all the add-ons to firmware base XXU1BOD3 (build date April 9th)
- Added Galaxy S6 Keyboard
- Added Galaxy S6 S-Browser
- Added Galaxy S6 System fonts
- Added TouchWiz Wallpaper scrolling option
- Added Samsung Travel Wallpaper option
- Updated Ad-block hosts file
- Updated 3Minit battery Mod & app to v.3.0
- Updated Google Search app to v.
- Updated Samsung Push Service
- Updated Overlay themes
- Updated Extra Camera modes + they (the apk files) will get now copied to your internal memory (ExtraCameraModes folder), so you've to install them manually!
- Updated all the add-ons to firmware base XXU1BOC7 (build date March 16th)
- Added Samsung SideSync add-on
- Updated Dropbox & Beep 'n Go Beaming Service apk's to their latest Google Play store version.
- Updated/Fixed 3Minit battery app (to v.2.3)
- Updated Samsung Weather widget to v.150226.01
- Updated Samsung Account Service to v.2.1.0122
- Updated Sbrowser to v.
- Updated S-Health to v.
- Updated SmartRemote to v.
- Updated Spen SDK files to v.3.0.232
- Updated Samsung Push service to v.
- Updated S-Voice to v.
- Updated Samsung Keyboard & Resource Manager
- Updated Google Messenger app to v.1.2.036
- Modded Multi-Window add-on with disabled Battery Cover & Charging Cover Messages.
- Updated all the add-ons to firmware XXU1BOB7 (Lollipop) (build date: February 13rd)
- Final: Added 4 different SystemUI Notification panel Overlay themes
- Final: option for 50% transparent Notification panel
- Final: Removed AOSP system theme (from now on there will only be SystemUI/Notification panel overlay themes in this ROM)
- Final: Fixed all the remove scripts (so that add-on removal works again!)
- Final: Removed Google Backup/restore & Feedback add-ons (they are included in the ROM now)
- Updated Google Search app to v.
- Updated Google Home launcher to v.
- Updated the 5 Extra camera modes
- Fixed /data/app/anyfolder permissions
- Re-added the modded Private Mode add-on (works on all supported models now again!)
- Updated the Modded Samsung Messages app
- Added Samsung My Places add-on (Settings -> Location -> My places)
- Added Mirror Link (mirror your screen to your car's display, when supported)
- Added Google Feedback Add-on (to report bugs of apps to the developer of the app)
- Added Modded Samsung Camera (works when on low battery!)
- Updated Galaxy App store
- Updated Samsung Account service
- Updated Samsung Push Service
- Updated Kids Mode
- Updated Samsung S-Print
- Updated Geo News
- Updated Sequence shot (extra camera mode)
- Updated Flipboard (part of the My Magazine add-on)
- Updated DropBox add-on
- Updated Adblock Hosts file
- Updated Samsung Link Platform
- Fixed S-Health ART compatibility and S-Health sync.
Download links for:
Aroma Add-on Package 2.2:
G900F/I/T/K/L/S/M/W8 version
Aroma Add-on Package V.2.2 for XXU1BOD3: (900,5 MB)
MD5: afe256023e733ca24d6e890ff8e4b586
(check the MD5 of your download before flashing)
Private Mode add-on FIX for v.2.2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you like this rom, feel free to donate.
(use the Donate button in my signature)
Firmware/Bootloader/Modem Odin packages
Latest BOOTLOADER/MODEM Packages for each model:
Here you can find the latest Lollipop & Kitkat Bootloader & Modem packages for your model!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How-to Install:
You can do this procedure any time and it won't wipe anything from your device! You will keep your current ROM, Kernel & Recovery after flashing this.
Do exactly step-by-step the following things:
- Make sure you download the correct packages for your model
- Unplug your Phone (IMPORTANT!)
- Turn your Phone completely off (This is IMPORTANT)
- Start your Phone in download mode on this way: Press Vol down + Home + Power buttons till the screen turns on, press Vol Up to continue (Only enter download mode on this way, otherwise it won't work!!)
- Now Connect your phone to your computer (DO NOT connect your phone before this step, otherwise it won't work!)
- Open Odin 3.09 on your PC (Make sure you're using v.3.09, older versions won't work correctly!)
- Click on the 'BL' button, and load in your BOOTLOADER tar.md5 file for your model
- Click on the 'CP' button, and load in your MODEM tar.md5 file for your model
- DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE (you can brick your phone if you choose other settings in Odin)
- Click on the Start button
- Wait till it finish flashing.
- Your phone reboots automatically after flashing.
- Always check after flashing: Settings -> About device -> Baseband; that should show the same modem build number noted as here.
And also check if the bootloader got flashed correctly by downloading an AndroidTerminal app, and enter this command: getprop ro.boot.bootloader
NOTE: Sometimes the modem/baseband needs to be flashed 2 or even 3 times till it will get flashed correctly.
Something that also sometimes helps:
- Pull your battery for at least 30 seconds before and after flashing.
The modem packages contains both 3G & 4G-LTE modem files
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Packages:
UPDATE: (1-MAY-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: XXU1BOD3
Lollipop Modem: XXU1BOD3
KitKat Bootloader: XXU1ANK7
KitKat Modem: XXU1ANK1
Flash ONLY on the G900F model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Package:
UPDATE: (2-APRIL-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: XXU1BOCA
Lollipop Modem: XXU1BOCA
KitKat Bootloader: XXU1ANJ2
KitKat Modem: XXU1ANJ1
Flash ONLY on the G900H model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Package:
UPDATE: (9-MAR-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: UVU1DOB1
Lollipop Modem: UVU1DOB1
KitKat Bootloader: UVU1CNK2
KitKat Modem: UVU1CNK2
Flash ONLY on the G900T model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Package:
UPDATE: (17-MAR-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: VLU1BOC1
Lollipop Modem: VLU1BOC1
Kitkat Bootloader: UMU1ANJ1
Kitkat Modem: UMU1ANJ1
Flash ONLY on the G900W8 model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Package:
UPDATE: (1-MAY-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: DDU1BOD3
Lollipop Modem: DDU1BOD3
Kitkat Bootloader: DVU1ANG3
Kitkat Modem: DVU1ANG2
Flash ONLY on the G900I model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Package:
UPDATE: (1-MAY-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: KTU1BOD3
Lollipop Modem: KTU1BOD3
Flash ONLY on the G900K model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Package:
UPDATE: (1-MAY-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: KLU1BOD3
Lollipop Modem: KLU1BOD3
Kitkat Bootloader: KLU1ANI1
Kitkat Modem: KLU1ANH2
Flash ONLY on the G900L model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Package:
UPDATE: (1-MAY-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: KSU1BOD3
Lollipop Modem: KSU1BOD3
Kitkat Bootloader: KSU1ANI1
Kitkat Modem: KSU1ANH2
Flash ONLY on the G900S model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Odin Bootloader/Modem Package:
UPDATE: (1-MAY-2015)
Lollipop Bootloader: UBU1BOD1
Lollipop Modem: UBU1BOD1
Kitkat Bootloader: UBU1ANJ2
Kitkat Modem: UBU1ANJ1
Flash ONLY on the G900M model!!!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Downloading now
Wow that's light!!!!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Rebooting into art gets you stuck at the 'Samsung' screen
Its OK. You gave me credit :good:
Good Luck with the new rom !
Shohat said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
edgarf28 said:
What are you talking about!???
This rom includes not any file of your rom mate...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Its OK. You gave me credit.
Good Luck with the new rom !
Shohat said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
edgarf28 said:
Okay, I used some parts of your installation script, nothing more.
I will give you credit for that in the OP, if you remove/edit your previous post mate.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Its OK. You gave me credit.
Good Luck with the new rom !
Shohat said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
edgarf28 said:
That is totally NOT true.
My rom is completly 100% stock files, and odexed none of the files by my self (I even don't know how to do that!)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's OK man. but next time tell me before using something.
Shohat said:
It's OK man. but next time tell me before using something.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will do that.
Please edit your previous posts, you're giving me a wrong image, which is not right.
I will give you proper credits in the OP.
Wow...welcome to the Lions Den here
edgarf28 said:
I will do that.
Please edit your previous posts, you're giving me a wrong image, which is not right.
I will give you proper credits in the OP.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
OK :good:
Shohat said:
OK :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for editing your previous posts.
I gave you the credits in the OP for the installation script :good:
How can I get ART working? It either gets stuck on the samsung screen, or reboots straight back into dalvik
[ NOTE II - N7100 - KITKAT ] Mr.Luong™ ROM V4.6- XXUFNL1 - ONLINE
Rom features:
- rooted
- deodexed
- zipaligned
- knox free
Installation instructions:
- download and install latest version of Custom Recovery ( Philz or TWRP) on your phone.
- dowwnload rom and put it in to sd card
- reboot to recovery / make a full wipe
- choose install zip from sd carrd / install rom.
- after finished reboot device and enjoy.
Click Here
Credits and ThanksE-team ( for park Note 3 & S5 apps).
@wanam for the great references
PM for me if I forgot anyone else and sorry about that.
- Toolbox with 12 apps included will be FC when screen rotation.
- Can't fixed Snote while calling.
- Dialer don't work in One-Hand( everything else worked).
- Tell me if you guys find something. Thanks.
Big Thanks & Credit to @savadam for this Videos.
Installation Guide:
Antuntu Benchmark:
Video 2
Big Thanks & Credit to @titilleur for this Videos.
In post #2
Mega: https://mega.co.nz/#!nMtwXYTS!3XqAeKzMO3oPk4Ma2MiVumQQgomIw-X30hl27j3hbTs ( re upload).
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxmLEbEEV8K-VTZJd2toQTdyYzA/view?usp=sharing ( re uploaded).
MD5: 27ec182e5ced207c92c8dd12da041bcf
Allsharecast tv mirroring problem fixed (thanks to @clayteau ):
Download fix.zip extract the files and put them in the above mentioned folders also change libWFD_engine.so permissions to rw-r-r
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Mega: http://goo.gl/V7AXHT
Google Driver: http://goo.gl/ARybZL
MD5: ac6175c653bab6f2f0b054332da61f99
Fix for FC when choose & change theme on V4.4 :
Download this file (apk file), put into System/ App/ reboot device and Done:
Mega link: http://goo.gl/tdHB1e
pCloud link: http://goo.gl/QGTKp1
encryption key:sGizgrvp6iHH0DC8hWwnNBqL_yKKrvryU4ioCzOvAOA
Fix Bug (no sound) S Voice v4.2:
Link Fshare ��
Link Mega ��
Link Fshare: Mr.Lương™_V3.8.zip
Link Mega: Mr.Lương™_V3.8.zip
Mirror link : http://goo.gl/WQjdw1
For Everyone Who's got issues with Personal Message on Lockscreen & All language keyboard flash this fix:
System UI.apk S5 Gray theme + % battery icon:
Fixed Ringtone for Group and Each Contact,Easy Clip + S-pen for Input Keyboard V3.7 & V3.8
Fixed S-pen issues in Input Keyboard.
Fixed add ringtone for each contact and group contact.
Fixed Easy Clip (for touch and hold button on SPen to drawer on screen has FC).
Fixed missing touch key duration
Fixed Email new composed copy & paste
And fixed s5 settings search FC ( still will fc on certain search result)
Fixed MMS bug
Fix Snote in call
Fix Snote Video Share
Fix Music Share.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
- based on latest FW XXUFNL1 ( from INDIA).
- better battery life & performance.
- Everything else same as previous version.
-re-based on newest Firmware XXUFNI 4
- added Lock Screen Style Note 4.
- improved performance.
- improved battery life.
-else as previous version.
- re base on newest FW XXUFNI1.
- tweaked to improved performance and battery life,better than the previous.
- else same as the previous version.
- re base on new Firmware XXUFNG3.
- added full Screen Caller S5 (tweaked).
- added small park N3 & S5.
- remove full park N3 & S5 for better free storage, battery life and performance.
- added setting S5 & N2 ( choose on Aroma Installer)
- added some apps ported from Galaxy Alpha: Splanner.Weather,Videos...
- add 3 way to choice: Stock N2/ Stock N2 + minimal Park N3 & S5 / Stock N2 + full park N3 & S5.
- add 3minit battery setting.
- everything else same like previous version.
- Re-base on new firmware XXUFNG4.
- More faster & improved.
- Full Root.
- Update SuperSU v2.02
- Add Go Launcher( N2 & S5 launcher already included).
- Remove Gray Theme on this version.
- The way to choose Stock Note 2 without Park N3 & S5 ( in Aroma Installer).
- fix bug was on v4.0
- else is same like v4.0.
- Re- base on New FirmWare XXUFNE2.
- Switch back to Contact Note2.
- 8 Lockscreen effects (none, ripple, light, particle, watercolor, blind, circle, ripple ink).
- Hack All app pen window + Muti window.
- Fix Smart Alert ( Miss Call + Messages ).
- Update Su 2.02.
- Added; smart scroll,smart pause...
- Else same like v3.9.
- Re-base in new FW XXUFNE1
- Add S5 keyboard
- Add Scrabook S5
- Can delete some apps in Aroma while flashing rom.
- Anything else be the same in previous v3.8.
- re -base from XXUFND4 .
- ADD OG Battery mod.
- Add Toolbox mod with 12 apps.( default only 5 apps).
- edited to correct Call stock theme.
- Theme Music S5 ( Stock & Gray choosen in Aroma).
- everything else same like v3.7_fix.
V3.7 FIX
. Fix Scapbook
. Fixed Aciton Memory
. Mod Add 7 apps in Toolbox (default only 5 apps)
. Notice:don't choose Gallery N2 in Aroma when install rom.
- faster than v3.6
- rebuild from v3.6 + bug fix.
- Add Air Command
- Add Toolbox S5.
- Add Lockscreen S5
- Add Phone S5 + Pop up Call S5
- Add Contact S5
- Music Apps And Gallery ( choose in Aroma),
- Add Ultra Power Saving mod from S5
- Stable , smoothness and improved ,better battery life.
- New firmware ND3 INU Modem + CSC ND2
- SPlanner Note 3 ( big thanks to E-team).
- Full Root + Update SuperSU v1.94
- New Optical Reader ?
- SNote Note 3 ( big thanks to E-team).
- Theme:Gray & Stock ( choose in Aroma).
- Add Launcher S5 from VN-Team.
- Add SMS S5 Mod from VN-Team.
- Add Weather S5 mod from VN-Team.
- Call record mod.
- Music S5 9(big thanks to @Mr.Bola).
- Gallery S5 ( big Thanks to @Mr.Bola).
- My File S5 ( big Thanks to @Mr.Bola).
- Calculator S5 ( big Thanks to @Mr.Bola)
- Voice Recorder S5 ( big Thanks to @Mr.Bola)
- mod 4 way reboot options.
- Mod Big Keyboard Stock.
- Volume options : mod or default ( choose in Aroma).
- Tweaked + Build.prop for fast and improved battery life.
SOMETHING FIXED & IMPROVED (better than v3.5)
Thanks to E-team for this Change Log:
Added S5 SecContact app
Added S5 Phone app Feature S5 in coming call popup notification style
Added Call Recording button
Added S5 Sbrowser
Added S5 Gallery New lockscreen effect
Air Command
Smart Scroll
Smart Pause
One Hand Operation in All Screens
S5 Toolbox feature
S5 Power Saving Mode
S5 Ultra Power Saving Mode
S5 Lockscreen Effects
S5 System UI
S5 Launcher with Magazine & Pullup app
Other note 3 apps.
Note 3 Multiwindow style
Popup menu in many note 3 apps.
Quick Glance Air Gesture
Pen Window Manager (thanks to @xperiacle)
Possible to use the same app in both multiwindows
DN3 Exclusive feature called AnyApp allows you to choose custom app instead of S Finder in Air Command.
and many more things that we might forget... see it yourself today.
MultiCSC (thanks to @sotmax and @joeldroid
Good ?
Only rooted or prerooted, just curious, thx
Great ROM!!! I have using this it since v3.3.
Androidwizzard said:
Only rooted or prerooted, just curious, thx
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's pre-rooted. wrong type,my fault.Thanks.
Welcome to xda mate
I hope the place treats you equally well ..!!!
Going to try this tomorrow Hopefully
looks promising ... Will report back with battery life test and ram managment after
One more new rom
At least new here welcome dev
Will the German language support?
geekynoob said:
Welcome to xda mate
I hope the place treats you equally well ..!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks mate. You're also a good Dev. Much appreciated.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
Cornmat said:
Will the German language support?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, of course. German language included.
Perfect, thank you:good:
no one rate yet..? ok then, i'll be the first to rate 5 stars..
another great rom for flashoholic.. lol :laugh:
thanks for this great themed rom..
hotdroid said:
no one rate yet..? ok then, i'll be the first to rate 5 stars..
another great rom for flashoholic.. lol :laugh:
thanks for this great themed rom..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for rating mate.
This rom is legend..
GT-N7100 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
Welcome friends. I follow your rom and mods. And also can you add your great mods to here too
Astatin13 said:
Welcome friends. I follow your rom and mods. And also can you add your great mods to here too
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yep,will be open a thread for more themes & mods from our team( VN- TEAM) in Themes & Apps section, not here.i'm out of thanks to give for today,can't press thanks for you. But thanks much.:good::good::good:
haifish9999 said:
Thanks mate. You're also a good Dev. Much appreciated.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just a beginner..!! Loads to learn..!
As this rom is India base, so will there be again a SMS to Samsung India after installation like on 4.3 roms?
Post #1 - Description, Screenshots, Download, Credits
Post #2 - Changelog
Post #3 - FAQ, Workarounds, Mods
Blekota Note 4 Lite ROM for Galaxy Note II (N7100)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
New banner soon (i hope )
Don`t forget to visit @Blekota's threads and thank him for this incredible work!!
First of all, I'm not responsible for your phone getting bricked or whatever things could happen
Do a NANDROID BACKUP of your current ROM first!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Base ROM:
My changes over @Blekota's Rom:
# added Spen support
# added proper libs
# added AGNi Kernel as default
# added AGNi Control app(s)
# changed build.prop to fit our phone model
# changed strings in aroma to fit our partitions and phone
# still thinking...
Main Features:
# Note 4 UI interface
# Note 4 Framework
# S5 Boot animation
# Note 4 Sounds
# Note 4 Lockscreen with weather info
# Note 4 Settings
# Note 4 S-Planner
# Note 4 Touchwiz launcher
# Note 4 S-Browser
# Note 4 Calculator
# Note 4 File manager
# Note 4 Music player
# Note 4 Video player
# Note 4 Note app
# Note 4 SMS/MMS app
# Note 4 Dialer & Contacts with InCall UI
# Note 4 Weather widget
# Note 4 Keyboard with additional languages
# Note 4 My Magazine
# Note 4 Task manager
# Note 4 Quick connect and S Finder
# Note 4 Ultra Power Saving Mode with UPSM Manager
# Note 4 Lockscreen effects
# 4 way reboot menu
and more...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ROM Installation process:
1) FULL WIPE is highly recommended!
2) Go to CWM based recovery (PhilzTouch Recovery in recommended) by holding HOME - POWER - and VOL UP BUTTON
3) Choose "Install ZIP from sdcard"
4) Choose ROM zip file
5) Go through Aroma Installer and select, what you want
6) Wait for finishing flashing
7) Reboot and enjoy Galaxy Note 4
Youtube instructions:
How to install ROM guide by Thin_Bezel:
How to install ROM guide by savadam:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Working/Not working:
- Calls
- Wi-Fi
- 3G
- SMSes / MMSes
- Camera
- Lockscreen effects
- Most of the apps and functions
- All sensors
- Everything else apart from "Not working" or "Other issues" below
Other issues:
- Action Memo opens and closes when selected on Action Menu
- Image Clip causes SmartClipService to FC
- screen write FC if you write on the screenshot
- voice recorder doesn`t work every time
- photo studio FC if use write/pen function
- service mode FC if you reject a call
Not working:
- FM Radio
- If found something more, tell me please and i'll update the list
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Screenshots: (Version 1)
Video reviews for S3 rom:
Video review of version 2 by Thin_Bezel:
Video preview of version 1 by Blekota:
Video review of version 1 by savadam:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you wanna make a mirror, please ask me first.
v1.1 - MEGA (1.14GB)
v1.1 - Google Drive (1.14GB)
Older builds (not recommended):
Not yet
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If phone won't boot after flashing the ROM, flash STOCK or other KitKat compatible Kernel
- The modem is not included in this ROM. You will keep your current modem. To change modem this will need to be done with Odin.
- This ROM is built for standard DPI. If you wish to change it that is fine but I don’t take requests to fix DPI issues.
- I made this ROM for my own personal enjoyment and it works fine for me. But what works for me may not work for you. I merely put together what I like and use. If you don't like it then please don't flash it or even download it and chose another ROM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
- Blekota for his awesome rom base
- Androidwizzard for his great kitkat rom
- psndna88 for his awesome stock kernel
- arter97 for great KitKat port
- Arsaw and E-team for some Note 4 apps and features, thanks a lot
- amarullz & sunajkram23 for Aroma installer
- RazOne for Note 4 Dialer & Contacts
- qwerty123258 big thanks for Note 4 Multiwindow, Recent apps, UPSM, Note 4 lockscreen, 4-way reboot and more
- thereassaad for some Note 4 apps
- Chainfire for SuperSU
- Nik60 for TW with theme support
- AholicCert for Custom settings and some more mods
- Aonja for Settings mod
If I forgot some one, please tell me via PM
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you like my work press Thanks button.
Also don`t forget to visit @Blekota's threads and thank him for this incredible rom!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
XDA:DevDB Information
Blekota Note 4 Lite, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note II
Source Code: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/development/rom-blekota-note-4-lite-v1-t2949680
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x
ROM Firmware Required: Any rooted stock based rom, CWM based recovery
Based On: Android 4.4.4 port - back-to-n00t
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: v1.1
Beta Release Date: 2015-04-25
Created 2015-04-24
Last Updated 2015-04-30
V1.1 - 25.04.2015
fixed microphone issue
fixed some Spen bugs discovered after released v1 (not all - remaining are in "Bugs")
changed the state into Beta because of the missing Spen features
V1 - Initial Release
added Spen support
added proper libs
added AGNi pureSTOCK Kernel v4.3.9 as default
added AGNi Control app(s)
changed build.prop to fit our phone model
changed strings in aroma to fit our partitions and phone
added 2 more themes
Source changelog:
Blekota said:
V4.1.1 - Aroma edition
- Added TW Launcher selection to Aroma (4x5, 5x5)
- Added Smart Stay Quick toggle back
- Aroma installer reworked
- Added Themed Camera
- Included UPDATE 1
* Added some theme for Note 4 TW
* Added S6 system sounds
* Added S6 Boot sound
* Removed useless Quick toggles
* Added App ops in Settings
* Added Clear RAM Quick toggle
* Network Speed Meter For WiFi and data
* Updated Note 4 Settings
* Fixed Clipboard
* Added Assistant menu
* Added more translations to Air messages
* Added Sidebar buttons
* Fixed Videoplayer mini window
- Added TW launcher with theme support
- Added some theme for Note 4 TW
- Added S6 system sounds
- Added S6 Boot sound
- Removed useless Quick toggles (This will reset some settings!)
- Added App ops in Settings
- Added Clear RAM Quick toggle
- Network Speed Meter For WiFi and data
- Updated Note 4 Settings
- Fixed Clipboard
- Added Assistant menu
- Added more translations to Air messages
- Added Sidebar buttons
- Fixed Videoplayer mini window
V4 - Aroma edition
- A new base (back-to-n00t v9)
- AllShare and Screen Mirroring fixed
- All updates included
- System optimized
- Re-worked Aroma Installer (It's bug-free now)
- Re-added Google apps to Aroma instaler
- Added Ad block to Aroma
- Added Full screen caller to Aroma
- Added S Note to Aroma
- S3 Key layout as default, Note 4 Key layout in Aroma
- Fixed Bluetooth calls
- Updated Music player
- Cannot connect camera after full clean flash fix
- Optimizations of system
- Build.prop tweaks
- Fixed Bluetooth calls
- Fixed Clock widget
- Updated Music player
- Changed key layout to classic S3 behavior
- Fixed floating messages
- Cannot connect camera after full clean flash fix
- Optimizations of system
- Build.prop tweaks
V3 - Aroma edition
- Rebased to back-to-n00t v6
- Compiler optimizations for kernel fixed and improved
- L1/L2 caches size defined (by JustArchi)
- Now uses new ARM instructions set
- Full unaligned access enabled
- Linaro's power-efficient workqueues merged
- Boeffla sound engine 1.6.7 merged
- Random drivers backported from Linux 3.19 for performance
- Westwood as the default TCP congestion control
- Fixed S Planner year view font size
- Fixed Screen mirroring
- Updated SMS/MMS app
- Updated Start up and shut down sound
- Added more languages in Floating messages feature
- Updated TW launcher with 5x4 App drawer
- Added S Note with Photo note feature to Aroma
- Fixed Mobile hotspot
- Fixed Lockscreen Effect - Abstract Tile
- Fixed World clock FC
- Added S5 Toolbox
- S Planner year view font size fixed
- Fixed Screen mirroring
- Updated Clock app
- Updated SMS/MMS app
- Updated Start up and shut down sound
- Added more languages in Floating messages feature
- Updated TW launcher with 5x4 App drawer
- Added S Note with Photo note feature
- More system optimizations
V2 - Aroma edition:
- Update 1 included
* Updated Camera from Blekota S5 Lite
* Updated E-mail app
* Updated SMS/MMS app
* Updated Samsung Gallery
* Reduced RAM consumption of Note 4 Settings - Now only 40-60 MB RAM. Before about 100 MB
* Removed Private Mode from Settings
* Removed S Pen from Settings
- Updated Phone app - improved RAM consumption
- Added S-Reminder (Aroma)
- Added Backup app (Aroma)
- Added Story Album (Aroma)
- Fixed Lockscreen (Except Abstract tile)
- Added Flashlight toogle (needs full wipe to activate)
- Improved RAM management
- Some more optimizations
- Fixed some graphical issues
- Updated Ringtones, notification tones and UI sounds to original Note 4 sounds
- Updated Samsung Apps (Aroma)
V1 - Aroma edition - UPDATE 1:
- Updated Camera from Blekota S5 Lite
- Updated E-mail app
- Updated SMS/MMS app
- Updated Samsung Gallery
- Reduced RAM consumption of Note 4 Settings - Now only 40-60 MB RAM. Before about 100 MB
- Removed Private Mode from Settings
- Removed S Pen from Settings
- Improved RAM management
V1 - Aroma edition:
- Initial release
# Note 4 UI interface
# Note 4 Framework
# S5 Boot animation
# Note 4 Sounds
# Note 4 Lockscreen with weather info
# Note 4 Settings
# Note 4 S-Planner
# Note 4 Touchwiz launcher
# Note 4 S-Browser
# Note 4 Calculator
# Note 4 File manager
# Note 4 Music player
# Note 4 Video player
# Note 4 Note app
# Note 4 SMS/MMS app
# Note 4 Dialer & Contacts with InCall UI
# Note 4 Weather widget
# Note 4 Keyboard with additional languages
# Note 4 My Magazine
# Note 4 Task manager
# Note 4 Quick connect and S Finder
# Note 4 Ultra Power Saving Mode with UPSM Manager
# Note 4 Lockscreen effects
# 4 way reboot menu
# OTA Updater support
and more...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Speaking caller ID thanks to @guachine -
1) In more toggles short press on hands free mode to enable it
2) Long press to go to options
3) Untick all
4) Disable Hands-free mode
Grayscale doesn`t work -
Go to AGNi Control app and disable MDNIE Hijack
Phone wakes up when the screen is tapped (with chargher plugged in) -
Go to AGNi Control app an choose the setting that suits you most.
Thanks for the work!
i will be happy to try it on this upcoming weekend
reserved !
One hand all screen work in Blekota?
The download link has been removed?
joemar66 said:
One hand all screen work in Blekota?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Working only when you press 'Reduce screen' from the sidepanel.. I didn't managed to make it work when swiping the screen.. Maybe i don't do it like it should.. Anyway i removed the link for now because i discovered some issues with the microphone.. If anyone downloaded and installed the rom could confirm it's not only on my side.. Still looking into it.. Cheers!
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
s not not working,please help
Download link removed, when it is available for download?
Sent from my SM-N910C using XDA Free mobile app
necip.necip.5 said:
s not not working,please help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
On my phone it works. Did you wiped all data before flashing?
iekansh said:
The download link has been removed?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
kamal0287 said:
Download link removed, when it is available for download?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As i said i removed the link because microphone was broken and i didn`t saw a point to leave it here.
I solved mic issue and reuploaded it. Cheers!
v1.1 - MEGA (1.14GB)
v1.1 - Google Drive (1.14GB)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
corsicanu said:
On my phone it works. Did you wiped all data before flashing?
As i said i removed the link because microphone was broken and i didn`t saw a point to leave it here.
I solved mic issue and reuploaded it. Cheers!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
great rom
corsicanu said:
On my phone it works. Did you wiped all data before flashing?
As i said i removed the link because microphone was broken and i didn`t saw a point to leave it here.
I solved mic issue and reuploaded it. Cheers!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
great rom, thanks
any chance for getting some DPI mod in the future?
gregsoir said:
any chance for getting some DPI mod in the future?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I`ll try to make a mod separately from the rom itself because i want to keep it clean like Blekota provides it. Cheers!
corsicanu said:
I`ll try to make a mod separately from the rom itself because i want to keep it clean like Blekota provides it. Cheers!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
that would be really cool, thanks
bro,video call (3G) work or not work
necip.necip.5 said:
bro,video call (3G) work or not work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Don't know because i don't have video call subscription on my network. Until someone tests it i can't say anything..
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
corsicanu said:
Don't know because i don't have video call subscription on my network. Until someone tests it i can't say anything..
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hello 3g video call does not work. just the opposite side will then pass this time working as the sound is not going to come. s pen nib if not properly fix them seems to have slipped a ROM would be very nice ..
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
+ By flashing this Rom you void your warranty.
+ I don't take any responsibility for any Damage.
+ Do not try it on any other Note 4 variants.
+ This rom is for N910C Only
+ This is my hobby.
Youtube Version
Youtube Link
With Samsung Theme
ROM Features
+ Based On Phone : XXS2DRK2 ,CSC : OLB2DQJ2
+ Full Deodexed and ZipAlign
+ Root
+ Bloodware app removed
+ In-Out Call Recorder
+ Add Shutter sound on/off to camera
+ 3 Minit battery mod
+ Callog show All call by default
+ 5 way reboot
+ Full remove Knox
+ Setting togle to show or hide network trafic on statusbar
+ Mod custom toolbox (Support 12 app)
+ SmsMaxByte = 999
+ Contact Set Link Count Max As = 999
+ Contact Extend Speed Dial To 100
+ Contact Limit Name Length = 1500
+ Enable Sms Callback Number
+ Enable SMS FolderView
+ Enable Blocked Messages
+ Enable Locked Messages
+ Enable Callback Number
+ Disable Sms To Mms Conversion By Text Input
+ Enable Call/message block on setting
+ Note 5 DPI
+ Weather widget size fix to 5x1
+ Mod weather to look like note 5 weather
+ 25 Toggle Statusbar
+ Add note 5 Setup Wizard
+ Add Floating message
+ Add bloatware remove scripts
+ Add Note 5 Splanner
+ Support 3 multi user
+ Other features live V.21
+ GraceUX and Note 5 and C5 app port
- Gallery
- Myfiles
- Calculator
- Clock
- Touchwiz
- S Planner
- Email
- Write on PDF
- S-Voice
- Photoeditor
- Browser
- Keyboard
- S Planner
- Music Player
- Voice recorder
- Memo
- Contact and Call
- Smart manager
- etc.
Aroma Installer
- No wipe or Full wipe or Super Full Wipe
- Note 4 or Note7 or S7Edge Contact
- Note 4 or Note7 or S7Edge Call
- C5 or Note7 or S8 Touchwiz
- 8 Style SystemUI
- 3 statusbar clock style
- ASOP Signal icon
- Galaxy S8 app icon by default
- S7 Setting Style
- Note 4 or Note5 Keyboard
- Edge screen
- 4 Kernel Chooser (Stock ,H-Vitamin V2 ,Suemax V3.1 ,Spacelemon)
- 2 Modem Chooser (XXU1DPE3 or XXU1DPI1)
- Bloatware app remove script (Total 24 app)
- Multi CSC (Total 80 Country)
- Viper4Android
- Viper4Arise
- etc.
ChangeLogs V.37
+ Add Stock Kernel for N910C/H/U
+ Fixed ThemeStore FC
+ Modify OneUI style icon pack
+ etc
Credit and Spacial Thanks
+ Xda development
+ 3Minit battery mod team -- Threads
+ Xperiacle
+ @topjohnwu
+ LukasAddon
+ danecr7
+ djmax81
+ thanhfhuongf
+ Albe95
+ Chainfire
+ ksr007
+ osm0sis
+ iBotPeaches
+ Winb33
+ Hani K.
+ Talexop
+ @jjjhitel
+ daxgirl
+ xHoLyx and viper4arise team
+ Sammobile.com
+ Samsung Mobile
+ and the develoment who share information
+ please tell me if i miss
How to Flash
1. If you on android 5.0.1,5.1.1 based rom. Please flash android 6.0.1 based rom before go to next steps.
2. Copy Rom file to external sdcard (Micro sdcard)
3. Reboot to recovery mode
4. Flash it through TWRP
5. Reboot & enjoy
BUG V.37
+ Edge lighting and Edge feeds not work.(Please turn-off on setting)
+ Need reboot after apply theme to apply systemui theme
+ A7 camera not support RAW format
+ How to change theme on S8 touchwiz (Goto - Settings – Theme)
+ Viper not support on stock kernel
+ Please choose SuperSU on stock kernel
++ AFH
BUG V.5.0
* Need reboot after apply the theme
* Edge lighting not work
* Edge feeds not work
Hi....any reported bugs????
finger print?
arshia.sunboy said:
Hi....any reported bugs????
finger print?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Q:finger print?
A:same as based rom.
Q:any reported bugs????
A: I still have not found.
Tnx For this good Rom
is it Multi DPI ?
Multiuser is available?
Can you mode DPI note5 ?
wowwww great MM 6.01 downloading
Downloading now.
Will give feedback after testing for ~1 day
Welcome android 6.0.1
Thanks erobot
Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
Mohsen Gagoonani said:
Tnx For this good Rom
is it Multi DPI ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry guys. It's support note 4 dpi only.
radzik2908 said:
Multiuser is available?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry guys. Not for now.
wowwww great MM 6.01
thanhlqltc said:
Can you mode DPI note5 ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Next version. I try to mod it.
relisys667 said:
wowwww great MM 6.01 downloading
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Acetknan18 said:
Welcome android 6.0.1
Thanks erobot
Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Us3rNam3d said:
Downloading now.
Will give feedback after testing for ~1 day
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
muhammadsultan said:
wowwww great MM 6.01
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you guys.
You are welcome.
erobot said:
Sorry guys. It's support note 4 dpi only.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
so The DPI is 640 And I Cant change it to other ? 480 or ..... ?
I have the 5.1.1 stock ROM v1.3 can flash this rom direct or need Flash Bootloader and Modem before
Nice job ! I'm using sixperience v6 (5.1.1), can I flash this ?
Mohsen Gagoonani said:
so The DPI is 640 And I Cant change it to other ? 480 or ..... ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can change to other DPI. But is a problem on some app , such as Camera , note 4 contact and call etc.
gusmao100 said:
I have the 5.1.1 stock ROM v1.3 can flash this rom direct or need Flash Bootloader and Modem before
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thuykai said:
I'm using sixperience v6 (5.1.1), can I flash this ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I recommend to flash based rom first.