Ringke Fusion Galaxy S6 backplate template - Galaxy S6 Accessories

I wanted an easy way to make a backplate for the Ringke Fusion case and found this for the S6 Edge:
Unfortunately, its a little bit off for the regular S6, so with my limited PS skills I created this template. Just add your jpeg and resize to fit.
For some reason it ends up being an 8mb file and I can't seem to get it any lower, so its attached as a zip file.


[Q] Spigen Ultra Hybrid Custom Backplate for Galaxy S5?

Hi Everyone,
I previously purchased the Spigen Ultra Hybrid clear back case for my Nexus 5 and folks had templates available for making your own custom insert. I really liked the clear back Ultra Hybrid case and the fact that it was easy to change the graphic insert as often as I wanted.
So when I got the Galaxy S5, I got the same clear back Ultra Hybrid case from Spigen. But I haven't been able to find a template for making graphic inserts for the Galaxy S5 case. Does anyone have a template they'd be willing to share? Thanks.
i would like to know this as well. as im on the hunt to find a "perfect" case for my s5

Slim Case To Make S6 All Black?

Is there a slim S6 case that would make the S6 all black and hide the metal band and ring completely? I want a all black S6 like the old Galaxy S.
have you looked Spigen neo hybrid? it replace/covers the entire outer rim and buttons, and pretty popular case.
Mod Edit: Commercial Links removed.
don't think it comes in black only but some of the colors are nice (gunmetal and slate).
Might look at this, I just ordered one........have this style for my S3 and loved it.

Spigen Crystal Case Template

Can someone create a photoshop template to create backgrounds for my LG V10 Crystal View Spigen case? it'd be really awesome and something I really enjoyed to do with my previous phone

Spigen Flip Wallet for S6/S6Edge Compatibilty

There is a great deal on a Spigen FlipWallet Cover for the S6 Edge and I was wondering if it will fit the normal, flat S6 as well. Has anyone of you an idea if it does?
I would doubt so as most edge cases do not fit correctly..

Belt clip leather pouch holster for Note 9 w/Otterbox?

Hello All
My company just got me a Note 9 and I am trying to find a belt clip leather pouch that will take it with a Otterbox Defender over it.
I purchased this one from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HLFV6JC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 …as it said it was oversized for it, but when I got it I found it to be way to tight and while perhaps it might wear in over time, given how tight it is I think it’s going to take really long time.
Amazon does list this one as working with the Otterbox: https://www.amazon.com/Galaxy-Note-...=B0798Y764V&psc=1&refRID=6CN3CSN161D3GSTS7DC9 …but even if it does this one has lots of bad reviews of the clip breaking off very soon and since I work and use this phone in a pretty physically demanding job that probably would get old soon.
At any rate, thought would post here to see if anyone had any better sources for something along the same setup.
Thanks for any help
PDAIR has three different size horizontal belt pouches. One for Note 9 in no case, one for Note 9 in slim case, and one for Note 9 in armour case. For reference, I use the official Samsung Rugged Protective case on my Note 9, and I purchased the pouch for 'slim case' - it just fits neatly after a little stretching out. I would suggest you look at the pouch for armour cases:
It says the maximum case size is: Compatible with Large Size Armor Protective Case Cover (Support Mix. Size - Case with Device : Approximately 168mm x 78.70 mm x 15.00mm)
If your case is within 1-2mm of that size you could probably get away with it after some time stretching the pouch out.
They also do vertical pouches for the Note 9 in three sizes for different cases.
I liked my horizontal one so much I bought a second as a spare. It's very neat, not as bulky as some other designs.

