Display HASH/Checksum Code Of Files Inside 1st Post, Privacy Encrypt GPG OTR E2E Zip - General Topics

[SIZE="+1"]PART-1-of-2 : Display HASH/Checksum Integrity Code Of Original Files Inside 1st Post & Use HTTPS WebPages/WebSites[/SIZE]
This topic thread is containing various types of info on various matters & areas (related to computers, networks, hardware, software, operating systems, kernels, firewalls, security, protection, prevention, encryption, pgp/gpg, rules & laws, violators, data-miners, data-stealing, vulnerabilities, etc, etc) with primary focus on "PRIVACY-RIGHTS & SECURITY & SAFETY" aspect for Users/People, and their devices, and their used software inside their devices, and the remote-servers where these software are connecting & sending/receiving data with. Our primary focus is NOT how much easy/convenient/nice it is to use something, or how much faster something is, or how many features exist in something.
And we are definitely NOT IN-SUPPORT of how something can or will or should benefit (or needs to secretly benefit), a dictatorial (or harmful or FASCIST) adversary or a SECRET branch (or semi-secret branch or even an open branch) of government or a (public proxy or a private PROXY) Corporation/Company, for doing MASS-SURVEILLANCE or bulk-data-collection or BULK-DATA COLLECTION STORAGE or DATA-MINING activities, WITHOUT ACQUIRING PUBLIC-VOTE FROM MAJORITY-OF-PUBLIC for each specific (secret and not to mention all open) activities. We SUPPORT those activities (and laws, sub-laws, etc) which at-first benefits majority (or close to 100%) of all Public and upholds public (and their persons, houses, papers, and effects) safety & security & privacy & civil RIGHTS & Civil Liberties, according to the country's highest laws which Majority-of-Public of that country have PUBLICLY-VOTED-FOR. (Though not a perfect example, but for the sake of an example, we can mention this example: USA Bill-of-Rights (aka, USA-Constitution, aka, USA Amendments), ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)). And we SUPPORT such activities (or laws or sub-laws or clauses, legislatures, etc) only-when those are NOT loosing or NOT violating any bits of Privacy Right (for example, USA 4th Amendment Right) or any other Civil Liberty Rights. We DO NOT SUPPORT such SUB-LAWS (aka, Referendums, clauses, legislatures, etc) which are created in a CLOSED or secret or non-open session with NON-MAJORITY of people's decision or with CORRUPTED or BRIBED leaders' (aka, Law-Makers', aka, Public-Servant) decision, and then such sub-laws are used for abusively governing majorities or minorities. We consider such sub-laws are invalid & illegal & unethical in a real healthy democratic system, and so we will not support such unethical sub-laws. But in a special-case, a single person's (and not a group of persons, and NOT at-mass-scale) very-specific personal-record can be REQUESTED-for to-be looked-upon, when+if it is (technologically or humanly) possible (without violating any RIGHTS of even a single-other person, it also means, NO-backdoors are placed or existing in device technologies which can be used to decrypt or to allow collecting or sending or storing data from multiple (or even single) person & from their devices), and when probable-cause/reason AND sufficient-proof exists, and presented to impartial+unbiased+neutral jury & judge, (where, each jury member & each judge's all public records must be available for public access), in an open PUBLIC discussion COURT, with both side present in the court or both side's representatives are present in court, and when jury or judge at-end decides to do so. And such proceeding must also uphold the Right (for example, USA 5th Amendment Right) of any person (and their any device) not-being forced or tortured or hacked, to expose or incriminate themselves, it also means, it allows a person Not-Disclose any of his/her Password or Encryption-Codes or Keys, etc, if he/she chooses or decides to do so.​
We will use many acronyms, synonyms, etc, and we will try to keep conversation understandable for average general users of this forum. But, PLEASE CLICK on Acronyms, Synonyms, Links, and REFERENCES items, when you are unable to understand what we are talking about or what we are indicating to or what we are pointing at, and then attentively read further, and then please come back & please continue to the end, as different concepts & different portions of security & privacy are mentioned into different posting.
Links to significant content/post under this thread-topic:
* Post #1: (this 1st post) Info On Necessity Of Using Hash/checksum Integrity Codes, Why Hash Needs To Be Shown On HTTPS webpage How to Calculate/Find Hash codes, Known Weaknesses In Various Hash & Encryption Related Applications & Systems.
* Post #2: Part-2-of-2 for 1st/top post, References.
* Post #3: List Of Hash/Checksum Calculating Apps & TOOLS For Various Different OS & Platforms.
* Post #4: List Of File Compression+Encrypt & Decompression+Decrypt Apps/Tools, List of AppStores, List of Repositories.
* Post #5: Basics on PGP, GPG, OpenPGP Based Verification Of File's Integrity, File-Size, File's Author. How To "Securely" & Correctly Obtain Signing Key/Cert. Where To Show & Share File Signing-Key, Signature File, etc. Which File Signing-Key Or Which Own Key From Author Can Be Trusted. Which Level Of Trust Can Be Used For Signing & Setting Trust-Level, When It is Necessary (and Not-Necessary) To Set Trust-Level.
* Post #7: How To Securely Share Password & Hash Codes & Files With Destination Users, over OTR or END-TO-END ENCRYPTION Supported Secure Instant Messengers software clients.​Hi,
DEVS (developers or authors) who release software or data files, should SHOW/share file's HASH/CHECKSUM tiny integrity code, like MD5 and SHA-256 etc, on the 1ST POST / 1ST MESSAGE (of a forum-topic for any category of forum-thread). Please also show/share file's full BYTE SIZE, ... Not it's MegaBytes or KiloBytes or GigaBytes, etc.
Right click on any file, and see/view its "Properties" or "Info" option, it will show you full byte-size, select that portion of text with your mouse & copy (Ctrl+C)(Command+C), and then paste (Ctrl+V)(Command+V) on your 1st post. You only have to do it only-once for each file when you release it for 1st time, and when you release a newer or updated file or version of software. See the 3rd post in below for software tool list, to find out what file-explorer or what file-management software or what tools or what shell-addons, etc you can use for your preferred choice of OS+hardware platform. (Quick-Tip: Inside Android based OS you may/can use "Total Commander" (by C. Ghisler), or, "ZArchiver" (by ZDevs), etc app/tool, to view (and copy) full byte size).​
Acronyms, Synonyms:
aka = also known as. alias. alternatively known as, or, alternative similar.
cert = certificate, it is a type of public-side encryption-key. This is needed for HTTPS encrypted communication or data-transfer.
protocol = communication (or data-transfer) language, for computer & any internet connected devices.
TA = Trust Anchor. The beginning/root/source piece of a trusted certificate/key system. aka, trusted anchor, aka, trusted authority (aka, trusted third/3rd party, aka, TTP, aka, TTPA), aka, Certificate Authority (aka, CA).
TLS = Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS is Successor (aka, Next version) of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. It's used for encrypted data/content transport & authentication system, (like, HTTPS, SMTP+TLS, IMAPS, POP3S, etc), to prevent eavesdropping and tampering of data/content in transit. TLS/SSL cert helps to create a secure encrypted PIPE or TUNNEL or TUBE for internet data packets, it is like using a non-transparent pipe/tube or non-transparent glass-bottle for delivering liquid-material into a remote location, where the liquid-material can deteriorate (means, quality or integrity is reduced) if UV-sun-light can shine on liquid directly, example of such liquid is Citrus-oil & other edible-oil.
TLSA = aka, DANE. DANE is part of DNSSEC standard, (dnssec is the standard AND next-version for older DNS standard). TLSA DANE is used for TLS/SSL certificate authentication, via DNSSEC based system, for HTTPS & similar encrypted webpages & web-contents. See in below "REFERENCES" section in 2nd-Post, where i have shown Links-to, How to create TLSA DANE code from TLS/SSL cert, How to add TLSA DNS records in name-server, How to enable DNSSEC for a name-server, How to enable DNSSEC authentication chain with higher level domain-name registrar, etc.
And it would be better, if this entire (xda-developers, aka, xda-dev) website is shared with visitors/users over HTTPS (aka, encrypted) connection based webpages.
A fair strength SSL cert (aka, TLS cert) is now around $6/yr. There are also FREE TLS/SSL cert providers. Search for "LetsEncrypt free SSL cert" in bing/yahoo/google, also see "References" section in below, where i have shown very important links on How to obtain TLS cert, How to decide which TLS cert to use, Which tools can be used, etc.​When DNSSEC verification system is applied in name/dns-servers of a website (aka, domain-name) (and also applied into related software/hardware components), then, used TLS/SSL cert can become even more or super secured (and double channel/TA authenticated) to deliver & show the content of webpage.​And for this (double TA authentication of webpage content data) to work, user/visitor side also need to use (inside their own computer) a local full dnssec validation supported dns-resolver software ( like, "Unbound" by NLnet Labs https://www.unbound.net/ ) and a dnssec+tlsa validation web-browser addon ( like, "DNSSEC-TLSA-Validator" by CZ.NIC https://www.dnssec-validator.cz/ ).​Those two components will display two extra icons in web-browser's url-bar. One icon will indicate if obtained "website" is DNSSEC authenticated or not, and the other icon will display indication if the displayed "webpage" has used correct & DNSSEC-TLSA verified TLS/SSL certificate or not.​
HTTPS or SSH or VPN or DNSSEC etc is very secured & encrypted protocol (when higher-strength encryption is used), but HTTP or old DNS or FTP is not. HTTP or old-DNS or FTP is "open", it means its Not-Encrypted, not secured, so internal-content or internal data is not-private, and data/content can be viewed & eavesdropped very easily. For example, when we mail "postcard" to a destination user, via post-office, then such "postcard" is open & it's contents are easily visible to postman and to anyone who have access to mailbox, and also visible to anyone who lives in the destination address location, so it cannot be private or personal anymore. It is also like using a transparent-colored (or see-through) PIPE or TUBE or TUNNEL for delivering water into a tree or garden, where anyone can see the water flowing through the pipe. But using HTTPS means (for example) like this: using a NON-Transparent PIPE or TUBE or TUNNEL to deliver (or receive) liquid material into (or from) a remote or distant location, where such liquid material can deteriorate if UV-sun-light can shine on the liquid, for example, like, citrus-oil or other edible-oil, etc. So to keep the quality of oil intact, inside the pipe, we need to use a non-transparent pipe, to block harmful portions of sun-rays.
When a website or web server connection is using encrypted HTTPS protocol, then in web-browser's URL bar (where web-site address is shown), it will usually display a tiny "Lock" icon/picture, and website address will also begin with https://... not with http://...
"Encryption" is like a cloth/dress/jacket for internet data/packets, it is like using cloth/dress/jacket for a human body, and its like using an Envelope (as a wrapper) for a personal or private (or secret) Mail Message/Letter, before we post it via post-office. But mailed "postcard" (does not have envelope, so it) is open & visible to many, so "postcard" is not private, not personal (in many cases). Encryption or Cloth or wrapper or shield or jacket, protects the internal-thing (aka, internal-content, aka, payload, aka, data) & keeps it intact & unmodified, from environment / stress / abuse & unwanted prying/spying eyes (and from nosy bad people or thief, and from computers made by nosy bad people or thief), and encryption or cloth or jacket protects from harmful things (virus, bacteria, UV-rays, malware software code, data corruption & manipulation, etc) which are out there. And encryption or cloth also keeps you & your family members and your co-workers and your community & neighbors more civilized & secured, like using cloth/dress on human-body, which creates moral shields & security, and also creates security & sense of decency, and also creates barrier for abuse, and reduces chance of abuse, and reduces chance of future abuse. Breaking-seal or Tearing of any Enveloped-Mail message communication by a non-receiver (aka, non-addressed) person or system, is a USA-federal crime, and ofcourse it is also crime in almost all country in world. Breaking seal of sealed-message or tearing of enveloped-mail is treated as crime since these were invented very very long time ago. Similarly, removal of cloth/dress from human-body (aka, nudity) in front of other's kids/children or in (kids/child) school or similar ground/area, is also a USA all-states wide crime, and forcefully removing someone's cloth/dress is even much worse, and even higher level of crime (violation of multiple Human Rights). Please do not support & do not encourage those violators/thieves who forcefully remove cloth/dress or forcefully remove encryption or forcefully decrypt.
Non-Encrypted (aka, open) data packets are faster, because its easier & faster to generate & deliver. But, generation of Encrypted data packets (for different & specific destination location of users & software-clients) are comparatively more computing resource consuming, and thus more time consuming.
Showing any file's hash code (MD5/SHA1/SHA-256) etc checksum, over an un-encrypted or open or HTTP based webpage, is useless & not-secured & not-trustworthy, but slightly better than none. Because, many adversary or many entity or many group or many person or many software, can eavesdrop or alter or change UN-ENCRYPTED internet data traffic very easily. And its easy to steal/blackmail/abuse personal or private data from Un-Encrypted (aka, open) internet data.
Hash/checksum integrity-code (of a file or data), is like a PHOTO-ID of a person, which is attached on a person's passport or on a photo-id-card,
MITM = man-in-the-middle, aka "middle-man". For example: Wireless carriers, Internet connection service carriers, Online/Cloud Email service providers, Corrupted government surveillance agencies (USA based agencies are in top of this list) which are illegally (without obtaining majority of people's vote) have placed computers & routers & gateways to monitor & record & collect data in bulk & mass scale. So middle-man means, anyone (or any computer/router/component), who-ever (or which-ever) sits/exists in-between (or in-middle of) you (or your computer), and, your communication destination person (or computer).
By verifying a downloaded file's actual hash/checksum (INTEGRITY) code, against or with a developer's shared+original hash-code, which is shown in 1st-post of forum website or (in developer's own website) over HTTPS connection, ... users & visitors can figure out, if downloaded file (in their-side) is STILL AUTHENTIC, or has got MODIFIED by someone or by some-program, or got ALTERED or CHANGED by someone or by some program or by some script-codes, in transit (means, in the middle of the way), or got modified or intercepted by a "middle-man" (aka, MITM) type of script or program or person or entity or adversary.
When users or visitors can have (or can obtain) the original CHECKSUM integrity code, shown on a (ENCRYPTED HTTPS) WEBPAGE (created by original developer/author, locating in original developer's/author's own server computer), ... then, it does not matter, from whatever website the main file or data file is (or will be in future) coming-from or downloaded-from, into user's or visitor's computer. AND it also does not matter whatever NON-ENCRYPTED connection protocol or software is used, to obtain the main file. Because user or visitor has obtained the tiny hash/checksum code (or checksum code file), over a HTTPS based secure + TRUSTWORTHY + encrypted connection.
Many devs/authors or (owners or builders of) websites use a file-naming-format like this to share the checksum integrity code thru a file, i.e.: a "filename.md5" is indicating this checksum file has the MD5 checksum code for the main file "filename". Similarly, the "filename.zip.sha256" is indicating it contains the SHA256 integrity code for the main file "filename.zip". These checksum files must be delivered to users/visitors over a HTTPS encrypted connection. Then main file "filename" or "filename.zip" can be downloaded or obtained or delivered via HTTP or FTP etc any un-encrypted connection. If the author/developer/website-owner is smart, then they/he/she would also include full byte-size of main-file inside the checksum file. You may use the "DownThemAll" addon in firefox web-browser, and set addon settings to show full url (or, unselect the option "Show only filenames"), then check if the checksum-file's url has started with https://... or http://... And, a pre-obtained hash/checksum integrity code can be entered into the file download window, shown by the DownThemAll addon, before initiating the download in firefox. And then, this addon can auto check file's integrity, immediately after downloading the main file (over HTTP/FTP etc any connection). But this auto integrity check functionality is buggy & not available in all OS platforms yet. And using a separate software tool (other than what has downloaded it), to check the integrity of file, is a better security practice.​Request file releaser/developer (or owner/builder of website webpages) to share the checksum integrity codes on a HTTPS webpage, or request to share the checksum integrity FILE over a HTTPS based connection. If you keep your mouse pointer icon on a checksum-file, then it should display the URL in bottom-side somewhere, and check if url has started with https://... or with http://...​
Even if, an entire file or software tool is delivered to users/visitors over HTTPS based encrypted connections, the dev/author still need to display it's hash/checksum integrity codes. So that integrity code is helpful when file is (or will be in future) delivered from some (or any) 3rd party websites/web-servers, or from mirror websites, or from file-sharing websites or from different content delivery servers (even though its under the same domain-name), or when file was shared by a 2nd/3rd/4th-party person, who is not the actual (1st party) developer/author.
When a file or software is delivered to a visitor/user from the (actual or) original dev's (or original author's) own website, and when the file and the webpage (html/php/cgi) (which is showing the file's checksum info to user's/visitor's web-browser), ... when both (file & webpage), are delivered-to (or obtained-by) user/visitor from exact same physical web server computer, and over exact same type of SSL/TLS cert based HTTPS encrypted connection, and from exact same domain or from exact same sub-domain, only then, displaying the file's hash/checksum integrity code on the HTTPS webpage, is slightly-less necessary, BUT that said, it is STILL always BETTER to show the integrity code even in such case, so that user/visitor can check (now and in future) the integrity by using the shown hash/checksum code anyway, just to be 100% sure.
Why? Because, webpage & file, (are two different things), each goes to user/visitor over at-least two different SESSIONS : in 1st session, webpage could be showing one set of data using certain encryption strength, but when 2nd session is initiated for some file TRANSFER/download, then a different (LOWER/downgraded/fall-backed) STRENGTH ENCRYPTION or No-Encryption can be FORCED to be used, to intercept & deliver a manipulated data stream (or to eavesdrop). Even the session for webpage, can also be compromised & false checksum for main file can be embedded into webpage. Such exploit has happened, and many (client-side) software & web-servers are still (Dec, 2015) not completely protected from such exploits & vulnerabilities.​
CDN = content delivery network. a type of (multiple) file server set. Usually a 3rd party (hosting/cloud/CDN) server (or set of servers), which has (or have) very faster internet connection, to very-quickly deliver webpages or certain files or certain components of webpages, into visitor's/user's web-browser client software.​
So, displaying tiny HASH-code (aka, integrity-code) of any (software/media/data/main) file (and displaying it's full byte size) on a HTTPS based webpage, is a very essential step for secured file-sharing, with one of the lowest level of real-security, ... displaying a file's integrity code over HTTPS is very essential, that, it does not matter weather encrypted connection is used for the main file download or not, because file's data-manipulation or intercept is still possible, ... so downloaded any file must be checked after download, by comparing it with correct integrity codes, just to be 100% sure that received file is still 100% intact, ... and this, is a very BASIC SECURITY & BASIC SAFETY (COMMON) SENSE, which, everyone should have & practice, specially when files are delivered-to (or downloaded-by) users or visitors, from some 3RD-PARTY file-sharing (or mirror or cloud or hosting or CDN based) websites or web-servers, or when files are shared by (or will be shared in future by) a (2nd/3rd/4th party) person who is not the actual or not the real author/developer/creator (1st party) of the file (software/media/data).
"Best" (or, one of the "BEST" option or practice) is to publish the author's/developer's/releaser's FILE-SIGNING public-side encryption KEY (aka, public-side certificate), into DNSSEC based resource-record (RR), and also show the public-side key/cert code or file on a HTTPS based webpage (or share with user/visitor thru a HTTPS based file). Such KEY file/code MUST be shown from original author's own server from their own home or office, which must not have any-access by any-other user or group, who are not part of the software project. And original author must also own the SSL/TLS cert, used by the sub-domain or domain name of that server. Then author/developer/releaser must do a PGP or GPG or OpenPGP "sign" step/process for the main/data file, and must share the resulted "signature" file, (aka, "sig" file or "asc" file) with user/visitor, also over HTTPS based encrypted connection, (and author should include main/data file's checksum & full byte-size inside the ("sig"/"asc") signature-file). Then main/data file can be shared-with or delivered-to any user/visitor, over any type of connection, either open or encrypted any type connection, and from any type of web/file-server, or from any type of 3rd-party server: Mirror/CDN/Cloud/Hosting etc. (For more info or basics on GPG or GnuPG or PGP or OpenPGP based file-&-author-&-size, all authentication (aka, verification) process, see below into 5th post, related to PGP/GPG).​
-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.​
Moved references into 2nd/below post.
Well informed (and well spirited) suggestions to improve this & other posting info, are welcomed, but please provide your links & references. Or, add/post your own posting related to this thread, under this thread (or in your own or other thread, and let me know), then i can add link to it in the top/1st post, if its correct. Thanks in advance. #xda-devs @ irc.freenode.net
I have tested most but not all.
I have copied various info portions on this & my other posts, from various other websites & authors, with their permission obtained. Most of which are mentioned inside each post's "References" section.

Display HASH/Checksum Code Of Original Files Inside 1st Post & Use HTTPS WebPages
[SIZE="+1"]PART-2-of-2 : Display HASH/Checksum Integrity Code Of Original Files Inside 1st Post & Use HTTPS WebPages/WebSites[/SIZE]
At the time of this message/post initial writing, it is now June, 2015: every 18 to 24 months or so, general computing power is doubling up since/around 1971. And, in every 12 months or so, super-computing power is doubling up. Displaying/showing/informing ONLY the MD5 hash-code of a file, MUST be avoided, as MD5 was cracked long time ago (in around 2004), cryptanalysis showed wrong files can be created to have/produce/show same MD5 (you may want to see the PDF file linked in below reference section). Fake MD5 based SSL certificate-authority (CA) is existing since 2008, which is more dangerous than any single MD5 based SSL certs. Displaying only SHA-1 hash-code must also be avoided, it was also cracked few years earlier (in around 2009, then again in 2011, and then again in Oct, 2015, and getting more easier by each time). Displaying (only) SHA-256 code is better & still fine for now (yr2015-june). Displaying of MULTIPLE hashing integrity codes for same file, is also very fine step, infact, it is better. Like showing both: SHA-1 & SHA-256, or, MD5 & SHA-1, or, MD5 & SHA-256, etc. Because, to create a fake file to match both types of hash-codes & also matching the shown file size, would be almost-impossible, (but not totally impossible). Using SHA3-512 (by USA-NIST) or SHA-512 (by USA-NIST) etc is always better than using any other lower strength hash (Jan 2016). You may also consider to use Skein hash, or use both Skein & SHA3-512 (or SHA-512). Whenever a lower strength hash algorithm or mechanism is used, then that data-portion is secure for a less-longer time (it means, that data-portion is secure for a shorter time period), than a data, which is hashed using a higher strength hash algorithm or mechanism.
Please use (one of) those or other hash/checksum calculating software tools/apps, and compute checksum/hash-codes for files, and copy-paste those hash-codes (and file's full byte-size) into your 1st post/message, under each released file or file-link, immediately when you release. A dev only need to do it once (one-time), when he/she releases a new file.
Thanks for considering & practicing.
-- Erik.
* https://eprint.iacr.org/2004/356.pdf (PDF file) (Practical Attacks or Risks on Digital Signatures Using MD5 Message Digest 5, in 2004).
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_verification_software
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function_security_summary
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Collision_attack (researchers use such techniques for finding a data(-file) with same Hash integrity code, to see weakness level in hash functions, including how weak is PBKDF, PBKDF2, etc based protection, because hardware computing power around us, are changing every 12 to 18, or 18 to 24 months. When we know how risky or vulnerable a thing is, or When we know what amount of danger exists in a thing, then we can improve (and have a chance to improve) it by reducing risks/dangerous items/components and fix it).
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_cryptographic_hash_functions
* http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/31/us-usa-security-nsa-rsa-idUSBREA2U0TY20140331 (RSA encryption codes are backdoored (in 2004) for Mass Surveillance (aka, Bulk Data Collection) by USA-NSA, which is in violation of multiple Amendments of USA Bill Of Rights, not to mention it was in violation of worldwide many other Laws & Rights).
* https://pomcor.com/2016/02/09/nsas-faqs-demystify-the-demise-of-suite-b-but-fail-to-explain-one-important-detail/ (NSA’s FAQs Demystify the Demise of NSA's Suite-B for Cryptography, but Fail to Explain One Important Detail, written by Francisco Corella, Feb-09, 2016)
* https://sites.google.com/site/ItsTheSHAppening/ (Not-so-costly hardware-sets or systems can be used (in Oct, 2015) easily to create SHA1 collisions, demonstrated by Marc Stevens (CWI, the Netherlands), Pierre Karpman (Inria, France and NTU Singapore) and Thomas Peyrin (NTU Singapore)).
* http://www.WashingtonPost.com/world/national-security/us-israel-developed-computer-virus-to-slow-iranian-nuclear-efforts-officials-say/2012/06/19/gJQA6xBPoV_story.html[/b] (The "Flame" virus was, invented at-least 5 years earlier of 2012 by United States of America (U.S.A) & Israel, jointly. Though it was used (by them) for long time, but this info (was disclosed to public, aka) came to public knowledge in 2012, it+they used MD5 weaknesses in SSL certs).
* https://www.win.tue.nl/hashclash/rogue-ca/ (Fake MD5 based CA cert, in 2008, which used complete new type of attack which no other earlier researchers even mentioned/indicated/found. Such news should create questions in your mind, if not, something wrong with your brain & body, question like this: So how about SHA1 based SSL certs or others ? Even after cryptanalysis researchers suggested long time ago, not to use SHA1 after 2010, then why many CA (SSL cert providers) are still providing SHA1 based SSL cert even in 2015 ?!!! Another question should come to your mind, Why & how few countries or businesses still received MD5 based SSL certs & kept on using it, even after 2008 ?!!!).
* en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 (Read & analyze & follow related & referenced links to understand, why all developers & users should use stronger Hash & longer length password, in various software login components & in file/data encryption components & in other areas).
* https://tools.IETF.org/html/rfc5246 (RFC-5246 : TLS-Protocol-1.2, and updates).
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Cipher_suite (Various Combinations of Authentication, Encryption, Message Authentication Code (MAC) and Key Exchange Algorithms, etc which are used for TLS/SSL certs, for HTTPS & similar encrypted connections). https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml (List of Cipher Suites), OpenSSL-ciphers , GnuTLS-ciphersuites
* What SSL/TLS Cipher Suites Should Be Used in a High Security HTTPS environment? (discussed & voted by members of StackExchange.com).
* Testing for Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers
* https://LetsEncrypt.org/howitworks/ (Obtain FREE SSL/TLS Certificates for your domain-name & web-servers. Unfortunately it needs to run inside a web-server with root-level access given to it for major updates, OR, obtain LetsEncrypt-NoSudo which does not need root-level access). Read more info from wikipedia.org/wiki/Let's_Encrypt.
* https://httpd.Apache.org/docs/2.4/ssl/ssl_howto.html (How to add SSL/TLS certificate in Apache httpd web server).
* https://www.OpenSSL.org/docs/faq.html (FAQ on OpenSSL & Certificate).
* http://GnuTLS.org/ (Though this project website itself is not using any HTTPS server yet, but it is a very very good alternative of OpenSSL tool, and GPG based authentication can be done on downloaded files), wikipedia.org/wiki/GnuTLS , http://gnutls.org/manual/gnutls.html
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_TLS_implementations (Comparison of various types of certificate creator software & tools).
* https://www.InternetSociety.org/deploy360/resources/dnssec-registrars/ (How To Secure And Sign Your Domain With DNSSEC Using Domain Registrars).
* https://www.ISC.org/downloads/bind/dnssec/ (Basics of enabling DNSSEC using BIND domain name-server). Automatic DNSSEC Signing With BIND NameD.
* https://wiki.Debian.org/DNSSEC (Enabling DNSSEC based domain-name resolution by using various name-server software, on Debian linux).
* https://www.Unbound.net/documentation/index.html (How to use "unbound" in your computer as a local full DNSSEC supported DNS resolver).
* https://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/blog/2013/12/want-to-quickly-create-a-tlsa-record-for-dane-dnssec/ (How to publish a free or self-signed or purchased SSL/TLS certificate in TLSA/DANE DNSSEC record for HTTPS based web-servers).
* https://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/resources/dane/ , https://tools.IETF.org/html/rfc6698 (Standard definitions on DANE, aka RFC-6698). Rfc7218 (DANE-acronyms). Rfc7671 (DANE operational guidelines).
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7469 (Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP, aka, HPKP). Use HPKP as well as DANE. You may also want to see HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) and HSTS-weaknesses.
Well informed suggestions to improve this & other posting info, are welcomed, but please provide your links & references. Or, add/post your own posting related to this thread, under this thread (or in your own/other thread, and let me know), then i can add link to it in the top/1st post, if its correct. Thanks in advance. #xda-devs @ irc.freenode.net
I have tested most but not all, and i have copied various info portions on this & my other posts, from various other websites & authors, with their permission obtained.

File Hash/Checksum Integrity Code Calculating Tools & Apps For Multiple Platform & OS
These are very common & easy to use tools.
Over time, file-sharing website or account, etc goes down or expires, but if the hash/checksum-code is obtained & known, from original developer's work or developer's 1st post (from forum websites), then original file still can be obtained/downloaded from any other locations, or uploaded-&-shared by ANY other USER or group, WITHOUT the FEAR & CHANCE, that, (one or more) MALWARE/virus/trojan/backdoor etc was EMBEDDED by that user/sharer/group/MITM. And hash-code (aka, checksum-code, aka, integrity-code) also helps to make sure, that, correct & intended files are used by users/visitors now & in later times.
OS = Operating System. It is a system of governing inter-communication in-between various hardware components & firmware components & software components. It has the potential of becoming self-aware (aka, have a form of soul), if enough intelligence (from other intelligent beings, and nature) is transferred/trained/shown/recorded into it, and if enough freedom is permitted for its various components & functions.
In Microsoft [SIZE="+1"]Windows[/SIZE] OS:
developers/users/visitors may obtain & load any below apps/tools (from any link, if they wish to), these tools can add an extra tab/page, inside file's "Properties" info-window (or can add an extra right-click context-menu item), which can be used from "Windows Explorer" (it is a GUI shell window for file management in Windows OS computers). Just right-click on any file, goto "Properties", then find+goto "Hash" tab or similarly named tab, and then click on "Calculate" button or similar button, to view that right-clicked file's md5, sha-256, etc hash/checksum tiny integrity codes. You can press both Windows-Flag button & the E button together, to start the Windows Explorer, in windows.
* https://github.com/arktronic/hashprop/
* https://www.safer-networking.org/products/filealyzer/
* http://www.febooti.com/products/filetweak/members/hash-and-crc/
* http://implbits.com/products/hashtab/
* http://code.kliu.org/hashcheck/
* https://github.com/gpfjeff/winhasher
* https://code.google.com/p/jdigest/
Above or below websites, which are NOT using a HTTPS based webpage or connection, for showing the hash-code of their hash-calculating tool file, those website's owner/developer must add a TLS/SSL-certificate in their website server, and must show hash-code of file on a HTTPS (encrypted) webpage, and must allow users/visitors/developers to obtain such important & INITIAL level software tool/app over HTTPS secure+encrypted connection.
Once such a tool/app is obtained securely & installed in a developer's computer, then, a developer only need to calculate only-once for each file & show the tiny few bytes of alpha-numeric characters of HASH/checksum integrity codes (next-to or under the filename or file-link), shown on a HTTPS (secure+encrypted) forum WEBPAGE (in the 1st post/message of a forum-thread or forum-topic), and then, any large or small size files can be delivered to users over any non-encrypted connection link/page, like: HTTP, FTP, p2p (bittorrent), etc, and can also be delivered to users from any 3rd-party websites.
CLI = Command Line Interface.
start a "Terminal" window (a CLI shell), type "openssl md5 " (without those double quote symbols, and enter a single "space" character after that "md5" word), or type "openssl sha256 ". Then, from MacOS "Finder" app (which is equivalent of "Windows Explorer", or, "Total Commander", etc), DRAG-&-DROP that downloded file on the end of the word "md5" or "sha256", in that "openssl" line in "Terminal" window. Then press "enter" or "return" button, and you now have checksum/hash-code. Getting tiny hash-code is that easy.
In [SIZE="+1"]MacOS[/SIZE]:
user/dev may use below few GUI based hash calculator tool:
previous link is not on a HTTPS webpage & it asks for email registration.
In [SIZE="+1"]MacOS & Linux/Unix[/SIZE]:
many other command-line interface (CLI) based hash/checksum code calculator tools can be used, too many to list here.
In [SIZE="+1"]Linux/Unix[/SIZE] OS:
below hash/checksum code calculator tools may be used:
Update, Mar 5, 2016: SourceForge (SF) website has began to allow HTTPS encrypted connections, for all general users & visitors (at-least for USA side users/visitors). To view HASH code of files, over HTTPS webpage/connection, their forced sign-in/login process/policy is not required anymore.
Older (Jun 20, 2015) info: After login/sign-in into SourceForge (SF) website, if you click on the circular "i" icon next to filename, then it can show hash-code of the file, but its not obtained over a HTTPS based query in all locations ! Unfortunately SF requires users to login 1st, before pulling & showing any hash/integrity code, (and the SF website is not HTTPS based by default on all locations), so targeted attack & alteration is possible toward a certain locality or user. ​
[SIZE="+1"]Android[/SIZE] / [SIZE="+1"]AOSP[/SIZE] / [SIZE="+1"]CyanogenMod[/SIZE] / [SIZE="+1"]Replicant[/SIZE], etc OS:
user/dev may use below app (GUI tool), to calculate hash/checksum code:
Hash Droid (by Hobby One) : open-source, free, available in PlayStore, it does not use Un-Necessary Permissions & does not do unnecessary system level Accessing:
ZArchiver (by ZDevs): free, file compression/decomression tool, available in PlayStore, it can show only MD5 (in current version 0.8.3) when "Information" option is chosen after touching & holding-onto a file, it does not allow to copy the MD5 code, this tool does not use Un-necessary Permissions or System Level Accesses:
[SIZE="+1"]iOS[/SIZE] (Apple [SIZE="+1"]iPhone[/SIZE] / [SIZE="+1"]iPad[/SIZE] etc devices) OS:
user/dev may use below free, open-source checksum calculating tool:
info coming here later.
So far no free hash calculating tool is found in iOS !!! out of 1.4 million iOS apps, not one free app to check hash integrity of downloaded files !!!
A free MD5 hash/checksum calculating library is available for iOS apps, so if any free File management or Archiver type of app can integrate it, then they can provide the feature for "free", it can also be adapted for other hash functions : https://github.com/JoeKun/FileMD5Hash​
Microsoft [SIZE="+1"]Windows 10 Mobile[/SIZE] / [SIZE="+1"]Windows Phone[/SIZE] OS:
user/dev may use below free checksum/hash calculating tool:
Hash Express (by eCodified) : free, available in Windows-Phone appstore:
Hash (by Miroslav Veselý) : free, available in Windows-Phone appstore:
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If you find free tools are useful or helpful and not-intrusive for you, then please try to donate what you can, so that developer/group can continue to develop & update & provide a non-intrusive program for free. Please do not donate & do not encourage those, who makes intrusive/spying programs.
I have tested most but not all, and i have copied various info portions on this & my below posts, from various other websites & authors, with their permission obtained.

File Compression (zip, archive, compact, pack) & Decompression (unzip, unarchive)
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[SIZE="+1"]Windows[/SIZE] platform/os:
7-zip : open-source, GUI, CLI, 7zip-manager can compress+decompress multi files+folders, encrypt/decrypt, LZMA & various other formats & algorithms are supported.
-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.​
[SIZE="+1"]Mac OS X[/SIZE] platform/os:
(some core portions of this OS is BSD or FreeBSD Unix)
7zX : a 7-zip based derivative, GUI, encrypt is supported, it can do only one file at-a-time compression.
Keka : a 7-zip based p7zip derivative, open-source, GUI, compress+decompress tool, encrypt/decrypt, obtain free-edition from their website.
The Unarchiver : GUI, decompression tool, decrypt only, obtain it from Apple iTunes Mac AppStore.
-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.​
[SIZE="+1"]Linux/Unix[/SIZE] platform/os:
p7zip : a 7-zip based derivative, open-source, compress+decompress tool, encrypt/decrypt.
p7zip for Debiaun, Ubuntu, etc.
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[SIZE="+1"]Android[/SIZE] [SIZE="+1"]/[/SIZE] [SIZE="+1"]CyanogenMod[/SIZE] [SIZE="+1"]/[/SIZE] [SIZE="+1"]Replicant[/SIZE], etc platform/os:
Total Commander by C. Ghisler : file management software/tool, available in Google Android PlayStore, it can compress & browse/view, encrypt only. It requires such Permissions: Photos/Media/Files (modify or delete the contents of your USB storage, read the contents of your USB storage), Other (access Bluetooth settings, pair with Bluetooth devices, full network access, view network connections, prevent device from sleeping, install shortcuts).
ZArchiver by ZDevs : available in PlayStore, free, it can compress+decompress and browse/view, encrypt/decrypt, it does not use Un-Necessary Permissions or System Level Accesses.
UnZip & Unrar - Zip file by UCWeb Inc : To use it, user must also install the tiny web-browser "UC Browser Mini - Save Data" (1.5MB) from same developer, (unselect the "Cloud Acceleration - wap access via server" option in UC Browser after install, if you prefer higher-level "security" more, than slightly higher speed). Unzip-&-Unrar is available in play appstore, free, decompress, decrypt, it does not require extra unnecessary permission, but the web-browser does need access to many Permissions.
Unzip Tool by lichy : available in play appstore, free, decompress + compress, file browse, encrypt/decrypt. though it works on many android version but it uses lots of unnecessary Permissions & accesses, like: Location (precise location (GPS and network-based), approximate location (network-based)), Photos/Media/Files (modify or delete the contents of your USB storage, read the contents of your USB storage), Wi-Fi connection information (view Wi-Fi connections), Device ID & call information (read phone status and identity), Other (view network connections, full network access). So avoid it if you care more about higher-level "security", unless you must have to have a such tool's functionalities. (i included it, because i also have firewall (frwl) and it is configured to not-allow send/receive any stuff through internet, and i have noticed it's file-browsing feature was slightly better than few other similar apps in older android os).
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[SIZE="+1"]iOS[/SIZE] (iPhone/iPad) platform/os:
zip rar tool free - (zip/unzip/unrar/un7z) from email & File manager for Dropbox, Box (by tau xu) : available in iOS/iPhone/iPad iTunes AppStore, free, compress+decompress tool, encrypt/decrypt.
ZipApp Free - The Unarchiver (by Langui.net) : available in iOS/iPhone/iPad iTunes AppStore, free, multi-format decompression tool & zip-only compression), multi format decrypt & zip-only encryption.
-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.​
[SIZE="+1"]Windows 10 Mobile / Windows Phone[/SIZE] platform/os:
"Windows Phone" is successor of "Windows Mobile", and "Windows 10 Mobile" is successor of "Windows Phone".
STARchiver ZIP RAR (by Attractor Mobile Software) : free, compress/decompress, encrypt/decrypt.
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REFERENCES & List of AppStores & Repositories:
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_archivers
* https://apps.microsoft.com/ (Windows Store, aka Windows AppStore, for Microsoft Windows OS based PC, Laptop, Notebook/Netbook, Surface, Tablets, etc x86/x86-64/ARM)
* https://Cygwin.com/ (Repository of Linux & Unix & open-source POSIX tools & apps & packages, made usable for (Microsoft) Windows OS. It does not require an administrative user access during install & update. Also used for loading required dependencies, compiling, and to obtain cygwin*.DLL for POSIX apps/tools).
* https://MinGW-w64.org/ (Repository of Linux & Unix & open-source POSIX tools & apps & packages, made usable for (Microsoft) Windows OS. It does not require an administrative user access during install & update. Also used for loading required dependencies, and includes GCC compiler. Note: This website uses SSL/TLS cert from "nautica.notk.org" which is issued by CAcert.org, so you will have to add that SSL/TLS cert as a temporary exception in your web-browser, for accessing the website over HTTPS connection).
* https://itunes.apple.com/us/genre/mac/id39 (Apple iTunes AppStore, for Mac OS X computers)
* https://www.apple.com/osx/apps/app-store (Apple Mac OS X AppStore, for Mac OS X computers)
* https://www.MacPorts.org/ (Repository of Linux & Unix tools & apps & packages, made usable for Mac OS X. It requires an administrative user access during install & update. Also used for loading required dependencies, and compiling.)
* https://Brew.sh/ (HomeBrew) (Repository of Linux & Unix tools & apps & packages, made usable for Mac OS X. It does not require an administrative user access during install & update. Also used for loading required dependencies, and compiling. This website is using a common SSL/TLS cert from their GitHub project, so used SSL/TLS cert is not their own)
* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ (Mozilla's Firefox web-browser Addons & web-browser based App list, for Windows OS, Mac OSX, Linux, Unix, etc computers)
* https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions/ (Google's Chrome web-browser extension list, for Windows OS, Mac OSX, Linux, Unix, etc computers)
* https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/apps/ (Chrome web-browser based App list, for Windows OS, Mac OSX, Linux, Unix, etc computers)
* wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open-source_iOS_applications
* https://github.com/dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps
* https://itunes.apple.com/us/genre/ios/id36 (Apple iTunes AppStore for iOS/iPhone/iPad/etc)
* https://www.apple.com/appstore (Apple iOS App Store. Note: unless an iOS based web-browser's user-agent string is set or found, this URL will detect user-agent string and user's IP-address location, and then it will auto-forward users/visitors to a different appstore. Another simpler alternative is, use the iTunes app to browse+view iOS App Store apps).
* http://apt.saurik.com/ (SaurikIT Repository, aka Cydia appstore, for Jailbroken iOS/iPhone/iPad etc, more info)
* wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open-source_Android_applications
* https://play.google.com/store (Google Android Play Store AppStore, aka Android Market, aka "Vending" appstore, aka Google AppStore, aka, Google-Play AppStore)
* https://F-Droid.org/repository/browse/ (F-Droid.org Repository for Android & AOSP based OS)
* https://www.WindowsPhone.com/store (includes apps for both Windows Phone, and Windows 10 Mobile)
* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/ (List of web-browser based addons & apps for Mozilla's Firefox web-browser for Android) (Firefox Browser for Android from Play-store, Firefox web browser for iOS/iPhone/iPad etc, from iTunes appstore for iOS/iPhone/iPad etc) (Note: Firefox for iOS does not support addons yet)
* http://www.GetJar.com/mobile-apps/ (List of Java Jar based apps for various mobile multiple platforms)
* List of more Software Package Management Systems (wikipedia).
If you find free tools are useful or helpful or not-intrusive for you, then please try to donate what you can, so that developer/group can continue to develop & update & provide a non-intrusive program for free. Please do not donate & do not encourage those, who make intrusive/spying programs.

GPG / PGP Based File Integrity And Actual File Author Authentication / Verification
[SIZE="+1"]How to verify a file's integrity & same file's author/developer, both/etc all at same time ?[/SIZE]
A Brief/Short ([SIZE="+1"]PGP / GPG[/SIZE]) Summary is:​
When we carry out a file's checksum/hash verification process, or a file's integrity checkup process, then this process makes sure if the file under investigation, whether has correct & intact (md5/sha1/sha256 etc) integrity or has got modified/altered, it answers or clarifies ONLY those area or aspect. An integrity verification process does not verify a file's author, and does not verify if the file has correct byte-size or not.
When only checksum/hash/intergrity code is shown & obtained from a popular HTTPS based (encrypted) website webpages, then it has suffice (a minimum low-level of) security or suffice (a minimum low-level of) trust-level, but Not One-of-the-Best (O-o-t-B) security-level or O-o-t-B trust-level. Because, it does not tell or indicate & does not PROVE to users/visitors, WHO EXACTLY made that file (aka, Which exact developer developed that file, or Which exact author created that file), AND, it (checking only hash-integrity) also does not prove WHAT'S the actual file size (which was released by the actual-&-original developer or author).
So, to verify a main file's integrity, and to verify the actual maker/creator/author/developer/releaser of main file, and to verify if the main file has correct size, ... any shared main file must also have a (PGP or OpenPGP or GPG based) "signature" file (aka, "sig" or "asc" file), and such file must be shown next to the main file download link. And a "signature" file (it is a very small file, usually under 8 kilo-bytes) must be delivered to user/visitor over a HTTPS encrypted connection. And then, main file can be delivered to user/visitor over any type of open or not-encrypted connection, (or even over any encrypted connection).
And for this to work, user/visitor also needs the FILE-SIGNING public (aka, pub) KEY, which was used to create the signature-file (SIG or ASC). And user must obtain it over a HTTPS encrypted webpage or connection. So, developer or author MUST SHARE file-signing GPG/PGP pub-key over an encrypted webpage or file, shared from their OWN main/source website/server (it means, pub-key MUST be shown from a such Server Computer which the original developer/author has full-control & kept in their/his/her own office/home, it means, Beside the original author/developer NONE-OTHER have any-control on it. And original author/developer MUST ALSO OWN the SSL/TLS certificate for the sub-domain or main domain used in that server). When a File-Signing Gpg/Pgp/OpenPgp Pub Key is shared/shown from a Mirror or CDN or hosting or Cloud Hosting server or Forum website or shared project site (like Github, SourceForge) etc 3RD-PARTY websites, or, When pub-key is shared/shown over open/unencrypted connection like FTP or HTTP etc, then such Gpg/Pgp pub KEY has "ZERO" (aka, NO, none, nada) security. When used all components or all tools or all factors/vectors or all connection or all software or all portions, etc ALL & each, are secured (encrypted & verified & authenticated), to keep the security-level & trustworthiness-level checked at a Fully/Totally/Completely-"TRUSTED" level. If EVEN-ONE of the "SINGLE" used tool/portion/factor/vector is NOT WHAT is mentioned previously, then it is NOT-TRUSTED (aka, NOT-SECURED), or Not-Fully-Trusted, or Not-Totally-Trusted, or Not-Completely-Trusted, etc. We also need to realize, Reaching an absolutely "Trusted"-level (for infinite amount of time duration into future) may not be possible in real life (with finite amount of resources), So we MUST need to TRY AT-LEAST to reach a "COMPARATIVELY-MORE TRUSTED-Level" or "COMPARATIVELY-MORE SECURED" level, FOR "SIGNIFICANT" AMOUNT OF TIME (INTO FUTURE), so that, those who are "REMOVING-TRUST" (or those who are "DECRYPTING & STEALING" private-data), CANNOT COMPLETE decryption+theft process for SIGNIFICANT amount of TIME DURATION, so that we can avoid assist them in decrypting+stealing our private-data, so that we can make it MORE-HARDER for them to decrypt+steal our private-data. Always use most strongest encryption, because each new computing hardware, in each 12 to 18 months, is becoming double-time powerful & capable than before, to decrypt quickly. Encryption is like a cloth/jacket/envelope (a wrapper/cover) for digital data packet, we use cloth/dress on a civilized human-body for privacy & decency & for protection of body, and we use envelope when we send private/personal mail via post-office, to a destination person's address. HTTP/FTP/POP/SMTP/IMAP etc is like sending or mailing a postcard, which is open, anyone can see+steal+record. But, HTTPS/SSH/VPN/PGP/GPG/IMAPS/POPS/SMTP+STARTTLS etc is encrypted, it is like sending an enveloped mail or using a non-transparent tube for data-transfer or communication. Read the top-most 1st post (in this forum topic thread), to understand more on Encryption, Decryption, Privacy-Rights, Civil-Rights, etc.​
Non-encrypted data packets are faster, because its easier & faster to generate non-encrypted data packets, as such data packets require lesser computing & lesser processing & lesser verification. Generation of Encrypted data packets are computing resource consuming, and thus time consuming, (inside the server computer which will generate it), as these type of encrypted data packets are intended & directed toward certain specific & different destinations, and each destination's encrypted data packets need to be different & unique than other destination. Once encrypted data packets are generated, then transfer process of it via/thru other computers, is comparatively less resource consuming.
Public = pub. Openly available for any public/person. for public use, for general use, for open use.
Private = prv = priv = pvt. Private or personal or secret portion-&-use purpose, it is Not for public/general eyes.
A file's author/maker/developer need to load an OpenPGP or GPG or PGP software, and create an openpgp/gpg based (encryption) key-pair for file-signing purpose, and keep the "private-key" (or "secret-key") portion private (in an external write-protectable SD flash-memory media/storage drive or inside a secured read&write-protected Keyring or Keychain usb device), and then author/dev can share the file-signing "public-key" portion (aka, public-key-file) of file-signing key-pair, with the users/visitors over a HTTPS encrypted secured webpage.
Some dev/author may also choose to "sign" files, with their own primary identity pub-key-file profile. Portable apps (like, email client software, portable gpg/pgp/openpgp software/tools, etc) can be kept in a portable usb storage device or in a (write-protectable) flash memory media/storage card. These "portable" software must not write into or use host computer's storage media, for better security. Multi partitions can be created inside external storage media/cards, for storing "secret"/"private" portion, and "public"/general portion.​
Then author/developer of software tool, can (bundle into a zip/7zip/tar etc compressed format file, and then author/dev can) gpg-sign (or pgp-sign) the main file before releasing it, and gpg/openpgp/pgp tool will create a signature-file for the main file, and then author/dev need to share & show the url-link of the "signature"-file (next to the url-link of main file) in the author's/dev's own primary/source website (not in a mirror or 3rd-party website), for all users/visitors, over a HTTPS encrypted webpage. Also show link to a (HTTPS based) webpage (or show a link to a HTTPS based file-url) from where any user/visitor can get dev's/author's file-signing pub-key code or pub-key-file. And certain command-line option or appending (or piping) command can also output & create a signature-file with the main-file's hash/checksum integrity code & it's byte-size, etc shown inside it, beside the must-have the file-signing openpgp/pgp/gpg code.
On the other side (OTOS), a visitor/user also need to load a openpgp or gpg or pgp software in their side on a secured laptop computer or store sensitive private file stuff (like, gpg/pgp "keyring"-file) inside an external secured portable private flash-memory storage usb-drive, or inside a write-protectable flash-memory media/storage SD drive, or inside a (read & write) RW-protected Keyring or Keychain device.
id = identity, identification.
And then all users/visitors must 1st try to obtain software or file author's/developer's file-signing public-key-file by using a very trustworthy way:
either directly from him/her from a convention or from a key-signing party, which he/she is attending, after a face-to-face conversation. Give the author your (primary-id) pub-key CD/DVD disc (or your write-protectable SD storage card). And get back your signed pub-key and also get author's (primary-id) public-key-file and file-signing pub-key-file, before the end of key-signing party or convention, in a different (write-protectable or write-protected) secured storage media (like, another CD/DVD disc or another SD flash-memory card), to reach one-of-the-highest-trust-level (OOTHTL) or to reach highest-trusted-authority-level (HTAL) in PGP or GPG WEB-OF-TRUST (WOT) LEVEL. If you have original pub-key-files, then GPG/PGP commands can show with higher assurity, that, if the author/developer himself/herself has trusted his/her own file-signing pub-key or not. And, gpg/pgp tool can also show, if the "signature"-file & main-file has been authenticated or not, when you will have author's/developer's file-signing pub-key (inside your own gpg/pgp tool's keyring fille).
And if its not possible for a user/visitor to meet face-to-face, then such user/visitor can obtain file-author's or file-developer's FULL fingerprint-code for his/her file-signing public-key-file, or file-author's primary-id public-key-file, from the author's own-hand-given visiting-card or business-card (if it is published or written or shown in it), then user/visitor can use a gpg/pgp command, to initiate a HKPS encrypted download of author's public key from a public key-server, and then, user can match if the fingerprint-code shown on hand-given visiting/business card has matched with the downloaded key file or not. And then user can also check, if author/developer has indeed trusted his/her own file-signing key or not.
And if even-that-is not-possible, then such category of user/visitor can obtain file-author's older public-key-file codes from the author's any paper-based published book (if entire code was published in it) or obtain shown fingerprint-code of author's pub-key-file from any published book, and use a public key-server & HKPS encrypted protocol, to obtain the full pub-key, and then match book-shown fingerprint code with the downloaded key's fingerprint code.
And if even-that-is not-possible, then such user/visitor can obtain file-author's pub-key file over a HTTPS encrypted webpage or connection from author's own (and author's very trustworthy) website, (which should be DNSSEC secured authenticated domain as well, to reach a double-trust-authority trusted level).
And also, always try to match any downloaded key file's fingerprint, with fingerprint code obtained from author's any published paper source materials. And then find out, if author/devloper has "signed"/"trusted" his/her own file-signing key or not.
And, when any user/visitor is obtaining author's pub-key-file from a public Key-server (even if an encrypted HKPS connection is used) and when that user/visitor does not have the author's/developer's fingerprint code from a trustworthy trusted-authority (TA) or from any published paper materials, then such pub-key cannot be trusted enough, and in such case public key-server is just a middle-man entity, which is very likely to have various multiple keys with same (or similar) name as file-author's name, but actually only one of them or none is correct, which is very likely not possible to be detected by a general level visitor/user.
And, if author shows file-signing pubkey file or fingerprint code on a HTTP (not-encrypted) webpage, then it is not trustworthy enough either, but slightly-better than none/nothing at all.​
After previous steps, then a visitor/user is finally ready to do a PGP or GPG based "AUTHENTICATION" of file & file's author, correctly. So now user/visitor can use a pgp or gpg software and load the obtained file-signing (and author's primary-id) pub-key into his/her own gpg/pgp-"keyring"-file, and run a gpg/pgp command, to use (author's file-signing pub-key code and) the "signature"-file which was downloaded (encryptedly), to authenticate (aka, verify) the downloaded main file. GPG / PGP software can show if a downloaded file is specifically verified by the specific author/developer or not, AND, it can also show if the file INTEGRITY is intact or modified, and if the file byte-size has matched or not.
Usually authors & developers associate the shared (primary-id & file-signing) public-key with one of their own (or different) email address. Users/visitors should also create their own key-pair, and try to obtain trust+sign on their pub-key from other people, after meeting them face-to-face & get to know each-other via key-signing party/events or conventions or meetings etc.
When a developer/author is publicly known in real physical world, or has public events with video of lectures/training/guides seminar/convention etc, which are present or visible publicly, then such dev/author person should attend key-signing parties/sessions/events, and increase your WOT level & connections+network with other trusted devs+authors. Exchange business-card or visting card. Share your updated pub-key or at-least share your (long+full) fingerprint with general or other users, from your own website (HTTPS/TLS secured + DNSSEC signed). Also create a file-signing key, and trust+sign it with your main/real/primary identity key, with a higher-level of trust-level. Then you can sign the file-to-be-released with your file-signing key. Also share full file signing pub-key or at-least it's fingerprint-code over a trustworthy HTTPS/TLS secured+encrypted website + DNSSEC signed domain name-servers. Also declare (aka, publicly share) your (and your group member's) main/primary id pub-key & file-signing pub-key fingerprints, in your domain's DNS record & dnssec sign it. When you will reload back your own pub-key after (or during) a key-signing party, then your own keyring will have all necessary codes & data showing who have signed it and who has set what trust levels on it. Then if you update your pub-key with a key-server, then key-server will have updated key, and it will contain data showing who has trusted+signed your pub-key.
But when a dev user or a dev-persona or a user, has some reason(s) to remain less-known physically in real world, or wants to protect privacy or if a dev/user prefers to remain as a virtual presence only person in cyberworld (aka, internet-world, aka, virtual-world), then don't do gpg-sign & don't do gpg-trust with highest trust level, for your pub-key which you will be using for file-signing purpose, with your main/real/primary world identity key. Keep real world main or primary identity pub-key file aspects separate, from a cyberworld-only identity's file-signing pub-key aspects. But if you want to, you can & may sign+trust a pub-key of a cyberworld person or cyberworld person's file-signing pub-key, with a lesser-trust level (like, internet-level or cyberworld level). If a cyberworld entity or identity owns domain & website, then such user can also publish the identity pub-key or file-signing pub-keys, fingerprints, etc over HTTPS+TLS secured/encrypted webpage + DNSSEC signed domain + DNNSEC signed key-fingerprint.
General users or a general visitors, when has not physically seen a person face-to-face in real world, and do not fully trust, and do not really know what this person is really doing in various times, and did not see/view/inspect this person's any official/government issued ID (and photo-ID), then in such cases, general users or visitors should not set trust or gpg/pgp sign any type of (real world or cyber world) pub-key with a Higher-Trust level.
But when a released software/tool file was helpful, and if it was checked via multiple checking / monitoring / benchmarking / analysis / inspecting tools, and if the software/tool was found to have no backdoor, and if the tool did Not send user's private or personal info back to some outsider data-harvestor or data-mining or mass-surveillance or bulk-data-collection entities or adversaries or groups, and if the tool has Not violated various public Privacy-Rights & Civil-Rights & Laws which were passed with majority public's voted public decision, and if the tool is Not assisting corrupted-groups (or corrupted-interests) who created unhelpful & conniving newer Rights & newer Laws, and if the tool is Not assisting corrupted-groups (or corrupted-interests) who created unhelpful & conniving newer Rights or newer Laws or newer Provisions or newer Codes inside a closed-door & non-public & non-publicly-voted session, and if the tool has earned+gained real provable trustworthiness, ONLY then a general user/visitor can trust that specific file's file-signing pub-key with a lower-level trust (cyber-level / internet-level trust), to indicate this dev/releaser/author is trustworthy, at-least at that lower-level of trust-level.
* PGP ~=~ OpenPGP ~=~ GPG ~=~ GnuPG ~=~ IETF RFC 4880 . WOT . PGP/GPG Keys Via DANE DNSSEC , DNS OpenPGP Key , DANE .
* https://www.GnuPG.org/ , GnuPG-HowTOs , GnuPG-FAQ , GnuPG-Handbook/Manual/Guides
* https://EmailSelfDefense.FSF.org/ , https://EmailSelfDefense.FSF.org/en/windows.html
* https://people.via.ECP.fr/~clem/nist/gpg-enigmail-howto.php
* http://www.CryptNet.net/fdp/crypto/keysigning_party/en/keysigning_party.html (GnuPG/GPG/PGP/OpenPGP Key Signing Party, WOT) -- by V. Alex Brennen.
* http://pgp.cs.uu.nl/ - Trust Paths of keys, and Key statistics (WOT) -- by Henk P. Penning.
* https://www.rubin.ch//pgp/weboftrust.en.html -- by Patrick Feisthammel.
* key server article on Wikipedia , https://sks-keyservers.net/status/ (Pool list of SKS = Synchronizing Key Servers).
* https://www.gnupg.org/related_software/swlist.html
* https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorifyHOWTO/GnuPG (GnuPG, Keyservers, WoT, Key Signing, Trust Levels, Cyberspace, Privacy-Rights, Anonymity, Tor).
Note: i have copied various info portion on this & my other posts, from various other websites & authors, with their permissions obtained.

reserved this 6th post here.

How To Securely Share Files, Password & Hash With Destination Users, OTR / END-TO-END
[SIZE="+1"]How To Securely Share Files or Password or Hash Codes With Destination Users, Over OTR (Off-The-record) or END-TO-END (E2E) ENCRYPTION Supported Secure (IM) Instant Messengers[/SIZE]
Compression & decompression tools which also have encryption & decryption support or feature, those tools can protect your any files (when files are encrypted), inside your phones, computers, etc devices, from being watched/viewed/modified by outsiders or unwanted person or unwanted software/script/bot, and Encryption can also protect your files while in transit via Internet from one user or you, to another (destination) user, when you are sending it via emails or other file-sharing medium.
As devices are connected with Internet most of the time, Encryption can also protect files from being modified or watched/viewed by unwanted person with backdoor access into your devices, and can also protect files from being modified/watched/viewed by unwanted software script/bot, which are pre-programmed to call or connect with remote-server or remote developer's computers, without your awareness, running as a background software or service.
quoting: "We Now Live In A Nation Where Doctors Destroy Health, Lawyers Destroy Justice, Universities Destroy Knowledge, Governments Destroy Freedom, The Press Destroys Information, Religion Destroys Morals, And Our Banks Destroy The Economy." - by Chris Hedges.​
Though filename is visible (after general encryption), but content of file can be kept completely hidden from unwanted viewers. If directory structure inside the archive/zip/7zip file is also encrypted, then filename will also be hidden from unwanted viewers, after encryption.
When longer length password is used, and when such password has combination of random alphabets, numbers, symbols, etc, and when very strong encryption ciphers & algorithms are used for encryption, then breaking such encryption-protected file would take very very very very long time, when less powerful computer-systems will be used for file decryption.
When you want to send any picture-files, video-files, document-files, ROM-files, software-files, etc to another (destination) user, then always compress+encrypt first before sending out. If pictures, videos, documents, ROMs, software, etc are attached in email & sent WITHOUT ENCRYPTING, then anyone else (like, gateway & router computers) in transit and any people (or any software or any script or any bot) with access to email-servers, gateway-computers, and anyone who has access to your email-client (email receiving & sending) software in your side, is able to VIEW such pictures, videos, documents, ROMs, software-files, etc because by-default emails are OPEN, it means, they are NOT-ENCRYPTED, it means, they are very easily view-able by anyone, it also means, those files are NOT-PRIVATE & NOT-PERSONAL ANYMORE. And not-private or not-personal items (without-encryption) may be considered as OPEN & PUBLIC items on various situations, when it has traveled thru OPEN (means, non-encrypted) internet. So email attachment encryption, is extremely necessary step, when you want to share private files, or when your files contain private or personal or non-public information.
If you need to send 20 original files to a destination user, safely & securely, then (for example), you will need total of 10 emails, with each email having two attachment files, to send those all original files to the destination user, if you encrypt each of those 20 files individually. But one of the better alternative is to do such as this: Combine & compress & encrypt (by using above mentioned software tools) all of those 20 files into a set of compressed SPLIT pieces of files, let's say for example, 20 files are converted into 4 split 7z (7zip) files, with split piece size is set onto 9999000 bytes or 9.99 MBytes, then in such case you would need only 2 emails, and each email would need two attachments of 7z files, for combindly sending all of those 20 original files.
A Zip or Compression type of software tools with encryption support, should allow any user to combine all pictures, videos, documents, ROMs, software, etc inside one SINGLE compressed & encrypted large sized FILE, then such single compressed (and encrypted) file can be uploaded into a file-sharing website, and then file-sharing website's specific URL (for your uploaded file), can be shared with your destination user, so that destination user can download it in his/her side.
And some Compression tools will also allow you to compress & split the target compressed file into multiple pieces, so that each split pieces can be attached with multiple emails, or when you need to split files because file-sharing websites have some restriction on upload file's size. Most email-service providers also usually do not allow usage of email attachments of a file which has file-size of over 10 or 20 MegaBytes. So we need to combine all of our picture, video, document, ROM or software files (which we want to send to the destination user), and turn those all files into a set of multiple compressed-file pieces, where each compressed-file piece size must need be 10 or 20 MegaBytes or below, to efficiently use email service.
And to increase Security & Safety level of your compressed & encrypted single file or a set of split-files, you should share such file's password over a different communication medium, and you MUST OBSCURE the PASSWORD secret word or sentence. Which means, do not type-out & send the actual password directly as a single word. Instead use a puzzle or few wrong-characters inside the password, and instruct your destination user to use his/her human-brain to do something 1st on the shown wrong-password, to obtain the actual password. And you MUST also INCLUDE the HASH/CHECKSUM code of compressed (and encrypted) single file, or include hash/checksum of the 1st file of the compressed set of split-files, after or with the password.
For example, if the actual password was "pass1word2", then do not send out password directly as "pass1word2" ! to your destination user. Instead send this, (for example) "pass3word9", and then write some instruction such as these inside brace symbols or inside some other symbols, after the wrong-password: (change 3 into 5-four, change 9 into four-2), or like this: (change 3 into this number: # of nose in human, change 9 into: 4 - # of eyes in human), or like this (change the "3" into this number: my position in highschool game, change 9 into a number: my son's day of birth).​
If you have chosen to send compressed files over email, let's say for example: gmail (Google Email), then send password+hash over a DIFFERENT MEDIUM, like, via IM (instant messaging) software of a different email-service provider, like YIM (Yahoo IM), or MSN-IM (Microsoft IM), or SMS, or Apple Messenger, etc.
And configure & enable your IM software to use END-TO-END ENCRYPTION (E2EE) feature/support, it may also be known as OTR (Off The Record) feature. If you are not using or unable to use strong END-TO-END encryption, and if you still send password with such deficiencies, then your password is visible & available to unwanted person & unwanted software, because most IM systems are using (middle-man) servers to store your messages & to route messages from one user to another user. Connecting with a remote IM server computers over TLS or SSL encrypted connection without using any E2E/OTR does not make your conversation Private or Personal or secure, between you & destination user. Only when very strong End-to-End encryption system is used, then you & destination user's conversation is really Private & Personal & secure, for longer amount of time duration, if less powerful computers are used for IM message IP-packet decryption.
When mentioned type of obscuring process and when Distribute Different Portions in Different Medium (DDPDM) process are used, then it makes bulk or mass-surveillance type of data-collection related illegal jobs and constitutional-rights violating jobs, "comparatively" slightly more harder, for data-harvesters or data-miners or data-spy or data-thief, etc violators. Please do not make things easy for those who violate laws & rules, created by majority of people with majority of people's votes, and do not make it easy for those who disrespect your Privacy-Rights, Civil-Rights, etc, and do not make it easy for those who do activities behind closed-door, without any accountability from majority of public. These type of violators & violator groups & violator INDUSTRIES (and their family and their supporters) are ADDICTED to the POWER and derived benefits & PROFITS, and these violators are addicted to the JOB OF ABUSING other people's Human Rights & Civil Rights, these violators would DO ANYTHING & say anything to keep these abusive POWERS & their JOBS within their domain as abusive tool-sets/tools, including creating their own-terror events or manufacture their own INSIDER-JOB operations, and then violator-groups systematically place blame of terror-events on others & minorities, to create FEAR/DOUBT/HATE among IGNORANT people AND to influence & generate SUPPORT & FUND for even further-more abusive HUMAN-RIGHTS violating tool-sets & jobs, these violators have thousands of vendors & contractors (from local & foreign nations) in their group who are manufacturing & supplying & profiting from different components (and parts) for abusive toolsets, and acquiring+bribing (aka, funding) law-makers (aka, public-servants) into their pocket or turning them as their mouth-piece or assisting each-others through REVOLVING-CHAIR mechanisms, and these violators will not disclose to general public: how these VIOLATOR INDUSTRIES & GROUPS are really collaborating & really abusing these abusive tool-sets in mass-scale. Those are the processes how these type of violator-groups live & run their life generation after generation, and how they carry-out their life-style. And those are the real actions what they really do or act in their life, and they say something-else in public with their mouth.
List of software which allows END-TO-END Encryption: * Email related: PGP/GPG & S/MIME supported email client software:
items will be added here later.
* IM (Instant Messaging) related: OTR or E2E supported IM client software:
Adium (for Mac OSX),
Pidgin (for Windows OS),
iMessage (for iOS/iPhone/iPad, it's pre-included),
Signal by Whisper Systems: Signal Private Messenger for Android, CyanogenMod, Replicant, etc, Signal - Private messenger for iOS/iPhone/iPad, unfortunately "Signal Private Messenger" app on both Android/CM & iOS/iPhone/iPad, uses massive amounts of Un-Necessary system Permissions & Accesses, so my suggestion is "avoid-it", when other respectful software or tools are not found. Or use it when devs will release a "lite" edition which does not access any un-necessary system Permissions & Accesses,
Miranda-NG (for Windows OS, get OTR plugin from Addons),
ChatSecure by Guardian Project is slightly better than "Signal", but it also needs to reduce un-necessary system Permissions & Accesses: ChatSecure for Android/CM/Replicant, ChatSecure for iOS/iPhone/iPad.
* Cloud storage related: Tresorit, MEGA, SpiderOak.
* IP-Telephony related: ZRTP or FaceTime. IP-Radio related: TETRA.​
Choose only such apps, which will use only the necessary Permissions & Accesses, for your required specific functionalities and nothing more than that. Also avoid apps, that packs way too many features and start to use too many extra Permissions & Accesses when simple functions are configured & expected. There are some system apps which can be configured to disable some Permissions & Accesses of other apps, which use too much un-necessary Permissions & Accesses, but usually such system apps requires a rooted phone to disable Permissions. Also 1st try to use NoRoot based firewall in your device which uses built-in VPN-service to limit unnecessary outbound & inbound internet connections, if such is not suffice or not enough to control bad (internet) behavior of bad Apps, with access to unnecessary system Permissions & unnecessary remote connections, then use stronger firewall which requires rooted phone, and can change (android "iptables") firewall rules or filtering rules, for all internet packets.
Some communication (or data-transfer) mediums or communication channels are heavily monitored & heavily stored (means, all messages are recorded for un-disclosed amount of time period), "comparatively" more than some other mediums/channels, and ofcourse such major (Privacy-Right is 4TH amendment in constitution of USA) Right violating activities are illegal because these illegal activities are carried out without the voted consensus from majority of public. Majority of people would never vote to allow such illegal & immoral activities. So try to avoid using such heavily monitored and heavily recorded communication mediums/channels, (for sharing password), unless you (and destination user) are using very very strong (End-to-End) E2E / OTR encryption, or you are distributing different portions in different medium (DDPDM). For example, avoid using Non-E2E open & plain SMS/Text message via wireless carriers, or avoid using Non-E2E open & plain SMS/Text message via VoIP or IP-telephony companies, (example providers are: Google Voice, etc), for sharing any password for main-files. Here, IP means, Internet Protocol.
I'm not including list of file-sharing websites, for now. But website which can be accessed over https://... connection, is obviously better than websites with only http://... connection. When password+hash is shared or given over a secure & end-to-end (E2E) or OTR encrypted IM message, or when given over PGP or GPG encrypted-only email, then it does not matter weather a file-sharing website is using https or not. But https is always better than a http based website.
* wikipedia.org/wiki/End-to-end_encryption (E2E).
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-the-Record_Messaging (OTR).
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_instant_messaging_clients & Secure Messengers
Note: i have copied various info & portion of paragraphs, on this post & in my other posts, from various other websites & authors, with their permissions obtained.

Display Checksum Code In 1st Post, Hash Calculating, Un/-Zip, Encrypt, GPG, OTR, E2E
reserved this 8th post here.
added content in 7th post.


HOWTO generate self-signed certificates to sign apk's and zips

This was taken from: openssl.org/docs/HOWTO/certificates.txt
1. Introduction
How you handle certificates depend a great deal on what your role is.
Your role can be one or several of:
- User of some client software
- User of some server software
- Certificate authority
This file is for users who wish to get a certificate of their own.
Certificate authorities should read ca.txt.
In all the cases shown below, the standard configuration file, as
compiled into openssl, will be used. You may find it in /etc/,
/usr/local/ssl/ or somewhere else. The name is openssl.cnf, and
is better described in another HOWTO <config.txt?>. If you want to
use a different configuration file, use the argument '-config {file}'
with the command shown below.
2. Relationship with keys
Certificates are related to public key cryptography by containing a
public key. To be useful, there must be a corresponding private key
somewhere. With OpenSSL, public keys are easily derived from private
keys, so before you create a certificate or a certificate request, you
need to create a private key.
Private keys are generated with 'openssl genrsa' if you want a RSA
private key, or 'openssl gendsa' if you want a DSA private key.
Further information on how to create private keys can be found in
another HOWTO <keys.txt?>. The rest of this text assumes you have
a private key in the file privkey.pem.
3. Creating a certificate request
To create a certificate, you need to start with a certificate
request (or, as some certificate authorities like to put
it, "certificate signing request", since that's exactly what they do,
they sign it and give you the result back, thus making it authentic
according to their policies). A certificate request can then be sent
to a certificate authority to get it signed into a certificate, or if
you have your own certificate authority, you may sign it yourself, or
if you need a self-signed certificate (because you just want a test
certificate or because you are setting up your own CA).
The certificate request is created like this:
openssl req -new -key privkey.pem -out cert.csr
Now, cert.csr can be sent to the certificate authority, if they can
handle files in PEM format. If not, use the extra argument '-outform'
followed by the keyword for the format to use (see another HOWTO
<formats.txt?>). In some cases, that isn't sufficient and you will
have to be more creative.
When the certificate authority has then done the checks the need to
do (and probably gotten payment from you), they will hand over your
new certificate to you.
Section 5 will tell you more on how to handle the certificate you
4. Creating a self-signed test certificate
If you don't want to deal with another certificate authority, or just
want to create a test certificate for yourself. This is similar to
creating a certificate request, but creates a certificate instead of
a certificate request. This is NOT the recommended way to create a
CA certificate, see ca.txt.
openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 1095
5. What to do with the certificate
If you created everything yourself, or if the certificate authority
was kind enough, your certificate is a raw DER thing in PEM format.
Your key most definitely is if you have followed the examples above.
However, some (most?) certificate authorities will encode them with
things like PKCS7 or PKCS12, or something else. Depending on your
applications, this may be perfectly OK, it all depends on what they
know how to decode. If not, There are a number of OpenSSL tools to
convert between some (most?) formats.
So, depending on your application, you may have to convert your
certificate and your key to various formats, most often also putting
them together into one file. The ways to do this is described in
another HOWTO <formats.txt?>, I will just mention the simplest case.
In the case of a raw DER thing in PEM format, and assuming that's all
right for yor applications, simply concatenating the certificate and
the key into a new file and using that one should be enough. With
some applications, you don't even have to do that.
By now, you have your cetificate and your private key and can start
using the software that depend on it.
Richard Levitte

A paper on closing possible holes

An interesting read :
Closing Open Holes
With the spread of Hackers and Hacking incidents, the time has come, when not only system administrators of servers of big companies, but also people who connect to the Internet by dialing up into their ISP, have to worry about securing their system. It really does not make much difference whether you have a static IP or a dynamic one, if your system is connected to the Internet, then there is every chance of it being attacked.
This manual is aimed at discussing methods of system security analysis and will shed light on as to how to secure your standalone (also a system connected to a LAN) system.
Open Ports: A Threat to Security?
Now, which option is used to display all open connections on the local machine. It also returns the remote system to which we are connected to, the port numbers of the remote system we are connected to (and the local machine) and also the type and state of connection we have with the remote system.
For Example,
C:\windows>netstat -a
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP ankit:1031 dwarf.box.sk:ftp ESTABLISHED
TCP ankit:1036 dwarf.box.sk:ftp-data TIME_WAIT
TCP ankit:1043 banners.egroups.com:80 FIN_WAIT_2
TCP ankit:1045 mail2.mtnl.net.inop3 TIME_WAIT
TCP ankit:1052 zztop.boxnetwork.net:80 ESTABLISHED
TCP ankit:1053 mail2.mtnl.net.inop3 TIME_WAIT
UDP ankit:1025 *:*
UDP ankit:nbdatagram *:*
Now, let us take a single line from the above output and see what it stands for:
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP ankit:1031 dwarf.box.sk:ftp ESTABLISHED
Now, the above can be arranged as below:
Protocol: TCP (This can be Transmission Control Protocol or TCP, User Datagram Protocol or UDP or sometimes even, IP or Internet Protocol.)
Local System Name: ankit (This is the name of the local system that you set during the Windows setup.)
Local Port opened and being used by this connection: 1031
Remote System: dwarf.box.sk (This is the non-numerical form of the system to which we are connected.)
Remote Port: ftp (This is the port number of the remote system dwarf.box.sk to which we are connected.)
State of Connection: ESTABLISHED
Netstat? with the ? argument is normally used, to get a list of open ports on your own system i.e. on the local system. This can be particularly useful to check and see whether your system has a Trojan installed or not. Yes, most good Antiviral software are able to detect the presence of Trojans, but, we are hackers, and need to software to tell us, whether we are infected or not. Besides, it is more fun to do something manually than to simply click on the ?Scan? button and let some software do it.
The following is a list of Trojans and the port numbers which they use, if you Netstat yourself and find any of the following open, then you can be pretty sure, that you are infected.
Port 12345(TCP) Netbus
Port 31337(UDP) Back Orifice
For complete list, refer to the Tutorial on Trojans at: hackingtruths.box.sk/trojans.txt
Now, the above tutorial resulted in a number of people raising questions like: If the 'netstat -a' command shows open ports on my system, does this mean that anyone can connect to them? Or, How can I close these open ports? How do I know if an open port is a threat to my system's security of not? Well, the answer to all these question would be clear, once you read the below paragraph:
Now, the thing to understand here is that, Port numbers are divided into three ranges:
The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023. This range or ports is bound to the services running on them. By this what I mean is that each port usually has a specific service running on it. You see there is an internationally accepted Port Numbers to Services rule, (refer RFC 1700 Here) which specifies as to on what port number a particular service runs. For Example, By Default or normally FTP runs on Port 21. So if you find that Port 21 is open on a particular system, then it usually means that that particular system uses the FTP Protocol to transfer files. However, please note that some smart system administrators delibrately i.e. to fool lamers run fake services on popular ports. For Example, a system might be running a fake FTP daemon on Port 21. Although you get the same interface like the FTP daemon banner, response numbers etc, however, it actually might be a software logging your prescence and sometimes even tracing you!!!
The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151. This range of port numbers is not bound to any specific service. Actually, Networking utlites like your Browser, Email Client, FTP software opens a random port within this range and starts a communication with the remote server. A port number within this range is the reason why you are able to surf the net or check your email etc.
If you find that when you give the netstat -a command, then a number of ports within this range are open, then you should probably not worry. These ports are simply opened so that you can get your software applications to do what you want them to do. These ports are opened temporarily by various applications to perform tasks. They act as a buffer transfering packets (data) received to the application and vis-a-versa. Once you close the application, then you find that these ports are closed automatically. For Example, when you type www.hotmail.com in your browser, then your browser randomly chooses a Registered Port and uses it as a buffer to communicate with the various remote servers involved.
The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535. This range is rarely used, and is mostly used by trojans, however some application do tend to use such high range port numbers. For Example,Sun starts their RPC ports at 32768.
So this basically brings us to what to do if you find that Netstat gives you a couple of open ports on your system:
1. Check the Trojan Port List and check if the open port matches with any of the popular ones. If it does then get a trojan Removal and remove the trojan.
2. If it doesn't or if the Trojan Remover says: No trojan found, then see if the open port lies in the registered Ports range. If yes, then you have nothing to worry, so forget about it.
HACKING TRUTH: A common technique employed by a number of system administrators, is remapping ports. For example, normally the default port for HTTP is 80. However, the system administrator could also remap it to Port 8080. Now, if that is the case, then the homepage hosted at that server would be at:
http://domain.com:8080 instead of
The idea behind Port Remapping is that instead of running a service on a well known port, where it can easily be exploited, it would be better to run it on a not so well known port, as the hacker, would find it more difficult to find that service. He would have to port scan high range of numbers to discover port remapping.
The ports used for remapping are usually pretty easy to remember. They are choosen keeping in mind the default port number at which the service being remapped should be running. For Example, POP by default runs on Port 110. However, if you were to remap it, you would choose any of the following: 1010, 11000, 1111 etc etc
Some sysadmins also like to choose Port numbers in the following manner: 1234,2345,3456,4567 and so on... Yet another reason as to why Port Remapping is done, is that on a Unix System to be able to listen to a port under 1024, you must have root previledges.
Use of Firewalls is no longer confined to servers or websites or commerical companies. Even if you simply dial up into your ISP or use PPP (Point to Point Protocol) to surf the net, you simply cannot do without a firewall. So what exactly is a firewall?
Well, in non-geek language, a firewall is basically a shield which protects your system from the untrusted non-reliable systems connected to the Internet. It is a software which listens to all ports on your system for any attempts to open a connection and when it detects such an attempt, then it reacts according to the predefined set of rules. So basically, a firewall is something that protects the network(or systen) from the Internet. It is derived from the concept of firewalls used in vehicles which is a barrier made of fire resistant material protecting the vehicle in case of fire.
Now, for a better 'according to the bible' defination of a firewall: A firewall is best described as a software or hardware or both Hardware and Software packet filter that allows only selected packets to pass through from the Internet to your private internal network. A firewall is a system or a group of systems which guard a trusted network( The Internal Private Network from the untrusted network (The Internet.)
NOTE: This was a very brief desciption of what a firewall is, I would not be going into the details of their working in this manual.
Anyway,the term 'Firewalls', (which were generally used by companies for commerical purposes) has evolved into a new term called 'Personal Firewalls'. Now this term is basically used to refer to firewalls installed on a standalone system which may or may not be networked i.e. It usually connects to an ISP. Or in other words a personal firewall is a firewall used for personal use.
Now that you have a basic desciption as to what a firewall is, let us move on to why exactly you need to install a Firewall? Or, how can not installing a firewall pose a threat to the security of your system?
You see, when you are connected to the Internet, then you have millions of other untrusted systems connected to it as well. If somehow someone found out your IP address, then they could do probably anything to your system. They could exploit any vulnerability existing in your system, damage your data, and even use your system to hack into other computers.
Finding out someone'e IP Address is not very difficult. Anybody can find out your IP, through various Chat Services, Instant Messengers (ICQ, MSN, AOL etc), through a common ISP and numerous other ways. Infact finding out the IP Address of a specific person is not always the priority of some hackers.
What I mean to say by that is that there are a number of Scripts and utilities available which scan all IP addresses between a certain range for predefined common vulnerabilities. For Example, Systems with File Sharing Enabled or a system running an OS which is vulnerable to the Ping of Death attack etc etc As soon as a vulnerable system is found, then they use the IP to carry out the attacks.
The most common scanners look for systems with RAT's or Remote Administration Tools installed. They send a packet to common Trojan ports and display whether the victim's system has that Trojan installed or not. The 'Scan Range of IP Addresses' that these programs accept are quite wide and one can easily find a vulnerable system in the matter of minutes or even seconds.
Trojan Horses like Back Orifice provide remote access to your system and can set up a password sniffer. The combination of a back door and a sniffer is a dangerous one: The back door provides future remote access, while the sniffer may reveal important information about you like your other Passwords, Bank Details, Credit Card Numbers, Social Security Number etc If your home system is connected to a local LAN and the attacker manages to install a backdoor on it, then you probably have given the attacker the same access level to your internal network, as you have. This wouls also mean that you will have created a back door into your network that bypasses any firewall that may be guarding the front door.
You may argue with me that as you are using a dial up link to your ISP via PPP, the attacker would be able to access your machine only when you are online. Well, yes that is true, however, not completely true. Yes, it does make access to your system when you reconnect, difficult, as you have a dynamic Internet Protocol Address. But, although this provides a faint hope of protection, routine scanning of the range of IP's in which your IP lies, will more often than not reveal your current Dynamic IP and the back door will provide access to your system.
HACKING TRUTH: Microsoft Says: War Dialer programs automatically scan for modems by trying every phone number within an exchange. If the modem can only be used for dial-out connections, a War Dialer won't discover it. However, PPP changes the equation, as it provides bidirectional transportmaking any connected system visible to scanners?and attackers.
So how do I protect myself from such Scans and unsolicitated attacks? Well, this is where Personal Firewalls come in. They just like their name suggests, protect you from unsolicitated connection probes, scans, attacks.
They listen to all ports for any connection requests received (from both legitimate and fake hosts) and sent (by applications like Browser, Email Client etc.) As soon as such an instance is recorded, it pops up a warning asking you what to do or whether to allow the connection to initiate or not. This warning message also contains the IP which is trying to initiate the connection and also the Port Number to which it is trying to connect i.e. the Port to which the packet was sent. It also protects your system from Port Scans, DOS Attacks, Vulnerability attacks etc. So basically it acts as a shield or a buffer which does not allow your system to communicate with the untrusted systems directly.
Most Personal Firewalls have extensive logging facilities which allows you to track down the attackers. Some popular firewalls are:
ZoneAlarm: The easiest to setup and manage firewall. Get it for free at: www.zonelabs.com
Once you have installed a firewall on your system, you will often get a number of Warnings which might seem to be as if someone is trying to break into your system, however, they are actually bogus messages, which are caused by either your OS itself or due to the process called Allocation of Dynamic IP's. For a details description of these two, read on.
Many people complain that as soon as they dial into their ISP, their firewall says that such and such IP is probing Port X. What causes them?
Well, this is quite common. The cause is that somebody hung up just before you dialed in and your ISP assigned you the same IP address. You are now seeing the remains of communication with the previous person. This is most common when the person to which the IP was assigned earlier was using ICQ or chat programs, was connected to a Game Server or simply turned off his modem before his communication with remote servers was complete.
You might even get a message like: Such and Such IP is trying to initaite a Netbios Session on Port X. This again is extrememly common. The following is an explanation as to why it happens, which I picked up a couple of days ago: NetBIOS requests to UDP port 137 are the most common item you will see in your firewall reject logs. This comes about from a feature in Microsoft's Windows: when a program resolves an IP address into a name, it may send a NetBIOS query to IP address. This is part of the background radiation of the Internet, and is nothing to be concerned about.
What Causes them? On virtually all systems (UNIX, Macintosh, Windows), programs call the function 'gethostbyaddr()' with the desired address. This function will then do the appropriate lookup, and return the name. This function is part of the sockets API. The key thing to remember about gethostbyaddr() is that it is virtual. It doesn't specify how it resolves an address into a name. In practice, it will use all available mechanisms. If we look at UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh systems, we see the following techniques:
DNS in-addr.arpa PTR queries sent to the DNS server
NetBIOS NodeStatus queries sent to the IP address
lookups in the /etc/hosts file
AppleTalk over IP name query sent to the IP address
RPC query sent to the UNIX NIS server
NetBIOS lookup sent to the WINS server
Windows systems do the /etc/hosts, DNS, WINS, and NodeStatus techniques. In more excruciating detail, Microsoft has a generic system component called a naming service. All the protocol stacks in the system (NetBIOS, TCP/IP, Novel IPX, AppleTalk, Banyan, etc.) register the kinds of name resolutions they can perform. Some RPC products will likewise register an NIS naming service. When a program requests to resolve an address, this address gets passed onto the generic naming service. Windows will try each registered name resolution subsystem sequentially until it gets an answer.
(Side note: User's sometimes complained that accessing Windows servers is slow. This is caused by installing unneeded protocol stacks that must timeout first before the real protocol stack is queried for the server name.).
The order in which it performs these resolution steps for IP addresses can be configured under the Windows registry key
Breaking Through Firewalls
Although Firewalls are meant to provide your complete protection from Port Scan probes etc there are several holes existing in popular firewalls, waiting to be exploited. In this issue, I will discuss a hole in ZoneAlarm Version 2.1.10 to 2.0.26, which allows the attacker to port scan the target system (Although normally it should stop such scans.)
If one uses port 67 as the source port of a TCP or UDP scan, ZoneAlarm will let the packet through and will not notify the user. This means, that one can TCP or UDP port scan a ZoneAlarm protected computer as if there were no firewall there IF one uses port 67 as the source port on the packets.
UDP Scan:
You can use NMap to port scan the host with the following command line:
nmap -g67 -P0 -p130-140 -sU
(Notice the -g67 which specifies source port).
TCP Scan:
You can use NMap to port scan the host with the following command line:
nmap -g67 -P0 -p130-140 -sS
(Notice the -g67 which specifies source port).

Trident Encoder : Encryption for Windows RT

I implemented a browser based encryption solution which runs on Windows RT (and many other Windows computers). All I wrote was the HTML page, I am leveraging Crypto.JS javascript library for encryption algorithm. I am using the HTML 5 File API implementation which Microsoft provides for reading and writing files.
I make no claim on this but seems to work good for me. Feel free to feedback if you have any suggestions. The crypto.js library supports many different algorithms and configuration so feel free to modify it to your own purposes.
You can download the zip file to your surface, extract it and load the TridentEncode.htm file into Internet Explorer.
If you want to save to custom directory you probably need to load it from the Desktop IE instead of metro IE (to get the file save dialog). I usually drag and drop the file onto desktop IE and from there I can make favorite. This should work in all IE 11 and probably IE 10 browsers... if you use other browsers you may need to copy paste into the fields since the File API implementation seems rather browser specific. Running the html page from the local filesystem means that there is no man-in-the-middle which helps eliminate some of the vulnerabilities of using a javascript crypto implementation. You could also copy the attached zip file to your skydrive to decrypt your files from other computers.
Skydrive files in theory are secure (unless they are shared to public) so this might be useful for adding another layer of protection to certain info.
Again, use at your own risk, but feel free to play around and test it, and offer any suggestions or critiques of its soundness, or just use it as a template for your own apps.
Ok... this is really cool! Nice idea, and a good first implementation.
With that said, I have a few comments (from a security perspective). As an aside, minimized JS is the devil and should be annihilated with extreme prejudice (where not actually being used in a bandwidth-sensitive context). Reviewing this thing took way too long...
1) Your random number generation is extremely weak. Math.random() in JS (or any other language I'm aware of, for that matter) is not suitable for use in cryptographic operations. I recommend reading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4083204/secure-random-numbers-in-javascript for suggestions. The answer by user ZeroG (bottom one, with three votes, as of this writing) gets my recommendation. Unfortunately, the only really good options require IE11 (or a recent, non-IE browser) so RT8.0 users are SOL.
NOTE: For the particular case in question here (where the only place I can see that random numbers are needed is the salt for the key derivation), a weak PRNG is not a critical failing so long as the attacker does not know, before the attack, what time the function is called at. If they do know, they can pre-compute the likely keys and possibly succeed in a dictionary attack faster than if they were able to generate every key only after accessing the encrypted file.
2) Similarly, I really recommend not using a third-party crypto lib, if possible; window.crypto (or window.msCrypto, for IE11) will provide operations that are both faster and *much* better reviewed. In theory, using a JS library means anybody who wants to can review the code; in practice, the vast majority of people are unqualified to either write or review crypto implementations, and it's very easy for weaknesses to creep in through subtle errors.
3) The default key derivation function (as used for CryptoJS.AES.encrypt({string}, {string})) is a single iteration of MD5 with a 64-bit salt. This is very fast, but that is actually a downside here; an attacker can extremely quickly derive different keys to attempt a dictionary attack (a type of brute-force attack where commonly used passwords are attempted; in practice, people choose fairly predictable passwords so such attacks often succeed quickly). Dictionary attacks can be made vastly more difficult if the key derivation process is made more computationally expensive. While this may not matter so much for large files (where the time to perform the decryption will dominate the total time required for the attack), it could matter very much for small ones. The typical approach here is to use a function such as PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function) with a large number of iterations (in native code, values of 20000-50000 are not uncommon; tune this value to avoid an undesirably long delay) although other "slow" KDFs exist.
4) There's no mechanism in place to determine whether or not the file was tampered with. It is often possible to modify encrypted data, without knowing the exact contents, in such a way that the data decrypts "successfully" but to the wrong output. In some cases, an attacker can even control enough of the output to achieve some goal, such as compromising a program that parses the file. While the use of PKCS7 padding usually makes naïve tampering detectable (because the padding bytes will be incorrect), it is not a safe guarantee. For example, a message of 7 bytes (or 15 or 23 or 31 or any other multiple of 8 + 7) will have only 1 byte of padding; thus there is about a 0.4% (1 / 256) chance that even a random change to the ciphertext will produce a valid padding. To combat this, use an HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) and verify it before attempting decryption. Without knowing the key, the attacker will be unable to correct the HMAC after modifying the ciphertext. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC
5) The same problem as 4, but from a different angle: there's no way to be sure that the correct key was entered. In the case of an incorrect key, the plaintext will almost certainly be wrong... but it is possible that the padding byte(s) will be correct anyhow. With a binary file, it may not be possible to distinguish a correct decryption from an incorrect one. The solution (an HMAC) is the same, as the odds of an HMAC collision (especially if a good hash function is used) are infinitesimal.
6) Passwords are relatively weak and often easily guessed. Keyfiles (binary keys generated from cryptographically strong random number generators and stored in a file - possibly on a flashdrive - rather than in your head) are more secure, assuming you can generate them. It is even possible to encrypt the keyfile itself with a password, which is a form of two-factor authentication: to decrypt the data that an attacker wants to get at, they need the keyfile (a thing you have) and its password (a thing you know). Adding support for loading and using keyfiles, and possibly generating them too, would be a good feature.
The solutions to 3-5 will break backward compatibility, and will also break compatibility with the default parameters for openssl's "enc" operation. This is not a bad thing; backward compatibility can be maintained by either keeping the old version around or adding a decrypt-version selector, and openssl's defaults for many things are bad (it is possible, and wise, to override the defaults with more secure options). For forward compatibility, some version metadata could be prepended to the ciphertext (or appended to the file name, perhaps as an additional extension) to allow you to make changes in the future, and allow the encryption software to select the correct algorithms and parameters for a given file automatically.
Wow thanks GDTD that's great feedback
Not sure about his minified sources, the unminified aes.js in components is smaller than the minified version (which I am using) in rollups. I'll have to look into what his process for 'rollup' is to see if I can derive a functional set of non-minified script includes. If I can do that it would be easier to replace (what I would guess is) his reliance on Math.random.
His source here mirrors the unminified files in components folder : https://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/source/browse/tags/3.1.2/src
msCrypto that would be great, I had no idea that was in there. I found a few (Microsoft) samples so I will have to test them out and see if I can completely substitute that for crypto.js. Would be more keeping in line with the name I came up with.
Currently this version only works for text files, I am using the FileAPI method reader.readAsText(). I have been trying to devise a solution for binary files utilizing reader.readAsArrayBuffer but as yet I haven't been able to convert or pass this to crypto.js. I will need to experiment more with base64 or other interim buffer formats (which Crypto.js or msCrypto can work with) until I can get a better understanding of it.
Metadata is a great idea, maybe i can accommodate that with a hex encoded interim format.
You seem extremely knowledgeable in the area of encryption, hopefully i can refine the approach to address some of the issues you raised by setting up proper key, salt, and IV configuration... I'm sure I will understand more of your post as i progress (and after reading it about 20 times more as a reference).
Too bad we don't a web server for RT, that would at least open up localStorage for json serialization (mostly for other apps I had in mind). I guess they might not allow that in app store though. Could probably run one of a developers license though (renewed every 1-2 months)?
nazoraios said:
Too bad we don't a web server for RT, that would at least open up localStorage for json serialization (mostly for other apps I had in mind). I guess they might not allow that in app store though. Could probably run one of a developers license though (renewed every 1-2 months)?
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Click to collapse
I cant comment too much on the encryption, GoodDayToDie has covered anything I could contribute and more. But there is a functioning web server on RT. Apache 2.0 was ported: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2408106 I dont know if everything is working on it, I dont own an RT device and last time I tried I couldnt get apache to run on 64 bit windows 8 anyway (needed it at uni, spent hours going through troubleshooting guides and it never worked on my laptop, gave up and ran it under linux in virtualbox where it took 2 minutes to have functioning the way I needed it to).
Curious about the performance. Speaking of encryption, 7-Zip has it built-in, and from the discuss in StackExchange, it seems pretty good.
One of the neat things about this thing (local web app? Pseudo-HTA (HTml Application)? Not sure if there's a proper name for such things) is that it runs just fine even on non-jailbroken devices. That's a significant advantage, at least for now.
Running a web server should be easy enough. I wrote one for WP8 (which has a subset of the allowed APIs for WinRT) and while the app *I* use it in won't be allowed in the store, other developers have taken the HTTP server component (I open-sourced it) and packaged it in other apps which have been allowed just fine. With that said, there are of course already file crypto utilities in the store anyhow... but they're "Modern" apps so you might want to develop such a server anyhow so you can use it from a desktop web browser instead.
Web cryptography (window.crypto / window.msCrypto) is brand new; it's not even close to standardization yet. I'm actually kind of shocked MS implemented it already, even if they put it in a different name. It's pretty great, though; for a long time, things like secure random numbers have required plugins (Flash/Java/Silverlight/whatever). Still, bear in mind that (as it's still far from standardized), the API might change over time.
Yep, I think of them as Trident apps since trident is what Microsoft calls their IE rendering engine, but I guess they are sort of offline web apps (which come from null domain). Being from null domain you are not allowed to use localstorage which is domain specific. You also are not allowed to make ajax requests. You just have file api and json object serialization to make do with I/O.
Another app I am working on is a kind of Fiddler app similar to http://jsfiddle.net/ where you can sandbox some simple script programs.
Kind of turning an RT device into a modern/retro version of a commodore 64 or other on-device development environments. Instead of basic interpreter you've got your html markup and script.
I have an attached demo version which makes available jquery, jquery-ui, alertify javascript libraries in a sandbox environment that you can save as .prg files.
I put a few sample programs in the samples subfolder. Some of the animation samples (like solar system) set up timers which may persist even after cleared so you might need to reload the page to clear those.
It takes a while to extract (lots of little files for all the libraries) but once it extracts you can run the html page and I included a sample program 'Demo Fiddle.prg' you can load and run to get an idea.
I added syntax highlighting editors (EditArea) which seems to work ok and let's you zoom each editor full screen.
The idea would be to take the best third party javascript libraries and make them available and even make shortcuts or minimal API for making it easier to use them. Common global variable, global helper methods, ide manipulation. I'd like to include jqplot for charting graphs, maybe for mathematical programs and provide api for user to do their own I/O within the environment.
These are just rough initial demos, and obviously open source so if anyone wants to take the ideas and run with them i'd be interested in seeing what others do. Otherwise I will slowly evolve the demos and release when there are significant changes.

[Closed] keweonDNS - now with improved Certificate (iOS, Mac & Android)

Please read this first! ​
The entire system is build up for demonstration and should show a new way to protect against Internet and Online threats. It should demonstrate that it is possible within the Internet to protect user, devices and there data.
The entire System is a pure & 100% DNS filter system without the usage of any kind of proxy. My goal is it to proof security is possible without using any kind of proxy.
A lot of sites using HTTPS communications within the Internet and therefore I offer a special self signed Root Certificate which block any existing domain on the blacklist with a valid HTTPS connection. Different sites using broken HTTPS Traffic to detect Adblock technologies and some sites might require the keweon Root Certificate. All HTTPS connections are only used to prevent browser and application errors within your Operation Systems.
From the technical point of few a root certificate and just a DNS server is never a threat for any users or any kind of data. The entire system is protected within various ways to prevent data stealing from users and devices.
For actual reasons and because of many discussions I want to inform you about threat possibilities:
1. DNS Server which are not DNS Server and they act as (transparent) Proxy are able to redirect the entire user traffic for Data Analysis or Data stealing.​
2. DNS Server which are not DNS Server and they act as (transparent) Proxy can easily redirect traffic to a Web Server and infect your system with this kind of online threats:
Botnets, Cryptoware, Fake Software, Malware, Miningware, Online Worms, Phishing, Ransomware, Remote Keyloggers, Rogue Security Software, Spyware, Trojans and Virus.
This kind of infections are possible via HTTP (via 80 or any other port) or HTTPS (via 443 or any other port) with or without a valid SSL Certificate. A single Let'sEncrypt can easily support this kind of Online Threats.​
3. DNS Server which are not DNS Server and they act as (transparent) Proxy can use all methods of attacks in Point 2 to act as Botnet or Cache Server to spread this kind of attacks by a simple HTTP infection and download additional payload via HTTP (via 80 or any other port) or HTTPS (via 443 or any other port) with a single Let'sEncrypt certificate.​
4. DNS Server which are not DNS Server and they act as (transparent) Proxy can use a self signed root certificate to steal passwords and logins when you install this. The keweon Root Certificate is designed to protect users and against HTTPS errors which will happens because of filter or blocking HTTPS traffic. When a keweonDNS Server is setup as a (transparent) Proxy it is possible to redirect the entire user traffic and get user login and passwords which is generally known as "MITM ATTACK".
Please take note that the usage of a Root Certificate from someone you don't know can cause serious problems when the Server is build up to target user. With a MITM Attack it is possible to get data, passwords and logon credentials.​
5. The entire keweonDNS Project is build and invented to protect users, there Data and its protecting against almost all Online threats. Various fuses are build into the entire environments many times.​
6. The keweon Servers do not any kind of Data collection. This is one of my core visions. Why I should build up a system which prevent data collection system and then I will do it by myself? There is also NO (!) Data Collection even on Servers OS Level.​
The entire keweonDNS System runs public with global access since 2014. At this point let me say thanks a lot to all users for there trust into me and the entire keweonDNS solution.
Thanks a lot to each single user!!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Business inquires: Please see contact information section below.
Keweon quick start.
Read the available servers and certificate sections now if you already know what you are doing. New users please skip to the "About Keweon" section below and return to the DNS and Certificate sections later:
Available DNS servers (choose one primary and one secondary):
Main Servers:
IPv6: 2a01:4f8:150:8023::58
IPv6: 2a01:4f8:150:8023::62
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Click to collapse
Update November 28, 2018:
If you have installed the root certificate, I recommend that you use these two servers. This servers can be used without certificate but a lot of sites will not porpper work.
IPv6: 2a01:4f8:a0:8487::143
IPv6: 2001:19f0:6401:175d::215
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Click to collapse
These servers have special blocklist entries which blocks things such as graph.facebook.com, pixel.facebook.com, all amazon-adsystem.com domains and all the things which are normaly not possible to block without any impact to apps, websites and other things. Also, this blocks special domains for YouTube which prevents data transmission to them.
Available Server List for keweon Privacy & Security
(Server Edition keweonDNS v.6.80.280.LL)
Australia / Sidney: (vServer)
France / Paris: (vServer)
Germany / Frankfurt (vServer)
India / Bangalore (vServer)
IPv6: 2400:6180:100:d0::30d:5001
Japan / Tokio (vServer)
Netherland / Amsterdam (vServer)
Singapore / Singapore: (vServer)
UK / London (vServer)
USA / Dallas (vServer)
USA / New Jersey (vServer)
USA / Silicon Valley (vServer)
Keweon Root certificate (not required, but will suppress certificate errors):
For Windows Systeme (MSI File) The certificate is working for IE, Edge and Chrome Browser.
MSI within a ZIP file:
For Android and iOS devices, also for Firefox and Mozilla Browser:
Certificate within a ZIP file:
For Admins to use it within Active Directory as REG file:
REG within a ZIP file:
If you want to have a "AllInOne Package" use this link please:
(End of Quick Start section)
About Keweon:
Keweon comes from the German words "KEine WErbung ONline"--translated to English it means "no advertising online."
Keweon is more than a generic adblock system. Keweon does:
 Advertising Blocking
 Adware Protection
 App Protection
 Bandwidth Protection for Mobile Phones
 Botnets Protection
 Cryptoware Protection
 Fake Online Shop Filter
 Fake Software Protection
 Malware Protection
 Miningware Protection
 Online Worms Protection
 Pharming Protection
 Phishing Protection
 Popup Blocker
 Privacy Protection
 Ransomware Protection
 Remote Keyloggers Protection
 Rogue Security Software Protection
 Spoofing Protection
 Spyware Protection
 Tracing Protection
 Tracking Protection
 Trojan Protection
 Virus Protection
 and a lot of other things
Things Keweon does not do or does not have:
 Acceptible advertising exceptions
 A Malware or virus scanner
 Data collection
Keweon will:
 Save bandwidth. Ads are blocked, not just hidden.
Basic instructions:
1. Take the DNS Servers
2. Install the keweon Adblock Root Certificate (recommended, not required)
3. Change your Internet Router or your Mobile Device to use the servers
4. Reboot (Router and PC)
Trusted apps for changing DNS on your device:
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.frostnerd.dnschanger
- iOS/Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dns-override-set-dns-for-wi-fi-and-cellular/id1060830093
- Chrome OS: Click on wifi icon, click on Network, scroll to Name Servers, and input DNS entries.
- Chrome browser help: https://www.xda-developers.com/fix-dns-ad-blocker-chrome/
1) Does my traffic runs trough the keweon System?
Not even one byte from you or your device will flow through my servers. Also the same with HTTPS things. Take a sniffer or wireshark or NirSoft Network Suites and you will be surprised. All HTTPS Ads traffic will be terminated with "0" bytes which will show to you that there is no sniffing or spying from my side.
2) Here are some questions from Telegram users which might be interesting for you.
3) If you have questions - please ask!
Contact information:
If you want to send blacklists (things that should be blocked) please send them to: [email protected]
If you want to send whitelists (things that shouldn't be blocked) please send them to: [email protected]
If you open a Website and this site looks kind of strange because of missing CSS & other things, then take the URL, copy to TXT and send this TXT to: [email protected]
Developer email: [email protected] (If you are a Company and if you want to test and use keweonDNS within a business environment I can offer you a faster connection within EMEA.
This is only possible if you have a public static IP Address. Dynamic Addresses are currently not possible for security reasons.)
New license terms because of the EU DSGVO/GDRP (25.05.2018):
Business and Corporate usage is not allowed without my written permission.
The usage of keweon within a private and personal environment and all released and public available files of the entire keweon System are subject of the License right of the WTFPL license.
Excluded from this license are all server technologies, the SSL technologies and in addition all source codes which personally belongs to me.
How to use keweon?
It's very easy:
1. Take the DNS Servers
2. Install the keweon Adblock Root Certificate ( <<< THIS IS ONLY A RECOMMENDATION)
3. Change your Internet Router or your Mobile Device to it
4. Reboot (Router and PC)
5. Done! That's it.
6. See the Internet within a never seen way
In the meantime the keweon AdBlock Root Certificate has more than 4 Millions global downloads. This certificate is not required but for a few websites it is mandatory.
This certificate will only surpress the certificate errors. Not all of them because I'm still working on this.
On iOS Devices just open Safari. With Android use the default Browser and go to http://pki.keweon.center and after 3 sec. the download of the certificate will start. JUST THE DOWNLOAD!! You need to install it by yourself. More facts about the keweon Root Certificate will comming soon on the website.
Test the DNS Servers within this List and choose the one which is the fastest for you:
How to use it on Android devices:
Use an App of your choice or use this. I also use this app and from my point of view this is the worldwide best App to change the DNS settings on Android devices. No Root Access is required. The developer is from Germany and I have had a good contact to him. The app is free of charge and also free of advertising. The source code for this app is also available on GitHub. If you have troubles with it or want to have additonal features than contact the developer. He would be happy about every feedback.
How to use it on iOS/Apple devices:
All my iOS Tester using this App. If you have a better one or you are able to translate the Android App to XCode - your welcome.
You are using Chrome and the DNS thing is not working? (thanks a lot @NamitNayan for this info)
Google wants to prevent Adblocking via DNS. Therefore they have enabled an experimental Switch by default to prevent DNS blocking.
Take a look at here if it's not working >>> HERE <<< and fix the problem within seconds.
Technical Details
Public available DNS:
Take a look at this thread:
Background System:
The current system needs 42 Server (!) in the Background that everything is working.
Actually the entire infrastructure is hosted on 5 different providers.
How does it work?
The entire System works with several Servers. Ubuntu, FreeBSD 11 and my own build Operation System based on UNIX is installed. The entire developement and all source codes are not public available. There is more than 14 yrs of work inside.
Current Blacklist size:
39.585.224 Domains (export to TXT)
Current Virus/Ransomware Blacklist size:
18.853.587 Domains (export to TXT)
Current Blacklist contains:
Tracker, Malware, Spyware, Adware, Advertising, Poison Websites Fake Software (Adobe Flash Updates which is in real Malware/Virus) & a few false/positive Sites.
To cover all HTTPS errors because a lot of Advertising Vendors display and spread this crap via https to the world I have created the keweon Root Certificate. Allmost every Malware and Spyware will be installed via HTTPS. The Root Certificate is only responsible to suppress all https error messages for all this Advertising and poison things.
Which Systems are working and acting with keweon?
The keweon System is tested on almost every Operation System and Devices (iOS, Android, Xbox, Playstation, Samsung TV, etc... ) It's currently running within 3 companies because I know the Admins there. You can use it within you private environment but please DO NOT USE it within a Business environment.
Why I can't use it within a Business environment?
There are 2 reasons for it.
1. I want that the entire system becomes free for private and personal usage and I already have requests from Companies and even from the Public Sector that they are interested about to use the System. As long as there are too many error within the System I don't have the option to sell this as an Business solution. That's the deal.
2. Private for free, Business needs to license it. Of cause, the current system needs to be a bigger and stable system..
Does my traffic runs trough the keweon System?
Not even one byte from you or your device will flows through my servers. Also the same with the HTTPS things. Take a sniffer or wireshark or NirSoft Network Suites and you will be surprised. All HTTPS Ads traffic will be terminated with "0" bytes which will show to you that there is no sniffing or spying from my side.
It would not make any sense that I drop all this crap traffic, blame to the advertising Industrie and I do exactly this things which I want to prevent?
Btw... This fact was also the problem why I have had no success with investors. They want that I enable data sniffing or user sniffing but I would rather throw away the entire system & developement than doing what they want.
I need your help and support
1. Support me with Black and White lists
It’s veryimportant to know that keweonDNS will NEVER (!) do a censorship of the Internet. If you want to have i.e. Facebook blocked via HOSTS file, it’s up to you. But this will never be done via keweonDNS. I have other plans with porn and violence but this is a stage with keweon kidsafe which is currently far, far away.
Any list you want to send to me has to be send as an attachment within an EMail. I will give you a short example for this.
If you have a Raspberry PI and you have a real cute blacklist than copy all the addresses (or URL’s) into a TXT file and send it to me via mail. The same with some important whitelists. Don't care about the size.
Don’t copy the addresses or URL's into Subject or Body of this Mail because this will never arrive. I don’t want to track and check all the mails and for security reasons only attachments will be processed. Please make sure you only send ZIP files that contains the TXT file or send native TXT files. Everything else will be dropped for security reasons. Don’t care about double entries and it doesn’t matters if you send the same TXT file 5 or 10 times again and again.
Websites which contains errors or Whitelist needs to be processed within the same way. Send the TXT or ZiP – that’s it.
If you want to send blacklists please send them to: [email protected]
If you want to send whitelists please send them to: [email protected]
2. Support me with false/positive on keweonDNS
If you open a Site and this site stay blank than copy the URL into a TXT file and send it to me. You do not need to collect them. If you send me 50 or 100 Mails and each of them contains only 1 link or address this doesn't matters.
If you want to send URL’s or Links which are blocked and should be not blocked then send them to: [email protected]
If you open a Website and this site looks some kind of strange because of missing CSS & other pretty Website things than take the URL, copy to TXT and send this TXT to: [email protected]
3. Router Compatibility:
With a lot of SOHO Router it is possible to change the IPv6 and IPv4 default DNS Server Address. But there are are also a lot of Router outside where this is not possible.
If you can provide some instructions and screenshots within a PDF I will release this on the Webpage. I have the experience that the AVM FritzBox sometimes will work and sometimes not. That is related to the fact that the Provider support IPv6 and you are only able to change the IPv4 DNS Server Address. With the tiny tool "FBEDITOR" it should be possible to change also the default IPv6 DNS Server Address on AVM Boxes.
German Telekom Router are also a peace of crap. There you can change nothing except the Password and the WLAN key. The work arround by selecting "Different Provider" (anderer Anbieter) where you can set manualy the DNS Server will not work.
Unfortunately I only have CISCO, LINKSYS and ASUS Hardware running with i.e. DD-WRT. I appreciate if you can help me with creating instructions how to change DNS v4 & v6 settings on your Home/SOHO/Wireless Router. No rush on this because all this instructions will be released on the Website.
Million thanks in advance!
Important Links
http://www.keweon.de and http://www.keweon.com
Forum (in progress)
App URLs:
Android Apps:
Frostnerd (Daniel's) DNS Changer App​
Frostnerd (Daniel's) DoT and DoH (DNS over TLS and HTTPS) App (under developement)​
iPhone and other iOS devices Apps:
AppStore App - Free of charge DoH changer App​
keweon Root Certificate
For Windows Systeme (MSI File) The certificate is working for IE, Edge, Opera, Chrome which has no own certificate storage.​
MSI within a ZIP file​
For Android and iOS devices, also for Firefox and Mozilla Browser (just visit the site with the Browser)​
Certificate within a ZIP file​
For Admins to use it within Active Directory as REG file​
REG within a ZIP file​
If you want to have a "AllInOne Package" use this link please​
Additional Links
Change DNS Settings on DD-WRT with DNSMASQ within the right way​
How to set Firefox DoH Settings​
keweonDNS for Windows
Download the QuickSetDNS from NIRSOFT and use it on Windows to change your DNS settings.
Currently it's only working with IPv4. Link to NirSoft is HERE
Use the QuickSetDNS config to add all DNS servers and choose your favorite DNS Server. Unzip the file, copy it into the directory where you have extracted the download.
If you have any recommendations about additional links, let me know!
keweonDNS & installation Information
ALL keweonDNS Servers:
Version: DoT Server - DNS over TLS (updated 03/21/2019)
Used Certificate: Let'sEncrypt Certificate
Server Address: dot.asecdns.com
Port: 853 & 443
IP Addresses:
dot.asecdns.com ( - HETTNER RZ Falkenstein)
dot.asecdns.com ( - HETTNER RZ Nuernberg)
dot.asecdns.com ( - HETTNER RZ Helsinki)
dot.asecdns.com (2a01:4f8:1c17:6e44::240 - HETTNER RZ Falkenstein)
dot.asecdns.com (2a01:4f8:c2c:491::199 - HETTNER RZ Nuernberg)
dot.asecdns.com (2a01:4f9:c010:3071::253 - HETTNER RZ Helsinki)
Version: DoH Server - DNS over HTTPS (updated 03/21/2019)
Used Certificate: Let'sEncrypt Certificate
Server Address: doh.asecdns.com/nebulo
Port: 443
IP Addresses:
doh.asecdns.com ( - HETTNER RZ Falkenstein)
doh.asecdns.com ( - HETTNER RZ Nuernberg)
doh.asecdns.com ( - HETTNER RZ Helsinki)
doh.asecdns.com (2a01:4f8:1c17:6fc7::250 - HETTNER RZ Falkenstein)
doh.asecdns.com (2a01:4f8:c2c:e25::207 - HETTNER RZ Nuernberg)
doh.asecdns.com (2a01:4f9:c010:1cbd::29 - HETTNER RZ Helsinki)
Version: keweonDNS v.6.80.280.LL (updated 03/21/2019)
Australia / Sidney: (vServer)
France / Paris: (vServer)
Germany / Frankfurt (vServer)
India / Bangalore (vServer)
IPv6: 2400:6180:100:d0::30d:5001
Japan / Tokio (vServer)
Netherland / Amsterdam (vServer)
Singapore / Singapore: (vServer)
UK / London (vServer)
USA / Dallas (vServer)
USA / New Jersey (vServer)
USA / Silicon Valley (vServer)
Physical Instance:
Germany / Falkenstein
k1-de-058-fsn.keweon.center (Physical)
DNS Server to use with keweon Adblock Root Certificate:
This Servers block in addition:
- pixel.facebook.com
- Amazon data collection and advertising
- more things which are normally not possible will coming soon step by step
Germany / Nuernberg
k1-de-143-nbg.keweon.center (Physical)
USA / Dallas - Texas
k1-ns2-us02.keweon.center (vServer)
(Updated at 21. March 2019)
Works like a charm better than adaway just download a dns app just have to change the dns then your done
Works like a charm. Thank you. Is there any difference between this and using VPN-based adblocking apps? (importing our own blacklists into it)
ninjanmizuki said:
Works like a charm. Thank you. Is there any difference between this and using VPN-based adblocking apps? (importing our own blacklists into it)
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This should be no Problem. But if you are using with the VPN App a different DNS Server than my system might not longer work. No clue about your VPN & DNS settings.
Please keep in mind, the last DNS Server rules. If you set my DNS Server and than u run a VPN App with a different DNS Server u will "overwrite" my DNS Server settings.
From the blacklist itself that should fit. Haven't had this bevor. ?
Send me PM if you have further questions.
Anyway, thanks a lot.
The current Infrastructure will be upgraded to 10 GBit (!) DNS Server power and much more faster system.
Please notice that the DNS Server addresses will change during the next weeks.
After this upgrade you can spread the system to all of your friends.
Thanks a lot & more will comming soon on the website
...which is currently still under developement...
MrT69 said:
The current Infrastructure will be upgraded to 10 GBit (!) DNS Server power and much more faster system.
Please notice that the DNS Server addresses will change during the next weeks.
After this upgrade you can spread the system to all of your friends.
Thanks a lot & more will comming soon on the website
...which is currently still under developement...
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Working well, but I get 'invalid security certificate' error popup on most pages. Any way to eliminate?
If this URLs are wrong within the blacklist, do me a favor and send them to me to whitelist them.
Copy the URLs from the Browser into a TXT file and send this to. Keep in mind only attachments will arrive. It will help not if you type the addresses or URLs within the mail Body.
[email protected]
Doesn't matters if you send 100 Mails per Day because the will automatically processed during the night.
I'm happy for every wrong listed URL. Million thanks in advance for your feedback.
If this is affecting websites which are not false positive than you need to wait a few days. Currently I'm working to terminate all https crap from the advertising side. But therefore it is a must to have the keweon Root Certificate installed. Right now I need to terminate every https error manually.
It is incredible how many poison sites work with HTTPS so it was a need to develope a different solution than doing this always manually. The server installation is in progress but first I need to finalize the tests. Should be done until next weekend.
Update 1:
Please take a look at the second posting. The first 10Gbit DNS Server is online and working. Yeaaahhhhh!!!
10Gbit DNS v4:
10Gbit DNS v6: 2a01:367:c1f2::448
Of cause it's a shared 10Gbit - but it's in Germany and damn fast. Next month the second 10Gbit in USA will be online. Installation is already in progress.
Update 2:
Today at 3:00 AM (Germany GMT+1) after the daily reboot procedure the entire HTTPS problem is solved.
If you have the keweon Root Certificate installed EVERY (!) HTTPS error is gone. I was developing this procedure since more than 2 yrs and during the last 3 months I have had no additional problems or errors.
The entire HTTPS crap will be terminated and to make sure that this is done from my site, every "keweon termination" is marked with a specific favicon. Sometimes it happens that a site still has a problem with the HTTPS errors even when everything is working on my site. This happens to HTTPS overlays or HTTPS calls with bad coded Java Scripts. If this error happens that you receive a Banner or Overlay with HTTPS error message than please reload the site and the error will never occurs again.
The problem is related to the programmers of the websites. Sometimes I have the feeling that some of them still use FRONTPAGE to develope websites. Anyway, just reload and that's it.
Now the big question - is this save?
Absolut! I will terminate only the evil traffic and within the tunnel there are no data. Let's assume I will do this with Paypal - what will happens?
When the URL's "PayPal and PayPalObjects" are on my blacklists than it is not possible at all for you to contact the website. Because of this it is also not possible to grab any input from your site because the login to PayPal would be not longer possible. Please feel so free and track the traffic. I even would help to investigate and help you to take a deeper look inside.
How is it possible?
Please understand that this is a very difficult thing to explain and on the other hand everything what I would release here in XDA is also visible to "the dark side" and they might have the option to do strike against this. Of cause, I will release more informations on the website which will be the next thing during the next 2 weeks. Currently 40 Servers within the Background only working for terminate this problem. Yes, this is a raised middlefinger to the entire & global ads industrie and I'm so damn proud of my solution.
Please remember: The keweon Root Certificate is still not required. If you have concerns than it is OK for me if you do not use it. If you would like to have a clean and "https error confirmation free" Internet than you should to install it. The certificate will be available at: http://pki.keweon.center - the download will start after 3 seconds and you need to install it.
Update 3:
This is the cutest news. Since one month a company was testing the solution and with the "Sophos" appliance it was possible to configure it within a way that the local installation of the "keweon Root Certificate" was not longer required.
I guess Sophos will not realy notice me but from today I can say that keweon official supports the "Sophos Appliance". The tutorial is in progress and as soon as this is finished I will release it. I hope I will get more instructions from your side how to mange this with other Systems. (CISCO, Checkpoint, PaloAlto and other heavy firewall and security systems)
I like this concept and want to keep testing. Here's my issue - for some reason, activating design change causes very slow loading speed. Same on WiFi or mobile. I have entries active for ipv4 and ipv6. For ipv4, the first set of numbers in post 2 won't work. Dns changer shows red line in entry field, (bad numbers). So, I'm using the second set, (starts with 51.254...). For ipv6, I'm using the first set. They work fine, but cause it to take 10-20 seconds to load a page. It seems like it gets better the more I browse, but still will take 5-10 seconds to load just about any page, and when I open up dns changer and hit 'stop', it is automatically faster, no more lag.
I wondered at first if it was a conflict with other tweaks and mods, (I have build prop tweaks, and AFWall app, etc), so I undid everything and tried again, but the same. I use Naked Browser almost exclusively, but tested with AOSP browser also, and no different.
Any ideas? Thanks
levone1 said:
I like this concept and want to keep testing. Here's my issue - for some reason, activating design change causes very slow loading speed. Same on WiFi or mobile. I have entries active for ipv4 and ipv6. For ipv4, the first set of numbers in post 2 won't work. Dns changer shows red line in entry field, (bad numbers). So, I'm using the second set, (starts with 51.254...). For ipv6, I'm using the first set. They work fine, but cause it to take 10-20 seconds to load a page. It seems like it gets better the more I browse, but still will take 5-10 seconds to load just about any page, and when I open up dns changer and hit 'stop', it is automatically faster, no more lag.
I wondered at first if it was a conflict with other tweaks and mods, (I have build prop tweaks, and AFWall app, etc), so I undid everything and tried again, but the same. I use Naked Browser almost exclusively, but tested with AOSP browser also, and no different.
Any ideas? Thanks
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Thanks a lot for the feedback.
The problem is related to the latency of my current VPS. That was one of the main reason why I would need to find an Investor. The entire system needs to be run from a physical Host but this will need an Invest for 200.000 Euro per year. 20 GBit Server located within 16 Countries world wide. Would be so cute but they wanted that I collect data from users to sell this. I guess you can imagine what my answers was to this stupid idea.
Anyway... I guess I have an idea. First at all, which county/city you are located? If you don't want to make this public send me a short PM.
Thanks a lot for your support. I'm pretty sure I will find a solution ?
Btw... Anyone else with this problem? Send a short PM with your Country/City.
Thank you very much, it works very well.
I do have a small delay from 5 up to 15 seconds on an initial connection but after the webpage is loaded there is no more delay and often faster than without the dns.
For me its not a big issue, I did pm you with my country and city in case it may be if help for you.
Today I received the first f/p blacklist settings and this will be in place tomorrow morning 03:00 AM GMT +1 (German Time). Good to see that the system is in use.
With the help and testing from a view users it seems the current DNS Servers are to slow. I will change the public front end infrastructure. I will anounce this bevore to prevent interruption.
But keep in mind!
Unfortunately I don't have the money to do what I want but I guess this is anyway the best solution which is currently available. I need to host everything on VPS which is from the technical point of view not the best solution because of a high latency. I'm working on this, still think about Investor or Crowdfunding or anthing like this. But first at all I want to have a usable system and a pretty website in place.
That will finally mean that the launch of the website is still in progress - sorry folks - but I guess it is more important that the system will be fast as possible and stable.
If someone of you is interested to take over the responsiblity/administration of the keweon forum - let me know. I'm fine with nearly 8 programming languages but this phpBB3 Board drives me crazy. This is not my world. I appreciate every help and support. My english is not longer the best and my wife would kill me if I would do this also because the technical support of the system needs already a lot of time.
Contact me via PM if you are interested.
New & faster Servers are online. Feel so free to use it, test it, share it to your friends and wherever you want.
Click here for current DNS Server List
Please test each of the server. Someone from US reportet that UK and NL DNS Server has a damn good performance within USA.
If someone of you have contact to ASIA please let me know what's about the Japan DNS Server.
If you are interested to add the keweon Certificate by default to your ROM you're welcome.
This has the advantage that there is no need to assign a PIN to the device if you place the Certificate by default into the Certificate Store.
Btw, the website is already in progress and I hope you will visit it when it's done.
Really excited about this.
Looking into ways to change the dns on Android with root access, any ideas?
bond32 said:
Really excited about this.
Looking into ways to change the dns on Android with root access, any ideas?
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Use this App. No Root required. The app is a fake VPN App.
This will mean it will also work in 3G/LTE Mode and it's Open Source available at Git Hub.
Not my App. But I also use this outside.
Enjoy it!

Framework discussion

Hi all,
As part of a class I'm doing, we are required to post some content to a forum to engage in discussion on security:
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
OWAPS describes Cross Site Scripting (XSS) where a website has been marked as a trusted website, which for some reason, can run malicious code or scripts through inputs such as forms. As the end user’s browser sees this site as trusted, it allows the malicious script or code to execute, which can give access to client side information before it is encrypted (such as usernames, passwords, session IDs, cookies, etc).
In PHP for example, a normal input box where a user would enter their name, would be able to enter the following:
When PHP prints this back out after submission, it will execute the script between the script tags (In this case, just a simple popup).
In this scenario, this can be solved by wrapping the input value with htmlentities:
This would print any script as literal text rather then executing it.
In Java,
XSS is still a major issue, both due to some sites not implementing simple work around such as htmlentities or htmlspecialchars, or for reasons where these cant be used. XSS affects PHP applications by as much as 86% - its PHPs biggest vulnerability.
In Java, the easiest method is to simply validate inputs and to encode special characters (<>[email protected]#$%^&*). Alternativley, OWASP have a XSS class which includes easy methods to best prevent against certain types of XSS.
Code Injection
Code injection is where using the sites scripting language, you can inject (rather, have the site pull) code from somewhere else.
For example, php can call one of its own pages like so:
however, if we replace the contact.php page with an external hosted script:
This will cause the enduser to execute that script. This all comes down to PHP validation which is coded within the PHP to ensure only valid respsonses are accepted.
This is unlike command injection. Command Injection is an attack which is designed to execute commands on the PHP hosted system (server). This can be done where most parameters are passed (headers, input boxes, etc) and will typically display any output on the returned webpage.
For example, to return a password for a certain user, you could use a command like:
Typically, to prevent such commands from executing, a whitelist of command can be made, whereby only those listed are allowed to be executed on the server. Alternativly, it is recommend where the application needs to invoke system side commands, to do this through local python scripts, rather then PHP calling the commands.
CRLF injection
CRLF injection comes from the elements CR (Carriage Return) and LF (Line Feed) – together (CRLF) this denotes a new line (done simply by pressing the enter button). If a website for example, allows you to upload a file, an attacker may name this file as follows:
This would result in a system command being carried out to delete everything in the /bin folder.
It also allows an attacker to write to the log file, by creating it own new line. If the logs are configured in such a way that they will email out any WARNINGS or ERRORS, an attacker may add these to a new log line repetitively, backing up the email and bandwidth.
The simple way around this is for JAVA to sanitise any input strings, either through substituting known commands, or through methods such as
SQL Injection
.NET SQL Injection allows an authorised SQL command to be sent to the SQL server and executed.
An SQL string may be built using inputs from a form. A possible example of this is:
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM members WHERE email = 'formemail';
where the red is the text from an input field.
However, we can modify this string which can allow some malicious stuff to happen:
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM members WHERE email = 'formemail'; DROP DATABASE members --';
Adding the red text to the email input box, would allow us to delete the whole table, or alternatively insert a new record into a table, or possible delete records, modify records (change passwords), or even delete whole tables.
To prevent this, you can limit the damage an SQL injection can do you using proper database permissions (deleting records, tables, etc), and to also use good sanitisation – look for -- or ; in any field and invalidate the data if it has these characters.
Directory Traversal
Directory traversal can also be referred to as a “dot dot slash” attack.
In php, a resource (page) can be called as follows:
However, it may be possible to get other files, not even part of the web directory using the following examples:
The easiest way to prevent this is to assign proper permission on the server itself. However, many web developers do not own the server, therefore, another layer of protection is fully qualify the file path, with the root being where the webpage sits.
Connection String Injection
Also known as connection string pollution, it is possible for an attacker to inject parameters into a connection string to a database. Typically a connection string is built by delimiting each value with a comma. In an injection attack, strings can be built using semi colons as a delimiter.
A typical connection string to a windows SQL server may look like the following:
Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; integrated security=no; user id=+’User_Value’+; Password=+’Password_Value’+;
However, if an attacker places a rouge windows SQL server on the internet, and then uses a connection string like follows:
Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; integrated security=no; user id=;Data Source=Rogue Server; Password=; Integrated Security=true;
This allows the target windows SQL server to connect to the rouge server using its own Windows credentials, exposing much data.
Backdoors can be common within applications and web applications and can occur across many types of frameworks, however, it’s the security around the knowledge of backdoors, and what they allow, which can be of concern. All modems, routers and some managed network infrastructure have administrator usernames and passwords. However, sometimes, the network vendor (CISCO, NETGEAR, etc) or ISP may choose to put a backdoor access onto these devices. This may be in case a user forgets their administrator credentials, for automatic firmware updates, or for remote troubleshooting. Some of these backdoors may allow for more settings then what is normally shown to an end user.
For example, some older Optus supplied modems had the hidden user: Admin, and a password of: Y3S0ptus. This was standard across thousands of supplied modems. The problem was, the end user had no way of changing the default setting for remote web access from Enabled to Disabled, which meant anyone that knew of their IP address or domain name, could now remote access their modem router, add port redirects, and now connect to devices within their LAN.
In the case of ISP provided modems, it might be safer to simply by something else, not supplied by the ISP.

