[APP][4.0+]KeepShare Lite for KeePass 4.0.0 - Android Apps and Games

I posted this to /r/Android before, but they suck, so I'll try my hand at posting it here.
I'd like to announce KeepShare Lite for KeePass
Well, it's not really a new app. KeepShare has been under development and available on the Play Store since 2013. The FREE Lite version is available now.
What is it?
KeepShare is a KeePass database reading and writing app for Android.
What makes it special?
It is built from the ground up to be completely different from any other solution available on Android. This application is the only implementation of KeePass for Android that allows one to securely unlock the database with a 4+ digit PIN. It also looks good because it's fully Material Design.
KeepShare is one of the first apps to have a custom keyboard for password entry, in addition to searching for database entries using a "Share" mechanism (hence the name KeepShare). In addition to this, it is also among the first password managers on Android to provide complete auto-fill support across all apps, including Chrome (requires Android 5.0+ for Chrome).
In addition to this, KeepShare supports Android 4.4+ Storage Access Framework, this means you can automatically connect and synchronize to your choice of cloud storage provider, including Google Drive, Box.net, OneDrive, etc.
It is also fully compatible with KeePass because it uses a 100% direct port of KeePassLib from C# to Java
How is KeepShare Lite different from KeepShare?
KeepShare Lite provides read-only support for KeePass databases. I recently completed write support for KeepShare, and as a result, I feel that it's enough of a feature delineation where I can give KeepShare Lite to everyone for free! Why do I want to give it away? Because everyone should be improving their security situation by making better use of strong passwords, and security should be easy.
Great, where can I get it?
Help! I'm stuck
Yes, it's open source: issue tracker on github https://github.com/pfn/keepshare
I suppose posting here works, too!
What's this KeePassLib port?
Find it on github https://github.com/pfn/keepassj
How can a 4 digit PIN possibly be safe!?
The security is implemented by using a 2-part encryption key for your master passphrase. Your PIN is only one part of the key. The other part of the key is uploaded into app-private data in your Google Drive account. Information stored on your phone cannot be accessed without the key from Google Drive and vice versa. (Also a first, no other app does this to enhance your security).
Can I create databases using KeepShare?
Not yet, for now, you will need to create it from any other app that allows database creation.
What if I don't like it?!
Queue up the 1* reviews!
I'm also the developer of keepasshttp, chromeipass and passifox, trusted by over 100k users. Although it's been mostly sidelined and I haven't actively developed it in forever. Any volunteers?


A new App for web-tinkerers (Open Source)

I don't participate much, but I've learned a great deal from this site. So I'm posting this here as GPL2 software as a way of thanking everyone. All I really ask is that it not be used in a closed-source app without talking to me first.
Can't poast URLs, because I have fewer than 10 poasts (I lurk hard). Mod, if you don't deem this to be spam, would you kindly provide the link (or allow me to do so)?
Basically, this was meant to be a generalized HTTP(S) client, with the URLs being assembled dynamically and under a variety of different circumstances. The server-end of the transaction is a creation of the user.
I wrote this tool to assist me with repititive tasks at work (specifically, asterisk/linux administration). I wrote a PHP page to do things like add users, check server load, trigger recordings and dialplan modes, and so forth.
I have also used it in conjuction with a Raspberry Pi to trigger relays and read sensors in my home from wherever I happen to be at that moment.
There are lots of things I want to do with this app...
Implement GPS, so I can trigger URLs at waypoints.
Tie into NFC and make a bitcoin wallet that you can "bump" or scan a QR code to pay someone.
Implement Trigger packages to support one-click importing of Triggers for a specific task (IE, minecraft server administration)
Use BouncyCastle to encrypt the DB.
Hook into the camera and fire triggers using snapshots (or image files) as arguments.
Actually cause the HTTPS Receivers to validate certificates. Presently it does not (although the traffic is still encrypted).
I will take requests, questions, and bug reports at the sourceforge page, but how fast things get done will directly correlate to how much interest the project attrracts (which may very well be none).
For those learning how to program and trying to learn something by reading the source, I'm sorry.
I've tried to keep things hygenic. I come from a C/Java background, so Android was a bit of a leap, with respect to its organization. This program is a work of evolution.
To check out the source, use subversion:
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/webremote/code/trunk webremote
My working copy is also my Eclipse directory, so importing it with Eclipse should be minimal trouble.
If anyone *really* wants to thank me, I am a bitcoin user:
Or you could buy the version I have up at google play (but I consider this a donation):
Can't poast URLs.... Search the Play store for WebRemote.
Thank you all again for sharing your knowledge.

[SECURITY] Android Security for Conscious Mind

I'm opening this thread to share and learn ideas about privacy solutions, please respect the purpose and keep this thread clean. My main language isn't English so if you spot errors or omissions please PM to me so I can correct them. Thank you.
All trolling or demotivating posts, disbelieving about privacy concerns or defending Google honor will be reported for cleaning.
For years I've been very annoyed about privacy abuse on Internet and since Snowden and Assange revelations my concerns raised. I'm sure my personal and professional life is common and boring but I want privacy with my things just like I don't want a guy next table in the coffee shop listening to my talking subjects.
My first decision was to deploy a personal server, in my home, with OwnCloud. All went fine for some months until I realized the pain it was maintaining the system working, from server attacks and system fails to energy bills nothing could justify such paranoia. The OwnCloud Android client was also very bad those days.
The second idea was hosting OwnCloud and mail services on a private host, but this didn't made any sense because data wasn't encrypted and every employee could easily see my thermonuclear projects and my banana pancakes secret recipes. It was also a paid solution for nothing.
Finally I thought "If you're using German services you should be fine, Germany privacy data laws are the toughest in the world (even better than Swiss in this matter)". I'm in Europe so using European services was a no brainier decision, preferably in Germany and owned by German companies. Yes, I know you can't trust anyone but even so I think it's a well balanced solution.
These are my services right now, share yours and try to justify why they're equal or even better. This list will be changed as needed:
Mail - GMX (Germany)
- Generally I really don't like 1&1 services but GMX is really good and working only on European servers. I advise you to don't use their other service, mail.com, because this one use USA servers. Unfortunately all other free German providers have low storage space. If you're willing to pay for privacy try Dutch StartMail but it's beta at the moment.
Contacts & calendar - fruux (Germany)
- Amazing services, great philosophy. For privacy and decentralization purposes I've opt for don't have this services on my mail provider. Unfortunately their servers are on Amazon Ireland, but I believe fruux have implemented cryptographic code on their system.
Cloud - HiDrive (Germany)
- I NEVER upload sensitive information to the cloud, even encrypted (remember Heartbleed and AES backdoor theory?). I was using Wuala for years but gave up after have been acquired by LaCie (USA). Tresorit shouldn't be trusted either, they're using Microsoft Azure servers, each uploaded and shared link pass through USA. Mega is darkness, I don't like the smell of it.
Apps - F-Droid (UK/France)
- FOSS is the way you should go, F-Droid is the obvious choice. F-Droid client was forked from Aptoide's source code.
Aptoide (Portugal) it's good but not consensual. Recently they're processing Google with Antitrust Complaint in EU proving they're concerned. You can only trust Aptoide IF you choose to install apps from their main centralized store (the default one, be ware and don't trust any other user store). http://m.aptoide.com/about
If you can't find what you're looking for then you can use Blank Store or Opera Mobile Store. Never choose Amazon Appstore, apps installed from there have proprietary code inserted.
Search engines - DuckDuckGo (USA!)
- Technically DuckDuckGo is a meta-search engine. It's amazingly good and you have lots of options to choose (did you know you can directly search images from Google if you search !gi [image you're searching for]?).
Another great alternative is Startpage (Netherlands).
My Android system:
- CyanogenMod + freecyngn + NOGAPPS + SuperSU
- TWRP recovery
- Hardening Android for Security and Privacy
== APPS ==
My essential apps are:
Apps client - F-Droid (FOSS)
- See services above.
Privacy and cleaning - AdAway and AFWall+ (both OSS)
- Obvious choices on each privacy concerned system. Block almost everything, trust no one.
Android browser - Boat (proprietary code)
- I just love the options, specs, interface and speed. I know this choice will be highly controversial for some because it's a Chinese made browser, but isn't a cloud browser (like the also Chinese Maxthon) and it's really easy to firewall it from calling home (something somehow difficult with Dolphin). The obvious FOSS choice for almost everyone would be Firefox but I really hate their Android app and I have some bad thoughts about their Google connections. The FOSS best shot would be Tint or Lightning, but they're rather limited and AOSP it's even worse. Chrome it's obviously excluded for privacy sake.
Boat devs also used to be active on Xda with many supporters. For security precautions block port range and
Email app - K-9 (FOSS)
- The oldest, most forked and trusted email client. Needs a deep design/interface Overhaulin' (hey, Chip Foose...)
Contacts and calendar sync - Fruux + Birthday Adapter (FOSS)
- See services above.
Password & confidential safe - KeePassDroid (FOSS)
- Believe me, I don't know a single password of my accounts and I have hundreds. The only really big and complex password I know is the one from KeePass.
Antivirus - NONE, JUST DON'T
- I will not discuss here about the needs or true benefits of these apps but I can assure your data is leaking each time you go online. All them claim about privacy but they're always collecting "unidentifiable data".
== I will post links for everything soon. Please include links in your posts when justified. Thanks. ==
== Android Alternative FOSS ==
This is a list of some well known apps and their open source alternatives. Incredibly some of them are even better than "official" or paid apps, some others are quite limited but evolving and much secure.
It's impossible to put everything here, only the best apps I've tried with success will be listed. Please keep posting your suggestions.
BitTorrent Sync > Syncthing
Chrome > Firefox
Dolphin > Tint Browser
Dropbox > OwnCloud, Seafile
Facebook > Tinfoil for Facebook
Gmail > k-9 Mail
Lux Auto Brightness > YAAB
Tasker > SwiP
Titanium Backup > oandbackup
Twitter > Twidere
Reserved, just in case.
Really great thread sancho_panzer. I never thought someone can be as paranoid as I am, but I found you.
I'd like to add a few services:
Posteo (Mail):
A german email provider that doesn't claim as much data aa most of them do. It just needs your mail, pw of course and you can add your mobile phone number if you like to (it will be saved hashed in their database). Posteo has great SSL connections and uses a the first (german) provider the new protocol DANE as well as DNSSEC. You can use their CalDav and CardDav server and choose to encrypt your address book and your calendar. The service costs 1€ per month (10 cents for additional aliases and 20ct for the next gig), that can be paid by post mail, PayPal or bank transfer. The last two way won't get linked to your account.
To manage my addressbook and calendar on multiple devices I use aCal from F-Droid.
For googling issues there is a browser add on for PCs that tunnels the Google searchs for you called disconnect.me
Greetz, and i appreciate your love to FOSS very much!
@traceless There are lots of people on Xda concerned about privacy on Android and the Internet. I really hope this thread could help them to take some measures about it and share alternatives.
Thank you for https://posteo.de/ suggestion. Could be a great service problem is I don't speak German. I really don't understand why the website don't have an English version. I'm also concerned with recent leaks news about *.de domains ( http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-25825784 ).
I've tried CalDav-sync and CardDav-sync and they're great little apps, but if you want a FOSS solution try DAVdroid and the very new Flock from F-Droid.
I really can't trust https://disconnect.me/ . ( http://www.darkreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=1251070& ) or Ghostery, both track you ( http://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/1qkc2b/disconnect_vs_ghostery/ ). If you're using Firefox on PC or Android my advice is to install Adblock Edge (Adblock Plus is worse and heavy) + Self-Destructing Cookies (BetterPrivacy is also great) + NoScript. You should also consider CleanQuit.
I knew, that Disconnect was founded by a former Google employee but didn't know he was linked to the NSA. Anyway my current FF configuration looks just as you recommended, but I additionally installed a plugin that's called FireGloves. This is especially useful if you want to make fingerprinting your browser harder. It disables or disguises trackable settings; if you'd like to every browsing session. How unique ones configuration is, can be seen here at Panopticlick.
I agree, that it's a pity some services aren't available in the most common languages. Posteo's webmailer can be changed to English, but the whole service is German. Btw you don't have to be worried about the de ccTLD, the 16m mail that were compromised earlier this year were most likely taken due a hack of a german online shop and as the most customers were germans, the majority of the mails end up with *.de. So it doesn't mean every german domain is compromised and mail provider are insecure.
As you don't speak german you could take a look at Secure-Mail, a mail service provided by the mainly german VPN Perfect Privacy. It hosts in NL and supposes to store no identifiable data and is also encrypted. I found no setting to change the language to english on Secure-mail, but I thought I've seen it once in english, maybe it canges only if your country is english-speaking.
Flock is really nice, but I stay with aCal, cause it comes with a calender other than the integrated one and I'm not dependent on the built-in one with the (also switchable) Googl sync.
Excellent thread, thank you for starting it.
Edit : I think HTTPS Everywhere by the EFF should be mentioned in a thread like this.
sancho_panzer said:
I'm sure my personal and professional life is common and boring but I want privacy with my things just like I don't want a guy next table in the coffee shop listening to my talking subjects.
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It doesn't matter if you think you life is important enough to be watched or if it's just boring. The fact that you know you *could* be watched in every move you make, automatically changes your behaviour. It changes the way you think, it changes the way you speak and write. It influences the way you interact with others. Feeling watched makes you fear of what you do!
Opening a thread like this is a good thing to begin to overcome this fear. :good:
Good linux expert, my colleague, told me some finding, android wise.....
He has installed Android Firewall, and blocked every possible application and system modules, including kernel.
In apk log, found that all ip packets sent by android kernel are routed through some chinese ip address, regardless of theirs final destination.
After some research, turned out that this IP is used by NSA. Yes, all ip packets going out of our android phone are sniffed by NSA. Embedded in kernel.
My 2 cents here, and sorry if ot.
Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
Nice thread, thanks! :good:
Some thoughts from my side:
I generally distrust every online service, especially if I don't pay for them. I think it is better to decentralise services and host them on self managed servers in families, groups of friends,... and thus basically only give data to trusted persons you know in real life.
Here are two good links that show alternatives to proprietary software/cloud services:
Mail -
I think mails are generally difficult to self-host. So you need a good mail service. Posteo was mentioned here, another similar reliable german mail provider (with english translation) is mailbox.org. They even encrypt unencrypted incoming mails with your PGP-key before they store them.
Contacts & calendar -
Posteo and mail.org also include contact and calendar synchronisation via CalDav/CardDav. Even better: Host it by yourself.
Instant Messaging -
XMPP (Jabber) is an open decentralised protocol with lots of implementations for almost every platform. You can host it by yourself or use an existing server. There are also very good clients for Android like Conversations or Xabber
Two additions:
Free Your Android! - campaign of the Free Software Foundation Europe
IMSI Catcher/Spy Detector
== APPS ==
sancho_panzer said:
Android browser - Boat (proprietary code)
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Don't do this! Firefox for Android is also a good choice. And Orweb not to forget!
traceless said:
I use aCal from F-Droid
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DAVdroid is also a very good FOSS CalDav/CardDav-provider that integrates with the contacts/calendar app of android. And it is under active development (in contrast to aCal)
I can only agree that using posteo.de is a must. Completely anonymous. I put cash in an envelop (didn't actually touch any of it myself ) and they opened my account no problem. Last time I checked their site alao had an English version. Feel free to pm me with translation issues. I speak both languages fluently. Also a thread like this without XPrivacy?
For those interested in tor along with afwall, I have posted instructions on getting them to work together in the afwall thread
I prefer the Android system to be: OMNI + NOGAPPS + SuperSU
Note that freecyngn & NOGAPPS author has switched to OMNI
Regarding OwnCloud: it's a great software, but you're right not to trust it when it runs on some server that is not under your control. That's why I run OwnCloud on a Raspberry Pi that is running at my home, behind my firewall. Syncing is made with CardDAV and CalDAV, and both apps use SSL. I think I can trust that one.
dvdram said:
Regarding OwnCloud: it's a great software, but you're right not to trust is when it runs on some server that is not under your control. That's why I run OwnCloud on a Raspberry Pi that is running at my home, behind my firewall. Syncing is made with CardDAV and CalDAV, and both apps use SSL. I think I can trust that one.
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And what connection are you using? I thought about exactly the same solution, but it's nearly useless with ADSL.. (6 MBit/s down and just 60kbits upstream)
Thank you guys for your contribution on this thread.
Ultramanoid said:
I think HTTPS Everywhere by the EFF should be mentioned in a thread like this.
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@Ultramanoid You're absolutely right I forgot to mention it, I use it with Firefox on my laptop and it's great.
dvdram said:
Opening a thread like this is a good thing to begin to overcome this fear. :good:
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@dvdram I agree and don't understand why so much people just don't care to talk about it.
jukyO said:
Good linux expert, my colleague, told me some finding, android wise.....
He has installed Android Firewall, and blocked every possible application and system modules, including kernel.
In apk log, found that all ip packets sent by android kernel are routed through some chinese ip address, regardless of theirs final destination.
After some research, turned out that this IP is used by NSA. Yes, all ip packets going out of our android phone are sniffed by NSA. Embedded in kernel.
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@jukyO Lookout, the real test here should be made on a clean system, just ROM and a Firewall. That's the only way you can say it's kernel coded. Some apps use kernel to send and receive packets, your alert could be related to one of these.
Another debatable subject should be SElinux. Many ROMs, like CyanogenMod, have it in enforcing mode by default. If you install another kernel, like Alucard, SElinux become permissive. Even if SElinux is considered OS we all should not forget that was developed and implemented by NSA (!).
bastei said:
Here are two good links that show alternatives to proprietary software/cloud services:
Mail -
I think mails are generally difficult to self-host. So you need a good mail service. Posteo was mentioned here, another similar reliable german mail provider (with english translation) is mailbox.org. They even encrypt unencrypted incoming mails with your PGP-key before they store them.
Contacts & calendar -
Posteo and mail.org also include contact and calendar synchronisation via CalDav/CardDav. Even better: Host it by yourself.
Instant Messaging -
XMPP (Jabber) is an open decentralised protocol with lots of implementations for almost every platform. You can host it by yourself or use an existing server. There are also very good clients for Android like Conversations or Xabber
Two additions:
Free Your Android! - campaign of the Free Software Foundation Europe
IMSI Catcher/Spy Detector
== APPS ==
Don't do this! Firefox for Android is also a good choice. And Orweb not to forget!
DAVdroid is also a very good FOSS CalDav/CardDav-provider that integrates with the contacts/calendar app of android. And it is under active development (in contrast to aCal)
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@bastei Thanks for your useful input. I know Boat would be controversial talk but if you read my comments you'll see I'm aware about the dangers of such decision. Even so I'm convinced about the safety of it.
Firefox is my primary choice on my laptops since the earlier version 3. Even if I tried alternatives on some occasions I've always returned to Firefox security and true development power (I always use it to analyse code and test all websites I make), the only real alternative was Opera (the original one with Presto engine, not the crap they use these days).
Android Firefox is a completely different beast. It's heavy, buggy, need extras for simple tasks like automatic close and clean or user agent changing, but above all WHY THE HELL CAN'T WE MAKE FOLDERS and organise favorites at will? The only solution I found for favourites was to sync them with my PC, organise all there and sync them back. Did I mentioned the ridiculous times it FC? Maybe in the future, right now the only FOSS I could consider is Tint Browser.
an0n981 said:
Also a thread like this without XPrivacy?
For those interested in tor along with afwall, I have posted instructions on getting them to work together in the afwall thread
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@an0n981 XPrivacy and Xposed could be all we need IF they were OSS. The other problem are the inevitable lags introduced by these layers.
I've tested several configurations on my phones and tablets over the time but ultimately my OP describes my options at this moment. This subject isn't closed and will never be, there aren't perfect security systems, and that's the purpose of this thread, I'm sure the OP will be changed on some occasions. Please keep suggesting alternatives and solutions, your contribution will be greatly appreciated.
aelmahmoudy said:
I prefer the Android system to be: OMNI + NOGAPPS + SuperSU
Note that freecyngn & NOGAPPS author has switched to OMNI
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@aelmahmoudy OMNI is a valid CM alternative, developed and maintained by well know Xda developers. Unfortunately I don't really like the excessive cleanliness and limitations. The only way I could advise it would be complemented with Xposed+XPrivacy+GravityBox, besides NOGAPPS and SuperSU.
I can't talk for them but I believe @MaR-V-iN and many other ditched CM after the group became comercial oriented, the inclusion of analytical and proprietary code didn't helped either. CM it's still the base for lots of ROMs and I'm still convinced it's the best for me, provided that are VM snapshots and thoroughly cleaned and modded like mentioned on my OP.
sancho_panzer said:
@an0n981 XPrivacy and Xposed could be all we need IF they were OSS. The other problem are the inevitable lags introduced by these layers...
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Both are 100% open source, just not distributed through F-Droid. You can compile them yourself, source is on GitHub. Security software will always add some lag.
an0n981 said:
Both are 100% open source, just not distributed through F-Droid. You can compile them yourself, source is on GitHub. Security software will always add some lag.
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You're absolutely right, my mistake. Still when I used them my system felt somehow lagging.
err on the side of kindness
traceless said:
And what connection are you using? I thought about exactly the same solution, but it's nearly useless with ADSL.. (6 MBit/s down and just 60kbits upstream)
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I admit I have a bit more speed than you, but it depends on what you want to use OwnCloud for. I use it only for syncing calendars and contacts, and for that few bits of information even your speed is more than enough, although you should consider to do the first time syncing over WiFi. Later, when you add contacts and calendar entries, you won't notice much disadvantage.
Of course, if you want to sync pictures and movies, that speed will not be enough. But do you really need that? Is it not much more efficient to copy pictures and photos via USB cable, when you're at home? Do you really need to sync them while on the road?
That is what you need to ask yourself. Like I said: contacts and meetings are very small pieces of information, less than a text message. A 60k download (from your phone's point of view) is more than enough for that.
dvdram said:
I admit I have a bit more speed than you, but it depends on what you want to use OwnCloud for. I use it only for syncing calendars and contacts, and for that few bits of information even your speed is more than enough, although you should consider to do the first time syncing over WiFi. Later, when you add contacts and calendar entries, you won't notice much disadvantage.
Of course, if you want to sync pictures and movies, that speed will not be enough. But do you really need that? Is it not much more efficient to copy pictures and photos via USB cable, when you're at home? Do you really need to sync them while on the road?
That is what you need to ask yourself. Like I said: contacts and meetings are very small pieces of information, less than a text message. A 60k download (from your phone's point of view) is more than enough for that.
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Thanks. Firstly I wanted to use it for an alternative to Dropbox but then I found out the Cal- and CardDAV support. And you're totally right with syncing after first initialisation. Maybe I get an RPi later and try this one and also the owncloud feed reader [emoji2]
Any idea how to use the FF sync of owncloud, since FF only supports upgrading old accs to the new mozilla ones but personally I'd prefer the old way.

PassMax password manager

You can store all of your passwords easily and safely.
Important note: All the passwords enter are recorded in the data base after being coded with the most widely known 256 bit AES algorithm by a main password you are going to determine. Hence, nobody can access your data unless he knows this password, even the person who coded the application.
- - - - - - - - -
End of the password forgetting. You can store all of your passwords easily and safely in the high security database. PassMax Pro price is much cheaper than the other similar applications in the world. Uses modiftying 256-bit AES algorithm and cracking is almost impossible.
No subscription or registration fee. There are two versions of PassMax. Demo version is totally free but there is advertising and you can add maximum 7 records in the demo version. You can have lifetime Pro version for a very cheap price.
High security master password you set the initial start of the application database is created just for you.
Your master password not only opens the application but also can be used to encrypt all data in your database with a powerful algorithm. That way even if your phone is reachable for the database, your entries absolutely can not be read.
There are some options for forgotten main password. These are; password reminder, security question and answer. also you can change your main password, security question and answer afterwards.
Decoding encrypted information is almost impossible.
You can store all kinds of confidential data in your secure manner. In private database created by PassMax; there are categories; website membership, credit cards, bank accounts. Also you can create your categories and you can store all kinds of confidential data in a secure manner.
In the other password / data category, you can create a completely free way to record yourself, you can specify the data header.
Adding records you, record date and update date is updated automatically assigned and stored in the database. Thus, you can notice it from someone else's intervention as soon as possible.
PassMax is designed to run automatically in the language of your device's language. Otherwise language selection is available only in English and Turkish at the moment.
PassMax dos not send any data to cloud against vulnerability.
PassMax which is running very fast with optimized algorithm implementation; the source code for any test with 7,600-line as having been presented for your use.
Use smart code structure for user’s faults minimization.
If the main password is entered incorrectly three times in a row, by the option once forgot my password section and security questions here comes in. If the user does not give the right security answer, application closes itself. A similar process is in the stage in password change section.
One-touch locking option instead of turning off when not used is available.
and where, app?
glkty said:
and where, app?
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so better:
Please, add promo video on store page.
No download link, thread closed.

Further Description of Proposed Bitcoin address generato.

The Proposed software program would Root, Wipe, and Install Upon an older version android phone to create a,
Bitcoin - Hand Held Portable - Crypto Currency Address Generator and Offline Cold Wallet Storage Device
( Screen shot of goes here but new members under 10 posts cant post links )
The Crypto Currency Address Generator,
The proposed "Open Source" software project would "Root, Wipe, and Install its software on an older android phone. making a hand held portable simple offline device crippling the previous devices hardware so it is no longer capable of transmitting data except through screen display.
The User With this newly created device and programming now "generates offline BTC wallet addresses" complete with private keys. The user with previously acquired BTC, can then transfer their funds from an online exchange, website, ATM, personal one on one transaction, etc. into cold storage through the device onto small secure encrypted backup SD cards. The user can also quickly perform transfers to online exchanges from said sd card backups using said portable device as well, This device has been designed entirely for the end users security and privacy and ease of use in mind.
- The Open Source Software Description - User first generates random addresses with new totally offline cold storage device
( Screen shot of goes here but new members under 10 posts cant post links )
Created addresses are then stored in a hierarchical file system on an SD card, The Cold Storage Device on the left shows a list of generated Bitcoin addresses, The Generator on the right shows The filing system of folders they are stored in.
( Screen shot of goes here but new members under 10 posts cant post links )
Addresses after created offline can then be converted to paper wallet format later to be printed to offline printer if user so wishes via SD card file.
( Screen shot of goes here but new members under 10 posts cant post links )
Also user can take pictures with the pre existing devices offline camera for paper wallet Image and background creation, software for paper wallets could also include templates and themes.
Previous Personal Use and Further Description
In my Bitcoin adventures by using this device, I have never needed to use a PC or Laptop, to create or share any of my BTC or ETH addresses.
I have never used a PC or laptop to place Bitcoin in total offline cold storage. In my entire blockchain experience I have never had to find or use a PC or Laptop, This new device is totally hand held portable and stand alone when used in tandem with users cell phone.
Concerning security, In order to stop prior hardware data transmission of the original device, The software program proposed would be a simple first Linux based root access of the older android phone to erase its programming. Then A following basic install in which the final new software program has no awareness of the existing hardwares data transmitting capabilities. Open source is needed to protect this devices security in this manner.
Further description –
A simple very basic Linux GUI would also be necessary to help user for the best ease of use while the program manages file system and background processes such as spreadsheets for Book keeping, tax records, ledger books, on SD card if user so desired, If user does not need these applications they can opt out,
This GUI would be very simple and basic when compared to a full blown linux pc distro, and designed solely for crypto currency storage printing and online transfer from the proposed device
A product model has been built, used, and beta tested for over a month and a half now, Its progress has been recorded on the BTC and ETH blockchains themselves. It can securely generate and store BTC and ETH addresses offline flawlessly and securely so far to date without any need of a PC.
After generating and storing addresses, the device can easily access multiple online exchanges to transfer funds to and from cold storage SD cards via devices "airgapped" Camera/Scanner and QR screen display. it works cross platform with most exchanges in this matter without need for proprietary online software integration
If anyone in the open source community would like to take this project on and would like input from a beta user level, i would love to help out in a small way on this proposed project. I can see some details that would be nice in which I haven't mentioned. And some ideas that would help the user with security and ease of use. I do not code, but have been solely using Linux as a PC laptop operating system since 1998. And have somehow put this device together using android apps and open source software. And then used it extensively.
Why Linux
I'm not sure, but I heard Android phones have a Linux kernel and you can gain root access to its software. This is a great help in security, as Linux itself is known for user security.
Why open source
Because of the user confidence in knowing whats inside it for their personal security and privacy, Also So the individual user can modify its entire programming through innovation to suit their own personal needs for private portable offline storage,
( Screen shot of goes here but new members under 10 posts cant post links )
Brent L. McNealy, I am looking for a team of programmers and developers to help this become a reality, thank you
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HUAWEI Drive Kit: More Than Just a Storage Solution…

Have you found that…
Phone storage is too limited for your app?
File uploads and downloads are sluggish?
Data is lost because it is not backed up in time?
Data security and privacy safeguards are difficult to implement?
Then HUAWEI Drive Kit might be perfect for you!
01 About HUAWEI Drive Kit
HUAWEI Drive Kit can best be thought of as your portal to powerful cloud storage capabilities. By integrating the Drive SDK into your app, you enable users to store files created while using your app - including photos, videos, and documents - in HUAWEI Drive. They can also download and synchronize these files on demand.
HUAWEI Drive Kit also provides comprehensive data protection, empowering users to manage their data securely and conveniently.
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For example, if you have a game app, HUAWEI Drive Kit can help you save players' progress and synchronize game data across different user devices with zero hassle, greatly enhancing gameplay.
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Or if you have a communications app instead, HUAWEI Drive Kit helps you store contacts, call and chat logs, pictures, and videos in real time, while maintaining data consistency when the user switches devices, for seamless communications in every context.
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If you have a file editing app, HUAWEI Drive Kit provides crucial assistance by allowing the app users to search for, view, and manage documents that they had previously edited and saved on their PCs, or mobile devices, from any time or place.
No matter what type of app you have, HUAWEI Drive Kit can offer the support you need.
02 Advantages of HUAWEI Drive Kit
1. Secure and Reliable Massive Storage
HUAWEI Drive Kit is capable of storing more than 100 million objects and processing 10 million service requests per second. It provides ultra-high bandwidth, leveraging the global backbone network (consisting of both land cables and optical cables), and is further bolstered by edge acceleration nodes, ensuring stable, reliable, and low-latency data access. Users can upload, download, and manage files in the cloud quickly and easily, and without having to worrying about phone storage limitations.
2. Cross-Device Synergy for an Integral Experience
HUAWEI Drive Kit provides for multi-device synergy, enabling users to access and manage files stored in HUAWEI Drive from any smartphone, tablet, or computer that they have signed into with the same HUAWEI ID.
In addition, HUAWEI Drive Kit keeps files up to date by saving the latest changes.
3. All-Around Protections
User file security is of paramount importance. This is why HUAWEI Drive Kit employs diverse management mechanisms for keeping user accounts safe, securing data transmission, and safeguarding data storage.
These include:
User account protections: password management, authentication management, and authorization management
Data transmission security: digital certificate management, session management, and key algorithms
Data storage security: key management, data integrity management, and privacy protection
03 How Do I Integrate HUAWEI Drive Kit Into My App?
HUAWEI Drive Kit is compatible with all development languages and platforms.
By providing an easy-to-use multi-platform SDK and RESTful APIs, the dynamic server expansion feature, and a multitude of other convenient functions, it enables your app to deliver user-friendly, secure data storage services, empowering users to manage all of their files in an intuitive interface.
How do I integrate HUAWEI Drive Kit? You can find detailed guides on Huawei Developers, or contact us for technical consultation through our online feedback channels.

