Web Login hack?!? - General Questions and Answers

Hey guys, not sure if this is the "right" place to post this question, but Im sure some of you guys have knowledge about this. I Been researching into hacking into web login sites (not emails, or to do anything bad) but to pretty much get access to photos and such on particular websites. Some of them Im sure have a FTP login around the basic web form login. Some are usernames, some are email logins and I do have a good idea on some for sure emails. Brute forcing is what Im seeing as I research, doing some look ups on hydra, and etc. They are press sites for the media for "affiliates" tv etc. I want access to the press photos for selective tv series. nothing brutally harming, I just want the photos from these sites. What are the best routes, tutorials and such for going about this (other then being in the media, and working for the station) lol... I know some domain researching is required. I do have access to KALI linux if that is a good starting point?!? Any real help would be greatly appreciated. I am willing to donate $$$$$ for help if necessary. Thanks bunches!


[Q] What is the best way of finding an Android developer?

I am not sure where to find a developer for an app. I do not want to start harassing random people. I am looking for someone to develop an Android app that would give people access to docs that I have created and docs that I have the rights too. It would sort of be like a dropbox type app with the option to email, send to dropbox, download to phone etc.
I have looked into writing it myself, but I am in grad school and do not have the time. I am not going to into programming either, so it is not practical for me. I am looking to pay for the app.
I understand that everyone has a "great app" idea. That is why I am willing to pay so there is no loss for the developer. If it is a bust, it is my problem.
I am not sure how it would work, who services app after on market. Do I need to buy a server or do I upload my info somewhere? Any feedback would be appreciated.

[Q] Help from app developers

i am looking for help building an app for androids..
i need advise or if someone wants to build the app for us and all credit will go to the developers that help on our web page and radio station, unfortunatly i can't afford to pay anyone but all due credit will go were it is supposed to... including in the app and on the website and radio credits... we will get your name out there!!!
i help run a internet radio station and we are looking into creating an app to stream our radio station...
i hope that i have posted this in the right area...
if you feel you can help us out, please respond to me asap!!!
thank you all for your time...
Media Director
Does it have a streaming website that the app can run off? How nice do you want it?
If you use technology as shoutcast, there already are alot of apps that can play such streams.
You will have to provide more information.
Give as much information as you can in your thread, what you want the app to do, how it should perform, look like etc.
Many moons ago i requested something similar (well i say similar, nothing alike, but an app that did not exist lol) and some kind gent here on xda helped me too
Thank you all for your interest!!!
What i am looking for is very simple... i would like to play the stream from my site... send me a message to get the site... it wont let me post it. with a main background of my site, link to website(opens browser), song title displayed, just as the site does... nothing fancy or complex like splash screens or multiple pages... just a streaming app...
i applogize for not being specific enough but do really apprieate the reply's and interest.. if you feel you can make this you are welcome to stamp your name all over it, to get your name reconized, i will post due credit on the main website as well...
look at the site and let me know what you can do... i can help by testing, i have access to many devices for testing if need be..
[email protected]

[Q] noob with some *simple?* questions

Hi all, I'm new to android app development and I'm really not looking to make anything for anyone other than myself. I am basically trying to do a couple of easy apps to help me see if the power is on at my house so I know my fish tank has power and to be able to remotely monitor the conditions of the tank from my phone. Nothing amazing or difficult but just for my own peace of mind. What seems that it should be simple has been very frustrating over the last few days. I do have a background which includes some programming, nothing extensive, but I really didn't bat an eye at the proposition of doing what I'm looking to do. I really thought I could bang something crude but usable out in a few hours with what experience I do have.
I found a how-to that shows a foundation for an app I'd like to be able to modify for my own use. It can be viewed at http (colon) (slash) (slash) media (dot) pragprog (dot) com (slash) titles (slash) mrhome (slash) light.pdf (skip to page 10) for anyone interested. I have installed eclipse and have become quite familiar with the interface. I can run the app exactly as the how-to instructs you to create it and it works flawlessly. Http requests can be seen at the server for whatever I tell it to send. However, when I export the app and install it on my phone the app loads and appears to be working fine but when I tail the web server logs to view them no incoming requests are coming from my phone. I can see the incoming http requests from the emulator but not from the phone. There are also no errors during compiling nor during running it in debug mode on the phone in eclipse via a usb cable. The common answer to similar questions to mine seems to be if the permissions are set up correctly in the Manifest file which they are AFAIK.
My suspicion is that there is something in the phone blocking outgoing http requests but there are no errors whatsoever to indicate this. I'm wondering if it is because it is an unsigned app regardless of whether or not I have the phone in debug more and regardless of the user-permissions in the Manifest file. Is there anyone who can give me a hand to understand what I might be doing wrong or differently than the author of the aforementioned pdf file? The most confusing thing is how it works flawlessly on the emulator and seems to work flawlessly on the phone until you look at the web server logs and see no incoming requests from the phone but from the emulator you see the incoming requests to the remote web server. The phone has internet access and I can even ssh to the web server or access it through a browser on the phone. It is only my app that I made that cannot access the web server. Any ideas?

[Q] Total NOOB needs some help :)

Hi all,
My name is Fabian, and I have a strong background in C. (Done a CS course in C).
I want to do an Android app for my final project(nothing too fancy or complicated but I have to at least have some interface ) and I'm a little stuck with how to proceed from here.
I watched the Java essential course on Lynda and I did understand a little the difference between C in Java, however I don't know how to proceed from here to actual Android development.
If anyone can recommend me finding a crash course, a book or any other resource that could get me up and running as soon as possible, I would really appreciate it.
I don't mind spending money on it.
Thanks in advance.
fabiansc said:
Hi all,
My name is Fabian, and I have a strong background in C. (Done a CS course in C).
I want to do an Android app for my final project(nothing too fancy or complicated but I have to at least have some interface ) and I'm a little stuck with how to proceed from here.
I watched the Java essential course on Lynda and I did understand a little the difference between C in Java, however I don't know how to proceed from here to actual Android development.
If anyone can recommend me finding a crash course, a book or any other resource that could get me up and running as soon as possible, I would really appreciate it.
I don't mind spending money on it.
Thanks in advance.
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A great resource for Android development is the official Android training documentation from Google, as well as these tutorials. Let me know if you still have questions I'll be happy to help.
thanks little question regrading databases
shimp208 said:
A great resource for Android development is the official Android training documentation from Google, as well as these tutorials. Let me know if you still have questions I'll be happy to help.
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Thanks for your help I learned a lot and I'm already planning my app
I just have one question that could really help.
I want to make an app where people on different devices can interact and send each other tasks. I guess I need a kind of SQL server that supports Android, right? Is there a better or at least more economic way to do it if I will have around 1000 users where each one can add people to send tasks to?
Many thanks,
And one more question
Is there any way to do a phone number authentication (like Whatsapp) instead of user name and password which I think is a little to tedious for my planned app ?
Thanks in advance
Hola, for the task sending. Would you like to make all task public? Or should you send it like a message?
But when i need access to a server, i use php scripts. But we can take that later, when you have answered my last question
For the phone number authentication, you have to have a online database, with all phone numbers. User inserts their phone number, the first time they starts the app. Then you can retrieve it from the database. But we can also take that later.
I´m glad if i helped.
(Sorry for my bad english.. )
Well I want it to be like a manager that gives a task to his employee. I want the task to be between them and only they can close it.
Likewise, it would be a problem if I make a simple phone number insertion if there's no validation. I was thinking about a number verification (like whatsapp) to prevent other people from accessing the tasks.
Do you think it's possible or should I go with username and password?
fabiansc said:
Thanks for your help I learned a lot and I'm already planning my app
I just have one question that could really help.
I want to make an app where people on different devices can interact and send each other tasks. I guess I need a kind of SQL server that supports Android, right? Is there a better or at least more economic way to do it if I will have around 1000 users where each one can add people to send tasks to?
Many thanks,
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I am using OpenShift - https://www.openshift.com/developers - which is a open source cloud architecture in that they offer packages like NodeJS and DB's. They allow you to have 'gears' which I guess is their name for services running on their cloud. The free account has 3 gears.
I currently only have a NodeJS server running to deliver files however (as far as I understand it) you can have MySQL and others as a backend. I would think that whatever devices you develop on would simply log into the DB and look up messages/tasks etc. I would also think that your app could insert those things. The best part is it is free until you reach Enterprise level or so. I would check it out since free is good. Offhand, I do not know what DB's Android supports via java but MySQL is probably one of them.
Just some info for you to examine.
Good luck
Hola, of course its possible! But maybe Username and Password is easiest.
You can use e-mail validation.
I actually worked on a application, there store products in databases. So i have tried it before. Ask if you are confused
And Sum1nil, sqlite is implemented in android, so for local database, use sqlite.
But for online database access, i use php

Corporate Admin

Hello all,
Hope this message finds you all well!
Hopefully this is posted in the right place; if not please can an Admin move the post.
We have several users who have Android devices and we are looking for a way to block them from being able to download apps unless they have an admin password.
We usually install the basics such as Mail, WhatsApp, etc., but then the users go ape and install games and all sorts of apps then complain that their machines are slow.
Is there a way that we can lock them out off a) adding additional Google accounts and b) from downloading apps without an Admin password etc.?
I look forward to any help that you may give.

