mi4i Telegram Group - Xiaomi Mi 4i

Hi All,
I thinks its Good Idea if we have " Telegram Group "
because its have 200 member capacity
its can access in mobile and PC
its can send any file very well ( zip or apk for example )
more features you can read on telegram website
if you want to join there's a step :
1.Just download Telegram apps on PS
2.THERE's No Need Your Phone number ( its More Private )
,Just create username , its can make me easy to add you into group
3.start chat with clik https://telegram.me/joinchat/Af3bdAD3DhQ0qVun7uwfdQ
4.enjoy the group

Nvm I'm active there so join


[APP]How to make a Bluetooth Chat android app.>?

This thread is for begginers who want to create their own Android apps Without any Coding ..
To do so Go to this link and follow the instructions..
i will be posting tutorials for making more apps...
Dont Forget To click the thanks button if i helped
Heres The Video Tutorial :
accessing bluetoothchat with a single button
i am using bluetooth chat program in my project to send the command from android phone to hc06 bluetooth which is connected to arduino.bluetooth chat program is available in eclipse sample program, now i want to access this program through a single button ,can anybody help me out in this how should i do this , please tell me stepwise first we have to create which activity and then which i am very confused in this

live channel on your little android

Hi guys this application will help you to choose what ever channel you want and convert it to an .apk to watch it on your device .
it so simple and the intructions are there .
so enjoy

[Project] Universal Updater [Project]

We are a new Devz-Team , we are two members in this team , Young Devz , we have a nice idea , we need a support .
We start to work hard on this Tools .
We need servers , the tool is universal for ALL Android devices ( Samsung , HTC ,Sony , ThL ...)
Tool description :
Universal Updater is a new tool for Windows only , this one can flash any Android device , with any official firmware or recovery from our servers or from a local directory . Drivers installed automatically when the phone is insered , the installation of a driver take about 2 or 3 minutes .
N.B : if you want to donate , don't make a big donation , we are not a scammers .
And sorry for my bad english .
Donate Here if you want
w w w . p a y p a l . c o m /cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=thexpert4web%40gmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Universal%20Updater&no_note=0&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
This tool still in developing for now .
any one can ask me for anything about this tool .
This is how the software looks like
Please support this team we need servers

[Project] Universal Updater [Project]

We are a new Devz-Team , we are two members in this team , Young Devz , we have a nice idea , we need a support .
We start to work hard on this Tools .
We need servers , the tool is universal for ALL Android devices ( Samsung , HTC ,Sony , ThL ...)
Tool description :
Universal Updater is a new tool for Windows only , this one can flash any Android device , with any official firmware or custom recovery from our servers or from a local directory . Drivers installed automatically when the phone is insered , the installation of a driver take about 2 or 3 minutes .
N.B : if you want to donate , don't make a big donation , we are not a scammers .
And sorry for my bad english .
Donate Here if you want
w w w . p a y p a l . c o m /cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=thexpert4web%40gmai l%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Universal%20Updater&no_not e=0&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_do nateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
This tool still in developing for now .
any one can ask me for anything about this tool .

[Completed] Enable whatsapp calling(no root required and the easiest method)

hello guys, I am back with a post on getting whatsapp calling in android and no root is required, just whatsapp me the number of your phone where u want to enable this feature in my number 9433063867, and i will call u within 1 p.m to 8 p.m through whatsapp and just wait for 1 minute and cut the call, u will get whatsapp calling.....
here isn't the right place for such a thread. Please read the XDA rules.
Thread closed.

