✭[GUIDE][26-07-2016]Extreme Battery Life Thread(Greenify+Amplify+Power Nap)✭
On the Portal News on 06-06-2015.
Battery life has been a prime concern for all users around the world.Each day people try different methods to improve upon their battery life.
Here I come up with a blended guide that includes the latest apps and Fixes' to help improve your android battery experience.
This is based on my experiments on attaining a better battery life.For any queries,reply within the thread.
Use BetterBatteryStats and Wakelock Detector to acquire stats.You can also use Ampere to measure the current and get notifications when the device gets fully charged.
2.Xposed Framework
1.Basic Settings-Post #2
2.Greenify-Post #3
3.Amplify-Post #4
4.Power Nap and AppOpsXposed-Post #5
5.Frequently Asked Questions and Known Issues-Post #6
Featured on @tkdsl TK's Youtube Channel
If anyone is interested in supporting my work and wants to buy me a beer,log in to your PayPal and use my donation mail to donate.Select the purpose as "Services" Any donation is appreciated
Lets Start with a few basic settings.
DisplayDisplay brightness is an important factor in battery life.The more brighter the screen is,the more juice it drains.So keep the brightness under control.Using automated brightness is not adviceable.Try manually adjusting the screen brightness.Using dark wallpapers(on AMOLED display) can help you save some bit of juice.
Cell NetworkThis is simple stuff,but results in noticeable improvement in battery life.Toggle LTE/3G to 2G while not in use.(While on WiFi).You can use Smart Network to switch between networks.
For devices that support Fast Dormancy(Read Here) can disable it to save some juice on 3G.(Link to disable Fast Dormancy for Xperia Devices)
WifiEven if your wifi is off,the phone searches for signal.To switch off this feature,go to Settings > Wifi > Options(Top right corner) > Advanced >Scanning always available(Off).
LocationAnother juice sucker in Android-Location Services.You can turn it off while not in use.That saves a lot off juice.You can also set the location to 'Device Only" in settings.
Navigate to Settings->Location->Menu->Scanning->Turn off "Wi-Fi Scanning" and "Bluetooth Scanning"
These are the basic stuffs one must look into before complaining about their battery.
Is your battery gauge lying to you?:Take a look at this link.This thread explains why you get sudden drain after waking up from sleep.Many people should've noticed that the battery drains faster after keeping the phone idle for some time.It is very informative and is worth a read.
Xposed FrameworkXposed Framework is essential as it is required fo proper working of Greenify,Amplify and PowerNap.If you're running android 4.0.3+ you'll be able to run Xposed Framework on your device.It has an initial Lollipop support.Xposed Installer is required for functioning of the apps mentioned in the guide.
Xposed Installer 4.0-4.4.x
Xposed Framework 5.0.x-6.0.x
Xposed 5.1.x-6.0.x(TouchWiz)
Find the support for the framework in Xposed for Lollipop and Xposed for MarshMallow threads.
GreenifyThanks to @oasisfeng for such an awesome app.The latest 2.9.2beta update brings the feature to disable the motion scanning in doze.
You can use Greenify to hibernate apps that are not in use.You can use Donation Package of Greenify which includes lots of features.Once you have a Donation Package with you,you need to activate the Greenify Xposed Module in Xposed.Once done,enable the Boost mode and Experimental Features.See attached screenshots.
Donation Package
Greenify the apps that eatup battery by running in background(Refer BBS)
Below are some of the major drainers:
Facebook Messenger
UC Browser
Marshmallow Settings
@oasisfeng introduced a new feature in Greenify 2.9 beta 1 which disables the "Motion Sensing" of doze.This can be achieved by turning ON the "Aggressive Doze" in Greenify settings.Unlike the default behaviour of doze,the device won't be kicked out of doze when a motion is detected.This helps in complete utilization of "doze".All you have to do is to enable the "Aggressive Doze" option in Greenify settings.See the attached screenshots.
Apps to be whitelisted in doze are being tested.You can also contribute in testing
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Aggressive Doze
There's no need to hibernate all the apps.Do not Greenify Dialer or Messaging apps
AmplifyAmplify is a genius in handling wakelocks and alarms.It is also capable of blocking services.Amplify is the best battery saver I've come across.It is a must have app for all droids running Xposed.
You'll need a donation package to block wakelocks and alarms.
Limit the following:
Alarms(Allow every 600 seconds)
Alarms(Allow every 1800 seconds)
Alarms(Allow every 3600 seconds)
Alarms(Allow every 7200 seconds)
android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM(delays sync)
Alarms(Allow every 10800 seconds)
Alarms[LOCATION](Allow every 41400 seconds)
Alarms(Allow every 93600 seconds)
Wakelocks(Allow every 800 seconds)
Wakelocks(Allow every 3600 seconds)
Wakelocks(Allow every 10800 seconds)
SyncLoopWakeLock(delays sync)
Wakeful StateMachine: GeofencerStateMachine
SyncService(Package: Push Bullet)
ai(Package: Push Bullet)
ae(Package: Push Bullet)
Wakelocks(Allow every 41400 seconds)
Config Service Fetch
Wakelocks(Allow every 9999999 seconds)
*job*/com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.bugreporter.scheduler.LollipopService (com.facebook.orca.Messenger)
*job*/com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.bugreporter.scheduler.LollipopService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook)
com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService(Location Service)
com.android.gms.Feedback.FeedbackService(Breaks Play Games)
com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.network.NetworkLocationService(Location Service)
com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofencerProviderService(GPS Service)
NB:I don't use Location Service.That's why I've disabled the location Services.If your'e using Location service,do not disable the services with location and GPS tag)
Alarms(REGEX Blocking)
Procedure(Screens attached)
Open Amplify.
Select Alarms from the menu.
Tap the list icon on the top right corner
Tap + button on top.
Add the following code to 'Enter Regex to match'
[*]Set the interval to 9999999 seconds.
Regex Blocking
Power NapPower Nap for Xposed is the SONY's stamina mod for non-Sony devices.When your screen is off, Power Nap maximizes your device's deep sleep time by stopping services, alarms and wakelocks from waking the device when the screen is off.You can get notification from the apps you've whitelisted.
NOTE:In order to download the app you need to join the alpha testers community in Google+ here and opt to become a tester.Then you'll be able to download and run the module
NB:XDA Thread for PowerNap is closed down due to lack of activity from the developer.
Set the Endurance Mode to Always ON.
You can use Power Nap along with Greenify and Amplify for a better sleep time.You have whitelist both Greenify and Amplify for proper working of both the modules.
If you need certain apps to run in background while screen off(eg:Instant Messengers),you have to whitelist them in Power Nap.
List of apps to be whitelisted:
Cyanogenmod System
Google Services Framework
Google Account Manager
Greenify Donation Package
Xposed Installer
AppOpsXposedAppOps is a permission manager in android.There are various versions of AppOps available in the PlayStore.I recommend the one linked with Xposed.(You can also use CyanogenMod Privacy Guard).
You can use Privacy Guard to disable some permissions of Google Play Services and Google Services Framework
Navigate to Settings->Hacks->Check FIX OP_WAKE_LOCK
Disable the following Permissions of Google Play Services using AppOps
Keep Awake
Disable the following permissons of Google Services Framework
Keep Awake
Use Auto Start Permission of AppOpsXposed to disable apps on Boot.Make sure you do not disable crucial System Apps.Disable unwanted user apps that trigger on Boot.
Frequently Asked QuestionsSearch before posting:If you are having any issues after following the GUIDE,use the "Search" function in the thread and see if someone had the issue and is already solved.This saves your time and mine too
1.Reporting Logs
I recommend using BetterBatteryStats to report logs and dumps.Here's how you should report dumps in this thread.I request to follow the exact method so that it is easy for me to debug issues.
Note:Update BBS to latest version from the XDA thread.
Charge your device to 100 and unplug the device from the charger.
Keep WiFi/Mobile Data ON.(Leave the sync settings as per your usage pattern)
Leave it idle for atleast 6 hours(Do not turn on the screen during these period).
Choose "Unplugged" as a start reference and "Screen On" OR "Current" as stop reference(Refer Screenshots)
Pull a TextDump File from BetterBatteryStats.(Refer Screenshots)
You'll find the dump in the root of your SDCard.Post the dump in the thread.
hide[/ hide] tags while posting screenshots.This makes the thread look a bit more clean and easy to read.
Readme for BBS:
*Make sure you have disabled the Enable while Charging option in BBS->Settings->Advanced
2.What if I don't find all the wakelocks/alarms in Amplify as listed in the OP?
It'll take a day or two for the alarms/wakelocks to populate in Amplify.So report back after a day or so.
As the apps and services running depends on each person's setup you may not find all the wakelocks/alarms listed in the thread.
Known Issues
Delayed PUSH Notifications:If you encounter any delayed Push Notification from any app after using this thread,try PushNotificationFixer(PNF).If the problem persists,do report in the thread
SystemUpdateService Wakelock:If you are affected by SystemUpdateService wakelock issue.Use my fix here
For more easy fix for the same issue.See here
MobileRadioActive Bug:If AndroidOS the top consumer during idle(as shown in the inbuilt battery stats) and the 'Mobile Radio Active' shows high numbers,you can use this Xposed Module to fix the issue.
Android Marshmallow only
WiFi battery drain reported:High WiFi drain,even while it is turned off in Settings.
Go to Settings>Location>Scanning(top right)>Wifi Scanning ( disable it ) & Bluetooth Scanning (disable it as well)
Credits to @Primokorn for sharing.
@chamonix for BetterBatteryStats
@rovo89 @romracer and @C3C076 for Xposed Framework
@oasisfeng for Greenify
@cryptyk for Amplify
@caspase for AppOpsXposed
@waylaidwanderer for Power Nap
@andQlimax for PNF
Thanks to my bud @airlessproject for helping me to debug issues.
Special thanks to @orville87 for assisting me in the thread.
Thanks to @tkdsl for his cover
Special Thanks For Donations
Update wakelock/alarms lists
ii)40000 seconds->41400 seconds
iii)84000 seconds->93600 seconds
Added Facebook bugreporter wakelocks in wakelock section.
3.Removed com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.ContentSyncService(Reported to delay Whatsapp notifications-Thanks to @orville87 for the report!
Removed Naptime/Doze Editor
Implemented Greenify's Aggressive Doze
Few changes in Power Nap whitelist
Links Updated
vaisakh7 said:
Wakelocks(Allow every 84000 seconds)
com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.AnalyticsSamp lerService
com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.AnalyticsSamp lerService
You can either use Amplify or Servicely to block these Services
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I'm using Servicely - what app do these services belong to?
tangcla said:
I'm using Servicely - what app do these services belong to?
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Google Play Services
Tapped from my furious Dogo
vaisakh7 said:
Google Play Services
Tapped from my furious Dogo
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Testing soon will give results in the afternoon
Sent from my SM-G900T powered by Alliance Rom and ktoonsez kernel
vaisakh7 said:
Google Play Services
Tapped from my furious Dogo
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I think stopping Google Play Services causes issues with Android Wear.
tangcla said:
I think stopping Google Play Services causes issues with Android Wear.
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Only a few services of Google Play Services is blocked.Not the app itself.
Tapped from my furious Dogo
vaisakh7 said:
Only a few services of Google Play Services is blocked.Not the app itself.
Tapped from my furious Dogo
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So you're recommending selecting individual services in Servicely - do you know which ones are safe to stop?
Or, in other words, which ones are the biggest causes of wakelocks - I've got a Samsung Lollipop device so I have no Xposed, and therefore no Amplify. I would love to be able to stop the NetworkLocationProvider services.
I'll update the OP later,with the Hit-List in Servicely.
Tapped from my furious Dogo
tangcla said:
So you're recommending selecting individual services in Servicely - do you know which ones are safe to stop?
Or, in other words, which ones are the biggest causes of wakelocks - I've got a Samsung Lollipop device so I have no Xposed, and therefore no Amplify. I would love to be able to stop the NetworkLocationProvider services.
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I'll update the OP later today.
Tapped from my furious Dogo
OP updated with list of apps to be blocked in Servicely.Try and report battery stats or dumps here.
Tapped from my furious Dogo
Suscribed, thanks for the thread !
Theres really no need to run Greenify + Amplify + Servicely as well, why use 3 programs which all have parts that do what the other 2 do? To me thats madness, your actually adding cycles and memory use and raising the possibility of less battery time by doing so.
I run Amplify and Servicely, but i use AutoStarts to tweak things before i even touch Amplify or Servicely...if it doesnt run at startup or triggered by an intent, then theres no need to touch it with Amplify or Servicely. I only use Amplify and Servicely to handle the apps that i run manually or have to have their intents left alone for interactivity with other apps.
Just the way i do it. I got rid of Greenify weeks ago as it became obvious it was no longer necessary with Amplify & Servicely running.
stylemessiah said:
Theres really no need to run Greenify + Amplify + Servicely as well, why use 3 programs which all have parts that do what the other 2 do? To me thats madness, your actually adding cycles and memory use and raising the possibility of less battery time by doing so.
I run Amplify and Servicely, but i use AutoStarts to tweak things before i even touch Amplify or Servicely...if it doesnt run at startup or triggered by an intent, then theres no need to touch it with Amplify or Servicely. I only use Amplify and Servicely to handle the apps that i run manually or have to have their intents left alone for interactivity with other apps.
Just the way i do it. I got rid of Greenify weeks ago as it became obvious it was no longer necessary with Amplify & Servicely running.
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In the case of Servicely,the GCM push is a hit or miss.Blocking the apps having GCM push may stop the push notifications.So can't rely completely on Servicely.With Servicely we can't block alarms or Wakelocks.Its required that we use Amplify for that.
I won't recommend to remove Greenify.I've asked in the thread to Greenify only the apps having GCM push.This keeps the Push Messaging alive.
The fact is that Servicely runs a small service in background.It doesn't even show up in battery stats.So no need to worry about battery loss.
And using Greenify+Servicely is because of the fact that Greenify doesn't actually stops the service.It hibernates the apps.That's why I've asked to Hit-List the apps that you don't want to run without starting it manually.
So that's my point.
Tapped from my furious Dogo
vaisakh7 said:
In the case of Servicely,the GCM push is a hit or miss.Blocking the apps having GCM push may stop the push notifications.So can't rely completely on Servicely.With Servicely we can't block alarms or Wakelocks.Its required that we use Amplify for that.
I won't recommend to remove Greenify.I've asked in the thread to Greenify only the apps having GCM push.This keeps the Push Messaging alive.
The fact is that Servicely runs a small service in background.It doesn't even show up in battery stats.So no need to worry about battery loss.
And using Greenify+Servicely is because of the fact that Greenify doesn't actually stops the service.It hibernates it.That's why I've asked to Hit-List the apps that you don't want to run without starting it manually.
So that's my point.
Tapped from my furious Dogo
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I respect your views, we all do things a little differently!
Wakelock Detector 1.5.*
Ever wondered why your smartphone screen doesn’t turn off automatically when it should have, the screen wakes up all of a sudden or you find your phone battery drained even when you exited apps and turned off the screen? This might be due to wakelock holding apps.”Wakelock Detector” helps you to detect battery consuming applications in your Android device by checking wakelock usage history. Now you can find out which applications drain your battery in a simple way by using this app!
"Wakelock detector" is our goal to simplify detecting wakelock issues for an ordinary user.
As you know, wakelocks have enormous impact on battery life.
Available in GoogelPlay: Download from GooglePlay
Please feel free to comment and give us your feedback
Thank you!
Presentation about "Wakelock Detector" (recommended) Wakelock PRESENTATION
User Guide (Manual) for Wakelock Detector : http://www.slideshare.net/ahikmat1/manual-for-wakelock-detector
[PC version]
For KitKat non rooted users PC version has been developed.
PC version retrieves stats via adb.
XDA Review
XDA Video Review
Facebook page
Re: [APP] [1.0.0] Wakelock Detector (new app for easier access to wake locks)
Nice, clean looking UI. Uninstalled GSam and replaced with this.
OrangeFever said:
Nice, clean looking UI. Uninstalled GSam and replaced with this.
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thank you for your reply , we tried to make it as simple as possible )
Superb app. Especially for a 1.0 release. Thanks a lot. I have a lot of wakelocks with my Xperia T and hope this would help.
Re: [APP] [1.0.0] Wakelock Detector (new app for easier access to wake locks)
Will prove very useful thx for the app
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
BetterBatteryStats is for sure the best, but i like this simply one app.
Ill try it for some days to chech it out.
Btw what is 1013 wakelock which running in my phone?Any idea?
AW: [APP] [1.0.0] Wakelock Detector (new app for easier access to wake locks)
Great App! The overview is perfect - thank you so much!
Maybe it could be nice to set the time-array... since unpluged, since reboot, since screen off... But keep it easy as it is!
Really good!
md p9516 - root -waiting for cwm -- thnx2all
eliashadow said:
BetterBatteryStats is for sure the best, but i like this simply one app.
Ill try it for some days to chech it out.
Btw what is 1013 wakelock which running in my phone?Any idea?
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1013 is a media related system process with UID number 1013,
you can see it in "Advanced mode", I guess it is doing something with audio input/output as we can see in picture.
for more detail answer you can check this thread:
Re: [APP] [1.0.0] Wakelock Detector (new app for easier access to wake locks)
Looking great, thanks a lot!!!
Re: [APP] [1.0.0] Wakelock Detector (new app for easier access to wake locks)
Thanks! Can I request something? When you press info, instead of going to play store can you make it so it opens android settings instead. The page where we can force stop, uninstall, clear cache, clear data. Thanks!
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 4
grinder777 said:
Great App! The overview is perfect - thank you so much!
Maybe it could be nice to set the time-array... since unpluged, since reboot, since screen off... But keep it easy as it is!
Really good!
md p9516 - root -waiting for cwm -- thnx2all
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thank you for your reply,
you are right, we thought about adding options [since unpluged, since reboot, screen off], however for simplicity we used only [since reboot] as it shows the maximum amount of usage statistics. later we plan to add those three options on the bottom part of screen.
Kick-Ass Joe said:
Thanks! Can I request something? When you press info, instead of going to play store can you make it so it opens android settings instead. The page where we can force stop, uninstall, clear cache, clear data. Thanks!
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 4
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Thanks for your feedback,
showing Google Play helps users to see latest reviews of app and send a report to developer.
that is why we considered it more valuable information than 'app info' page of android settings.
we will put both options in the future,
Re: [APP] [1.0.0] Wakelock Detector (new app for easier access to wake locks)
Thanks dude looks good
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
very nice app.. clean and simple!
keep up the good work and keep it this way..
for the filtering options, does "CPU + Screen" mean to list those apps that require BOTH cpu and screen wakelocks?
and whats the difference between normal and advanced modes? is it additional system processes?
i can still see "Media" and "Google Services" in normal mode, so what is the separation line?
iamelton said:
very nice app.. clean and simple!
keep up the good work and keep it this way..
for the filtering options, does "CPU + Screen" mean to list those apps that require BOTH cpu and screen wakelocks?
and whats the difference between normal and advanced modes? is it additional system processes?
i can still see "Media" and "Google Services" in normal mode, so what is the separation line?
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thank you for pointing out those 3 important things,
1) CPU+Screen is for "FULL_WAKE_LOCK" , this link explains about Types of wakelock
2) Advanced mode shows the processes which UUID are less than 2000, i.e system processes used by android os
3) we still see "Media" and "Google Services" cause their UUID > 2000, though their PackageName is empty. In next version you can see them only in Advanced mode
updated version
i can still see "Media" and "Google Services" in normal mode, so what is the separation line?
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Now it does not display them in User mode
Collecting user experiences
We are working on collecting common wakelock issues.
Until now, we found several issues and solutions.
One of them is *backup* of "Android System"
It was running and draining battery in the background.
The solution for that would be turning off "Backup" from phone settings(under personal settings)
If you have had experienced any other wakelock issues, please share them here! Thank you
Nice App Dude. I see something some android talent in you
adityaavhad said:
Nice App Dude. I see something some android talent in you
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Thank you
NEW Updates
- Removed Kill,Uninstall button , as they might cause unreleased wakelocks
- Added "Open" button for bringing the app to front
- FAQ improved
- Names CPU,Screen,CPU+Screen -> changed to Partial, Screen, Full
- Now it shows since when the battery statistics were gathered
- Minor Bug fixes
In windows one can disable useless running services. Is there a way to do the same in Android? Seems that would save some resources - such as battery. I searched, but could find no real info...
Yes and no. In Android only one foreground app can run at a time, but there are background services too. They are usually important system services, but apps can add them too (they're needed to receive push notifications for example).
Go to Settings > Apps, swipe right to "Running". Then you can toggle between "Cached background processes" and "Running services". Killing a cached process (a previously active foreground app) doesn't really make a difference since it wasn't running anyway. Killing a service sometimes has an effect, but usually the service restarts automatically.
To permanently shut down a service, use the app Greenify. It "hibernates" apps with background services but still lets you run the app when you need it. Keep in mind that you lose the functionality of that service (e.g. if you hibernate Facebook, you won't receive notifications when you receive Facebook messages).
But honestly, unless you installed some badly coded apps that use too many services, you probably don't need to.
Thank you very much for the reply and info. I installed the app "Greenify" - and it is great the way it's set up. Like you said, if not all - most apps will start-up if stopped running in the background when not using, and *that*, IMO, is a great way to stop wasting the poor battery performance (mainly because of age) of the TF101 (tablet only).
Many thanks! :good:
Hey guys! Let's share our ROM + kernel + kernel settings setups over here!
Stable/Open Beta OOS or Omni, Smurf (stock balanced) or Flash kernel for me.
_MartyMan_ said:
Stable/Open Beta OOS or Omni, Smurf (stock balanced) or Flash kernel for me.
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Nice! Any screenshots?
All Kernel customisation are just gimmicks. The main culprit for battery drain is Google Play Services and the background running apps that provide quick notifications as soon as you receive a new message/email. This action takes up too much battery. The top list include WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook/Messenger, and other social media apps. The definte solution is 1. Magisk Modules- "Universal GMS Dose" , "Enable Dose for GSM Magisk Module" , "Greenify4Magisk". 2. Install Greenify(add all apps for hibernation).
These two steps will ensure excellent standby time and surely a better battery life that you not only need but you deserve.
Veestaai said:
All Kernel customisation are just gimmicks. The main culprit for battery drain is Google Play Services and the background running apps that provide quick notifications as soon as you receive a new message/email. This action takes up too much battery. The top list include WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook/Messenger, and other social media apps. The definte solution is 1. Magisk Modules- "Universal GMS Dose" , "Enable Dose for GSM Magisk Module" , "Greenify4Magisk". 2. Install Greenify(add all apps for hibernation).
These two steps will ensure excellent standby time and surely a better battery life that you not only need but you deserve.
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Cool. I've flashed all the above mentioned modules. Will now add apps to the Greenify Hibernation list.
I'm running stock rooted, and I get 8 hours of screen time on most days. No custom kernel, I do have location off.
Location on, I use blue mail, WhatsApp and Textra and my battery is great. 9-11 hours sot work ex kernel or stock kernel. The custom ex kernel is for adjusting vibration motor intensity, max sound increases and lowering the min frequency of the little cores from 576mhz to 300mhz, this increases battery life a bit. I also use ex kernel to disable certain wakelocks as well.
Kernels overall really don't offer a ton for battery life increases, maybe 5%
Stock locked bootloader, clean oos 9.0.2 gets me over 5hours of screen usage. And i am using location services and bluetooth always. Since i moves to total stock state this phone is a battery beast.
Eric214 said:
Location on, I use blue mail, WhatsApp and Textra and my battery is great. 9-11 hours sot work ex kernel or stock kernel. The custom ex kernel is for adjusting vibration motor intensity, max sound increases and lowering the min frequency of the little cores from 576mhz to 300mhz, this increases battery life a bit. I also use ex kernel to disable certain wakelocks as well.
Kernels overall really don't offer a ton for battery life increases, maybe 5%
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Mate, what exactly wakelocks you're blocking via ex manager app? I mean which is safe to block?
There are a few already blocked with EX Kernel. the one I block all the time is IPA_WS, the others are preset to blocked. I recommend taking a look and see in the list that have high wake times and block one at a time and see how your phone acts for a day if no issues move on to another. This is of course based on if your phone isn't sleeping. If your phone has a high percentage deep sleep time (mine is always over 93% if im not streaming music with screen off) then you don't need to worry about your wake locks with higher times listed.
Eric214 said:
Location on, I use blue mail, WhatsApp and Textra and my battery is great. 9-11 hours sot work ex kernel or stock kernel. The custom ex kernel is for adjusting vibration motor intensity, max sound increases and lowering the min frequency of the little cores from 576mhz to 300mhz, this increases battery life a bit. I also use ex kernel to disable certain wakelocks as well.
Kernels overall really don't offer a ton for battery life increases, maybe 5%
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Veestaai said:
All Kernel customisation are just gimmicks. The main culprit for battery drain is Google Play Services and the background running apps that provide quick notifications as soon as you receive a new message/email. This action takes up too much battery. The top list include WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook/Messenger, and other social media apps. The definte solution is 1. Magisk Modules- "Universal GMS Dose" , "Enable Dose for GSM Magisk Module" , "Greenify4Magisk". 2. Install Greenify(add all apps for hibernation).
These two steps will ensure excellent standby time and surely a better battery life that you not only need but you deserve.
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Do all notifications still come on time with the modules + greenify?
Back in my G4 days I use to use greenify but thought it's not needed anymore due to the nature of android pie
Edit: forgot to contribute. My current setup includes xXx module + EX kernel. Power efficient workqueues enabled, followed the recommendation for stune, and no other mods or edits after that. Best I've gotten was on a weekend, wifi all day, 8 hours SoT on track for 9 hours. Hardly used snapchat that day which likely attributed to the good times.
On a day to day basis I get less than that since there's moment I use data and I use snap fairly often. I'd say anywhere from 4-6 hours SoT.
Nice! I still get notifications (WhatsApp and Telegram), even after enabling the above mentioned Magisk modules, and Greenifying some apps.
As for both idle battery life and screen on battery life, I'd have one main recommendation:
1) use good well-made apps. i.e. open source apps:
-no data leaks so no idle battery drain,
-Most of the time better quality, lighter (so better performance and take less battery when you use them)
-Design-wise : usually they follow well google guidelines
-better support often as well, developers are closer to the community
2) If the option 1 is not available, use your browser instead of bad apps! Like for your favorite websites (news, bank, forums, etc.), most of them have decent mobile versions available on your browser and so you won't multiply apps on your device, and they won't drain battery for nothing. I've never had issues with idle battery drains for years now simply because I don't use random apps. Only the ones I trust.
So go through your app lists, and think for each one of them, do you actually need it? Wouldn't it be fine to just use the website? Could I use a lighter alternative instead?
3) Here are a few suggestions of lightweight apps you could use instead of the "famous" ones, and that I personally recommend:
-Phonograph instead of Play Music, Spotify. The design is wonderful, it's only a few MB and it's fast as f***. Open source
-Use Kiwi browser instead of chrome: no google bloatware, built-in adblocker, bottom bar, well made dark mode, other useful features, optimized performance. Partially open source
-Delete the facebook app and use your browser instead
-Use QKSMS: just a nice design and open source.
-Adaway if you have magisk: open source adblocker
-Amaze file manager: lightweight, gorgeous design, open source
-Libretorrent if you download torrents, nice design, open source
-Barcode scanner, open source
-MatLog to take logs, nice design, open source
That's pretty much all, you don't need much more apps. Feel free to freeze the Google apps you don't use.
Then it's basic advice: turn off location, bluetooth, wifi when you don't need it, check permissions, turn off always on wifi, wifi to improve location, etc.
Use dark themes when they are available, very useful on our device.
Veestaai said:
All Kernel customisation are just gimmicks. The main culprit for battery drain is Google Play Services and the background running apps that provide quick notifications as soon as you receive a new message/email. This action takes up too much battery. The top list include WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook/Messenger, and other social media apps. The definte solution is 1. Magisk Modules- "Universal GMS Dose" , "Enable Dose for GSM Magisk Module" , "Greenify4Magisk". 2. Install Greenify(add all apps for hibernation).
These two steps will ensure excellent standby time and surely a better battery life that you not only need but you deserve.
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Isn't it important for you to see the incoming message instantly?
Has anyone tried these kernels: CleanSlate and Smurf?
I wanted to know if they both differ in battery life..
This is the 2nd cycle with Smurf kernel.
ROM: Beta 6
Kernel: Smurf latest
sohailss111 said:
This is the 2nd cycle with Smurf kernel.
ROM: Beta 6
Kernel: Smurf latest
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What are your settings on the kernel? Or did you just flash it?
Veestaai said:
All Kernel customisation are just gimmicks. The main culprit for battery drain is Google Play Services and the background running apps that provide quick notifications as soon as you receive a new message/email. This action takes up too much battery. The top list include WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook/Messenger, and other social media apps. The definte solution is 1. Magisk Modules- "Universal GMS Dose" , "Enable Dose for GSM Magisk Module" , "Greenify4Magisk". 2. Install Greenify(add all apps for hibernation).
These two steps will ensure excellent standby time and surely a better battery life that you not only need but you deserve.
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I was under the impression that greenify wasn't needed as of oreo.
---------- Post added at 07:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------
Eric214 said:
Location on, I use blue mail, WhatsApp and Textra and my battery is great. 9-11 hours sot work ex kernel or stock kernel. The custom ex kernel is for adjusting vibration motor intensity, max sound increases and lowering the min frequency of the little cores from 576mhz to 300mhz, this increases battery life a bit. I also use ex kernel to disable certain wakelocks as well.
Kernels overall really don't offer a ton for battery life increases, maybe 5%
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Mind me asking which wakelocks you are blocking?
Veestaai said:
All Kernel customisation are just gimmicks. The main culprit for battery drain is Google Play Services and the background running apps that provide quick notifications as soon as you receive a new message/email. This action takes up too much battery. The top list include WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook/Messenger, and other social media apps. The definte solution is 1. Magisk Modules- "Universal GMS Dose" , "Enable Dose for GSM Magisk Module" , "Greenify4Magisk". 2. Install Greenify(add all apps for hibernation).
These two steps will ensure excellent standby time and surely a better battery life that you not only need but you deserve.
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How many hours of SOT are you getting now?
Hello ppl. I'm user of xperia xzs but same is related to xz as they are similar models. Reason why i write here and not in "xperia XZs" section is cus forum section is inactive.
Phone is obviously heating too much, throttling, killing apps and android modules, afaik caused by bad snapdragon 820 power management etc. I belive there is ppl that have less of problems with their devices , which addres posible another issue: bad assembly of phones, in sense thermal pad/paste is not set correctly so even slight miss in assembly, bring overheating and other issues in fact that device is not for normal use.. I tried everything software related: downgrading to nougat, trying different firmwares etc, stamina mode, clearing cache/data etc etc, nothing help to bring my device in state: having a normalno decent phone capable of doing light surf. I dont use camera/games. My device is in very good condition, like new, battery work great. Anyone managed to fix problem somehow? Im thinking the last thing to do before trowing this crap to garbage, to dissasamble and try to check thermal pad/paste and somehow reaply. This is my definetly last smartphone from Sony which became a parody company for phones, not to mention their customer service which are some kind of very stupid AI or if not, that 'person' is on chimpanze level.
Best regards
Lol, you never dealt with Samsung tech support...
You need to find the root cause(s) using the tools available. Karma Firewall can help show which apps are accessing the internet excessively.
Battery trackers can be useful. Keep social media apps off the phone. Cloud apps are another potential trouble maker ie Google backup Transport.
Samsung is even worse? Damn, is there any human beings in that corporations..
Thx for respond! I tried app that you attach, it gives me some interesting infos for now. User apps block didnt do nothing so i did block all system apps and started burnout benchmark test which usualy stop working when im in ~2/7 test. I find out that Apps (UID 1000) and Apps (UID 10039) is trying to access internet many times. When i disable that 2 alone, burnout benchmark goes to end 7/7 (56c max) which is great. Then i tried to see which one is problematic, and that is Apps (UID 10039) which make problem and kill e.g. Burnout benchmark test . Any suggestion what to try from this point? Thx again mate!
slayernn said:
Samsung is even worse? Damn, is there any human beings in that corporations..
Thx for respond! I tried app that you attach, it gives me some interesting infos for now. User apps block didnt do nothing so i did block all system apps and started burnout benchmark test which usualy stop working when im in ~2/7 test. I find out that Apps (UID 1000) and Apps (UID 10039) is trying to access internet many times. When i disable that 2 alone, burnout benchmark goes to end 7/7 (56c max) which is great. Then i tried to see which one is problematic, and that is Apps (UID 10039) which make problem and kill e.g. Burnout benchmark test . Any suggestion what to try from this point? Thx again mate!
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You're welcome. I've dealt with Sony before, they are a pain. For hifi equipment Denon is the one you wanted.
Disable Sony, app and carrier feedback. Disable Google Firebase.
You can temporarily disable Google play Services and see if that helps especially at night.
Accubattery is useful for it's charge/discharge history, allows you to track SOT usage easily by the hour %@hr. In time Karma helps you spot odd or unwanted behaviors.
Use this settings mod to globally block ads, it also blocks some blacklisted sites.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
blackhawk said:
You're welcome. I've dealt with Sony before, they are a pain. For hifi equipment Denon is the one you wanted.
Disable Sony, app and carrier feedback. Disable Google Firebase.
You can temporarily disable Google play Services and see if that helps especially at night.
Accubattery is useful for it's charge/discharge history, allows you to track SOT usage easily by the hour %@hr. In time Karma helps you spot odd or unwanted behaviors.
Use this settings mod to globally block ads, it also blocks some blacklisted sites.
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Can you tell me where to find and disable 'Sony,app and carrier feedback, google firebase" ? Cant find private DNS option, i have android 8, there is no "more connection settings", i can find printing, its in "Device connection" its all. Thx
slayernn said:
Can you tell me where to find and disable 'Sony,app and carrier feedback, google firebase" ? Cant find private DNS option, i have android 8, there is no "more connection settings", i can find printing, its in "Device connection" its all. Thx
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I never used 8, only 4, 5, 9 and 10.
Explore all of settings. Probably there, somewhere. Firebase is at the end of the Google settings in the phone settings.
blackhawk said:
I never used 8, only 4, 5, 9 and 10.
Explore all of settings. Probably there, somewhere. Firebase is at the end of the Google settings in the phone settings.
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There is no dns option in oreo but there is 3rd party app for that, i will try. But still cant find Firebase option and carrier feedback dont know what u mean by that and where to find it? In google settings under "services on this device" there is "ads, auto-fill,backup,dev&sharing ....settings for google apps(connected apps play games etc" cant find there. HM
Maybe Oreo doesn't support Firebase, good!
Pie has better security at the cost of some functionality. Oreo is suspectable to the X-helper rootkit, a real nasty worm.
blackhawk said:
Maybe Oreo doesn't support Firebase, good!
Pie has better security at the cost of some functionality. Oreo is suspectable to the X-helper rootkit, a real nasty worm.
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I turn on dev options and now i see firebase app indexing which is already disabled. I will try to look at Karma fw and accu battery for that "Apps (UID 10039)" which is main problem. So that gives me hope that it is all software problem. Another problem which is probably imposible to fix is that soc start bad throthling etc when it reach ~56c, if thats only few degree up..
slayernn said:
I turn on dev options and now i see firebase app indexing which is already disabled. I will try to look at Karma fw and accu battery for that "Apps (UID 10039)" which is main problem. So that gives me hope that it is all software problem. Another problem which is probably imposible to fix is that soc start bad throthling etc when it reach ~56c, if thats only few degree up..
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It's almost always software or a firmware problem you can work around.
Yeah but what's the battery temp? That the temperature I watch. At 102-3F I turn it off.
Not sure what that UID is.
The app, UID Lookup for Android might be helpful, I haven't tried it yet.
blackhawk said:
It's almost always software or a firmware problem you can work around.
Yeah but what's the battery temp? That the temperature I watch. At 102-3F I turn it off.
Not sure what that UID is.
The app, UID Lookup for Android might be helpful, I haven't tried it yet.
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First of all thank you very much you helped me a lot... you show me the way a posible full-fix for my device! That app UID lookup is not working for me. What i find out is that UID 10039 = com.android.vending aka google play. I unistalled it via adb shell and then run benchmark test and it went all to the end 7/7. Later i installed latest google play apk and after that, benchmark start crashing again and phone overheats. Last thing i did is to DISABLE avg protection and now benchmark run to end 7/7. Avg is present in every xzs firmware by default, if thats reason why device behave this way then ...
ps playstore app crash again randomly during normal use of phone without using playstore. Something with playstore modules are maybe wrong hm...
Goggle Play or Google Play Store, a known trouble maker?
To optimize a stock device you need to play with it until you understand why (cause and effect) it's behaving the way it is. It takes some time, but after which it becomes almost second nature.
No coding skills needed as there's lots of ways to work within the UI framework including 3rd party apps like Package Disabler for non-Samsung devices but I've never used that version. That's my main means of debloating my Samsung's. PM if you want the link to the website, not on Playstore.
My brain is now throttling badly and temp is rising!!
Case 1: In Karma FW > disable AVG, disable google play store, enable Apps (UID 10039) = Benchmark go 100%
Case 2: enable avg, disable google play store, enable Apps (UID 10039) = Benchmark crash at 2/7
Case 3: enable avg, enable google play store, disable Apps (UID 10039) = Benchmark go 100%
So there is some rule in relation to avg-google play store-Apps(UID 100039) and i dont have a clue how they are interconnected, im only 100% sure in coherence with benchmark failing/finishing. I'm not smart..
One thing come to my mind right now, mighty sony support and how banal they are: did you reset your device? And similar anti-brain suggestions. HAHAH
Clear system cache.
I always disable location unless needed.
Try running the bench with internet disabled.
Try firewall blocking Playstore, I normally do.
Playstore, another good reason to hate it
Tried everything posible i think of, even unistalling chrome (so to enable default android webview), tried different ver of play store (even disabled it true adb). Nothing gives me hope except blocking Apps (UID 10039). I uploaded latest log of blocked uid while successfully running benchmark. I now understand less and less and have no idea what to do next. Is this Sony way to force us to buy a new phone? If so they definetly force me to buy another manufacturer phone.
Lol, this N10+ was a hot running, lagging battery hog at first. It took a lot time to optimize it. Turned out so good I got a second one.
Dependencies, sometimes it's another app or service causing the drain that's not being correctly reported. Or there's a conflict that creates constant, excessive polling. Trial and error to find them. Add tools that help you to do that... it takes some effort and thought.
Like I said I normally package disable and firewall block Playstore. It's a menace in more ways than one and eats some battery too. Google play Services is normally disabled unless I need it, which is once or twice a day usually. Modify notifications so it doesn't complain endlessly as it will when disabled. Turning off Google play Services and Google Backup Transport is not enough to fully disable it as it may still run in the background at night even.
My N10+ misreports as Google play Services I believe it is... instead Backup must be package disabled to kill it completely.
Your device may behave differently so this is an example of how cryptic this can get. Keep chipping anyway at it until you find the trouble makers and the solutions.
Make sure global power management is disabled or it will cause erratic behavior even more battery consumption.
Developer options>standby apps, all app buckets should show as active otherwise global power management is active! It can't be turned off here though. It's under battery management. In setting under individual apps you can limit data and background battery usage without effecting the global settings, sometimes this gets it.
This is what I'm talking about per Samsung. Sony will have something similar as the global power management/buckets thing is a Google Android apk that manufacturers modify for their flavor. The core functionality though still exists and will likely cause problems when enabled. Its not needed and complicates optimization.
Tried your instructions, it was not easy as i use different manufacturer with oreo and much less options then yours but i got everythink right i think. I found program called "Net blocker" and then go with trial&error to find that real cause of issue and thats 2 modules with same uid no (10039 remember) that karma didnt show me. Now my phone work stable, i can even use google play store. Only related apps like youtube dont work with this 2 modules blocked. Im still not 100% satisfied, i want to come to real solution so if i give my phone to someone, that person dont have to mess around like i did, e.g. after hard reset everything needs to be set with advance knowledge you know..
Here is pic of that 2 modules. Tell me if you know why they making so much problems to whole system and is there a way to fix. Btw Net blocker didnt give me option to disable just 1 of that 2 modules, both of them is selected at same time. Cheers mate and thanx again !
Try clearing cache and data (if possible).
This how mine looks:
blackhawk said:
Try clearing cache and data (if possible).
This how mine looks:
View attachment 5690793
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Hey mate. Tried clearing cache and data, guess what .. random crashes again non stop. So now im 100% sure root of problem is Google services framework. If i disable it, everything works fine except related apps(youtube etc etc) and if its enabled, i have to block in firewall. Clearing cache/data/restart/hard resent dont help my device, i tried different firmwares, its always the same. There is some incompatability with xz/s firmwares and that services framework.. i imagine fix is posible and easy but no1 cares.
slayernn said:
Hey mate. Tried clearing cache and data, guess what .. random crashes again non stop. So now im 100% sure root of problem is Google services framework. If i disable it, everything works fine except related apps(youtube etc etc) and if its enabled, i have to block in firewall. Clearing cache/data/restart/hard resent dont help my device, i tried different firmwares, its always the same. There is some incompatability with xz/s firmwares and that services framework.. i imagine fix is posible and easy but no1 cares.
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I always keep Framework disabled. Forgot about it, lol maybe that's why Playstore can't connect It was constantly draining power even at night.
Bah-ha-ha-ha I had forgotten about it and had been ignoring Playstore, Thanks for reminding me. tff
I may experiment with Framework again but it always ended up being a battery drain that was rarely needed unless I went to Playstore. I knew it was something simple
Damn, you're good.
So you see how giving the phone to someone that isn't willing to take any interest in the system what will happen.
In Samsung OneUI, the battery usage of an app can be controlled from 3 different Settings (which kind of overlap with their functions):
1. App Info page/ Battery
2. Device Care / Battery
3. Ignore Battery Optimization Setting
By default, the battery is set to 'Optimised' for all apps.
On the App Info page, if Battery is set to Unrestricted, the app will not appear in the list of apps under Never Sleeping Apps in Device Care. But, if an app is added to the Never Sleeping Apps list in Device Care, the battery setting remains at 'Optimised' in the App Info page.
It is not clear which option is better for apps that the user wants running all the time. For example, I use Netguard and want it to remain running without being killed. Although I have not seen Netguard getting killed with either option, I'm still not too clear on which is the better option between these two settings.
Likewise, if Battery is set to Restricted on the app info page, the app will not show up in the list of apps under Deep Sleeping Apps in Device Care. But, if an app is added to the Deep Sleeping Apps list in Device Care, the battery setting automatically changes to 'Restricted' in the App Info page.
The problem with adding apps to Deep Sleeping list is that they are delinked from Google Play Store (and probably blocked from setting alarms, accessing System Events, etc. too), and so would not receive any updates until the app is launched again. So Deep Sleeping Apps setting is likely the more aggressive setting to prevent apps from running in the background.
The other problem with Deep Sleeping list is that any app that is removed from it is automatically added to the Never Sleeping list. So one must remove the app from this list too to bring it back to the default setting.
Finally, we have the Ignore Battery Optimization Setting, where an app added to this list will automatically have it's battery setting changed to 'Unrestricted'.
If I have to list them in the order of most aggressive to most privileged, it would be like this:
1. Deep Sleeping Apps
2. Restricted Battery (without adding to Deep Sleeping list)
3. Never Sleeping Apps
4. Unrestricted Battery
5. Ignore Battery Optimization
Hopefully someone can clarify this.
One is Android thing and the other is Samsung way. If you select restrict you won't find it through Samsung own app usage.
You can choose one of them or both. Samsung is easier to manage.
*EDIT* What the, you have over 600 apps ?!?!
therock3181 said:
One is Android thing and the other is Samsung way. If you select restrict you won't find it through Samsung own app usage.
You can choose one of them or both. Samsung is easier to manage.
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Do you agree with the conclusion in OP
therock3181 said:
*EDIT* What the, you have over 600 apps ?!?!
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Actually over 1,000 if you count the System Apps. Even my Watch has over 300 apps and watchfaces.