TWRP for Storex 10Q11-M - Miscellaneous Android Development

hello here you have the TWRP 2.4 version of the recovery for this device
root your device
copy all files to sdcard
from a terminal type busybox sh
enjoy but....use at your own risk
thank you


help flashing twrp 2.2.2 via terminal

Alright so I put twrp recovery image on the root of my sd ... I open terminal type
Cd sdcard
Flash_image recovery recoveryname(Der the name of it).img
And it says command not found
omario8484 said:
Alright so I put twrp recovery image on the root of my sd ... I open terminal type
Cd sdcard
Flash_image recovery recoveryname(Der the name of it).img
And it says command not found
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If you want to do it from terminal emulator on android, say name of recovery is twrp.img and is on root of sd....
Open terminal emulator
Type - su
Allow superuser permission,
Type -
dd if=sdcard/twrp.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p22
It will push, then do it again for good measure-
dd if=sdcard/twrp.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p22
Now power off, boot to bootloader and select recovery
as long as your rooted w. Bootloader unlocked you will have twrp recovery installed

CWM recovery for Galaxy 3 I5801 / I5800

Find below the recovery.img for Galaxy 3. This recovery is brought to you by Dharam. This recovery is available with his ROM but if you want to only install the recovery than this is the procedure.
To install it follow this procedure:
First download and install this flash file in to your phone:
Steps to install:
1. Unzip the file_image file
2. Copy it in the sd card
3. Open root explorer
4. Copy flash_image from sd card
5. Go to /system/bin folder and change the r/w to r/o and Paste it in that folder.
Download CWM recovery image from here:
And save it in sdcard
Now, go to terminal and type:
$ su
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img <-------------------------(name of recovery file)
Which version is it?
version please & is it with touch??
Any news? Screenshot?

[Q] Restore Apps failed again with fix for Note 3

need help
-have the recovery N9005 flashed with odin
-then i ve installed prerooted deodex knox free cwn .zip
-restore my apps with Titanium Backup 6.1
-extract the file in Folder /system/bin
-then i go to terminal emulator and type
restorecon -R -v /data/data
-then came the message : CAN`´T EXECUTE ,PERMISSIONS DENIED

flash any recovery for any android device (root) from terminal EMULATOR

2 now download any recovery for your device and extract the "RECOVERY.IMG" ONLY and place it in /sdcard/
3 extract the flash_image
4 USING ROOT MANAGER OR ANY OTHER FILE MANAGER(THAT GIVES YOU ROOT ACCESS) PUT FLASH_IMAGE IN /SYSTEM/BIN ya change ots permission to rwxr-xr-x(thanka for rembering coodingdroid)
it will prompt for root access allow it
then type this
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
(and press enter)
you will now get this
now type reboot recovery
and you have got a new recovery for your phone
press thanks if i helped you

Root+Custom ROM Onda V10 Pro

Hi everybody,
i try to find tutorial to root my onda v10 pro tablet and then install a custom rom on it but i found nothing. Did someone change the official ROM, if yes can i have some help?
Thanks a lot.
locss said:
Hi everybody,
i try to find tutorial to root my onda v10 pro tablet and then install a custom rom on it but i found nothing. Did someone change the official ROM, if yes can i have some help?
Thanks a lot.
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I also need to root in my v10 pro wave, and find custom rom, have if someone helps us, thanks
impossible to root or unlock
berti hispano said:
I also need to root in my v10 pro wave, and find custom rom, have if someone helps us, thanks
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Hello, i also need to root this tablet, i want to enable remote control because i will give it to my grand mother. Any help on how to unlock bootloader or root the tablet will be apreciate ! THank you !
I found this thread : / forum / index.php?showtopic=819301&st=80#entry64752617
They say to do the following command but i have "permission denied on all commands" !
- Unpack Magisk-v13.6 (1360) .zip
- In the unpacked folder, load the file boot-verified.img from the firmware and rename it to boot.img . And also rename the arm64 folder to magisk_inject
- Once again we make sure that the following folders and files are in the prepared folder: META-INF, boot.img, common, magisk_inject .
- Open the terminal from this folder (for win7 holding the shift, call the context menu and select Open command window here) and enter 5 lines of commands, one at a time (I used to copy-paste):
adb shell "rm -rf / data / local / tmp / *"
adb push META-INF / com / google / android / update-binary common magisk_inject boot.img / data / local / tmp
adb shell "cd / data / local / tmp / magisk_inject; mv ../common/*.; chmod 755 *; sh ../update-binary indep ../boot.img; mv ../bin/busybox busybox "
adb pull / data / local /tmp/magisk_inject/new-boot.img
adb shell "cd / data / local / tmp; rm -rf * .img magisk_inject / *. img update-binary bin common"
THank You !
ekirock said:
Hello, i also need to root this tablet, i want to enable remote control because i will give it to my grand mother. Any help on how to unlock bootloader or root the tablet will be apreciate ! THank you !
I found this thread : / forum / index.php?showtopic=819301&st=80#entry64752617
They say to do the following command but i have "permission denied on all commands" !
- Unpack Magisk-v13.6 (1360) .zip
- In the unpacked folder, load the file boot-verified.img from the firmware and rename it to boot.img . And also rename the arm64 folder to magisk_inject
- Once again we make sure that the following folders and files are in the prepared folder: META-INF, boot.img, common, magisk_inject .
- Open the terminal from this folder (for win7 holding the shift, call the context menu and select Open command window here) and enter 5 lines of commands, one at a time (I used to copy-paste):
adb shell "rm -rf / data / local / tmp / *"
adb push META-INF / com / google / android / update-binary common magisk_inject boot.img / data / local / tmp
adb shell "cd / data / local / tmp / magisk_inject; mv ../common/*.; chmod 755 *; sh ../update-binary indep ../boot.img; mv ../bin/busybox busybox "
adb pull / data / local /tmp/magisk_inject/new-boot.img
adb shell "cd / data / local / tmp; rm -rf * .img magisk_inject / *. img update-binary bin common"
THank You !
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Thank you for your post, but where can we find some custom rom for this tablet?
Thank you.
android 6.0
haven't tried yet but attempting tonight
Thanks Gregory, but is it possible to install a custom rom based on android 7?
system.img is corrupt for all . Has anyone successfully been able to flash this firmware to their devices so far??
Edit: my bad, cannot use 7 zip to extract, use ext4 extractor instead
Hi there
I tried dozen of methods to root this device and always failed.
I was ready to give up when I decided to give a last chance to me.
I have tried the Hovatek's brilliant fastboot way with magisk manager but always stucked on the critical last point.
OK, follow these intructions
#extrack Magisk 13 on a PC folder
# copy the files in common folder on sdcard in your device
#copy the original boot.IMG of your firmware on the sdcard
#open your device install and run Magisk manager app
#under this app install Magisk and chose .img
#go to sdcard and select your boot.img for patching
#look at the terminal if the job is done
#find the patched image in the Magisk folder at the main storage
#flash it with sp flash tool
#enjoy and forgive me for my basic English
PS. I'm looking for twrp or cwm for this device.
Please inform me if you know something about.
cosbrav said:
Hi there
I tried dozen of methods to root this device and always failed.
I was ready to give up when I decided to give a last chance to me.
I have tried the Hovatek's brilliant fastboot way with magisk manager but always stucked on the critical last point.
OK, follow these intructions
#extrack Magisk 13 on a PC folder
# copy the files in common folder on sdcard in your device
#copy the original boot.IMG of your firmware on the sdcard
#open your device install and run Magisk manager app
#under this app install Magisk and chose .img
#go to sdcard and select your boot.img for patching
#look at the terminal if the job is done
#find the patched image in the Magisk folder at the main storage
#flash it with sp flash tool
#enjoy and forgive me for my basic English
PS. I'm looking for twrp or cwm for this device.
Please inform me if you know something about.
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Just did it. it works, though it was horrible. magisk 13 is too old and I could not find how to patch the boot.img option.
so I managed to do with the common files from 18.1 and the patching complete.
then I re-flashed everything and unfortunately it reset the tablet, but worked and I'm rooted now.
As you, waiting to the confirmation twrp exist, and if so what version.
cosbrav said:
Hi there
I tried dozen of methods to root this device and always failed.
I was ready to give up when I decided to give a last chance to me.
I have tried the Hovatek's brilliant fastboot way with magisk manager but always stucked on the critical last point.
OK, follow these intructions
#extrack Magisk 13 on a PC folder
# copy the files in common folder on sdcard in your device
#copy the original boot.IMG of your firmware on the sdcard
#open your device install and run Magisk manager app
#under this app install Magisk and chose .img
#go to sdcard and select your boot.img for patching
#look at the terminal if the job is done
#find the patched image in the Magisk folder at the main storage
#flash it with sp flash tool
#enjoy and forgive me for my basic English
PS. I'm looking for twrp or cwm for this device.
Please inform me if you know something about.
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Followed the same but with latest Magisk and SP flash tools. It works and now my Onda V10 pro is rooted.
If you guys need latest google play services to be running on Onda V10 Pro. Please use LuckyPatcher after installing Magisk to install latest google play services(arm64-v8a).
Install LuckyPatcher and provide super user access.
1. Uninstall existing google play services using LuckyPatcher.
2. Download arm64-v8a compatible latest google play services and install as a system app using LuckyPatcher. After that it will ask for reboot and after rebooting it will show android apps updating loader for few mins.
3. Then you can use any apps that require latest google play services. For me youtube was not working before but now its working.

