How to conserve batt life - General Topics

Hey guys i just find it usefull press thanks if i help!!!
10 Tips To Conserve Your Smartphone Battery
By Michael Poh. Filed in How-To Guides
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Apple, BlackBerry, Samsung and other global brands have come up with smartphones equipped with powerful mobile operating systems such as Google’s Android, Nokia’s Symbian, Apple’s iOS, etc, that allows users to play games, listen to mp3s, snap pictures, have access to the Net and even stream videos.
Given their diverse range of capabilities and multi-functionality running on a mobile (as in on-the-go) platform, it’s no wonder that battery life has always been a concern for developers, manufacturers and the users themselves. On average, most smartphone batteries last between one and two days before being completely depleted, and in need of a recharge.
Increase Battery Life
(Image Source: Dokisoft)
While we wait for the hardware development to catch up, the alternative will be to conserve battery life. As it is with our energy levels, battery life can be effectively utilized and managed, leaving nothing to go to waste. Without a battery charger or a spare battery with you everywhere you go, you’ll have to make due with minimizing the consumption of battery juice.
Here are 10 essential tips how you can conserve your smartphone’s battery.
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1. Turn Off Vibrations
Vibrations are great for notifying you about incoming calls or messages when you’re in the theatre, meetings or other places where it’s necessary to keep the phone silent. In places where it doesn’t matter, it will be better for you to use your ringtone as notification if you want to keep your smartphones on longer.
Vibrations actually use up more power than ringtones. The sounds produced by ringtones are just very tiny vibrations in your smartphone’s speaker. Compare that to the shaking of the entire phone via vibrating a smart weight, playing a ringtone definitely zaps less of your battery. The same applies for using vibration for tactile feedback. If you don’t think it’s necessary, then disable vibrations or at the very least, lessen the magnitude of the vibrations.
2. Dim Your Screen
This one tip affects battery life drastically. It’s obvious that dimming your screen will reduce your smartphone’s power consumption since we all have to activate the screen whenever we use our phones. If our screen is brightly lit up every couple of minutes when we check our emails and such, it eventually will zap battery juice. Auto-brightness setting enable the smartphone to adjust the brightness to its optimal level for reading while conserving battery life.
On the other hand though, you may consider tuning the level permanently to the dimmest level that you can still read under without straining your eyes. Doing so may do wonders to your battery life in the long run.
3. Shorten Screen Timeout
In the same manner, if you wish to minimize the power consumption of your smartphone of the screen display, you ought to consider shortening the screen timeout. This decides how long the screen will remain lit after you finish interacting with it.
Some of us do not have the habit of ‘locking’ the phone after we we are done with it; we just let it go lights out by itself. Keeping the timeout duration short will ensure that the phone doesn’t waste power when you’re not using it.
4. Switching Off When Inactive
Although it is true that turning on your phone consumes more power than unlocking your phone, switching it off for a couple of hours can save more battery than leaving it on sleep or inactive mode. If you know you’re not going to touch your phone for an extended period of time, such as when you’re attending a meeting or sleeping, you can actually cut down a significant amount of energy consumption if you simply switch it off.
You might be wondering why you should even bother about battery level when you’ve a charger with you at home while you sleep. Well, the thing is that repeated charging for certain kind of batteries eats up the battery volume. For such batteries, the best way is to conserve as much as you can so that your battery retains its original capacity as much as possible.
5. Charge Your Battery Correctly
Speaking of phone charging, there are generally two kinds of rechargeable batteries commonly used for smartphones: Lithium-ion (Li-Ion), and Nickel-based batteries: namely Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd).
The battery capacity in NiCd batteries are reduced every time you recharge them. Nonetheless, NiCd batteries have longer life cycles i.e. they can be recharged more often than NiMH batteries before stop working. Nickel-based batteries should be charged (to the full amount) when they’re more or less out of power, and not when there’s still a good amount of energy left.
(Image Source: Slairea)
Li-Ion batteries have the longest life cycle among the three types of batteries but they also need to be charged more frequently (even when the battery is not fully used up) to maintain its original capacity. To keep your battery lasting longer, find out more about the type of battery that your smartphone uses and maintain the appropriate charging strategy for optimum usage.
6. Close Unnecessary Apps
Some of us open app after app and don’t bother to close them even after we no longer need to use them. This multi-tasking capability is a common feature of smartphones, but it is also a main reason why battery life gets drained away easily. The worst thing is that you’re losing battery juice when you are not even using them. Leaving them open will leave your battery at half-bar in no time.
As often as possible, kill your apps if you are not using them. There are some valuable apps out there that manage the multitasking ability of your smartphone to ensure it performs at its best to conserve battery life without jeopardizing usage. One such Android app is the Advanced Task Killer.
7. Disable GPS
Certain apps eat up more battery juice than others, particularly apps which utilize the GPS system to track your location. Your smartphone has a GPS unit that allows the sending and receiving of signals to and from satellites to determine your exact location, which is integral for some apps to work, for example, map-based apps like Google Maps or to check-in on Facebook.
(Image Source: Fotolia)
When left running in the background, some of these apps may continue to send and receive signals. It takes a lot out of your battery to continuously do that, even if you aren’t aware of it. Hence, you should ensure that those particular apps are closed when you really don’t need them. A more extreme way is to disable location services when prompted by these apps. It may slow down the efficiency of these apps but you won’t be tracked on your location and some users deliberately do that for privacy reasons.
8. No Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G/4G When Not In Use
Energy is consumed whenever your smartphone searches for signals, Wi-Fi, 3G or Bluetooth etc. When the reception is poor, the phone will continue scanning to attain a good connection. Repeated searches for these signals can easily make your battery level drop a notch.
What I’m saying is that you should turn off your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth when you don’t need to be connected. One convenient way to do it is to switch to ‘Airplane Mode’ or just switch your phone off when you know you can’t get any signal.
On the other hand, when you need good reception for your smartphone, place or position your phone in high connectivity zones. This will prevent your smartphones from constantly seeking for a connection and wasting your precious battery power switching from one signal to the other.
9. Minimize Notifications
With constant connectivity to the Internet, we tend to get notifications on our smartphones all the time, be it updates on the latest news, emails, high scores from games, add-ons for apps etc. But I’m sure that you would only want to be notified on the more essential stuffs like new text messages, or messages from Whatsapp.
(Image Source: Taakoses)
Not only is it annoying to constantly receive irrelevant notifications that can actually wait, it is also a powersucker for each of these notifications. Every incoming notification will light up your screen, make a sound alert or vibrate.
Manage your settings well and disable unnecessary notifications to save a little battery power (and avoid being frustrated with these constant notifications).
10. Maintain Cool Temperature
Some of us might have observed that our battery runs out faster when our smartphones are warm. Put simply, don’t leave your smartphones under direct sunlight or in any place that is hot.
One of the more common occurrences would be leaving the smartphone in a car parked under the sun. The battery will function optimally in cooler environments, so do look out for, and try to avoid, scenarios where your phone is exposed to unnecessary and excessive heat.
Source:h tt p: //w w w .hongk


[GUIDE] Battery Management for noobs

Hey guys,
So after many months with the XT720 and alot of flashing and trying to get the most out of my battery, i've come up with a few conclusions about battery life in general and how to extend it. I thought I'd share here. This is mostly aimed at people who are new to android and have not experimented like some of the more advanced users we have on this forum. Hope you find this helpful and please feel free to make additions.
General Battery Info
The XT720 was my first android phone, and I came from a long line of typical nokia phones whose batteries would last for ages. I had no idea the kind of power an android device would use. When I started out using it, i was surprised at how quickly the battery would die. You'd think with advancing software we'd have better batteries but sadly batteries are lagging behind in technology. Generally speaking you can expect the following battery life from your XT720.
Heavy use: 10-14 hours
Moderate use: 16-20 hours
Light use: 1 day - 1 day 12 hrs.
Note: New batteries improve with each charge cycle. It is recommended to go through a few complete charge cycles when you buy a new phone. After that, complete discharges are not recommended and its smart to start charging your phone when it hits the 20-25% mark.
How to improve battery life
1: Battery Calibration
If you've ever flashed a new ROM, you must have noticed a sharp decline in battery performance. This is partly due to old battery statistics left behind from your old ROM. Android is a smart OS and collects information over time. The more you use it, the more accurate it gets. In the same way it collects information from your battery usage and reports your battery percentages according to that. When you flash a new ROM, sometimes android thinks that your battery is 100% when its really lower than that and that causes relative reduced battery performance. To deal with that it is recommended that you use a nifty free app called Battery Calibration from the android market. What this does it removes the old battery stats and allows your new ROM to create its own battery stats. Charge your battery to full, use the battery calibration. Drain once till phone turns off by itself and charge to full again. You will notice a sharp increase in battery life.
2. Battery Managment
We all know that android has its own battery management built in but it usually doesnt give complete information about the phone. For that you need to dive deeper into the settings. Usually if you experience battery drain its because of a rogue app and believe it or not some common apps you wont think off drain unnecessary battery. To see your complete Battery Stats input this code into the dialer.
This will take you to a bunch of options. What you're interested in is Battery History. When you tap that it will show you two drop down menu's.
1) Other Usage
2) Since last unplugged
Other usage shows you how long your phone has been running and how long it has been asleep. Also shows you how long your wifi has been on and running and how long your screen has been on. It is important to see how long your phone has been running. For example if your phone has an uptime of 20 hours and its been running 5 hours out of that. Your run time is 25%. Which is very good. Sometimes an app can run even when your phone screen is off. This will represent a longer run time even when you have your phone lying on a desk or something. See this setting and correlate with the amount you have used your phone. Does it seem normal? If no then use the first drop down menu and select
Partial Wake:
Partial wake is basically, any app which takes your phone out of sleep mode to use the CPU even when youre screen is off. These are apps which need to sync or use the phone resources. In this you will see a list of apps and how much they have caused a partial wake lock. See anything unsual? For me one app that caused unsual drainage was latitute. Yes, i had simply signed into it and i didnt know it was updating my location every 5 minutes. Extreme battery drain for me even when my phone was idle. See which app was draining your battery and either tweak the settings or remove altogether.
GPS, Sensors, CPU:
You can also see these in the first drop down menu. Certain apps like screeble use the sensors alot, and hence cause drain. Obviously games, camera, will stress the CPU. See if anything is causing drain in that and adjust accordingly.
Miscellaneous Information
After you have dealt with rogue apps that you don't use that drain youre battery your battery life will depend on how you use your phone. But hopefull these tips will help you with increasing your battery life. I do have some more information on different settings and supposed battery saving applications.
Autosync: When you enable auto sync, you allow google and other accounts to sync on a regular basis. This is important for people who need to use push email etc. It does not drain battery IF you tweak what you need synced. In google for example you can have your contacts, calendar, google+, google reader, gmail all to sync by default. If you just need email, please untick the rest. This will help you save battery life. Increase your update times for facebook and google+ if you dont recieve many updates all the time or turn them off altogether. If you have many services syncing at the same time you will get battery drain.
Wifi Sleep Policy: This is sort of a hidden menu. If you go into wireless & networks >> Wifi settings >> settings key >> advanced >> wifi sleep policy. This has three settings. Never close down wifi, never close when charging, or close with screen off. If you choose never your wifi will always be on, which will in turn crunch the **** out of your battery. If you use it off with screen off, remember it takes about 5 minutes to turn the wifi off. I personally use the never with plugged in. Its an intermediate. So when im plugged in wifi always stays on and when im not it follows the screen off protocol.
Wifi Vs Mobile Data: Having mobile data on all the time, does not drain battery. The only time the battery gets drained is when the data connection is active i.e you have many apps on autosync youll see your battery going down. If you arent doing anything and your phone is connected to Edge or 3G your battery will drain regularly. 2G networks drain less than 3G keep that in mind. If you are actively using your connection, wifi will take less battery because speeds are faster and you will be using it for a little time. Also your signal strength has alot of effect on battery. If you have crappy 3G signals your radio will actively be searching for a connection the same goes for wifi. That is important to keep in mind.
Control Background data: By selecting this option you can allow or disallow apps to connect to data without any permission. Some apps require this like the android market. If you uncheck this apps wont be able to sync automatically in the background.
Milestone Overclocking: This is fairly obvious. The higher you overclock with higher vsel the more battery drain you will have. Some use set cpu with profiles but I found that if i set the setcpu too low while idle It takes time for the cpu to charge up when i recieve a call or turn the screen on. Ringtones lag etc etc. I let android do my CPU management and its fine. and comfortable setting would be 850 MHZ, 56 vsel but you can change according to your phone usage.
Juice Defender/ Screebl / Task killers:
In my personal experience with juice defender ultimate I found that with the above precautions juice defender didnt make much of a difference and actually used more battery. First off theres an extra process going on in the back. Second activating and deactivating the connection everytime the screen goes off uses more juice because your radio has to search for the signal hundreds of times as compared to not having it in the first place. Screebl is good if you dont want your screen to annoyingly turn off while youre doing something but it surely doesnt save battery life. Task killers are a no no for android. They kill tasks which start up anyways, its better to use autokiller memory optimizer which tweaks androids internal memory settings and allows for more free ram without killing processes without reason.
System Apps:
Some system apps run uselessly in the background specially with stock ROM's this is called bloatware. Remove all unused system apps with titanium backup to stop them from running in the background for no reason at all.
A final word
Finally after all this tweaking, just use your phone as normal. Dont worry about the battery all the time checking how much its drained, itll mess your head up and make you enjoy your phone less. Battery temperature also changes battery life. Keep your phone out of the sun or in hot places.
Thanks, good article.
Very detailed and useful
Sent from my Milestone XT720 using XDA App
Thanks for this interessting article!
Could you make a list of the bloatware that can be safely removed?
I figured this would just list all the usual stuff I've heard. I'm glad to say I was wrong! A bunch of useful info here I now plan to put to use. Many thanks
Might want to mention the display being the biggest drain of battery on this phone. Setting it to automatic brightness or lower will increase battery life. I love the screen at full brightness so I don't really follow that, but for those looking to squeeze some extra time and don't mind less brightness...
Thanks guys, glad you people found it useful.
syrenz said:
Might want to mention the display being the biggest drain of battery on this phone. Setting it to automatic brightness or lower will increase battery life. I love the screen at full brightness so I don't really follow that, but for those looking to squeeze some extra time and don't mind less brightness...
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Yes! Can't believe I missed that one out. In the start id use the lowest brightness setting, which would be fine indoors. But outside it was impossible to see the phone because of its insanely reflective glass. Since we have an ambient light sensor I use it on automatic and it does a good job. Full bright strains my eyes abit thats why I dont keep it on full bright So for people really wanting to save the juice you can keep your brightness on the lowest level. Also when you take the phone out of your pocket and use it, its better to put the phone to sleep with the power button than let it timeout by itself. Those 10-15 seconds for each time you use phone count towards many minutes of unused display time in the end and does make a difference.
This is a very gd post with lots o useful info!! ok i have a qn, is using the phone a lot while the charging good for the battery? And if u let the battery charge even though its already 100 percent for an hour good? srry if it is noob qn...
androidlover123 said:
This is a very gd post with lots o useful info!! ok i have a qn, is using the phone a lot while the charging good for the battery? And if u let the battery charge even though its already 100 percent for an hour good? srry if it is noob qn...
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1. Using your phone while charging does not affect your battery life, and is neither good nor bad. It is perfectly normal to use your phone while charging and is sometimes recommended while doing battery intensive tasks for example navigating while driving, wifi tethering, playing memory intensive games and finally outputing video through HDMI.
2. Overcharging was a phenomenom is older lithium ion battery. New batteries have bypass circuits. So when your phone reaches complete charge, it does not charge any further. So you should not be worried about overcharging your XT720.
Hope this helps.
Excelent article and good quality info. Thanks and best regards!
awesome article! Great information. Thanks a lot for putting that together. I have already started using a few of the tips mentioned.
u da maaan dude, thanks for a very detailed and informative article

[Q] poor battery life on my HD7

can anyone help me how to fix this problem of mine in my HD7? I've been searching all this time but all i see is for HD2 battery tweaks thread..anyone?
A) Define "poor" battery life. Smartphones typically get half a day to three days, depending on usage and network quality. My HD7 typically gets about 16-40 hours, depending on whether I use it a bit more or less than normal. I leave it on the charger every night and never run out of battery now unless I'm playing games on it.
B) There are lots of things you can do. Turn off push email, and instead check only every few minutes. The HD7's screen may actually get a slightly better battery life on the "Light" theme (the backlight runs anyhow; darkening a pixel takes more power). Set the phone to turn off the screen earlier. Dim the backlight. Turn down the volume (especially if you listen to music).
C) There's a setting (added in Mango) called "Battery Saver" that does some of the changes mentioned above (some quite aggressively - for example, it turns off all automatic email sync). You could use it, or at least tell the phone to use it automatically.
D) Change your usage pattern. Games, GPS, and cellular data are all huge power hogs. Play fewer games (or only play them when plugged in, or play ones without lots of graphical effects, etc.). Don't leave GPS apps running; check them then back out. Don't stream music (although I do, through Zune Pass, and still get decent battery life for a smartphone), movies, etc.
E) Switch the data mode to 2G instead of 3G, at least most of the time. 3G is power-hungry, and often harder to get a signal through so the phone hs to use even more power. Turn WiFi on (yes, on, not off; it's more efficient than the cellular radio when transferring data) unless you have no usable WiFi nearby, in which case turn it off. WiFi automatically turns off when the phone's screen locks, so no need to worry about it using power constantly at idle.
you're absolutely correct! I've done all those steps..if i will define poor battery I'll say it easily drains. I only use my device for SMS and battery drops 5-10% in 1hr? sometimes when I'm charging it whole night and when i woke-up i see the light indicator that it is full charge but the battery indicator is not (86%) i don't know if my battery is defect or there's something wrong my battery calibration or indicator..this suck!
If the light was green (fully charged) but the indicator showed partial charge (I assume you're using something built-in, not the app? The app isn't totally reliable due to multitasking limitations), then you've got a defect. It's possible that it's in software, but much more likely to be in hardware - either the charging circuitry or, more likely, the battery.
to check the percent of my battery I'm looking at setting>battery saver. If its a software problem how could i fix it? Is there a tweak in registry that can make the battery last longer? I've tried different custom roms but only Eburon rom gave a 2 days life battery but when I flash my hd7 to latest Eburon my battery returns to its old state where its easily drain so flash it back to old version of eburon.

11 Tips to Boost Your Android Phone's Battery Life

Today's Android phones pack big bright screens and high-end features that suck plenty of power; here's how to squeeze the most juice out of your battery.
1. See what's sucking the most juice. Navigate to Settings > Battery to see an organized breakdown of what's consuming your phone's battery. Applications and features will display in a descending list of battery hogs. If you see an application you barely use or a feature you never use, you'll want to uninstall the app or turn off the feature.
2. Reduce email, Twitter, and Facebook polling. Set your various messaging apps to "manual" for the polling or refresh frequency, just as a test, and you'll instantly extend your device's battery life by a significant amount. Once you see what a difference that makes, try re-enabling just the most important ones, and possibly reducing their polling frequency in the process.
3. Turn unnecessary hardware radios off. It's great that today's phones have LTE, NFC, GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, but do you really need all five activated 24 hours per day? Android keeps location-based apps resident in the background, and the constant drain on your battery will become noticeable, fast. If your phone has a power control widget, you can use it to quickly turn on/off GPS (the largest power drain), NFC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and LTE. On stock Android, swipe down to bring up the Notification bar, and then tap the icon on the top right corner.
4. Use the extra power saving mode if you have it. The aforementioned Galaxy S5 and HTC One (M8) both have Ultra Power Saving and Extreme Power Saving modes, respectively, that limits the phone to texting, phone calls, Web browsing, and Facebook. This can squeeze extra hours or even a day of standby time out of just a few remaining percentage points of battery.
5. Trim apps running in the background. From Settings > Apps, swipe to the left; you'll see a list of apps that are currently running. Tap on each one to see what they're for; you can stop any apps that you don't need running in the background all of the time.
6. Dump unnecessary home screen widgets and live wallpaper. Just because they're sitting on the home screen, seemingly inactive, doesn't mean they're not consuming power.
7. Turn down the brightness and turn off Automatic Brightness. It's probably obvious at this point, but you'll be surprised by how much this one alone helps to improve battery life.
8. Update your apps. Applications often get updated to use less battery power, so you should make sure your apps are up to date. Even if you configured the phone for automatic updates, some apps still require that you manually install updates. Check for app updates in Google Play by hitting the menu key and going to My Apps.
9. Keep an eye on signal strength. If you're in an area with poor cellular coverage, the phone will work harder to latch onto a strong-enough signal. This has an adverse effect on battery life.
10. Check the reviews. We conduct battery life tests on every single Android phone we review. Unsurprisingly, the results vary widely between handsets, even on the same network. When choosing a phone, make sure that real world talk time is sufficient.
11. Buy a battery case or larger extended battery.
Niki Niki said:
Today's Android phones pack big bright screens and high-end features that suck plenty of power; here's how to squeeze the most juice out of your battery.
1. See what's sucking the most juice. Navigate to Settings > Battery to see an organized breakdown of what's consuming your phone's battery. Applications and features will display in a descending list of battery hogs. If you see an application you barely use or a feature you never use, you'll want to uninstall the app or turn off the feature.
2. Reduce email, Twitter, and Facebook polling. Set your various messaging apps to "manual" for the polling or refresh frequency, just as a test, and you'll instantly extend your device's battery life by a significant amount. Once you see what a difference that makes, try re-enabling just the most important ones, and possibly reducing their polling frequency in the process.
3. Turn unnecessary hardware radios off. It's great that today's phones have LTE, NFC, GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, but do you really need all five activated 24 hours per day? Android keeps location-based apps resident in the background, and the constant drain on your battery will become noticeable, fast. If your phone has a power control widget, you can use it to quickly turn on/off GPS (the largest power drain), NFC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and LTE. On stock Android, swipe down to bring up the Notification bar, and then tap the icon on the top right corner.
4. Use the extra power saving mode if you have it. The aforementioned Galaxy S5 and HTC One (M8) both have Ultra Power Saving and Extreme Power Saving modes, respectively, that limits the phone to texting, phone calls, Web browsing, and Facebook. This can squeeze extra hours or even a day of standby time out of just a few remaining percentage points of battery.
5. Trim apps running in the background. From Settings > Apps, swipe to the left; you'll see a list of apps that are currently running. Tap on each one to see what they're for; you can stop any apps that you don't need running in the background all of the time.
6. Dump unnecessary home screen widgets and live wallpaper. Just because they're sitting on the home screen, seemingly inactive, doesn't mean they're not consuming power.
7. Turn down the brightness and turn off Automatic Brightness. It's probably obvious at this point, but you'll be surprised by how much this one alone helps to improve battery life.
8. Update your apps. Applications often get updated to use less battery power, so you should make sure your apps are up to date. Even if you configured the phone for automatic updates, some apps still require that you manually install updates. Check for app updates in Google Play by hitting the menu key and going to My Apps.
9. Keep an eye on signal strength. If you're in an area with poor cellular coverage, the phone will work harder to latch onto a strong-enough signal. This has an adverse effect on battery life.
10. Check the reviews. We conduct battery life tests on every single Android phone we review. Unsurprisingly, the results vary widely between handsets, even on the same network. When choosing a phone, make sure that real world talk time is sufficient.
11. Buy a battery case or larger extended battery.
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Thank you! It's a good idea
Thanks, great tips!
I had a question, does enabling "double tap to wake" consume more battery because the phone is always on the lookout for a touch or something even when the screen is off?

This Is How You Can Boost Your Phone’s Battery Life!!

A smartphone is a necessity in today’s world.
​Doesn’t the battery life of today’s smartphones bother you? I’m sure it does.
What could be a possible solution to prevent the loss of battery?
From the times of Nokia’s 2100s when a single charge would last days to contemporary times where an expensive handset won’t stay charged for even one full day, smartphone batteries have in fact seen a downward trend in their graphs of performance.
What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Do to Extend Your Phone’s Battery Life
We do understand with smartphones, the consumption of power has only increased way too much. A solution like increasing the milliamperes of a battery is a like running away from a feasible solution. Until we find a solution to either replace the milliamperes of a battery, let us cover some ways in which we can help our battery last longer than usual. In this article we elucidate you about ways that are a sure to help you save those milliamperes for the last mile of that game or that important call you wish, you could have done.
What Drains the battery?
To cure a disease, it is important to figure out the pathogens before going for the resolution. Likewise when it comes to smartphones, we need to figure out the the exact cause behind heavy drainage of our battery. Turns out a mobile’s internet connection and your screen are the biggest battery drainer. A lot of activities require the screen to remain active ; things like playing a game or watching a movie. It is something we can’t avoid obviously or what’s the point of making a portable device
What sucks the battery
When we watch a video or play a graphics intensive game, a lot of things are happening in the background. Like when you fire a video or play a game, every sense organ of that device is in action, the speaker, the screen, the processor and even the internet connection. With time, games are getting even more intense which is further an issue for smartphones.
Another issue can also be the over usage of GPS or navigation. A navigation requires you to turn the location services ON and when that happens few things drain the battery very quickly. First and foremost, your screen will alway be ON. Also when you go by the navigation, the app forces the GPS circuitry to refresh the app more than the normal rate. There is also heavy involvement of wifi or cellular data which is where a fair amount of battery drainage happens. So the next time you are making use of GPS, do make sure that your device is connected to a power source so that there is no sudden drop in the battery of your device.
Easy Solutions
A smartphone is a necessity in today’s world and battery is an integral part of it. However as a user, you can always make sure of a few things which can help your battery last longer. All the suggestions made below require very little technical knowledge.
1. Use the screen less—or at least turn brightness down
Use the screen less—or at least turn brightness down
If we could draw a graph using the things that consume the maximum battery then your phone’s screen would top the bars. Today there are tons of things that consume battery.
A random video on facebook or normal browsing even for a small time can affect your battery.Apps like snapchat and even games like Pokemon Go drain tons of battery juice due to continuous usage of screen and the heavy reliability on the GPS.
A good way is to try and limit your usage of screen intensive tasks.
Another recommendation is to reduce down the time that takes your phone to lock off automatically. It might seem unimportant, but in the long run, you will realize the impact it has on your battery. Almost every smartphone has this feature where you can alter the lock time time to a few minutes or even seconds.
In android phones,
Click on “settings”,
Head towards “General settings”, click on auto lock which shall show the different timings that you can set.
Select the least time that you can set.
If you own an iOS device then go to settings and click on display and fix the sleep button. A wise way is to manually click the lock button the moment you’re done with your wok.
There is another tweak that one can do where you can necessarily set the brightness of your phone to auto. There are many who set the brightness of their phone’s screen to a limit that they are most comfortable with. Since you won’t always be under the same lighting conditions the whole day, it is highly recommended that you enable the auto brightness ON. It will set the light automatically and also help you save battery in the long run.
2. Use an ad blocker
When we talk about ads that appear in your browser. They are usually sources that are mediums of earning for people who have it on their sites. The problems arise when you browse such sites ; the ads pushes your browser to use a little too much battery. You might have been bombarded by flashy ads with gifs and videos while browsing the net. It is those ads that drain a lot of your battery juice.
A proper solution to this problem can be to use a browser such that it will block all the ads that pop-up. You can even install an ad blocker.
3. Switch from push to fetch Email if you have many accounts or get lots of Email
Switch from push to fetch Email if you have many accounts or get lots of Email
Push notification is a popular option in today’s smartphones where the user is notified of any incoming email. The user will be notified as soon as there is a message that hits from the central server. Push notification is a wonderful thing that helps you stay connected but for that it has to be always connected to the central server and so the internet. Net is always required for syncs and message delivery which drains energy.
4. Store music locally
With times, everything is being stored in cloud More and more people usually love to carry things that they can easily sync with their other devices.
There are many music streaming services such as Pandora, Apple music, Google play music and Spotify. Whenever you use a service that requires you to be always connected with the internet then it is sure to eat away your battery.
Any service where wifi or cellular data is mandatory will require you to be connected to the internet always.
But there are ways in which you can tweak them. You can opt for offline downloading so that whenever you wish to enjoy music, you can simply tap once and play your songs after having saved them over WiFi or by using your internet pack for a short time. It will free the phone from needing to always be connected to the internet. Also storage has become extremely accessible these days so you can easily download a and carry all your music with you. It will not require any internet and more importantly no more battery drains.
5. Avoid extreme temperatures
A smartphone battery is like an engine that produces heat with continuous usage but if the outside temperature is not suitable then it can have some impact on the overall quality of your battery. Even Apple once stated that the device battery shall last longer if the temperature outside lies in between 62 degrees to 72 degrees. Even when the conditions outside are very cold, battery life is shortened. The exact same happens when the phone gets heated up because of outside condition. These two conditions are sure to shorten your battery life so it is always recommended to keep your phone in optimum conditions.
6. Use airplane mode or low-power mode (if you must)
In both the platforms whether it is iOS or an android phone, there is an option called airplane mode. It was made so that when you travel on board a plane, your mobile network should not interfere with the communications happening inside the airplane. There are many good things that happen as part of initializing airplane mode.
One you end up saving a good amount of your battery life. In fact, you should enable the airplane mode at any place where you will be having poor range since there is no point in letting the phone use all of its power in finding range for a network. Your phone works even harder when it knows it isn’t getting the required range to gather any network for basic communications. When you use a phone in airplane mode, the battery drainage is very less.
There is also a feature that we have recently started to see in the latest android version Android oreo in which you can enable your phone to low power mode where in the phone automatically shuts down the tasks that are always sucking the battery out of your phone.
It is also often called as battery saver mode. In both the phones, you get the option where the phone automatically enters airplane mode once it knows that the battery has drained below a certain level. In such a case, the phone shuts applications and services which run in the background that are generally running when your phone has a healthy battery.
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thanks ... but we all know this from here
unfortunately copy / pasta texts form other websites or blogs doesn`t look nice , more like self promotion
We`re looking forward to more original contributions.
thread closed

Question Abysmal Battery Life

I have an S22 Ultra 128Gb on Verizon and the battery life id absolutely horrible. The pictures below my average and my battery for today, could really use some help to fix this (ive had the phone for about 2 months now)
Pretty obvious to me that Life360 and USAA SafePilot are using a lot of battery. It's probably because of the continuous GPS tracking. Unfortunately if you have tracking apps running in the background 24/7 you can't expect a decent battery life. Here's some suggestions to improve your situation:
1. Get rid of the tracking and SafePilot apps altoghether, this would make the biggest difference;
2. Try to find alternatives to these apps that consume less juice;
3. Within the apps, navigate the menu and check if there are options to reduce accuracy or extend the period between tracking pings;
4. Reduce GPS accuracy, if allowed by the apps to keep working, by going to Settings-Location-Location Services and disable Wi-Fi Scanning and/or Bluetooth Scanning, then in the same menu tap google location accuracy and turn it off. All of these, of course, will decrease the accuracy and responsiveness of tracking;
6. In Device Manager, go to Battery-More battery settings ad toggle ON Adaptive battery. This for sure will save power but you have to let it learn your usage for a few days, give it a try if it's disabled and wait for about a week in order for it to be effective;
7. Check your nework (4G-5G) availability. Sometimes a bad battery life comes from bad signal. If you have bad signal in the areas you normally are, then consider changing your network provider;
8. Turn the Processing Power to Optimized or High;
9. Keep the phone away from warm environments like the car dashboard;
10. Try to not use the phone while charging;
11. Get rid of all the apps you don't use. Some apps, even if not shown in the battery resume, can drain small amounts of juice but combined can make a noticeable difference. A good (BAD) example of this are in your case the Facebook and TikTok apps;
12. Last resort would be a full device reset, starting from scratch and not importing your backed up settings. It can be a long and frustrating process but, given that you can always restore all your data if you make a backup, it can solve some underlying issue that is not easy to identify;
13. Keep your phone always updated, specially for a new device as the S22 Ultra the first updates make a huge impact on power management;
14. Try to harge your phone before going to bed, unplug it while sleeping and eventualy top up in the morning if you need that few extra percentages for the day; furthermore, is in general a good idea to keep the battery percentage between 20% and 80%, don't get to 100% if not strictly needed and start charging as soon as you are approaching 20%, of course if it's possible at all; in the medium-long term, this makes a huge difference on battery health;
Even if you do a lot of these things, don't expect your battery life to double or something like that. You are having a pretty bad battery life but it's not tragic as I can see you get a full day of usage. It's for sure possible to improve it!
Sprov said:
Pretty obvious to me that Life360 and USAA SafePilot are using a lot of battery. It's probably because of the continuous GPS tracking. Unfortunately if you have tracking apps running in the background 24/7 you can't expect a decent battery life. Here's some suggestions to improve your situation:
1. Get rid of the tracking and SafePilot apps altoghether, this would make the biggest difference;
2. Try to find alternatives to these apps that consume less juice;
3. Within the apps, navigate the menu and check if there are options to reduce accuracy or extend the period between tracking pings;
4. Reduce GPS accuracy, if allowed by the apps to keep working, by going to Settings-Location-Location Services and disable Wi-Fi Scanning and/or Bluetooth Scanning, then in the same menu tap google location accuracy and turn it off. All of these, of course, will decrease the accuracy and responsiveness of tracking;
6. In Device Manager, go to Battery-More battery settings ad toggle ON Adaptive battery. This for sure will save power but you have to let it learn your usage for a few days, give it a try if it's disabled and wait for about a week in order for it to be effective;
7. Check your nework (4G-5G) availability. Sometimes a bad battery life comes from bad signal. If you have bad signal in the areas you normally are, then consider changing your network provider;
8. Turn the Processing Power to Optimized or High;
9. Keep the phone away from warm environments like the car dashboard;
10. Try to not use the phone while charging;
11. Get rid of all the apps you don't use. Some apps, even if not shown in the battery resume, can drain small amounts of juice but combined can make a noticeable difference. A good (BAD) example of this are in your case the Facebook and TikTok apps;
12. Last resort would be a full device reset, starting from scratch and not importing your backed up settings. It can be a long and frustrating process but, given that you can always restore all your data if you make a backup, it can solve some underlying issue that is not easy to identify;
13. Keep your phone always updated, specially for a new device as the S22 Ultra the first updates make a huge impact on power management;
14. Try to harge your phone before going to bed, unplug it while sleeping and eventualy top up in the morning if you need that few extra percentages for the day; furthermore, is in general a good idea to keep the battery percentage between 20% and 80%, don't get to 100% if not strictly needed and start charging as soon as you are approaching 20%, of course if it's possible at all; in the medium-long term, this makes a huge difference on battery health;
Even if you do a lot of these things, don't expect your battery life to double or something like that. You are having a pretty bad battery life but it's not tragic as I can see you get a full day of usage. It's for sure possible to improve it!
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I did get rid of the safepilot for a little to see if it would have an effect but it didn't do much from the looks of it

