The latest WhatsApp feature is generating a lot of duplicate threads on XDA, drowning other threads in the process. Many are also posted in the wrong section. We're closing down all invite threads to keep the clutter down to a minimum. Instead, please use The Consolidated WhatsApp Calling Thread as a consolidated thread for all discussions related to the WhatsApp calling feature and invites. Thank you!
Hello Guys I'm back for the calling feature, my previous thread was closed. So opened a new thread. The Calling Feature is absolutely working now servers are up again so download the apk from the link and update it. After updating dont PM me or reply in this thread. Just message me in whatsapp I will call you for sure. DO NOT REPLY HERE. Forum editor will close the thread. Be fast I assume the severs may get closed by today evening.
Guys be fast servers may get down. Dont blame afterwards.
Dont forget to HIT THANKS button if you got help from me
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My previous Thread :
Good news... Thanks
Recently messaged you. But No call received... My WhatsApp version is 2.11.544 grabbed from apk mirror... Running Android 4.2.2..
Pls help.
@Atharva1210 pm me your number ill give you a call
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
'Try WhatsApp Calling': Did you get this invitation message too? read this important
I sent you a pm with my number, Thanks surya57
I sent you a pm with my number
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
thahim said:
@Atharva1210 pm me your number ill give you a call
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
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I sent you a pm with my number, Thanks surya57
Surya57 what is your contry code in your telefone number?
I could not message you on whatsapp (country code issue?).
I pm-ed you my number. I appreciate your help.
This guy is the boss! Thank you so much!
Perfect, thank you Surya57
I received call. but I can't call and show this message
is unable to receive whatsapp calls at this time
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Thanks for calling me
Thanks for calling me
Thank you so much man!:good:
His country code is +91 #India
Enabled for me. Thanks Buddy.
AXARQU1A said:
I sent you a pm with my number, Thanks surya57
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Thanks Surya for the help. It got enabled for me.
Posted the number with the country code sorry
I recently bought a Android-phone and thought of starting developing some apps for it! So I ported my BaselsSMSer "previously on winMobile". Thought that maybe some users would find it handy! I'm a "freebee" developer, so I support all software development that is opensource and free for the public. I was surprised when I saw the $25 fee on Market, and thought, "I ain't gonna pay 2 share stuff I'm publishing for free"! So i'm gonna share it with you guys here @xda!! It's the first release and you may find it buggy! Please report any bugs/problems!!
Quick Guide:
-(Number)You can either choose to type the number you wish to flood directly in the text field or click on a name in the list to get contacts number
-(Message)Type the message you wish to send
-(Quantity)Type how many messages to send
-(Send) Send it/them!!
EDIT: Requirement: Android 2.1 or above!
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For more info visit:
Does this use your credit or a online site?
JazzyStahh said:
Does this use your credit or a online site?
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It uses ur credit!
Good app to have fun with, but costly!
not costly if you have a sms flat like me
hehe, I have unlimited free SMS service.. so no problem here.. =)
Why is not there anything like this on Play Store?
The only thing I found was SMS Bomber, but he was deleted from market.
Because it goes against googles rules..
Great first release. Few suggestions. You should be able to search contacts, add multiple numbers to spam, and and be able to spam group texts. Such as view your text threads and you select your group text thread and you can aoam that.
Love it though! Thanks
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Just a suggestion
How about a function to set the time between the messages?
Like sending one message every minute or something?
I've let go of this app a long time ago... But for u guys I'll think about implementing ur suggestions...
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
My friends are going to hate by the end of the day because of this app
Well, ur friend can solve his problem by using this app ,
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
People keep saying the invites are turned off, so I will unpause it after I investigate a bit!
If ANYONE wants a google+ invite, please send me a PM
SUBJECT: Please send me a G+ invite!
Body: <email>
Note if it is not a gmail account I wont send you an invite. Thank you!
If I sent you an invite please help my thanks meter! It's pathetic!
Don't worry if you can't get in right away, it's different for everyone. Google is kind of teetering on the edge with invites, so it might take a bit for the invite to go through. It seems like some people are getting them right away, others Arent :\
ALSO FYI! I accepted mine with my phone when it wasn't working right on the PC... Something else you might want to try if it gives any trouble?
But how? My invite button is completely gone, am I missing something?
If you create a circle then post in that circle, to peoples emails you added it sends them an invite.
yutsoku said:
If you create a circle then post in that circle, to peoples emails you added it sends them an invite.
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Whoa, awesome! Thanks for the heads up
Thanks I recieved it
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
No problem at all bro
thanks.. just pm'd you
Cheers for invite
No problem at all guys, just toss me a thanks on XDA! And help out inviting people!
Thanks for the invite!
think they closed it again.. still won't let me in will definitely pay it forward as soon as it comes through
just sent you a pm. thanks in advance!
Shot you a pm. Fingers crossed
Wooo! Thanks for the invite. I'll be sure to invite others ASAP. If anyone else wants an invite they can ask me too.
Edit: Ahh, nevermind, they closed the invitiation Still, thanks anyway.
Many thanks!
try installing the G+ android app and login from there.. it worked for me.
There is a workaround, if you post a status and then click share and enter a persons email address they get an email which allows them to log it.
Took 2 goes at it from different people for me but it worked less than 20 minutes ago...
How do I invite?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
jpbelaro said:
try installing the G+ android app and login from there.. it worked for me.
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Yeah that's what I heard, I got the invite from OP, I had already downloaded the G+ app using Market Enabler (it's not available on the Market here yet) but this is what I get when I try to sign in with the app:
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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And if I click the invite link in the Gmail app which opens in the Android browser I get this nice iPhone style notification :
Looks like I still gotta wait a little while for a full-blown invite.
kiwi3007 said:
There is a workaround, if you post a status and then click share and enter a persons email address they get an email which allows them to log it.
Took 2 goes at it from different people for me but it worked less than 20 minutes ago...
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Post a status, click share, type a persons email, they will get an email from Google+ which may (or may not) have an invite. Based on the people I've invited and got it working through you need two invites for the workaround to work, I'm more than happy to assist in inviting if someone else here is in.
This is my first post, so hope I'm doing the right way.
Follow the link to the new Google app to integrate Emails !!
However, to use it you need to have an invitation sent by Google, asks for it just ask by email: [email protected]
I requested one from Google yesterday morning and got this message yesterday evening:
"Thanks for requesting an invite. We'll send you one as soon as possible.
Your friends at Gmail"
Nice work...congratulations!!!!
Alright I got my invite and loaded up inbox, but sorry to say don't see anything about sharing. I would ask Google for one.
Hey guys... Look what I have
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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Didnt recieve invite,requested one but just downloaded app and signed up.
I got my invitation. Hope you also get it soon. Thanks google .
Guys as I have already mentioned ,the latest inbox version does not have sharing invitation option. Let it update. I will send all of you who have made request fr inv whenever the op will available.
According to google official inbox FAQ ( the sharing option should be here (missing),but I think Google can only invite you at this early stage of development.
Is this the same app as new Gmail?
There is red button in lower corner that lets you forward or share invite with others!
ANDR01DN00B said:
So you just send an email to that address mentioned in the OP?
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Yep. According to Android Police site, Google has started giving invites. I have sent one as well, no invite yet.
Those who got acknowledge from Google after sending the invitation request, they can expect invite soon .
Really great to see them continue to innovate !
Yes request a invite from google, I requested one Wednesday morning and received a invite last night.
Dhiraj said:
Those who got acknowledge from Google after sending the invitation request, they can expect invite soon .
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How long does it take to get an invite since acknowledge receipt?
humayunarshad said:
How long does it take to get an invite since acknowledge receipt?
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From others posting in this thread it appears to be a day or so. But unless you hear it from anyone on the project team at google i don't think your getting a specific answer at this point.
Just wait and you will get it soon.
Dhiraj said:
Is it still available in play store? In my country its showing item is not available.
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Well I went to the play store link from the Google Inbox site.. And was able to download it.
Hey were you able to send any invite?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
shivaagarwal1 said:
Well I went to the play store link from the Google Inbox site.. And was able to download it.
Hey were you able to send any invite?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
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Pl. Check few post back ,I have mentioned why invitation forwarding is not available now.
I feel like this is a pretty basic question, but I've been unable to figure it out... Is there a way to get on-site notifications for when someone replies to a thread I've subscribed to? I get email notifications, but I'd much rather have them on site - currently I only get notifications if someone quotes or tags me.
asj0422 said:
I feel like this is a pretty basic question, but I've been unable to figure it out... Is there a way to get on-site notifications for when someone replies to a thread I've subscribed to? I get email notifications, but I'd much rather have them on site - currently I only get notifications if someone quotes or tags me.
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Hi asj0422
Thank you for using XDA Assist
Could you please follow the suggestion made on the below assistance:
[Q] Help on changing subscribed threads notifications from instant, none, weekly...
Nice regards and good luck.
Kdio said:
Hi asj0422
Thank you for using XDA Assist
Could you please follow the suggestion made on the below assistance:
[Q] Help on changing subscribed threads notifications from instant, none, weekly...
Nice regards and good luck.
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Thanks for your quick response, but that still doesn't help. That is for changing how I receive email notifications, not on-site ones.
asj0422 said:
Thanks for your quick response, but that still doesn't help. That is for changing how I receive email notifications, not on-site ones.
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Hi asj0422
Thanks for your prompt answer
On site notifications are limited to the ones in the below image:
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
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There is no "Reply To Subscribed Thread" on-site notification. Only at your email.
You may keep an opened Tab with all subscribed threads with the below link
List of Subscriptions
Nice regards and good luck.
ah, bummer. thanks anyway!
Some people sent me soliciting messages on xda, I deleted it but I still receive it. What should I do
Btw im a guy . No homo
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Report them to staff and wait for the magic:
Guan Yu said:
Some people sent me soliciting messages on xda, I deleted it but I still receive it. What should I do
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Sorry for the harassments as you are not alone. Best thing to do is "report" the PM you received so we Mods can take care of them, and hit the "ignore" button in their profile so you don't receive any further messages until the Mods have done their job.
-Regards: Badger50
Report users in this thread.
SPAM Reporting Thread: This thread is to be used in reporting any and all found Spam.
Members, this thread is to report any found Spam. And or hit the report button is also a great way to report the found spam, thanks in advance, for helping keep XDA clean. Remember the Moderators are all in different time zones, and we are...
Thank you everyone .
Do I need to report all messages sent from the same person or just one ?
Dayuser said:
Report users in this thread.
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We actually prefer that the PM's received from these pitiful members are reported vs posting them in public so we have the evidence we need to say Buh Bye!
Guan Yu said:
Thank you everyone .
Do I need to report all messages sent from the same person or just one ?
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Just the one will do from any given member. See how fast I got rid of those other two. Thanks for reporting them.
This is crazy, I just reported 2 people and two others showed up shortly after.
Is there anyway to turn off this kind of conversations ?
Go to
and set option like in screen and save:
ze7zez said:
Go to
and set option like in screen and save:
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Thank you brother . It should prevent all these annoying message
Guan Yu said:
It should prevent all these annoying message
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Affirmative, Sir.
Just yesterday someone else asked a similar question here:
how can I responed to spamers who constantly change accounts?
Recently, I have been suffering from a spammer that constantly changes accounts. I've reported dozens of messages, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there any way to solve this problem? it make me annoyed.
and the author confirmed it worked.
Guan Yu said:
Some people sent me soliciting messages on xda, I deleted it but I still receive it. What should I do
Btw im a guy . No homo
View attachment 5803347
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well i guess they got into the wrong website...
SigmundDroid said:
Report them to staff and wait for the magic:
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I had to bookmark this post, lol
Guan Yu said:
This is crazy, I just reported 2 people and two others showed up shortly after.
Is there anyway to turn off this kind of conversations ?
View attachment 5803429
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How to Limit access to your XDA Profile