How black wallpaper can save your battery - Android Apps and Games

In the smartphone market the majority of displays are either AMOLED or LCD, but many people don't know that the wallpaper color you choose, yes, wallpaper, can actually make a difference to your smartphone battery life depending on the type of screen with which your device is equipped. Pure black wallpaper, or a dark-colored background in general, can actually save you a significant amount of battery life.
Display tech explained: LCD
LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display and it's the same kind of technology you'll find in your televisions, monitors and so on. As the name suggests, Liquid Crystal Displays are actually crystals, and as such, they don't emit light of their own but rather transmit light from a light source behind them.
This means that even if you're looking at black on your smartphone or tablet screen, it is actually black lit up from behind. Therefore, LCDs don't really display "true" black
Display tech explained: AMOLED and OLED
Next, AMOLED. AMOLED stands for Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode and it is also used for televisions screens but more notably, for smartphones. OLED displays are similar, but do not use an Active Matrix.
Samsung displays, for example, are usually AMOLED: the Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Note 4 all use an AMOLED display. The LG G Flex 2 uses a Plastic OLED display and the Google Nexus 6 also uses an AMOLED screen.
As the name implies, the screen is made up of organic material that actually produces light when a current is passed through it – electroluminescence. Because AMOLED displays can be lit up pixel by pixel like on the Moto X, black is "true" black because there is no back-lighting.
This also means AMOLED displays are easier on your battery because every pixel is not always lit up.
Battery life: AMOLED vs LCD
You can probably see where this is going: if you have an AMOLED display then you can actually save some battery life by using black wallpapers, or generally darker wallpapers and themes.
little experiment and figured out that you can save about 6% battery life/hour at 20% brightness by using a black wallpaper on an AMOLED display, and about 8%/hour at full brightness.
These results are based on an always-on screen, but the basic theory is sound even if the figures are not exactly set in stone. Another tester using a different method came up with a general 18% saving all day.
What about LCD battery saving wallpaper, I hear you ask? Sorry, LCDs rely on back-lighting, so there's nothing you can do to save battery there.
The only thing you can do is set your device settings to Battery Saver mode and try not to turn your screen on all the time. Keep your display brightness as low as possible and your screen timeout nice and short.
The good news is you can have the brightest colored wallpaper and themes imaginable and it won't make a difference to your battery. Just think about that when you look at the gloomy screens of AMOLED owners clinging to extended battery life (just don't stray too far from a charger while you gloat).
Other battery life tips for AMOLED screens
There are other things AMOLED owners can do to maximize their battery life too, like setting as many app themes to be as dark as possible.
If you can change the appearance of a bunch of apps you use frequently (or download a different app that does the same thing but that does allow appearance customization), you can save even more battery life.
After all, we don't spend all day on our home screens but more time in apps. You can also set your text and email preferences to be black background and white text, depending on your device and chosen apps.
The easiest way to figure it out for yourself is to fully charge your device as is and wait until it's almost totally dead and look at how much of your battery was used by the display. Just go into your Settings menu and look under Device Settings for Battery.
Make a note of the percentage your display has used up, then, while recharging your phone, switch to a black wallpaper and repeat the cycle to see the difference.

Great app :good:


SLCD and Savin Energy??

When i have googled i have found SLCD screens actually consume power blocking bright light...Hence bright wall papers ect are advised rather than dark wallpapers which are recommended for AMOLED.
Is That right???
And my question is i have an SLCD version so using apps like Screen Filter drains more battery??
More correctly, on LCD, the consumed power is independent of screen content. It doesn't matter whether your background is dark or light.
(Unless dynamic contrast is used, where (in case of only one (logical) backlight) the brightest area on the screen would define power consumption. But I never heard of the Nexus S doing that.)
For Screen Filter: The app itselft and applying the filter to every frame will use some power, but I don't think it will be much. But since you don't profit from it anyway, I would get rid of it.
thanks mate will practically test it without the screen filter....and let u know..
for black background SA will save power, however, for white and colorful background, SCLCD will save power.
So, it just so so, not that much different.

An amazing Article that will help you learn AMOLED screens and how to use them

I take no credit to post this information. They all belong to website
The first famous OLED Smartphone was the Google Nexus One, launched in January 2010, which included a Samsung early generation OLED display. But by far the most successful series of OLED Smartphones has been Samsung’s own Galaxy S series that launched in mid 2010 – Galaxy S I with a 4.0 inch screen in June 2010, Galaxy S II with a 4.5 inch screen in June 2011, and the just released Galaxy S III with a 4.8 inch screen in June 2012. All are called “Super AMOLED” – some are Plus and others are PenTile – we’ll explain the differences below.
Not surprisingly, all new display technologies initially start near the back of the pack in performance compared to the established and more refined products – IPS LCDs in this particular case. Not surprisingly, the Google Nexus One came in last place in our Smartphone Display Shoot-Out. But six months later the Samsung Galaxy S I did a lot better and we gave it a DisplayMate Best Video Hardware Award for the Best New Display Technology. In this Shoot-Out we will examine in-depth the display performance of the three Galaxy S generations to see how OLEDs have been evolving and improving over time. This article will be a combination of objective praise and critical analysis of OLED displays.
OLED versus LCD and LED
Most Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, Computer Monitors, and HDTVs currently use LCD display technology, which is a transmissive technology that requires a Backlight to produce the light for the image. That Backlight is being made increasingly with LEDs. Many manufacturers advertise their LCD displays and HDTVs that have LED Backlights as LED displays and HDTVs, but that is very misleading because the LEDs are just the Backlight for the LCD. There are actually no consumer LED displays or HDTVs. On the other hand, OLED displays are emissive devices that don’t require a Backlight because every pixel and sub-pixel gives off its own colored light to produce the image. That lack of a Backlight and its optics means that OLEDs are a lot thinner than LCDs and is also the reason why OLEDs will eventually become a lot cheaper to manufacture than LCDs.
OLED, PenTile AMOLED, Super AMOLED, Super AMOLED Plus, and HD Super AMOLED
The marketing terminology and puffery for displays varies among manufacturers and is confusing… The Google Nexus One was listed as having an “AMOLED” display. The AM stands for Active Matrix, but that prefix is unnecessary because all current LCD and OLED Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, and HDTVs use an Active Matrix. All subsequent generations of Samsung OLEDs are called “Super AMOLED” in the same way that you’ll often see “Super LCD” advertised as well. Not all manufacturers use the “Super” terminology so it’s best just to ignore it as advertising puffery. “HD AMOLED” means that the pixel resolution of the display is High Definition 1280 x 720 pixels or higher. But here is where it gets complicated and confusing – if you see “Plus” that means that the display has the traditional 3 Red, Green and Blue sub-pixel arrangement that is found in almost all display technologies. If you don’t see “Plus” on Samsung devices that means that the display has only 2 sub-pixels per pixel (a Minus) – half of the pixels have Green and Red sub-pixels and the other half have Green and Blue sub-pixels, so Red and Blue are always shared by two adjacent pixels. This technology is called “PenTile.” PenTile screens have only half the total number of Red and Blue sub-pixels as the traditional 3 sub-pixel displays, so they aren’t as sharp as traditional displays with the same pixel resolution and their highly advertised screen PPIs are not comparable. This is especially noticeable with colored text and graphics. PenTile uses Sub-pixel Rendering and Anti-Aliasing that partially compensates for this shortfall. PenTile displays have some advantages: they are easier to manufacture and therefore cost less, and for OLEDs the Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels are sized differently and that improves Blue aging somewhat (see below). For now, OLED displays over 250 PPI use PenTile technology. It’s expected that the next generation of OLEDs will be called “HD Super AMOLED Plus” and they will have the standard 3 sub-pixels per pixel.
The Shoot-Out
To compare the performance of the Galaxy S series of OLEDs we ran our in-depth series of Display Technology Shoot-Out tests on the Galaxy S I, Galaxy S II, and Galaxy S III. We take display quality very seriously and provide in-depth objective analysis side-by-side comparisons based on detailed laboratory measurements and extensive viewing tests with both test patterns and test images. For additional background, context, and comparisons see our in-depth new iPad Display Shoot-Out and the previous generation Smartphone
Results Highlights
In this Results section we provide Highlights of the comprehensive lab measurements and extensive side-by-side visual comparisons using test photos, test images and test patterns that are presented in later sections. The next section below provides OLED Power Saving and Aging Advice. The Comparison Table in the following section summarizes the lab measurements in the following categories: Screen Reflections, Brightness and Contrast, Colors and Intensities, Viewing Angles, Display Power Consumption, Running Time on Battery.
New Issues for a New Technology: OLED is a very different new display technology and so both manufacturers and consumers will have to learn about its particular performance requirements and idiosyncrasies. The new issues for OLEDS are just as challenging and significant as when we shifted from CRTs to LCDs. An excellent source of information about OLEDS is As the discussion below shows, manufacturers still have a lot to learn…
OLED Engineering versus Galaxy Marketing: This is actually a combined Shoot-Out – we are looking at an OLED display implemented within Samsung Galaxy Marketing goals and requirements. One of the most important is to make the Smartphone as thin and light as possible. Unfortunately, the battery is a major contributor to both thickness and weight so it bears the brunt of this limitation. OLED displays still require more power on the average than comparable LCDs. And unfortunately, the Galaxy S I,II,III battery runtimes (below) are shorter than most other Smartphones that we have tested. As a result, Power Management is the single biggest issue confronting OLED displays. The power constraints on all of the Galaxy S Smartphones have significantly impacted many display performance issues, particularly on the Galaxy S III. This is undoubtedly a strategic marketing decision, but it would be nice if the Galaxy S III were also available in a slightly thicker and heavier version with a bigger battery. In particular, that would help its OLED display really shine if there were fewer imposed power constraints that affect its calibration and performance…
OLED Progress Report: Based on our Lab tests and measurements below there has been a rapid and significant improvement in OLED performance within the Galaxy S I,II,III series, particularly the power efficiency, which is extremely important. The OLED displays themselves are excellent, but their overall performance has been compromised by the calibration and implementation choices that have been made for the Galaxy S series, which are discussed in detail throughout this article.
OLED Aging: All display technologies age to varying degrees. The current generation of Blue OLEDs age much faster than the Red and Green OLEDs. The current 50 percent aging Brightness for Blue is specified by the manufacturers at 20,000 hours while Red and Green are both over 200,000 hours. People generally don’t hold onto their Smartphones for very long: for example, 2 years at 4 hours per day is about 3,000 hours. That would actually be enough time for the Blue aging to become visually noticeable, but there is also some built-in automatic aging compensation that adjusts the drive levels to help counteract the aging effects. In the past users have documented OLED aging with screen shots, but there have been continuing improvements, so it’s hard to say how large the visual aging effects are for the current generation of OLEDs. We include some advice on reducing aging effects and improving the power efficiency of OLEDs below.
Comparison with the Best LCDs: The premium IPS LCDs used in many top performing Smartphones and Tablets (including the iPhone 4s and iPads) are the benchmark competition for these OLED displays. IPS LCDs remain significantly brighter and still have a higher overall power efficiency, but typically have a smaller Color Gamut, a higher Black Level, a larger Brightness decrease with Viewing Angle, and some Motion Blur. OLEDs are still more expensive than LCDs, although that will change over the next several years. While LCDs are not very power efficient, they are still more power efficient than OLEDs for producing bright images (although the public perception is the reverse – that’s why OLED displays are dimmer and why you don’t see any large OLED Tablets). There has been quite a significant improvement within the Galaxy S I,II,III series and this will undoubtedly continue until OLEDs eventually become more efficient than LCDs. For comparison with LCDs see our in-depth new iPad Display Shoot-Out.
Screen Brightness: The Maximum and Peak Brightness for the Galaxy S III are significantly lower than the S II and S I, and they are in turn lower than most LCDs. Fortunately, the Screen Reflectance of the Galaxy S series is among the lowest we have ever measured and that helps overcome much of the Brightness shortfall. A more troubling issue with current OLEDs is the variation in Brightness that occurs with image content, called the Average Picture Level, APL. Bright images with high APL have their screen Brightness reduced by up to 30 percent, which introduces undesirable Brightness variations with content. Another side effect is that the Brightness of images can change significantly in shifting between Portrait and Landscape modes. On the Google Galaxy Nexus, a close cousin of the Galaxy S III, the effect is so large for high APL that the Brightness (Luminance) of Green is greater than White, which is very wrong.
Color of White for OLEDs: Providing an accurate White is very important for getting accurate colors in images, particularly photos and videos. The Standard White for digital photography and essentially all consumer content is called D6500, which is the color of Daylight and corresponds to a Color Temperature of 6,500 degrees Kelvin. Whites with a higher Color Temperature appear too blue and lower too yellow. White for the Galaxy S series ranges from 10,200 Kelvin for the S I down to 7,900 Kelvin for the S III, among the bluest Whites we have ever measured. This gives all images something of a cold bluish cast. But what is positively shocking about increasing the Blue content of all images is that Blue OLEDs have only about one tenth the power efficiency of Red and Green OLEDs (see below), so the additional Blue produces a significant waste of precious power that has very little effect on the total screen Brightness. Perhaps even more shocking is that the Blue OLEDs age at a much faster rate than the Red and Green OLEDs, so the higher Color Temperature accelerates the aging process – a very bad idea. Using the Standard D6500 White would improve color accuracy, improve battery run time, and reduce aging…
Color Saturation and Accuracy: OLEDs have a large native Color Gamut, much bigger than LCDs, but bigger isn’t always better. In order to accurately reproduce the colors in photos, videos and other images the display needs to match the Standard sRGB / Rec.709 Color Gamut that is used to generate most consumer content. The Color Gamut of the Galaxy S I,II,III is 138 percent of the Standard, which produces oversaturated colors that can appear comic book like and gaudy in some instances. Photos appear with way too much color. It’s similar to turning the Color Control way up on your HDTV. Unfortunately, none of the Galaxy S Smartphones have a similar Color Saturation control that would allow users to correct this or adjust it to their satisfaction, so you’re stuck unless there is a software update that corrects this. An accurate factory color calibration would fix it – but the exaggerated images sometimes make these Smartphones standout in a crowd, so it undoubtedly helps boost retail store sales. But eventually when you want to see accurate renderings of your photos and images, you’re out of luck. Note that Apple is emphasizing very high color accuracy in their latest displays – hopefully Samsung will follow the lead…
Irregular Color Gamut and Power Implications: Not only is the Galaxy S I,II,III Color Gamut set way too large, but it is also very irregular – Green is much more saturated compared with either Red or Blue, as shown in Figure 2. This imbalance has a tendency to give images a Green accent and color cast. But correcting the Gamut so that it matches the Standard has power efficiency implications because Green is significantly more power efficient than either Red or Blue, and they must be added as calibration color mixtures for the Color Gamut adjustments, so the power consumption for a calibrated OLED display will be higher. See below.
Viewing Angle Performance: In principle, OLEDs shouldn’t have any variation in Brightness or Color with Viewing Angle. But they do – they are still better than LCDs but show significantly larger Brightness and Color Shifts than might be expected. The Color Shifts are actually about double that for IPS LCDs, but are still satisfactory. This is due primarily to the anti-reflection layer, although the touch screen and cover glass also affect Viewing Angle performance. The root cause is the greater optical path absorption at larger Viewing Angles. It’s still satisfactory, but larger than expected. However, at very large Viewing Angles (greater than 45 degrees) the screens on the Galaxy S I,II,III take on a distinctly strong blue color shift and cast.
OLED Power Efficiency: While LCDs are not very power efficient, they are still currently more power efficient than OLEDs for producing bright high Average Picture Level APL images. For dark low APL images OLEDs are very efficient and LCDs very inefficient. So OLED Power Efficiency and Power Management strategies become very important for bright images because they are using lots of battery power (and generating heat). By far the most significant issue is that Green OLEDs are 12 times more power efficient than Blue OLEDs and 1.8 times more efficient than Red OLEDs at producing visible light (Luminance) for a given amount of display power (Watts). In fact, Blue OLEDs consume more power than Green OLEDs but generate only 9 percent of Green OLED Brightness (Luminance). This tremendous imbalance means that images with lots of Green content are much more power efficient. It also means that color mixtures all come with an power penalty. In fact, color calibration of an OLED display so that it matches the sRGB / Rec.709 Standard would require complex color mixtures that will have noticeably higher power demands, which may make OLED calibration challenging in the near future for mobile displays until the OLED efficiencies (or battery power) increase significantly.
Galaxy S I, Galaxy S II, and Galaxy S III Power Efficiency Comparisons: From our Luminance, Power, and screen Area measurements we can compare the relative display power efficiencies of the three Galaxy S generations. In going from the S I to the S II there was a 29 percent improvement in display power efficiency, and in going from the S II to the S III there was a 43 percent improvement in display power efficiency. From S I to S III there was a total of 59 percent improvement in display power efficiency – that’s in just 2 years – very impressive!
OLED Galaxy S III and iPhone LCD Power Efficiency Comparisons: Typical full screen text applications (on a white background) have an Average Picture Level APL of 90 percent or more, so we expect LCDs to do better. On the other hand, typical full screen video and photographic images have an APL of 20 percent or less, so we expect OLEDs to do better there. From our Luminance, Power, and screen Area measurements we can determine exactly who is better, when, and by how much. Comparing the Galaxy S III and the iPhone 4, images with less than 28 percent APL are more power efficient on the Galaxy S III, and greater than 28 percent are more efficient on the iPhone 4 – so the Galaxy S III is somewhat more efficient for videos and significantly less efficient for text applications. But the iPhone 4 uses an LCD with Low Temperature Poly Silicon that is significantly more efficient than typical LCDs with amorphous Silicon, such as the iPhone 3GS – where the crossover is a lot higher at 69 percent APL, so it’s a split decision there depending on the application mix…
Aggressive Power Management: The smaller battery and bigger power needs of the larger OLED screens requires aggressive display power management. The Galaxy S I has the least Power Management and the Galaxy S III has the most. First of all, the Maximum and Peak Brightness for the Galaxy S III are set significantly lower than the S II and S I, and they are in turn lower than most LCDs. Fortunately, the Screen Reflectance of the Galaxy S series is among the lowest we have ever measured and that helps overcome much of the Brightness shortfall. Also to save power, images with a high Average Picture Level APL are automatically dimmed by up to 30 percent. An Automatic Brightness control based on the Ambient Light level is also important for display power management, but it is implemented poorly (see below). These issues combined with the Power Efficiency effects discussed above could all be better implemented with a Display Power Management Slider – set it low and the display receives aggressive power management – set it high and the display delivers optimum performance.
Significantly Improved Battery Running Times: The large improvement in OLED power efficiency and the much more aggressive Power Management has produced a 75 percent increase in Battery Running Time for the Galaxy S I to II to III, from a poor 3.2 hours to a very good 5.6 hours. For comparison, note that the iPhone 4 has a running time of 7.8 hours with a screen Brightness of 541 cd/m2 while the Galaxy S III has a running time of 5.6 hours with a screen Brightness of 224 cd/m2. The running times are based on a full brightness all white screen with no running applications. As the Average Picture Level APL decreases the Battery Running Times for OLEDs will increase.
Screen Reflectance: Ambient light reflecting off the screen washes out the image, its contrast and colors. Increasing the screen brightness is one way to overcome this problem but it uses precious battery power (and speeds up the OLED aging process). A much better method is to lower the screen Reflectance. Because of the way the LCD optics works they already have some built-in anti-reflection – not so for OLEDs, so they have a much more difficult Reflectance problem. Fortunately, Samsung has risen to the challenge because the Galaxy S OLED displays all have Reflectance of 5 percent or less – among the lowest we have ever measured. The Nokia Lumina 900 is the only other Smartphone to come in under 5 percent Reflectance. This is quite impressive – it’s done by using advanced optics, a Quarter Wave Plate under the cover glass suppresses the reflections. This is super important for OLEDs because of the brightness, power, and aging issues discussed above. Samsung has done an excellent job here. However, the Lab measurements indicate that the Reflectance is getting slightly worse from I to II to III, rather than better…
Automatic Brightness: It is particularly important for Smartphones to accurately and automatically adjust their screen brightness according to the current highly variable Ambient Lighting conditions. This maintains screen visibility while minimizing the battery power needed to do so. Because OLEDs have significant power management issues this is especially important for them. Unfortunately, the Galaxy S Smartphones all perform poorly here (as do almost all Android devices – Apple does slightly better but still poorly). The Galaxy S I,II,III results are similar to the results in our Automatic Brightness Shoot-Out. An innovative application for the OLED’s large native Color Gamut and high Color Saturation is to (only) fully use it when there is High Ambient Light, which will help compensate for the washed out image colors and will even allow lower screen Brightness to be used under those conditions – but before that happens Automatic Brightness and Color Calibration will need to be properly implemented.
Polarized Sunglasses: Most LCDs and some OLED displays can have screen viewing interference problems with polarized sunglasses – the image can become invisible Black at some screen orientations and angles. The Galaxy S I, Galaxy S II, and Galaxy Nexus have Quarter Wave Plate optics that result in a screen extinction at a 45 degree orientation, so their screens can be read in both Landscape and Portrait orientations, which is good. However, the Galaxy S III screen shows multi-colored circular rings with polarized sunglasses, which are quite pronounced at large Viewing Angles, so the Galaxy S III is not good with polarized sunglasses.
Google Galaxy Nexus: The Google Galaxy Nexus is also made by Samsung and has an OLED display that is very similar to the Galaxy S III. However, its Brightness is set much higher than the S III, but it then has a much higher variation in Brightness with the APL of image content as discussed above – it is more than a 2:1 variation, which is way too large. In fact, the effect on the Galaxy Nexus is so large that for high APL the Brightness (Luminance) of Green is greater than White, which is very wrong. Hopefully, Google will correct that with an Android software update…
OLED Power Saving and Aging Advice
There is a lot that individual users can do to reduce the power consumption of OLEDs and also reduce potential aging effects:
The obvious recommendation for all display technologies is to appropriately adjust the screen Brightness for the current level of Ambient Light – that should be done by the Automatic Brightness control, but as indicated above it is poorly implemented and close to useless on virtually all Smartphones including the Galaxy S series. Hopefully that will be corrected in future versions of Android. When adjusting screen Brightness also take into account that applications like reading require higher visual acuity and need more Brightness than when looking at photo and video content.
Unlike LCDs, display power on OLEDs depends entirely on the image content – brighter images use more power. In particular, wallpapers and screen backgrounds can have a considerable impact on OLED power consumption.
Because of differential aging, setting your wallpaper to all Black is most likely a bad idea because the fixed arrangement of Home Screen icons may eventually affect screen uniformity, so ghost images of the icons might become noticeable.
For all text based reading applications it is a really good idea to set the standard Black text on a White background to Reverse Video, White text on a Black background. Not only does that use a lot less power but it improves screen viewability in bright Ambient Lighting. Start by setting Google’s search page to a Black background. Do the same for Email and other Apps and websites wherever possible.
Setting your wallpaper to a bright beach scene will use a lot more power than a subdued indoor photo. A more subtle but more important issue is that color has a major impact on display power consumption because the Green OLEDs provide 10 times more Brightness per watt than Blue OLEDs. In fact, Blue OLEDs consume more power than Green OLEDs but deliver only about one tenth of the Brightness. So give preference to images and wallpapers with Greens and try to avoid images with lots of Blue.
Conclusion: Great OLED Displays… But Compromised by Galaxy Marketing Constraints…
All of the Galaxy S OLEDs performed very well in our Lab Tests and Measurements. The results indicate that there has been a rapid and significant 2:1 improvement in OLED performance, particularly the power efficiency within the Galaxy S I,II,III series in just 2 years, which is very impressive. LCDs like the iPhone 4 are still considerably more power efficient than the latest OLEDs for bright image content with white backgrounds, which includes most text based and web applications. On the other hand, OLEDs are much more power efficient for full screen videos and photos, which generally have low Average Picture Levels.
The OLED displays themselves are excellent, but their overall performance has been compromised by the implementation choices that have been made in marketing the Galaxy S series. In particular, the power constraints have significantly compromised many display performance issues, particularly in the Galaxy S III, in order to deliver a very thin and light phone with very good battery running times. This is undoubtedly a strategic marketing decision, but it would be nice if the Galaxy S III were also available in a slightly thicker and heavier version with a bigger battery. That would help its OLED display really shine, particularly if there were fewer imposed power constraints that affect its display performance. In addition, OLED displays all currently suffer from a lack of accurate Color Calibration, something that LCDs have gotten very good at, particularly the new iPad, which is almost accurate enough to be used as a professional studio reference monitor, so its photos, videos, and image content appear beautiful and accurate. Hopefully, the same will happen for OLED displays in the near future…
Even with these compromises and performance issues the latest Galaxy S III has an impressive OLED display. If and when Samsung and Google implement the suggestions that we have made it will turn into an outstanding display. That and future models indicate a very promising and exciting future for OLEDs…
Lots of Room for Improvement by Samsung and all of the other OLED Smartphone and Tablet Manufacturers:
While Samsung has zeroed in on OLED power efficiency and done an excellent job of it, there are still plenty of other very important display issues that need to be addressed by all of the OLED Smartphone and Tablet manufacturers. Here are just a few: 1. Variable Display Power Management: The Power Efficiency effects discussed above could all be better implemented with a Display Power Management Slider – set it low and the display receives aggressive power management – set it high and the display delivers optimum performance. 2. Accurate Color Calibration: The OLED Color Gamut is not only substantially larger than the sRGB/ Rec.709 Standard, but it is also very irregular – Green is much more saturated compared with either Red or Blue, as shown in Figure 2. This imbalance has a tendency to give images a Green accent and color cast. The display also needs a Standard D6500 White Point – using D6500 would improve color accuracy, improve Battery Running Time, and reduce Blue aging. Note that Apple is emphasizing very high color accuracy in their latest displays – hopefully Samsung and other manufacturers will follow the lead. 3. Screen Reflectance: Samsung has done an excellent job here, but the Lab measurements indicate that the Reflectance is getting slightly worse from Galaxy S I to II to III – it definitely needs to get better. The typically large screen reflections can make the screen much harder to read even in moderate ambient light levels, requiring ever higher brightness settings that waste precious battery power. Manufacturers need to significantly reduce the mirror reflections with anti-reflection coatings and haze surface finishes. This article shows how Smartphone and Tablet screens degrade as the Ambient Light increases from 0 to 40,000 lux. 4. Ambient Light Sensor: The forward facing Ambient Light Sensor on virtually all Smartphones and Tablets measures the brightness of your face instead of the surrounding Ambient Light, which is what is needed to accurately set the screen’s Automatic Brightness. 5. Automatic Brightness: The Automatic Brightness controls on all Smartphones and Tablets that we have measured are positively awful and close to functionally useless. As a result they often get turned off, which reduces battery run time and increases eye strain. This article explains how to do it properly. 6. Display User Interface: The User Interface for most Smartphone and Tablet displays consists of a Brightness slider and an Automatic Brightness checkbox. People have very different visual preferences that should be accommodated with a display Pizzazz control that is similar to the functionality provided by the audio Equalizers found on most Smartphones and Tablets.
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For more information, here is the link:
tritran18518 said:
I take no credit to post this information. They all belong to website
For more information, here is the link:
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Thanks for sharing. So green beats black? Or is it black > green > blue
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda premium
ickedmel said:
Thanks for sharing. So green beats black? Or is it black > green > blue
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda premium
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Green >Red> Blue. Amoled screen will save most of power when it display black, but at the same time, if you set black walpaper for your phone, it will reduces your screen's age.
P/S: Now i know why Iphones have very good battery life.
Written by an Apple fanboy by the look of it. Still, decent article.
djsubtronic said:
Written by an Apple fanboy by the look of it. Still, decent article.
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Agreed. Good article still. Always like new information I didn't know before.
Thanks for sharing the article, Tritran.
Galaxy S II had a 4.3" display, not 4.5", otherwise not a bad article.
EDIT: the picture of an SII in the article isn't the standard Galaxy S II but one of the other variants, perhaps that's why.
The One S has much better OLED display because HTC actually properly calibrated it for about 6500k white point and the color gamut is much more accurate. Only issue is auto brightness, but that is easily fixed with custom auto brightness values.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda app-developers app
Thanks a lot :good:
What would be exactly the codes (they are not hexadecimal, I think) for green, blue and red colours in the phone?
Would be wise to use some green screen filter?
Awesome info!
very interesting!
thx for sharing!
Try an app called "screen adjuster" and set the blue to plus 3 or however you like. I think it looks pretty good
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
I call tl;dr, so I'll shorten it a little bit (although I haven't read it, I'll use my knowledge of it)
AMOLED screens almost always have better battery life than standard TFT LCD screens. This is because the majority of them use Samsung's PenTile technology, which uses two colours per pixel instead of three. Like our phone, it has RG BG RG BG layout. This means that the resolution that the manufacturer claims the phone has is not always accurate
However, AMOLED+ screens have RGB RGB layout, meaning the phone has a true resolution. The downside of this is worse battery life.
AMOLED screens will ALWAYS have better contrast than TFT LCD screens. This is because when a pixel is meant to be black, it turns itself off, meaning it gives out zero light. Also, because each pixel has local dimming, it often gives out much more light than TFT LCD screens.
AMOLED screens also give better saturation of colours compared to TFT LCD screens. The best example of this is green. Get a plain green screen on a One X and a plain green screen on a One S, put the phones next to each-other and you will see the One S has a far richer green. Repeat it with all colours and the differences will be far less exaggerated, but the AMOLED screen will still be richer.
So, what's the downside? Screen burn. LCD screens are rather resistant to screen burn, while LED screens are as vulnerable as CRT screens (for people who don't know what CRT screens are, remember the televisions that had massive boxes on the back?). So, objects that are almost always on your screen, like the notification bar and the header bar, will usually get burned onto the screen.
Second downside, the phone will usually cost more than it would with a TFT LCD screen. This is because they cosy more to manufacture.
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Still tl;dr but not as long.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium

Amoled vs LCD ...The truth? Video inside

Since lots of users like to compare phones that didn't even hit the shops yet, or are not even officially launched , why not compare other related stuff? :
I find this recent Erica Griffin's video which is called "the truth about Amoled vs LCD" quite interesting:
I stick with Amoled anytime, even with the possibility of that "blue pixel burn-in"
And here some interesting related info provided (once again) by Barry:
BarryH_GEG said:
Good news for the reviewer! She can buy AMOLED again if she wants to. Starting with the SGS4 Samsung's moved to a new PenTile geometry called Diamond Pixels. In it, sub-pixels are sized differently based on their longevity. Blue is the least energy efficient (most likely to erode) and is now larger than red and green.
A high resolution screen shot of the Galaxy S4*(provided by Samsung) shows an interesting design and sub-pixel arrangement, which Samsung callsDiamond Pixels. First of all, the Red, Green, and Blue sub-pixels have very different sizes – Blue is by far the largest because it has the lowest efficiency, and Green is by far the smallest because it has the highest efficiency. The alternating Red and Blue sub-pixel PenTile arrangement discussed above leads to a 45 degree diagonal symmetry in the sub-pixel layout. Then, in order to maximize the sub-pixel packing and achieve the highest possible PPI, that leads to diamond rather than square or stripe shaped Red and Blue sub-pixels. But not for the Green sub-pixels, which are oval shaped because they are squeezed between two much larger and different sized Red and Blue sub-pixels. It’s display art…​
As for what display is best, that's easy. The one you like the best.
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betoNL said:
Since lots of users like to compare phones that didn't even hit the shops yet, or are not even officially launched , why not compare other related stuff? :
I find this recent Erica Griffin's video which is called "the truth about Amoled vs LCD" quite interesting:
I stick with Amoled anytime, even with the possibility of that "blue pixel burn-in"
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I only buy Samsung because of the AMOLED screens.
it's true there will eventually be some bluish pixel burn-in after you have used the phone for a good 3 or more years
and it doesn't seem to affect all AMOLED screens, but specific to the 5 color ones, the S-AMOLED seems unaffected by it.
I'm basing that from my old AMOLED i9000 and Nexus S vs. the S-AMOLED on the S2
As for color accuracy, I like the more vivid color provided by the AMOLED than the LCD / S-LCD
Interesting stuff. My next phone gonna be LCD.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
magik300 said:
Interesting stuff. My next phone gonna be LCD.
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even after learning what they do to the LCD displays?
you will probably have to run your own tests to see which phone has a correct LCD display, or waiting until some one has done a Gamut color level review on it before getting one.
at least with AMOLED you know what to expect.
I will not go into fight any about this, but after using both AMOLED and LCD, I simply don't find LCD 'interesting'.
But if we really want to go deep into technical analysis, you will find that a AMOLED display is considered to be the best display commercially available now. Check Samsung's new OLED TV KN55S9C reviews. Every reviews (including consumer reports) have mentioned that this has the best picture quality available right now.
I am going to be honest here and put my hands up and say I was not aware OLED screens are still affected by burn-in - but it makes sense.
I think I am going to cancel my pre-order of the Note 3, things like this really put me off - I love my nexus 4 screen and I think I may now wait out the Nexus 5 which will in all likelihood have IPS.
My last 4 devices were all with Amoled S and N series and never had such issues.
You really have to stay a loooooong time on one screen position to then, only increase a chance of blueish burn-in......... I guess
betoNL said:
My last 4 devices were all with Amoled S and N series and never had such issues.
You really have to stay a loooooong time on one screen position to then, only increase a chance of blueish burn-in......... I guess
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Yeah, screens have come a long way since even my galaxy nexus, which I didn't like it always looked greenish to me. But I played with a note 2 and that screen is great, the gs4 is even better, screens are largely a personal preference but give me true black any day
Interesting find. Gonna have to look for something to replace all the JellyBean blues on the new phone to ensure longevity. Tbh I haven't noticed anything on my current 1.5 yr old amoled phone or the 3 yr old phone before that. But I have noticed how much I enjoy the color, over saturated or not. An Apple genius bar friend had severe screen envy when he saw the size and colors lol.
Only downside has been viewability in sunlight to where I have to drag brightness all the way up to get a decent picture.
Good news for the reviewer! She can buy AMOLED again if she wants to. Starting with the SGS4 Samsung's moved to a new PenTile geometry called Diamond Pixels. In it, sub-pixels are sized differently based on their longevity. Blue is the least energy efficient (most likely to erode) and is now larger than red and green.
A high resolution screen shot of the Galaxy S4*(provided by Samsung) shows an interesting design and sub-pixel arrangement, which Samsung callsDiamond Pixels. First of all, the Red, Green, and Blue sub-pixels have very different sizes – Blue is by far the largest because it has the lowest efficiency, and Green is by far the smallest because it has the highest efficiency. The alternating Red and Blue sub-pixel PenTile arrangement discussed above leads to a 45 degree diagonal symmetry in the sub-pixel layout. Then, in order to maximize the sub-pixel packing and achieve the highest possible PPI, that leads to diamond rather than square or stripe shaped Red and Blue sub-pixels. But not for the Green sub-pixels, which are oval shaped because they are squeezed between two much larger and different sized Red and Blue sub-pixels. It’s display art…​
As for what display is best, that's easy. The one you like the best.
The chick in the video seems to like making videos about this very same topic every now and then, not sure why she's obsessing over this topic.
Erica move on, is this the only topic you could throw out there to actually sound like you're smart?
Who gives a hoot about the difference it's all a matter of preference and now let's move on to something else.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
Regardless of what the sales and marketing terms are, the simple fact is all current and future Samsung devices have made the switch to "Super AMOLED" based panels so do not concern yourself with any BLED burn-in. This so-called issue was addressed several generations ago when AMOLED was still under testing and Samsung is among the best when it comes to yield/performance.
With that said, both the Samsung and T-Mobile sites show the final NS3 specs, which includes the use of their "Super AMOLED Display".
All is good and here in San Diego, CA, both T-Mobile and Verizon retail stores are sticking with October 1st and 2nd (respectively) as the official release.
BarryH_GEG said:
Good news for the reviewer! She can buy AMOLED again if she wants to. Starting with the SGS4 Samsung's moved to a new PenTile geometry called Diamond Pixels. In it, sub-pixels are sized differently based on their longevity. Blue is the least energy efficient (most likely to erode) and is now larger than red and green.
A high resolution screen shot of the Galaxy S4*(provided by Samsung) shows an interesting design and sub-pixel arrangement, which Samsung callsDiamond Pixels. First of all, the Red, Green, and Blue sub-pixels have very different sizes – Blue is by far the largest because it has the lowest efficiency, and Green is by far the smallest because it has the highest efficiency. The alternating Red and Blue sub-pixel PenTile arrangement discussed above leads to a 45 degree diagonal symmetry in the sub-pixel layout. Then, in order to maximize the sub-pixel packing and achieve the highest possible PPI, that leads to diamond rather than square or stripe shaped Red and Blue sub-pixels. But not for the Green sub-pixels, which are oval shaped because they are squeezed between two much larger and different sized Red and Blue sub-pixels. It’s display art…​
As for what display is best, that's easy. The one you like the best.
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Gonna add this info tomorrow to the first post....
Nighty night
Transparent notification bars ftw
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I hope u guys really did understand her video.Even if LG over saturated in real life the s4's colors are still more saturated than the LG's even if the calibration on the s4 is about right.This is because of the wide gamut.She's pissed that LG over saturated so much not that the G2 is more saturated than the s4(the s4 is more and I compared them).AMOLED is new tech and even if it looks great with puchy colors maufacturers have way more work to do.They run hotter than LCD,they die earlier,blue pixel burn in,previously black clipping which is solved only on the s4 and note 3.Even power saving many talk of except your phone is completely black with black fonts, wallpaper,widget(lol u won't see anything) u can't save power on AMOLED.I just don't like it because of it's issues.Everyone has his opinion but don't say it's great or better than LCD just because your device has AMOLED.Tell the truth.AMOLED needs a breakthrough to really show it's power management and other qualities.The famous moto x doesn't blow the HTC one out of the water in terms of battery life even with all the power saving tech and AMOLED.(some LCDs OPPO find 5 and xperia z1+ z ultra have punchy blacks unless you turn off all the lights)
Well gn3 might be my first samoled device, but in all honesty I don't really give a damn since in about a year or max 2 I'll get a new device anyways. Disposable
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
hackarchive said:
I hope u guys really did understand her video.Even if LG over saturated in real life the s4's colors are still more saturated than the LG's even if the calibration on the s4 is about right.This is because of the wide gamut.She's pissed that LG over saturated so much not that the G2 is more saturated than the s4(the s4 is more and I compared them).AMOLED is new tech and even if it looks great with puchy colors maufacturers have way more work to do.They run hotter than LCD,they die earlier,blue pixel burn in,previously black clipping which is solved only on the s4 and note 3.Even power saving many talk of except your phone is completely black with black fonts, wallpaper,widget(lol u won't see anything) u can't save power on AMOLED.I just don't like it because of it's issues.Everyone has his opinion but don't say it's great or better than LCD just because your device has AMOLED.Tell the truth.AMOLED needs a breakthrough to really show it's power management and other qualities.The famous moto x doesn't blow the HTC one out of the water in terms of battery life even with all the power saving tech and AMOLED.(some LCDs OPPO find 5 and xperia z1+ z ultra have punchy blacks unless you turn off all the lights)
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Who said saturation is bad? And when did wide colour gamut become a bad thing? Even with a wider gamut, AMOLED still can't cover full range of visible colour space. Even if someone pushes to Adobe RGB or NTSC colour space, I think its good.
AMOLED covers more green-yellow-cyan range. Remember that the eye is more sensitive to yellowish-green light than other colors. G2 is over-saturating the colours, but it can't show additional colours like AMOLED as it's inherently restricted to show just near sRGB space. Why restrict ourself to sRGB when it was designed for CRT monitors?? But the fact remains that AMOLED can show more colours compared to LCD. And that's a good thing.
Reviews have proved that the best available display right now is OLED display. Samsung's OLED TV KN55S9C is considered to have the best picture quality. Saying AMOLED is bad is pure non-sense.
A very irritating woman - Take with a pinch of salt
hackarchive said:
.AMOLED needs a breakthrough to really show it's power management and other qualities.The famous moto x doesn't blow the HTC one out of the water in terms of battery life even with all the power saving tech and AMOLED.(some LCDs OPPO find 5 and xperia z1+ z ultra have punchy blacks unless you turn off all the lights)
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LOL...There is no High-end device with better battery performance than the GNote2...Totally energy efficient and the screen is gorgeous....
Maybe the GNote3 will have better battery performance, but that remains to be seen ...
And I hope you really did understand the new PenTile geometry called Diamond Pixels thing, mentioned just a couple of posts before yours....
hackarchive said:
Everyone has his opinion but don't say it's great or better than LCD just because your device has AMOLED.
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Here's my opinion. I could give a crap whether a device I want to purchase has AMOLED or LCD. All I want is a good high quality display. There are crappy LCD displays (there are tons of posts in the One and Z1 forums about display issues) and crappy AMOLED displays. Truthfully, on a 4.7-6" canvas the amount of energy devoted to examining nuances in displays is comical. AMOLED has far superior contrast, bolder colors, better reflectance, better viewing angles and uses less energy on dark colors. LCD produces truer colors (depending on OEM calibration choices), is brighter, and uses less energy on light colors. The hardest part of going from AMOLED to LCD for me is the drop in contrast and greyish blacks which are unavoidable. If the N3 had a high quality LCD display I'd be totally fine with it. More important than the display is what it's attached to and I happen to be happy with Samsung's products. I'm not buying a display; I'm buying the high-end mobile device it's a component of. And the displays in Sony and HTC's phones are all made by Sharp-Renasys or JDI anyway.
And as you ridicule AMOLED, ask yourself why Motorola (Google) used it in the Moto X which is the most important phone they've ever released.
Like LCD? Bully, buy a LCD-equipped phone. Like AMOLED, buy a phone that has it. If you're happy I'm happy for you.

[Discussion] AMOLEDs are awful. why do you people like it?

I'm just gonna say a few things about Samsung's AMOLED displays. people all over the internet say Samsung phones have the best displays.
lets me start by saying a few facts about AMOLED. then tell me why samsung still uses AMOLED instead of IPS or why people like it:
1. AMOLED dipslays have a terrible purple smudge. specially when they switch from black to grey they show a purple tail. this is super annoying. my s7 edge is just unusable.
2. Longevity. they lose brightness and color and change overtime
3. Burn-in
4. Power consumption showing Whites are higher than LCD. and Samsung phones all use white themes at default...
5. Color accuracy. it's nowhere near iPhones IPS. specially with iPhones wider color gamut things look better.
6. Cost more to manufacture.
7. Pentile pattern makes everything look. weird. whites look rainbowish. they need more resolution to achieve the same look sharpness as LCD.
8. They're awful at showing whites.
my Knowledge is based off the internet and eyes. I'm not god I might be wrong.
and remember this is a friendly discussion. not a fight!
I love AMOLED because of the deep blacks. I use the Reddit is Fun app a lot and the true black BG option they have for phones with amoled panels makes it really easy to browse reddit for longer than I should be. It's also nice that when watching media on my phone with black bars on top or on the bottom that they are not lit up with a backlight and blend in with the bezels. I don't think I could use amoled on a laptop or desktop for the reasons you've mentioned, though.
LyricalMagical said:
I love AMOLED because of the deep blacks. I use the Reddit is Fun app a lot and the true black BG option they have for phones with amoled panels makes it really easy to browse reddit for longer than I should be. It's also nice that when watching media on my phone with black bars on top or on the bottom that they are not lit up with a backlight and blend in with the bezels. I don't think I could use amoled on a laptop or desktop for the reasons you've mentioned, though.
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Yeah. but the Purple smearing makes it terrible. watching movies or scrolling is just terrible.
There are positive things too. You can always keep screen on minimum brightness for clock and etc. AMOLED screens look better than IPS LED, their colours are brighter. I don't think that's bad technology as more and more smartphone makers are making transitions to AMOLED screens.
My moto x had an amoled display, and I loved it because of active display. There was pretty much no effect on battery life because of the amoled panel. Also, for those who prefer oversaturated colors, amoled delivers. Also, like it was said above
LyricalMagical said:
I love AMOLED because of the deep blacks. I use the Reddit is Fun app a lot and the true black BG option they have for phones with amoled panels makes it really easy to browse reddit for longer than I should be. It's also nice that when watching media on my phone with black bars on top or on the bottom that they are not lit up with a backlight and blend in with the bezels.
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Using it at night with all black themes makes it much easier on the eyes imo.
But hey, to each his own


Amoled or OLED screens are overrated, Poco-f1 screen doesn't lag behind in any circumstances.:cool
Yeah, but it drains more power even with an all black setup.
Hemudon said:
Amoled or OLED screens are overrated, Poco-f1 screen doesn't lag behind in any circumstances.:cool
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Lo. I wonder if you have ever used a Samsung device with sAMOLED display? Just place both a sAMOLED and a LCD display side by side and see the difference.
Rowdyy Ronnie said:
Lo. I wonder if you have ever used a Samsung device with sAMOLED display? Just place both a sAMOLED and a LCD display side by side and see the difference.
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Previous phone was Galaxy S8, I don't find much of the experience difference.
IPS LCD and AMOLED displays has advantages and disadvantages
IPS LCD has that AMOLED doesn't have:
-Sharpness and Clarity is good
-Natural Colors (AMOLED is little saturated on Colors)
-Can recover to accidental burns or screen burns (AMOLED cannot recover on screen burns thus leaving white marks)
-Longer pixel life (AMOLED's pixel quality degrades over time)
AMOLED has that IPS LCD doesn't have:
-Improve battery life as turning off pixels without backlight (Good for Dark Themed apps, videos, photos)
-Brightness and Contrast is good
-Good Viewing angles
-Always-on Display (IPS LCD cannot support this due that it uses backlight rather than turning off black pixels thus increasing power consumption)
No clear winner. It is the preference of both users and the manufacturer on what type of display they want to use. This is why Xiaomi uses IPS LCD Displays because it is cheaper than AMOLED ones. The target is being a budget flagship-tier phone thus achieving it.
Rowdyy Ronnie said:
Lo. I wonder if you have ever used a Samsung device with sAMOLED display? Just place both a sAMOLED and a LCD display side by side and see the difference.
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Yeah best done with a gray picture so you can see the burn in on the oled. After some burned oled I only buy IPS screens.
I can't understand the "true black" hype as there is no such thing in real life and as the brain even can interpret white as black if the contrast is right.
As long as OLED tends to burn in, it's a no-go for me.
faeArai said:
Yeah best done with a gray picture so you can see the burn in on the oled. After some burned oled I only buy IPS screens.
I can't understand the "true black" hype as there is no such thing in real life and as the brain even can interpret white as black if the contrast is right.
As long as OLED tends to burn in, it's a no-go for me.
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Three reasons why Xiaomi should go the OLED route :
True black :
Here's an example of true black :
On you Poco, go to full screen settings and turn off the notch. Now to two top corners are rounded as the bottom ones. Now go to a dark room, as if you were using your phone at night. Well you still see the top corners of your phone's screen on. Of course that color is black, but it's awful. (In a dark room you see it better, but I see it in the sun as well).
Always-On-Display or AOD :
You can't have AOD on an ips panel. End of the story.
Brightness :
Outside in full daylight, I constantly have to block sunlight off the screen and put it right up to my face to see what's on it. OLED is way brighter.
Bonus :
Dark mode is here in the MIUI beta and coming to everyone later. MIUI 11 will have it out of the box. This means phones with OLED screens will have a great battery advantage over ips.
Also - OLED and AMOLED tend to use very low PWM which may give you a headache/migraine.
For instance - Xiaomi Mi 8 with AMOLED panel has backlight that flickers at 100 Hz, Samsung S9+ has AMOLED panel with backlight that flickers at 215.5 Hz while Pocophone has a backlight that flickers at 2315 Hz (source - notebookcheck reviews)
Rowdyy Ronnie said:
Lo. I wonder if you have ever used a Samsung device with sAMOLED display? Just place both a sAMOLED and a LCD display side by side and see the difference.
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They have pros and cons, both of them. While sAMOLED has better contrast, black colour, and often better viewing angles, IPS has most of the time better colour accuracy and it's better to look at while exposed to direct sunlight. I mean, you use the one which suits you the best. Unfortunately, Xiaomi uses probably some cheat IPS panels, so they look worse compared to some higher end phone with IPS panels.
True black is just an excuse ??
And amoled panels aren't bad or anything. They are just over rated and people say. Amoled- amoled l. Look it's not that a big of a deal.
And battery consumption difference is just minor
Like 3 or 4% through dark mode in amoleds too
So what's the hype
I just said Poco-f1 LCD panel is just as good as OLED
If not it's only a difference of 19-20
Nothing more
Ill always prefer lcd. When i bought the phone i had to keep it on over night for data transfer via wifi as i had no pc , to keep the wifi transfer app alive i had to keep screen timeout to never, on morning i noticed lcd retention all over the screen ?(similar to amoled burn in but not permanent), had it been an amoled surely my screen would have to be replaced day 2 of buying a new phone. I had to use the phone screen a lot but the Lcd retention went away completely after around 8 hrs:victory:, so no amoled ever unless they fix burn in!
lol this thread is like a circlejerk. my poco f1 has crappier display than my a2. it has the lowest quality lcd possible. this comes from someone who has used over 37 android smartphones throughout this decade with many being top tier flagships.
But poco F1 has a comparatively dim display even for an LCD. Under heavy sunlight it becomes difficult to see the display. On S10 for example you can clearly see it in any condition. That is why they bumped up the brightness in the poco X2

