[TUTORIAL] How To Extract Files From an Nvidia Stock ROM (Factory Restore) - Shield Tablet Android Development

I recently purchased a Nvidia Shield tablet and was happy to discover that some of the development aspects are pretty similar to Samsung devices. I wrote tutorials for several Samsung devices that detail this same process and thought it would be good to post one for the Nvidia Shield Tablet.
Now to start off, this does not automatically make you a Super Duper Developer, this does not show you how to make your own ROMs. What it does do is show you how to pull files from those stock leaked/official ROMs so that you can proceed to make yourself into a Super Duper Developer!
In essence if the Developer knows what they are doing they could use this method to extract all the files from the build and could then add them to a ZIP and have a stock odexed ROM within minutes and do it all through Windows!
So let's begin!
We've all seen the stock restore images Nvidia provides. How often have you wanted to look inside them and see what is inside before flashing? There are several ways to do it and the most common answer requires Linux and other utilities. This tutorial gives you the ability to do that through Windows and without having to extract the full ROM. These instructions are specific to the Nvidia Shield Tablet but with some tweaking can be used on several devices.
Each stock restore release contains multiple files. Each of these files corresponds to a specific partition on your device. These files are formatted to be mounted by your device but not by a computer. We will be converting them from a .img partition type to an ext4.img type partition so we can mount them and read them through Windows. For this tutorial we will be opening up the system.img (the system files partition).
Before you dive in there are a few things you'll need.
- A PC running Windows.
- A stock Nvidia restore.
- DiskInternals Linux Reader (must be installed on the Windows PC). You can download DiskInternals Linux Reader here.
- SGS2toEXT4 Utility available here. *Be sure to extract the JAR file from the ZIP archive.
- 7-Zip available here.
For the rest of the tutorial please visit my site: www.rwilco12.com

The original tutorial is still available here, anyhow starting with 7-zip 15.08 you don't really need other programs to access ext4 images.
The only other step you need is to convert to that the sparse images nvidia provides.
Python script to convert sparse ext4 Android images (like cache.img[.ext4], hidden.img[.ext4] to openable ext4 images (like with 7zip)
Python script to convert sparse ext4 Android images (like cache.img[.ext4], hidden.img[.ext4] to openable ext4 images (like with 7zip) - sparse_img_to_ext4.py
[DEV][Tools] simg2img for Windows
Hello, although I'm working in Linux (VM too) I rewrote the SIMG2IMG so far for Windows (PE32, x86) Usage: simg2img.exe -i -o Optional: -d for debugging messages, listing all chunks of the image...


[DEV-GUIDE] Flytouch 3 Superpad 2 - Custom ROM building tutorial

Dear All,
I have been building some custom Android ROMS for the past few years, and my latest toy is a Flytouch 3 I wanted to share some of my findings and methods here, perhaps other newbies like me will find it useful.
1. FT3 ROM contents:
FT3 ROMs will be in RAR or ZIP format and have 2 or 3 files in them as explained below. Just unzip or unrar the package to use them:
firmware2 - flash tool which burns the firmware ( I guess...lol)
bootloader-discovery - 7zip file which contains the bootloader
IMPORTANT! Do not flash a wrong bootloader to your device or it will be bricked! Actually this is the only way you can brick the thing, it's pretty sturdy in that sense. If you are not sure, do not copy bootloader-recovery to your sdcard when flashing, it will boot with your existing bootloader anyway.
firmware-discovery - 7zip file which contains the firmware and it's the main file you want to edit.
2. firmware-discovery contents:
This is the easy part! Modifying this file will let you modify system and data partitions. You can also use different ramdisks and kernels compatible with your device. It's a 7zip file and you can unpack and repack easily with the 7-zip file manager (http://www.7-zip.org/).
I use 7-zip on Windows although I use Ubuntu Linux as my main OS. There is something wrong with my 7-zip installation most probably, but I was too lazy to check it If you are on Windows anyway, you are good, just download and use 7-zip from the URL above. I advise that you do all your firmware-discovery editing within 7-zip file manager. That way, you won't have to worry about re-packing with the correct 7-zip settings. At least, that's how I do it and had no problems.
firmware-discovery will have these files in the 7zip package:
uImage - kernel
Very important Your kernel will make the difference between having and not having certain functionality, even if your hardware supports it.
uImage_recovery - recovery file - I beleive this is what runs when you push menu+power.
ramdisk.img - ramdisk
This is one of the interesting files you might want to play with. Ramdisk is a simple file system with some crucial files, mainly init.rc that lets you control the boot process. You can also stick a initlogo.rle image here to display a splash image in initial boot. More details below at title 4.
data.tar - /data partition - tar archive
All user data is stored here, including apps and user definable settings. This is what gets wiped when you do a recovery by pushing menu+power.
system.tar - /system partition - tar archive
System data, drivers and apps, including Android OS itself (except kernel). Certainly the most interesting part for the average modder
3. Editing system.tar and data.tar:
This might be the bulk of your modding, and most probably what will be most visible to the end user.
I very strongly suggest that you use a Linux system to edit these files. If you use Windows, file permissions will not be saved! If Windows is your main OS, simply install a VM host such as VirtualBox and install your fav Linux distro inside it. Most of them will have an Archive Manager with a GUI and will certainly support TAR. Even without a GUI, you can use "tar" and "untar" commands from a terminal to unpack and repack these files. When you are on Linux, TAR files will preserve file ownership and file permissions. This can be very crucial in your modding.
For modders who are new to Linux, I can recommend Ubuntu. It's very user friendly and easy to use in my opinion.
When you are done editing system.tar and data.tar copy them to your Windows box and drop and them to firmware-recovery file within 7-zip file manager.
4. Unpack, Edit and Repack ramdisk.img:
Now we are on to more serious stuff ramdisk.img consists of a 64 byte U-Boot header, followed by a gzip compressed ramdisk cpio image. So we need to strip the first 64 bytes, and use gunzip to extract it to a folder. After making the changes in the folder, we need apply cpio+gzip compression to the folder and add the 64 byte u-boot header again. You will need to use Linux and install the mkimage tool for these operations.
Here's the command to install mkimage tool in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install uboot-mkimage
It sounds complicated, but no worries, I have some shell scripts that can do all that for you! Thanks to leeh33 from Techknow for the scripts below:
mkdir ramdisk
cd ramdisk
dd if=../ramdisk.img bs=64 skip=1 of=ramdisk.gz
gzip -dc ramdisk.gz | cpio -idmv
rm ramdisk.gz
cd ramdisk
find . | cpio -o -H newc -C 512 | gzip -n > ../ramdisk.cpio.gz
cd ..
mkimage -A ARM -O Linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0x41000000 -e 0x41000000 -n hRamdisk -d ramdisk.cpio.gz ramdisk.img
rm ramdisk.cpio.gz
Create the scripts above using a text editor or download the attachment to this post and put the scripts together with your ramdisk.img file in a new folder. Executing unpack_ramdisk.sh will create a folder named ramdisk and extract the ramdisk contents here. You can edit e.g. init.rc in this folder, or add a static bootlogo. To add a custom bootlogo create a initlogo.rle image file by following this guide: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/android-tablet-hacking/438-how-setup-static-bootlogo-before-animated-boot-animation.html Then place the resulting initlogo.rle file directly in the ramdisk directory.
After you are done editing the ramdisk folder, simply run repack_ramdisk.sh and your new ramdisk.img will be created, replacing the old one. Copy the ramdisk.img file to your Windows box again and drop it to firmware-recovery file within 7-zip file manager.
That's it, you have a custom ROM now! Please feel free to ask questions or correct me if you think I have any errors in the info above.
Happy Modding!!!
Big problem about my device...
Thank you for this useful post!
I have seen a good knowledge about these devices(flytouch 3) and decided to post my question here:
I have a big problem! I used IUW Burning tool to flash my device. my device is:
SuperPad III (As box says)
Model: ANDR P1001
I decided to try tim's custom rom. It doesn't work. After restarting the device, screen become black (There was no connection
with screen, it was not turned on). The device had vibration when I pressed power button. It continued vibrating periodically(like it was restarting).
After that I flashed my device using IUW with most likely firmware, but during the process I FORGOT TO CHOOSE userdata.img FILE!
Now the device can't even communicate with pc.
OTG method is not working. The device no more vibrates at start up! At motherboard led is lighting when pressing power button.So IS MY DEVICE DEAD? Or is there any solution in this situation(Alternative communication, or whatever...)

[Q] Help with Blob tools?

I'm confused on how to extract blob files using blob tools. I am running Windows XP and 7 and this is my first port
If anyone could guide me through the steps with appropriate commands in command prompt, that would be great.
Blob tools is nice and simple to use
To extract a blob:
1. Download the ROM.zip or other multiple partition blob file and extract the file called 'blob' (Or 'recoveryblob' or whatever..) out of it.
2. Place the 'blob' in the same folder as 'blobunpack.exe' (You can rename it if you have multiple blobs and need to distinguish them)
3. Open up cmd.
cd C:\directory\of\blob
blobunpack blob (Or the name of the blob, no extension required)
[I]Let it do it's thing for a moment...[/I]
5. You will now have many blobs with different file extensions, each of these file extensions is a different partition of the TF.
EBT is the bootloader
SOS is the recovery
APP is the os, and etc...
Good luck.
I can't speak for Windows, but in linux, it's pretty easy. The commands would be
blobunpack <insert blob here>
you'll get some or a bunch of files like blob.APP, blob.LNX, blob.SOS, blob.EBT. It depends on what is packed in the blob. A proper blob will start with MSM RADIO UPDATE or something like that. If not, it's not a packed blob, but probably just blob parts.
EBT is the bootloader.
APP is an ext4 filesystem that you can loop mount in linux. Don't ask about windows.
SOS and LNX are boot images/Android! magic files that you can unpack wiht the boot tools (bootunpack). Rebound has a thread in the dev section about making an insecure boot image- it sounds unrelated, but it has all the information about boot.img's.
As far as getting the tools, I think there might be some windows binaries floating around, but again, I can't speak from experience. If you have linux, you can just compile them from source and go to town. Grab the boot tools while you are at it and save yourself some time.

[Q] unpack userdata***.backup from cwm on windows

Hi/Hello/good evening!
I have a broken MTK phone waiting for spareparts and one backup file from its SDCard made with CWM
name userdata_20130615_140224.backup where I need to extract contact data from.
How to do it?
I have been searching a whole while now but could not find one single post about opening this archive.
Pls help!
Thank you,
If u have any spare phone with Titanium Backup installed then u can transfer ur backup to tat mobile's sd card and use TB to extract data from Nanoid Backup..
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
expanding file
unyaffs doesnt work on that .backup file and I dont have a spare phone lying around. I got the file on windows
and please after reading 20.000 tuts on "backups" can there be one that explains how to extract the file
with windows?
thank you,
ewoewo said:
unyaffs doesnt work on that .backup file and i dont have a spare phone lying around. I got the file on windows
and please after reading 20.000 tuts on "backups" can there be one that explains how to extract the file
with windows?
Thank you,
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tell me the tec solution internet!
ewoewo said:
Hi/Hello/good evening!
I have a userdata#######.backup and I cant enter into recovery mode. once i try toenter recovery mode in boots and shuts down without entering into recovery mode. I want to restore this backup file. Help me out
Thank you!!
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It's a 512 byte header in front of a "tar.gz"
hexdump -C userdata_xxxxxxxx_yyyyyy.backup | less​showed the magical zip header "1f8b0800 00000000" at offset 0x200
So, skipping 512 bytes, the rest can be gunzip | tar
dd if=userdata_xxxxxxxx_yyyyyy.backup bs=512 skip=1 | gunzip -c | tar xv​
dd if=/home/user/_backups/E380-android-phone/userdata_20160126_223433.backup bs=512 skip=1 > /home/user/_backups/E380-android-phone/userdata_20160126_223433.backup.dd-out.tar.gz
Worked for me. Then just used KDE's archive opener (Ark) to view the files, looks to have everything in there except keys and whatnot.
if you prefer a linux solution use this script it converts android backup to nandroid backup
Hello! Super-Developers, mega-programmers and smart hackers!
Nobody does not know how to open *. backup file?
No one can't help in this problem suffering millions of android/windows users?
You suggest them to install Unix/Linux system, - everybody to become hackers and programmers?!
maybe in the World exists GUI- programme to open *. backup file?
Someone can solve this problem of the century?
Philoandr said:
Hello! Super-Developers, mega-programmers and smart hackers!
Nobody does not know how to open *. backup file?
No one can't help in this problem suffering millions of android/windows users?
You suggest them to install Unix/Linux system, - everybody to become hackers and programmers?!
maybe in the World exists GUI- programme to open *. backup file?
Someone can solve this problem of the century?
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What do you expect. You are trying to edit a Linux based file. Not to mention a closed sourced compressed file.
There are free programs like OSFMount or DiskInternals Linux Reader for mounting (android) linux file system images on Windows. Also 7-Zip for Windows can extract files from linux file system images.
However, there is metadata like user identifier and group ownership, file permissions, SELinux context (user role type range) stored for each file, which gets lost once you have saved linux files to windows disk. Without this metadata you can not restore files to phone.
Regardless you can extract files in windows if you just care about pictures, music files etc. Maybe one day there is a developer who may write such a program no matter its useless for restoring complete user data to phone.
Regarding the userdata*.backup files (no cwm) this is a chinese feature not provided by google android open source project. Without source code its nearly impossible to analyze the checksum algorithm. You can not re-create a userdata*.backup file.
What you can do is unpacking it. make a guess. cut off the first 512 byte header of each file which is probably the checksum. then merge the files together. Now you have a file for further analysis. Its probably either a ext4 disk image or a (gz compressed) tarball archive. a disk image can be mounted as a new drive, metadata keeps preserved in this case. a tarball archive must extracted with gnu tar to linux file system. when extracting with 7-Zip you will lose metadata.
There is a risk of tarball archive is unheadered Tar, in this case 7-zip will not extract it. If your phone is encrypted, the disk image is probably encrypted disk image (thats where the hacker stuff starts).
If you want to remove the checksum in windows, there is a small problem. There is no such command. You can use a third party command line utility Trunc to try it. (truncate deletes only from tail)
Another way for Windows, you can use some linux utils with cygwin. I don't know exactly how to do it, but @Doc_cheilvenerdi.org released a Windows script Odinatrix which converts unheadered Tar to Ustar Tar. From this you can use some linux utils (i don't know if it works for converting backups, too)
1. unpack the Odinatrix-WINDOWS.zip file. copy the folder named "files" containing cygwin linux utils. rename the folder to bash (or any meaningful name)
2. create a new folder on Windows Desktop
3. move the backup files to <some folder>
4. open the Windows Command Prompt
goto Windows Start - Run...
type: %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe - press OK
now type the following commands in Windows terminal console:
5. add bash folder to windows environment variable %PATH%
(example: PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\bash)
PATH=%PATH%;<path to bash folder>
6. change directory and list backup files
cd %UserProfile%\Desktop\<some folder>
dir /a userdata*.backup*
7. cut off 512 byte header from each file using (cygwin) gnu "dd" linux util like @ektoric suggest in post #6.
do this for each file, skipping 512 bytes only (without unpacking). replace the wildcard * with <date>_<time>
dd if=userdata*.backup of=userdata*.part0 bs=512 skip=1
dd if=userdata*.backup1 of=userdata*.part1 bs=512 skip=1
dd if=userdata*.backup2 of=userdata*.part2 bs=512 skip=1
dd if=userdata*.backup3 of=userdata*.part3 bs=512 skip=1
8. merge the files with windows
copy /v /y userdata*.part0 /b + userdata*.part1 /b + userdata*.part2 /b + userdata*.part3 /b userdata*.img /b
9. try to mount the userdata*.img with OSFMount. if not working, try extracting with 7-zip.
Besides this linux is no hacker-os and just as easily operated as windows. You can boot a live distribution from usb-stick without installing.
for further questions, please visit the main thread
[Q] How to Extract data from .Backup file ? - Created with android system recovery
zelendel said:
What do you expect. You are trying to edit a Linux based file. Not to mention a closed sourced compressed file.
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Thank you for the answer!
Please comment next:
1) Video how to extract files from
"Linux based, Not to mention, a closed sourced compressed" backup file with metadata:
Распаковка и извлечение файлов из резервной копии - YouTube
2) quote from Android Backup Extractor's README-TXT-instruction:
"Usage:-- Windows: very easy"?
Android Backup Extractor - -- sourceforge.net/projects/adbextractor/files
I tried to use Android Backup Extractor In WinXp SP3
but windows version of this app shows cygwin&some other files missing.
Do you know why it doesn't work?
I don't need to recover backup on its own place.
My target is to extract and open few files: photos, videos, documents...
Strangely 7zip also doesn't work. Thank you in advance!
adbextractor is for adb backups *.ab only (btw open source).
cygwin is a implementation of linux utils running in windows.
the above solution uses cygwin, did you try?
aIecxs said:
adbextractor is for adb backups *.ab only (btw open source).
cygwin is a implementation of linux utils running in windows.
the above solution uses cygwin, did you try?
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Thank you for first very detailed answer!
It seems that you have a remarkable grasp of this subject,
that's why I ask you to comment my previous post about video and Android Backup Extractor.
Your second post is not clear for me: adbextractor is only for *.ab files??
I have few files cygwin, is it a separate program??
I attempted to run file start.exe - windows version of Android Backup Extractor with those few cygwin files
but unsuccessful.
I read and test a lot, but The problem is still unsettled.
i came up two years ago with same question, how to unpack, and ended up with learning linux. i have uploaded a bash script, but i don't know if it works. i am not a developer and still learning, and nobody give feedback.
what is exactly file name of your backup? suffix *.ab or *.backup? these are completely different, don't mix up tools.
if you mean userdata_20180313_161000.backup files, please try mini tut above beginning 1.
aIecxs said:
i came up two years ago with same question, how to unpack, and ended up with learning linux. ... i am not a developer and still learning
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It is classic aphorismic sentence!! I like it.
What's the bash script? for what goal? it is for Windows? If yes, I'll try it. give me the link.
my files are userdata_20100102_045926.backup, -=-=.backup1, 2, 3......
I'm not Englishman, "mini tut" is mini tutorial?
You have 100 posts and 25 thanks - super rate for notdeveloper.
the tool in video (adbextractor) can not unpack your backup. your backup is a splitted ext4 partition image. OSFMount can open ext4 partition images from Windows
bckp2cwm.sh script is basically doing the same steps like mini tutorial above. unfortunately it is for linux. main goal is convert userdata*.backup to cwm backup, but its paused in the middle (after unpacking, before repacking)
as windows user, all you need is a usb-stick. there is a tool unetbootin running in windows. it is a one-click-solution for downloading and copying any linux distribution to usb-stick. you can boot into linux from this usb-stick, for example ubuntu
aIecxs said:
OSFMount can open ext4 partition images from Windows
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OSFMount can extract few files from my backup?
Thank you very much for efficient advices!!!:highfive:
I'll try them in sequence.
although Linux is not my :angel:dream.
Solution for Windows
1. Download and install free hhd hex editor neo.
2. Open each of your .backup files, in select menu select range at 0 offset size 512 decimal, delete and save.
3. Use Windows copy command to join files as described in post#11 (Thanks to the author for free education).
4. Use any program that reads Linux disk image files. I used diskinternals (mount image from the drive menu first). Openext worked too.
This won't work on tar archives if I understand correctly. This took me days to figure out and only minutes to execute. No thanks to confusing android prompts while upgrading to a new OS.
yoyohelp said:
1. Download and install free hhd hex editor neo.
2. Open each of your .backup files, in select menu select range at 0 offset size 512 decimal, delete and save.
3. Use Windows copy command to join files as described in post#11 (Thanks to the author for free education).
4. Use any program that reads Linux disk image files. I used diskinternals (mount image from the drive menu first). Openext worked too.
This won't work on tar archives if I understand correctly. This took me days to figure out and only minutes to execute. No thanks to confusing android prompts while upgrading to a new OS.
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Hi i have a problem i have 5 files from the backup each with 2gb when i do the command from post 11 it works nice but when goes to backup part 3 it gives an error, what could it be? Im i doing something wrong?

Online Tool for Extracting Content of Boot and Sparse .img Files

I've created a tiny experimental web tool that can extract various information, ramdisk, kernel, and other content from standard Android boot and sparse images
For now it can only parse standard Android images and raw ext4 images, so it might not be able to extract images from devices that have their own customisations.
Shell commands
jamesgross said:
Shell commands
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Not sure if I understood your comment, but the tool can extract command line arguments from boot images.
As another useful tool for image unpacking:
NewAndroidBook.com/tools/imjtool.html -
which can support quite a few Huawei/MTK specific vendor images, and I've cross compiled it for MacOS and Linux both. I'm working on adding support for Android 10 liblp (super.img).
morpheus______ said:
As another useful tool for image unpacking:
NewAndroidBook.com/tools/imjtool.html -
which can support quite a few Huawei/MTK specific vendor images, and I've cross compiled it for MacOS and Linux both. I'm working on adding support for Android 10 liblp (super.img).
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Looks like a useful tool, but wouldn't it be better to open a separate thread for your tool? Now the questions and answers related to both tools will be mingled and it might be confusing to the users.
Is there a way to convert stock firmware into fastoot flashable system image without pc

[ROM Development] Device Tree / System Image EXT2 instead of EXT4?

Hello Everyone!
I'm trying to develop for the Microsoft Surface Duo. I feel this device has the potential to run other operating systems (like Ubuntu, different versions of Android, Windows, etc.) as the kernel source was released. I've ran into two problems: creating a device tree for the Surface Duo and unzipping the system image. First, the device tree for OS builds was not released. Second, the system image is formatted as an EXT2 file, NOT an EXT4 file, and not as an Android system file that sim2img desires.
I found the system image through two methods:
Finding the payload.bin OTA file and extracting the images there.
Rooting the phone, copying the super.img, and extracting the images.
In both situations running file system.img gives me
Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data, UUID=3dc9e73d-c9c2-5764-89e7-0426672bbdb9 (extents) (64bit) (large files) (huge files)
This is for both A and B Partitions. I can't mount ext2 images onto my linux OS (I'm on Kali OS) via mount loop.
wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
If anyone can give me some insight on what the problem could be, that would be great!

