MediaTek FOTA reverse engineering - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

So, I decided to have a look at how my Cat B15Q actually recieves OTA updates. Turns out the lifting is done by two apk's in /system, FWUpgrade.apk and FWUpgradeProvider.apk.
Notes taken during reverse engineering:
the entire upgrade mechanism runs over plain HTTP, so you can use tools like fiddler or wireshark to listen and manipulate the entire mechanism (just imagine deploying a malicious proxy with ettercap on a conference wifi and pwning all mediatek devices)
mediatek seems to supply handset manufacturers with a set of PHP scripts for providing OTA upgrades.
the whole code is littered with typos ("onHandsakeAuthentication", "downlaod" and more), commented-out code and other stuff which makes me wonder just how it works, but well I always have that feeling when I have to read Mediatek source code
an old version of the client-side source, written for another mediatek device, is at
something in the core methods apparently messes up both JD-GUI and Procyon decompilers
the core mechanism for obtaining a download/checkversion token is just a md5sum (fixed "tag string" 15811375356 + server-sent "rand"); funny enough that this "tag string" is sent as "serial number" during login and is apparently totally hardcoded.
at least in this 2012 ROM dump, the endpoint addresses are stored in res/values/address.xml, however this is not present in "my" apk, nor in /data/data/com.fw.upgrade. Looks like the new version uses SharedPreferences, but there is no backing store in /data/data/com.fw.upgrade either.
Because I don't really like unknown parties being able to link together my SIM and IMEI (especially any random wifi snoop, this thing is a background service), I have killed off the OTA service and wrote me a little script to check and fetch updates:
By the way, I don't know what the ... the guys at mediatek are smoking, but that code... it is sufficient to say that it would be trivial to thoroughly **** up any OTA distribution, up to the point of distributing malware and rootkits. To top it off, some guy even dumped a boatload of internal mediatek stuff to github, and the horrors I have seen there are beyond imaginable.


Testing software (voice encription) in Europe

My company developed a product that uses GSM/CSD mode to send voice encrypded using 256 bits Rijndael. I don't know if in Europe my product works. I have a XDA working fine here in Brazil. I will apreciate if my software could be tested using the XDA and XDA-II (we don't tested-it with the XDA-II), because we don't have how to test-it in Europe.
My site is , and in the site we have a working demo with 128 bits security and one minute of conversation per call. We have also a manual in PDF format (in english).
I will apreciate some help from Europe.
My personal e-mail is MOD EDIT: REMOVED EMAIL
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Thank You.
Cesar Bremer Pinheiro
cesarbremer said:
My company developed a product that uses GSM/CSD mode to send voice encrypded using 256 bits Rijndael. I don't know if in Europe my product works. I have a XDA working fine here in Brazil. I will apreciate if my software could be tested using the XDA and XDA-II (we don't tested-it with the XDA-II), because we don't have how to test-it in Europe.
My site is , and in the site we have a working demo with 128 bits security and one minute of conversation per call. We have also a manual in PDF format (in english).
I will apreciate some help from Europe.
My personal e-mail is MOD EDIT: REMOVED EMAIL
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Thank You.
Cesar Bremer Pinheiro
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I think you might consider looking also for European based solution, similar but using specifically MDA / XDA for encrypted comm
BTW when you consider introducing fully fledged and operational version for wm2003 ??
regards, monika
Thank you for your interest in our product.
We will test our product with the wm2003 in the next month, but we can't have a date limit to finish the compatibility test yet. There are a lot of hardware available to run our product. I will remember you that we are selling software (not hardware like cryptophone), and to sell our product we need to make compatibility tests in a lot of hardware . Our idea in this case is, if you have a hardware available (like the XDA), you only need to buy a software (and not the hardware that you already have). You investment in this case will be US$149,99 for the 128 bits version (US$ 249,99 for the 256 bits) in order to have a solid voice encryption product. Our product uses a TAPI modem linked with a PocketPc 2002 handheld by cable, bluetooth or a compactflash connection, and uses fixed, cellular and satelite lines. We tested the Raseac Secure Phone it in a lot of hardware (we have our product in our lab running in a XDA). We don't know about the CSD (Circuit Switched Data) quality in GSM networks outside Brazil (we are asking the readers to test-it and send us their comments). The bonus in this case is the use of a solid 128 bits voice encryption software free for one minute of conversation per call, with no limits in the number of calls (our freeware version).
Thank you.
Cesar Bremer Pinheiro
Sorry for the mistake in the price: The correct values are US$149.99 for the 128 bits version and US$249.99 for the 256 bits version.
Thank You.
How do we know if the software is actually carrying out the encryption, and that the voice is actually being encrypted is there something obvious that will let me know this.
The encryption is the easier part to be done in this system, if you see the user's manual, the most part of the system is the user interface and its architecture (our strongest point is our system design).
If you made a system that sends and receives voice without encryption, in our case you have 90% of the work done (error correction, codec optimization, software optimization). Think about reading the voice signal, compressing this signal using a voice codec, building the telephony interface, optimizing the code (our system is full-duplex), working a lot to optimize the code and let it running with quality), and until now i am not talking about encryption.
You can see in the google a lot of stuff about encryption (random number generators, hash functions, encryption functions), the encryption library available is huge.
After that work done to send and receive voice in a 4800 bauds line, you will see that 95% of the job is done. But i will remember that: To this system be a security system, all this design must be done before build the system. It is very dificult to transform a voice transmition system in a good security system(almost impossible) if you don't thing in security before building the system.
Now a little bit about encryption.
Our design is completely different from vast majority of the voice systems designs, we use block mode encryption and CBC mode encryption. The vast majority of the systems designs uses streaming mode. We generate an external random file in order to use the random numbers by the system. You can analyse this random file, it passes in the Diehard test (you can download the Diehard test and submit our generated file).
Each contact used by the system have its own master key, and you can edit this contact master key.
If you change one bit of this contact master key in your handheld, you will not be able to do the voice connection with the other handheld.
After reading our user manual, available in our site, you will see that this system was carefully built having security in mind, because you will see that you will have a 50 pages manual with a lot of information about security, and I invite you to read this manual (again, you will see a lot about our system design in this manual).
The Raseac Secure Phone security system spec will be published in february, and after that we will ask for an independent organization to analize our source code and publish the results (We think that the common user doesn't have the competence to analyse the source code). Our source code will not be available to the public only because commercial reasons, we sell software for commercial hardware available in the market (unlike our competition that sells proprietary hardware and have the copy protection inside their proprietary hardware), we have our system copy protection inside our code and we want to protect our intelectual property.
A little bit more about proprietary hardware systems: If you sell a hardware system and publish only part of the system (you can't garantee that the operational system was not changed in a dangerous way to compromise the security), the source published doesn't garantee the security at all.
Thank you.
Cesar Bremer Pinheiro.
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is it available in Asia?

Understanding Android platform in a nutshell (in layman's terms)

System.out.println("Hello peoples");
==>The purpose of this guide is to help people who don't know anything about programming,aren't modders,guys with knowledge about technology.
==>Initially I loved computers and their capabilities and have a little knowledge on the C and Java languages and just how computers (think).
You have to understand that computing tries to emulate human behaviors on how to solve problems.This is where programming kicks in.
So what is Android?
1)Android in general is an operating system that was meant to run on mobile devices e.g. cell phones
and has expanded to tablets and notebooks.Android is divided into three language groups:
a)the system's framework and apps are written in java.
b)the Android's core [kernel] is pure C -language.
c)the Android's libraries are written in C++.
App libraries are called by apps that need more functionality that java can't provide.These are usually plugins like
decoders e.g. ffmpeg libraries that are used in video decoding,flash-players e.t.c. Here,java native methods are used and the android NDK platform
is used to enable the java apps call these libraries during execution.(Please read further on Android SDK,NDK and Jni).
So what happens when you have just flashed that new Rom.
First you have to understand that cell phones have their own embedded firmware not including the recovery and you will see why.
a)the recovery partition can be flashed to install aftermarket recovery roms.So even if you mess your recovery,you can still install again.(This varies with different phones).
b)their is that system chip which you cannot touch and there is a reason for it.Think of this partition like a PC BIOS.If you mess with your bios
your system is toast aka Bricking the system.Since phones are classed as embedded systems,manufactures don't want people messing with it as it would result into
cryptic errors and system vulnerability.
when the on button is pressed something simple yet complicated happens:
1==>The kernel which is compressed to save space usually in a (zImage) format is deflated or expanded.Since your NAND chips are partitioned,the kernel is given a very
special chunk in which is protected from user data.
2==>The kernel finds which base address it needs to start executing e.g.(0x00200000) and mostly when you put a wrong kernel base
address your phone enters into a boot-loop because arguments are being passed to invalid locations.It is important to know where your kernel base address
starts.You can try looking it up in your kernel sources(try searching for the mach msm folder and into the makefile) or just goggle it up or use Xda-Kitchen.
3==>with the correct kernel base address,execution starts.Usually the (init.rc) file in the (ramdisk folder) gives symlinks and creates structures i.e. folders that will house
modules and sets the correct paths to android files and framework.
4==>After arguments have successfully been passed,the handles are now passed to Android.Basically Android checks for (init.d) scripts that are available
this is true to GingerBread and Cyanogenmod 7.After that audio checks are done followed by camera services and then arguments are passed to (core.jar),a
critical framework file which is huge around 50Mb in size in CyanogenMod 7.
5==>Here the DalvikVM (Dalvik virtual machine) is called and the process of optimizing your system files starts.The framework get optimized first as this contains critical
code needed to run your device.Then your flingers and renderers and called.This are engines used by android e.g. (pixelflnger) which is used in touchscreen.
Your system's sensors are usually started around this point (your compass,light sensors e.t.c)your phone apps e.g. contacts,calendar get optimized around this point
and depending on the number of apps your manufacturer installed,it will take some time.
6==>your network get's activated around this point and is probably the time the capacitive buttons and lights on your gadget light up.This is usually a good indication
that your system has loaded.When your bootanimation ends the handles are passed to activate your home launcher.There is usually still a lot of activity going
on to fully ready your system and this is why if you try to use it immediately especially on low-end phones,your system lags or get (not responding) errors.
common misconceptions
1==>There is are reason why goggle gave minimum specifications needed to run Android because this is a full operating system(OS) unlike the past relic
phones that ran on 50MHz processors.
2==>please don't complain that some of your Ram is not the same as specified on the phones catalog(e.g. you have 256Mb of Ram but in the task manager it indicates you have 179Mb).
There is a reason to it.There are core processes that eat a chunk of your Ram and are hidden so that you don't try silly stuff like trying to kill them in thinking that your are trying to get more memory.
Think of it like this,it's like trying to kill (services.exe or svchost.exe) processes in Windows.You will just be trying to get system hangs,bluescreens
or just a system crash.
Will Add more info later.Please feel free to correct anything i might have not addressed properly or share your views.
Happy modding.
Kernel topic
In simple terms,the kernel is the core of any operating system e.g. windows, Mac,or any Linux distro like Ubuntu and Android.Android kernels come mostly
in the form of a compressed kernel (zImage).The kernel is written in pure C-language,which gives it direct access to memory and registers unlike java
which has to pass through the java VM(virtual machine).This makes code written in C-language to be very fast and robust but also dangerous.
==>Many Androids in the eclair regime ran on kernel 2.6.29. This was not a complete kernel and as by my experience there was alot of code missing from it.
==>a lot of androids did not have adb functionality due to the framework being embedded to allow USB mounting to PC.This was a very rigid method
of doing it(also a very old method).
==>In the case of other devices, when viewing the internal task manager,many processes were viewed as (0.00) byte files.In essence you could not determine
the amount of RAM your app was taking.This is true in the case of huawei u8120.
==>In the case of shutting down the phone,even in some cases under load,it did so very fast.It killed threads and handles mercilessly. Many people misunderstood
this concept and thought their phones ran faster as compared to 2.6.32 kernel.
Here there was a ton of improvements as developers and modders became more aware of support and tweaks.
==>Fixed issues like the internal task managers.It was now possible to accurately know how much RAM your apps were taking.
==>Resolved how the android system shutdown.Instead of merciless killing of handles and threads still running,it killed them appropriately.This is why
when shutting down your system takes a while.You can use adb to see these events.
==>Usb mounting to pc was also made somewhat generic and flexible across many devices.
==>It did change some methods on how the camera is being accessed mostly in eclair,donout and earlier versions of android phones.This issue made
cameras not function.
==>wifi methods were also changed and developers and modders had to re-write their code to allow compatibility.
==>This was also the year of many froyo phones and overclocking was a common thing.
extra notes
During eclair era,many developers were in such a hurry to produce new android phones every few months that they never even thought of long-term support
to newer versions of android that would come much later.This is where i have to praise Iphones for standardisation of its OS across all of its devices.
==>If you try to copy paste code from and paste it into 2.6.29 and expect it to work then expect tons of errors when compiling.The (g_android)
module was properly coded into so if you try enabling it an older kernel,expect errors.
==>If you are a modder and looking to buy a new phone,please see if it has a fan base of coders or support.Avoid buying phones where you will not get
any support from the manufacturers or other devs e.g Huawei Technologies.This company sucks alot.After they produce a phone they forget about you the customer
so you will have to handle the upgrades all by yourself.
Do not use this command (make -i)when compiling kernels.It will skip errors and you may smile after it's finished but the end is just a tragedy.your kernel is bound
not to function properly or even function at all.
Happy modding.

Researchers warn over OTA Exploits of Baseband Processors (radio firmware)

Thom Holwerda at Real-Time Embedded OS specialized website OSnews reports about vulnerabilities that lurk in closed-sourced radio chips.
The second operating system hiding in every mobile phone
The insecurity of baseband software is not by error; it's by design. The standards that govern how these baseband processors and radios work were designed in the '80s, ending up with a complicated codebase written in the '90s - complete with a '90s attitude towards security. For instance, there is barely any exploit mitigation, so exploits are free to run amok. What makes it even worse, is that every baseband processor inherently trusts whatever data it receives from a base station (e.g. in a cell tower). Nothing is checked, everything is automatically trusted. Lastly, the baseband processor is usually the master processor, whereas the application processor (which runs the mobile operating system) is the slave.
With this in mind, security researcher Ralf-Philipp Weinmann of the University of Luxembourg set out to reverse engineer the baseband processor software of both Qualcomm and Infineon, and he easily spotted loads and loads of bugs, scattered all over the place, each and every one of which could lead to exploits - crashing the device, and even allowing the attacker to remotely execute code. Remember: all over the air. One of the exploits he found required nothing more but a 73 byte message to get remote code execution. Over the air.
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Source, via HN
Comments at HN are also worth reading, I think.
Do note, that the study run on some old generation of MSM chips.
Here is a counter argument for instance:
Comment by OsQar
by OsQar on Wed 13th Nov 2013 09:51 UTC
I'm not a security expert at all, but I've been working on mobile radio access technologies for several years, so I feel quite confident to say that some or your claims are wrong. E.g:
"The standards that govern how these baseband processors and radios work were designed in the '80s, ending up with a complicated codebase written in the '90s - complete with a '90s attitude towards security."
Well, GSM's baseband was developed from late 80's to early 90's, UMTS' from late 90's to early 00's, and LTE's can be now be considered almost finished. I know that GSM is not secure at all now (it was when it was released, but now it has been cracked), but I'm not so sure about UMTS (CDMA is very hard to demodulate, so cracking is even worse) and LTE (OFDMA is quite a headache).
"What makes it even worse, is that every baseband processor inherently trusts whatever data it receives from a base station (e.g. in a cell tower). Nothing is checked, everything is automatically trusted."
This is NOT TRUE. At all. Even from GSM times. Handheld devices run a bunchload of ID checks to know what basestation is sending data; and basestations also carefully allocate and check mobile ID's. This is especially true in UMTS (where you have to discriminate interferring users by using pseudorandom codes) and LTE (where you even need angle-of-arrival information to reach more users).
So, I'm not claiming that mobile basebands are inherently secure, but they're definitively not based on 80's security technology.
On the other hand, I agree with your viewpoint that the closed implementations and the huge standards are not the best way to allow the community to check for security bugs. But manufacturers are the main supporters of actual standardization bodies, so it's quite complicated to fight against it.
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Trident Encoder : Encryption for Windows RT

I implemented a browser based encryption solution which runs on Windows RT (and many other Windows computers). All I wrote was the HTML page, I am leveraging Crypto.JS javascript library for encryption algorithm. I am using the HTML 5 File API implementation which Microsoft provides for reading and writing files.
I make no claim on this but seems to work good for me. Feel free to feedback if you have any suggestions. The crypto.js library supports many different algorithms and configuration so feel free to modify it to your own purposes.
You can download the zip file to your surface, extract it and load the TridentEncode.htm file into Internet Explorer.
If you want to save to custom directory you probably need to load it from the Desktop IE instead of metro IE (to get the file save dialog). I usually drag and drop the file onto desktop IE and from there I can make favorite. This should work in all IE 11 and probably IE 10 browsers... if you use other browsers you may need to copy paste into the fields since the File API implementation seems rather browser specific. Running the html page from the local filesystem means that there is no man-in-the-middle which helps eliminate some of the vulnerabilities of using a javascript crypto implementation. You could also copy the attached zip file to your skydrive to decrypt your files from other computers.
Skydrive files in theory are secure (unless they are shared to public) so this might be useful for adding another layer of protection to certain info.
Again, use at your own risk, but feel free to play around and test it, and offer any suggestions or critiques of its soundness, or just use it as a template for your own apps.
Ok... this is really cool! Nice idea, and a good first implementation.
With that said, I have a few comments (from a security perspective). As an aside, minimized JS is the devil and should be annihilated with extreme prejudice (where not actually being used in a bandwidth-sensitive context). Reviewing this thing took way too long...
1) Your random number generation is extremely weak. Math.random() in JS (or any other language I'm aware of, for that matter) is not suitable for use in cryptographic operations. I recommend reading for suggestions. The answer by user ZeroG (bottom one, with three votes, as of this writing) gets my recommendation. Unfortunately, the only really good options require IE11 (or a recent, non-IE browser) so RT8.0 users are SOL.
NOTE: For the particular case in question here (where the only place I can see that random numbers are needed is the salt for the key derivation), a weak PRNG is not a critical failing so long as the attacker does not know, before the attack, what time the function is called at. If they do know, they can pre-compute the likely keys and possibly succeed in a dictionary attack faster than if they were able to generate every key only after accessing the encrypted file.
2) Similarly, I really recommend not using a third-party crypto lib, if possible; window.crypto (or window.msCrypto, for IE11) will provide operations that are both faster and *much* better reviewed. In theory, using a JS library means anybody who wants to can review the code; in practice, the vast majority of people are unqualified to either write or review crypto implementations, and it's very easy for weaknesses to creep in through subtle errors.
3) The default key derivation function (as used for CryptoJS.AES.encrypt({string}, {string})) is a single iteration of MD5 with a 64-bit salt. This is very fast, but that is actually a downside here; an attacker can extremely quickly derive different keys to attempt a dictionary attack (a type of brute-force attack where commonly used passwords are attempted; in practice, people choose fairly predictable passwords so such attacks often succeed quickly). Dictionary attacks can be made vastly more difficult if the key derivation process is made more computationally expensive. While this may not matter so much for large files (where the time to perform the decryption will dominate the total time required for the attack), it could matter very much for small ones. The typical approach here is to use a function such as PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function) with a large number of iterations (in native code, values of 20000-50000 are not uncommon; tune this value to avoid an undesirably long delay) although other "slow" KDFs exist.
4) There's no mechanism in place to determine whether or not the file was tampered with. It is often possible to modify encrypted data, without knowing the exact contents, in such a way that the data decrypts "successfully" but to the wrong output. In some cases, an attacker can even control enough of the output to achieve some goal, such as compromising a program that parses the file. While the use of PKCS7 padding usually makes naïve tampering detectable (because the padding bytes will be incorrect), it is not a safe guarantee. For example, a message of 7 bytes (or 15 or 23 or 31 or any other multiple of 8 + 7) will have only 1 byte of padding; thus there is about a 0.4% (1 / 256) chance that even a random change to the ciphertext will produce a valid padding. To combat this, use an HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) and verify it before attempting decryption. Without knowing the key, the attacker will be unable to correct the HMAC after modifying the ciphertext. See
5) The same problem as 4, but from a different angle: there's no way to be sure that the correct key was entered. In the case of an incorrect key, the plaintext will almost certainly be wrong... but it is possible that the padding byte(s) will be correct anyhow. With a binary file, it may not be possible to distinguish a correct decryption from an incorrect one. The solution (an HMAC) is the same, as the odds of an HMAC collision (especially if a good hash function is used) are infinitesimal.
6) Passwords are relatively weak and often easily guessed. Keyfiles (binary keys generated from cryptographically strong random number generators and stored in a file - possibly on a flashdrive - rather than in your head) are more secure, assuming you can generate them. It is even possible to encrypt the keyfile itself with a password, which is a form of two-factor authentication: to decrypt the data that an attacker wants to get at, they need the keyfile (a thing you have) and its password (a thing you know). Adding support for loading and using keyfiles, and possibly generating them too, would be a good feature.
The solutions to 3-5 will break backward compatibility, and will also break compatibility with the default parameters for openssl's "enc" operation. This is not a bad thing; backward compatibility can be maintained by either keeping the old version around or adding a decrypt-version selector, and openssl's defaults for many things are bad (it is possible, and wise, to override the defaults with more secure options). For forward compatibility, some version metadata could be prepended to the ciphertext (or appended to the file name, perhaps as an additional extension) to allow you to make changes in the future, and allow the encryption software to select the correct algorithms and parameters for a given file automatically.
Wow thanks GDTD that's great feedback
Not sure about his minified sources, the unminified aes.js in components is smaller than the minified version (which I am using) in rollups. I'll have to look into what his process for 'rollup' is to see if I can derive a functional set of non-minified script includes. If I can do that it would be easier to replace (what I would guess is) his reliance on Math.random.
His source here mirrors the unminified files in components folder :
msCrypto that would be great, I had no idea that was in there. I found a few (Microsoft) samples so I will have to test them out and see if I can completely substitute that for crypto.js. Would be more keeping in line with the name I came up with.
Currently this version only works for text files, I am using the FileAPI method reader.readAsText(). I have been trying to devise a solution for binary files utilizing reader.readAsArrayBuffer but as yet I haven't been able to convert or pass this to crypto.js. I will need to experiment more with base64 or other interim buffer formats (which Crypto.js or msCrypto can work with) until I can get a better understanding of it.
Metadata is a great idea, maybe i can accommodate that with a hex encoded interim format.
You seem extremely knowledgeable in the area of encryption, hopefully i can refine the approach to address some of the issues you raised by setting up proper key, salt, and IV configuration... I'm sure I will understand more of your post as i progress (and after reading it about 20 times more as a reference).
Too bad we don't a web server for RT, that would at least open up localStorage for json serialization (mostly for other apps I had in mind). I guess they might not allow that in app store though. Could probably run one of a developers license though (renewed every 1-2 months)?
nazoraios said:
Too bad we don't a web server for RT, that would at least open up localStorage for json serialization (mostly for other apps I had in mind). I guess they might not allow that in app store though. Could probably run one of a developers license though (renewed every 1-2 months)?
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I cant comment too much on the encryption, GoodDayToDie has covered anything I could contribute and more. But there is a functioning web server on RT. Apache 2.0 was ported: I dont know if everything is working on it, I dont own an RT device and last time I tried I couldnt get apache to run on 64 bit windows 8 anyway (needed it at uni, spent hours going through troubleshooting guides and it never worked on my laptop, gave up and ran it under linux in virtualbox where it took 2 minutes to have functioning the way I needed it to).
Curious about the performance. Speaking of encryption, 7-Zip has it built-in, and from the discuss in StackExchange, it seems pretty good.
One of the neat things about this thing (local web app? Pseudo-HTA (HTml Application)? Not sure if there's a proper name for such things) is that it runs just fine even on non-jailbroken devices. That's a significant advantage, at least for now.
Running a web server should be easy enough. I wrote one for WP8 (which has a subset of the allowed APIs for WinRT) and while the app *I* use it in won't be allowed in the store, other developers have taken the HTTP server component (I open-sourced it) and packaged it in other apps which have been allowed just fine. With that said, there are of course already file crypto utilities in the store anyhow... but they're "Modern" apps so you might want to develop such a server anyhow so you can use it from a desktop web browser instead.
Web cryptography (window.crypto / window.msCrypto) is brand new; it's not even close to standardization yet. I'm actually kind of shocked MS implemented it already, even if they put it in a different name. It's pretty great, though; for a long time, things like secure random numbers have required plugins (Flash/Java/Silverlight/whatever). Still, bear in mind that (as it's still far from standardized), the API might change over time.
Yep, I think of them as Trident apps since trident is what Microsoft calls their IE rendering engine, but I guess they are sort of offline web apps (which come from null domain). Being from null domain you are not allowed to use localstorage which is domain specific. You also are not allowed to make ajax requests. You just have file api and json object serialization to make do with I/O.
Another app I am working on is a kind of Fiddler app similar to where you can sandbox some simple script programs.
Kind of turning an RT device into a modern/retro version of a commodore 64 or other on-device development environments. Instead of basic interpreter you've got your html markup and script.
I have an attached demo version which makes available jquery, jquery-ui, alertify javascript libraries in a sandbox environment that you can save as .prg files.
I put a few sample programs in the samples subfolder. Some of the animation samples (like solar system) set up timers which may persist even after cleared so you might need to reload the page to clear those.
It takes a while to extract (lots of little files for all the libraries) but once it extracts you can run the html page and I included a sample program 'Demo Fiddle.prg' you can load and run to get an idea.
I added syntax highlighting editors (EditArea) which seems to work ok and let's you zoom each editor full screen.
The idea would be to take the best third party javascript libraries and make them available and even make shortcuts or minimal API for making it easier to use them. Common global variable, global helper methods, ide manipulation. I'd like to include jqplot for charting graphs, maybe for mathematical programs and provide api for user to do their own I/O within the environment.
These are just rough initial demos, and obviously open source so if anyone wants to take the ideas and run with them i'd be interested in seeing what others do. Otherwise I will slowly evolve the demos and release when there are significant changes.

Figuring out Samsung Accesory Protocol internals

I want to figure out the Samsung Accesory Protocol in order to create a "open source" Gear Manager app replacement. This thread is to ask if anyone has been trying to do the same thing as well as try to gather as much information about this protocol as possible. Generic discussion is also accepted, in case anyone has better ideas.
Right now all I know is that this protocol is based on RFCOMM, albeit it can be transported over TCP too. It has a level 1 "framing" which consists basically on
packed struct Frame {
uint16_be length_of_data;
char data[length_of_data];
packed struct FrameWithCRC {
uint16_be length_of_data;
uint16_be crc_of_length;
char data[length_of_data];
uint16_be crc_of_data;
I also know that there are various types of packets. "Hello" packets are exchanged early during the connection and contain the product name, etc. Authentication packets are exchanged right after the initial "hello" and contain some varying hashes (crypto warning!). Then the normal data packets are "multiplexed", as in usbmuxd: they have 'session' IDs which described towards which watch program they are talking with. All Hello and authentication packets are sent without CRC, but normal data packets are. The CRC implementation used is crc16, same poly as in the linux kernel.
I suspect that whatever we uncover about this protocol might be useful to e.g. pair Gear with an iPhone, with a PC, things like that.
Note: most of this comes from viewing Bluetooth logs. However it's clear that reverse engineering will be required for the cryptographic parts. In this case I believe it's legally OK to do so in the EU because it's purely for interoperability reasons. I don't want to create a competitor to the Gear2, I just want to talk to it.
Motivation: I bought a Gear2 in order to replace a LiveView that was dying (buttons wearing out, broken wriststrap clips, etc.) . I used it both for notifications as well as map/navigation.
Since I have a Jolla, no programs are available to pair with most smartwatches, but I've been developing my own so far (MetaWatch, LiveView). Thus I decided on a replacement based purely on hardware characteristics and price. Also Tizen seems more open than Android, thus I figured out it would be easier for me to adapt to the watch.
However it seems that I understimated the complexity of the protocol that connects the Gear with the GearManager. So my options in order to make use of this watch are:
Sell Gear2 back and buy something that's easier to hack (e.g. another LiveView ),
Figure out the SAP protocol and write a replacement Gear Manager app (what this thread is about),
Write replacement Tizen applications that don't use SAP. This involves writing new programs for Calls, Messages, Notifications, Alarms, Camera, watchOn, Pulse monitor, etc. i.e. a _lot_ of work if I want to exploit all features of the watch.
But at least one can reuse the existing Tizen settings app, launcher, drivers, etc. (I started porting Qt to the Gear2 with this idea)
Use a different Linux distro on the Gear 2. Such as Sailfish, Mer, etc. This involves all the work of option 3 + possibly driver work.
As of now I've not decided which option is easier for me so I'll keep trying to push them all.
javispedro said:
I want to figure out the Samsung Accesory Protocol in order to create a "open source" Gear Manager app replacement. This thread is to ask if anyone has been trying to do the same thing as well as try to gather as much information about this protocol as possible. Generic discussion is also accepted, in case anyone has better ideas.
Right now all I know is that this protocol is based on RFCOMM, albeit it can be transported over TCP too. It has a level 1 "framing" which consists basically on
packed struct Frame {
uint16_be length_of_data;
char data[length_of_data];
packed struct FrameWithCRC {
uint16_be length_of_data;
uint16_be crc_of_length;
char data[length_of_data];
uint16_be crc_of_data;
I also know that there are various types of packets. "Hello" packets are exchanged early during the connection and contain the product name, etc. Authentication packets are exchanged right after the initial "hello" and contain some varying hashes (crypto warning!). Then the normal data packets are "multiplexed", as in usbmuxd: they have 'session' IDs which described towards which watch program they are talking with. All Hello and authentication packets are sent without CRC, but normal data packets are. The CRC implementation used is crc16, same poly as in the linux kernel.
I suspect that whatever we uncover about this protocol might be useful to e.g. pair Gear with an iPhone, with a PC, things like that.
Note: most of this comes from viewing Bluetooth logs. However it's clear that reverse engineering will be required for the cryptographic parts. In this case I believe it's legally OK to do so in the EU because it's purely for interoperability reasons. I don't want to create a competitor to the Gear2, I just want to talk to it.
Motivation: I bought a Gear2 in order to replace a LiveView that was dying (buttons wearing out, broken wriststrap clips, etc.) . I used it both for notifications as well as map/navigation.
Since I have a Jolla, no programs are available to pair with most smartwatches, but I've been developing my own so far (MetaWatch, LiveView). Thus I decided on a replacement based purely on hardware characteristics and price. Also Tizen seems more open than Android, thus I figured out it would be easier for me to adapt to the watch.
However it seems that I understimated the complexity of the protocol that connects the Gear with the GearManager. So my options in order to make use of this watch are:
Sell Gear2 back and buy something that's easier to hack (e.g. another LiveView ),
Figure out the SAP protocol and write a replacement Gear Manager app (what this thread is about),
Write replacement Tizen applications that don't use SAP. This involves writing new programs for Calls, Messages, Notifications, Alarms, Camera, watchOn, Pulse monitor, etc. i.e. a _lot_ of work if I want to exploit all features of the watch.
But at least one can reuse the existing Tizen settings app, launcher, drivers, etc. (I started porting Qt to the Gear2 with this idea)
Use a different Linux distro on the Gear 2. Such as Sailfish, Mer, etc. This involves all the work of option 3 + possibly driver work.
As of now I've not decided which option is easier for me so I'll keep trying to push them all.
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I think your thread should probably go in the Dev section for Tizen. Have you made any development? If your want it moved, report your own post with the button in top right labeled report. You can then suggest your thread be moved to the new Tizen Development section. Ok, I wish you all the luck, you seem to be very talented programmer/dev. Thanks for your contributions.
noellenchris said:
I think your thread should probably go in the Dev section for Tizen.
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Well, some mod already moved this thread from Development, where I originally posted it, into Q&A. This is not exactly "Tizen" development (SAP is used in may Samsung devices seemingly).
noellenchris said:
Have you made any development?
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Yes, lots of progress. I have been able to write a program that connects to the Gear2 from my PC, succesfully "completes" the setup program and synchronizes the date&time. Things like changing the background color etc. are now trivial. I will soon port it to my Jolla.
I am now looking into how to send notifications to the watch. I've not been able to get Gear Manager to actually send any notifications (to use as "reference"), because goproviders crashes when I try to simulate notifications on my android_x86 VM
If anyone can send me an HCI / Bluetooth packet capture of their Android device while it is sending notifications to the Gear2 I would really appreciate it.
Unfortunately, the main problem here is that Samsung uses some cryptographic authentication as a form of "DRM". I am not exactly sure why.
There was no way for me to discover how the crypto worked so I took the unclean approach and dissasembled their crypto code ( That means there's no way I would be able to distribute the code now without risking a lawsuit from Samsung.
Sadly this means that while I can distribute the protocol specifications I obtained, legally distributing "Gear Manager replacements" is probably impossible.
javispedro said:
Well, some mod already moved this thread from Development, where I originally posted it, into Q&A. This is not exactly "Tizen" development (SAP is used in may Samsung devices seemingly).
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Ya, I was kinda in a Gear 1 mind set, and they have separate threads for Android and Tizen....
javispedro said:
Unfortunately, the main problem here is that Samsung uses some cryptographic authentication as a form of "DRM". I am not exactly sure why.
There was no way for me to discover how the crypto worked so I took the unclean approach and dissasembled their crypto code ( That means there's no way I would be able to distribute the code now without risking a lawsuit from Samsung.
Sadly this means that while I can distribute the protocol specifications I obtained, legally distributing "Gear Manager replacements" is probably impossible.
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I would gladly write a MIT-licensed C library implementing your protocol specifications. That would be correctly following the chinese-wall approach to reverse-engineering, right?
Anyway, AFAIK, being in Europe decompiling for interoperability purposes is allowed -- I know that wikipedia is not to be taken at face value, but:
Antartica said:
I would gladly write a MIT-licensed C library implementing your protocol specifications. That would be correctly following the chinese-wall approach to reverse-engineering, right?
Anyway, AFAIK, being in Europe decompiling for interoperability purposes is allowed -- I know that wikipedia is not to be taken at face value, but:
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Well, the problem is not the protocol specifications per se, which I'm actually quite confident I'd be able to redistribute (I'm in EU). The problem is the cryptography part, which is basically ripped off from the Samsung lib "" . Unless we can find out what cryptographic method that lib uses, distributing alternate implementations Is a no-go.
javispedro said:
Well, the problem is not the protocol specifications per se, which I'm actually quite confident I'd be able to redistribute (I'm in EU). The problem is the cryptography part, which is basically ripped off from the Samsung lib "" . Unless we can find out what cryptographic method that lib uses, distributing alternate implementations Is a no-go.
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If you have the time, I don't mind researching the possible crypto used (although I've only studied DES/3DES, AES and Serpent, hope that whatever scheme used is not very different from them).
Some ideas to start from somewhere:
1. As you have used its functions, it is a block cipher? I will assume that it is.
2. What is the key size and the block size?
3. Are there signs that it is using a stack of ciphers? (that is, applying one cipher, then another to the first result and so on)
Antartica said:
If you have the time, I don't mind researching the possible crypto used (although I've only studied DES/3DES, AES and Serpent, hope that whatever scheme used is not very different from them).
Some ideas to start from somewhere:
1. As you have used its functions, it is a block cipher? I will assume that it is.
2. What is the key size and the block size?
3. Are there signs that it is using a stack of ciphers? (that is, applying one cipher, then another to the first result and so on)
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Hello, I've not forgotten about this, just somewhat busy and been using the MetaWatch lately
1. Yes it is clearly a block cipher, and the block size Is 16bytes.
2. I don't know about the key size, it is obfuscated.
3. Doesn't seem like a stack of ciphers. It looks like some overcomplicated AES. But to be honest AES is the only encryption I know of
By the way I think I will upload my current test "manager" source code to somewhere after removing the crypto specific files . Since the protocol itself has been obtained cleanly. Note I've used Qt (not the GUI parts) so it's useless for creating a library; the code will probably need to be rewritten to do so, but it may be useful as "protocol specs".
javispedro said:
Hello, I've not forgotten about this, just somewhat busy and been using the MetaWatch lately
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No problem. Curiously, I've transitioned from the metawatch to the Gear1 fully (null rom, not pairing with bluetooth to the phone but gear used as a standalone device).
[off-topic]I'm not using my metawatch anymore. I was modifying Nils' oswald firmware to make it prettier and to have some features I wanted (calendar, stopwatch), but it was very inaccurate, supposedly because of missing timer interrupts (the existing LCD drawing routines were too slow). I rewrote the graphics subsystem just to stumble into a known mspgcc bug, and trying to use the new redhat's mspgcc resulted in more problems (memory model, interrupt conventions). In the end I couldn't commit enough time to fix that and my metawatch is now in a drawer[/off-topic]
Returning to the topic:
javispedro said:
1. Yes it is clearly a block cipher, and the block size Is 16bytes.
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Good. We can at least say it isn't DES/3DES nor blowfish (64 bits block size). Regrettably there are a lot of ciphers using 128-bits block size; that I know: AES, Twofish and serpent.
Perusing the wikipedia there are some more of that size in use: Camellia, sometimes RC5 and SEED.
javispedro said:
2. I don't know about the key size, it is obfuscated.
3. Doesn't seem like a stack of ciphers. It looks like some overcomplicated AES. But to be honest AES is the only encryption I know of
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I understand that to mean that you cannot use that library passing your own key, right?
What a pity! One way to test for these ciphers would have been to just cipher a known string (i.e. all zeroes) with a known key (i.e. also all zeroes) and compare the result with each of the normal ciphers :-/.
javispedro said:
By the way I think I will upload my current test "manager" source code to somewhere after removing the crypto specific files . Since the protocol itself has been obtained cleanly. Note I've used Qt (not the GUI parts) so it's useless for creating a library; the code will probably need to be rewritten to do so, but it may be useful as "protocol specs".
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Perfect. I don't need anything more .
Ok, so I've uploaded my SAP protocol implementation: . It's "phone" side only, ie it can be used to initiate a connection to the watch but not to simulate one. In addition, it's missing two important files: and which implement the closed crypto required to "pair" the watch. The most important file is which implements the packing/unpacking of the most important packet types. The license of those files is GPLv3 albeit I'm very happy if you use the information contained on them to build your "Gear Manager" program under whichever license you'd prefer.
For anyone who hasn't been following the above discussion: I've figured out a large part (useful for at least establish contact with the watch and syncing time/date) of the SAP protocol used between the Gear watch and the Gear manager program on the phone. This has been done mostly by studying traces and afterwards talking to the watch using my test implementation above to figure out the remaining and some error codes. The debug messages left by the watch's SAP daemon were also immensely helpful. As long as I understand this is perfectly safe to do, publish and use as I'm in the EU and is basically the same method Samba uses.
Unfortunately, the protocol contains some crypto parts required for the initial sync (subsequent connections require authentication). However, the communication itself is not encrypted in any way, which helped a lot with the process. Because it's impossible for me to figure out whatever authentication method is used, I had to disassemble the library implementing this stuff ( This is still OK according to EU law, but I'm no longer to release that information to the public. I'm looking for alternatives or ideas on how to handle this fact.
In the meanwhile, let's talk about the protocol. It's basically a reimplementation of the TCP(/IP) ideas on top of a Bluetooth RFCOMM socket. This means that it's connection oriented and that it can multiplex several active connections (called "sessions") over a single RFCOMM link. Either side of the connection can request opening a connection based on the identifier of the listening endpoint (called a "service"). Strings are used to identify services instead of numeric ports as in TCP. For example, "/system/hostmanager" is a service that listens on the watch side. Once you open a session towards this service (i.e. once you connect to it) you can send the time/date sync commands. In addition to be the above the protocol also seems to implement QoS and reliability (automatic retransmission, ordering, etc.). It's not clear to me why they reimplemented all of this since RFCOMM is a STREAM protocol, and thus reliability is already guaranteed!! So I've not focused much on these (seemingly useless) QoS+reliability parts of the protocol.
Let's start with the link level. There are two important RFCOMM services exposed by the watch: {a49eb41e-cb06-495c-9f4f-aa80a90cdf4a} and {a49eb41e-cb06-495c-9f4f-bb80a90cdf00}. I am going to respectively call those two services "data" and "nudge" from now on. These names, as many of the following ones, are mostly made up by me .
The communication starts with Gear manager trying to open a RFCOMM socket towards the "nudge" service in the watch. This causes the watch to immediately reply back by trying to open a connection to the "data" service _on the phone_ side. So obviously this means that your phone needs to expose the "data" RFCOMM service at least. In addition, the watch will try to open a HFP-AG connection (aka it will try to simulate being a headset) to your phone. Most phones have no problem doing this so no work is required. Of course, if your phone is a PC (as in my case ) then you'll need to fake the HFP profile. I give some examples in my code above (see scripts/test-hfp-ag and
Once the RFCOMM socket from the watch to the phone "data" service is opened, the watch will immediately send what I call a "peer description" frame. This includes stuff such as the model of the watch as well as some QoS parameters which I still don't understand. The phone is supposed to reply back to this message with a peer description of its own. See for the packet format.
After the description exchange is done, the watch will send a "authentication request" packet. This is a 65 byte bigint plus a 2 byte "challenge". The response from the phone should contain a similar 65 byte bigint, the 2 byte response, and an additional 32 byte bigint. If correct, the watch will reply with some packet I don't care about. Otherwise the connection will be dropped. It obviously looks like some key exchange. But this is the crypto part that's implemented in
After these two exchanges link is now set up. The first connection that needs to be opened is towards a service that is always guaranteed to be present, called "/System/Reserved/ServiceCapabilityDiscovery". It is used by both sides of the connection to know the list of available services present on the other side. Despite this, you cannot query for all services; instead, you must always know the name of the remote service you're looking for. There's some 16-byte checksum there which I don't know how to calculate, but fortunately the watch seems to ignore it!! I suspect that you're expected to actually persist the database of available services in order to shave a roundtrip when connection is being established. But this is not necessary for normal function. This service is implemented in, . This part was actually one of the most complex ones because of the many concepts. I suggest reading the SDK documentation to understand all the terms ("service", "profile", "role", etc.).
If everything's gone well, now the watch will try to open a connection to a service in your phone called "/system/hostmanager". Once you get to this message things start to get fun, because the protocol used for this service is JSON! It's implementation resides in, . For example, Gear Manager sends the following JSON message once you accept the EULA: {"btMac":"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX", "msgId":"mgr_setupwizard_eula_finished_req", "isOld":1}. At this point, the watch hides the setup screen and goes straight to the menu.
Well, this concludes my high-level overview of the SAP protocol. Hope it is useful for at least someone!
Things to do:
Personally I'm looking for some traces of the notification service. Ie the one that forwards Android notifications towards the watch. For some reason it doesn't work on my phone, so I can't get traces. I suspect it's going to be a simple protocol so a few traces will be OK. It's the only stuff I'm missing in order to be able to actually use the Gear as a proper smartwatch with my Jolla.
We still need to tackle the problem of the cryptographic parts. Several options: either "wrap" the stock file, try to RE it the "proper way", .... I'm not sure of the feasibility of any of these.
Many other services.
javispedro said:
After the description exchange is done, the watch will send a "authentication request" packet. This is a 65 byte bigint plus a 2 byte "challenge". The response from the phone should contain a similar 65 byte bigint, the 2 byte response, and an additional 32 byte bigint. If correct, the watch will reply with some packet I don't care about. Otherwise the connection will be dropped. It obviously looks like some key exchange. But this is the crypto part that's implemented in
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About that 65-byte bigint... that is a 520-bit key. The usual length of ECDSA keys is exactly 520-bits, so we may have something there: it is possible that they are using ECDSA signing (just like in bitcoin, so there are a lot of implementations of that code).
Not forgotten about this!
Just an status update:
I'm still in the process of defining the API of the C library using javispedro's sources as template.
It's tougher than I originally supposed because the C++ code has a lot of forward-declarations of classes, which is very difficult to map into C. To counter that I have to move elements between structures and I'm not so comfortable with the codebase yet.
And then there is still the hard work of translating the Qt signals/slots to plain' old callbacks... and implementing the bluetooth part using bluez API... and... well, I hope that is all.
Anyway, patience .
I've now had access to a Samsung S2 and thus I have been able to obtain more traces. The latest Git now contains code to connect to the notification manager service, thus allowing to send notifications from the phone to the watch.
That was the last missing part to be able to use the Gear 2 as a 'daily' smartwatch with my Jolla, so I've now also ported the code to run under Sailfish. In fact I'm using this setup at the moment. My first comment is "wow the vibrator IS weak".
You can find a log of sapd's (ie my code) startup qDebug() messages; they may be useful (if you can't yet get your code to run)
I suspect that there may still be some important battery issues because the watch keeps printing error messages about SAP services it can't find on the phone (and instead of sleeping, it starts busy polling for them.... :/ ). It does not seem to happen while the watch is out of the charging cradle, so it may not be important, but not sure yet.
As for the encryption, I'm not sure how to proceed. I could describe the code to you, but that would be risky, because I don't understand what it does. Thus the only way (for me) to describe it would be to pass on the mathematical formulas/pseudocode ... Apart from that, we also have the problem of the keys...
Antartica said:
The usual length of ECDSA keys is exactly 520-bits, so we may have something there: it is possible that they are using ECDSA signing
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They do use ECDH indeed, and they link with OpenSSL and import the ECDH functions. However it's not clear if they use ECDSA; while the crypto algorithm DOES resemble DSA, I cannot fully identify it.
Congratulations for managing to make it work with the Jolla .
I have finally found a suitable "flattened" class hierarchy as to be able to map your code into C; see the attachs. Basically, I have to move the functionality of SAPConnectionRequest, SAPSocket, CapabilityPeer and SAPConnection into SAPPeer, and then it is suitable for my needs.
javispedro said:
As for the encryption, I'm not sure how to proceed. I could describe the code to you, but that would be risky, because I don't understand what it does. Thus the only way (for me) to describe it would be to pass on the mathematical formulas/pseudocode ... Apart from that, we also have the problem of the keys...
They do use ECDH indeed, and they link with OpenSSL and import the ECDH functions. However it's not clear if they use ECDSA; while the crypto algorithm DOES resemble DSA, I cannot fully identify it.
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If you manage to describe it using mathematical formulas as in
it would be perfect, but I reckon that to be able write that you need intimate knowledge of the code and don't know if you have time for that :angel:
And identifying the hash function used would be a problem in itself...
One idea: how about a ltrace so we have the calls to the openssl library? That may uncover new hints.
Anyway, I have a lot of work before me until I need that, so don't fret over it.
Hi there! Any chance that the Gear can (really) work with an iPhone?
gidi said:
Hi there! Any chance that the Gear can (really) work with an iPhone?
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agreed. Needs iPhone support please.
Antartica said:
Congratulations for managing to make it work with the Jolla .
I have finally found a suitable "flattened" class hierarchy as to be able to map your code into C; see the attachs. Basically, I have to move the functionality of SAPConnectionRequest, SAPSocket, CapabilityPeer and SAPConnection into SAPPeer, and then it is suitable for my needs.
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You may want to look at the official Samsung SDK docs to match their class hierarchy. I tried to match my hierarchy to theirs, but this happened very late in the development process, so there is some weirdness.
Antartica said:
One idea: how about a ltrace so we have the calls to the openssl library? That may uncover new hints.
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I more or less know what it is doing with OpenSSL, but that's because I looked at the dissassembly. They use OpenSSL for key derivation (ECDH), but the actual cryptographic algorithm is their own. This 'block cipher' is the part they have tried to obfuscate. Not much, but still enough to require more time than what I have available It is basically a set of arithmetical operations with some tables hardcoded in the binary, so no external calls to any library. The hardcoded tables are probably derivated from their private key, which is most definitely not on the binary. In fact I suspect this is basically AES with some changes to make it hard to extract the actual key used, so that's where I've centered my efforts.
Technically it should not even be copyrightable, so maybe I could just redistribute my C reimplementation of the algorithm, but as with any other DRM who knows these days... and that still leaves the problem of the tables/"private key".
Digiguest said:
agreed. Needs iPhone support please.
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Well you are welcome to implement one such iPhone program yourself. Will be happy to resolve all the protocol questions you have.
(But please stop with the nagging).
Wasn't nagging at all. Just agreeing with him. I am no programmer so I have to rely on others for answers. Sorry if you thought otherwise.
Looking for to see more work on it though. Keep it up.
Hi there! Nice work on getting Gear2 to work with Jolla.
I'd love to get Gear1 to work with WP8.1. Do you have the code for Jolla
on github/bitbucket so I could give it a peek? Thanks in advance.
Duobix said:
Hi there! Nice work on getting Gear2 to work with Jolla.
I'd love to get Gear1 to work with WP8.1. Do you have the code for Jolla
on github/bitbucket so I could give it a peek? Thanks in advance.
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javispedro had the sources in gitorius, but they are not there anymore (surely related to gitlab buying gitorius).
I attach a tarball with javispedro sources as of 19 October 2014.
Note that it lacks the files implementing the crypto, so just porting it is not enough to be able to communicate to the gear. OTOH, I know that there are some differences in the protocol between the Android Gear1 and the Tizen Gear2 (if the gear1 has been updated to Tizen, it uses the same protocol as gear2). Specifically, to be able to communicate with both watches, the gear manager package has both gear manager 1.7.x and gear manager 2.x. javispedro's code implements the gear 2 protocol.
Personally, I have my port on hold (I have problems with bluetooth in my phone, so there is no point in porting sapd right now as I would not be able to use it).

