Android tv box CS918 touchscreen - Android Stick & Console Computers General

Hello i have any cs918 android and recently i buy a display board panel with usb touchscreen. i conect it via the hdmi conect usb touch to usb af android but nothing. please can anyone help me to make it work sorry but i'm a noooob on this i try it on windows 7 and work verry good.
on the system info conected usb device is eGalax touchscreen but nothing working maybe need driver i can provide any info if need but thell me how do i geet this info to thank you. hope some one can help me
This is the monitor and touchscreen i buy it
ebay dot com/itm/HDMI-VGA-2AV-Driver-Board-Touch-Screen-Touch-Screen-Controller-7-800-480-LCD-/181493377419?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a41d9 298b

If you're still looking to get this going, use the UTC. It works. There's also a seller out of Germany, found on YouTube, that offers a part as well that is adurino based, but only works with 720p resolution.
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app

how to do?
siralsmooth said:
If you're still looking to get this going, use the UTC. It works. There's also a seller out of Germany, found on YouTube, that offers a part as well that is adurino based, but only works with 720p resolution.
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
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Hello thank you can you help me with the utc what is and how to use? Thank you

ionutp23 said:
Hello thank you can you help me with the utc what is and how to use? Thank you
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Sent you a PM. Check your messages.


[Q] SkyRoam's Gmate

Anybody has tried this little gizmo?
I'm very interested, but I'm nor eager to spend 50+ € and discover it doesn't work with our 'marvelous' BT stack...
I tried just the app, and it's hideous. You can't search contacts in any way, you need to scrool all you list to find them. But i think this thing could awesome with a decent app
Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk
hi all
wow, last post was still 2011.
anyways, just to give an update on gmate.
i am currently using gmate+ on my note 10.1
gmate+ is the newer one from the standard gmate.
true, there are still snags like the contacts, but it serves my purpose well, not to hold another phone just to receive incoming calls / sms.
so far so good, as i just got it this morning.
Yes they are handy. I use one & is a great device.
Theres also an easy fix if it flags up as "non verified" (fix works on rooted phones).
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
Pat. said:
Yes they are handy. I use one & is a great device.
I also have a gmate+ available if anyone is thinking of getting one.
* I dont sell these, its just the one.
Theres also an easy fix if it flags up as "non verified" (fix works on rooted phones).
Anyway im in UK & ITS £35. boxed with lead ETC.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
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Hi I just register the forum to ask you where can I found the fix for the gmate thank you
Pm sent
Gmate+ and Sprint Galaxy Note 2
Does anyone know if the Gmate+ will work with the Galaxy Note 2? I want to use Truphone in Europe and they say the phone must be unlocked. Since the SIM is hardwired into the Sprint version the Gmate+ looks like a good option. However, Truephone says the phone must be unlocked. How do I tell if it is?
You dont need a network unlocked phone to use a Gmate+ obviously but for all the features it needs to be rooted.
The one im selling I tested on my Note & my Note2 & yes it works.
you need a rooted phone for all the features.
what's the fix? sounds cool would save me a rtm... atm.
You have a PM
Problem with Gmate +
Hi !
I just bought a new gmate+ from skyroam to use with my Galaxy Note 3.
But when trying to use it, I can't verify it ! It says "you need to be connected to internet to verify gmate..."
But I am, as everything else work well and every other app has access to internet.
I contacted skyroam support that said to me to use an android <4.1 for verifying gmate. (what a wonderful idea... Skyroam : what about fixing your bugs ???).
I tried with a 4.0.4 android device --> same problem !
I think Skyroam has stopped service that allow verification on their servers. So my new Gmate+ is a brick !
Anyone has an idea ?
Thank you !
I have sent you a PM.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
Would you send me information in relation to the Gmate fix too please? Thanks!
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
May I have the Gmate fix?
(Gmate plus + i9305 stock EE 4.3 rooted)
OK found solution. Bluetooth auto-pair.apk by M. Brachmann!
Allows you to set password before you connect.... After that update firware and you have 100% functionatlity
can i know how to fix the contact search issue?
How to fix Verification Problem on Gmate?
Pat. said:
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
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Hi Everyone, Could Someone Help me please sending the fix to The Verification On Gmate?
Pat. said:
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I have the same problem with the verification. Could you help me too? Thanks!
Pat. said:
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i´m having problems as well. Could you send me the fix also? Thanks in advance.

Android Beam

Can we have that on our device?
We do not have nfc
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA
Definitely not, our phone was not equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication) hardware.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using XDA
Did a lot of searching on the internet and was quite disappointed that our device does not have the required NFC hardware for Android Beam... Now this is very sad..
renycyril said:
Did a lot of searching on the internet and was quite disappointed that our device does not have the required NFC hardware for Android Beam... Now this is very sad..
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Yep, same when i just joined.
But really, most devices (in this price range) don't have it.
And just sayin', you bumped a very very VERY old thread :/
Skander1998 said:
Yep, same when i just joined.
But really, most devices (in this price range) don't have it.
And just sayin', you bumped a very very VERY old thread :/
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actually u can use the app named bump it doesnt require NFC.. it uses bluetooth to transfer and accelerometer to detect the sudden change of movement to transfer files form 1 device to another
thanx again shriomman thank you for your help again. i've tried Bump some time ago, and i'm not quite sure if it uses bluetooth or internet to share the files.
renycyril said:
thanx again shriomman thank you for your help again. i've tried Bump some time ago, and i'm not quite sure if it uses bluetooth or internet to share the files.
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Bump works well...but at times just does not pick up the other device!
it use bluetooth to send but internet to detect the "bump trace"
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda app-developers app
No nfc no beam
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda app-developers app


Just in case anyone is interested, I just got this:
and it's working perfectly fine with my 22" Samsung monitor on the DVI input. I'm actually using it right now , I also paired my bluetooth keyboard. There is one issue with it, not sure if it's a ICS thing, but I can't figgure out why the youtube videos don't work, it displays the first frame of it but won't play. I'll digg into that later...
It also has a usb port witch is used for charging the phone.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
oh nice! i just bought it lol
slimslim said:
Just in case anyone is interested, I just got this:
and it's working perfectly fine with my 22" Samsung monitor on the DVI input. I'm actually using it right now , I also paired my bluetooth keyboard. There is one issue with it, not sure if it's a ICS thing, but I can't figgure out why the youtube videos don't work, it displays the first frame of it but won't play. I'll digg into that later...
It also has a usb port witch is used for charging the phone.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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Thank you! I needed one for my older Dell monitor that is lacking HDMI. I'd rather have one that is confirmed to work than having to go through the whole buy/return ordeal if I had issues. Thanks again for testing and posting this. I appreciate it.
Can someone answer a few questions on this?
Do the Nintendo/sega emulators display ok using this adapter?
How about videos played from the sd card with either the stock video player or Dice?

[Q] google ?

i would like some advice to what google tv set top box is good for watching flash video on website... and has lot of storage and also be able to use video playe app like MX player or mobo player. im try ing to buy this tv set top box for my parent to watch chinese Drama on the internet with... any recomendation would be appreciate. thank
I can't help you, hope you find out the way to fix it
mAi tuAn 39i said:
I can't help you, hope you find out the way to fix it
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You can help all of us by making your first posts useful.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Some browsers are flash-compatible, but just test the sites you want to use on an Android device you already have - see if it works. If so, you're good.
Otherwise, you might consider building a mini computer for the task. Also a good idea because Flash is no longer officially supported and may stop working at any time since it's not going to be updated any more.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda app-developers app

kitkat screen mirroring fixed the easy way

Or allshare cast dongle fixed.
Just install "ScreenMirroring Patch" from Google play.
I am unrooted in the UK on o2. I updated to kitkat and screen mirroring stopped working as this has been happening to other people if you search Google. so after many searchings on Google I found this to fix a different problem, but it fixed screen mirroring after updating to kitkat.
Wanted to put this out there because I could not find a fix searching Google. Hope this helps.
What screen mirroring patch?For me is working screen mirroring.From what i know only problems are when you root.
orly_mihai said:
What screen mirroring patch?For me is working screen mirroring.From what i know only problems are when you root.
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If anyone is using the AllShare Cast Hub device, can you tell me what output resolution your device is using since KitKat. Mine which are on old firmware (no way to update the firmware with S4 or Note3!!), output 1080p/30 which is an unusual resolution and my Panasonic TV doesn't support it. Prior to KitKat, it was still 720p on the hub device even the phone is of course 1080
Resolution is 1920x1080 full hd.I tryed now a movie i am on uk 4.4.2 and is working.
orly_mihai said:
Resolution is 1920x1080 full hd.I tryed now a movie i am on uk 4.4.2 and is working.
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Yes the 1080 bit I agree...its the refresh bit thats the problem. At 1080, you can have 50/60Hz (most common), 24p (blu-ray) and 30p (weird things). Samsung is using the 30p connection which is what is causing me all the problems
for those who can't search or just can't be ar**d!
klibo84 said:
Just install "ScreenMirroring Patch" from Google play.
I am unrooted in the UK on o2. I updated to kitkat and screen mirroring stopped working as has been happening to other people if you search Google so after many searching on Google I found this to fix a different problem, but it fixed screen mirroring after updating to kitkat.
Sorry I can't link yet. Wanted to put this out there because I could not find a fix searching Google. Hope this helps.
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itsmix said:
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Ty bro
Still doesn't work for me and my Cloudnetgo Miracast dongle. After patching with the Samsung app, about one in every ten screen mirroring attempts connect but only for about half a minute.
ukformula said:
Still doesn't work for me and my Cloudnetgo Miracast dongle. After patching with the Samsung app, about one in every ten screen mirroring attempts connect but only for about half a minute.
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My note 3 didn't connect either. What I did was hit the reset button once on the hub device and then turned on the screen mirroring very quickly after the release of the reset button. It connected and always does since then.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
What i don't get is why the Samsung dongle is now expensive then their Wi-Fi Blu-ray player with allcast built in....
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using xda app-developers app
dakunclear said:
What i don't get is why the Samsung dongle is now expensive then their Wi-Fi Blu-ray player with allcast built in....
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using xda app-developers app
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Well, you can stick it in your pocket and take it anywhere. Hotel room or work. Bluray player stays at home. The allshare/screen mirroring is way better with my LG tv. I can plug my headphones into the phone and watch the tv. The cast hub will disconnect if you keep the headphones plugged in.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
See now the headphones thing that I do like hmmmm okay looks like I will end up buying one lol
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using xda app-developers app
dakunclear said:
See now the headphones thing that I do like hmmmm okay looks like I will end up buying one lol
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using xda app-developers app
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It doesn't work with the hub. It works with my LG Tv mirror cast. However, if you have the hdmi adapter the headphones will work while it outputs video to you tv. I noticed this after the kitkat update.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
after rooting and CWM recovery, screen mirroring not working with kitkat even after using the mentioned patch any ideas?
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
eng.rego said:
after rooting and CWM recovery, screen mirroring not working with kitkat even after using the mentioned patch any ideas?
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
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the same here... and it seems theres no workaround...
for the previous android version 4.3 i used a patched file which worked with root, but with the new kitkat there is no such a file in the library folder..
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
eng.rego said:
for the previous android version 4.3 i used a patched file which worked with root, but with the new kitkat there is no such a file in the library folder..
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
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so, theres no way on kitkat?
Any one have fix this for rooted device?
as far as my findings go, try it with a stock kernel, even when rooted it should work then!
screen mirror fail note 3
Patch says not needed. Used to mirror from note 3 to tv thru my Sony BDP s3200 but quit after note 3 android update. BS. What to do? It was so clean and NO LAG AT ALL. PISSED

