Hi! I´m searching a ROM compatible for my ZTE V9800. Please help, i´m looking all over the web and i can´t find anything.
My Android version is: 4.0.4, kernel: 3.0.8-perf-svn22560 [email protected]
Chances are if you searched google and found nothing.... That none exist. You can ask about it here if you wish,
[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly]
Good luck!
Hello. i have a Zopo zp780 wich is bricked, but i can connect it to the flash tool.
The problem is a get an error "S_Storage_not_match (3178)" and i don't know what to do, or why it can be, i looked in the web, but i didn't find any information....
do anyone could help me?
Hi there,
I'm sorry but I can't find anything related to your question except this general thread: New Zopo zp780 Quad Core
Please post that in the thread bellow for more answers from the experts:
[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly]
Good luck
i tried to unlock my bootloader like this post says http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1319257 but with cwm 6.0.0 and i have 2 problem:
1 the cwm didnt instaled
2 at boot after the android logo the phone restarts....my zte blade is v 4.0 and it had android 4.1.2 instaled...
pls help
Hi there
You'd be best served asking for help from the experts who own your device just in that thread you are already linked.
Or you can try your luck in this general forum:
[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly]
Good luck
I need a recovery for my verykool s5017 and tried to change it but no method works for me, I hope they help me thanks ...
(I speak Spanish)
Hello and welcome to XDA.
After doing a couple of searches, I couldn't find recoveries or the device forum you are looking for.
I would suggest you to register an account and post your question over here Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting or [Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly] where you are most likely to get your answers.
Good luck
Hi everyone,
I was travelling through China a bought an inexpensive Oppo A31.
The current setup is called ColorOS, based on Android 4.4.4
Unfortunately the English translation is terrible, and I would like to install a different ROM.
My questions is,
- Where can I get a legit ROM for Oppo A31 (there are some doggy links to Lollipop and Marshmallow showing up on Google)?
Many thanks for your help,
I can't find a relevant thread on XDA for your device and issue. But you can ask about that here,
Android Development and Hacking > Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting > [Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly]
Good luck!
I have an Cosmote Smart Xceed phone wich is a rebrand of Gionee Elife E5. I have stock rom of Gionee and I want to unlock it because it was bought from Cosmote(Telekom actualy). I found few programs on the internet but it's not for my phone. Can someone help me?
Try posting your question here with all relevant details:
[Ask Any Question][Newbie Friendly]
The experts there may be able to help.
Good luck!