I've just rebooted my phone after creating a new partition table on my external sdcard following this guide.
Now I'm attempting to format the single partition I've created to ext4 but mke2fs says that it can't format mounted filesystem.
I've looked through the output of mount but nowhere does the external sdcard appear.
Also, I'm doing this so I can symlink folders from my external sdcard to the internal sdcard. I've already tried Directory Binder but it does not work on Android Lollipop.
I have /dev/stl12 which is mounted to /system in my S5660
I want to first format the partition to ext2 with: mkfs.ext2
I want my rom to be flashed with a update.zip only after the partitions are all formatted.
Is there a good way to export my whole system partition to update.zip?
I want to use an app called aparted to partition my internal sdcard. It instructs me to disable the sdcard first by going into the settings>storage>unmount sdcard (I'm sure this would work fine if the Nexus S HAD an external sdcard slot, but it does not.
I tried going into adb shell and typing su,umount /sdcard but I get the error failed: Device or resource busy and that's as far as I can get. Please Advise Thanks
I figured out (for all intents and purposes) the internal sd card cannot be unmounted if the phone is booted normaly.
So I booted to recovery and did
adb shell
parted /dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/media
Model: Unknown (unknown)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0p3: 14.3GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos
Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 512B 9000MB 9000MB primary fat32 lba
2 9000MB 13.1GB 4103MB primary ext2
3 13.1GB 14.3GB 1209MB primary
but when i try to mount the internal sd card with say CWM it says error mounting /sdcard
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Again
Here my question: I want to connect my ntfs HD on my tablet, but it is partitioned into three parts. Any idea?
THanks !
I just try usb flash drive with 3 ntfs partitions. Tablet recognise all of them. One partition - one directory in /Removable/USBdisk1/. If it doesn't work for You and You have root access try to mount it manualy:
# mount -t ntfs /dev/block/sda{number_of_partition} /{path_to_mount}
e.g.: mount -t ntfs /dev/block/sda1 /Removable/USBdisk1/Drive1
Directory where You mount partition should exist.
Graiden05 said:
I just try usb flash drive with 3 ntfs partitions. Tablet recognise all of them. One partition - one directory in /Removable/USBdisk1/. If it doesn't work for You and You have root access try to mount it manualy:
# mount -t ntfs /dev/block/sda{number_of_partition} /{path_to_mount}
e.g.: mount -t ntfs /dev/block/sda1 /Removable/USBdisk1/Drive1
Directory where You mount partition should exist.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks ..
i looking for an automatically way to like plug and play
After trying few's apps, i found 2 apps that seem to be ok: "usb mount all" and "usb otg helper".
thanks for the help.
Hi !
So...that's my questition. My phone is SGS and i want to check in what file system the /data partition is formatted. Is there any way to do it ?
Thanks in advance, guys !
Open a shell (either install a terminal app or connect via USB and run "adb shell" on your computer) and run the command "mount". This will give you a list of all mounted filesystems. Look for the one mounted to /data.
For example, for my I9505, it reads:
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata /data ext4 rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noatime,journal_checksum,journal_async_commit,noauto_da_alloc,data=ordered 0 0
This means my /data is an Ext4 partition.
Open the terminal and run the command
you will see how and where all partitions are mounted.
For data partition, in my phone, it shows up
/dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /data ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
that means /data is mounted as ext4
Hi, I have a /data/media folder as the primary storage, but how can I add a secondary\external storage from another partition?
I have a fstab entry for the right partition.. but it doesn't do anything.. this was easier with kitkat and lollipop.
/devices/virtual/block/dm-6 auto vfat defaults voldmanaged=sdcard1:auto,nonremovable,encryptable=userdata