Any app to manage access to other apps on android? - General Topics

Is there any app to manage access to other applications? For example can I allow to run only image gallery?


[Q] Accessing Android Market

Is there any way to retrieve and download applications without using Market App?
I want to develop a new application that directly search and download applications.

deleting multiple pictures app

Is possible to have some app (homebrew) which can delete selected
Pictures in device ? Or some app exist yet?

DirectLink-new App that allows Access to all Your installed apps in one List and URL

Don't the have time for searching apps in your phone Or URL's in your browser?
Well now you have all in One Application!
All you need to do is just pick.
The application allows access to all the apps you have on your device, and allows you to add URL links that will automatically be saved when you exit from the device and shall thus be able to enter directly.
DirectLink on Google Play -

Is there no way to restrict folder access by app ?!

I'm currently using AFWall+ and Xprivacy to manage which app can access my data and which app can access the Internet.
I'm rooted and on CyanogenMod btw.
I basically just block Internet access for every apps and for those apps that really do require Internet access, I restrict what exactly these apps can access.
But there there are a couple of huge flaws in that system:
Let's say you install a hypothetical app to share your photos. That app needs Internet access and access to a folder containing your photos.
But there is no way to restrict access to just a single folder. You either grant access to your whole file system or you deny it completely.
So this app could easily spy on other things like your videos, music, confidential documents or whatever.
I know there are ways to secure folders with passwords, but when I put a password on my documents folder, my document reader won't be able to access that folder anymore.
Is there an app or Xposed module that I could use to simply specify which app can access which folders?
I don't know if this Xposed module AppOpsXposed could be an answer for you.
AppOpsXposed just let's you change app permissions, as in "Storage access: Yes/No". The same can be done with Xprivacy more safely and it is not what I'm looking for at all. I basically want to be able to set permissions on a per-folder basis.

Paralell Space Alternative

I've been using Paralell Space to clone apps and multiple accounts but there's a problem.
I need to use incognito install, because i don't want the installed apps to be visible on app drawer but Paralell Space incognito mode is not working(compatibility with android 7.x??).
Whenever i search an app, i get no results. If i instal via playstore, clone and then uninstall, apps get removed from Paralell Space too.
Anyone knows a similar app that have this requiriments:
- Incognito/Hidden install apps
- Use a password or fingerprint to access app, like Paralell Space
So far i've found a lot of similar apps, but always missing one of those requiriments. Or have incognito install and no security options, or have security options and no incognito install.

