ETA in Towel Root Lollipoop? - Shield Tablet Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Have the Towel Root guys given us an ETA on when it's cumming out for Lollipoop 5.0?

Are you serious? TowelRoot uses an exploit that got patched in Lollipop. Finding another exploit is not as trivial as updating the UI or something...
As a side note, I know we are mostly not native English speakers, but your "cumming" made my day You reeeeealy should check the autocorrection entries after pornsurfing on your device

isamu99 said:
Have the Towel Root guys given us an ETA on when it's cumming out for Lollipoop 5.0?
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The guy that did towelroot is now working for Google, so I don't see it getting updated even if/when new exploits are found.

Thanks for the replies. Do you think we as the community should make contact with the Towelroot guy and persuade him to quit Google, so he can continue making exploits for Android devices?

isamu99 said:
Thanks for the replies. Do you think we as the community should make contact with the Towelroot guy and persuade him to quit Google, so he can continue making exploits for Android devices?
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You can't be serious. Either way LMFAO
EDIT: "cumming"? And "lollipoop"? I'm starting to this this guy is just making jokes.

isamu99 said:
Thanks for the replies. Do you think we as the community should make contact with the Towelroot guy and persuade him to quit Google, so he can continue making exploits for Android devices?
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Hahaha....You're kidding right? Who'll pay his equivalent salary? You?

Unlock bootloader, install custom recovery, and superSU. Quicker than waiting for towelroot solution.
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Premium HD app

This thread already started off in the red, asking for ETA. With the quick degeneration, i am just going to end it here....


root on locked bootloader KITKAT in DROID RAZR MAXX HD? ?

have any one with root on latest kitkat with locked bootloader in MOTO DROID RAZR MAXX HD?
sachi9121 said:
have any one with root on latest kitkat with locked bootloader in MOTO DROID RAZR MAXX HD?
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No, Its currently not possible, and it isn't very likely that a way will be found.
TXKSSnapper said:
No, Its currently not possible, and it isn't very likely that a way will be found.
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Why is EVERYONE so quick to shoot down the fact this cannot be rooted. Is anyone trying?
Kin Kira said:
Why is EVERYONE so quick to shoot down the fact this cannot be rooted. Is anyone trying?
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if you were as fast at reading a few post in the General forum on this exact topic, as you are at posting about it here. you would already know, this has been gone over extensively, by people who know what they are doing. you would also know, that every option suggested has been thoroughly explored and tested. you would also know, that as far as anyone is aware, no one is publicly working on a solution, as this phone is past its prime and most if not all of the people capable of finding an exploit are not willing to spend time finding one.
had you read for 5 minutes before posting, you would already know this, #Just-Sayin
TXKSSnapper said:
No, Its currently not possible, and it isn't very likely that a way will be found.
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bweN diorD said:
if you were as fast at reading a few post in the General forum on this exact topic, as you are at posting about it here. you would already know, this has been gone over extensively, by people who know what they are doing. you would also know, that every option suggested has been thoroughly explored and tested. you would also know, that as far as anyone is aware, no one is publicly working on a solution, as this phone is past its prime and most if not all of the people capable of finding an exploit are not willing to spend time finding one.
had you read for 5 minutes before posting, you would already know this, #Just-Sayin
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There's phones well over a year and a half old still being played with. I'm simply shocked this isn't.
Kin Kira said:
There's phones well over a year and a half old still being played with. I'm simply shocked this isn't.
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last i checked the s5 kitkat root bounty was over $17,000, and thats a new phone.
that should tell you something about how hard it is on kk.
bweN diorD said:
last i checked the s5 kitkat root bounty was over $17,000, and thats a new phone.
that should tell you something about how hard it is on kk.
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Oh damn. It's KitKat that's the issue than? I'm out of the loop it seems. I was under the assumption it was the phone itself people couldn't root. It's KitKat that's causing the issue. Okay. Hmm, I wonder if there's any root methods for 4.4.2 yet....
Kin Kira said:
Why is EVERYONE so quick to shoot down the fact this cannot be rooted. Is anyone trying?
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Yes, attempts have been made. Alas, without any success. See here. And this is the thread for it.
Kin Kira said:
Oh damn. It's KitKat that's the issue than? I'm out of the loop it seems. I was under the assumption it was the phone itself people couldn't root. It's KitKat that's causing the issue. Okay. Hmm, I wonder if there's any root methods for 4.4.2 yet....
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Uh, that's what we've been saying. No, there's not except possibly for a few phones and all those methods have been tried with this and they didn't work as Motorola had already fixed those exploits.
The only way to root this phone under KitKat is to have an unlocked bootloader, and there is NO way to do that anymore, period.
The original unlocking exploit took the Dan a long time to find it and a lot of testing. That exploit is long gone and cannot be put back onto the phone as it was patched into a protected zone of the phone that even unlocked bootloaders do not have access to write to. So, there is NO way to flash back to a previous version of JB that had the exploit and have it "patch" the exploit back in. Yes, you'll go back to JB, but not exploit will be there.
And please understand the frustration from some of us - you're is possibly the 200th time this was asked. If you actually searched the forums and read the postings, you would see there are huge threads about this issue. That's the main reason why so many of us are frustrated with this question because it keeps getting asked and it's sitting right here in other threads and so, the forum is getting polluted with the same question being asked, over and over again. If people would just take the time to research for themselves rather than just jumping in and asking the question, it would make this forum lest polluted. What's funny is, the questions all come from people who have just registered on this forum (they all had posts < 10). It's very frustrating.

[Q] Rooting HTC One M8 Verizon?

Hello, I'm a little new the website but I've lurked around before. I've run out of ideas and don't want to break anything. I've recently temp rooted my HTC One M8 and would like to unlock the bootloader and S-Off so I may load a custom rom. I've done this once before on an older android device but with this one I simply cannot do it. Can anyone provide a tutorial on how I should go about this? I understand firewater no longer exists and I dont really want to pay for sunshine unless I have to. Also, my phone is running 4.4.4
Morbid Fable said:
Hello, I'm a little new the website but I've lurked around before. I've run out of ideas and don't want to break anything. I've recently temp rooted my HTC One M8 and would like to unlock the bootloader and S-Off so I may load a custom rom. I've done this once before on an older android device but with this one I simply cannot do it. Can anyone provide a tutorial on how I should go about this? I understand firewater no longer exists and I dont really want to pay for sunshine unless I have to. Also, my phone is running 4.4.4
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You don't have a choice, its the only method. If you don't want to pay $25 then you stay stock.
That was a little harsh @sjpritch25
Morbid Fable said:
That was a little harsh @sjpritch25
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Its true though
I didn't mean to be harsh. That wasn't my intent, I apologize if it came out that way. Just wanted to be honest.
sjpritch25 said:
I didn't mean to be harsh. That wasn't my intent, I apologize if it came out that way. Just wanted to be honest.
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Its all good I understand, me and my friend bought our phones around the same period of time and are looking to root it, while I want to support sunshine I refuse to pay 25$ for something I can just wait for.
I understand, but what's to say root will come without sunshine?
sjpritch25 said:
I understand, but what's to say root will come without sunshine?
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Not likely to happen

Will S6 Active be ROOTED?

Hey, I'm looking to pick up a new phone and the S6 Active looks fantastic. Will this phone eventually be rooted? Or, is it a possibility that the phone could go by the wayside and never receive a root option.
I really appreciate the information- I'm not too versed in all of this.
Thanks a lot.
heartofgold- said:
Hey, I'm looking to pick up a new phone and the S6 Active looks fantastic. Will this phone eventually be rooted? Or, is it a possibility that the phone could go by the wayside and never receive a root option.
I really appreciate the information- I'm not too versed in all of this.
Thanks a lot.
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Chances of it obtaining root ate slim, as pingpongroot was patched shortly before the active was released, and no exploit has been found since then. If it gets root it will require an entirely new exploit
Snowby123 said:
Chances of it obtaining root ate slim, as pingpongroot was patched shortly before the active was released, and no exploit has been found since then. If it gets root it will require an entirely new exploit
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Thank you!
heartofgold- said:
Thank you!
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Would it make sense that the S6 would be rooted when the version of android hits? So it would be a wait- but eventually- or is it really just unlikely to happen. Sorry if that's a repetitive question.

Backdoor to unlocking Bootloader Released

Check out @firewaterdevs's Tweet:
PDF on the backdoor vulnerability
Sweet! No more locked bootloader!
smokerbond said:
Sweet! No more locked bootloader!
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Not yet and there's nothing definite for us at the moment. There's only a handful of respective Dev's looking into and possibly working on this and if they are able to do anything they need a lot of respect and consideration from us as to THEY'RE the one's putting their time and sweat into OUR freedom of VZW's locked Bootloader. So when able, please give THANKS where it's due.
al50 said:
Not yet and there's nothing definite for us at the moment. There's only a handful of respective Dev's looking into and possibly working on this and if they are able to do anything they need a lot of respect and consideration from us as to THEY'RE the one's putting their time and sweat into OUR freedom of VZW's locked Bootloader. So when able, please give THANKS where it's due.
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I am not a dev or an expert but from what I have read, it has been done (repeatedly), it can be done, its already done.
We are waiting for:
1)Someone to release a ready to use program (npjohnson)
2)A donor aboot with CID
- CID is sometimes used as a device ID so I think we need someone willing to give that up or wait for Getex's device to come in
autonomousperson said:
I am not a dev or an expert but from what I have read, it has been done (repeatedly), it can be done, its already done.
We are waiting for:
1)Someone to release a ready to use program (npjohnson)
2)A donor aboot with CID
- CID is sometimes used as a device ID so I think we need someone willing to give that up or wait for Getex's device to come in
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Yes it has been done (repeatedly and only done by Beaups for his purposes only. I was referring to and meant when it is completeted and safe for OUR use if it's published. I know what's needed but that's to achieve unlocking the bootloader but there's more that GeTex wanted to be sure of when the BL was unlocked.
Wow this seems awesome and it seems that it would be easy enough to use i mean he says he released the code on github. Now it would just be using that to get unlocked bootloader and then now were not stuck on touchwiz.
Bootloaders are being unlocked if your cid starts with 15 if it starts with 11 no dice
Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Is there a tutorial or something that people are following, or just compiling beaups project and doing it manually?
Sparticuz said:
Is there a tutorial or something that people are following, or just compiling beaups project and doing it manually?
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Ummm, right over here in the development section......
I'm going to request a mod delete this pointless thread.
This is going nowhere so ..........
THIS THREAD IS CLOSED . . . thx ~~~ oka1

Att sm-g950u root??!?! Please see message

I have been trying to root this god forsaken phone. i have seen many people with roots but when i ask elsewhere i have not been directed to a viable source. i am somewhat tech savvy and i need a working root route. does anyone know where i can take care of it?
Kabianphoenix said:
I have been trying to root this god forsaken phone. i have seen many people with roots but when i ask elsewhere i have not been directed to a viable source. i am somewhat tech savvy and i need a working root route. does anyone know where i can take care of it?
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Kabianphoenix said:
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There are guides in the s8+threads on how to you should start there for your revision of bootloader
TheMadScientist said:
There are guides in the s8+threads on how to you should start there for your revision of bootloader
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Searching for a thread. Specifically one about rooting on here is like throwing a needle in thr ocean and finding that exact needle. Doubtful. Can u help by sharing a link ?

