How to easily get the most from your phones battery life - General Topics

some one said I should post this on a mainstream board, so it will help out others too, I am too lazy to edit the some things so please pretend that I am refering to JUST YOUR PHONE. This basically apply's to every ones phone. Even the iphone. so please ignore droid turbo and copy and paste your phone name. take everything with a grain of salt. I refuse to take any one seriously if you fail to see that you missed the point of my thread. here it comes (copy and paste lol desu).
So I pick up my Droid Trubo (only for the specs) and I noticed that Verizon is claiming that you can get a whole 48 hours off your phone with out having to charge your phone within those 48 hours. makes me giggle but the battery is a 3900mAh battery. Pretty sweet, but inevitably on day one release I have seen articles and posts of people claiming that they only get no less then 9-12 hours on there turbo before they have to charge..... (Not claiming I know all there is to phones) but I had a feeling that any one complaining about the battery on there phone probably (in fact i am 110% sure) that they have no idea what exactly takes up power usage on there phone. I charge my phone up to about 100 percent, I used it consistently watching you tube video's web browsing listening to music, all that jazz, you name it and I probably did it. After a whole 25 hours(in counting) my phone sat at a woping 67% battery charge. Verizon held up there part of the bargain and this is by no means them lieing to us. So I am going to start listing off on why your phone literally dies after only 5 hours.
1.Brightness: Thats rite folks, turning your brightness to the max is a very sexy way to speed up the process of killing your battery, I highly recommend that you simply set the brightness to automatic and you should be set. Brightness kills your battery, but this is not the only thing that you probably goofed in, lets read on.
1.Wallpaper: You know, I kinda don't consider this one to be much of a big deal, but it is true non the less(still kinda not that big of deal) but have LIVE wallpaper does consume much more power vs having just a normal wallpaper background.
3. Mother fu**ing gps/location : So I noticed that every one and there grandmother, turns on the GPS/location(well, more like you hit yes to turn it on and forgot about it sense) setting on there device for Google map, or maybe you want your friends to know where your making yourself look lost with selfie picks of Facebook or instagram. Now let me tell you having the gps setting to detect your location or use it on google maps KILLS YOUR BATTERY faster then you can say "How do i get to the control panel?". Generally on your average phone your looking at (if your lucky) a solid 4-6 hours before you have to charge your phone because you have this on all the time(and probably everything else I list aswell). The GPS tracking system is always on REGARDLESS if you are or not using google maps, facebook, instagram etc. I can imagine that with turbo you would only survive for a good 10 hours before you have to charge your phone again. Make sure you go into your phone setting and turn of gps location and only use it when you need it at that time.
Mobile and Wifi usage: Now, Of course this takes up power, but I always get a kick out of watching every one have there wifi AND there mobile data active at the same time. This is very effective for killing your phone sooner, rather then later. Dont get me wrong your phone is either going to use one or the other, but its still outputting power to keep a connection, VS having it actually turned off, and having it simply notify you that there is a connection available.
Now Maybe alot of you are like "this guy does not know what he's talking about I have this on all the time and I still only get 10 hours". If you are thinking this, I recommend you take the moment to stand up take 2 steps back and punch yourself in the stomach, when your able to breath come back and go through the steps in making sure that your phone does not have all these setting turn on at ones.
Ya, ultimately this is the bread and butter list that kills peoples battery's that I see all the time (dont play yourself, you know who you are) . So I guess I will go just a little more in-depth on how I get an easy 48 hours on the phone with no sweat.
Ultimately, when I am at my house, I keep my wifi data on, with my brightness set to auto. As far as Droids turbo goes, this will be easy peasy for your phone to get to the whole day, go ahead and watch some you-tube videos, hell take a bunch of pictures while your at it, (fun fact, your video recorder is pretty niffty for draining battery) I only turn my gps location on when I need to get from point A to Point B and always remember to turn it of after I am done using it.
I want to talk about 1 more technical thing before I Wrap this up, I notice that some people say "I checked my battery today and it says that this app took up 30% of my power! WTF? I disabled it and removed it). you guys mite want to pay better attention to the battery, for example, my phone lost about a good 5% after like 1-2 hours of you-tube or something, when I looked at the battery status rite from the get go, it told me that you tube took 70% of my power usage. but mind you, your phone is telling you it took up 70% of power in the 5% battery period. some people don't pay close attention to these details so when they go on there battery status at the end of the day they do back-flips for days on the fact that there app or (my favorite) screen took up so much power on there phones.
Ya my guide is not the best, just posting this out there to hopefully get this concept through to some people. I am just your average power user, with a nice phone, and a ton of trig homework to catch up on, feel free to ask me any question, I mite go and post this in the general/Q & A threads.
Just got done proof reading, If things are still terrible, I recommend you kill it with fire, and hyperventilate until your amazon prime order of frozen yogurt arrives at the back of your basement step.
UPDATE: Ok, just so I stop getting bombarded with these pointless reply's (who am I kidding some one is still gonna call me a dumbass am I rite?) this is what I expect for you guys to get out of this thread, I will use myself in this example).
ME : let's see so I turned off all my features on the phone (or for what ever reason some of you like to call it a dumb phone). Now everything is OFF.
- I am sitting down and I want to shoot a text or make a phone call to my friend. I do just that that and......OH SNAP! I don't need my mobile 4g lte to be turned on if all I am doing is sending/receiving text messages/phone calls. Sweet! BUT WAIT, I want to go on SPACE-BOOK AND want to know when people post comments on my selfies! Then I will simply keep my mobile data on 24/7(when I am at home switch to my wifi and turn off mobile) so I can retrieve those oh so important selfie updates! I know keeping mobile data on at all times will drain my batter faster then having it off, but for just posting comments on space-book, or doing web serfing that should be of no problem ESPECIALLY if you have the turbo. So flick the mobile data on if you want to know whats going on in your twitter or what have you. I don't twitter, space-book, instagram or any of that Personally, I only turn on mobile data when I need to web browse (I do heavy web browsing myself, but that wont be too much battery drain.). Thats just me. Pick your options and learn what takes up more power when you do it. Learn what you need to do to accomplish these goals through out the day because lets face it people, selfies make the world go round. I mean if you go to the gym and work out for 2 hours but did not take a selfie, then it does not count. every one know that! (to keep myself sain, you will notice I will constantly be mis pronouncing names and I will be using Selfies as a general term for "those people" that like to take pictures of everything. I have to point this out because some one will say "I dont just take selfies I take "insert stupid category here" with my phone! YES because I am sure what ever pictures you take is of that much different from selfies!")
2. Alrgiht! So I leave my mobile data on all the time go web serfing and I take selfies of myself looking lost in towns. No problem for the droid turbo! but you know what? I also want to watch a bunch of video's! whatching video's on your phone will of course drain the battery faster (stack that on with user number 1.) though it does take away more power from your phone its not that bad if the video is actually on your phone, what's that? you want to go to youtube and watch 720 or 1080p cat video's. Thats gonna cost more resources, your going to need your phone to output its data connection to start STREAMING 720 or 1080p cat video's! Thats pretty demanding for anyphone regardless. If you do it here and there through out the day, you will lose power faster, but if you stream 720p cat video's all day, then your turbo probably wont survive the 24 hour mark. (2 hours streaming cat videos and 2 girls one cup is not going to destroy your phone but it will require a nice chunk of your battery non the less).
3. HOLD ON NOW, I need people to know where I am at 24/7 so lets flick on that locations app! once again this will stack on to your demanding needs of power, 24/7 mobile data turn on with your 2 hours of streaming 720p cat video's and 2 girls 1 cup, with selfies (lets not forget your camera and video record do tend to take up power giving you those true HD pictures. Now you got your phone Twerking to constantly feed your location to your app. Then it costs even more power when you use it.
4. I also want max screen brightness and my Bluetooth (though bluetooth is not so bad, just depends how you use it) for my headphones....I also want to have high frequency mode turned on while im at it too so I can use gps!.....with a LIVE wallpaper!
Do you guys see where I am getting at with all this? you need to treat your phone like a car. you need to know what features take up how much power and how long you plan to keep them on. I am not telling you, to turn EVERYTHING OFF and boom 48 hours. I am telling you that your phone has a **** ton of power and its up to you to learn what apps and what features drain how much power and how fast and how long do you plann to use it? You may think its so small or it does not take that much power but the more you stack things on to your phone the more power its going to need. You need to think about it like if it was yourself. If I told you to walk for one mile you would totally (I hope) be fine doing it no sweat, but what If i told you to RUN for one mile your body is going to take way more energy to make you run at a descent pace vs walking. I really do hope (in my opinion) my fun explanation helps you guys understand the concept's of phone power usage. Over time if your like me and a few other power users I know, you will have absolutely no problems what so ever keeping your phone alive, because we piratically know when its going to die and when we will need to charge. comes with experience.
Final note: just remember, if you think this is stupid or all this is a waist of time, then I recommend punching yourself in the stomach and simply waiting for that amazon prime order of frozen yogurt to arrive at your door step. that's all I got to say, Im gonna go through and proof read this so it does not sound too dumb (i gotta get back to that trig homework). I need to emphasize though, if your gonna be naive and not see the point of my thread, just punch you self in the stomach and take a selfie saying you just got done working out, it works EVERY TIME, I promise!


New Fuze(AT&T) stock config and performance

Just got my Fuze Saturday. Due to family gatherings and work alligators, haven't had much time to dink with it, but here are some items that y'all may find interesting. Let me start out by saying that I played with the demo model in the AT&T store a few weeks ago, and saw the lag and other things that have been reported here.
My Fuze (for now) is completely stock. No tweaks, no apps, no SD card. Only thing I've done is sync contacts. I wanted to have a chance to play with it like this, so I'd have a baseline feel before mods.
ROM - 1.95.502.5 WWE
Radio -
I put a full charge (wall charger) on it after getting it, so as of noon Sunday it had a full battery. Since then, I definitely haven't been power using it, haven't used or played with GPS, no BT pairing, but I am in a 3G area (have left it on) and had wifi enabled half of the time. I've done about 30 texts, half a dozen short calls, manual email tx/rx half a dozen times a day, played with most of the goodies (stock games, weather, camera(w & w/o flash), video recording, CV, browsers, etc.) The battery finally showed low message this morning (Tuesday), so I'm recharging for the first time since the initial charge Sunday. Maybe my expectations are low, coming from an original iPhone, but so far the battery life appears to be much better that expected.
Most of the lag is either gone or minimal (unless I've got everything on the phone opened up at the same time, which has happened a couple time during this 'exploration' stage). So far, nothing has hiccuped or hung, so no need for a reset.
I'm sure that during the next few days, now that I have some down time to really ring it out, I'll find the clay feet (yes, I'm actually wimping out and going thru the users guide to try everything out before I start updating). I do miss the iPhone big screen, I'm adjusting to having to 'press' the touch screen (it's response is also much better than the demo unit), but I am very happy with my decision to get this guy. Personally, I love the form factor, It's heaven having a real keyboard (and the row of punctuation across the top), not to mention it's feature set and potential.
If there's anything that someone wants me to check out with this ROM version, let me know. Be forewarned I'm not a noobie to smartphones (I'm a junkie) but I am a noobie to twiddling them. That's one of the reasons I got this...I see it as a new hobby
here is a little battery burner test, enable the HSDPA and listen to music while broswering the internet, make sure the light sensor is on so it could turn up the brightness on ur screen and tell us how much batter life you get, if u get bored of broswering the internet, watch live tv, via orb or slingbox media player.
Get NATF's rom, v3.2 best rom out right now...

[Q] App that tells time when asked

I'm rather near sighted so unless I duct tape the alarm clock to my head I have no chance in hell to actually see the numbers displayed on it at night without contacts or glasses. I've been looking around for app that does one simple thing: tell me the time when i say "time" (or something similar).
My search so far has come up mostly short. I found an app that tells me the time when I shake, touch, or wave my hand over the device. There are also half a million bad Siri knockoffs that will tell me the time if I push a button. However what I really want is an app that monitors audio the entire night and doesn't need to be prodded in any way to notice me speaking to it.
There has to be something out there that can do this. I mean, the built in voice thing responds to "hi galaxy" which could in theory work if it would just understand when I ask it for the time. There are also sleep recorders and such apps that obviously don't mind monitoring audio all night long, as long as you plug it in so power isn't an issue.
Does anyone have any ideas for such an app?
EDIT: If I'm to be very feature-greedy I also wouldn't mind if it turned on the LED when I say "lights" or something like that, but I imagine that's more than just a little bit unlikly to exist
EDIT2: Forgot I was in a general part of the forum, so just to be clear, will be using this on a galaxy s ii or galaxy tab 7.0 plus
The device doesn't really matter, such app should run on any device.
I like the idea!
I will give it a shot after my exam on thursday, but no promises , already have some cool ideas .
You should be aware that this is not battery efficient at all and if your phone is not connected to a charger it might run empty during the night.
Dark3n said:
You should be aware that this is not battery efficient at all and if your phone is not connected to a charger it might run empty during the night.
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Of course, as I said that's what sleep talk monitors require too.
I did actually find something...on my iPad. There are a couple of apps like that on iOS. I ended up with one where you simply clap to hear the time. Hasn't been updated in ages but still works. There's another one that you actually say "time" to but I think you need to say its name to wake it up first, so didn't even try that one.
Would definitely prefer to have it on Android though, so would be awesome f you got something working
EDIT: decided to buy the other app for iOS just to make a video as a reference:
Seems that development simply stopped on that one. Not been updated in ages. Having to say "hello kei" every time is indeed annoying
Spent my first night with the clap activated clock on the iPad. Wow, this truly makes a world of difference to someone like me who's practically blind without glasses or contacts. Ended up waking up a few times during the night, especially close to the time to get up, so being able to get the time without fumbling around for glasses and actually waking up in the process literally made it easier to sleep too

[Q] Battery life, specifically for hard core camera users?

So I called T-mo about a broken BB9900 (yes, long time BB user here) and oddly enough they offered the one s under my BB warranty. Weird but ok. I really like the one s and android and almost went with the htc amaze back when I was trying to decided between BB and android. I love the size of the S and will probably only really miss the keyboard of my BB but anyway, not trying to start a debate about phones, sorry. So, coming from BB, which are notorious for long battery life, I am wondering how a one s would stack up.
I am a drive by home inspector. Meaning I drive by houses and snap a pic or two and usually bluetooth the pics over to my lap top sitting on the front seat to up load them to my company. I probably visit 60-80 houses a day and take a couple of pics of each. Usually don't use the flash, only every now and then. My BB will generally make it till mid afternoon before needing to be charged. Since starting this job I don't use the phone for conversations much anymore nor do I use the internet or media features much. Mainly pics, texts, and emails.
I have read great things about this phone and the battery life but nothing specific to my type usage. Anyone have any experience with the phone using it kinda like that?
Oh, and not sure if it matters or not but camera setting are on the very smallest pic it can take. Not taking quality pics just quantity.
cecoen said:
So I called T-mo about a broken BB9900 (yes, long time BB user here) and oddly enough they offered the one s under my BB warranty. Weird but ok. I really like the one s and android and almost went with the htc amaze back when I was trying to decided between BB and android. I love the size of the S and will probably only really miss the keyboard of my BB but anyway, not trying to start a debate about phones, sorry. So, coming from BB, which are notorious for long battery life, I am wondering how a one s would stack up.
I am a drive by home inspector. Meaning I drive by houses and snap a pic or two and usually bluetooth the pics over to my lap top sitting on the front seat to up load them to my company. I probably visit 60-80 houses a day and take a couple of pics of each. Usually don't use the flash, only every now and then. My BB will generally make it till mid afternoon before needing to be charged. Since starting this job I don't use the phone for conversations much anymore nor do I use the internet or media features much. Mainly pics, texts, and emails.
I have read great things about this phone and the battery life but nothing specific to my type usage. Anyone have any experience with the phone using it kinda like that?
Oh, and not sure if it matters or not but camera setting are on the very smallest pic it can take. Not taking quality pics just quantity.
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based on my experience when i went out of town for a vacation, i used my One S as my primary camera for the whole trip. i unplugged the phone at exactly 8 AM in the morning, during the trip, i captured exactly 148 photos in total, when i get back home at around 9-10 PM in the evening, the battery still has 18% remaining. i'm quite happy with it. not mentioning that i played music on the road, played games a little, and texted a couple of SMS. the battery life of the HOS is great!

How to get the most out of your phones battery, reas on!

ome one said I should post this on a mainstream board, so it will help out others too, I am too lazy to edit the some things so please pretend that I am refering to JUST YOUR PHONE. This basically apply's to every ones phone. Even the iphone. so please ignore droid turbo and copy and paste your phone name. take everything with a grain of salt. I refuse to take any one seriously if you fail to see that you missed the point of my thread. here it comes (copy and paste lol desu).
So I pick up my Droid Trubo (only for the specs) and I noticed that Verizon is claiming that you can get a whole 48 hours off your phone with out having to charge your phone within those 48 hours. makes me giggle but the battery is a 3900mAh battery. Pretty sweet, but inevitably on day one release I have seen articles and posts of people claiming that they only get no less then 9-12 hours on there turbo before they have to charge..... (Not claiming I know all there is to phones) but I had a feeling that any one complaining about the battery on there phone probably (in fact i am 110% sure) that they have no idea what exactly takes up power usage on there phone. I charge my phone up to about 100 percent, I used it consistently watching you tube video's web browsing listening to music, all that jazz, you name it and I probably did it. After a whole 25 hours(in counting) my phone sat at a woping 67% battery charge. Verizon held up there part of the bargain and this is by no means them lieing to us. So I am going to start listing off on why your phone literally dies after only 5 hours.
1.Brightness: Thats rite folks, turning your brightness to the max is a very sexy way to speed up the process of killing your battery, I highly recommend that you simply set the brightness to automatic and you should be set. Brightness kills your battery, but this is not the only thing that you probably goofed in, lets read on.
1.Wallpaper: You know, I kinda don't consider this one to be much of a big deal, but it is true non the less(still kinda not that big of deal) but have LIVE wallpaper does consume much more power vs having just a normal wallpaper background.
3. Mother fu**ing gps/location : So I noticed that every one and there grandmother, turns on the GPS/location(well, more like you hit yes to turn it on and forgot about it sense) setting on there device for Google map, or maybe you want your friends to know where your making yourself look lost with selfie picks of Facebook or instagram. Now let me tell you having the gps setting to detect your location or use it on google maps KILLS YOUR BATTERY faster then you can say "How do i get to the control panel?". Generally on your average phone your looking at (if your lucky) a solid 4-6 hours before you have to charge your phone because you have this on all the time(and probably everything else I list aswell). The GPS tracking system is always on REGARDLESS if you are or not using google maps, facebook, instagram etc. I can imagine that with turbo you would only survive for a good 10 hours before you have to charge your phone again. Make sure you go into your phone setting and turn of gps location and only use it when you need it at that time.
Mobile and Wifi usage: Now, Of course this takes up power, but I always get a kick out of watching every one have there wifi AND there mobile data active at the same time. This is very effective for killing your phone sooner, rather then later. Dont get me wrong your phone is either going to use one or the other, but its still outputting power to keep a connection, VS having it actually turned off, and having it simply notify you that there is a connection available.
Now Maybe alot of you are like "this guy does not know what he's talking about I have this on all the time and I still only get 10 hours". If you are thinking this, I recommend you take the moment to stand up take 2 steps back and punch yourself in the stomach, when your able to breath come back and go through the steps in making sure that your phone does not have all these setting turn on at ones.
Ya, ultimately this is the bread and butter list that kills peoples battery's that I see all the time (dont play yourself, you know who you are) . So I guess I will go just a little more in-depth on how I get an easy 48 hours on the phone with no sweat.
Ultimately, when I am at my house, I keep my wifi data on, with my brightness set to auto. As far as Droids turbo goes, this will be easy peasy for your phone to get to the whole day, go ahead and watch some you-tube videos, hell take a bunch of pictures while your at it, (fun fact, your video recorder is pretty niffty for draining battery) I only turn my gps location on when I need to get from point A to Point B and always remember to turn it of after I am done using it.
I want to talk about 1 more technical thing before I Wrap this up, I notice that some people say "I checked my battery today and it says that this app took up 30% of my power! WTF? I disabled it and removed it). you guys mite want to pay better attention to the battery, for example, my phone lost about a good 5% after like 1-2 hours of you-tube or something, when I looked at the battery status rite from the get go, it told me that you tube took 70% of my power usage. but mind you, your phone is telling you it took up 70% of power in the 5% battery period. some people don't pay close attention to these details so when they go on there battery status at the end of the day they do back-flips for days on the fact that there app or (my favorite) screen took up so much power on there phones.
Ya my guide is not the best, just posting this out there to hopefully get this concept through to some people. I am just your average power user, with a nice phone, and a ton of trig homework to catch up on, feel free to ask me any question, I mite go and post this in the general/Q & A threads.
Just got done proof reading, If things are still terrible, I recommend you kill it with fire, and hyperventilate until your amazon prime order of frozen yogurt arrives at the back of your basement step.
UPDATE: Ok, just so I stop getting bombarded with these pointless reply's (who am I kidding some one is still gonna call me a dumbass am I rite?) this is what I expect for you guys to get out of this thread, I will use myself in this example).
ME : let's see so I turned off all my features on the phone (or for what ever reason some of you like to call it a dumb phone). Now everything is OFF.
- I am sitting down and I want to shoot a text or make a phone call to my friend. I do just that that and......OH SNAP! I don't need my mobile 4g lte to be turned on if all I am doing is sending/receiving text messages/phone calls. Sweet! BUT WAIT, I want to go on SPACE-BOOK AND want to know when people post comments on my selfies! Then I will simply keep my mobile data on 24/7(when I am at home switch to my wifi and turn off mobile) so I can retrieve those oh so important selfie updates! I know keeping mobile data on at all times will drain my batter faster then having it off, but for just posting comments on space-book, or doing web serfing that should be of no problem ESPECIALLY if you have the turbo. So flick the mobile data on if you want to know whats going on in your twitter or what have you. I don't twitter, space-book, instagram or any of that Personally, I only turn on mobile data when I need to web browse (I do heavy web browsing myself, but that wont be too much battery drain.). Thats just me. Pick your options and learn what takes up more power when you do it. Learn what you need to do to accomplish these goals through out the day because lets face it people, selfies make the world go round. I mean if you go to the gym and work out for 2 hours but did not take a selfie, then it does not count. every one know that! (to keep myself sain, you will notice I will constantly be mis pronouncing names and I will be using Selfies as a general term for "those people" that like to take pictures of everything. I have to point this out because some one will say "I dont just take selfies I take "insert stupid category here" with my phone! YES because I am sure what ever pictures you take is of that much different from selfies!")
2. Alrgiht! So I leave my mobile data on all the time go web serfing and I take selfies of myself looking lost in towns. No problem for the droid turbo! but you know what? I also want to watch a bunch of video's! whatching video's on your phone will of course drain the battery faster (stack that on with user number 1.) though it does take away more power from your phone its not that bad if the video is actually on your phone, what's that? you want to go to youtube and watch 720 or 1080p cat video's. Thats gonna cost more resources, your going to need your phone to output its data connection to start STREAMING 720 or 1080p cat video's! Thats pretty demanding for anyphone regardless. If you do it here and there through out the day, you will lose power faster, but if you stream 720p cat video's all day, then your turbo probably wont survive the 24 hour mark. (2 hours streaming cat videos and 2 girls one cup is not going to destroy your phone but it will require a nice chunk of your battery non the less).
3. HOLD ON NOW, I need people to know where I am at 24/7 so lets flick on that locations app! once again this will stack on to your demanding needs of power, 24/7 mobile data turn on with your 2 hours of streaming 720p cat video's and 2 girls 1 cup, with selfies (lets not forget your camera and video record do tend to take up power giving you those true HD pictures. Now you got your phone Twerking to constantly feed your location to your app. Then it costs even more power when you use it.
4. I also want max screen brightness and my Bluetooth (though bluetooth is not so bad, just depends how you use it) for my headphones....I also want to have high frequency mode turned on while im at it too so I can use gps!.....with a LIVE wallpaper!
Do you guys see where I am getting at with all this? you need to treat your phone like a car. you need to know what features take up how much power and how long you plan to keep them on. I am not telling you, to turn EVERYTHING OFF and boom 48 hours. I am telling you that your phone has a **** ton of power and its up to you to learn what apps and what features drain how much power and how fast and how long do you plann to use it? You may think its so small or it does not take that much power but the more you stack things on to your phone the more power its going to need. You need to think about it like if it was yourself. If I told you to walk for one mile you would totally (I hope) be fine doing it no sweat, but what If i told you to RUN for one mile your body is going to take way more energy to make you run at a descent pace vs walking. I really do hope (in my opinion) my fun explanation helps you guys understand the concept's of phone power usage. Over time if your like me and a few other power users I know, you will have absolutely no problems what so ever keeping your phone alive, because we piratically know when its going to die and when we will need to charge. comes with experience.
Final note: just remember, if you think this is stupid or all this is a waist of time, then I recommend punching yourself in the stomach and simply waiting for that amazon prime order of frozen yogurt to arrive at your door step. that's all I got to say, Im gonna go through and proof read this so it does not sound too dumb (i gotta get back to that trig homework). I need to emphasize though, if your gonna be naive and not see the point of my thread, just punch you self in the stomach and take a selfie saying you just got done working out, it works EVERY TIME, I promise!
Thank you for these info..
sharkboy0328 said:
Thank you for these info..
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Your welcome

Android Wear - A preproduction?

I'll make no excuse for the title as it seems to fit quite well for how I feel about it.
About two weeks ago I purchased a Sony SW3. Lovely watch and kindof does what I want BUT.... Android wear seems little more than a proof of concept.
At the risk of infuriating AW fans, here are some of my observations:
- I turn gestures off, but the watch still turns itself on when I turn my wrist, this is intermittent behaviour but this can't be rocket science to fix and I'm on V5!
- Was travelling somewhere strange the other day and I routinely add the address of where I'm going to my diary entry (Google calendar). When I was reminded to leave, I was offer the opportunity to navigate there, but I was using a train for most of the journey so only wanted to use navigate when I got the the end station. Call up the 'agenda' entry on my watch, can see the entry, can see the address, but do you think I could get the navigate function to work... NO, touching the address didn;t work, voice commands didn't recognise the foreign restaurant name, and I had no way of entering the address manually! Arrgh
- Cards/notices appearing. What a lovely feature, each time I get a message, email or whatever, my watch lights up and buzzes. Really? Ok I can see that some will find this useful, but really I want to gentle reminder , eg a buzz and if it's convenient I'll see what caused it by switching it on. A bit like theatre/Cinema mode, but I need the vibration to alert me... What I don't need is the thing lighting up every time I get a 'notice', draining the battery and telling everyone who can see! I get quite a few messages and find it strange this feature has not been considered/withdrawn by now. In fact the only useful time the watch should light up is an incoming call so I can see who and accept/reject.
- Whilst on the subject of rejecting a call, why doesn't it offer me the option of rejecting and sending a text message at the same time, a bit like you can when you reject a call on the handset.... Seems an obvious feature really.
- OK Google, doesn't launch applications I've downloaded, eg: I downloaded from the apps store a compass application. OK Google, compass - it gets me info on a company called compass!
- OK Google, Natigate to (insert a name of a contact)... Brings up a linkedin profile....
OK, rant over and I'm happy to concede that it may be my ignorance that I am frustrated so I'm happy to be correctly by fellow early adopters.... Or am I not alone
You've done the same mistake as all wear beginners when it comes to gestures. Forget that setting in watch menu and instead investigate wear companion app settings closer.
Hi thanks for the advice. Just searched the store but couldn't find anything. Suggestions appreciated?
The wear companion app is the app on your phone which you connect to your phone via. Click cog wheel. Click watch name. Untick tilt to wake option.
When I tell my watch to navigate to somewhere, a beautiful Maps shows up and gets me there... I think you are too fast at judging A.Wear Take time to discover it!
Install Android wear mini launcher also.
Android Wear is built to be minimal - it compliments your phone, it's not supposed to replace it. It just decreases the amount of times you have to pull your phone out of your pocket.
The Apple Watch is the one that's supposed to "replace" your phone in more instances. It's more complicated.
Android Wear is for quick replies, information, and helpful tools.
Welcome to the team by the way!
Sent from my Blu using Tapatalk
So, the recommendation I have heard over and over again is in order to increase battery life, disable the features that make the watch useful. Tilt to wake is important, and disabling it on the sw3 does not significantly improve battery life. There are problems with this software. I am on my third watch, and still after a lot of tweaking only get 24 hours (when I am lucky) per charge. This watch is supposed to last over two days. When I am not lucky, I get two hours on a charge.
lekofraggle said:
So, the recommendation I have heard over and over again is in order to increase battery life, disable the features that make the watch useful. Tilt to wake is important, and disabling it on the sw3 does not significantly improve battery life. There are problems with this software. I am on my third watch, and still after a lot of tweaking only get 24 hours (when I am lucky) per charge. This watch is supposed to last over two days. When I am not lucky, I get two hours on a charge.
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Yeah. battery life was great on 5.0.2 We just have to wait until the next update, which both sony and google have said that they are working on.
Recharge once a day, and on unplugging, restart the watch. Many people have reported this gives the best results. FWIW I have all options turned on, and as long as I'm not hit with the bug, battery life is about what it was before 5.1.1.
Interesting, but...
Thanks everybody for your thoughts.
Firstly, I have tried switching off motion gestures using the Phones Wear application, but there wasn't an independent setting. I therefore downloaded a third party 'advance setting' application. It offered me more choices but didn't make a blind bit of difference.
Secondly, gestures are a personal thing so I'm not speaking for everybody. As I've already said I don't want the watch switching on every time I turn my wrist (my lifestyle is to active and I find it switching on when I'm doing something rather than when I want to read the time or message) or when I get a message (as I said before I want to choose when I read my messages and I don't want anyone close by to A) see I've got a message and B) be able to read the subject and who it's from). In addition battery life is, for the foreseeable future, a finite resource and all this switching on will reduce the battery life of the watch so it really annoys me that a simple setting 'Gesture OFF' is being completely ignored. I would also vote for 'Cinema mode, including vibrate'..
Thirdly, Yesterday, not for the first time, my battery drained itself in about half a day so I had to recharge the watch by about 3pm. But this time it was a little different. First thing in the morning I noticed the watch struggling to connect to my wifi, it would connect and then connect and then connect. Before anyone jumps on me saying there a problem with my wifi, there are about 10 devices that connect to my wifi and none of them get a problem. In addition I have more than one access point by different manufacturers and the watch has access to two different access points. Security is by password AND MAC address. This got me thinking. Is the wifi chip going into overdrive when it's not connected to an access point and draining the battery? I can't say for sure, but I did notice that the other days the battery suddenly drains is when I'm out and about so it may have been attempting to attached to all the access points when I'm walking about... Only a theory, but what does everybody else think?
Yea. Drain is somewhere between decent and awful depending on setup. I get two days out of mine.
Gestures is not the same as "tilt to wake". Gestures are let you interact with Google cards by flipping your wrist. Tilt to wake is what you're after. It does just what it says and is turned off in the wear companion app on your phone. The app is called "android wear" and in the app you press a cog wheel symbol, then press the name of your watch. They're you'll find three check box settings.
Always-on screen (eats your battery like omnomnom)
Tilt to wake screen (the one you're after)
Show Google cards (shows notifications on watch)
Two days?
Wow you're getting two days out of your battery, I can only dream...
Actually I'm not being truthful with the above. After my discovery with WiFi yesterday, I turned it off today. But for good measure, I switched screen on, to on.
It's been 18 hours off charge and the battery still has 56% left... OK it's not quite a day yet and as with all testing needs to be conducted over a few days but what a difference, even better considering your comment about the battery drain with the screen on!
Thank you for the tip re tilt to wake, I've now turned it off so in theory that should improve the battery life still further.
If today's results become consistent over the next few days it'll pretty conclusive that there's a problem with the WiFi.
I tried tilt to wake for a day. It went on all the time. Always on is so dim I can't see the watch anyway. I use tap to wake with highest brightness
I've just started to try gestures. I wanna see if it's a gimmick or actually useful.
WiFi to blame
OK, is been two nearly three days since I switched WiFi off.
In that time by the end of the day (with the watch face always on) I've been left with between 50% to 25% depending on actual use. Given that it sometimes would run out of battery by 3pm this is a great improvement and highlights that there are serious problems with the WiFi implementation.
I'm now happy I purchased
I like the tilt to wake but I notice it comes on a lot. Especially when I drive at night and my whole car lights up. I like the tilt features for scrolling through notifications. I wish there was one for dismissing, but that would probably lead to missed cards.
My LG G Watch is pretty much ready for a charge by the end of the day.
Sadly my hopes for a smart watch was to save battery life on my phone, but I am finding that bluetooth on all day tends to yield me the same battery life as if I just pull my phone out each time. Overall i love the watch for when I am in the pool and busy at work.
I agree!
Tilt to wake is problematic and poorly thought through as there are way to many scenarios where it activates when not required.
I can see the logic behind moving through cards via tilt but for me I continue to switch this off as well as I find it's very easy using my other hand and there are not many time I can't do that unless driving, but then, I shouldn't be reading my messages when driving anyway... : -)
Also since turning WiFi off, after 18 hours off charge I normally have between 30-40 battery left so the battery life has stabilised.
Now looking forward to the next Sony smart watch that should be release in November.
Latest update of the port to Samsung gear 2 allows for screen always on for two workdays. I can go with that. On my wishlist now is dismiss card gesture.
I actually like the gestures. With them on, I easily go through a day. On the weekends I can see me turning it off just to conserve battery. But I use it to turn on the screen and flip through notifications all the time, and seems pretty consistant. It always does what I want when I want. The problem is it comes on when I dont want.
If the watch had an AMOLED, you could fix this by using the same black face for both ambient and active modes.
I really like the Gear S, but hopefully the 2nd gen Android watches include some of the same features. Honestly all I need from the LG G Watch is a speaker and I'd be set.
I'm using Sony Z ultra and really want to buy SW3 for more option. Howere, when i see your review, i'm a little bit dissapointed:crying:
I can understand your disappointment, but I'm not disappointed as I consider it to be new technology and I was keen to get in early and I expected some issues.
For my part, I'm now very happy with my purchase and Amazon in the UK are now selling it at just under £100 so I also believe good value.
I am however, beginning to wonder if Wifi is the cause of the battery drain. Whilst I haven't had Wifi on since my first observation I'm thinking now it is probably a shirt sleeve activating the watch when I'm not aware and thats draining the battery very quickly. It's early days at the moment, but on two occasions I've been out and wearing a coat, on both occasions the battery was dead by the time I got home. Today I went out and wore a coat but switched cinema mode on... Battery perfect! Needs some more testing, but....
lekofraggle said:
So, the recommendation I have heard over and over again is in order to increase battery life, disable the features that make the watch useful. Tilt to wake is important, and disabling it on the sw3 does not significantly improve battery life. There are problems with this software. I am on my third watch, and still after a lot of tweaking only get 24 hours (when I am lucky) per charge. This watch is supposed to last over two days. When I am not lucky, I get two hours on a charge.
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When have ever beats any manufacturer of a watch our phone give realistic battery life specs.

