G7102 Sim Icon Removed In Status Bar
Now go beyond the limits of different firmwares of different countries. Here is the mod that will work on all stock kitkat builds. Now you may be able to remove the irritating Sim Icon from the status bar of all the builds.
(Although there is no issue, yet Do it at your own risk)
Instructions: (works on all stock kitkat firmwares)
1. download and copy the zip to sd card
2. start the phone in recovery and install the zip
3.restart and done
Download for S5 PORTED Rom:
Download for all STOCK firmwares:
........... Thanks to VRtheme team............
Download (old posts)
you may upload ur systemui to get the sim icon removed
Don't forget to press THANKS button
XDA:DevDB Information
Galaxy Grand 2 Sim icon removed from status bar, App for all devices (see above for details)
singhking83, balliboxer
Version Information
Status: Stable
Stable Release Date: 2014-09-11
Beta Release Date: 2014-09-11
Created 2014-09-11
Last Updated 2014-10-08
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@singhking83 can u do mine's plz? i attached my systemui.apk. my device is galaxy y duos gt-s6102. i also want sim 1 & sim 2 icon removed from the status bar.
Mine Looks Good With it
Sanjuujosephh said:
Mine Looks Good With it
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To get a more Nexus-ish look, add this to the end of your build.prop:
and Google how to disable the capacitive buttons.
You also get transparent softkeys like the Nexus if you pair it up with Google Now Launcher (the Nexus 5's official launcher, leaked and later released outside of Google Play by Google itself).
Also, try Xposed GEL to tweak Google Now Launcher. You can even enable a hidden Android L style.
I'm not using that Soft keys anymore ! It caused some display errors
killoid said:
@singhking83 can u do mine's plz? i attached my systemui.apk. my device is galaxy y duos gt-s6102. i also want sim 1 & sim 2 icon removed from the status bar.
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Buddy.... the file uploaded by u is not a systemui...
singhking83 said:
Buddy.... the file uploaded by u is not a systemui...
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it is indeed. i took it from /systemn/app directory. what's wrong about it?
killoid said:
it is indeed. i took it from /systemn/app directory. what's wrong about it?
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systemui is in priv-app folder,..... u have posted above power toggle ui... u may be kidding with me or u may hv uploaded it by mistake..
singhking83 said:
systemui is in priv-app folder,..... u have posted above power toggle ui... u may be kidding with me or u may hv uploaded it by mistake..
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i didn't know that u don't know about gingerbread os! -_- btw thanks for ur interest,u don't need to do anything. & one thing, i am not in this forum to fool around with people.
It did crash my systemui app! Good thing I had a nand backup ?
citBabY said:
It did crash my systemui app! Good thing I had a nand backup ?
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It works only on kitkat h3 build .....
killoid said:
i didn't know that u don't know about gingerbread os! -_- btw thanks for ur interest,u don't need to do anything. & one thing, i am not in this forum to fool around with people.
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My mistake... I shd hv ckecked it properly..... I will upload it soon after removing the sim icon ...[emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106]
singhking83 said:
G7102 Sim Icon Removed In Status Bar
Tested on Odexed and Deodexed firmware
Download (for h3 stock build only)
Download : (for new h6 stock build only)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9c3nm9qlo498gi0/G7102 SIM ICON REMOVED.zip?dl=0
1. download and copy the zip in sd card
2. start the phone in recovery and install the zip
3.restart and done
you may upload ur systemui to get the sim icon removed
Don't forget to press THANKS button
XDA:DevDB Information
Galaxy Grand 2 Sim icon removed from status bar, App for all devices (see above for details)
singhking83, balliboxer
Version Information
Status: Stable
Stable Release Date: 2014-09-11
Beta Release Date: 2014-09-11
Created 2014-09-11
Last Updated 2014-09-11
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How do I check whether my phone is a h3 or h6?
Frappy said:
How do I check whether my phone is a h3 or h6?
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Check in 'about my device' see the build no there
killoid said:
@singhking83 can u do mine's plz? i attached my systemui.apk. my device is galaxy y duos gt-s6102. i also want sim 1 & sim 2 icon removed from the status bar.
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plz test and let me know...
download and push and replace with the system ui in ur phone...
singhking83 said:
plz test and let me know...
download and push and replace with the system ui in ur phone...
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it's working but mismatch with mystatusbar color. the sim icon area is now blue & it also consuming the space. maybe black will do & the width of the png need to be shrinked. also in pulldown notfication icon is gone beside the carrier's name but a tiny little blue dot is there. maybe using a color picker u can turn that into my pulldown background color. i've attached screenshot's for better understanding.thanks for ur effort. i was so lazy to do that myself.
It's working, but why is there a small gap between my wifi icon and my phone's signal icon? Is that normal? :what:
Any way I can get this to work on NG8 build?
citBabY said:
Any way I can get this to work on NG8 build?
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yes... on all kitkat builds...
ICS Status Bar for Micromax A87
--By Manas1796--
Just Look at the Downloads!!! -
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Lets Get to the Features of this ICS Status Bar -
It has a Full 50%(visibility) Translucent Status Bar+ Drop Down Menu
Build in Settings Shortcut
Jelly Bean Style Date,Day,Time
Sim1 Carrier Logo in the Bottom( no changes in sim2 carrier Logo)
ICS Icons (From LG Optimus L9 Series)
And an Awesome Look!
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Screen Shots -
Installation -
Just Replace the SystemUI.apk of the ROM in which u want to install it.
open the zip folder(ROM's Folder)(i don't mean extract, just open it) goto system->app and delete the original systemui.apk and copy and paste this one . . . Flash that ROM and DONE!
Altrenate Method -
1st download " ICS Status Bar By
Manas1796.zip"( Provided Below, Mediafire link) and "SystemUI.apk"(from Attachments) file
Using Root explorer copy that SystemUI.apk(From the Attachments)and paste it to system/app folder of your Phone
It will ask whether to overwrite the original one, click yes
Your Status Bar will force close.. don't worry.. switch off phone.. enter recovery mode.. flash " ICS Status Bar By
Manas1796.zip"(Mediafirelink Below) You downloaded .. reboot and.. Done!!
- By Sarvs
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The Flashable Zip - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?58xi1uns3o8ghgz
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Thanks To -
b16h22 - Settings Shortcut
petrukgrinder - Jelly Bean Style Day,Date,Time
forever king - drawable components
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If you Are using it In your ROMs Don't forget to give me credit!
Update 2-10-2013
New Signal Icon( From LG Optimus L9 Series) Updated
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The Remix Version of this Status Bar, Take a look
100% working
bro nice work
100% working fine:good:
n good job bro
ICS Status Bar Remix - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2154404
At last got the swipe to Clear Notification (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1483193), But it also includes modification of framework.jar along with systemui.apk!!
And it is just TOO MUCH HARD to understand ! :silly:
But still I will give it a try!
Manas1796 said:
No Range Bug Rectified , Added New Icons, Updated apk
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I would love to give you a suggestion regarding this status bar
the status bar is really awesome
the only thing i didnt like is..that the icons on the notification bar like 3g,signal bar (which are two...does anyone knows how to disable one?)
doesnt looks cool...it gives a feeling of the stone age
but the rom i am using (Deception update 3...thanks to the maker) has cool ICS icons
so is it possible to get them into this notification bar..?
and how to "HIT THANKS" ?
Another way. First put the system ui u downloaded to/system then set the correct permission rw-r--r-- then again move it to/system/app
ethical ricado said:
I would love to give you a suggestion regarding this status bar
the status bar is really awesome
the only thing i didnt like is..that the icons on the notification bar like 3g,signal bar (which are two...does anyone knows how to disable one?)
doesnt looks cool...it gives a feeling of the stone age
but the rom i am using (Deception update 3...thanks to the maker) has cool ICS icons
so is it possible to get them into this notification bar..?
and how to "HIT THANKS" ?
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There are Loads of Guides on xda Mate, you too can change the signal icons if you want I am currently developing a Remixed Version of this ICS Status Bar with Full ICS Look, will add ICS Signal icons in it and if possible will add some of ICS Features!
Manas1796 said:
There are Loads of Guides on xda Mate, you too can change the signal icons if you want I am currently making a Remixed Version of this ICS Status Bar with Full ICS Look, will add ICS Signal icons in it!
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Thanks man...i will give it a try too
and waiting for your creation too
ethical ricado said:
Thanks man...i will give it a try too
and waiting for your creation too
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not working in D.ICS !
n00BXperia said:
not working in D.ICS !
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My first time installation of this Statusbar was in D.ICS and it works 100% Mate..
n00BXperia said:
not working in D.ICS !
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and i am still using it in D.ICS
btw manas, can i get a link of the rom...you are using..? please
ethical ricado said:
and i am still using it in D.ICS
btw manas, can i get a link of the rom...you are using..? please
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It's still in is Developing stage Bro And don't wait for it cause it's gonna take a LOT of TIME! to come!
Manas1796 said:
It's still in is Developing stage Bro And don't wait for it cause it's gonna take a LOT of TIME! to come!
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you are talking about the project dark one...right..?
ethical ricado said:
you are talking about the project dark one...right..?
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Yes The Project Dark Rom
bro can mod this one
Manas1796 said:
ICS Status Bar for Micromax A87
--By Manas1796--
Just Look at the Downloads!!! -
Lets Get to the Features of this ICS Status Bar -
Screen Shots -
Installation -
Thanks To -
If you Are using it In your ROMs Don't forget to give me credit!
The Remix Version of this Status Bar, Take a look
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bro can you mod this one for me for Micromax A62 http://www.4shared.com/mobile/NiALi8lg/SystemUI.html
[SIZE="+3"]Tutorial - How to Leave Your Phone With [Highlight]KitKat[/Highlight] Face using Xposed[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="+1"]The original thread is in Portuguese so good luck translating it. Link of thread is here[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]1. Download these 2 files[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]2. Extract them and put them in ur phone[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]3. Open kitkat folder and install Xposed Installer then open the module folder and install all 4 modules[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]4. Open Xposed Install(I noticed that its outdated so update it) then go to modules & check all 4 of them. Go back & open framework then click Install/Update button wait until it finishes then go down to reboot[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+1"][If Install/Update failed then go to settings & change the installation method]
[If Reboot didn't work just reboot it yourself][/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]5. Open kitkat folder then go to nova launcher folder install the Nova Launcher then Nova Launcher Prime[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]6. Open Nova Settings do as the picture says[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]7.Now Install Status Bar Clock Color in the installation it will say it will install on top of another program thats normal to get the transparent status bar[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]8. Open Status Bar Clock Color & do as the pictures says[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"]9. Select the box and then move the transparent slider exactly as in the pic and restart the phone.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+1"]In the package it contains kitkat wallpapers, keyboard, Chrome Browser, Hangouts and lock screen wallpaper. To make it exactly look like this[/SIZE]
[Highlight][SIZE="+3"]Note:[/SIZE] [/Highlight][SIZE="+1"] I dont prefer installing apps from here they are a bit outdated & also install Google maps & Google+[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+1"]How to change lockscreen image. Link is here
When changing wallpaper change crop method to portrait[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"][BONUS]Flashable kitkat system sounds. Link is here[/SIZE]
[SIZE="+2"][BONUS]Flashable kitkat bootanimation. Link is here[/SIZE]
Love u all guyz
sparklingneo23 said:
Love u all guyz
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AOSP lockscreen isnt working
i activated it in xposed and rebooted too
do i have to be on jb? im on kitkat
BeastSpencer said:
AOSP lockscreen isnt working
i activated it in xposed and rebooted too
do i have to be on jb? im on kitkat
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First of all are u in GT-S5301 then check that ur xposed is fully activated by going on framework & have active & bundled numbers in green same exactly as those in grey. Third try downloading it from here.
Keep me posted if it worked or not
sparklingneo23 said:
First of all are u in GT-S5301 then check that ur xposed is fully activated by going on framework & have active & bundled numbers in green same exactly as those in grey. Third try downloading it from here.
Keep me posted if it worked or not
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Not working for either links. SM-N900A
BeastSpencer said:
Not working for either links. SM-N900A
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Its not ur fault.This AOSP lockscreen works in certain touchwiz phones
Here is the original thread to see what im talking about.
If u want an alternative for this I can search an alternative for u
Keep me posted.
Conte.D said:
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Im honored new comer
good work ...................
sahil3x1 said:
good work ...................
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Added flashable kitkat system sounds
can i try it on mmx canvas 2.2 i mean to ask if iys supported or not?
Rmyaseen said:
can i try it on mmx canvas 2.2 i mean to ask if iys supported or not?
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Yeah sure everything should work just fine if but if modules are incompatible or some sort I can find an alternative just tell me what module is incompatible if there is. i think ur running jellybean.
link not working
sparklingneo23 said:
Added flashable kitkat system sounds
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the link not working fix it please
Beso1 said:
the link not working fix it please
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Fixed . Thanks for notifying me
sparklingneo23 said:
Yeah sure everything should work just fine if but if modules are incompatible or some sort I can find an alternative just tell me what module is incompatible if there is. i think ur running jellybean.
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sory 4 late reply due to sme persnl issue i coulnt come online and thnx nw i will try thnx hitted too
Only for samsun galaxy pocket plus gt-s5301
Tranceparent status bar on lockscreen
All xposed modules make the status bar tranceparent but on lockscreen still black
So i modified a jar file to make it that awesome
If you notice the carrier provider name is shown now
How to :-
1- the rom must be deodexed
2-The status bar should be tranceparent before with xposed module like tweakbox
3-copy the attatched jar file to /system/framework/ and overwrite
4-reboot and wait about 5m
Download:- http://www44.zippyshare.com/v/26945532/file.html
That is My first mod
Sent from my GT-S5301 using Tapatalk
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This is my 1st Moded Apk after several successful Themed Apks for both Note 3 and S4
Links are in my signature
Moded SystemUI.apk
Bigger Clock & Battery Text Size In Status Bar
Lock Button In status Bar, with 1 touch you can lock your screen
Bigger Date Text Size & Semi Transparent Background In Pull Down Status Bar & Notification Panel
APK is tested on N9005 latest KK 4.4.2 NC2 stock rom odexed, But should work also on N900 and on any other KK rom odexed or deodexed (need testers to provide feed back)
Just place the zip file in your mobile, reboot to your advanced recovery, flash and enjoy (No need to wipe)
Be aware this will replace your SystemUI.apk with the new moded one, you will lose any mods from your rom or themed icons located in systemUI.apk, you can get your themed icons back by re-flashing your theme
BACKUP your system (NAND) or original apk before flashing, it is your choice and your responsibility
The only way (so far) to revert/uninstall/go back to previous state is by re-flashing your rom / restore your nand backup / or push back your original apk
Pls. verify which rom and Bulid do you use and your phone model, to check compatibility
I must thank _alex74_ for guiding me through the mod build
If u liked the moded apk just hit Thank You button, and if u did not like it (Realllly!!!) just leave in peace
This is my 2nd Moded Apk
Moded SecLauncher4.apk
If You Like My Work, or Want A Special Modification That Suits Your Taste, Donate To Me
Time And Effort Needs Food
I will definitely try it
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 PM ----------
Well I flashed it and notification bar disappeared but theme was there.. I flashed the theme afterwards and still no notification bar.. had to restore from backup.
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
don't work on stock 4.4.2 NB7
azz72 said:
I will definitely try it
Well I flashed it and notification bar disappeared but theme was there.. I flashed the theme afterwards and still no notification bar.. had to restore from backup.
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
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Pls. share which rom and build did u test on
carols said:
don't work on stock 4.4.2 NB7
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did not work, means no changes or bad status bar or what?
it did not look any different so it did not work.
Jedi elite kk
Well done buddy
Another cracking mod
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Works perfectly on Freeza's 2.13 for Sprint USA.
TrofeoSC said:
Works perfectly on Freeza's 2.13 for Sprint USA.
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Click to collapse
Thank u 4 confirmation
This is my 2nd Moded Apk
Moded SecLauncher4.apk
Hi @thermax04
Will this work along with your theme ? Version 7 final Kitkat theme
YRAJ23 said:
Hi @thermax04
Will this work along with your theme ? Version 7 final Kitkat theme
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Yes it will
thermax04 said:
Yes it will
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it don't work on N900S, black screen and no status bar
Restore yr backup or push back yr original apk, will do a fix hopefully work with all models very soon
thermax04 said:
Restore yr backup or push back yr original apk, will do a fix hopefully work with all models very soon
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Great! Thank so much. I am waiting for your fix soon on my N900S
The fix will include extra feature also
Can the 4g LTE moved closer and lowered to the signal bars?? Everything else works and looks perfect..
Fre3 Sprint..
UnAshamed 1:1six
the icon is for all models, but these arrows are for US models, so lowering the icon will mix with arrows for International models, stupid google!
the only solution is to have a moded file for US models only
thermax04 said:
the icon is for all models, but these arrows are for US models, so lowering the icon will mix with arrows for International models, stupid google!
the only solution is to have a moded file for US models only
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If your up for it I'll upload what ever you need.. Your call
UnAshamed 1:1six
if you r for need for it, show me some motivation[emoji12] , yr call
Sent from my SM-N9005
Flashed on stock, no more status bar, wallpaper gone to black and I can't reset new wallpaper. Going to restore.
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Changelog :-
S5 Messaging app Dual SIM Support
S5 Full Dialing Userinterface Dual SIM Support
Dual SIM Bar icons added in Statusbar
S5 Photo Editor
Updated Accuweather Widget HD
Updated S5 Splanner
Added S5 Widgets
S5 Music Player Fully Fixed
S5 Kids Mode Added Full New Exciting UserInterface
Make Memo Through Dialer
Updated S5 Video Player
Updated S5 Email App
OGBattery mod removed
Dual Buttons Removed from notification pulldown
1 - Download the Addon Mod File and place it in ur Phone Internal Memory or ExtSdCard Memory
2 - Boot into CWM Recovery by pressing (Volume up + Power button )
3 - Choose install zip option and guide to ur Addon Mod File
4 - Thats it u r Done Now Enjoy New UserInterface of S5
Please Hit "THANKS" or "DONATE" to support
XDA:DevDB Information
GenNxt KitKat AddOns , Mod for Grand2 Kitkat Rom, App for all devices (see above for details)
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: V - 2.0
Beta Release Date: 2014-07-28
Created 2014-07-27
Last Updated 2014-08-13
!! Reserved !!
Awesome balli bro.....
Sent from my CT-1 using xda premium
Great, mate! I was doing just that (see my thread in the Themes & Apps section), but you beat me to it!
If you need any help in testing or development, I'm glad to help!
awesome bro; but.........
bali bro thanks for your awesome work in this addon is marvellous. but one thing we dont like that the removal of dual buttons in notification bar
(s finder and quick connect) they give premium look to our phone and og battery icons are cool stuff. :crying::crying::crying::crying:
we humbly request you to please add these stuffs in your mod :fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:
for info
Hi balliboxer,
if data connection is turned on and i try to turn off by the button on notification bar,
the data connection's button seems to remain freeze with slightly green color...
I only turn off the data connection by the settings.
Compliments for the Good Job!
l0rdelric said:
Hi balliboxer,
if data connection is turned on and i try to turn off by the button on notification bar,
the data connection's button seems to remain freeze with slightly green color...
I only turn off the data connection by the settings.
Compliments for the Good Job!
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Mod updated and bug resolved .
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk 2
balliboxer said:
Mod updated and bug resolved .
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk 2
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Click to collapse
brother can we change the background of the recent application screen.
(check the screen shot of your addon )
balliboxer said:
Mod updated and bug resolved .
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk 2
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Click to collapse
nothing new:
i flash zip file from CWM
fix root
appear a message "setting program has stopped"
the data connection's button seems to remain freeze with slightly green color...
I only turn off the data connection by the settings.
I something wrong?
l0rdelric said:
nothing new:
i flash zip file from CWM
fix root
appear a message "setting program has stopped"
the data connection's button seems to remain freeze with slightly green color...
I only turn off the data connection by the settings.
I something wrong?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Flash Gennxt superior rom again from cwm and flash this mod as u using old Addon .
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk 2
awesome work bro
bro your work is awesome but can we get dual butons( s finder and quick connect) and battery ogg icons in you next update, bro please please please them back in your next update:fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:
bro please inform me in this section:fingers-crossed:
test 2
balliboxer said:
Flash Gennxt superior rom again from cwm and flash this mod as u using old Addon .
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk 2
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Click to collapse
I flash rom from cwm
wipe data
flash new mod
wipe cache
wipe dalvik
no fix root
Nothing: is the same:
the data connection's button seems to remain freeze with slightly green color...
I only turn off the data connection by the settings.
I'm something wrong?
l0rdelric said:
I flash rom from cwm
wipe data
flash new mod
wipe cache
wipe dalvik
no fix root
Nothing: is the same:
the data connection's button seems to remain freeze with slightly green color...
I only turn off the data connection by the settings.
I'm something wrong?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's a minor issue will check it and will fix in future
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk 2
Hi Balli, this mod is nice but I have one big problem, flashing it after I not receive anymore sms from abroad. It overwrites something.
I have 2 sims from same operator. Any solution ?
Stepp said:
Hi Balli, this mod is nice but I have one big problem, flashing it after I not receive anymore sms from abroad. It overwrites something.
I have 2 sims from same operator. Any solution ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If u facing such issue then extract SecMessageMultiSIM.apk from Gennxt superior rom and paste it in ur system/priv-app with permission fix and delete SecMms_Blue.apk .
Sent from my sm-g900h using Tapatalk 2
balliboxer said:
Changelog :-
S5 Messaging app Dual SIM Support
S5 Full Dialing Userinterface Dual SIM Support
Dual SIM Bar icons added in Statusbar
S5 Photo Editor
Updated Accuweather Widget HD
Updated S5 Splanner
Added S5 Widgets
S5 Music Player Fully Fixed
S5 Kids Mode Added Full New Exciting UserInterface
To enable Kids mode just edit build.prop
Make Memo Through Dialer
Updated S5 Video Player
Updated S5 Email App
OGBattery mod removed
Dual Buttons Removed from notification pulldown
1 - Download the Addon Mod File and place it in ur Phone Internal Memory or ExtSdCard Memory
2 - Boot into CWM Recovery by pressing (Volume up + Power button )
3 - Choose install zip option and guide to ur Addon Mod File
4 - Thats it u r Done Now Enjoy New UserInterface of S5
Please Hit "THANKS" or "DONATE" to support
XDA:DevDB Information
GenNxt KitKat AddOns , Mod for Grand2 Kitkat Rom, App for all devices (see above for details)
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: V - 2.0
Beta Release Date: 2014-07-28
Created 2014-07-27
Last Updated 2014-07-28
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
bro do we need to flash the full ROM again or just the addon?? and if we flash will data be lost???
EthanDev said:
bro do we need to flash the full ROM again or just the addon?? and if we flash will data be lost???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No need to flash rom just flash the Addon Mod over Gennxt Superior Rom and enjoy without data loss .
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk 2
balliboxer said:
No need to flash rom just flash the Addon Mod over Gennxt Superior Rom and enjoy without data loss .
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks a lot bro:laugh:
EthanDev said:
thanks a lot bro:laugh:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Bro.. S planner not working..and in messages if i select folder view then it stops working..also data cannot be turned off in notification panel.. else all is coll bro..keep up the work..but plz fix those issues asap..
---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------
EthanDev said:
Bro.. S planner not working..and in messages if i select folder view then it stops working..also data cannot be turned off in notification panel.. else all is coll bro..keep up the work..but plz fix those issues asap..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
pleasee bro its a request...i am unable to open my important messages..please help asap bro plzz
Thank you bro for your awsome work!!! +1
LolipopMOD Beta
STOCK BASED (latest for (( FrozenTears ))
changes :
all NokDroid adds
move system apps to current location
remove Nokia adds from settings
added battery percentage
Themed ALL Framework-res
Themed statusbar ( thanks to Ricky Japanes 4 help )
change bootanimation
change boot sound
change settings icon
add sony xperia music from Nokxperia ( thanks to uxairmalik )
status bar Transparent without xposed !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Bugs :
some time battery percentage show old icons (will fix in next update )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
screenshots :
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
download link :
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks to all
and special thanks to :
Ricky Japanes
more ..
XDA:DevDB Information
LolipopMOD, ROM for the Nokia X2
esam122333, esam122333
ROM OS Version: 4.3.x Jellybean
Based On: STOCK
Version Information
Status: Beta
Beta Release Date: 2015-04-03
Created 2015-04-03
Last Updated 2015-04-03
esam122333 said:
LolipopMOD Beta
STOCK BASED (latest for (( FrozenTears ))
changes :
Bugs :
screenshots :
download link :
thanks to all
and special thanks to :
Ricky Japanes
more ..
XDA:DevDB Information
LolipopMOD, ROM for the Nokia X2
esam122333, esam122333
ROM OS Version: 4.3.x Jellybean
Based On: STOCK
Version Information
Status: Beta
Beta Release Date: 2015-04-03
Created 2015-04-03
Last Updated 2015-04-03
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
waiting for your rom :good:
may i porting your rom to my device ???
aditya7fold said:
waiting for your rom :good:
may i porting your rom to my device ???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes you Can
Sorry guys for late uploading
my internet bad
download link added
try and comment
"Nokia adds" ???? Please explain?
ROm LOOk Superb..But have some issue..hope you fix them..
I thought that the Notification bar would look like this one...
But the one in the rom doesnt looks nice..hope you make it like this one..
the Notificarion and setting header Tab is soo small..it wolud look beeter if you could make it thik...
I also think you need to change the Font colour because its not readable on the popup..
The Dialer app included doent work when we dial the no and selcet the name..its say no number..
Calling Screen has ssome probleum..is half black and half teal coluor..
Every thing Else is supurb..
Loves the Lollipop MOD..
Hope you keep Developing it..
Thankuuuu Soo mUch bro..for all your effort..Well done....
thx bro :good: :good: work for my hisense
x2wolf said:
ROm LOOk Superb..But have some issue..hope you fix them..
I thought that the Notification bar would look like this one...
But the one in the rom doesnt looks nice..hope you make it like this one..
the Notificarion and setting header Tab is soo small..it wolud look beeter if you could make it thik...
I also think you need to change the Font colour because its not readable on the popup..
The Dialer app included doent work when we dial the no and selcet the name..its say no number..
Calling Screen has ssome probleum..is half black and half teal coluor..
Every thing Else is supurb..
Loves the Lollipop MOD..
Hope you keep Developing it..
Thankuuuu Soo mUch bro..for all your effort..Well done....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it BETA ver
can you this systemUI.apk ?
jkenic said:
"Nokia adds" ???? Please explain?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nokia Options in settings.apk
esam122333 said:
it BETA ver
can you this systemUI.apk ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry bro....didnt understood what you said..
x2wolf said:
ROm LOOk Superb..But have some issue..hope you fix them..
I thought that the Notification bar would look like this one...
But the one in the rom doesnt looks nice..hope you make it like this one..
the Notificarion and setting header Tab is soo small..it wolud look beeter if you could make it thik...
I also think you need to change the Font colour because its not readable on the popup..
The Dialer app included doent work when we dial the no and selcet the name..its say no number..
Calling Screen has ssome probleum..is half black and half teal coluor..
Every thing Else is supurb..
Loves the Lollipop MOD..
Hope you keep Developing it..
Thankuuuu Soo mUch bro..for all your effort..Well done....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not bad! But i can better....
MasterYus said:
Not bad! But i can better....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cool Bro...Liked it..
But cant download it from there..
x2wolf said:
Cool Bro...Liked it..
But cant download it from there..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-F-mB5J-CO2cmpnbUVISjBiNG8/view?usp=sharing
MasterYus said:
Try this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-F-mB5J-CO2cmpnbUVISjBiNG8/view?usp=sharing
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thx vro . :good:
Bro...got another issuee,.
Glance screen nkt working...properly..
the multitasking
Any plans for changing the multitasking ?
Nt working E Signature error Instalation Abroted when i instal cwm plz guid me how i can instal
Sent from my NokiaX2DS using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 05:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 AM ----------
E signature error instalation abroted plz help me how to instal with out pc
Sent from my NokiaX2DS using XDA Free mobile app
My own control panel mod.