[Q] Verizon HTC One ROM Question - Verizon HTC One (M8)

I have a quick question about the Verizon variant of the HTC One M8. I just received my HTC One from Verizon. I quickly set to rooting and gaining S-Off. I was able to use Firewater and Weaksauce to gain root and S-Off really easily. Now, I am looking into flashing a different ROM, and here is where I am getting confused. I am wanting to use an AOSP ROM. However, there are very few AOSP builds in the Verizon HTC One forum. I did a bit of digging and I found that Cyanogenmod merged their releases into one device, uniquely named m8. So, my question: Will ROMs developed for just the HTC One M8 work for my Verizon M8? I don't want to flash a ROM and end up screwing something up (of course, I have made a stock rooted backup, but knowing my luck, something will happen and I will be SOL).

stompysan said:
I have a quick question about the Verizon variant of the HTC One M8. I just received my HTC One from Verizon. I quickly set to rooting and gaining S-Off. I was able to use Firewater and Weaksauce to gain root and S-Off really easily. Now, I am looking into flashing a different ROM, and here is where I am getting confused. I am wanting to use an AOSP ROM. However, there are very few AOSP builds in the Verizon HTC One forum. I did a bit of digging and I found that Cyanogenmod merged their releases into one device, uniquely named m8. So, my question: Will ROMs developed for just the HTC One M8 work for my Verizon M8? I don't want to flash a ROM and end up screwing something up (of course, I have made a stock rooted backup, but knowing my luck, something will happen and I will be SOL).
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It MUST say that it is compatible. Some roms say "for all variants" which means all versions of the phone.

stompysan said:
I have a quick question about the Verizon variant of the HTC One M8. I just received my HTC One from Verizon. I quickly set to rooting and gaining S-Off. I was able to use Firewater and Weaksauce to gain root and S-Off really easily. Now, I am looking into flashing a different ROM, and here is where I am getting confused. I am wanting to use an AOSP ROM. However, there are very few AOSP builds in the Verizon HTC One forum. I did a bit of digging and I found that Cyanogenmod merged their releases into one device, uniquely named m8. So, my question: Will ROMs developed for just the HTC One M8 work for my Verizon M8? I don't want to flash a ROM and end up screwing something up (of course, I have made a stock rooted backup, but knowing my luck, something will happen and I will be SOL).
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Wow, you're quite lucky to gain Firewater with a brand new device this late after it being fixed on new M8's. To answer your question, not all ROM's developed for the non carrier M8 will work on the carrier M8's (Verizon in this case), some will such as Cyanogenmod but not all. Usually the developers will say whether or not your carrier version (Once more, Verizon in this case) is compatible with their ROM, sometimes they don't but you can almost always find out by reading further into the thread as almost always someone else has asked. Oh and thank you's to @Quadrider10 for this part here(about it saying it's compatible), usually if it doesn't say it is compatible then it isn't but as I said you can always confirm it via replies to the thread or asking yourself.
Onto Cyanogenmod in specific, yes it will work perfectly on your device. I've personally tried it myself and honestly it is quite stable to be a "nightly". Anyways yeah it works and you'll be fine, just as always insure you have a working backup just incase.

Quadrider10 said:
It MUST say that it is compatible. Some roms say "for all variants" which means all versions of the phone.
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That's what I thought, but I figured I would ask.
S1L3nTShaDoWz said:
Wow, you're quite lucky to gain Firewater with a brand new device this late after it being fixed on new M8's. To answer your question, not all ROM's developed for the non carrier M8 will work on the carrier M8's (Verizon in this case), some will such as Cyanogenmod but not all. Usually the developers will say whether or not your carrier version (Once more, Verizon in this case) is compatible with their ROM, sometimes they don't but you can almost always find out by reading further into the thread as almost always someone else has asked. Oh and thank you's to @Quadrider10 for this part here, usually if it doesn't say it is compatible then it isn't but as I said you can always confirm it via replies to the thread or asking yourself.
Onto Cyanogenmod in specific, yes it will work perfectly on your device. I've personally tried it myself and honestly it is quite stable to be a "nightly". Anyways yeah it works and you'll be fine.
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You have no idea how shocked I was that it worked. I installed Sunshine and it took me to the payment screen, so I thought I would give it a shot. Took about two minutes and it threw up that beautiful "You are now S-Off" message. Reboot to bootloader and sure enough, it worked. It did prompt me to update on my first boot, but I declined it. I am assuming I either got old stock or Verizon was just being extra lazy.
Anyway, thanks again for the quick responses. Going to give CM11 a shot!


Official rom update for rogers from HTC

ok seems theres an official update from HTC for our rogers phones anyone try it yet http://www.htc.com/ca/SupportDownloadList.aspx?p_id=270&act=sd&cat=2
Ooooh, eeenteresting....
Why is updating the software on your device recommended?
The ROM software update posted below provides several key enhancements for your HTC Dream:
-Improves the overall device functionality and stability
-Enables correct SMS timestamp [B]<<<<<<<<<<!!!!![/B]
-Enables Chinese character display for POP3 HTML Emails
-Corrects E-mail client exchange Issues
yes can it be timestamp fix heaven? lol.. just wondering if this is going to work for rooted or non 32a magic.. or both
The update pages says "HTC Magic (Rogers)" but when I stick in my S/N it says: Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device. Bummer since my phone and box say HTC Rogers on them.
pcm2a said:
The update pages says "HTC Magic (Rogers)" but when I stick in my S/N it says: Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device. Bummer since my phone and box say HTC Rogers on them.
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ditto :/
i just got the S/N from the box as I didnt want to remove the battery.
yeah i noticed it also.. comes up when you select Rogers Magic.. but if you noticed in the notes.. some of which also posted above.. it says enhance dream isssues... will try my s/n and let you know
you can get the files from the rogers support page.. i used this link to get there http://www.androidincanada.ca/news/update-rogers-htc-dreammagic-android-timestamp-problem/
I have the direct link here:
Be careful as this update will more than likely install a Perfect SPL on your device. You will need to re-root your device after installing this. Could be a painful process.
I'm going to wait for somebody who knows what they're doing to remove the important bits from this update.
my thoughts exactly.. the way they have been putting the perfect spl on devices that didnt have it.... I tried it ( im running Jacheroski 2.7.4r2) and it didnt even recognize my phone. I was reading on the HTC site that you need HTC sync software first... thought that was for hero.. anyways.. have to run out for a bit will check back later... on a side note.. if this actually unroots your phone and puts the rogers apps back on .. couldnt someone tweak this up date and make it a restore rom?
I can confirm that it installs a 'Perfected SPL'.
Version 1.33.0010 to be exact.
Proceed with caution! I read through some posts on how to root these devices with 1.33.0010 and I really wouldn't want to have to do that.
I haven't installed the ROM image, and I won't.
After running the RUU (before you even click Next or accept the terms), you can find rom.zip in "%TEMP%\{F313B180-FF83-48A8-B925-E14312A5AFCB}\{50F2F878-636A-496F-A7CB-544C067E0C4B}"
I'm sorry if this isn't being asked in the correct place but as this thread is already discussing the new ROM update I was hoping that someone here could please tell me whether or not this ROM update would SIM relock a SIM unlocked Rogers Magic phone?
I am asking because I should be recieving my new unlocked Rogers Magic (that I am going to be using on AT&T) any day now and while I wouldn't mind updating it with the new ROM I really don't want to go through the expense and hassle of having to SIM unlock it when part of the reason I bought the one I did on ebay is because it is already SIM unlocked. Thanks in advance for any information on this.
coscom said:
I'm sorry if this isn't being asked in the correct place but as this thread is already discussing the new ROM update I was hoping that someone here could please tell me whether or not this ROM update would SIM relock a SIM unlocked Rogers Magic phone?
I am asking because I should be recieving my new unlocked Rogers Magic (that I am going to be using on AT&T) any day now and while I wouldn't mind updating it with the new ROM I really don't want to go through the expense and hassle of having to SIM unlock it when part of the reason I bought the one I did on ebay is because it is already SIM unlocked. Thanks in advance for any information on this.
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I really doubt it will. I don't know exactly how SIM unlocking works, but this update shouldn't touch those settings.
Why run the Rogers update with all of it's restrictions and crappy software? Download and install any one of the dozens of better ROMs available in this forum.
First let me admit that I am a total NOOB with Android and even the idea of flashing custom ROMs on cellphones (the phone I am upgrading from is an 8525 and had an 8125 before that and the only time I remember flashing either was updating the official ROM to 6.0 off of HTC's site). I guess this makes me a little behind the times but my idea of customizing was installing programs like Pockets Plus and then Mobile Shell 3 because I'm not a programmer and was a little intimidated about cooking the ROMS.
That said I was thinking of running the stock ROM atleast for a little while to get an idea of just what I like and don't like about it and then being more knowledgeable when I research what ROM I should upgrade to? Is there a list of the ROMs and what their customizations are for the Rogers version? Do you have any advise on what ROM's I should look at and what the differences are?
I'm afraid that I will be somewhat overwhelmed with the number of choices to be made. Besides, I use my phone on my job so I can't risk it having issues or having to reinstall everything on a regular basis so continually flashing it with new ROM's as they come out may not be a logical solution for me. I think I'd rather end up with something stable and able to use all the programs, etc that I need for work and play. Anyways, any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Your best bet would be to start off by running the ROM that it comes with. If you've got problems with timestamps in the ROM, use a program called ChompSMS.
Read this forum, look for information on the 32A HTC Magic. That's the version you are getting. Learn as much as you can without changing your phone at all. Once you've got enough information start by 'rooting' your phone, then play around with some custom ROMs.
Lots to learn around here. Make sure you use the search function.
The following link was made by skittleguy to try to combine all compatible roms for Rogers. There have been quite a few changes to most of these ROMS but you can go to each original thread and read up on different ROMs and their advantages and disadvantages. I believe most of the original threads are being updated from time to time, but you can always just do a search for the name of the ROM.
Personally if you want one that is stable and has all of its features working, I would go with Cyanogen's ROM v4.0.2 with Amon_RA'sv1.0.1 kernal. It is based of off MyTouch 3G. The link is below:
Having said that, there is one feature that I miss on this ROM, which is the smart dialpad.
Tsanger said:
The following link was made by skittleguy to try to combine all compatible roms for Rogers. There have been quite a few changes to most of these ROMS but you can go to each original thread and read up on different ROMs and their advantages and disadvantages. I believe most of the original threads are being updated from time to time, but you can always just do a search for the name of the ROM.
Personally if you want one that is stable and has all of its features working, I would go with Cyanogen's ROM v4.0.2 with Amon_RA'sv1.0.1 kernal. It is based of off MyTouch 3G. The link is below:
Having said that, there is one feature that I miss on this ROM, which is the smart dialpad.
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Is this official rom update compatible with tmobile sapphire?
Disregard found the answer on the HTC website.
Not compatible for Tmobile.
Anyone out there have a suggestion on what to do to a out of the box Sapphire from T-mobile?
david636 said:
Is this official rom update compatible with tmobile sapphire?
Disregard found the answer on the HTC website.
Not compatible for Tmobile.
Anyone out there have a suggestion on what to do to a out of the box Sapphire from T-mobile?
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don't tmobile use 32B? i am fairly certain this is for 32A only.
How about nordic Magics :O
They are 32a... When will we see it >_<

[Q] For those of you who have rooted a 3.17 non-AT&T dual-core HOX(L)...

So, I've read several times about how to root non-AT&T phones with the new JB OTA (3.17) already installed...phones like the Rogers HOX I purchased with the OTA pre-installed (3.17.631.2).
However, I also came across a post talking about how this method worked but when he tried to flash a different ROM his phone was bricked. (Of course I can't find this now).
So, for those of you who have tried rooting a 3.17 phone, can you please post:
(1) Whether you were successful -- I admit, I'm a bit scared, because all the phones I've previously rooted have used fancy exploits!
(2) What ROMs you have flashed successfully -- of the very few threads I've found about rooting 3.17, it seems that everyone is choosing Viper and not trying others...
(3) Whether you experienced problems with certain ROMs
(4) Whether you've downgraded the touch firmware, and whether this resolved any issues
(5) Any other advice you can give!
Please please please note that I am NOT talking about the AT&T update and I am NOT referring to the bricks people are encountering when they accept that OTA. This is about 3.17, NOT the AT&T-exclusive 3.18.
I'm hoping this info will be added to 1 of the sticky posts on this forum...because what's there is American-centric...
skittleys said:
So, I've read several times about how to root non-AT&T phones with the new JB OTA (3.17) already installed...phones like the Rogers HOX I purchased with the OTA pre-installed (3.17.631.2).
However, I also came across a post talking about how this method worked but when he tried to flash a different ROM his phone was bricked. (Of course I can't find this now).
So, for those of you who have tried rooting a 3.17 phone, can you please post:
(1) Whether you were successful -- I admit, I'm a bit scared, because all the phones I've previously rooted have used fancy exploits!
(2) What ROMs you have flashed successfully -- of the very few threads I've found about rooting 3.17, it seems that everyone is choosing Viper and not trying others...
(3) Whether you experienced problems with certain ROMs
(4) Whether you've downgraded the touch firmware, and whether this resolved any issues
(5) Any other advice you can give!
Please please please note that I am NOT talking about the AT&T update and I am NOT referring to the bricks people are encountering when they accept that OTA. This is about 3.17, NOT the AT&T-exclusive 3.18.
I'm hoping this info will be added to 1 of the sticky posts on this forum...because what's there is American-centric...
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You can just unlock the bootloader from HTC Dev. I think, and I could be wrong, that only AT&T isn't allowing bootloader unlock. I know for a fact Rogers and Telus can just unlock through HTC DEV and once bootloader is unlocked you can flash TWRP.
If someone bricked flashing a rom, it was not designed for his/her phone. Probably for the international one X which is oh so common.
Since you have 3.17, you would need to downgrade your Touchscreen Firmware in order to use AOSP roms but sense roms will work fine. To downgrade your touchscreen firmware you would first need S-OFF but as SuperCID works only on AT&T phones with certain firmwares you would need to manually change your CID to 11111111
HTC Dev, supercid, soff, downgrade firmware.
Then flash anything.
I know what the procedure is, I'm just a bit worried about what could happen after because of that 1 post that I read.
exad, I wondered if it that ROM was designed for the wrong phone, but confirmed that it wasn't. I do suspect that it was because of the touch firmware, but again, I've never actually seen anyone say that they've rooted from 3.17 and installed a ROM other than Viper...hence my worry...because I prefer ROMs that aren't based on Sense.
I see that you're both outside the USA. Did you root the 3.17 version, or did you do it earlier and never installed the OTA?
skittleys said:
I know what the procedure is, I'm just a bit worried about what could happen after because of that 1 post that I read.
exad, I wondered if it that ROM was designed for the wrong phone, but confirmed that it wasn't. I do suspect that it was because of the touch firmware, but again, I've never actually seen anyone say that they've rooted from 3.17 and installed a ROM other than Viper...hence my worry...because I prefer ROMs that aren't based on Sense.
I see that you're both outside the USA. Did you root the 3.17 version, or did you do it earlier and never installed the OTA?
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Outside the USA you don't need super cid you can HTC DEV unlock so it's not the same. We can root any firmware.
You can't brick flashing a rom unless you're flashing a rom for the wrong phone, aosp roms won't work with the touchscreen update you'd need to downgrade it. If you're not an idiot, you won't brick.
I really don't understand your fear.. Viper is just fast, smooth and customizable. you'll be fine running other roms except AOSP until you downgrade the touchscreen firmware.
I feel like this thread is going around in circles.
If you have a rogers HOX, htc dev unlock and flash twrp. It's crazy simple.
I can't read.
Dacra said:
I can't read.
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You and me both buddy, and I've been here for 4 years. Ugh!
Sent from my HTC One X
exad said:
I feel like this thread is going around in circles.
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Yes, I feel like it's going around in circles too. Of course, that could be because you aren't addressing the questions I actually asked!
I know the procedure, I know what the limitation is in the US, I know about flashing ROMs and making sure they're for your specific phone before doing so. Like I already said, I'm not at all new to Android hacking. What I don't know is whether anyone has successfully rooted and flashed a ROM starting from a 3.1x OTA and its accompanying changes like the new bootloader. After all, we don't really know what changes HTC's made. For all we know, installing a ROM not based on 3.xx (like an AOSP-based ROM) causes issues beyond the touchscreen problem. These worries are compounded by the fact that the only post I've seen where someone tried to flash an AOSP-based ROM was a failure. I've yet to see someone say they've had success, which is why I started this thread in the first place. Because while I do assume that someone in this large user base has done it, in my line of business, acting on assumptions in the absence of even some weak evidence for that assumption and where there's documentation to suggest otherwise gets you fired, sued, and stripped of your licence.
So, let me ask my main question yet again—in fact, the ONLY question I asked in my last post—and hopefully it's clear this time:
Have you or anyone else rooted your HOX for the first time starting from an official HTC 3.17 ROM with its accompanying changes in the bootloader etc. and been successful? And if so, were you or that person able to successfully flash and use an AOSP-based ROM?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
I did. I have a Telus HOXL that was on the OTA Jellybean.
I SIM unlocked the phone (unnecessary but I wanted to use it on Bell). Then I HTCdev unlocked the bootloader. Flashed TWRP, rooted, SuperCID'd then s-off'ed. Finally I downgraded my touchpanel firmware.
However, I haven't installed an AOSP ROM yet since ViperXL has been working so great.
skittleys said:
Yes, I feel like it's going around in circles too. Of course, that could be because you aren't addressing the questions I actually asked!
I know the procedure, I know what the limitation is in the US, I know about flashing ROMs and making sure they're for your specific phone before doing so. Like I already said, I'm not at all new to Android hacking. What I don't know is whether anyone has successfully rooted and flashed a ROM starting from a 3.1x OTA and its accompanying changes like the new bootloader. After all, we don't really know what changes HTC's made. For all we know, installing a ROM not based on 3.xx (like an AOSP-based ROM) causes issues beyond the touchscreen problem. These worries are compounded by the fact that the only post I've seen where someone tried to flash an AOSP-based ROM was a failure. I've yet to see someone say they've had success, which is why I started this thread in the first place. Because while I do assume that someone in this large user base has done it, in my line of business, acting on assumptions in the absence of even some weak evidence for that assumption and where there's documentation to suggest otherwise gets you fired, sued, and stripped of your licence.
So, let me ask my main question yet again—in fact, the ONLY question I asked in my last post—and hopefully it's clear this time:
Have you or anyone else rooted your HOX for the first time starting from an official HTC 3.17 ROM with its accompanying changes in the bootloader etc. and been successful? And if so, were you or that person able to successfully flash and use an AOSP-based ROM?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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There's no limitations with non-aT&T one x. They allow you to unlock bootlader regardless of software. You need to S-OFF after and then downgrade Touchscreen Firmware to run AOSP, there won't be any issues running AOSP.
These questions could have been easily answered with just a little bit of research on your part.
Okay, installed LiquidSmooth and it's working so AOSP ROM's are fine.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
ChronoReverse said:
I did. I have a Telus HOXL that was on the OTA Jellybean.
I SIM unlocked the phone (unnecessary but I wanted to use it on Bell). Then I HTCdev unlocked the bootloader. Flashed TWRP, rooted, SuperCID'd then s-off'ed. Finally I downgraded my touchpanel firmware.
However, I haven't installed an AOSP ROM yet since ViperXL has been working so great.
Okay, installed LiquidSmooth and it's working so AOSP ROM's are fine.
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Thanks, ChronoReverse!
exad said:
There's no limitations with non-aT&T one x. They allow you to unlock bootlader regardless of software. You need to S-OFF after and then downgrade Touchscreen Firmware to run AOSP, there won't be any issues running AOSP.
These questions could have been easily answered with just a little bit of research on your part.
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Again, you're telling me things I already know and completely ignoring the questions I actually asked and the points I already made.
I know you can unlock the bootloader regardless of the current ROM...that doesn't necessarily mean that you can then go and flash any ROM designed for this phone but developed with different bootloaders and expect it to work. Plus, the bootloader was just one example of the many changes.
As I've said in each and every one of my posts, I already know the procedure, including for downgrading the firmware. Saying "there won't be any issues running AOSP" is a very bold statement, considering that I've yet to find evidence of anyone having actually done that (until this thread, that is). Again, theoretical vs. actual experience is a huge distinction.
And no, the questions I have asked aren't easily answered with a little research, since I did a LOT of research and found nothing. Something I have reiterated numerous times. The non-existent questions you are answering can be found with a tiny bit of research, and I already found them, which is why I didn't ask them in the first place.
How bout you unlock your bootloader and flash whatever rom you want?
skittleys said:
Thanks, ChronoReverse!
Again, you're telling me things I already know and completely ignoring the questions I actually asked and the points I already made.
I know you can unlock the bootloader regardless of the current ROM...that doesn't necessarily mean that you can then go and flash any ROM designed for this phone but developed with different bootloaders and expect it to work. Plus, the bootloader was just one example of the many changes.
As I've said in each and every one of my posts, I already know the procedure, including for downgrading the firmware. Saying "there won't be any issues running AOSP" is a very bold statement, considering that I've yet to find evidence of anyone having actually done that (until this thread, that is). Again, theoretical vs. actual experience is a huge distinction.
And no, the questions I have asked aren't easily answered with a little research, since I did a LOT of research and found nothing. Something I have reiterated numerous times. The non-existent questions you are answering can be found with a tiny bit of research, and I already found them, which is why I didn't ask them in the first place.
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Don't be a ****. I answered your question. You're just not understanding.
You're assuming there are meaningful hardware differences in this phone across carriers. In fact, there are not.
People have successfully run 3.17 based roms on 3.18 carrier phones and vice versa. The differences are minor and superficial and pertain entirely to carrier branding. The 2.14 hboot is the same across all carriers.
I understand your concern, but you're trying to create an issue where none exists.
Not trying for a useless post but damn pointless topic...
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda app-developers app
Well that wasted about eight minutes and I am still confused.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
iElvis said:
You're assuming there are meaningful hardware differences in this phone across carriers. In fact, there are not.
People have successfully run 3.17 based roms on 3.18 carrier phones and vice versa. The differences are minor and superficial and pertain entirely to carrier branding. The 2.14 hboot is the same across all carriers.
I understand your concern, but you're trying to create an issue where none exists.
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I know that. That's not what I was worried about. When I mentioned 3.18 in my first post, it was only to make it clear that I wasn't yet another AT&T user who'd just flashed the OTA. What I was worried about was ROMs that were developed using the older hboots...and I wasn't so much worried about the bootloader being different in the first place, it was just an example of the changes that occurred with the OTA that won't simply be overridden with a factory reset/rooting/flashing a new ROM/whatever.
exad said:
Don't be a ****. I answered your question. You're just not understanding.
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31ken31 said:
Not trying for a useless post but damn pointless topic...
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Venomtester said:
Well that wasted about eight minutes and I am still confused.
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You know, you guys are being awfully mean to someone who just wanted a straightforward answer to something she couldn't find the answer to. Outside of this thread, I challenge you to search for and find a post wherein someone's even implied that they upgraded to the 3.xx RUU, fully unlocked/rooted their phone, and flashed a non-Sense-based ROM. Don't just go clicking to a post you already know exists. Search for it. You'll find that search is fruitless. In fact, until this thread a couple of weeks ago, there was no such thread even for Sense-based ROMs. And finally, there was the aforementioned post I found from someone who'd successfully rooted and installed ViperXL but bricked his phone when flashing an AOSP-based ROM. With all that in mind, can you understand my lack of confidence? Can you understand why I started this thread instead of just going ahead with it? And then can you maybe stop criticizing someone who actually bothered to research her issue before posting and discovered nothing but a lack of information?
Your question was answered in the first response but you dragged it out saying that it wasn't. I spend day and night on the forum giving free help, by choice, mind you, the least you could do is read and take the advice that is given, instead of wasting everyone's time with sillyness and appreciate the time that people spend answering your questions.
This forum is not intended for people who don't understand what they are doing. Devs are doing this stuff for themselves, not you, they choose to share it with you and if you are not familiar with this kind of thing or are weary of risk. DONT ROOT YOUR PHONE.
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app

Need help with att one x, root recovery rom. Been out of game...

Hey guys and gals! My att one x is on the way. I trying to find out as much as i can, before it arrives, for development and custom rom usage on the new device.
I have been out of the forums since i sold my att note.
I know this is alot to ask for some, but...
Can someone please lead me in the right direction for rooting, recovery (cwm if possible), and rom.
My goal is to use a net 10 sim and unlimited plan with this device. This might/would require a carrier unlock code? I can get the code if i need it but id really just appreciate someone summing up these basic questions with basic links or knowledge of the processes. I feel my contributions to our xda forums warrant these inquiries.
Im sorry that i cannot take the time to read the entire att one x forum and subs. Im literally in constant overtime at work. If someone here has the knowledge and guidance, I would appreciate every bit of help.
Summary : Information needed for...
Misc. Information i need to know, including cross-platform rom compatibility (i. e. One X and att One X)
I want to thank you guys in advance because I know at the heart of XDA lies a caring and gifted community of talented people who feel good helping others.
I promise to run with the information and do as much research and reading as possible when time permits. I have done so with all of my devices and being a creature of habit, well...
Thanks again and please dont expect an immediate response of gratitude, personalized to individual replies, until this weekend when i can get back on here and start the one x root process.
Check out this thread, it's got links to pretty much everything you'll need:
Sent from my One XL using XDA Premium
What he said. Also i suggest twrp over CWM. It is touch based, plus it works with plenty of roms. You do want to make sure you are on a version where your phone can be rooted.
Good luck.
Sent from my Carbon-ize Evita using xda-developers app
Is this an AT&T phone, as I suspect from your post? If so, I hope you can still return it.
There is no root method for AT&T One XL phones on 3.18, and there may not be one for months if ever.
iElvis said:
Is this an AT&T phone, as I suspect from your post? If so, I hope you can still return it.
There is no root method for AT&T One XL phones on 3.18, and there may not be one for months if ever.
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This is very true. If the device is from AT&T and has the 3.18 Jellybean firmware, its can't be rooted. Although its possible there is some old stock at some stores with older firmwares. Anything but 3.18 can be rooted. I think someone posted on here just a couple weeks ago about getting a new phone from an AT&T store that had 1.73 (the version from when the phone was released!).
OP should check the firmware version in Settings, and go from there.


Hello Im thinking on get a M8 but before I want to make sure that the phone still able to be root it and also if ill be able to run roms like PA thats ia not showing here but is showing on the maig thread for M8, thanks for your help
juancaperez2000 said:
Hello Im thinking on get a M8 but before I want to make sure that the phone still able to be root it and also if ill be able to run roms like PA thats ia not showing here but is showing on the maig thread for M8, thanks for your help
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Yes, you can still ROOT/S-OFF all M8 models using Sunshine I believe. You can also install most if not all of the ROM's available for it, including PA. To my knowledge most of the ROM's in the main M8 section are compatible with the carrier versions of the phone and if they aren't then they say so somewhere in the threads, someone can correct me on the "most of" part if i'm wrong.
S1L3nTShaDoWz said:
Yes, you can still ROOT/S-OFF all M8 models using Sunshine I believe. You can also install most if not all of the ROM's available for it, including PA. To my knowledge most of the ROM's in the main M8 section are compatible with the carrier versions of the phone and if they aren't then they say so somewhere in the threads, someone can correct me on the "most of" part if i'm wrong.
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Thanks for you quick response.

[Q] Verizon One M8... No S-Off method?

I'd like to thank anyone ahead of time for taking the time to read and answer my question.
I have a Verizon HTC One M8 running Android 5.0.1. After a year of stock, bloated use, I would like to root and install a custom ROM. I learned that I cannot use HTCdev to do it because Verizon blocked it. As of now, it seems that there is absolutely no way to get s-off. I searched and the only option seems to be Sunshine. However, Sunshine does not support android 5.0.x and higher. I have nowhere else to go. I find it very hard to believe that there is not support on how to achieve s-off on a popular phone for the biggest carrier in the US. I am not complaining, rather I attribute this to my inability to find such a thing. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could direct me to a guide or thread that can provide a solution or at least, an answer.
Thanks again for your time,

